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ISSUE :2 (January) ISSN : 2347 9558


A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Post Purchase Services Given to

Consumer of Aquaguard and Pure it

Arvind Pusadkar

MBA Programme
Department of Business Administration and Management
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati

Now a day the market is now mostly consumer driven. Consumer has given many options to
decide also. The study throws light on various features that the manufacturer should concentrate
on to attract the prospective buyers. The purpose of this research is to investigate the consumer
satisfaction, the level of satisfaction, satisfaction measurement and competitive analysis towards
the Aquaguard and Pure-it water purifier. A descriptive study was conducted in Amravati to
achieve the objectives. In total 200 respondents filled a well-structured questionnaire. Results
reveal that the dimensions which influence the satisfaction level of customers are: product
quality, price & size. Further results show that there is a significant relation between the brand
name and the preference of customers. Hence, it has been recommended that the company should
focus on brand awareness, proper supply & distribution of the product. In order to increase
customer satisfaction and drive them to be brand loyalists, manufacturer is encouraged to
develop aggressive marketing programs.

KEYWORDS: Customer satisfaction & expectation, customer preference, product quality,

analysis of the product. (C) International Journal For Administration in Management, Commerce and economics [93-97]
ISSUE :2 (January) ISSN : 2347 9558

INTRODUCTION: cities, towns, educational institutions,

hospitals, heavy industries etc. so, to
Today, in India, around 500,000 children conduct a research on the usage and effect of
under five years of age die each year due to water purifiers is inevitable, as frequent
waterborne diseases like diarrhea; 75 per assessment is a much-needed thing for more
cent of Indias rural populate on does not innovations and inventions.
have access to safe drinking water and over
80 per cent of diseases and 33 per cent of LITERATURE REVIEW:
deaths are caused primarily due to unsafe
drinking water. It is estimated that around 80% of urban
dwellers do not purify tap water. Many of
Indian water purifier industry is on them are from the lower income strata and
overdrive. The rapid urbanization and cannot afford UV or reverse osmosis water
excellent growth in the middle class purification systems. They are the potential
population due to good economic condition buyers of economical but effective chemical
has created a stupendous upsurge in water purifiers. This is the market that Eureka
purifier industry in India. Total market for Forbes and Hindustan Unilever are tapping
water purifiers in India is valued at INR 9 aggressively. Chemical based purifiers,
billion in 2009 and is expected to grow Aquasure and Pureit, together account for
significantly in near future. Market 20% of water purifiers sold. Both are
comprises of three segments Ultra Violet becoming increasingly popular because they
(UV) based Purifiers, Reverse Osmosis are effective and affordable. The two brands
(RO) purifiers and storage / resin based are reported to be growing at 100 percent
purifiers. per annum. Also, they do not run on
electricity and are ideal for locations where
Roughly 80% of diseases in India are caused power supply is unpredictable. Neither do
by water borne microorganisms. This is true they demand continuous water supply.
in rural as well as urban India. However, Power and water are still scarce even in
consciousness of health risks linked to urban India.
unsafe water is still very low among the
rural population. In comparison, the urban Research Problem:-
India is definitely more health conscious and
understands the necessity of purifying water India is going through the waterborne
before it is fit for consumption. Even so, it is diseases like diarrhea; 75 per cent of Indias
estimated that roughly 7% of urban Indians rural populate on does not have access to
use non manual water purifiers. More safe drinking water and over 80 per cent of
Indians need to become aware of the diseases and 33 per cent of deaths are caused
importance of installing drinking water primarily due to unsafe drinking water.
purifiers. Water purifiers gain more importance after
1995, when the economic development took
In todays world of globalization and place and people grew more conscious about
industrialization, the Pollution of water is a the health and safety. Now a days there is a
very dangerous aspect haunting the need of after sales services for the safety
mankind. So, after many years of scientific purpose. And there are various problems
research, many institutions came with an arise in post purchase services given to
innovation called water purifiers. Water consumer, why and what are these problems
purifiers usage is rapidly increasing in big arise in post purchase service given to (C) International Journal For Administration in Management, Commerce and economics [93-97]
ISSUE :2 (January) ISSN : 2347 9558

consumer of water purifier will be studied 3. The study will be help to new
by researcher. So, the researcher has customers to purchase water
selected a topic of the study, A Study on purifier from the best
Consumer Satisfaction towards Post service provider.
Purchase Services Given to Consumer of
Aquaguard and Pure it 4. Outcome of research can be
used for publication purpose
SCOPE FOR FURTHER in various journals.
Limitation of the study:-
Water purifier industry is the fastest growing
1. The study will be limited to
industry in India. For this reason so many
academic purpose only.
companies are also entering into this market
segment. The study will be helps to the 2. The time constraint will be a
company to know customer needs and wants major problem.
from water purifier. The study will be helps
to analysis which company is the best 3. The study will be limited to
service provider. The study will helps to Amravati City.
consumer to buy which water purifier and
from who get the better services. 4. Data will may or may not be
Research Objectives: The key
objectives of the study are: Research Methodology:-
Research methodology will appear in
1. To study the consumer needs and context with the research design
expectation towards water purifier. sampling. Data collection sources of
data and description of research tools.
2. To study the consumer post-
purchase behavior regarding water purifier.
6.1 Sources of Data
3. To study level of satisfaction of collection:-
consumer regarding post purchase activities.
a. Secondary Data:-
Utility of the study:- The secondary sources consist of
readily available and already
Researcher will study on A Study on compiled statistical statement
Consumer Satisfaction towards Post reports whose data may be used
Purchase Services Given to Consumer of by researcher for the study.
Aquaguard and Pure it. Researcher will use following
sources for the study
1. The study will be helpful to
1. Books
company to know the
2. Newspapers
customers needs and wants.
3. Journals
2. The study will be helpful to 4. Internet
company to know the b. Primary Data:-
customer satisfaction about Primary data will be
their product and services. collected through (C) International Journal For Administration in Management, Commerce and economics [93-97]
ISSUE :2 (January) ISSN : 2347 9558

questionnaires from the for more than 8 years. Although maximum

owners of Aquaguard and people are satisfied with the product but still
Pure it. there is a pinch of dissatisfaction among
6.2 Sample Universe:- some of the consumers. But the ratios of
Sample universe will be these people are negligible.
owner of the Aquaguard and The survey has showed and proved that Pure
Pure it. IT of HUL is competing with Eureka
Forbes. Moreover my survey has showed
that most of the people are using Aquaguard
6.3 Sample unit:- and Pure-It water Purifier in their work
Respondents are limited to place as well as in their homes.
owners of Aquaguard and
Pure it in Amravati city.
6.4 Sample size:-
The sample size of the study
will be 200 respondents.
6.5 Sampling
Convenience sampling C. R. Kothari; Research
technique will be use for Methodology, Second
selecting users or respondents Revised Edition
for the purpose of study. (2004), New Age
International (P)
Limited, Publishers,
Through this study we understood the
Schiffmsn, Kanuk and
various perceptions of different respondents
Kumar; Consumer
towards Aquaguard and pure-it. We also
Behavior, Tenth
found out how much they were satisfied
with the overall quality & service of the
product. The customers expectation from
the various segments and the problems faced Websites:-
by them were identified. I had conducted the www.articlesnatch.c
market survey in the Amravati city with 200 om
respondents. I had chosen the product
named Aquaguard and Pure-It because www.eurekaforbes.
nowadays people are very cautious about com
their health these days and are very
particular about their drinking water. In such m
a scenario most of the people are using
water purifier. Journals:-
After the survey I came to a solution that the
International Journal of
people of Amravati are very much aware of
Applied Research and Studies
the Aquaguard and Pure-It water purifier
Research Article ISSN 2278
and maximum of them are satisfied with the
product. I came across some people who are
using Aquaguard and Pure-It water Purifier (C) International Journal For Administration in Management, Commerce and economics [93-97]
ISSUE :2 (January) ISSN : 2347 9558

Topic: - Customer Forbes: A Research

Satisfaction and Expectation Conducted in Kolkata.
towards Aquaguard of Eureka Author: - Debarun Chakraborty (C) International Journal For Administration in Management, Commerce and economics [93-97]

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