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Saptarishis Predictive Nakshatra Facebook

Research -6
Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Webinar Course Batch 1

Copy Editor: Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria

Software Courtesy: Jagannatha HoraVer 7.6

Punarvasu Dicta 1
If 8th or 12th Lord or any planet in Punarvasu in 8th and 12th Houses without malefic
influences then there is a possibility that the native may undergo a near death experience.
Punarvasu Dicta 2
If 4th Lord or 12th Lord is posited or aspecting a planet in Punarvasu the native may be taking
her pillow or slippers with them when they travel long distances.
Punarvasu Dicta 3
If 7th Lord or malefic in 7th House in Punarvasu or aspect by malefics can lead to second
marriage. There is this definite theme of return and renewal.
Punarvasu Dicta 4
If 6th House or 6th Lord is associated with Punarvasu then the native may have a pet which
may die suddenly.
Punarvasu Dicta 5
If the 12th House or 12th Lord of long pilgrimages is associated with Punarvasu there are
possibilities of staying in a foreign ashram. If this is also associated with 10L or 10H then the
native may travel due to his work demand. Similarly, if associated with the 4L or 4H then
this may indicate that the native has a second home at an overseas location.
Let us illustrate the above dictas by taking a few charts those were posted on the Facebook
Research page of Saptarishis Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Webinar Course Batch 1.

Chart 1: Female Native (Contributed by Urmila Revankar, India)

DOB: 27-June-1978; TOB: 17:45:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 72E50, 18N58

a. This native has 8L in 8H in Punarvasu Nakshatra.

b. The native recently had a near death experience. (Dicta 1)

Chart 2: Female Native (Contributed by Balroop Mukunda, Trinidad)

DOB: 17-July-1952; TOB: 17:30:54 Hrs (+4.00 west); POB : 61W7, 10N27
a. Theme 12L or 8L with Punarvasu gives near death experiences. (Dicta 1)
b. Sun is 9L in 8H of death like situations in Punarvasu Pada-4 in Pushkara Navamsa
Pada conjoined with retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Ketu. Dispositor Moon in 6H of
pending karma aspected by Rahu foreign and Mars 12L of settling abroad.
c. Lady migrated to Basel, Switzerland She wrote:
Namaste Mukunda
Yes, I was close to death because I was involved in a car accident in 1984. I was unconscious
and had many operations.
I had an experience where I saw my body lying dead and my spirit was watching how an old
woman was rubbing my forehead telling me that I have to go back because I have work to do but
she will be there with me and help me. I entered my physical body and was aware of what was
taking place once again.

Chart 3: Female Native (Contributed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria)

DOB: 05-June-1942; TOB: 13:1300 Hrs (+2.00 east) POB: 27E28, 42N30

a. Mars is 8th Lord is in Punarvasu Nakshatra 4th Pada

b. This woman has undergone a near death experience, cancer operation. (Dicta 1)

Chart 4: Male Native (Contributed by Sueann Mckean, USA)

DOB: 05-June-1943; TOB: 09:21:28 Hrs (+4.00 west); POB: 84W27, 39N09
a. The natives Lagna, Moon and Jupiter are in Punarvasu. Lagna and Jupiter are in
Cancer in the 4th Pada. The Moon is in Gemini in the 1st Pada.
b. He went through a near death experience that turned his life around - the Lagna Lord
- Moon is in the 12H in Punarvasu. (Dicta 1)
c. Aditi is the deity of Punarvasu, the Earth Mother, and Goddess of Abundance. The
Moon, also lagna lord, the Lagna and Jupiter, the 6L and 9L, are in Punarvasu.
d. This person inherited a huge fortune from his very large family. (Punarvasu- big
family, extended family) His grandfather founded a multinational consumer goods
company (a Fortune 25 company now) (not revealing the company to conceal his
identity). 9L Jupiter is the fortune, Bhagya of the father/paternal side of the family.
e. The native is a philanthropist and has supported numerous charities (his children) his
whole life. He does not have children but he is a protector and supporter of the
underclasses and underdogs of society.
f. Punar means again and Vasu is associated with light. "The return of the light". Also
renew, repeat, revitalize. The first part of his life he was lost, restless, confused and
angry. He had several addictions and recounts how dark his consciousness was in spite
of the best education and every worldly desire fulfilled. Since lagna and lagna lord
Moon are in Punarvasu the darkness is in his mind and intellect like Lord Ram's long
forest exile. His battle with a vicious Ravana-ego took place within him for many
years. Moon, in 12H of Moksha, in Dharma Pada made him high minded and
philosophical but also self righteous, escapist and a conspiracy theorist. Lagna in
Moksha Pada made him a giver and spiritual seeker.
g. The native had a stroke that almost killed him (rebirth, rejuvenate, rehabilitate) that
turned his life around. Jupiter is Jiva Karaka 6L of disease in the place of the head
(lagna) in Punarvasu with Sanjivni Karaka Venus and 8L of transformation Rahu.
h. Punarvasu is the womb of the Mother. The native has a beautiful home, secluded in
the woods with no neighbours around him. He spends most of his time there alone
studying, meditating, and brooding, like a hen hatching her chicks. His chicks are his
ideas. He is a brilliant thinker who shares his carefully incubated ideas to anyone who
will listen.

Chart 5: Female Native (Contributed by Anna Chikalova, Russia)

DOB: 12-Apr-1959; TOB: 11:02:44 Hrs (+7.00 east) POB: 92E50, 56N1

a. The native has her Ascendant in Punarvasu Nakshatra

b. This lady is very caring about her comfort in sense that she will try to improve things
around her to make that just as she wants them to see. She doesn't care about design at
all, only utility.
c. When she travels she will take some things that will provide her home comfort- like
her pillow. (Dicta 2)

Chart 5: Male Native (Contributed by Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka)

DOB: 04-Aug-1919; TOB: 11:04:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 80E05, 06N51
a. This gentleman first got married in 1944 January. The marriage was fine. His wife
passed away in 1983 and he got married again in mid 1984 since his children were all
married and friends insisted him to enter into marriage again as lived all alone. That
marriage did not last even 2 years, mutually agreed to separate. (Dicta 3)
b. He is Libra Lagna and 7HL Mars is in Gemini [a dual sign], and nakshatra is
Punarvasu Pada-2. The effect is doubled since his Moon Lagna is also Libra.

Chart 6: Male Native (Contributed by Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka)

DOB: 10-Jan-1943; TOB: 17:38:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 79E50, 6N55
a. The ascendant is Gemini of this native. 7L Jupiter is in Punarvasu Pada-3. It is
aspected by Mars [8th aspect], Ketu [5th aspect] and retrograde Saturn [since Retro
planets are supposed to cast aspect from the previous house too]. Thus 3 malefic
aspects on 7L, i.e. Varogottama retrograde Jupiter are evident in this chart.
b. His first marriage ended in a divorce long time ago. [Sorry I am not aware of the
exact time periodmay have been in 1970s]. Then, entered into the second marriage
about 3 or 4 years back. Hence, this dicta works well in this case. (Dicta 3)

Chart 7: Male Native(Contributed by Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka)

DOB: 25-Aug-1972; TOB: 16:33:00 Hrs (+7.00 west); POB: 118W14, 34N3

a. The first marriage of this native ended up in a divorce. His 2 nd marriage in 2012 was to
complete foreigner and marriage took place in a foreign country.
b. Karaka for marriage Venus is posited in Punarvasu 2nd Pada in the 7H Gemini, from
his ascendant Sagittarius.
c. Venus is a functional malefic for Sagittarius ascendants, and in this chart Venus is
also the dispositor of Saturn.
d. Navamsa dispositor of Venus once again happens to be Venus, which may amplify the
significations of Venus in Punarvasu in 7H.
e. Punarvasu Nakshatra Lord Jupiter aspects the 7H of marriage.
f. In Lagna chart there is mutual aspect between Venus [in Punarvasu] and Jupiter [The
lord of Punarvasu]. In the Navamsa chart Venus and Jupiter are conjunct.
g. His 7H is subject to Paapa Karthari Yoga since malefic Saturn is placed in the 6H and
Ketu is placed in the 8H.
Chart 8: Loni Anderson (Contributed by Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka)
DOB: 05-Aug-1945; TOB: 08:32:00 Hrs (+5.00 west); POB: 93W5, 44N56

a. Anderson has been married four times; her first three marriages were to: Bruce
Hasselberg (196466), Ross Bickell (197381), and actor (and one-time co-star) Burt
Reynolds(198893). On May 17, 2008, Anderson married musician Bob Flick, one of the
founding members of the folk band The Brothers Four.
b. She is Leo Lagna and her 7L Saturn is in Punarvasu Pada-2 in Gemini. Malefic Rahu
conjuncts Saturn.

Chart 9: Bob Dole (Contributed by Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka)

DOB: 22-Jul-1923; TOB: 0:10:00 Hrs (+6.00 west); POB: 98W51, 38N53
a. Dole married Phyllis Holden, an occupational therapist at a veterans hospital, in
Battle Creek, Michigan, in 1948, three months after they met. Their daughter,
Robin, was born in 1954. Dole and Holden divorced January 11, 1972. Holden died on
April 22, 2008.
b. Dole met his second wife Elizabeth, 13 years younger, in the spring of 1972. The
couple was married on December 6, 1975. They had no children.
c. The ascendant is Aries and the 7L Venus is in Punarvasu 1st Pada in Gemini.
Malefic Saturn aspects Venus. Venus is also karaka for marriage as well as 7L of
the natural zodiac. Thus, the effect is more here. Jupiter the Nakshatra Lord of
Punarvasu is placed in the 7H and aspects 7L Venus.

Chart 10: Carlos Santana (Contributed by Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka)

DOB: 20-Jul-1947; TOB: 02:00:00 Hrs (+6.00 west); POB: 104W22, 19N46
a. On October 19, 2007, his wife of 34 years, Deborah Santana, filed for divorce citing
"irreconcilable differences".
b. Carlos Santana became engaged to drummer Cindy Blackman, after proposing to her
during a concert of the Universal Tone Tour at Tinley Park in Chicago, Illinois, on
July 9, 2010. The two were married in December 2010.
c. Born in Aries Lagna his 7L Venus is in Punarvasu 1st Pada in Gemini. Venus is also
the Karaka for marriage and the 7L of natural zodiac. Jupiter, the nakshatra lord of
Punarvasu is placed in the 7H and closely aspects Venus. Mercury is a functional
malefic for Aries Lagna and is conjunct with Venus.

Chart 11: Male Native (Contributed by Urmila Revankar, India)

DOB: 01-June-1975; TOB: 12:15:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 72E50, 18N58
a. The above chart has 6th Lord Saturn in Punarvasu Nakshatra.
b. No pets at home, but once had kept a few fish which died within a few days. (Dicta 4)

Chart 12: Female Native (Contributed by Urmila Revankar, India)

DOB: 13-March-1982; TOB: 19:33:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 74E42, 13N38

a. This chart has Rahu the 6L in Punarvasu.

b. No pets. Again had kept few fish which died immediately in a few days. (Dicta 4)

Chart 13: Male Native (Contributed by Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka)

DOB: 06-Sep-1979; TOB: 06:06:00 Hrs (+1.00 east); POB: 0E3, 51N24

a. This native is a brilliant medical doctor. He topped in every exam. He was born in
UK, studied in SL, back again in UK. He has a home in Sri Lanka as well as in UK.
b. He is Leo Lagna and 4L Yogakaraka Mars [for Leo Lagna] is posited in the 11H Gemini
in Punarvasu Pada-2.
c. Thus satisfies the dicta of having a home in an overseas location. (Dicta 5)

Chart 14: Male Native (Contributed by Rajeev Gupta, USA)

DOB: 24-Apr-1963; TOB: 09:23:00 Hrs (+5.30 east) POB: 72E50, 18N58

a. This is chart of a friend who has Shakti-Pat Diksha (Initiation) from a Guru from
India. He has Rahu in 3rd in Punarvasu Nakshatra. Rahu is conjoined with Mars who is
12L. Dispositor of Rahu-Mars is in 12H with 4L. Also theres a Parivartana between
Mars and Moon.
b. This person often stays in foreign ashram (India) for a while as he is a US Citizen.
Since 4L is associated with these, he has an apartment in Mumbai, India. (Dicta 5)

Chart 15: Female Native (Contributed by Rajeev Gupta, USA)

DOB: 30-Sep-1962; TOB: 21:48:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 78E10, 26N13

a. Again this is chart of a friend who has Shakti-Pat Diksha from same Guru from India.
b. She has Mars in 3H in Punarvasu star. Mars is lord of 12H. She almost goes every year
and stays in Ashram for few days. (Dicta 5)

Chart 16: Male Native (Contributed by Balroop Mukunda, Trinidad)

DOB: 06-Aug-1966; TOB: 20:21:58 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 79E18, 9N17
a. If Purnarvasu is associated with 10L or 10H then the native may travel due to his
work demand. (Dicta 5)
b. Aquarius rising native of Tamil Nadu, a Shilpi (Sculptor) who does work in foreign
places (at present working in Frisco, Texas). Mars karaka of Engineering and 10L of
career in 5H of creativity in the Punarvasu Pada-2 along with Venus planet of
beauty and creativity 4L & 9L of splendor and AK Jupiter 2 & 11L Punarvasu Pada-3
giving him skill in horary Vedic arts.
c. Dispositor retrograde Mercury 5L & 8 L is in 6H of service with 7L Sun. Mars,
retrograde Mercury and Venus are all in Pushkara Navamsa Pada.

Readers are advised to rigorously test these dictas with an open mind before accepting it and
post their comments to us at

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