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Plato asserts that we should act justly because in doing so we are :

Satisfied with our own action

At one with ourselves and with the gods

Creating justified situation for others

None of the above

According to Plato soul is :

(A) Real (B) Unreal

(C) Equally real with God (D) None of the above

According to Plato

(A) God is the cause of the ideas (B) Ideas are the cause of God

(C) Ideas are equal to God (D) Ideas are material

For Plato, Dialectics

(A) is based on reason

(B) gives us mere appearances

(C) rests on personal feelings

(D) is the art of thinking in


Plato did not propose that

(A) Ideas have independent


(B) Ideas are real.

(C) Ideas are the copies of things.

(D) Ideas are numberless.

In whose philosophy the name of God

is demiurge ?

(A) Parmenides

(B) Heraclitus

(C) Anaximander

(D) Plato

Platos dialectics come under_____.

(A) Theory of knowledge

(B) Logic

(C) Metaphysics

(D) All these.

Both Plato and Aristotle believed that

knowledge must be

(A) of matter and not form

(B) both of matter and form

(C) neither of matter nor of form

(D) of form and not matter

One of the permanent legacies of

Platonism to Aristotle is

(A) the conviction that reality exists

by itself.

(B) the conviction that reality is

parasitic on God.

(C) the conviction that reality is a

(D) the conviction that reality lies in


According to Plato the business of

philosophy is to fit the soul

(A) to stay permanently in the

material world

(B) to return to the limitations of the

mortal frame

(C) to stay permanently with God

(D) to stay permanently in the world

of ideas

Cardinal virtues according to Plato,

(A) Right speech, Right action,

Right mindedness

(B) Wisdom, Courage, Temperance

and Justice

(C) Intellectual virtues and Moral


(D) Truth, Non-violence, Celibacy,


Choose the correct order of hierarchy

of sciences according to Plato.

(A) Arithmetic, Geometry,

Astronomy, Harmonics and

Meno Life and death of Socrates

Gorgias Nature of knowledge and instruction

Apology and Crito Virtue of self-control

Charmides Deals with study of rhetoric


Which of the following statement/ s is/are true with reference to Plato ? Mark the correct


(a) Iustice is a quality of the soul.

(b) Spirit of collectivism should permeate the individual.

(c) The eternal laws of morality are not mere conventions.


Platos theory of knowledge:

Conjectural Knowledge, Knowledge derived from senses, discursive intellect, rational


Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion(A) and the other labelled as

Reason(R). Considering (A) and (R) in the light of Platos epistemology. Mark the correct

code :

Assertion (A) : Conceptual knowledge is the only genuine knowledge.

Reason (R) : Conceptual knowledge does not presuppose the reality of

corresponding ideal or abstract objects.

A true R false
Consider the following statements with regard to Platos theory of knowledge and mark

the correct code from below :

(i) Conjectural knowledge is a kind of sensuous knowledge.

(ii) Source of belief is sense perception.

(iii) Conjucture and belief are grouped under Opinion.

(iv) Dialectical knowledge rests on hypothesis.

4 is false

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