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CFTRA Global

Confidence Foundation
A Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal
Vol. IV, Issue No. 1, January to April, 2017

ISSN - 2454-2105
(International Multi Journal)
CFTRA Global
Confidence Foundation
A Peer Reviewed Referred Journal
Vol- IV, No.1, January to April 2017

Chief Editor: Dr. Neelam G. Tikkha

Chief Editor: Dr. Neelam G. Tikkha
ISSN NO. - 2454 -2105
Vol. IV, No.1, January to April 2017
Copyright@CFI 2017, Publisher : Confidence Foundation
3A - Vrindavan, 173, Civil Lines,
Nagpur - 440001 India
Cell : +91-9422145467
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CFTRA is a not-for-profit organization and a knowledge and a knowledge sharing platform

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any topic on my discipline are accepted.

We are accepting nominations for research excellence for 2017 for Vidya Ratan award for 2017.

Dr. Neelam G. Tikkha


Title Page No.
1 The Caste System and Pluralism
Dr. Madan Lal Goel,

Emotional Intelligence A Mystery Unravelled

2 4-10
Dr. Neelam Tikkha

Modern Portrayal in World Literature

3 11-14
Dr. Neelam Tikkha

Teaching English Language in The Age of Selfies

4 15-25
Dr. Neelam Tikkha

Lo;a lgk;rk cpr xV o efgyk vkfFkZd fodkl 26-32

MkW- xtkuu lksedwaoj
^jk;xM ftYg;krhy ikskykniwj rkyqD;krhy i;ZVukP;k
6 vfokdflri.kkps v/;;u* 33-42
Jh- fo'ks foykl ,l
Ckkcklkgsc dsnkjkaps fonHkkZrhy lgdkjh pGoGhrhy
7 43-49
fo'ks"k ;ksxnku
vgen gqlsu 'ks[k

^eqjckM rkyqD;krhy i;ZVu LFkGkaP;k leL;k*
Jh- fo'ks foykl ,l
IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

The Caste System And Pluralism

Dr. Madan Lal Goel,
Professor Emeritus, University of West Florida
The present paper gives clarity on caste system. It talks about various societies and social system.
Caste is on the basis of economic , social and political basis.

It also talks about the difference in Indian and European caste system. The caste system in ancient
times was not static. Castes rose and fell. Under extended Muslim rule, a number of caste groups
that fought against Muslim tyranny (for example, Rajputs) were pushed to the outer edges of the
social system. Among the sweeper castes in India, one finds many Rajput gotras.

Different caste groups in India are comparable to different ethnic groups in the United States. There
are rich Italians and poor Italians, rich Irish and poor Irish, and so on. Historically, American ethnic
groups practiced endogamyJews married Jews, Blacks married Blacks and Italians married
Italian, and so on. This is natural. People seek matrimony within their own social strata.

Key words: Caste, Economic, Political , social

Throughout history, all developed social systems (European, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu) were
socially and economically stratified. No society is a mass of individuals. European society was
organized along class, guilds, and religion (Catholics, Protestants, and Jews), Islamic society along
Muslims, dhimmis and kafirs and so on. India had castes, or more accurately, jatis.

As a political category, caste in India is a result of British policies. The British introduced the
category of caste for purposes of counting population in the census that began in 1871. The British
began to rank order castes by status and economics. Many petitions were filed by caste groups to
seek higher ranking. Castes began to be organized as political movements. The British granted
special electorate to the Scheduled castes around 1931. Mahatma Gandhi launched a fast unto
death in 1932 to undo the partition of India on the basis of caste. He almost died but he won.

Castes in India are different than classes in the West. Castes are not structured entirely by economic
differences. There are rich Brahmins and poor Brahmins. I grew up in rural Punjab. As a general
rule, Brahmins were among the poorer section of society. This observation runs counter to the
prevalent view in some circles that Indian society is Brahmin dominated and Brahmin exploited.

The caste system in ancient times was not static. Castes rose and fell. Under extended Muslim rule,
a number of caste groups that fought against Muslim tyranny (for example, Rajputs) were pushed to
the outer edges of the social system. Among the sweeper castes in India, one finds many Rajput

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Different caste groups in India are comparable to different ethnic groups in the United States. There
are rich Italians and poor Italians, rich Irish and poor Irish, and so on. Historically, American ethnic
groups practiced endogamyJews married Jews, Blacks married Blacks and Italians married
Italian, and so on. This is natural. People seek matrimony within their own social strata.

The caste defined Indian society is a model of multiculturalism. Different castes practice their
unique customs in marriage, child-rearing, food and worship. A multicultural society by definition
is more democratic, open-ended, tolerant and freer. Multiculturalism is much in vogue in the
United States these days.

While there is much to celebrate about caste, any caste and birth-based discrimination and
preference, where it exists, must be combated.


Alavi, Seema. Sepoys And The Company Tradition and transition in Northern India 17701830.
Oxford University Press India. 1998. Print.
Bteille, Andr. Caste, Class, and Power: Changing Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore
Village. Berkeley: University of California, 1965. Print.
Bougl, Clestin. Essays on the Caste System. London: Cambridge UP, 1971. Print.
Corbridge, Stuart, and John Harriss. Reinventing India: Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism, and
Popular Democracy. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2000. Print.
Daniel, Aharon. "Caste System in Modern India." Adaniel's Info Site. Web. 4 Nov. 2010.
Ghurye, G. S. Caste and Race in India. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1969. Print.
Hampton, Andrea. "The Untouchables." Home - CSU, Chico. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.
"Hinduism and Buddhism"a Comparison." Essortment Articles: Free Online Articles on Health,
Science, Education & More.. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.
"Hinduism: Caste System, Reincarnation, and Karma." Philosophy Home Page. Web. 14 Nov.
Hutton, J. H. Caste in India: Its Nature, Function and Origins. Bombay: Indian Branch, Oxford
UP, 1963. Print.
"Kshatriya , Indian Caste." Free Encyclopedia & Web Portal on Indian Culture & Lifestyle. 28
Jan. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
Lahiri, R. K. "Caste System in Hinduism by Dr. RK Lahiri, PhD." - A Study in
Diversity - News, Views, Analysis, Literature, Poetry, Features - Express Yourself. 20
Nov. 2005. Web. 3 Nov. 2010.
Malalasekera, G. P., and K. N. Jayatilleke. "Buddhist Studies: Caste System." BuddhaNet -
Worldwide Buddhist Information and Education Network. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.
Pintane, Andrea. "Brahmans Within the Caste System." Home - CSU, Chico. Web. 11 Oct.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Pyakurel, Sourav. "Caste System in India | Articles." Rajput Brotherhood: A Blog Focused on
Technology and Web-development. Web. 29 Nov. 2010.
Sekhon, Joti. Modern India. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Smith, Brian K. Classifying the Universe: the Ancient Indian Varn_a System and the Origins of
Caste. New York: Oxford UP, 1994. Print.
Tweet, Jonathan. "JoT Rel Reincarnation." JoT Welcome Page. July 2004. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.
V, Jayarama. "Hinduism and Caste System." Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism,
Zoroastrianism and Other Resources. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.
"Vaishyas." Web. 12 Oct. 2010.
Velassery, Sebastian. Casteism and Human Rights: toward an Ontology of the Social Order.
Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic, 2005. Print.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Emotional Intelligence A Mystery Unravelled

Mind is very restless forceful and strong,
O Krishna it is more Difficult to control the mind than to control the wind
-Arjuna to Sri Krishna
Dr. Neelam Tikkha

The present paper highlights the importance of Emotional Concept and also explicates the mystery
behind it. Mahabharat happens to be an Indian scripture treated a political treaty to be studied all
over the world for its amazing precepts which are relevant for all ages. Lord Krishna in Mahabharat
was skillfully able to manipulate Kaurav as well as Pandav. He was able to handle any situation
very deftly. Similar was the case with Shakuni . The capability in tackling people around them was
amazing. It is very evident that characters like Dhritrashtra and Gandhari despite in the topmost
leadership position, once had money, power and 100 sons but, lost everything due to lack of
Emotional Intelligence. Similarly, the character Karan from Mahabharat had powerful father - the
Sun who could protect his life but, lacked Emotional Intelligence which led to his doom. Yudhishter
also lacked insight to deal with people which led to his downfall. Mahabharata is a political
doctrine still very popular with Management people as it teaches tenets in dealing with people and
complex situations. Shubhashitam states that , It was falsely believed that emotions could be
disruptive if these are exhibited at wrong time, or in other words are inappropriate to a situation.
However, emotions if exhibited intelligently are very constructive and play an important role in
organization .
Key Words : Emotional Intelligence , Leadership , People's Management
The concept of emotional intelligence was first understood by the masses in 1995 . It unraveled the
mystery providing the missing link which answered how could people with average IQ's could
perform better than people with higher IQ's.

Emotional intelligence though intangible to perceive yet, affects our behavior, navigate social
complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional intelligence is
made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary competencies: personal competence and
social competence (Talent Smart )

Mahabharat happens to be an Indian scripture treated a political treaty to be studied all over the
world for its amazing precepts which are relevant for all ages. Lord Krishna in Mahabharat was
skillfully able to manipulate Kaurav as well as Pandav. He was able to handle any situation very
deftly. Similar was the case with Shakuni . The capability in tackling people around them was
amazing. It is very evident that characters like Dhritrashtra and Gandhari despite in the topmost
leadership position,

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

once had money, power and 100 sons but, lost everything due to lack of Emotional Intelligence.
Similarly, the character Karan fromMahabharat had powerful father - the Sun who could protect his
life but, lacked Emotional Intelligence which led to his doom. Yudhishter also lacked insight to deal
with people which led to his downfall. Mahabharata is a political doctrine still very popular with
Management people as it teaches tenets in dealing with people and complex situations.
Shubhashitam states that , It was falsely believed that emotions could be disruptive if these are
exhibited at wrong time, or in other words are inappropriate to a situation. However, emotions if
exhibited intelligently are very constructive and play an important role in organization

Identification of Emotional intelligenceas a systematic study , goes back to 1995, when it was
introduced to the general public by Daniel Goleman's popular publication. It was a relatively new
and popular concept then within the psychological community for quite some time. Later, it
became a stamping ground for researchers to delve into the mystery and unravel the answers to
various questions. Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada Ole Ingstrup in his closing
speech aired his concern for the leadership. He said that the area of emotional intelligence is
"something that needs to be explored a lot more". (Stys and Brown) Since then there was a race to
design courses and training programs to improve the leadership. Courses to improve the concept of
emotional intelligence in employee and self, have gained impetus in academic and applied settings.
Emotional Intelligence programs became a big buzz in Universities throughout the world. It has
been almost three decades yet Emotional Quotient remains a mystical construct and that too a very
popular one. Thus, one is lead to the belief that Emotional Quotient is more important than IQ.

What is Emotional Intelligence and why is it more important than Intelligent Quotient:
Emotional intelligence provides capacity to deal with people byproviding some insight into the
personality. It explains why a person is so deft and so savvyin dealing with people and managing
them. Thus, answering the question why is it more important than IQ. It helps to comprehend and
manage feelings and is identified by psychological feelings. When EI is comprehended it is
unraveling of the psychological faculties. It helps productive and positive use and administration of
social and informative aptitudes. Subsequently it gives the response to the inquiry: How would
someone be able to be so clever and brilliant while some so idiotic thus awful in managing
individuals? Thus, the paucity in handling and overseeing individuals lies not with layman's idea of
sound judgment but, rather in specialized terms with the enthusiastic Emotional insight.

History of Emotional Intelligence :

Peter Salovey, PhD, of Yale and John Mayer, PhD, from the University of New Hampshire, defined
Emotional Intelligence as : The subset ofsocial intelligence that involves the ability to monitor
one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this
information to guide one's thinking and actions (1990, pp.185211).Their work established and
led to the overall unanimity that Emotional Intelligence has fourcore abilities.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

These are the ability to:

Perceive or sense emotions;

Use emotion to assist thought;

Understand emotions; and

Manage emotions.

It could be related with the way Goleman had also categorized Emotional Quotient into :

Personal Competence

Self- Awareness and Self- Management

Social Competence

Social Awareness and Relationship Management

Thus, it gave a precursor to other Emotional Quotient experts Bar-On and Parker (2000) and they
defined it asa multifactorial array of interrelated emotional, personal and social abilities that
influence our overall ability to actively and effectively cope with demands and pressures.(Sage )

Advancement of Emotional Intelligence:

The etiology of EQ, how it is created, has yet to be exactly decided. There are a number of myths
surrounding this issue. The main authoritative conclusion set aside is that people who have high EQ
likewise have children with high EQ. It is very difficult to be exact in deciding this since it may be
due to socialization or parenting way and bringing up culture, child rearing practices and/or
hereditary elements could be the reason. It is very vague and not many supporting studies are
available to prove that whether high Emotional Intelligence found in youngsters was due to a
particular intercessions or preparing, for instance, instruction in recognizing , perceiving and
comprehending feelings, or whether such selection and picks up were a piece of normally
happening psychological and social and cultural advances as kids create.

Core Skills of Emotional Intelligence: There are four core Skills of Emotional Intelligence.
Personal competence consists of self-awareness and self-management skills, which focuses
more individually than on the interactions with other people. Personal competence is the ability to
stay aware of the emotions and manage the behavior and tendencies.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Self-Awareness is the ability to accurately perceive the emotions and stay aware
of them as they happen.

Self-Management is theability to use awareness of one's emotions to stay flexible
and positively direct the behavior.

Social competence is made up of the social awareness and relationship
management skills; social competence is the ability to understand other people's
moods, behavior, and motives in order to improve the quality of the relationships.

Social Awareness is the ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people
and understand what is really going on.

Relationship Management is one's ability to use awareness of your emotions and the
others' emotions to manage interactions successfully. (Talent Smart ).

It is interesting to know that Emotional Intelligence can be developed. Neurologists term the ability
of brain to change as Plasticity (Talent Smart ).

The Scientific Rationale Backing Emotional Intelligence:

A number of researchers have tried to unravel the mystery behind Emotional Intelligence.The
belief, that Intelligence is a matter of brain and emotions are that of heart, has been falsified on the
basis of studies of neuroscience evolution, chemistry. It is rather brain's bio chemistry. Emotional
signals are felt in all parts of body from brain. Many scientists feel that limbic system, consisting of
the amygdala, the hippocampus, and other structures in the mid-brain is the control center of
Emotions. The limbic system stocks every encounter from the beginning of life even before we
acquire the ability to put thoughts into speech.

Messages are carried to the brain with the help of neurons through an electricaltransmission
system. However, in 1970's scientists came to the conclusion that peptides which have receptors in
every body cell. These peptides form a chemical system for transferring messages and thus we
feel emotions in every part of our body.

James R Phelps, discusses through three layers of brain the location of mental health problems in
2014 (Phelps 2014) According to him there are three brains in one first one is for housekeeping,
second is for emotion and the third one is for thinking and much more . Brain one is in the center of
the brain which is termed as R complex and is found in Reptiles for example snakes and lizards.
Brain Two is wrapped around brain one and is called limbic system which is the seat of
Emotional Intelligence or old mammalian brain for example dogs or cats. Brain Three is the
outside surface, which is wrapped around the brain two and is termed neo cortex and is present

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

in primates, especially human primates. Third brain performs thinking and other higher analytical

He proves it with simple examples from day to day experience for example when a person wants to
do a particular thing but knows that it should not be done.

Thus, The most illogical or irrational wants we have probably derive from older parts of our
brain, while the understanding of smart versus dumb choices comes from the newest part. Then, he
states with another example that one can be hungry, but does not feel it until one pays attention to
it. The hunger is only realized when one thinks about it and feels that one has been hungry for a long
time. Thus, hunger radiates from the most basic parts of our brain, but our consciousness of it is
well-ordered by the latest part.

Brain -1 (Phleps)

Conclusion : In fine, Emotional Intelligence is not an abstract concept but absolutely scientific
since it is backed and supported by precepts of science and has scientific rationale.

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IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

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Scientific Research 5.3 (March, 2016): 343-345.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Modern Portrayal in World Literature

Dr. Neelam Tikkha
Cell: 9422145467

In this paper I intend to explore the work of award winning writers or finalists for prestigious
awards like Bookers prize and the trend it sets. I have considered the following book of Booker
prize finalist of 2016, David Szalay , All that Man Is (Szalay) . Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline
Woodson (Woodson) who is a National Book Award-winner , Young People's Poet Laureate by
the Poetry Foundation, four-time Newbery Honor winner, a three-time National Book Award
finalist, and a two-time Coretta Scott King Award winner. Woodson is also the recipient of the
Margaret A. Edwards Jane Addams Children's Book Award, and was the 2013 United States
nominee for the Hans Christian Andersen Award. and 'Before the Fall' by Noah Hawley (Hawley)
who is a Prime Time Emmy Award Winner for his serial Fargo.
An exotic phenomenon in the modern literatures of the world is the most normal occurrence
because of globalization. Every World center of the diaspora produces works tinged with its
manners and mannerisms. This constitutes the centrifugal force in World Literature . At the same
time common global literary traditions and a common literary language as a centripetal force
creates an astounding unity of ideas.
We find the world literature speaks of transient nature and the sifting sand one moves on in the
modern age, which is full of terrorism and mass migration, real or abstract, that of an individual or
his spirit .

Key Words: Globalization , transient , modern literatures

An exotic phenomenon in the modern literatures of the world is the most normal occurrence
because of globalization. Every World center of the Diaspora produces works tinged with its
manners and mannerisms. This constitutes the centrifugal force in World Literature . At the same
time common global literary traditions and a common literary language as a centripetal force
creates an astounding unity of ideas.
Every literature features journey and movement into many geographical spaces. It is the concept of
open borders. All stories are like magic chocolates coming out of a Pandara's magic box from a
Magical Chocolate factory.

All That Man Is (Szalay) has been written by David Szalay. The stories are allegorical and join
together with their single thread: an investigation of European manhood. Each of the book's nine
section concentrates on an alternate phase of "man's" life: we start with a decent 17-year-old
fluttering across eastern Europe with a school companion, and ends with a 73-year-old ex-
government counselor grappling with his decreasing faculties. In between we focus on among

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

others a startlingly decent sensationalist, a self-serving scholastic and a self-destructive

extremely rich person. While the stories all identify with England somehow, they all likewise
include mainland travel, and a few of the heroes are European. So broad is the Channel-bouncing,
truth be told, that you'd be excused for believing that Szalay was propelling a contention for the
benefit of the Remain crusade, about the interconnectedness of Britain and Europe.

Furthermore ,the stories are full of recent age technological gadgets and gizmos. There are
symbols of recent times like iPads, high-speed trains and GPS navigation devices. Conflict and
competition symbol of recent times has been shown with master strokes.

All That Man Is was published in Britain in April, well before the Brexit referendum. But it has a
new urgency now that the post-Cold War dream of a Europe of open borders and broad, shared
identity has come under increasing question. The book's penultimate narrative features a Russian
industrialist, a longtime London resident whose business empire spans the continent. From the
deck of an opulent yacht, he contemplates his stratospheric rise after the fall of the U.S.S.R. and,
thanks to a series of legal and financial disasters, his impending ruin. In a final touch of allegory, the
yacht he can no longer afford is called Europa. Szalay's protagonist are diverse nationals but they
are united in their color of skin . All of his men are white, all are straight (only in the last story is a
more complicated sexuality suggested); most important, all of them enjoy a more or less easy sense
of ownership over a classic and now outmoded idea of Europe. (Greenwell)

Another important feature is that the protagonist appears to be growing in age, since first story
starts with a 17 year old boy and the final story is about an ageing man.
Another Brooklyn, by Jacqueline Woodson's is a haunting novel. Ms. Woodson is the
recipient of four Newbery Honor awards. It is her first adult novel in 20 years. Another
Brooklyn, Autobiography of a Family Photo (1995) and her recent award-winning
memoir, Brown Girl Dreaming. form a triptych of bildungsromans taking place in the
author's hometown and tracking her generation's coming to adulthood. But in Another
Brooklyn, the subject isn't as much girlhood, as the haunting half-life of its memory.
August, an Ivy-educated anthropologist, returns home for the funeral of her
father. Her scholarly work centers on burial rituals around the world, an attempt
to unravel the mystery and pain of loss. Mourning threads through this elegiac
tale. August's Brooklyn story begins 20 years earlier, in 1973, when she moves to
the borough following the death of her mother. (Jones)

She moves into her past memory, when she was eleven years old and was in a complicated
relationship with her three friends- Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi. Sylvia, Angela, Gigi, August. We
were four girls together, amazingly beautiful and terrifyingly alone.
Beautiful word describe the blighted characters like August's father, the drug addict neighbor ,
lost mothers, chance strangers and one of the girls.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

This insistence is willful, a declaration that despite the blight of the 1970s, the children playing
with hypodermic needles like toys, the menace of Child Protective Services and the ever-present
threat of pregnancy and sexual abuse, there was beauty, even amazing beauty; the repeated word
becoming a defiant, poetic incantation.
Still, it is the individual experiences that structures the perfect focus of this serious, moving novel.
The four companions are close to the point that limits between them are obscured and almost
immaterial. She loves this closeness even as she feels frequented by her mom's preventative words
about the treachery of women. She said women weren't to be trusted. Keep your arm out, she said.
And keep women a whole other hand away from the farthest tips of your fingernails. She told me to
keep my nails long. Her mother's warning looms over the narrative like a witch's curse. (Jones)

Woodson brings the reader so close to her young characters that you can smell
the bubble gum on their breath and feel their lips as they brush against your ear.
This is both the triumph and challenge of this powerfully insightful novel. This
is memory, we are reminded. But this is also the here and now. There is no time
to take a few paces back and enjoy the comforts of hindsight. The present, we are
repeatedly reminded, is no balm for the wounds of the past. (Jones)

Another Brooklyn is a reminder of the war and passive immigration that is taking place and may be
an allusion to the lost Brooklyn of 1970-90 as the name suggests. It is also a search for identity and
strength of young women despite her mother's warning.

Noah Hawley's 'Before the Fall' , is about a failed artist Scott Burroughs , who is recovering from
alcoholism. He had struggled for fame in his art work , but even though he reaches mid- 40s he is
nowhere close to it. He is invited by a millionaire David Bateman's wife Maggie. David is a high-
profile, multimillionaire media mogul who has chartered the jet and is traveling with his children,
9-year-old Rachel and 4-year-old JJ to travel to New York for a new exhibition. Sixteen minutes
after the take off the jet crashes into Black Atlantic . The only survivors are Scott Burroughs--the
painter--and a four-year-old boy, who is now the last remaining member of a wealthy and powerful
media mogul's family. (Goodreads)

Scott Burroughs receives fame by saving the 4 year old child. But, now media wants to take
advantage of the situation and asks scathing questions. Scott feels scared answering derisive
questions of media.
Hawley states that Talking to people on the subway is one thing, but addressing the masses
that's something he can't handle. A statement becomes a pronouncement when delivered to the
crowd. There was no hiding out since he was travelling with people who were multimillionaires.
Bateman was best known as the head of a TV network and Ben Wall street player.
Media comes up with half truths and lies about Scott Burroughs , the would-be hero's character

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

and colours the characters of other passengers with grey shade. Instead of getting positive fame for
his works , he gets infamous for having saved -4 year old boy, for having scandalous affairs with
Maggie, which is not close to any truth.
Novel truly explores the condition of a man in the global age with news spreading at the click of a
Noah Hawley really knows how to keep a reader turning the pages, but there's
more to the novel than suspense. On one hand, Before the Fall is a complex,
compulsively readable thrill ride of a novel. On the other, it is an exploration of
the human condition, a meditation on the vagaries of human nature, the dark side
of celebrity, the nature of art, the power of hope and the danger of an unchecked
media. The combination is a potent, gritty thriller that exposes the high cost of
news as entertainment and the randomness of fate. (Hannah)

Conclusion : Modern world literature people move freely from one geographical place to
another with barriers dissolved. The movement from one country to another is reflective of free
spirit with which people desire to move. Literature is interspersed with the modern technology
and artificial intelligence for instance use of high speed trains, ownership of Jet , ipads and
bullet trains which is a sign of globalization.


Goodreads. Before the Fall. 24 March 2017

Greenwell, Garth,. Our Review of a Man Booker Prize Finalist, 'All That Man Is'. 3 October 2016.
23 March 2017 <
Hannah, Kristin. Noah Hawley's 'Before the Fall'. 30 May 2016. 24 March 2017
Hawley. Before the Fall. New York: Grand Central Publishing , 2016.
Jones, Tayari. Jacqueline Woodson's Adult Novel Captures 1970s Brooklyn. 18 August 2016. 24
March 2017 <
Szalay, David. All That Man Is. New York: Vintage , 2016.
Woodson, Jacqueline. Another Brooklyn . New York : Amistad Harper Collins, 2016.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Teaching English Language in The Age of Selfies

Dr. Neelam Tikkha

The paper describes various methods to teach language by using mobile phones. It is an age of
selfie and self admiration. Present generation is bold enough to admire oneself openly. Social
media is full of selfies . Every social site from Pope to top leaders like Obama and his daughters
have selfies on social site . Selfies have become so popular that Oxford Dictionary added it to its
Lexicon. In fact, Mr. Winfield who considers himself to be the leader of selfies, shares his selfies
on Instagram a social site and each image is hypnotically the same his grinning face fills the
frame, and is usually accompanied by a bit of inspirational text. (Wortham)

Key Words: Selfies, Language Teaching, Social Sites.

Introduction :

It is an age of selfie and self admiration. Present generation is bold enough to admire oneself
openly. Social media is full of selfies . Every social site from Pope to top leaders like Obama and his
daughters have selfies on social site . Selfies have become so popular that Oxford Dictionary
added it to its Lexicon. In fact, Mr. Winfield who considers himself to be the leader of selfies,
shares his selfies on Instagram a social site and each image is hypnotically the same his
grinning face fills the frame, and is usually accompanied by a bit of inspirational text. (Wortham)

Selfie's have become very important in our lives. The proper use of selfies will help create engaging
classrooms .

Selfies help grease the wheels of democracy. All selfies tell a silent though chock-full of stories in
an almost markedly creative presentation of forms. Another important fact is that every student
always seem to love his selfies . Selfies have been entertaining students by providing them an idea
and a space to tell stories about themselves to each other, holding up a mirror to see reflections of
irony and beauty, and all sorts of speckles in the kaleidoscope of one's cultural character.

The self-portraits are worlds and decades apart. But they are threaded together by a timeless
delight in our ability to document our lives and leave behind a trace for others to discover.

There is a primal human urge to stand outside of ourselves and look at ourselves, said Clive
Thompson, a technology writer and the author of the new book Smarter Than You Think: How
Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better.

Every social media is flooded with selfies. Snapchat, a photo-based messaging service, is
processing 350 million photos each day, while a recent project on Kickstarter raised $90,000 to
develop and sell a small Bluetooth shutter release for smartphones and tablets to help people take
photographs of themselves more easily.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

It is the perfect preoccupation for our Internet-saturated time, a ready-made platform to record and
post our lives where others can see and experience them in tandem with us. And in a way, it signals a
new frontier in the evolution in social media. (Wortham)

The image below describes present generations craze for selfie.

Technique :1 Selfie Life :

Methodology :

Looking at this background teachers can utilize selfies for teaching language. Students are asked to
take their phone out and photograph themselves in selfie mode. The selfies serve as a catalyst for
writing and discussion. They also help to build bond between teachers and students.
Teachers need to ask students to look at selfies and describe themselves, the mood and the way they
think. The selfies are then exchanged and the students are asked to describe the selfie. This will
help to compare what they think about themselves and how others think about them

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

The following are the answers of participants .

Selfie-1 Double Bubble

Fig. Selfie -1

I am in a very happy mood today .

My dreams are blowing like the double bubble gum.
I am enjoying myself.
My dreams double like bubble gum everyday.
My nose and pouted lips look great through the bubble .

Selfie -2 Talking Money

Fig. Selfie -2
Description :

Wow at last I have got to hold the money . Demonetization made me

love paper money. I waited for very long in queue for days together
to get it. At last I have got it !
Now I am a proud possessor of it.
It is great to have paper cash rather than Jio cash.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Selfie 3 Hawain Life Fig. Selfie -3

My fan like ears make me more attractive.
The flower adds a dash to my beauty.
Cross Selfie :
Mehvash's response :
This selfie appears to be quite funny. Indeed it makes me laugh a lot.
The looks of the girl in the selfie cannot go unnoticed because of the amazing editing.
The selfie of the girl is with large ears, pouted lips and flower in the hair .
The selfie reflects person is in a happy and naughty mood.
I believe this person tried to have a Hawain look and failed terribly and this is what makes
the selfie funny. It seems to be a way of passing leisure time to overcome boredom.
I am sad that I am not able to see the face of the person clearly.
We all have a funny selfie and this one is of the same kind.

Hassan's Response :
Wow after seeing this selfie I cannot control my laughter .
The photo editing of selfie has been done to make it look very funny .
The ears, lips and dentures have been increased in size by replacing with funny and bold
clipart images, though she has not edited eyebrows which look well shaped and proper in
size. She seems to be teasing kids with this picture.
A flower has been put in hair to add a touch to the laughter. It is difficult to recognize at a
glance as she looks like a Hanuman.
The girl looks cute even though editing is very bold and weird.
Hasan : Wow after seeing this selfie I cannot control my laughter .

The photo editing of selfie has been done to make it look very funny .
The ears, lips and dentures have been increased in size by replacing with funny and bold clipart
images, though she has not edited eyebrows which look well shaped and proper in size. She
seems to be teasing kids with this picture.
A flower has been put in hair to add a touch to the laughter. It is difficult to recognize at a glance as
she looks like a Hanuman.
The girl looks cute even though editing is very bold and weird.
The selfie appears to be quite funny indeed and it makes me laugh .

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Selfie 3 :

Fig. Selfie -4

Lemon Juice
I am inside the lemon juice glass eating smoothie ice- cream.
I love having yummy ice cream.
My pink dress looks wow .
I feel like a pink Thumbelina in the glass.

Cross Selfie :

Mehvash's response:

A little girl is enjoying ice-cream in this picture.

There is a packet and if read carefully says pharmacy and I think this is a children's hospital . I can
see another kid in the backdrop with his parents .
The juice glass with lime on the edge of the glass does not justify the picture, but I believe there is
always a funny side to every situation .
Taking kids to the doctor could be quite exhausting task. This parent has found a medium to fix this
issue with an ice- cream and using editing to create some positivity to the negative side.
Hassan: In this photo a kid is licking yummy ice cream and is fully engrossed in it.
She seems to have been lost in having ice-cream.
She looks adorable in this photo. The editing makes her look even more attractive. She is wearing
pink jacket and matching clips. She looks typical pinky the pooh girl.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Fig 4

Fig. Selfie -5

Selfie Eyes :-
Mehvash's Selfie
Description by Mehvash

Hi this is Mehveash's selfie taken on 16th April , 2017, around 10.51 am.
I am wearing a blue T- shirt / top in this selfie .
I have my hair tied in a bun .
I can see my birth mark on my neck in this selfie .
I embrace my birthmark as it has become a part of my identity.
I have curly hair and this is the reason I always prefer to tie my hair in a bun .
I am of Indian ethnic background and have brown skin with black eyes.
I have colored my hair which gives me an ombre look.
Hasan's description of Mahvesh's selfie : OMBRE Selfie
Mehvash's eyes look passionate.
Her hair is well combed and she looks pretty in western clothes. The picture has been captured in
low light. She resembles film star Madhubala.
According to me she has bold yet sober looks. Her body language makes her look quite mature.
In this selfie

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Hasan's Selfie
Comparative discussion :

Fig. Selfie - 7

This is Hussain's selfie taken on a plane .

I am in a happy and relaxed mood.
My face looks glowing and eyes sparkling.
My hair style is Bollywood style.
I am wearing a nice party blue T- shirt.
The shirt suits me the best of all of my collection
The expressions captured in selfie show confidence and make me look perfect.
The photo was taken when I was going abroad.
I was very happy and was having great fun.

Fig. 8

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Scientists may link Selfies to narcissism or addiction or mental illness but they are useful tool to
make language classroom engaging.

II Technique : Writing Diary

Further, Self can be used to learn to write diary :

Ms. McCallister with the help of Metropolitan column in The New York Times helps :
To improve curriculum and instruction in ways that support engagement and achievement. In my
role as a coach in schools, some of what I do is show teachers and students how to master written
language as a system of tools that can be used to achieve their own intentions and purposes. I also
show students and teachers how to open up the curriculum to let students practice being a citizen in
a free democracy through opportunities to share with one another the creative products of their own
intellects. (Learning Network)

She further adds that : If democracy and community life are one and the same, as John Dewey
maintained they were, then Metropolitan Diary is democracy's personal journal. Children in a
democracy need opportunities to share personal stories for their own self development. But just as
important, for humanity's improvement and survival, we depend on our children having
opportunities to share them. (Learning Network)

An example of how asking students to write diary can be engaging .

Dear Diary,
To Dear God,

I was on my very enjoyable morning to my college after weekend visit home at Nagpur. I decided
to go by train . I reached station to catch Geetanjali Express to Wardha.
When the train arrived it was full . I had no option but to catch the train since I had to fill in exam
form on that day.

I jumped in, but out of a sudden like God Bless India, did she have strength. I mean it was like
Sparta all over again, with her knocking me into some unforeseen doom. She pushed me so hard
that my 5'5? bag of bones took off. I failed to comprehend what was going on. Next thing I knew
was I was holding the pole. The train pushed off with a mighty speed and I still swinging on the
pole. The pole my savior, my mind started wandering what if I lose grip on the pole and fall down.
Who would tell my parents . How would my mom and dad feel when they hear of my death. I started
sweating and shivering with fear imagining the reaction of my parents and siblings when they
would hear about my death . Suddenly , I felt a strong hand pulling me inside the train.

Oh, God thank you for giving me another chance to live.

Nalini Rai

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Fig 9 Students standing on foot board of the train (Press Trust Of India)

III Technique : Using funny pictures which are circulated on Whatsapp.

Students are asked to describe funny pictures that they have received throughout the day on
whatsap .

Fig 10 Little Chef

The cook in the image is very cute . He is dressed cutely. He appears to be a stuffed dumpling.
The dish he is making I think he would eat it all himself, since he is a chubby fat cook.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Fig 11 Over Bloated Spiderman

It seems the spiderman has raided a hotel.

He has eaten everything . He is bloated like a pig.
Technique iv
Students can be asked to describe motivating images and posters.
Learning Network. Fostering Selfhood and Inspiring Student Writers Using 'Metropolitan Diary'.
22 Feb 2017. 23 March 2017 <
and-inspiring-student-writers-using-metropolitan-diary.html? rref=collection%2
Fspotlightcollection%2F Reader%20Ideas&_r=1>.
Press Trust Of India. Youth dies after falling from local train in Mumbai. 27 February 2016. 23
March 2017 <
Wortham, Jenna. My Selfie, Myself. 19 October 2013. 18 March 2017 <
Teaching of Literature :
Similarly, creative writing and literature can be taught through selfies. Students can be asked to
write poems.
Conclusion :
These techniques make language learning, exercise, a fun activity. People like to share their photos
and write about themselves. Thus learning quality and retention value of such learning is enhanced.
In fine, Selfies may be a sign of narcissism but help in making people happy and creating poetry ,
appreciating literature or learning language becomes fun.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Learning Network. Fostering Selfhood and Inspiring Student Writers Using 'Metropolitan
Diary'. 22 Feb 2017. 23 March 2017 <
Press Trust Of India. Youth dies after falling from local train in Mumbai. 27 February 2016. 23
March 2017 <
Wortham, Jenna. My Selfie, Myself. 19 October 2013. 18 March 2017

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Lo;a lgk;rk cpr xV o efgyk vkfFkZd fodkl

MkW- xtkuu jkejko lksedwaoj
cWjh- 'ks"kjko oku[ksMs dyk okf.kT; egkfo|ky; [kkij[ksMk ft- ukxiwj

Hkkjrke/;s efgykaps LFkku nq;e Lketys tkrs- bfrgklkpk vk<kok ?ksrY;kl oSfnd
dkGkr dkgh viokn lksMY;kl loZp dkGkr fL=;kaph ekugk.khp >kysyh vkgs- vk/kqfud
dkGkrgh iq#"k opZLokph ekufldrk laiysyh ukgh- vktgh efgykauk nq;e LFkku ns.ks lq#p
vkgs- lkekftd nMiukeqGs fL=;krhy vkRefo'okl {kh.k d#u fryk xqyke Bso.;kps izkRu
vktgh dsys tkrkr- ijarw efgyk g;k lekt o jk"VkP;k fodklkrhy ,d egRoiw.kZ vax
vlwu lq/nk Hkkjrh; efgyk fodklkP;k izfdz;siklwu dkslks nwj vkgs-ijarw dks.krsgh jk"V
efgykadMs nwyZ{k d#u vkiyk vkfFkZd fodkl d# 'kdr ukgh- vkt xzkeh.k {ks=kr efgykapk
mRiknukrhy okVk] fu.kZ; {kerse/khy ok<] [kktxh lkodkjkiklwu lwVdk] laiRrhe/khy ok<]
iq#"kkP;k cjkscjhus vkfFkZd O;ogkj dj.;kph {kerk ] lk{kjrk] O;kogkfjd Kku] efgykaP;k
dz;'kdrhe/;s ok< ]lkekftd ntkZ] bR;knh ckkcrhr cpr xVkps egRokps ;ksxnku vkgs-

vfregRokps 'kCn % efgykaps LFkku] L=h l{kehdj.k] cpr xV-

izLrkouk % Hkkjrke/;s efgykaps LFkku nq;e Lketys tkrs- bfrgklkpk vk<kok ?ksrY;kl
oSfnd dkGkr dkgh viokn lksMY;kl loZp dkGkr fL=;kaph ekugk.khp >kysyh vkgs-
vk/kqfud dkGkrgh iq#"k opZLokph ekufldrk laiysyh ukgh- vktgh efgykauk nq;e LFkku
ns.ks lq#p vkgs- lkekftd nMiukeqGs fL=;krhy vkRefo'okl {kh.k d#u fryk xqyke
Bso.;kps izkRu vktgh dsys tkrkr- ijarw efgyk g;k lekt o jk"VkP;k fodklkrhy ,d
egRoiw.kZ vax vlwu lq/nk Hkkjrh; efgyk fodklkP;k izfdz;siklwu dkslks nwj vkgs-ijarw
dks.krsgh jk"V efgykadMs nwyZ{k d#u vkiyk vkfFkZd fodkl d# 'kdr ukgh-efgykauk
iq#"kkP;k cjkscjhr LFkk.k fnY;kf'kok; ns'kkpk laokfZx.k fodkl gks.ks 'kD; ukgh-
lektkrhy vusd leL;ke/;s efgykaph vkfFkZd fLFkrh vfr'k; fcdV vkgs- R;kaP;k ukokoj
dqByhgh ekyeRrk ukgh- brjkaP;k ethZizekus R;kauk okxkos ykxrs- R;kauk Lora=i.ks dqBykgh
fu.kZ; ?ksrk ;sr ukgh- nSufnu thoukr xjtk Hkkxforkuk R;kaph eksB;k izek.kkr vks<rk.k
gksrs- efgykaps lcyhdj.k d#u R;kauk vkfFkZd fodklkP;k izokgkr lgHkkxh d#u ?ks.ks
vko';d vkgs- efgykaps lcyhdj.k gh cgqvk;keh v'kh ladYiuk vkgs- T;kr efgykaP;k
vkfFkZd] lkekftd ] jktdh; 'kS{kf.kd ]vkjksX; ] fLFkrhpk vH;kl gksrks ijarw ;k loZ
?kVdke/;s efgykapk vkfFkZd fodkl gh ckc lektkP;k 'kk'or fodklkdjhrk vfr'k;
mi;qDr vkgs-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Lo;algk;rk cpr xVkP;k ek/;ekrwu efgyk vkfFkZd fodklkps iz;ksx ns'kHkj lq#
vkgs- xjhc efgyk ,df+=r vk.kwu R;kaP;kp cprhP;k vk/kkjs o vkfFkZd Lokoyacuk}kjs
R;kaP;kr vkRefo'okl fuekZ.k dsyk tkrks- r;sp R;kaP;ke/khy 'kDrh {kerk ] dkS'kY;kph
tk.kho d#u nsowu R;kpk mi;ksx R;kauk l{ke gks.;klkBh dj.ks gh ;krhy e/;orhZ
ladYiuk vkgs- thoukrhy ladVkuk rksaM nsrkuk la?kVhr iz;Rukph xjt vlrs- nkfjnz;
]fuj{kjrk ]ckyetqjh] vkjksX; ;k n`"Vpdzkrwu ckgsj iMwu jk"VkP;k izxrhpk fodkl
lk/k.;klkBh rGkxGkiklqu fopkj izdzh;k lq# dsyh ikghts- fL=;kauk R;kaph vksG[k
iV.;kdjhrk o FkksMhQkj cpr d#u lqjokrhyk NksVk O;olk; ]mn;ksx lq# dj.;klkBh
frP;k 'kDrhph o gDdkph tk.kho gks.;klkBh cpr xV Qkj ;'kLoh >kysys vkgs-

1947 e/;s ;quksus vk;ksthr dsysY;k tkxfrd Lrjkojhy dk;Z'kkGsr OgWluk fxzQsus
dsysY;k O;k[;suwlkj L=h l{kehdj.k Eg.kts fL=;kaP;k vaxh fu.kZ; ?ks.;kph ]fu;a=.k o
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laLFkk ekQZr vkfFkZd O;ogkj dj.;kph] {kerk ]fL=;kae/;s fuekZ.k dj.ks Eg.kts efgyk
l{kehdj.k gks;-

Tkkxfrd vf/kdks"kkP;k ers O;Drhyk fdaok xVkuk vkiyk ilarh Bjfo.;kph o gh ialrh
b"V R;k d`rhe/;s mrjfo.;kph {kerk ok<fo.;kph izfdz;k Eg.kts lcyhdj.k gks;-
Ckakxyk ns'kkrhy ukscy ikfjrksf"kd fotsrs vFkZrK MkW- egaen ;quql ;kauh
ckaxykns'kkP;k nkfjnz;kpk vH;kl dsyk o R;kaP;k vls y{kkr vkys dh xzkeh.k Hkkxkrhy
Je'kDrhr fL='kDrhpk okVk vf/kd vkgs- iajrqq vkfFkZd n`"V;k detksj vl.kk&;k efgykauk
vkfFkZd lgk; u feGkY;keqGs R;kaph Je'kDrh fudkeh iMwu jkgrs- tj ;k oxkZyk vkfFkZd
lgk; dsY;kl T;kaP;krhy mRiknu {kerspk jsiwj okij dsY;kl ns'kkrhy nkfjnz; deh
gksbZy vlk fo'okl R;kaP;k eukr fuekZ.k >kyk-o R;kauh xzkeh.k cWdsph ladYiuk txkleksj
ekaMyh- o rsFkwup Lo;algk; cpr xVkyk lqjokr >kyh- o vkt law.kZ txkus frpk fLodkj
dsysyk vkgs- ,o<sp ukghrj Lo;algk;rk xpr xV efgyk l{kehdj.kkpk ewyea= cuyk

Lokra;ksRrj dkGkr efgykaP;k dY;k.kklkBh vusd ;kstuk dk;kZfUor dj.;kr

vkysY;k vkgsr xsY;k iapfol o"kkZr efgyk lcyhdj.koj Hkj nsowu iq#"k o fL=;k ;kaP;kr
loZ ckcrhr lekurk izLrkfir dj.;kP;k m}s'kkus Lo;algk;rk lewg pGoG tksekus lw#
vkgs- xzkeh.k nfkjnz; fo'ks"kr% efgykaps nkfjnz; o"kkZuqo"kZ pkyr vkysY;k ijaijk] #<h

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

pkyhjhrh ;kewGs efgykaph vkfFkZd fLFkrh [kkyoysyh vkgs- rlsp vla?kfVri.kk] f'k{k.kkpk
vHkko ] jkstxkj o vkjksX; ;keqGs ns[khy nkfjnz; ok<ysys vkgs- ;klkBh efgykaP;k n`"Vhus
la?kVhr gksowu ijh.kkedkjd dke dj.;kps egRokps 'kL= Eg.kts Lo;algk;rk cpr xV

vktgh Hkkjrkrhy vFkZo;oLFkspk vk/kkj 'ksrh vkgs- o cqrka'k turk xzkeh.k Hkkxkr okLrO;kyk
vkgs-jk"Vh; vk;ksxkP;k vgokykuqlkj Hkkjrkrhy d`"kh {ks=krhy ,dw.k Je'kDrhr
L=hJe'kDrhps izek.k tkLr vkgs- Hkkjrh; 'ksrh uSlfxd ikolkoj voyacqu vlY;keqGs
xzkeh.k Hkkxkr gaxkeh csdkjhps Lo#i eksB;k izek.kkr vkgs- ;k dkyko/khr xkzeh.k efgykauk
mRiknu dkS'kY;kps izf'k{k.k nsowu R;kauk y?kqfoRr iqjoBk dsY;kl R;kaps mRiUu ok<sy- ;kp
n`"Vhdksukrqu y/kq foRr ra=kP;k fodklkps fopkj Hkkjrkr tksekus lq# >kysys vkgs-

xzkehu Hkkxkrhy efgykauk ,dF=r d#u R;kauk jkstxkjkph la/kh miyC/k d#u ns.;klkBh
'kklukkus efgyk cpr xVkph pGoG gkrh ?ksrysyh vkgs- 1999 iklqu gh ;kstuk gkrh
?ks.;kr vkyh gksrh ek= 2004 uarj ;k ;kstusyk O;kid Lo#i izkIr >kysys vkgs-rlsp Hkkjr
ljdkjus 1 ,izhy 1999 iklwu xzkeh.K Hkkxkrhy nkFjnz; js"ks[kkyhy efgykauk dk;e Lo#ih
jkstxkj feGowu ns.kkjh Lo.kZt;arh xzke Lo;ajkstxkj ;kstuk gh vR;ar egRodk{kh ;kstuk
lq# dsyh o ;k ;kstusvarxZr qw/nk cpr xVkph LFkkiuk dsysyh vkgs-

Hkkjrke/;s jk"Vh; d`"kh vkf.k xzkeh.k fodkl cWd ukckMZ gh xzkeh.k Hkkxkr
Lo;algk;rk cpr xV LFkkiu dj.;klkBh vko';d vkfFkZd o izf'k{k.k fo"k;d enr
djrs- ] efgyk vkfFkZd fodkl egkeaMG gh laLFkk xzkeh.k Hkkxkr rlsp 'kgjh Hkkxkr efgykaps
Lo;algk;rk xV LFkkiu djrs ;k dkeke/;s ekfoeyk R;kauh useysY;k Lo;alsoh laLFkk lq/nk
enr djrkr-egkuxjikyhsdk o uxjikyhdk {ks=krhy nkfjnz;js"ks[kkyhy rlsp ekxkloxhZ;
efgykalkBh uxjifj"kn lapkyuky;krQsZ egkuxj o uxjifj"kn {ks=kr cpr xV LFkkiu
dsys tkrkr- xzkeh.k Hkkxke/;s nkjhnz; js"ks[kkyhy rlsp viax] ekxkloxhZ; efgyk ;kaP;k
vkfFkZd o lkekftd fodklkdjhrk xzkeh.k fodkl foHkkxkdMwu cpr xV LFkkiu dsys
tkrkr-'kklukizekusp 'kgjh o xzkeh.k Hkkxkr cpr xV LFkkiu dj.;kps dk;Z jk"Vh;d`r
]cWdk]lgdkjh cWdk ]izknsf'kd xzkeh.k cWdk djrkr-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Hkkjrkrhy cpr xVkph fLFkrh [kkyhyizek.ks vkgs- ekpZ 2014 uqlkj

,dw.k cpr ,dw.k ;kiSdh
LFkkiu dj.kkjh xV
laLFkk Lo.kZt;arh xzke jkstxkj dsoG efgykps
o brj ;kstusvarXkZr cpr xV
Lka[;k jDde Lak[;k jDde Lka[;k jDde
dksVhr dksVhr dksVhr
okf.kT; cWdk 4022810 663145-63 1233037 158449-12 3483212 56561-12

Izkknsfkd 2111760 115985-73 828567 71425-39 1753387 13908-96

xzkeh.k cWadk
Lkgdkjh cWadk 129430 130610-18 200471 17885-58 1015079 96565-15

,dw.k 7429500 98974154 2262125 247758-09 6251678 801288-

L=ksr%& Status of Micro Finance in India 2014

ojhy vkdMsokjho#u vls y{kkr ;srs dh Hkkjrke/;s okf.kT; cWads'kh layXuhr cpr xVkph
la[;k vf/kd vkgs- rj lgdkjh cWads'kh layXuhr cpr xVkph la[;k deh vkgs- Hkkjrke/;s
efgyk cpr xVkph la[;k ok<r vlY;kps fnlwu ;srs- Hkkjrkrhy ,dw.k Lo;algk;rk xVkr
efgyk cpr xVkps izek.k 85-04 VDds vkgs-

Hkkjrke/;s fofo/k vf/kdks"kk}kjs cpr xVkuk forjhr dsysY;k _.kkph fLFkrh

31 ekpZ 2014

,dw.k cpr ,dw.k ;kiSdh

LFkkiu dj.kkjh xV
laLFkk Lo.kZt;arh xzke jkstxkj dsoG efgykps
o brj ;kstusvarXkZr cpr xV
Lka[;k jDde Lak[;k jDde Lka[;k jDde
dksVhr dksVhr dksVhr
okf.kT; cWdk 767253 1603749- 106996 183125-5 663636 1387927
Izkknsfkd 333420 628813-35 97985 138679- 291587 593968-
xzkeh.k cWadk 99 87
Lkgdkjh cWadk 265748 169173-14 20694 26254-53 196501 121900-
,dw.k 1366421 2401735- 225675 348059- 1151724 2103797-
85 57 00
L=ksr%& Status of Micro Finance in India 2014

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

ofjy vkdMsokjho#u vls y{kkr ;srs dh Hkkjrke/;s cpr xVkuk ns.;kr vkysY;k
_.kke/;s lkoZtfud {ks=kkrhy O;kikjh vf/kdks"kkuh eksB;k izek.kkr lw{e foRr iqjoBk dsY;kps
fnlwu ;srs-
egkjk"Vke/;s xzkeh.k {ks=kr 6-16 dksVh yksdla[;k okLrO; djrs- xjhc o vYi mRiu
xVkP;k dqVwfc;kauk vkf.k R;kaP;k lw{e midzekdjhrk Bsoh dtZ iznku lsok iqjfo.;klkBh lq{e
foRriqjoBk dj.;kps dk;Z Lo;algk;rk cpr xV djrs- ekpZ 2014 v[ksjhl jkT;krhy cpr
xVkP;k ,dwu cprhe/;s dsoG efgyk Lo;algk;rk cpr xVk}kjs >kysyk cprhpk fgLlk
nksu r`fr;ka'k gksrk-

egkjk"Vkrhy cpr xVkph fLFkrh o Bsoh [kkyhyizek.ks vkgs-

,dw.k cpr ,dw.k ;kiSdh

LFkkiu dj.kkjh xV
laLFkk Lo.kZt;arh xzke jkstxkj dsoG efgykps
o brj ;kstusvarXkZr cpr xV
Lka[;k jDde Lak[;k jDde Lka[;k jDde
dksVhr dksVhr dksVhr
Lkgdkjh 326451 395-34 43140 40-96 219081 280-32
Izkknsfkd 111241 117-54 123-23 32-48 10682 87-75
xzkeh.k vf/kdks"k
[kktxhokf.kT; 30918 33-10 0-10 0-00 30816 32-97
LkkoZtfud 223656 202-07 106016 90-12 167773 158-96
,dw.k 692274 648-05 161489 163-56 51835 559-80

L=ksr%& egkjk"V vkfFkZd vgoky 2014

vkdMsokjho#u vls y{kkr ;srs dh egkjk"Vkr lgdkjh caWads'kh layXuhr cpr xVkph la[;k
tkLr vkgs- dkj.k egkjk"Vkr lgdkjh pGpGhpk fodkl eksB;k izek.kkr >kyk vlwu
jkT;ke/;s ftYgk lgdkjh vf/kdks"k vfLrRokr vkgs-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

egkjk"Vkr fofo/k cWads}kjs cpr xVkuk forjhr dsysY;k _.kkph fLFkrh

[kkyhyizekus vkgs-

,dw.k cpr ,dw.k ;kiSdh

LFkkiu dj.kkjh xV
laLFkk Lo.kZt;arh xzke jkstxkj dsoG efgykps
o brj ;kstusvarXkZr cpr xV
Lka[;k jDde Lak[;k jDde Lka[;k jDde
dksVhr dksVhr dksVhr
Lkgdkjh 2929 96-16 1242 12-86 21375 65-79
Izkknsfkd 9491 112-22 1133 14-24 8567 90-87
xzkeh.k vf/kdks"k
[kktxhokf.kT; 17853 220-69 0-00 0-00 17852 220-87
LkkoZtfud 16275 279-06 44-79 81-75 12580 193-81
,dw.k 72908 718-13 68-54 108-85 60374 571-13

L=ksr%& egkjk"V vkfFkZd vgoky 2014

Okjhy vkdMsokjho#u vls y{kkr ;srs dh lkoZtfud okf.kT; vf/kdks"kkus eksB;k izek.kkr cpr
xVkuk foRriqjoBk dsY;kps fnlwu ;srs-
Efgyk cpr xVk}kjs y?kw o dqVhj mn;ksxke/;s yks.kph]ikiM] csdjhps inkFkZ ]'kkys; iks"k.k
vkgkj] fdjk.kk nwdku ]tujy LVksvlZ] fcNk;r dsanz 'ksrhiqjd mn;ksx lq# dj.;kr vkys
vkgs- c&;kp'kk cpr xVk}kjs mRiknhr eky fons'kkr fu;kZr dsyk tkr vkgs- R;kewGs
Lo;jkstxkjkP;k la/kh xzkeh.k efgykalkBh eks;k izekukr fuekkZu >kysY;k vkgsr- Ik;kZ;kus
xzkeh.k efgykaP;k mRiukr ok< >kysyh vkgs- o R;kaP;k ftouekukr lq/kkjk.kk >kysyh fnlq.k
;srs- rlsp efgyke/;s fuekZ.k >kysyk vkRefo'okl ]lkekftd fodkl] lxyrk]efgykaP;k
lk{kjrsph izxrh] e/;iku] /kwezikukoj canh ]ckyfookg] gwMkai/nrhoj canh] bR;knh fo"k;h vkokt
mBfo.;kph rkdr efgykae/;s fuekZ.k >kysyh vkgs- fofo/k tkrh o /kekkZps yksd ,d=hr ;sr
vlY;kewGs xzkeh.k Hkkxke/;s lkekftd lekurk fuekkZ.k gks.;kl enr >kysyh vkgs- xzkeh.k
fL=;kaP;k mRiukr ok< >kY;kewGs [kktxh lkodkjkyk vkGk clysyk vkgs- fnysY;k dtkZph
olqyh gksr vlY;kewGs cWadk o brj foRrh; laLFkk ]cpr xVkdMs vk'ksus ikgkr vkgs- dtkZpk
mi;ksx ;ksX; dkj.kklkBh gksr vlY;kewGs xzkeh.k Hkkxkr lw{e foRr iqjoBk dj.kk&;k laLFkkps
tkGs fuekZ.k gks.;kl enr >kysyh vkgs- cpr xV pGoG gk vkfFkZd fodklkpk Hkkx
vlY;kewGs xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFksP;k fodklkps izHkkoh lk/ku Eg.kwu yksdfiz; Bjr vkgs- cpr xV
vf/kd izHkkoh dj.;klBh iq<hy lq/kkj.kk dj.ks vko';d vkgs-
Ckpr xVkuk vfr'k; vYi njkus O;kikjh o lgdkjh cWadsus dtZiqjoBk djkok-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

'kklukP;k loZ ;kstuk cpr xVkP;k ek/;ekrwu jkcfo.;kr ;kO;kr

Ckpr xVkph xw.kkRed ok< gks.;klkBh ekXkZn'kZu vko';d vkgs-
Ckpr xVkP;k mRiknukph fodzh dj.;klkBh 'kklukus izn'kZus vk;ksftr djkoh
Ckpr xVkuk jktdkj.kkiklwu vfyIr Bsokkos-
'kklukkus ;k pGoGhrhy Lo;lsoh ladYiukP;k {kerk ok<foY;k ikghts
Ckpr xVkrhy fL=;kaP;k f'k{k.kkph o izf'k{k.kph ;ksX; O;oLFkk dj.;kr ;koh
Ekghyk lk{kjrsps izeku ok<fo.;kr ;kos
EkfgykalkBh O;kolkbZd izf'k{k.kkph lqfo/kk miyC/k d#u ns.;kr ;koh

cpr xVkps fu;her ys[kkijh{k.k djkos o R;klkBh ns[kjs[k o fu;a=.k ;a=.kk mHkh djkoh
cpr xVkP;k ek/;ekrwu r;kj gks.kk&;k mRiknukyk LFkkuhd cktkjisB miyC/k d#u n;koh-

ojhy mik;;kstuk vko';d vlY;k rjhgh xzkeh.k Hkkxkrhy xjhc o nqcZy ?kVdkP;k vkfFkZd
fodklkr cpr xVkps egRokps ;ksxnku vkgs- vkt xzkeh.k {ks=kr efgykapk mRiknukrhy okVk]
fu.kZ; {kerse/khy ok<] [kktxh lkodkjkiklwu lwVdk] laiRrhe/khy ok<] iq#"kkP;k cjkscjhus
vkfFkZd O;ogkj dj.;kph {kerk ] lk{kjrk] O;kogkfjd Kku] efgykaP;k dz;'kdrhe/;s ok< ]
lkekftd ntkZ] bR;knh ckkcrhr cpr xVkps egRokps ;ksxnku vkgs-

lanHkZ xzFka
iokj ,l- ch- 2009 & cpr xVklkBh Loa;jkstxkjkps 51 ekxZ
'kqHke cgwm}sfk; ekxZnkZu laLFkk iq .ks
xksMcksys xksfoan 2009 & cpr xVkP;k ek/;ekrwu xjhcheqDr
fo okph fuehZrh lkekftd Ok O;ogkj
lkdsr izdkku
eqykuh ,e-;q- 2006 & Lo;algk;rk cpr xV
Mk;eaM izdkku i q.ks
Sahu R.K. (2008 ) Self Help Group
Amol Publication New Delhi
Lkekt izcks/ku i=hdk & tkusokjh 2009
vFkZfoo & fMlscj 2012
vFkZeaFku & ejkBh vFkZkkL= ifj"kn uksOgscj 2010
Web www
www maharastra

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

rayagaD ijalhyaatIla paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-Tnaacyaa AivakisatpNaacao AQyayana'

EaI.ivaSao ivalaasa esa.ema.pI.e.esa.saI.mahaivaValayapnavaolarayagaD.

gaaoYavaara :

saQyaacyaa kaLat pya-Tna xao~acaa JapaTyaanao ivakasa haot Asatanaa jaagaitk spQao-t Baart doSahI pya-Tna xao~acyaa
ivakasaat p`gatI krIt Aaho.%yaacabaraobar maharaYT/atIla pya-Tnaacyaa ivakasaat hatBaar laavaNyaasaazI ivaivaQa
ijalhyaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaa ivakasa krNyaasaazI p`ya%na caalaU Aahot.%yaatIlaca rayagaD ijalhyaatIla ivaivaQa pya-
TnasqaLaMcaa ivakasa haot AsataMnaaca yaaca ijalhyaatIla pya-TnaasaazI AitSaya Anaukula Asalaolaa paolaadpur
talauka pya-Tnaabaabat Aivakisat ka rahIlaa yaacaI karNao saMSaaoQakanao yaa SaaoQainabaMQaat SaaoQaUna %yaavar
]payayaaojanaa saucaivalyaa Aahot.
AtImah%vaacao Sabd : pya-Tna naOsaiga-k pya-Tna eoithaisak pya-Tna saahsaI pya-Tna kuDpNa

P`astavanaa :

21 vyaa Satkat pya-Tna vyavasaaya ha JapaTyaanao vaaZt AsaUna Baartatca navho tr saMpUNa- jagaat yaa vyavasaayaalaa
Ananya saaQaarNa mah%va p`aPt Jaalao Aaho .%yaanausaar Baart sarkarnaodoKIla pya-Tna vyavasaayaavar AiQak laxa koMid`t
kolao Aaho.maharaYT/ rajya doKIla pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa dRYTInao ivacaar krta naOsaiga-keoithaisak Qaaima-k saaMskRitk
dRiYTkaonaatUna AitSaya samaRw rajya Aaho.maharaYT/atIla pya-Tnaacyaa ivakasaacyaa dRYTInao 1975 pasauna maharaYT/
pya-Tna ivakasa mahamaMDL kaya-rt Aaho.%yaanausaar rayagaD ijalhyatIla Anaok pya-Tna sqaLaMcaa ivakasa maharYT/
pya-Tna ivakasa mahamaMDLamaaf-t krNyaacao ivacaar caalaU Aahot.%yaacap`maaNao rayagaD ijalhyaalaa eoithaisak
naOsaiga-k Qaaima-k saaMskRitk Asaa vaarsaa laaBalaa Aaho.yaaca rayagaD ijalhyaacyaa maaqaorana EaIvaQa-na
hirhroSvar idvao Aagaar Ailabaaga rayagaD ikllaa [.pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa ivakasaasaazI pya%na kolao Aahot. prMtu
yaaca rayagaD ijalhyatIla naOsaiga-keoithaisak Qaaima-k saaMskRitk ivaivaQatonao naTlaolyaa sahyaad`Icyaa pva-
traMgaamaQyao vasalaolyaa paolaadpUrcyaa pya-TnasqaLaMcaa AjaUnahI ivakasa Jaalaolaa naahI.mhNaUna p`stut SaaoQainabaMQaat
paolaadpUrcyaa pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa AivakisatpNaacaI karNao va %yaavarIla ]paya saucaivaNyaacaa p`ya%na krNyaat Aalaa

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

]_IYTyao :

P`astut SaaoQainabaMQaasaazI saMSaaoQakanao puZIla ]_IYTyao ivacaarat GaotlaI Aahot.
1. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa rsto vaahtUk sauivaQaaMcaI maaihtI jaaNaUna GaoNao.
2. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa izkaNaI ha^Tola AaiNa inavaasaacyaa sauivaQaaMcaI ]plabQata Aaho ka
yaacaI maahItI jaaNaUna GaoNao.
3. paolaadpur talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa ivakasaasaazI Saasanaacyaa yaaogadanaacaI maaihtI AByaasaNao.
4. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa AivakisatpNaacaI karNao SaaoQaUna %yaavar ]paya saucaivaNao.

pya-Tnaacaa Aqa- :

pya-Tna ha Sabd Tourism yaa [Mga`jaI Sabdava$na Aalaa Aaho. Tour yaa la^iTna Sabdacaa Aqa- p`vaasa.yaatUna Anaok
saMdBa- tyaar hao}na pya-Tnaacyaa ivaivaQa vyaa#yaa tyaar Jaalyaa Aahot.
vyaa#yaa :
p`a.hma-r Aa^sToilayaa1910

prikya vya@tIcao ivaiSaYT xao~at p`doSaat ikMvaa doSaat Aagamana gamanaBa`maNa va vaastvya mhNajao pya-Tna haoya.
paolaadpUr taalau@yaatIla ivaivaQa pya-Tna sqaLo :

kaokNa ivaBaagaatIla AitSaya mah%vapUNa- ijalha mhNaUna rayagaD ijalhyaakDo pahIlao jaato.rayagaD ijalhyaacao jaunao naava
kulaabaa Asao haoto prMtu rayagaD ikllyaacao eoithaisak mah%va laxaat Gaota rayagaD ikllyaacao naava ijalhyaalaa doNyaat
Aalao.rayagaD ijalhyaat Anaok naOsaiga-k eoithaisakQaaima-k pya-TnasqaLo Aahot.rayagaD ikllaa maaqaorana
p`baLgaD knaa-La ABayaarNyacaMdorI ikllaapaalaIAilabaagamau$DjaMjaIraEaIvaQa-na hrIhroSvar idvaoAagaar mahaD
paolaadpUr [.pya-TnasqaLo rayagaD ijalhyaat p`isaw AsalaolaI AaZLtat.yaatIla Anaok pya-TnasqaLaMcaa ivakasa
Jaalaolaa idsaUna yaotao prMtu rayagaD ijalhyaacyaa AgadI SaovaTcyaa saImaolaa Asalyaa karNaanao paolaadpURr talau@yaatIla pya-
Tna sqaLo dula-ixat AsalaolaI jaaNavatat.yaaca paolaadpUr talau@yaat ivaivaQa eoithaisak naOsaiga-k va Qaaima-k pya-
TnasqaLo Aahot tI puZIlap`maaNao :
1.]marz :
]marz ho narvaIr tanaajaI maalausaro yaaMcao gaava. narvaIr tanaajaI maalausaro yaaMcaI samaaQaI yaa izkaNaI Aaho. tsaoca Saolaar
maamaa yaaMcaI samaaQaI doiKla yaa izkaNaI Aaho. narvaIr tanaajaI maalausaro yaaMcyaa puNyaitqaIcaa kaya-k`ma yaa izkaNaI
p`<yaok vaYaI- ivaivaQa kaya-k`maaMnaI Aayaaoijat kolaa jaatao.
yaa gaavaacaI ek klaa ASaI Aaho kI saumaaro 1990 saalaacyaa Aasapasa yaoqao narvaIr tanaajaI maalausaro raht
Asalaolyaa GarasamaaorIla AaMbyaacyaa KaoDavar baIma pDUna <yaa AaMbyaacyaa KaoDamaQauna 200 to 210 jaunao Sas~
saapDlao haoto. prMtu kahI BaamaTyaaMnaI eithaisak puravao AaiNa sarkarcyaa naavaaKalaI toqaIla gaavakyaaMnaa
fsavaUna laMpasa kolao. trIdoKIla yaa izkaNaI eithaisak kaLatIla Sas~o phayalaa imaLtat.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

2. sauyaa-jaI maalausaro samaaQaIsqaana saaKr :

kaMgaaorI gaDakDo jaatanaaca saaKr ho gaava laagato. yaa gaavaacyaa baahor tanaajaI maalausaro yaaMcao QaakTo baMQau sauyaa-jaI
maalasauro yaaMcaI samaaQaI Aaho. <yaaMcaI p<naI satI gaolaI tIcaI doiKla samaaQaI Aaho. yaa gaavaat sauyaa-jaI maalausaro yaaMcaa
vaaDa Aaho. tao pNa pDIk sva$pat Aaho. yaa samaaQaI saMsqaocaI kaLjaI <yaaMcao vaMSaja AajahI Gaot Aahot.

3. kaMgaaorIgaD : maMgaLgaD
paolaadpur pasauna 20 ik.maI var [-SaanyakDo ha gaD Aaho. samaud`sapaTIpasauna 2465 fuT ]McaIvar ha igarIduga- Aaho.
yaa gaDavar saDo yaa gaavaatuna jaavao laagato. hI vaaT ]Byaa caZNaIcaI ivasarDI Aaho. yaa vaaTonao dID tasaaMcaa pllaa
gaazlyaanaMtr icaMcaaoLyaa Aakaracao maaLrana laagato. yaa maaLranaacyaa cahubaajaulaa Kaola drI Aaho. yaa maaLranaavar
iKMD caZuna Aalyaavar AakaSaakDo JaopavaNaayaa kaLyaa sauL@yaavar gaDacao baaMQakama Aaho. ho baaMQakama AatIla
Baagaat tIna ekravar Aaho. yaa vatu-Lakar sauL@yaaMnaa vaoZa dot ek fuT AMtracyaa inamauL<yaa Qaaokadayak vaaTonao
caZUna p`vaoSavdarajavaL paocata yaoto.
yaa gaDavar kaMgaaorI dovaIcao dgaDI maMdIr AsaUna daona KaolyaaMcao AvaSaoYa phayalaa imaLtat. gaDacyaa p`vaoSavdaracao
AvaSaoYa AsaUna tTbaMdI naamaSaoYa JaalaI Aaho. gaDavar paNyaacao dha Tako Aahot. gaDacyaa baalaoiklyaavar
ikllaodaracyaa inavaasasqaanaacao vaaDyaaMcao AvaSaoYa Aahot. tTbaMdI va bau$ja iSallak Aahot.
4. Jaulata pula :
paolaadpurpasaUna 10 iklaaomaITrvar gaaopaLvaaDIjavaLUna vaahNaayaa saaiva~I nadIvar Jaulata pUla Aaho. laaoKMDI maaLIcaa
60 fuT laaMba va tIna fuT$Md ha pUla saaiva~I nadIcyaa daonahI kazavar kmaanaIlaa jaaoDNyaat Aalaa Aaho.yaa Jaulata
pulaaKalaI Kaolavar kaorIva iSalpasaarKo ranagaKLgao Aahot. pavasaaLyaat mahabaLoSvar yaa ]Mca izkaNaava$na KalaI
]DI Gaot vaogaanao saaiva~I nadIcaa p`vaah yaa raMjaNaKLyaat kasaLtao. tovha ]QaaNaacyaa vaoLot duQaaL p`vaah pahtanaa
DaoLyaacao parNao ifTto. saaiva~I nadIcaa jalap`pat kazavar dUrvar psarlaolaI daT JaaDI AaiNa BaatKacaro ho inasagaa-
cao ivalaaoBanaIya va raomaaMcakarI dRSya pahtanaa inasagaa-cyaa AivaYkaracaI ivalaxaNa AnauBaUtI imaLto.

5. maaorJaaot QabaQabaa :
]marzgaavaapasauna daona ik.maI var JaaopDgaavahddIt ha QabaQabaa mhNajao paolaadpurcao BaUYaNa Aaho.]Mca
DaoMgaracyaamaaqyaava$na pavasaacao paNaI 150 fuTKalaI DaoMgarmaaqyaava$na pDto. maaorcyaaipsaayaa p`maaNao Aakar QaarNa
k$na ha QabaQabaa 100 fuTKalaI kaosaLtao. yaa fosaaL p`vaahacyaa tuYaaraMKalaI AaMGaaoLI saazI pya-TkaMcaI gadI-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

mahabaLoSvarcyaa Aa^qa-r saITcyaa Taokkva$na ivastRt p`doSa nyaahaLayalaa imaLto. p`tapgaD rayagaD taorNaa ho
ikllao yaoqaUna idsatat. yaacabaraobar Kalacyaa drI tabaa Qa$na basalaolaa caMd`gaD ]f- ZvaL gaDacyaa ikllaahI laxa
vaoQaUna Gaotao.

ZvaLI nadIcyaa Kaoyaa ha caMd`gaDpuvaI- AavaLIcyaa maaoyaaMcyaa haota.AavaLIcyaa maaoyaaMnaa caMd`rava ha iktaba haota.ha
caMd`rava vaarlyaa naMtr yaa gaadI saazI maaoyaaMmaQyao tMTa ]Baa raihlaa. iSavaajaI rajaaMnaI maQyasqaI k$na tao imaTvalaa AaiNa
yaoqaIla yaSavaMtrava maaoro ha caMd`rava Jaalaa. prMtu <yaanao iSavaajaI maharajaaMcaI vaOmanasya p<k$na maaoGalaaMSaI javaLIk
7. kvaI prmaanaMd samaaQaIsqaL
iSavaajaI maharajaaMcao caaOdavao gau$ kvaI prmaanaMd yaaMcaI samaaQaI paolaadpUr talau@yaat Aaho. mauMba[- gaaovaa mahamaagaa-
varIla paolaadpUr basa sqaanakacyaa maagao hI samaaQaI Aaho. kvaI prmaanaMd ho maULcao Ahmadnagar ijalhyaatIla naovaasao yaa
gaavacao. %yaaMcao AaDnaava naovaasakr %yaaMnaI iSavaajaI maharajaaMcyaa caairHyaavar iSavaBaart gaM`qa ilahIlaa. yaa ga`MqaamauLo
AfJalaKana vaQa AaiNa iSavaajaI maharajaaMcyaa Anaok cair~a%mak pOlauvar p`kaSa pDlaa.kvaI prmaanaMd samaaQaI sqaL
javaL Anaok ikllyaaMcyaa p`itkRtI baGaayalaa imaLtat prMtU ho pya-Tna sqaL f@t eoithaisak dRYTyaa p`isaw Aaho.
yaa izkaNaI kaoNa%yaahI p`karcaa ivakasa maa~ Jaalaa naahI.
8. kuDpNa
kuDpNa ho paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla AitSaya ]Mcaavar AsaNaaro qaMD hvaocao izkaNa Aaho. yaalaa maharaYT/atIla imanaI
mahabaLoSvar AsaohI mhNatat. karNa mahabaLoSvar AaiNa kuDpNao yaaMcyaat Kup saamya Aaho. kuDpNacaI BaaOgaaoilak
rcanaa hvaamaana mahabaLoSvar saarKo Aaho mhNaUna yaa izkaNaalaa imanaI mahabaLoSvar Asao mhNatat.

iSavakaLat yaa gaavaI TohLNaI caaOkIva$na tLkaokNaat nagar zovalaI yaat haotI. r%naaigarI ijalhyaatUna vaahNaayaa
jagabauDI nadIcaa ]gama kuDpNa gaavacyaa DaoMgarat haotao. BaImaacyaa kazajavaL hI nadI SaolaaraMcyaa kuDpNa gaavaatUna
vaaht yao}na AMdajao 400 fuTaMva$na r%naaigarI ijalhyaatIla KoD talau@yaatIla dihvalaI pDgaava yaa gaavaacyaa
pirsarat kaoLsato.
kuDpNa gaavaacaI AaNaKI eoithaisak AaoLK mhNajao narvaIr tanaajaI maalausaro yaaMcao maamaa Saolaar maamaa yaaMcao ho gaava
Aaho. tsaoca mahavaIr ca ivajaoto naa[-k kRYNaa saaonavaNao yaaMcao ho janmagaava 1948 maQyao pak- GausaKaoraMSaI laZtanaa
naaOSaora yaoqao jaKmaI Jaalao. jaKmaI Avasqaot hI %yaaMnaI hat baa^mba maSaInagana caalavaUna 700 pak saOinakaMnaa yamasadnaI
QaaDlao. %yaaMcyaa yaa AtulanaIya SaaOyaa-bad\dla koMd` sarkarnao %yaaMnaa mahavaIr ca p`dana kolao va %yaaMcaa gaaOrva kolaa.
%yaamauLo t$NaaMnaa sfUtI- doNaar ho pya-Tna sqaL Aaho.

kuDpNa gaava ho tIna vaaDyaaMmaQyao tInahI DaoMgaracyaa var AaiNa DaoMgaracyaa kuSaIt vasalaolao Aaho. yaa gaavaatIla

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

laaoksaM#yaa AitSaya ivarL Aaho. bahutaMSa laaok ho raojagaarasaazI mauMba[- puNao gaujarat ASaa izkaNaI sqalaaMtrIt
Jaalaolao Aahot. trI doKIla yaoqaIla BaaOgaaolaIk rcanaomauLo ho gaava pya-Tnaabaabat p`isaw haot Aaho. kuDpNa gaavacaI
KrI AaoLK haoto tI BaImaacaI kazI yaa jaimanaIpasaUna sarLsaaoT AakaSaalaa gavasaNaI GaalaNaayaa sauL@yaamauLo 800
fuT ]Mca Asalaolaa sauLka inasaga-inaima-t cama%kar Aaho. yaa sauL@yaavar caZa[- krNao hI igayaa-raohkaMnaa Aavhana
zrto. mauMba[- va puNyaamaQaIla kahI saMsqaa yaa sauL@yaavar igayaa-raohna krayalaa yaotat.
kuDpNa gaavaatIla vaatavarNa baarahI maihnao qaMDgaar Asato. yaa gaavaatUna inasagaa-cao Anaok Ad\BaUt inasaga-dRYya phayalaa
imaLtat. pavasaaLyaat maaozyaa p`maaNaat QabaQabao pahayalaa imaLtat. Anaok pya-Tk igayaa-raohNaasaazI pavasaaLyaat
yaa izkaNaI yaotat.
kuDpNa gaavaatIla GanadaT jaMgalaamauLo yaa izkaNaI ivaivaQa p`karcao ivaivaQa jaatIcao pxaI yaa izkaNaI AaZLtat.
maaozyaa Aakaracao ga$D saKI iSatcaaocaa maaor paopT [. p`karcaI pxaI ivaivaQata yaa izkaNaI AaZLto. Anaok
BaagaatUna Cayaaica~kar yaaMcao faoTao iTpNyaasaazI yaotat,.
%yaacap`maaNao kuDpNa maQyao p`aNaI ivaivaQata doKIla AaZLto. maaozmaaozalao safod vaanar maakDo vaaGa ica<ao hirNa
kaolho ranaDukro Baokr gavho yaa saarKI p`aNaI maaozyaa p`maaNaat AaZLtat. tsaoca saapaMcyaa ivaivaQa jaatI doKIla
yaoqao AaZLtat.
kuDpNa gaavaatIla vanara[- tr pya-TkaMnaa far AakiYa-t krto ihrvao ihrvao AaiNa AaMbao fNasao yaa JaaDaMnaI
naTlaolao ho sahyaad`Icao pva-t pya-TkaMsaazI ranamaovavaacaI maojavaaNaIca zrto. yaa Baagaat kahI SaotkrI sT/a^baorIcao
]%padna hI Gaotat.

9. maihpt gaD
paolaadpUr maQaIla kaotvaala gaavacyaa maaqyaavar mahIptgaD Aaho. C~ptIMnaI gaDacyaa naajaUk Baagaalaa saha Ba@kma
drvaajao baaMQalao haoto. kaotvaala laalaodvaD pusaahI iSavagaMgaa KoD va Agnaoya idSaokDIla yaSavaMt drvaajaa. gaDacaa
ivastar maaoza AsaUna iSavamaMdIr Aaho. dovaLasamaaor KaodvaI tLo Aaho. inavaasasqaanao va vaaDyaaMcao AvaSaoYa Aahot.
KoD drvaajaajavaL gaNaptI va maa$tI yaaMcyaa maUtI- Aahot. ]<arocaa iSaDIcaa DaoMgar 942 maITr ]Mca Aaho.
10. puratna iSavamaMidr
dovaLo gaavacyaa hd\dIt saaiva~I nadIcyaa payaalagat pUratna iSavamaMdIr AsaUna baaravyaa SatkatIla iSalaahar kaLatIla
ho maMdIr Aaho. yaa maMidracaa iSavakaLat jaINaao-war krNyaat Aalaa. yaa maMidrasamaaor kolaolyaa ]%Knannaat
eoithaisak AvaSaoYa saapDlao Aahot. ho svayaMBaU iSavamaMidr AsaUna mahaiSavara~It yaoqao yaa~a Barto.
11.laaoharo iSavamaMidr
laaoharmaaL yaoqao iSavakaLat h%yaaro banavaNyaacaa karKanaa haota. %yaava$na saaiva~I nadIkaza lagat Asalaolyaa yaa
karKanyaacyaa pirsaralaa laaohar maaL Asao naava pDlao yaoqaIla dgaDI iSalp r%naaigarI yaoqaIla saMga`halayaat Aahot.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

12. kapDo yaoqaIla ramavardaiyanaI maMidr

dovaLo yaoqaIla ica~o GaraNyaacaI ramavardaiyanaI dovaI kulasvaaimanaI Aaho. hI dovaI va jananaImaata yaa daona dovaIMcyaa mautI-
p`tapgaDavar hao%yaa. C~ptI iSavaajaI maharajaaMnaI jaavaLIcao maaoro vaSaMjaakDo jananaI dovaIcaI pUjaa va ramavardaiyanaIcaI
dovaIcaI pUjaa ica~o GaraNyaakDo idlaI. jaavaLI va kapDo Kud- do}L baaMQaUna yaa daona dovaIMcyaa pujaa Acaa- krNyaacaI
vyavasqaa k$na idlaI.

saMSaaoQana pwt :

sadr SaaoQainabaMQaatIla maahItI jamaa krNyaasaazI rajap~rayagaD ijalha saamaaijak va Aaiqa-k samaalaaocanap`%yaxa savao-
xaNa AaiNa iWtIya maahItI s~aotacaa ]pyaaoga kolaa Aaho.p`aqaimak pwtIcyaa p`SnaavalaI va maulaakt pwtIcaa vaapr
k$na 100 pya-TkaMcyaa maulaaKtI Gao}na inaYkYa- kaZlao Aahot.
inaYkYa- :

paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa 100 pya-TkaMcyaa maulaaKtInaMtr tsaoca p`%yaxa inairxaNa
kolyaanaMtr saMSaaoQakalaa puZIla inaYkYa- saapDlao.

1. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa pya-TkaMmaQyao savaa-iQak p`maaNa ho t$NaaMcao

AaZLto. tr 60 T@ko pya-Tk paolaadpUr maQyao QabaQabao inasagaa-caa Aasvaad GaoNyaasaazI T/^kIMgasaazI
yaotat tr 20 T@ko pya-Tk [ithasaacaa AByaasa krNyaasaazI BaoT dotat.
2. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa pya-TkaMmaQyao javaLpaasa 51 T@ko pya-TkaMnaa yaa
pya-TnasqaLaMcaI maahItI ima~aMkDUna tr 20 T@ko pya-TkaMnaa vat-maanap~atUna imaLto.20 T@ko pya-
TkaMnaa [MTrnaoTva$na maahItI imaLto.yaava$na ho laxaat yaoto kI paoalaadpUrmaQaIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaI
jaahIrat KUp kmaI Aaho .trI Anaok pya-Tk yaa izkaNaaMnaa BaoT dotat.
3. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa pya-TkaMmaQyao 50 T@ko pya-Tk maaihtI va prIsar
samajaUna GaoNyaasaazI ima~ va naatovaa[-kaMcaI madt Gaotat va yaa maaga-dSa-naamauLo to AsamaaQaanaI Asalyaacao
AaZLtat.tsaoca 50 T@ko pya-TkaMnaa pya-TnasqaLaMcaI maahItI va maaga-dSa-na imaLt naahI %yaamauLo Anaok
pya-TkaMnaa paolaadpUrmaQaIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaI saMpUNa- maaihtI samajat naahI va %yaa pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa
pya-TnaapasaUna ho pya-Tk vaMicat rahtat.
4. 75 T@ko pya-Tk pya-TnasqaLI paocaNyaasaazI svat:cyaa vaahnaacaa ]pyaaoga krtaat tr 25 T@ko pya-Tk
basacaa vaapr krtat.yaava$na laxaat yaoto kI yaa izkaNaI jaaNaayaa vaahtUk saaQanaaMcaI kmatrta
maaozyaa p`maaNaat Aaho .%yaamauLo 100 T@ko pya-Tk ho vaahtUkIcyaa saaQanaaMbaabat AsamaaQaanaI Aahot.
yaacaa prINaama mhNaUna paolaadpUrmaQaIla Anaok pya-TnasqaLaMnaa pya-TkaMnaa BaoT dota yaot naahI.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

5. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa 90 T@ko pya-TkaMcyaa mato pya-TnasqaLaMnaa jaaoDNaayaa
rs%yaaMcaa djaa- ha AsamaaQaanakark Aaho .%yaamauLo Anaok pya-Tk pya-TnasqaLI prt BaoT doNyaacaa ivacaar
krayalaa tyaar haot naahIt.
6. 90 T@ko pya-Tk paolaadpUrcyaa pya-TnasqaLI f@t ek idvasaasaazIca pya-TnaasaazI vaoL dotat tr f@t 10
T@ko pya-Tk daona idvasa pya-Tna krtat karNa yaoqaIla Anaok pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa izkaNaI rahNyaacyaa saaoyaI
sauivaQaa ]plabQa naahIt .10 T@ko pya-Tk pya-TnasqaLI rahtat prMtu to naatovaa[-k ima~ tr kahI
talau@yaacyaa izkaNaI Asalaolyaa SaasakIya ivaEaamagaRhat rahtat.prMtu 90 T@ko pya-Tk rahNyaacaI sauivaQaa
nasalyaamauLo pya-TnasqaLI qaaMbat naahIt.
7. paolaadpUrmaQaIla pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa izkaNaI jaaNaaro 40 T@ko pya-Tk Ga$na jaovaNa banavaUna AaNatat tr 20
T@ko pya-Tk svat: banavatat tr 20 T@ko kahIhI na Kataipta jaatat.10 T@ko pya-Tk sqaainak
laaokaMnaa jaovaNa banavaayalaa saaMgatat.ekMdrIt pya-TnasqaLI jaovaNaacaI kaoNatIca saaoya nasalyaakarNaanao pya-
TkaMnaa na jaovata jaatat tsaoca Ga$na jaovaNa banavaUna AaNaavao laagato.tsaoca 90 T@ko pya-TkaMcyaa mato
sqaainak Baagaat kaoNatoca samaaQaanakark dukanao ]plabQa naahIt.
8. paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa 100 T@ko pya-TkaMcyaa mato paolaadpUrmaQyao kaoNa%yaahI
p`karcyaa manaaorMjanaacyaa sauivaQaa ]plabQa naahIt.%yaamauLo yaa izkaNaI pya-Tk jaast kaL qaabaayalaa tyaar
haot naahIt.
9. paolaadpUrcyaa hvaamaanaaba_la inasaga-saaOMdyaa-ba_la tsaoca eoithaisak vaarsaaba_la sava- pya-TkaMcao ]%kRYT mat
AaZlalao prMtu saaoyaIsauivaQaaMcyaa ABaavaamauLo pya-TkaMcao p`maaNa pya-TnaasaazI maaozyaap`maaNaat vaaZlaolao naahI.
10. Anaok pya-TkaMnaa pya-TnasqaLacyaa izkaNaava$na KrodI krayacaI Asato prMtu 90 T@ko pya-TkaMcyaa
mato paolaadpur talau@yaacaI baajaarpoz AsamaaQaanakark vaaTlaI.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

]payayaaojanaa :

paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLacao AQyayana kolyaanaMtr varIlap`maaNao inaYkYaa-tUna AaivakisapNaacaI
karNao ikMvaa pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa samasyaa jaaNavalyaa .yaa samasyaaMvar saMSaaoQakanao puZIla ]payayaaojanaa saucaivalyaa
1. vaahtUkIcyaa saaQanaaMt vaaZ krNao
1.1 Paolaadpurcyaa pya-TnasqaLacyaa izkNaI esa.TI.caI sauivaQaa jaast p`maaNaat ]plabQa kolyaasa sqaainak pya-
TkaMcaI saM#yaa vaaZU Sakto.
1.2 tsaoca sqaainak patLIvar kmaI drat irxaa ]plabQa kravyaat jaoNaok$na pya-TkaMnaa vaoLocaI bacat k$na sava-
pya-TnasqaLaMcaa AanaMd lauTta yao[-la.
1.3 paolaadpurcyaa pya-Tnaat vaaZ krNyaasaazI 'paolaadpUr pya-Tna T^@saI' caI inaima-tI kravaI jaonaok$na yaa T^@saIcaa
vaahnacaalak ha pya-Tna xao~acyaa maahItIba_la p`iSaixat Asaavaa.jaoNaok$na pya-TkaMnaa pya-Tna krNao AiQak
saulaBa hao[-la.

2.pya-TnaacaI p`isawI va maaga-dSa-na :

2.1 paolaadpUrmaQaIla pya-TnasqaLo sahId`Icyaa pva-traMgaat AtISaya duga-ma Baagaat AsalyaamauLo %yaaMcaI AaoLK
AjaunahI laaokaMnaa JaalaolaI naahI .%yaasaazI 'paolaadpUr pya-Tna maaga-dSa-na koMd`' inamaa-Na kravao.
2.2 paolaadpur ho mauMba[- gaaovaa mahamaagaa-var tsaoca mauMba[- mahabaLoSvar rs%yaavar vasalaolao Aaho. yaa izkaNaava$na
Anaok pya-TkaMcaI yao jaa Asato.jar yaa izkaNaI paolaadpurcyaa pya-TnaasaMbaMQaI ica~$paanao tsaoca ivaivaQa
p`kracyaa Cayaaica~aMcyaa sahayyaanao maahItI ]plabQa k$na doNaaro koMd` sau$ kolao tr Anaok pya-TkaMnaa
yaaba_la maahtI imaLNyaasa saaopo jaa[-la.
2.3 tsaoca paolaadpurcyaa pya-TnasqaLaMcaI maahItI p`isaw krNyaasaazI saaoSala imaDIyaacaa vaapr doKIla kravaa.
2.4 yaa pya-Tna maaga-dSa-na koMd`at mahaivaValayaatIla ivaVaqaI- tsaoca sauiSaixat baokar t$NaaMnaa saamaavaUna Gao}na
paolaadpUrcyaa eoithaisak Qaaima-k va naOsaiga-k maahItIcao p`iSaxaNa idlyaasa pya-TkaMnaa %yaacaa laaBa Gaota yao[-la
va %yaamauLo sqaainak raojagaarat vaaZhI hao[-la.
2.5 'paolaadpUr pya-Tna T^@saI' hI doKIla yaa koMd`aSaI saMlagna AsaavaI.
3.rsto sauivaQaa :
paolaadpur ho sahyaad`Icyaa raMgaamaQyao vasalaolao pya-Tna sqaL Aaho AitSaya vaLNaa vaLNaacaa AaiNa inasagaa-nao naTlaolaa
prMtu maR%yaucaa saapLa Asalaolaa kSaoDI GaaT yaaca paolaadpUr maQaUna gaolaolaa Aaho.mhNaUna paolaadpurmaQaIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa
jaaoDNaaro rsto ho AjaUnahI kahI p`maaNaat kccao Aahot to caaMgalyaa djaa-cao va jaast $MdIcao Asaavao.jaoNaok$na yaa
rs%yaaMmaQaUna jaataMnaa DaoMgarraMgaacyaava$na inasagaa-cao Ad\Baut dSa-na pya-TkaMnaa Gaota yao[-la .

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

4.rahNyaacyaa sauivaQaaMmaQyao vaaZ krNao :

paolaadpurmaQaIla pya-Tna sqaLo hI AtIduga-ma Baagaat AsalyaakarNaanao yaa izkaNaI kaoNa%yaahI p`karcaI ha^Tolsa va
inavaasaacyaa sauivaQaa ]plabQa naahIt.prMtu yaaca BaagaatIla Anaok laaok raojagaarasaazI mauMba[- puNao yaa izkaNaI
sqalaaMtrIt JaalaolaI AsalyaamauLo %yaaMcaI Garo irkamaI Aahot. yaa GaraMcaa vaapr jar inavaasa nyaahrI yaaojanao AMtga-t Jaalaa
tr %yaa GaraMcaa vaaprhI hao[-la tsaoca pya-TkaMcaIdoKIla saaoya hao[-la AaiNa sqaainak raojagaarhI inamaa-Na hao[-la.%yaasaazI
Saasanaanao inavaasa nyaaharI yaaojanaocao maaga-dSa-na pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa izkaNacyaa sqaainak laaokaMnaa kravao.AaiNa hI inavaasa
nyaaharI yaaojanaa doKIla 'paolaadpUr pya-Tna maaga-dSa-na koMd`'SaI saMlagna AsaavaI.

5. manaaorMjanaacyaa sauivaQaa :
5.1 paolaadpUrlaa maaozyaap`maaNaat eoithaisak vaarsaa laaBalyaamauLo yaa BaagaatIla Anaok laaokaMkDo eoithaisak vastU

]plabqa Aahot. tsaoca yaa Baagaat Anaok vaastuivaSaard va ica~karaMMcyaa sahayyaanao paolaadpUr taalau@yaat
ek eoithaisak vaastusaMga`halaya inamaa-Na kravao.ho vaastusaMga`halayadoKIla 'paolaadpUr pya-Tna maaga-dSa-na
koMd`aSaI' jaaoDlaolao Asaavao va yaacaI naamamaa~ fI doKIla Gaota yao[-la.yaa vaastusaMga`halayaacaa Anaok pya-TkaMnaa
laaBa Gaota yao[-la.
5.2 tsaoca paolaadpUrmaQyao saaiva~InadIvar Asalaolao ranabaaijaro QarNaat naaOkaivahar sau$ kolyaasa pya-TkaMnaa %yaacaa
AanaMd lauTta yao[-la tsaoca sqaainakaMnaa raojagaarhI ]plabQa hao[-la.
5.3 paolaadpUrcyaa pya-Tnaacyaa ivakasaasaazI paolaadpUr pya-Tna mahao%sava Aayaaoijat kravao.%yaaAaQaaro
paolaadpUrmaQaIla ivaivaQa p`karcaI saMskRtI klaa KaVpdaqaa-Mcao p`dSa-na pya-TkaMsamaaor maaMDta yao[-la .yaacaa

6.paolaadpUr vanapya-Tna :
paolaadpUr ho sahyaad`Icyaa pva-traMgaat vasalaolao pya-Tna sqaL AsalyaamauLo yaa Baagaat maaozyaap`maaNaat ivaivaQa p`karcao
pxaI p`aNaI vanasptI AaZLtat.yaasaazI vanaivaBaagaacyaa sahayyaanao 'paolaadpUr vanadSa-na'ha ]pma vanaivaBaagaacyaa
sahayyyaanao pya-TkaMnaa ek manaaorMjanaacaa Baaga hao} Sakatao.

7.saahsaI pya-Tna koMd` :

paolaadpUr talau@yaat kuDPaNa yaa pya-Tna sqaLI kahI pya-Tk ho saahsaI pya-TnaasaazI yaotat va %yaaizkaNaI ra^k
@laayaibaMgahayakIMga [.p`karcao saahsaI pya-Tna kolao jaato.yaacaa vaapr k$na paolaadpUrmaQyao saahsaI pya-TnakoMd`
sqaapna kolyaasa Anaok t$Na pya-TkaMnaa %yaacaa AanaMd lauTta yao[-la.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

8. vastUivaI :
paolaadpUr maQyao maaozyaap`maaNaat jaMgalasaMp%tI AsalyaamauLo yaa izkaNaI AaMbaokajaUfNasa jaaMBaLo krvaMdosT/a^baorI maQa
ivaivaQa AaOYaQaI vanasptI ]plabQa Aahot.yaa sava- vastUMnaa ivaI krNyaasaazI sqaainak laaokaMnaa eka sqaainak
baajaaracaI vyavasqaa krNyaat yaavaI.jaoNaok$na pya-TkaMnaa vastUKrodI saulaBa hao[-la tr ivao%yaaMnaa vastU yaaogya Baavaanao
ivakNao saaopo jaa[-la.
ASaap`karo paolaadpUrmaQaIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaa saMSaaoQakanao AQyayana kolyaanaMtr kahI
samasyaa dUYTIxaopaasa Aalyaa %yaavar saMSaaoQakanao paolaadpUr talau@yaatIla pya-Tnaacaa ivakasa haoNyaasaazI varIlap`maaNao
]payayaaojanaa saucaivaNyaat Aalyaa Aahot.

saMdBa- saUcaI :

1. p`a.GaOsaasa EaIinavaasa samaga` kaokNa dSa-naiDsaoMbar 2004manaaormaa p`kaSana mauMba[-.

2.Da^.paTIla gaMgaaQar iva kayaMdo saMSaaoQana pwtI Aa^@Taobar 2004 caOtnya p`kaSananaaiSak.
3.Da^.GaarpUro iva{la pya-Tna BaUgaaola jaUna 2001 ipMpLopUr p`kaSananaagapUr.
4. doSamauK ra.naI. Aaplaa rayagaD ijalha jaanaovaarI 2011 klpnaa p`kaSananaaMdoD.
5. GaaNaokr p`.ko. saad sahyaad`IcaI BaTkMtI ikllyaaMcaI eip`la 1996 snaohla p`kaSanapuNao.
6. gauNaajaI imalaIMdmaaJaI maulauKigarI Aa^@Taobar 1998rajahMsa p`kaSana puNao.
7.maharaYT/ pya-Tna saMdBa- maharaYT/ SaasanamauMba[-.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Ckkcklkgsc dsnkjkaps fonHkkZrhy lgdkjh pGoGhrhy fo'ks"k ;ksxnku

vgen gqlsu 'ks[k

izLFkkihr vkFkhZd O;oLFksyk dks.krkgh /kDdk u ykork] ok R;kaP;k'kh la?k"kZ u djrk
lkekftd leL;k lksMo.;kps ,d mRre lk/ku Eg.kts lgdkjh pGoG gks;- ,[kknh izpyhr
O;oLFkk u"V d:u nqljh O;oLFkk fuekZ.k dj.ks gs dzkarhps mf|"V vlrs rj ifjLFkhrh'kh
feGrs tqGrs ?ksoqu] lgdk;Z ?ksoqu lkekftd {ks=kr vkfFkZd lekurk izLFkkihr dj.;kps
mf"V lgdkj {ks=kps vlrs ckcklkgsc dsnkj ;kauh vkiY;k usr`Ro dkS'kY;kus fonHkkZr
lgdkjkps tkGs fo.kys ;k lgdkj {ks=ke/;s lgdkjh irlaLFkk] lsoklaLFkk] nqX/k dsanzs]] lk[kj dkj[kkus] d`"khZ mRinu cktkj lferh] O;oLFkkiu rFkk foiuu laLFkk mH;k
d:u fonHkkZP;k 'ksrd;kpk lkekftd rFkk vkfFkZd Lrj mapko.;kpk ckcklkgsckuh iz;Ru
dsyk- vR;ar mPp izfrps /;s;] jk"Vfuehrhps dk;Z iq.kZi.ks ;'kLoh gksoq 'kdys ukgh-
lgdkjkph rRos [kksyoj u :tY;keqGs vFkok lgdkjkph QGs dsoG dkgh cq/nheku
O;DrhP;k ?k'kkr xsY;kus lgdkj {ks=kPkk gok rso<k ykHk lektkyk >kysyk fnlr ukgh- ;k
lgdkj {ks=kpk fdrh dlk vkg.k dks.kkyk ykHk >kyk] T;kaP;k lkBh gs lgdkjkps rRo
fLokdkjY;k xsys R;kaP;k i;Zar ykHk iksgpyk dk\ g;k rRokus [kjks[kjhp lektkps fo{kerk
nqj >kyh dk- fgp leL;k vlqu R;kP;k lek/kku lq=kpk 'kks/k ?ks.;kpk ;k l'kks/kukr iz;Ru
dj.;kr ;sbZy- mPp rRos mnkRr /;s; izpaM vk'kkokn vlrkauk vkf.k 'kDrheku usr`Ro ykHkys
vlrkukagh ;'kkps izek.k deh vkf.k ykHkkps QG lkekU;ki;Zar dk ikspys ukgh ;kapk 'kks/k
?ks.;kpk iz;Ru lnj la'kks/kukrqu ?ksryk tk.kkj vkgs-
vfregRokps 'kCn % ckcklkgsc dsnkj] lgdkj pGoG] d`"kh mRiUu cktkj lehrh] ukxiqj

izLrkouk %& izpaM /;s;okn] nqnZE; bPNk'kDrh] vFkd ifjJe vkf.k ldkjkRed
n`"Vhdks.kkP;k cGkoj ts >si ?ksrkr- dr`Rokph f'k[kjs R;kaP;k ik;koj yksVkax.k ?kkyrkr
usr`Rokph rs iszj.kk Bjrkr] vlsp ,d iszj.kknk;h usr`Ro Eg.kts lgdkj egkhZ ckcklkgsc
dsnkj] dr`Rokf'kok; eksBsi.k feGr ukgh- vkiY;k vQkV dr`Rokus T;kauh fonHkkZpsp uOgs rj
laiq.kZ egkjkVkfry tursps g~n; ftadys vls usrs Eg.kts ckcklkgsc dsnkj] fo/kk;d vkpj.k]
iqjksxkph fopkj rFkk dMd f'kLrhus ckcklkgsckauh usr`Rokph vusd f'k[kjs iknkdzkar dsyh-
bfrgklkr Mksdkowu] orZekukpk fopkj d:u Hkfo;kpk os/k ?ks.;kph nqjn`"Vh ckcklkgsckauk
ykHkyh gksrh- vR;ar dMd LoHkko] Li"VoDrsi.kk vlwugh lkgsckauh laiq.kZ egkjk"Vkr
vknjkus LFkku feGoys- drZ`RokP;k ekrhrwu tUekyk vkysyh ek.kls usr`RokP;k iVykoj
vkiyk vehV Blk lkgsckauh meVoysyk vlY;kus bfrgkl fu'phrp uksan ?ksbZy-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

d.k[kj usr`Ro] [kachj iz'kkld] eqjCch vkf.k iqjksxkeh fopkjlj.khps

/kuh v'kh lkgsckaph vksG[k] R;kaP;k nqjn`"Vh vkf.k / usr`Rok[kkyh fonHkkZrhy lgdkj
{ks=kus izxrhps vusd VIis xkBys] dkWVu QsMjs'ku]] nqX/km|ksx] d`khmRiUu cktkj
lehrh] lgdkjh lsok laLFkk] irlaLFkk b-uh-izpaM Hkjkjh ?ksryh vkgs- loZlkekU;kps fgr ti.ks
vkf.k fodklkP;k okVk''kks/k.ks gkp lkgsckaP;k fopkjlj.khpk dsanzfcanw gksrk-

Hkkjrkyk Lokra= feGowu ns.;klkBh dsoG egku O;Drhauhp iz;Ru dsys ukgh
rj R;kaP;k izsj.ksus lkekU; ek.klkauhgh izk.kkph ckth ykoyh- vlkekU; rs lekU;kaP;k
iz;rukus ns'k Loar= >kyk- xka/khthP;k jkejkT; ;k ladYiusrhy ^Lo;aiq.kZ xzke* ;k ladYikuk
iqfrZlkBh vusd xzkeh.k usr`Ro dk;kZl ykxys R;ke/;s ckcklkgsc dsnkj ;kaps uko izkeq[;kus
?;kosrp ykxsy- ckcklkgsckauh Lokra= pGoGhr lgHkkx vkf.k rq:axokl Hkksxyk- xzkeh.k
Hkkxkr tUe ?ksrY;kus xzkeh.k tursps] ''ksrd&;kaps nq%[k vfr'k; toGwu ikfgys vlY;kus
''ksrh vkf.k ''ksreky ;kaP;k'kh laca/khr {ks=kr dk;Z dsY;kf'kok; jkejkT;kph fuehZrh gks.kkj
ukgh ;kph tk.kho >kyh gksrh vkf.k ;k tk.khosrwup lgdkj {ks= mHks jkgk;yk lqjokr >kyh-

e- xka/khthaP;k xzkeLokoyach dj.;k laca/khP;k fopkjlj.khpk izHkko ckcklkgsc

dsnkj ;kapsoj iMyk gksrk vkf.k Eg.kwup fofo/k lgdkjh laLFkkps tkGs xzkeh.k Hkkxkr
xzke Lokoyach dj.;kpk R;kapk iz;Ru jkghyk ckcklkgsc dsnkj Eg.kts lgdkj {ks=krhy
dk;Zizo.k usrs xkokaph vkFkhZd n'kk lq/kkjY;k f'kok; lektkP;k izxrhl fn'kk nsrk ;s.kkj
ukgh ;kph tk.kho ckcklkgsckauk gksrh vkf.k R;kaauh lqjokr ^dkiwl* ;k fidkiklwu
dsyh- ^ika<js lksus* fido.kk&;kaP;k ftoukrhy ^dkGks[k* nwj lkj.;klkBh dcaj dlyh-
dkiwl fodfo.kk&;k ''ksrd&;kaP;k nqnsZokyk ^dkiwl ,dkf/kdkj ;kstuk* Onkjs fnyklk
feGkyk- ''ksrd&;kaP;k ekykpk Hkko Bjfo.;kps vf/kdkj T;k nyky O;kikjh oxkZdMs gksrs
R;kyk rMk[kk clyk- ;k ;kstuseqGs ''ksrd&;kauk geh Hkko feGk;yk ykxyk vkf.k fnol
ikyVk;yk lqjokr >kyh- ckcklkgsckaP;k izsj.ksus fonHkkZr lgdkjkps okjs okgw ykxys-
Lora= egkjk"VkP;k 1962 lkyh >kysY;k izFke ft- i- fuoM.kwdhr
ikV.klkoaxh ;k tUexkao {ks=krwu R;kaph fuoM >kyh- vkf.k th-i-ps rs izFke v/;{k cuys- th-
i-pk v/;{k Eg.kts xzkfe.k pk eq[;ea=hp vlrks- ckcklkgsckauh 1975 i;Zar vkiY;k 'kDrhpk
mi;ksx xzkeh.k {ks=kP;k fodklkBhp dsyk- ckclkgsckauh lgdkj {ks=kr th fofo/k dk;Z dsyh-
R;krhy lokZr egRoiw.kZ dk;Z Eg.kts dGeuk ;sFkhy d`"kh mRiUu cktkj lehrh ph LFkkiuk
gks;- laiw.kZ Hkkjrkyk Hkqk.kkon okVkoh v'kh laLFkk ckcklkgsckauh egkjk"V d`"kh mRiUu [kjsnh
fodzh fu;eu vf/kfu;e 1963 uqlkj 16 uksOgsacj 1974 yk cktkj lehrhph LFkkiuk dsyh-
'ksrd&;kadjhrk loZ lks;hauh ;qDr ,d dk;Z{ke cktkjlehrh Eg.kwu ;k laLFksl vkiyh izfrek

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

fuekZ.k dj.;kr ;'k izkIr

>kys vkgs- lnj laLFkk LFkki.ks iqohZ cktkj gs egkuxj ikyhdk {ks=kr Hkjr vls]
vLoPNrk] vlqfo/kk] viqjs jLrs] jgnkjhrhy vMFkGs] ikdhZax O;oLFkk ul.ks] fot &
ul.ks] ''ksreky Bso.;kl iqjs'kh tkxk ul.ks- ;k izkFkfed lks;hapk vHkko gksrk- ;kf'kok;
cktkjgh fofo/k ifjljkr fo[kqjysys gksrs- lehrhus ;k loZ ckchapk fopkj d:u ukxiwj
'kgjkr fo[kqjysY;k cktkjkauk ,dMk vk.k.;kph ;kstuk vk[kyh- dGeuk jsYos LVs'ku
yxrph tkxk uklqiz dMwu 125 ,dj tkxsph fuoM dsyh- o fn- 10@07@1981 yk uklqiz us
110 ,dj tehuhpk rkck 50]000 @& :- ;k njkizek.ks ykowu lehrhyk tkxk fnyh- uklqiz us
R;kaps fnukad 10@01@1986 ps vkns'kkuqlkj 55-44 y{k izzO;kth vkf.k 1-1 y{k okf"kZd
Hkq&HkkVdkaoj eatwj dsyh- cktkj lehrhus 110-88 ,dj tkxspk] fiz;h;e] Hkw&HkkVd o
R;kojhy O;ktsps fizeh;e Hk:u pqdrs dsys-

Ckktkj lehrhus fdyksZLdj dalyVaV] iq.ks ;kapsdMwu >ksuy IyWu o

fQthchyhVh fjiksVZ lu 1982 iklwu r;kj d:u ?ksrys vkgs- 1986 e/;s jkVh; d`"kh vkf.k
xzkfe.k fodkl cWd ;kaps lqpusuqlkj nq:Lr d:u ?ksryk- cktkj lferhus ukxiwjps iz[;kr
okLrqf'kYidkj Jh f'konkuey ;kaps dMwu cktkj fodkl ;kstuspk IyWu r;kj d:u ?ksryk o
ekdsZV ;kMZP;k fodklkPkh tckcnkjh lksiowu rRdkyhu mieq[;ea=h ek-uk-Jh-jkejkoth
vknhd ;kaps gLrs fn- 06@06@1983 yk cka/kdkekps Hkwfeiwtu laiUu >kys- lehrhus cktkj
fodklkph dkes o cka/kdkekdjhrk nksu VIis fu'phr dj.;kr vkys- 1986 e/;s fejph xqjs
cktkj o la=k cktkj] 1988 e/;s /kkU; cktkj rlsp 1992 e/;s dkank & cVkVk cktkj 2010
e/;s /kkU;cktkj] Qqys cktkj cgqrka'k lehrhP;k vkokjkr LFkkukarjhr >kyk vkgs- ;kf'kok;
2013 e/;s uohu Hkkth cktkj xksnke o U;q xzsu gksylsy ekdsZV ;sFks 2 xksnkekps Hkqfeiwtu ek-
uk-Jh jk/kkd`".k fo[ks ikVhy] d`kh ea=h e-jk-;kaP;k gLrs laiUu >kys vlwu lnj dkes cktkj
lnj dkes cktkj vkokjkr lq: vkgsr- ;k cktkjkr 2015 & 2016 o"khZ 734035 esVhd Vu
d`"kh ekykph o ljkljh 2509 dksVh :i;kaph myk<ky >kyh o cktkj lehrhy cktkj Qh
P;k :ikus 25-09 dksVh :- ps mRiUu feGkys ;k cktkj lehrhoj vktferhl dks.kR;kgh
laLFkps dtZ ulwu ''kklu vuqnku izkIr gksrs- lnj cktkj lehrhP;k vkokjkr fofo/k lks;h
loyrh ''ksrdjh O;kik&;kauk fnY;k tkrkr %&
''ksrdjh Hkou %
cktkjkP;k vkokjkP;k e/;Hkkxh 29 y{k :- xqaro.kwd d:u 175 ''ksrdjh
cka/ko ,dkp osGh jkgrhy- v'kh fuokl O;oLFkk dj.;kr vkyh vkgs- ''ksrdjh Hkou loZ
lks;h lqfo/kkauh lqlTTk vkgs- ;k ''ksrdjh Hkoukl olarjko ukbZd ''ksrdjh fuokl vls
ukedj.k dj.;kr vkys vkgs-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

iksyhl LVs'ku %
iz'kLr v'kh iksyhl LVs'kuph bekjr mHkkj.;kr ;smu dk;nk & lqO;oLFkk jk[k.;kr ;'k
izkIr >kys vkgs-

cWd %
lehrhP;k vkokjkr lkr cWdkP;k ''kk[kk lw: vlqu R;kr iatkc uW'kuy cWd] uk-ft-e-l-cWd
ukxiwj ukxfjd cWd] lkjLor cWd] turk lsok lg- cWd] o/kZeku lgdkjh cWd] Jhjke cWd
dk;Zjr vkgsr-

fo|qr O;oLFkk %
cktkj vkokjkrp lferhus 1250 ds-Ogh-,- {kersps bysDVhd lc LVs'ku LFkkihr dsysys vkgs-
rlsp fot iqjoBk [kaMhr gksM u;s] ,Dliszl fQMjph O;oLFkk lq/nk dsysyh vkgs-

lax.kdhdj.k %
lehrhus lu 2000 iklwu 2003 i;Zar VI;k &VI;kus vIyhds'ku lkWVosvj r;kj dsys vlwu
lehrhP;k iz'kkldh; Hkouk'kh ok;jysl o vkWDVhd Qk;cjus dscyOnkjs loZ midk;kZy;s]
vkod & tkod] xsV] os&fcztsl tksM.;kr vkysys vkgs-
lehrhP;k lax.kdhdj.kke/;s loZ cktkjkph lsl olwyh] xqjs cktkj] fo|qr chy] chy]
xkGs foHkkx] yk;lal foHkkx] Qk;ukUl] bUogsVjh] MsM LVkWd] dksVZ dslsl] ixkj i=d] gh
loZ dkes lax.kdkOnkjsp dsY;k tkr vkgsr- ;k f'kok; fg osclkbZV
r;kj d:u njjkstps cktkjHkko miyC/k d:u fnY;k tkrs- ojhy izdYi gk uk uQk uk rksVk
;k rRokoj pkyfo.;kr ;sr vlqu ftYgkrhy leLr ''ksrdjh cka/ko ;kpk mi;ksx gksr
vkgsr- g;k izdkjpk midze jkcfo.kkjh ,deso cktkjisB Bjyh vkgs-
xzaFkky; %
''ksrh rFkk ''ksrekyk'kh laca/khr 1500 iqLrds rlsp izkstsDVj Onkjs ''ksrd&;kauk ekxZn'kZu gs
;k lehrhps oSf'k"V;p gks;-

fi.;kP;k ik.;kph O;oLFkk %

egkuxj ikyhd Onkjk izkIr viqjk iqjoBk o Hkfo;krhy ik.;kph xjt y{kkr ?ksrk
lehrhus 3-5 dksVh :i;s [kpZ d:u dUgku unhP;k ik=koj xknk ;sFks tkxsph fuoM d:u
ik.;kph leLFkk nwj dsyh-

iz'kkldh; Hkou %
lehrhsus vkiY;k vkokjkr gks.kk&;k izpaM O;ogkjkoj y{k Bso.;klkBh e/;Hkkxh iz'kkldh;

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

Hkou mHkkjys vkgs- O;kikjh] vMrs] geky] etwj] ''ksrdjh ;kaps ok<rs O;ogkj] O;ogkjkaph
ok<rh O;kIrh] ok<rh vkod ;k loZ ckyhoj y{k Bso.;klkBh rlsp vpwu ifj.kke izkIrhlkBh]
dk;Z{kerk okBhlkBh gs iz'kkldh; Hkou mi;ksxh Bjys vkgsr- cktkj lehrhrQsZ fofo/k
;kstuk jkcoY;k tkrkr R;ke/;s %

ekrh ifj{k.k iz;ksx'kkGk %

lehrh rFkk baMh;u QkjelZ QfVZyk;>j dks&vkWi-fyehVsM ufo fnYyh ;kaP;k lkg~;kus
vn;kor ekrh ifj{k.k iz;ksx'kkGk gh 15-22 y{k :- [kpZwu mHkkjyh vlwu 10 y{k :-
fderhps midj.ks clfoyh vkgsr-

'ksreky rkj.k ;kstuk %

''ksrekykyk ;ksX; Hkko feGkok ;klkBh xksnke miyC/k d:u ns.;kr vkyh vlwu lehrh
Lofu/kh e/kwu ''ksreky rkj.k ;kstuk jkcfoys vkgs- R;kdjhrk ''ksrd&;kauk 75 VDds vxzhe
fnY;k tkrks-

Ckka/kdke o tehufo'k;d ekghrh %

U;q- dkWVu ekdsZV x.ks'kisB ;sFks 3 ,dj tkxsr v|;kor vkarjjkVh; ntkZps okrkuqdwyhr
Qqy ekdsZV mHkkj.ks- CkqVhcksjh ;sFks /kkU; cktkj lq: dj.ks djhrk ladwy mHkkj.ks-

ekdsZV ;kMZ ifjljkrhy laiw.kZ /kudpjk tek d:u] izdzh;k d:u ck;ks lh,uth xWl r;kj
dj.;kpk izdYi izLrkfor vkgs- lferh vkt vkFkhZd n`V;k l{ke vlwu dks.kR;kgh izdkjps
dtZ laehrhoj ulwu ;kps Js; lehrhyk izkIr gks.kk&;k mRiukps ;ksX; fu;kstu gks;-
lferhyk ^cktkj Qh* P;k ek/;ekrwu mRiUu izkIr gksrs- 100 :- [kjsnhoj 1 :- Qh vkdkjyh
tkrs- ;kf'kokl vuqKkIrh Qh olwy dsY;k tkrs- ;k f'kok; dkVk Qh] lk{kkadu Qh olwyh
dsY;k tkrs- gh vkdMsokjh [kkyhy izek.ks vkgs-

v-dz- fooj.k vkdMsokjh y{kke/;s

2011& 12 12&13 13&14 14&15 15&16
1 Ckktkj Qh 1559-77 1591-00 1778-40 2235-43 2509-04
2 vuqKkIrh Qh 4-96 3-60 3-17 4-75 3-13
3 dkVk Qh 41-27 49-22 44-61 49-68 51-38
4 Lkk{kkad.k Qh 0-08 0-09 0-09 0-08 0-08
,dq.k 1606-08 1643-91 1826-27 2287-94 2561-55

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

v-dz- vuqKkIrhpk izdkj vkdMsokjh y{k :i;kr

2011& 12 12&13 13&14 14&15 15&16
1 O;kikjh 2828 2805 2439 2790 2409
2 vMrs 894 874 965 936 945
3 nyky 86 91 85 115 65
4 geky 1560 1241 1102 943 791
5 ekikjh 102 83 69 60 60
6 enrful 11 9 4 4 2
7 izfdz;k 189 169 151 178 137

,dq.k 5018 5272 4815 5026 4409

,dq.k tek & [kpZ] dkes ikgrk lgdkjh laLFkkaps lapkyu ;ksX; O;DrhP;k gkrh vlys rj
laLFkk d'kh ykHkkr vkf.k vkn'kZ Bjrs ;kps eqrhZear mnkgj.k Eg.kts d`"kh & mRiUu cktkj
lehrh] dyeuk] ukxiwj gks;- lnj lferhps lHkkirh in ckcklkgsc dsnkj ;kaP;k rkyehr
r;kj >kysys Jh- vgen ckcw ''ks[k ;kapsdMs vlwu R;kauh] ckcklkgsc dsnkj ;kaP;k
ekxZn'kZukr ek;klkj[ks vusd dk;ZdrsZ ?kMys] ok<ys vkf.k izLFkkfir >kys R;kr lkgsckapk
eksBk okVk vkgs- R;kaP;k usr`Rok[kkyh eyk ts dkgh f'kdrk vkys] vuqHkork vkys vkf.k
R;kaP;kdMwu th enr feGkyh rh f'knksjh ?ksup eg vkti;Zarpk izokl dsyk vkgs- g;k
cktkjlehrhph LFkkiuk lkgsckauh T;k mnkRr gsrwus dsyh- rks gsrw iw.kZ dj.ks dfjrk eh ru]
eu] /kukus >Vr vlwu lgdkjh laLFkkaph izxrh d:u ''ksrdjh cka/kokps ftoueku
lq/kkj.;kps lkgsckaps y{; izR;{kkr vk.k.ks fgp R;kauk [kjh J/nkatyh Bjsy ;kph eyk tk.kho
vkgs vls HkkofoHkksj gksu lkafxrys-

Ckkcklkgsc dsnkj ;kaph nqjn`"Vh] jktdkj.kkyk lkekthd vk'k; izkIr d:u ns.;kph /kMiM]
loZ lekt ?kVdkauk dosr ?ks.kkjs usr`Ro] yksdkaP;k gkdsyk ^vks* ns.kkjk usrk] Hkfo;kps LoIu
ikg.kkjk usrk] cq/nheku yksdkaP;k ''kks/kkr vl.kkjk usrk] tkrhikrhP;k jktHkkj.kkr u
vMd.kkjk] LiVoDrk] [kMs cksy lquko.kkjk drZcxkj eqykauk fuoMwu] jktdh; f'k{k.k nsmu
jktdkj.kkr la/kh ns.kkjk ,deso usrk] ikWiwyWjhVh ekxs u tk.kkjk ckcklkgsckaps fopkj vR;ar
larqfyr o fodklfHkeq[k vkgsr- fopkjkr Li"Vrk cksy.;kr lafnX/krk ukgh] LoIukdqi.kkyk
ftoukr LFkku u ns.ks] okLrokps Hkku Bso.ks] fLrehr dj.kkjh Loej.k'kDrh] vlk/kkj.k
bPNk'kDrh dekyhpk la;e vkf.k izpaM v'kh dk;Z{kerk ;k pkj nqehZG xq.kkapk laxzgh
R;kaP;kdMs gksrk- ''ksdMks dk;ZdR;kZauk ukokfu'kh vksG[kw.k gkd ns.kkjk usrk ^gks;*]
ckcklkgsckaps laiq.kZ tho.k ,d vkn'kZ Bjrs- jktdkj.k rFkk lektdkj.kkr izos'kksRlqd
r:.kkalkBh ckcklkgsckaps ftou Eg.kts iszj.kspk v[kaM okg.kkjk >jkp gks;-

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

lanHkZ %&
1- d`- m-ck-l-ukxiwj] vgoky 2015 &16
2- nS- yksdlRrk] ukxiwj
3 ckcklkgsc dsnkj xkSjo fo'ks"kkad

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa samasyaa'

EaI.ivaSao ivalaasa esa.ema.pI.e.esa.saI.mahaivaValayapnavaolarayagaD.
gaaoYavaara :

maharaYT/atIla kaokNa ivaBaagaat maharaYT/ Saasanaamaaf-t kaokNaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa ivakasaacao p`ya%na caalaU
Aahot.prMtu sava-ca pya-Tna sqaLaMcaa ivakasaacyaadRYTInao ivacaar kolaa jaat naahI.%yaamauLo kaokNa ivaBaagaatIla Anaok
pya-Tna sqaLo pya-Tnaacyaa dRYTInao saxama AsaunadoKIla %yaaMcaa ivakasaacyaa dRYTInao AjaunahI ivacaar kolaa gaolaolaa
naahI.yaacap`karo zaNao ijalhyaatIla maurbaaD talauka pya-Tnaacyaa dRYT/Inao saxama AsataMnaahI yaoqaIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaa
ivakasa Jaaloalaa naahI .%yaamauLo yaa pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa AivaksaitpNaacyaa samasyaa kaoNa%yaa Aahot ho SaaoQaUna %yaavar
kaoNa%yaa ]payayaaojanaa krta yaotIla ho yaa SaaoQainabaMQaat maaMDNyaacaa p`ya%na saMSaaoQakanao kolaolaa Aaho.
AtImah%vaacao Sabd : saahsaI pya-Tna gaaorxagaD maicCMd`gaD hirScaMd`gaD.

P`astavaNaa :
saQyaacyaa kaLat jaagaitk Aqa-vyavasqaot kmaI BaaMDvalaat AiQak ]%pnna imaLvaUna doNaara vyavasaaya mhNaUna pya-Tna
vyavasaayaakDo pahIlao jaato.%yaat jaagaitk Aqa-vyavasqaot f`ansa spona yau.esa. caIna yau.ko. riSayaa qaayalaMD
yaasaarKo doSa Aga`osar AsaUna Baart doSa pya-TnaacyaadRYTInao samaRw AsaUnadoKIla pya-Tna vyavasaayaat maagao rahIlaa
Aaho.%yaamauLo BaartatIla rajyaaMmaQyao AVaphI pya-Tnaabaabat dula-ixat rahIlaolyaa pya-TnasqaLaMcaa ivakasa kolyaasa
%yaacaa fayada BaartIya Aqa-vyavasqaolaa na@kIca hao[-la.maharaYT/atIla kaokNa ivaBaagaatIla zaNao ha ijalha doKIla pya-
Tnaabaabat samaRw Asalaa trI yaa ijalhyaathI pya-Tnaacyaa ivakasaacaa ABaava Asalyaacao jaaNavato .karNa yaa
ijalhyaatIla ivaivaQa talau@yaaMmaQyao AVaphI pya-Tnaabaabat dula-ixat Asalaolyaa pya-TnasqaLaMcaa ivakasa Jaalaolaa
AaZLt naahI. zaNao ijalhyaatIlaca maurbaaD talau@yaacyaa pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa pya-Tnaabaabat ivacaar kolyaasa yaa
talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLo hI jaagaitk pya-Tnaacyaa patLIcaI AsataMnaahI AVaphI pya-Tnaabaabat dula-ixat rahIlaolaI
AaZLtat. jar yaa pya-Tna sqaLMacaa ivakasa Jaalaa tr yaoqaIla Baagaat badla hao[-laca %yaasaaobat zaNao ijalhyaatIla va
maharaYT/ rajyaacyaa pya-Tna vyavasaayaathI AiQak Bar pDola.mhNaUna p`stut SaaoQainabaMQaat maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-
Tnaacyaa dRYTInao dula-ixat rahIlaolyaa pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa AivakisatpNaacaI karNaosamasyaa va %yaavar ]payayaaojanaa
saucaivaNyaacaa p`ya%na krNyaat Aalaa Aaho.
]_IYTo :
P`astut SaaoQainabaMQaasaazI saMSaaoQakanao puZIla ]_IYTyao ivacaarat GaotlaI Aahot.
1. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla ivaivaQa pya-Tna sqaLaMcaI maahItI jaaNaUna GaoNao.
2. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa izkaNaI rstovaahtUkIcyaa saaQanaaMcyaa ]plabQata Aaho ka ho jaaNaUna
3. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLI pya-Tnaacyaa iktI saaoyaI sauivaQaa Aahot yaacaI maahItI samajaUna GaoNao.
4. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaabaabat Saasanaacyaa AnaudanaacaI maahItI jaaNauna GaoNao.
5. maurbaaD talau@yaat saahsaI pya-Tna koMd` ivakisat hao} Sakto ka ho tpasaUna pahNao.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

pya-Tnaacaa Aqa- :
pya-Tna ha Sabd Tourism yaa [Mga`jaI Sabdava$na Aalaa Aaho. Tour yaa la^iTna Sabdacaa Aqa- p`vaasa.yaatUna Anaok
saMdBa- tyaar hao}na pya-Tnaacyaa ivaivaQa vyaa#yaa tyaar Jaalyaa Aahot.
vyaa#yaa :
p`a.hma-r Aa^sToilayaa1910
prikya vya@tIcao ivaiSaYT xao~at p`doSaat ikMvaa doSaat Aagamana gamanaBa`maNa va vaastvya mhNajao pya-Tna haoya.
maurbaaD taalau@yaatIla ivaivaQa pya-Tna sqaLo :
zaNao ha ijalha ]<ar kaokNaatIla savaa-t phIlaa ijalha Aaho.yaa ijalhyaalaa gaujarat rajyaacaI saImaa jaaoDlaolaI
Aaho.eka baajaulaa ArbaI samaud`eka baajaulaa gaujarat rajya AaiNa dusayaa baajaulaa mauMba[- ]pnagar ijalha Aaho.yaa
ijalhyaalaa naaiSakrayagaDAhmadnagar puNao [.ijalhyaaMcya saImaadoKIla laagaUna Aahot. zaNao ijalhyaat zaNao
SahratIla kaoipnaoSvar maMidr yao}r ABayaarNya va zaNao SahratIla sqaLaMcaa samaavaoSa Aaho.tsaoca mauMba`adovaIcao maMidr
iTTvaaLa AMbarnaaqacao iSavamaMidrklyaaNa maQaIla dugaa-DI ikllaa va [tr sqaLoivarar yaoqaIla jaIvadanaI maMidr iBavaMDI
yaoqaIla vaj`aoSvarI va gaNaoSapurI badlaapUrAnaa-La ikllaajavhar yaoqaIla rajavaaDa va [tr sqaLoSahapUr maQaIla maahulaI
va Aajaaobaa pva-t tsaoca tanasaa ABayaarNya AaiNa [tr pya-Tna sqaLovaaDa naanaa saaMgao yaoqaIla kaohaojagaD [. pya-
TnasqaLo AaZLtat.%yaacap`maaNao maurbaaD talau@yaathI ivaivaQa pya-TnasqaLo AaZLtat.tI puZIlap`maaNao .

1.gaaorxagaD :
gaaorxagaD ha zaNao ijalhyaatIla maurbaaD talau@yaat vasalaolaa ha gaD saatvaahnakaLacaI AazvaNa k$na
doNaara ek p`acaInagaD Aaho. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla mhsaa yaa gaavaapasaUna AvaGyaa 14 ik.maI AMtravar dohrI
gaavaacyaa baajaUlaa ha gaD idsatao.
gaDacaI vaOiSaYTo :
1 ha gaD saatvaahana kaLatIla eoithaisak mah%vaasaazI p`isaQd\ Aaho.
2 igayaa-raohkaMnaa igayaa-raohNa krNyaasaazI caaMgalaa Aaho.
3 igayaa-raohNa krtanaa inasagaa-cao ivaivaQa do#aavao pahayalaa imaLtat.
4 gaaorxagaDacyaa baajaUlaa isaQdgaD va maicCMd`gaDacao dSa-na haoto.
5 paayaqyaapasaUna tInaSao fUT ]Mca ibakT maaga- AsaUna baajaUlaa #aaola drI Aaho.
6 gaDavar SaovaaLyau@t paNyaacao kaorIva Tako Aaho.
7 gaDavar jaunyaa kaLat kaorlaolaI gauha Aaho. yaa gauhomaQyao saatkNaI- rajavaTItaIla iSalpicaHa #aaodlaoloa
8 gaaorxagaDavarIla dusarI ek gauha Aaho tI gaaorxa gaDacyaa paoTat #aaodlaolaI vaaTto. yaa gauhomaQyao jaaNyaasaazI
payayaa Aahot tsaoca baajaUlaaca paNyaacao kMuDdo#aIla Aaho. mau@kama krNyaasaazI hI gaufa yaaogya Aaho.
9 gaaorxagaDacyaa maaqyaavar f@t daona gaMuzo xao~fLavar gaaorxanaaqaaMcaI p`acaIna samaaQaI Aaho. yaa gaDacyaa
maaqyaava$na naaNaoGaaTacaa pirsar AahupaGaaT isawgaD BaImaaSaMkr maicCMd`gaD AaiNa #aaola dyaa#aaoyaaMcao
ivalaaoBanaIya dRYya pahayalaa imaLtat.
10 vaahtUk : gaaorxagaDavar jaaNyaasaazI maurbaaD pasaUna mhsaa gaavaapya-Mt basa AaiNa #aajagaI vaahnaanao jaaNyaacaI

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

2.isaQd\gaD :
maurbaaD talau@yaat maurbaaDcyaa dixaNa pUvao-laa 16 ik.maI. AMtravar isawgaD naavaacaa ek gaganaJaopI ikllaa GanadaT
ArNya naOsaiga-k gauha GaLI AaiNa ivaivaQa pSau pxyaaMsah ek Aadanao saMskRtI Aaplyaa kvaot GaovaUna ]Baa Aaho. ha gaD
zaNao puNao rayagaD ijalhyaacyaa saImaovar ]Baa Aaho.

isawgaDavar jaaNyaasaazI zaNao maurbaaD esa.TI nao va toqaUna mhsaa Qasa[- maagao- ]calaogaaMvaI yaovaUna payavaaTonao jaavao laagato.
#aajagaI vaahna Asalyaasa isawgaDacyaa dixaNaokDIla jaaMbaulaI QarNaacyaa baajaUnao vana#aa%yaanao baaMQalaolyaa rs%yaanao GaaT
caZt baaorvaaDIt jaata yaoto. samaud`sapaTIpasaUna 1400 fUT ]Mca Asalaolao baaorvaaDI ho AvaGyaa pMQara ek ]MbarzyaaMcao
AaidvaasaI gaaMva sahyaad`Icyaa eona kuSaIt GanadaT jaMgalaanao vaoZlaolao Aaho. yaa gaavaatUna gaDavar payavaaTonao caalat jaavao

vaOiSaYTyao :
1. ?YaImaunaIMcyaa isaw saaQakaMcyaa vaastvyaanao pavana Jaalaolaa puratna gaD Aaho.
2. 1942 saalaI ib`aiTSaaMiva$w svaatMHya laZyaat huta%maa Baa[- kaotvaala AaiNa huta%maa ihrajaI gaaomaa paTIla
yaa k`aMtIvaIraMcyaa bailadanaanao pavana JaalaolaI hI BaUmaI Aaho.
3. samaud`sapaTIpasaUna 3226 fUT ]Mca [ijaPtcyaa ipr^imaDsaarKa ivalaaoBaNaIya vaaTtao.
4. isawgaD BaImaaSaMkrcyaa ABayaarNyaat AsalyaamauLo yaoqao inasagaa-tIla ivaivaQa saaOMdyaa-saaobat ivaivaQa pxaI
p`aNyaaMcao dSa-na haoto.
5. yaoqao pavasaaLyaat ivaivaQa p`karcao QabaQabao AaiNa inasagaa-cao AnaaoKo saaOMdya-acao dSa-na haoto.
6. isawgaDavar icarobaMdI drvaajaa AaiNa toqauna Aajaubaajaucyaa prIsaracao inasaga-saMpnna prIsar phayalaa imaLto.
7. baalaoikllyaacaa maaqaa 75 fUT laaMba va 245 fUT $Md Aaho.gaDavar ek iSavamaMidr AsaUna jalakuMD doKIla
Aaho %yaasaaobat eoithasakalaIna GaraMcao va ikllyaacyaa tTbaMdIcao AvaSaoYa phayalaa imaLtat.
8. gaDava$na BaImaaSaMkr pdrgaD ZakbaihrI rajamaacaIpayatLI jaaMBauDo- QarNa kaoqaLagaD maaiNakgaD
knaa-La maaqaorana p`baLgaD poba malaMgagaD maahulaIgaD gaaorxagaD maicCMd`gaD [.Anaok gaDikllyaaMcao
dSa-na yaa izkaNaava$na haoto.

3.hirScaMd` gaD :
hirScaMd`gaDalaa daona caar hjaar vaYaa-MpUvaI-caI paOraiNak paSva-BaUmaI laaBalaI Aaho.yaa gaDacaa ]llaoK p`acaIna
AignapuraNaat va ma%syapuraNaat AaZLtao.samaud`sapaTIpasaUna 1424 maITr ]McaIvar ha gaD Asalaolaa AaZLtao.yaa
gaDavar jaaNyaasaazI maurbaaD talau@yaatIla baolapaDyaatUna payavaaT Aaho.hIlaaca naLIcaI vaaT mhNatat.yaa vaaTotUnaca
ra^k @laa[MbaIMga krt pya-Tk jaat Asatat.%yaamauLo pya-TkaMnaa tsaoca igayaa-raohkaMnaa yaa gaDacao naohmaIca AakYa-Na
vaaTt Aalaolao Aaho. yaoqao jaaNyaasaazI sqaainak vya@tIMcaI madt GyaavaI laagato.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

gaDacaI vaOiSaYTyao :
1. gaDavar dhavyaa Akravyaa Satkat JaaMja rajaanao baaMQalaolyaa 12 maMidratIla ek hirScaMd`oSvaracao maMidr
2. yaa maMidravar kaorIva gaufa Aaho.maMidracyaa ]%trolaa paNyaacyaa p`vaahanao JaalaolaI QaL Aaho.yaa QaLItca
kodaroSvaracaI laoNaI Aaho.yaamaQyao BalaImaaozI SaMkracaI ipMD Aaho.yaa ipMDIcyaa baajaUlaa paNaI Barlaolao idsato.
3. yaa ikllyaacao AaNaKI ek vaOiSaYTya mhNajao gaDacyaa piScamaokDo Asalaolaa kaokNakDa .ha kDa
maharaYT/atIla savaa-Mt ]Mca kDa Aaho.
4. yaa ikllyaava$na iSavanaorI hDsar caavaMD inamaigarI isaMdaoLa jaIvaQana gaaorKgaD maicCMd`gaD maahulaI
klaaDgaD BaOrvagaD tsaoca kuMjargaD Asao ikllao idsatat.
5. yaa gaDavarIla taramatI iSaKr ho doKIla savaa-t ]Mca iSaKr samajalao jaato.yaacaI ]McaI saaQaarNat: 4850
fuT AsaUna yaa iSaKrat saat laoNyaa ek gaNaoSaacaI saaDoAaz fuTacaI Bavya puratna mautI- Aaho.tsaoca Anaok
gauha AaiNa daonatIna iSavailaMgao Aahot.
6. yaa ikllyaacyaa prIsarat ivaivaQa p`karcyaa vanasptI AaZLtat %yaat krvaMdkarvaIcyaa jaaLI QaayaTI
]xaI madvaolakuDapaMgaLIhokLpanafuTIgaarvaola [%yaadIMcaa samaavaoSa AaZLtao.
7. yaa ikllyaacyaa Baagaat kaolho trsa ranaDukro ibabaLyaa sasao Baokr ranamaaMjaro [.p`karcao p`aNaI
4. naaNaoGaaT

naaNaoGaaT ha pUvaI- vyaaparasaazI p`isaw haota. naaNaoGaaT ha saumaaro savvaadaona hjaar vaYaa-pUvaI- Kaodlaa gaolaa AsaUna
saatvaahna kaLat klyaaNa to p`itYzaNa yaa rajamaagaa-var jaunnar javaL DaoMgar faoDUna naaNaoGaaTacaI inaima-tI kolaI. yaa
naaNaoGaaTacaa vaapr kolyaaba_la yaa vyaapayaaMkDUna jakat jamaa kolaI jaat Asao.%yaa jakatIcaa dgaDI raMjaNa AajahI
toqao phayalaa imaLtao.prMtU Aata ha GaaT To/ikMga krNyaaMcao AakYa-Na hao} laagalaa Aaho. naaNaoGaaTat jaaNyaasaazI
maurbaaD talau@yaatIla vaOSaaKro gaavaatUna rsta Aaho. Aatacyaa p`vaasaat %yaa izkaNaI laagaNaarI ek gauha
pahNyaasaarKI Aaho. %yaat ekacavaoLo 40 45 maaNasao rahU Saktat.tsaoca yaa gauhot 20 AaoLIMcaa b`aamhI ilapItIla
laoKhI kaorlaolaa Aaho.tsaoca saatvaahnaaMcaI iSalpo doKIla kaorlaolaI Aahot.tsaoca gauhovar paNyaacaI tIna to caar
TakIdoKIla AaZLtat.GaaTmaaqyaavar paocalyaavar gaaorxagaDm aicCMd`gaD isawgaD hirScaMd`gaD BaOrvakDa
kaokNakDa AaiNa DavaIkDo AsaNaara jaIvaQana AtISaya manamaaohk idsatat.

5.maaLSaoja GaaT
pya-TkaMcyaa dRYTInao A%yaMt mah%vaacao izkaNa mhNajao maaLSaoja GaaT.maurbaaD talau@yaatIla va zaNao ijalhyaacyaa
saImaaroYaovar maaLSaoja GaaTacaa payaqyaacaa Baaga Asalaolaa AaZLtao.mhNaUna yaa izkaNaI mauMba[- lagat AsaNaaro Anaok pya-
Tk klyaaNa nagar rs%yaacyaa sahayyaanao maaLSaoja GaaTatIla inasagaa-caa AanaMd lauTNyaasaazI pavasaaLyaat gadI- krtaMnaa
AaZLtat. yaoqao maharaYT/ pya-Tna ivakasa mahamaMDLanao pya-TkaMsaazI inavaasaacaI sauivaQaa doKIla ]plabQa kolaI Aaho.
yaa izkaNaI pya-Tk ivaSaoYat pavasaaLyaat BaoT dotat. GaaTatIla saaOMdya pahNao naOsaiga-k QabaQabyaaMKalaI manasaao@t
AMGaaoL krNao GaaTatIla daT Qau@yaacaa AnauBava GaoNao [. sava- gaaoYTIMcaa Aasvaad yaoqao pya-Tk Gaotat. maaLSaoja

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

GaaTajavaLca Asalaolyaa KubaI gaavaajavaL ipMpLgaaMva QarNaacyaa sauMdr jalaaSayaat 'raohIt pxaI'mhNajaoca FlaoimaMgaao mhNaUna
AaoLKlao jaaNaaro ho prdoSaI pxaI saObaorIyaatUna drvaYaI- yaotat.

6. mhsaa :
maurbaaD talau@yaatIla mhsaa ho AitSaya CaoTo gaava Aaho.ho gaava yaoqao AsaNaayaa mhsaaobaa maMidrasaazI va yaoqao BarNaayaa
yaa~osaazI maharaYT/atca navho tr knaa-TkathI p`isaw Aaho.yaa izkaNaI mhsaaobaacao jaagaRt dovasqaana Aaho.yaalaaca
KaMbailaMgaoSvar Asao mhNatat.yaa izkaNaI Anaok pya-Tk f@t yaa~ocyaa vaoLIca gadI- krtanaa AaZLtat.maurbaaD
kja-t rs%yaavar Asalaolao ho gaava pya-Tnaabaabat Ajauna ivakisat Jaalaolao naahI.

7.[tr pya-Tna sqaLo :

maurbaaDcyaa Aajaubaajaulaaca AaNaKI kahI pya-TnasqaLodoKIla Aahot.%yaat BaImaaSaMkracyaa ABayaarNyaacaa kahI
BaagamaicCMd`gaDbaarvaI nadIvarIla QarNa [.pya-TnasqaLaMcaa ]llaoK krta yaotao.

saMSaaoQana pwt :
sadr SaaoQainabaMQaatIla maahItI jamaa krNyaasaazI rajap~zaNao ijalha saamaaijak va Aaiqa-k samaalaaocanap`%yaxa savao-xaNa
AaiNa iWtIya maahItI s~aotacaa ]pyaaoga kolaa Aaho.p`aqaimak pwtIcyaa p`SnaavalaI va maulaaKt pwtIcaa vaapr k$na
87 pya-TkaMcyaa maulaaKtI Gao}na inaYkYa- kaZlao Aahot.
inaYkYa- :
maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa 87 pya-TkaMcyaa maulaaKtInaMtr tsaoca p`%yaxa inairxaNa kolyaanaMtr
va SaasakIya AnaudanaacaI duyyama pwtIcyaa AaQaaro maahItI jamaa kolyaanaMtr saMSaaoQakalaa puZIla inaYkYa- saapDlao.

1. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa pya-TkaMmaQyao 76 T@ko [tko savaa-iQak p`maaNa ho t$NaaMcao
AaZLto tr 24 T@ko p`aOZ mhNajaoca 40 to 50 vayaaogaTatIla pya-TkaMcao p`maaNa AaZLto. ho sava- pya-Tk
QabaQabao inasagaa-caa Aasvaad GaoNyaasaazI T/^kIMgasaazI yaotat.
2. maurbaaD talau@yaat yaoNaaro ho 76 T@ko pya-Tk ho pdvaIQar Asalaolao AaZLtat AaiNa ho sava- pya-Tk
AiQakt: zaNao mauMba[-puNaorayagaDtsaoca nagar ijalhyaatIla Asalaolao AaZLlao.
3. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa pya-TkaMmaQyao javaLpaasa 66 T@ko pya-TkaMnaa yaa pya-
TnasqaLaMcaI maahItI ima~aMkDUna tr 16 T@ko pya-TkaMnaa pustkatUna imaLto.16 T@ko pya-TkaMnaa
[MTrnaoTva$na maahItI imaLto.yaava$na ho laxaat yaoto kI maurbaaDmaQaIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaI jaahIrat KUp kmaI
Aaho .%yaamauLo far kmaI pya-Tk yaa izkaNaaMnaa BaoT dotat.
4. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMnaa BaoT doNaayaa pya-TkaMmaQyao 60 T@ko pya-Tk maaihtI va prIsar samajaUna
GaoNyaasaazI ima~ va naatovaa[-kaMcaI madt Gaotat tr 32 T@ko pya-Tk sqaainak vya@tIMcaI madt Gaotat prMtu yaa
maaga-dSa-naamauLo to AsamaaQaanaI Asalyaacao AaZLtat.karNa yaa pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa izkaNaI paohcaNyaasaazIca
pya-Tk sqaainak vya@tIMcaI madt Gaotat %yaamauLo yaa izkaNaaMba_la pya-TkaMnaa samaaQaanakark maahItI imaLt

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

5. maurbaaD talau@yaat pya-TnasqaLaMpya-Mt jaaNyaasaazI vaahtukIcyaa sauivaQaaMcao p`maaNa AtISaya kmaI Asalyaanao
yaoqao yaoNaaro 87 T@ko pya-Tk svat:cao vaahnaaMcaa vaapr krtat.tsaoca bahutaMSa pya-TnasqaLaMpya-Mt rsto
sauivaQaa nasalyaanao tsaoca sqaainak vaahtuk sauivaQaa nasalyaanao pya-TkaMnaa caalat jaavao laagato.mhNaUna yaa pya-Tna
sqaLI AiQaka AiQak pya-Tk ho pavasaaLyaat T^/kIMgasaazI yaotat.
6. maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLI 94 T@ko pya-TkaMcyaa mato inavaasaacyaa sauivaQaa ]plabQa naahIt.tsaoca
87 T@ko pya-TkaMcyaa mato BaaojanaacaI va nyaaharIcaI vyavasqaa doKIla naahI.
7. %yaacap`maaNao maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLI 86 T@ko pya-TkaMnaa pya-TnasqaLI dukanao va ha^TolacaI
]plabQata nasalyaacao mat spYT kolao.
8. maurbaaD yaoqaIla pya-TnasqaLI yaoNaaro 58 T@ko pya-Tk ho saahsaI pya-TnaasaazI mhNajaoca T/^kIMgasaazI tr 39
T@ko pya-Tk inasaga-QabaQabao yaaMcaa AanaMd GaoNyaasaazI yaotat.
9. maurbaaD yaoqaIla pya-Tna sqaLaMcyaa hvaamaanaaba_la inasaga-saaOMdyaa-ba_la tsaoca eoithaisak vaarsaaba_la sava- pya-
TkaMcao ]%kRYT mat AaZlalao prMtu saaoyaIsauivaQaaMcyaa ABaavaamauLo pya-TkaMcao p`maaNa pya-TnaasaazI
maaozyaap`maaNaat vaaZlaolao naahI.

maurbaaD talau@yaaSaojaarI Asalaolyaa maaLSaoja GaaTavyatIir@t Saasanaacao maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa

ivakasaasaazI kaoNatohI Anaudana idlaolao AaZLt naahI.tsaoca Saasanaacyaa pya-TnaasabaMQaIcyaa kaoNa%yaahI yaaojanaaMcaa
vaapr yaa izkaNaI kolaa jaat naahI.]laT vanaKato va purat%va Ka%yaaMcyaa SaasakIya inayamaaMcyaa ]llaMGaNaacyaa BaItInao
yaoqaIla sqaainak p`Saasana va svayaMsaovaaI saMsqaa doKIla yaabaabat ]daisana Asalaolyaa AaZLtat.yaacaaca Aqa- Saasana
isawgaDgaaorxagaDnaaNaoGaaTmaicCMd`gaDmhsaa [.pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa pya-Tnaacyaa ivakasaabaabat ]daisana Asalyaacao
]payayaaojanaa :

maurbaaD talau@yaatIla pya-Tna sqaLacao AQyayana kolyaanaMtr varIlap`maaNao inaYkYaa-tUna AivakisatpNaacaI karNao ikMvaa
pya-TnasqaLaMcyaa samasyaa jaaNavalyaa .yaa samasyaaMvar saMSaaoQakanao puZIla ]payayaaojanaa saucaivalyaa Aahot.

1.maurbaaD pya-Tna maaga-dSa-na koMd` :

maurbaaD ho klyaaNa nagar mahamaagaa-var tsaoca naaiSak mahamaaga-puNao mahamaaga-var Asalyaanao yaa BaagaatUna Anaok pya-Tk
[tr pya-TnasqaLI jaatat.prMtu maurbaaD maQaIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaI Anaok pya-TkaMnaa maahItI nasalyaanao yaoqaIla pya-
TnasqaLI pya-TkaMcaI gadI- kmaI AsalaolaI AaZLto.mhNaUna maharaYT/ pya-Tna ivakasa mahamaMDLanao sqaainak
p`Saasanaacyaa madtInao maurbaaD yaoqao pya-Tna maaga-dSa-na koMd`acaI sqaapnaa kravaI .tsaoca yaa maaga-dSa-na koMd`at sqaainak
BaagaatIla mahaivaValayaatIla tsaoca sauiSaixat baokar Asalaolyaa t$NaaMcaa samaavaoSa kravaa va %yaaMnaa pya-TnaasaMbaMQaI
p`iSaxaNa Vavao. yaa maaga-dSa-na koMd`acyaa AaQaaro maurbaaD talau@yaatIla sava- pya-TnasqaLaMcaI maahItI va pya-TkaMnaa pya-
Tnaacyaa saaoyaIsauivaQaaMcaa purvaza hao[-la ASaI vyavasqaa AsaavaI .yaa saaoyaIsauivaQaaMsaazI sqaainak BaagaatIla laaokaMcaaca
vaapr kravaa jaoNaok$na sqaainak BaagaatIla mahIlaa pu$YaaMnaa doKIla raojagaar ]plabQa hao[-la.

IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

2.rsto $MidkrNa :
maurbaaD ho izkaNa mauMba[- puNaonagarnaaiSakrayagaDASaa mah%vaacyaa ijalhyaaMcyaa javaL Asalaolaa talauka
Aaho.tsaoca maurbaaD klyaaNanagar mahamaagaa-var va naaiSak mahamaaga-puNao mahamaaga-avar ASaa maQyaBaagaI Asalaolao
izkaNa Aaho.prMtu yaa mahamaagaa-cao rsto AitSaya A$Md Aahot.mhNaUna Saasanaanao yaoqaIla rsto ikmaana caaOpdrI
kravaot.jaoNaok$na maurbaaDmaQaUna ivaivaQa ijalhyaaMmaQaIla vaahtukIsaazI kmaI vaoL laagaola.

tsaoca maurbaaD talau@yaatIla ivaivaQa gaDaMcyaa izkaNaI jaMgalaatIla payavaaTonao jaavao laagato .%yaamauLo yaa Baagaat f@t
kahI t$na pya-Tkca jaaNyaacao p`maaNa AiQak Aaho.jar yaa pya-Tna sqaLaMpya-Mt Saasanaanao p@ko rsto tyaar kolao tr
Anaok pya-Tk yaa izkaNaI pya-Tnaacaa AanaMd GaoNyaasaazI jaatIla.

3.rolvao vaahtUk :
maurbaaD ho izkaNa mauMba[- puNaonagarnaaiSakrayagaDASaa mah%vaacyaa ijalhyaaMnaa jaaoDNaaro mah%vaacao izkaNa Aaho tsaoca
yaa BaagaatUna Anaok vaYao- klyaaNa baID ha rolvaomaaga- p`stavaIt Aaho .tsaoca iTTvaaLa maurbaaD ha laaokla rolvao maaga-
p`staivat Aaho.%yaacap`maaNao ksaara DaoLKaMba Aajaaobaa pva-tGaaTGar p`klpmaaMjaro pzarTaokavaDoSaa[-
QarNamaaLSaoja GaaT payaqaamaurbaaD klyaaNa AsaahI ek rolvao maaga- Saasanaanao tyaar kolaa tr maurbaaD SahapUr
talau@yaatIla pya-TnasqaLaMcaa ivakasa hao}na yaa talau@yaaMmaQaIla jaao Baaga AtImaagaasa samajalaa jaatao %yaaMcaa doKIla
maaozyaap`maaNaat ivakasa hao[-la.

4.hvaa[- vaahtUk :
zaNao ijalhyaatIla itsarI mauMba[-cao Baaikt AsaNaaro izkaNa mhNajao klyaaNa maurbaaDSahapUriBavaMDI
AMbarnaaqabadlaapUr. ASyaa mah%vaacyaa talau@yaaMcaa samaavaoSa itsayaa mauMba[-t kolaa jaaNyaacaI Sa@yata Aaho.yaa
xao~aMcaa yaaogya ivacaar kolyaasa yaa Baagaat mauMba[-laa pyaa-ya mhNaUna ek ivamaanatLacaI AavaSyakta Aaho.mhNaUna Saasanaanao
yaa Baagaat ivamaanatL sqaapna krNyaacaa ivacaar kravaa.

5.raop vao vaahtUk :

maurbaaD talau@yaat isawgaDgaaorxagaDnaaNaoGaaThirScaMd`gaDAaiNa [tr pva-tiSaKrodoKIla Aahot.prMtu yaaMcyaa
BaaOgaaoilak pirsqaItImauLo yaa gaDaMvar yaoNao jaaNao sahja Sa@ya haot naahI.mhNaUna yaa gaDaMvar jaaNyaasaazI Saasanaanao raop vao
tyaar kravaot tsaoca ho sava- gaD jammaU kaiSmar AaiNa ]%traKMDamaQaIla raop vao cyaa QatI-var eokmaokaMnaa jaaoDlyaasa
maharaYT/atIla savaa-Mt AiQak laaokip`ya Asao pya-TnasqaL mhNaUna maurbaaD talau@yaakDo pahIlao jaa[-la.tsaoca yaa
BaagaatUna sahyaad`Icyaa [tr pva-t raMgaaMcyaa ikllyaaMnaa doKIla raop vao nao jaaoDta yaoNyaacaI Sa@yata Aaho ka yaacaa doKIla
Saasanaanao ivacaar kolyaasa jaagaitk pya-Tnaat BaartIya pya-TnaacaI ek vaogaLI p`itmaa tyaar hao} Sakto.

6.saahsaI pya-Tna koMd` :

maurbaaD maQao Anaok pya-Tk ho gaDaMvar saahsaI pya-TnaasaazI mhNajaoca T/^ikMgasaazI jaatat prMtu %yaaMnaa kaoNatohI maaga-dSa-
na nasato mhNaUna ra^k @laMayaibaMga T/^ikMga tsaoca ivaivaQa p`karcyaa saahsaI pya-TnaasaazI saahI%yaacaI ]plabQata tsaoca maaga-
dSa-na k$na doNyaasaazI pya-Tna maaga-dSa-na koMd`acyaa AiQana saahsaI pya-Tna koMd`acaI sqaapnaa kravaI.jaoNaok$na pya-Tk
IMJ International Multi Journal
Vol. IV, No. 1, January - April 2017 ISSN - 2454-2105

f@t pavasaaLyaatca pya-TnaasaazI na yaota vaYa-Bar yaa izkaNaI pya-TnaasaazI yaotIla.

7.vanapya-Tna :
maurbaaD maQyao BaImaaSaMkr ho ABayaarNya AsaUna yaa Baagaat ivaivaQa p`karcao vanya p`aNaIivaivaQa p`karcao pxaIivaivaQa
p`karcaI JaaDo Aahot.yaa Baagaat vanaivaBaagaanao vanaJaaopDyaaMcaI sauivaQaa k$na vanapya-Tnaacaa ivakasa kravaa.

8.kRYaI pya-Tna :
maurbaaD maQyao mhsaa ho pya-Tna sqaL f@t mhsaaobaacyaa yaa~osaazI p`isaw Aaho.mhNaUna yaa izkaNaI pya-Tk f@t
yaa~osaazIca yaotat. yaa BaagaatIla Aajaubaajaucyaa gaavaaMmaQyao ivaivaQa p`maaNaat SaotGaraMcaa ivakasa Jaalaolaa Aaho.yaa
SaotGaraMcaa va SaotIcaa PPP yaa AMtga-t kRYaI pya-Tnaacaa ivakasa kolyaasa yaoqaIla Baagaat vaYa-Bar pya-TkaMcaI gadI-
rahU Sakola.

saMdBa- saUcaI :

1. ToTivalakr sadaiSava duga-saMpda zaNyaacaI EaIkRpa p`kaSana navaI mauMba[-.
2. GaOsaasa EaIinavaasa samaga` kaokNa dSa-naiDsaoMbar 2004manaaormaa p`kaSana mauMba[-.
3. paTIla gaMgaaQar iva kayaMdo saMSaaoQana pwtI Aa^@Taobar 2004 caOtnya p`kaSananaaiSak.
4. GaarpUro iva{la pya-Tna BaUgaaola jaUna 2001 ipMpLopUr p`kaSananaagapUr.
5. doSamauK ra.naI. Aaplaa rayagaD ijalha jaanaovaarI 2011 klpnaa p`kaSananaaMdoD.
6. GaaNaokr p`.ko.saad sahyaad`IcaI BaTkMtI ikllyaaMcaI eip`la 1996 snaohla p`kaSanapuNao.
7. gauNaajaI imalaIMdmaaJaI maulauKigarI Aa^@Taobar 1998rajahMsa p`kaSana puNao.
8. maharaYT/ pya-Tna saMdBa- maharaYT/ SaasanamauMba[-.

A Peer - reviewed Journal
A forum for professional Development
Vol - IV, No.1 January- April 2017
The International Multidisciplinary Journal.

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