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You are required to apply a deeper sense of marketability, analyze and develop further on your


You shall:
1- Think of a brand for your final collection
2- Identify 2 of your competitors and 2 pioneers to complete research on the brands. Research inclusive
Signature Style, Brand Identity, Pricing and Target Market
3- Do a write up of your brand's marketability, how are you going to market it, where, to whom, your
price range, unique selling point and your target market.
Why do you think your collection is a solution to your customers' needs and wants.
Your development plan for the first 3 years. What are the things that you will do to help building
awareness to your brand.
Note to include supporting facts and datas.
4- Finalizing your target market. You should already mention your target market in your write up in
details, describing your customer profile and their lifestyle. Once you have done so, create a customer
profile board which you shall present it together with your presentation boards at the end of semester.
Save your write up in PDF
Submission dateline: 25th April 2017 by 9am.

Brand Proposal


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