FAQ in Scholarship Interview

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

in Scholarship Interview

1. Describe your educational background?

Answer : I studied Biology on my undergraduate program, focus on marine biology but the
main concept of my undergraduate research was conservation and aquaculture.
2. Describe your work/responsibilities at work?
3. What is the relation between your work and your purpose of study?
4. What is the benefit for your country?
Answer :
5. What is the benefit for your institution?
6. What you are going to do after finishing your study?
7. How do you transfer your skill and knowledge when you finish your study? OR How will you
apply your education to improve conditions in your country or origin?
8. What is your professional goals and how they are related to major social issues or problems
in your country or origin?
9. Why do you think we should give you this scholarship? OR Why do you think you are eligible
for this scholarship?
10. How do you cope going abroad and be separate with your family?
11. How do you think you will adjust with new environment?
12. What do you want to take, coursework or research?
13. Do you plan to do research? Explain the outline of your research? Why do you think it is
14. What the relevant of your research with the issue in your country?
15. Have you decided your proposed university? Why do you choose that university?
16. Have you made correspondences to that University/Supervisor (especially for research)?
17. Additional :
a. Explain about your previous community services or activities
b. Find out more about climate, custom, state, etc of your purpose country.
c. Bilateral relationship between Indonesia and the country.
d. National and International news to judge that you up date with the latest issues.
e. Where do you usually obtain information?

Special for ADS:

18. Why do you choose Australia?

19. Why do you choose that university (university preference)?
20. What do you know about Australia?
Climate, custom, state, etc.
Bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Australia
Prime Minister of Australia

Copyright reserved by Rini Kadar, MN Page 1

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