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CuO nanowire growth on Cu2O by in situ thermal

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oxidation in air
Ang Li, Huaihe Song,* Jisheng Zhou, Xiaohong Chen and Siyuan Liu

CuO nanowires were synthesized by in situ thermal oxidation of Cu2O for the first time in the temperature range
Received 1st June 2013, of 300750 C in air. In this process, the effects of annealing temperature and growth time on the growth of CuO
Accepted 30th August 2013
nanowires were investigated by SEM, XRD, EDS mapping and line-scan profile measurements. We found that the
nucleation of CuO nanowires is a solid-state transformation process, and the nanowire length obeys a parabolic
DOI: 10.1039/c3ce40985f
law with annealing time. The nanowire growth shows a diffusion-controlled behavior. Based on the above- mentioned study, the mechanism of the nucleation and growth of CuO nanowires from Cu2O is proposed.

1. Introduction have focused on the growth mechanism of oxide nanowires,

especially CuO nanowires, the most representative ones. Sev-
Metal oxide nanowires, especially transition metal oxides, eral typical models were proposed to discuss the growth
have attracted many attentions because of their unique prop- mechanism of CuO nanowires.19,2227 In these models, stress-
erties and extensive applications in catalysis,1 semiconductor induced short-circuit diffusion with the most evidence is con-
devices,2,3 gas sensing,1,4 field emission5 and energy stor- sidered as the outstanding one. However, it is still unknown
age.69 Further exploitation in practice needs pragmatic prep- whether the oxidation intermediate, the Cu2O layer, plays a
aration methods, so scientists have developed some synthesis role in the growth of CuO nanowires, though Kaur et al.24 and
approaches, like vapor phase growth,10,11 wet-chemical method,9 some other groups38 have conjectured that the existence of
electrochemical method,12,13 hydrothermal method,14 and ther- Cu2O is of no use, only an inevitable phenomenon in the oxi-
mal oxidation method.1517 Among the various approaches, in dation of copper.
situ thermal oxidation is considered as a superior way because Here, we report a wholly new phenomenon that the CuO
it can generate not only nanowires with large-scale and nanowires can be synthesized by in situ thermal oxidation of
aligned patterns, but also controlled-morphology conveniently Cu2O in air. The novel precursor for preparing CuO nano-
and at low cost by just annealing the precursors in oxygen or wires will expand the types of starting materials of in situ
ambient atmosphere. The first report noticing the growth of thermal oxidation. On the other hand, CuO nanowire growth
metal oxide nanowires was brought about by Tylecote18 when was observed on the oxidized Cu2O, indicating that the for-
he investigated the mechanism of copper oxidation at high mation of Cu2O is related to the growth of nanowires during
temperature in pure oxygen in 1952. However, studies focus- the in situ thermal oxidation of pure Cu; this will bring inspi-
ing on the growth of metal oxide nanowires might begin with ration to find an insight into the growth mechanism of metal
Jiang's19 work when they heated the copper grids in air to oxide nanowires.
obtain high-density aligned CuO nanowires. Since then, in situ
thermal oxidation has been used to synthesize oxide
nanowires from other metal elements, like zinc,17 iron,20 tung- 2. Experimental
sten,21 cobalt16 and so on. It is necessary to point out techni- The pure Cu2O powder (metal basis purity of 99.9%, powder
cally that the in situ thermal oxidation here was carried out size 10 m, Shanghai Qinxiang Chemical Co., Ltd.) was used
below the melt point of the metal. Having an insight into the as starting material. The Cu2O powder was firstly compacted
mechanism of in situ thermal oxidation may help to obtain to form discs under 15 MPa pressure, then placed in an alu-
optimal products for different applications. Many investigations mina boat (60 mm 30 mm 15 mm) and loaded in a box
furnace, and annealed at 300800 C for 6 h under air atmo-
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Key Laboratory of sphere and ambient pressure. The heating rate was kept at
Carbon Fiber and Functional Polymers, Ministry of Education, Beijing University
~10 C min1. The annealing time also varied in the time
of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, PR China. E-mail: songhh@mail.buct.; Fax: +86 10 64434916; Tel: +86 10 64434916
span of 212 h to investigate the influences of annealing time
Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/ on the growth of CuO nanowires. The annealed samples were
c3ce40985f characterized by scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM;

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Hitachi S-4700), high-resolution transmission electron micros-

copy (HRTEM; JEOL JEM-3010F), energy-dispersive X-ray spec-
troscopy (EDS; attached to SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD;
Rigaku D/max-2500B2+/PCX system with CuK = 1.5406 ,
2 = 590), and thermogravimetric analysis and differential
scanning calorimetry (TGA and DSC; Netzsch STA 449C).
Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 03/09/2014 17:14:26.

3. Results and discussion

Fig. 1a and b show the SEM images observed in different
areas of the same sample annealed at 600 C. Two types of
oxide substrates, the flat areas and the semi-cylindrical protu-
berances, can be seen in the SEM images. The nanowires in Fig. 2 XRD pattern of the Cu2O slice after oxidation at 600 C for 6 h in air (inset
the two areas are of almost the same appearance, but quite shows the EDS spectrum of a selected area on a single nanowire in the
different density with sparse nanowires growing at flat area, red rectangle).
while exuberant on the protuberance. The possible reason
why the growth density of CuO nanowires is so different in
the two areas will be given in the following discussions. In performed, and the result shown as an inset in Fig. 2 shows
Fig. 1c, the average length and diameter of CuO nanowires that Cu and O are the only elements on the selected nanowire
are calculated and plotted as functions of growth time, and without any other impurities, and the atom number percent-
the inset images correspond to the CuO nanowires growing age of each element is 51.31% and 48.69% for Cu and O
at 2, 4 and 6 h from left to right, respectively. It can be seen respectively, which also indicates that the nanowires are of
from Fig. 1c that both length and diameter are positively CuO phase.
correlated with growth time before 6 h, after that the param- A further investigation of the structure and crystallography
eters change over into a flat trend, which is roughly in of the as-grown nanowires was carried out by HRTEM. Fig. 3a
accordance with the mass variation in the oxidation process shows a single CuO nanowire peeled off from the substrate
for Cu2O slices. by collodion, and we can see that the nanowire has smooth
Fig. 2 shows the XRD pattern of a Cu2O slice annealed at surfaces and a uniform diameter of 170 nm or so. The
600 C for 6 h in air, whose value is quite in agreement with detailed information of the microstructure is illustrated in
the CuO standard spectrum (small blue blocks, PDF#80- the HRTEM image (Fig. 3b) and its fast Fourier transform
1916). Hence, we consider that Cu2O has been converted into (FFT) pattern (Fig. 3c). It can be concluded that this nanowire
CuO completely and nanowires growing on the substrate are is monocrystalline CuO and its growth direction is along
composed of CuO with a monoclinic structure. The EDS spec- [010]. In Fig. 3b, lattice fringes of two growth directions can
trum of a selected area on a single nanowire is also be observed clearly, their interplanar spacings are 3.175
and 2.765 , corresponding to the directions of [101] and

Fig. 1 SEM images of sample annealed at 600 C for 6 h taken from: (a) the flat
area, (b) the semi-cylindrical protuberance; (c) nanowire lengths and diameters as
functions of growth time (insets show the SEM images of CuO nanowires at the Fig. 3 (a) TEM image of a single CuO nanowire; (b) enlarged HRTEM image of the
pointed times). selected area in TEM image and (c) the FFT pattern of image (b).

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[110], respectively. The FFT also shows that the interplanar nanowires formed on Cu2O by in situ thermal oxidation, and
spacings in the directions of [020] and [111 ] are 1.690 and in analogy to the mechanism of CuO nanowires growing
2.535 , respectively, which are all in good agreement with directly on pure copper, we propose that the nucleation of
the data for monoclinic CuO. CuO nanowires is a process of solid solution precipitation,
Copper has two common thermodynamic oxides, CuO and and the nanowire growth is driven by short-circuit diffusion.
Cu2O, which can reciprocally transform in different tempera- To have a better understanding of the kinetics of nucle-
Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 03/09/2014 17:14:26.

ture ranges in the presence of oxygen.28 Under standard ation of CuO nanowires, we performed a statistical analysis
atmosphere, CuO in conditions above about 1000 C will on the growth densities of nanowires, as illustrated in
become unstable and decompose into Cu2O and oxygen, and Fig. 4a. First, the nucleation densities of nanowires were
in the same atmosphere below 900 C, Cu2O will be oxidized investigated by measuring the density of nanowires as a func-
into CuO. The mechanism of the oxidation process of Cu2O tion of annealing temperatures (annealing times are all 6 h).
has been extensively studied.2931 The growth of the CuO layer At this condition, the nucleation rate I, or the flux of embryos
can be described as the following: at the oxygen/CuO inter- at a certain time through unit area at critical size n*, can be
face, the oxygen is first chemisorbed on the surface of the expressed as36,37
oxide scale, then attracts an electron from the Cu2O lattice
site with an electron hole to emerge. And a fully ionized DG ECuO
oxygen will be embedded on the surface by reacting with an I Z N exp a
Cu2+ ion to form a CuO molecule, accompanied by a Cu
cation vacancy and another electron hole being created.
Therefore, the reaction occurs at oxygen/CuO interface can be where * is the frequency factor, representing the frequency
represented as follows:32 of one more additional molecule entering a critical nucleus;
N is the number of nucleation sites per unit area; ECuO
a is the
O2 CuO 2h V2
Cu 1 activation energy for atomic migration per CuO molecule,
2 here ECuO = 46.652 kJ mol1, and its determination details are

Where h+ represents an electron hole with an effective posi-

tive charge and V2
Cu is a cation vacancy having a negative
charge of 2e. The Cu cation vacancies and the electron holes
forming at the oxygen/CuO interface diffuse inward across
the CuO layer, and are finally annihilated at the CuO/Cu2O
interface. A molecular Cu2O accepts a cation vacancy and an
electron hole and transforms into a CuO molecule, in accor-
dance with the reaction:30,32

Cu2 O 2h V2
Cu CuO 2

Then we can conclude that the CuO layer occurred at both

the oxygen/CuO and CuO/Cu2O interfaces growing at the
same growth rate,32 and the rate determining step of the
CuO formation is the outward diffusion of Cu2+ cations.
The growth of nanowires can usually be explained by a
vaporsolid (VS) or vaporliquidsolid (VLS) mechanism.
Compared with CuO, Cu2O possesses a lower melting point
(Cu2O 1232 C, CuO 1326 C), the growth of CuO nanowires
occurs in a relatively low temperature range, in which the
vapor pressure of the oxide is negligible (even at 800 C the
vapor pressure of CuO is just 1.15 104 mmHg).33,34 There-
fore it cannot be ascribed to these mechanisms. Recently,
many reports have been issued to discuss the growth mecha-
nism of CuO nanowires formed by the in situ oxidation of
pure copper. A series of mechanisms were proposed, of
which the stress-induced diffusion process supported by the
more experimental evidences was considered as the most
promising one.27,35 Though these newly founded mecha-
Fig. 4 (a) CuO nanowire density as a function of annealing temperature (blue
nisms can explain the nanowire growth, they do not give the hollow dots) and the fitting result with eqn (6) (dash line). (b) Square of the length
origin of the nanowires, i.e., the nucleation of the CuO of CuO nanowires for the sample oxidized at 600 C versus the annealing time
nanowires. In order to elucidate the mechanism of CuO (blue boxes) and the resulting fit with eqn (7) (red line).

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displayed in Fig. S1; k is the Boltzmann's constant and T is at 600 C exhibit a parabolic trend in the kinetic period
the annealing temperature; Z is called the Zeldovich non- from ~2 h to 6 h. In Fig. 4b, we plot the square of the
equilibrium factor, which corrects, among other things, for length of CuO nanowires for the sample oxidized at 600 C
the fact that some nuclei with the critical size still decay to versus the annealing time. The curve presents a quite near-
smaller sizes, and is by definition36 linear dependency, indicating that the CuO nanowire
growth is determined by the migration of Cu2+ ions, or dif-
Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 03/09/2014 17:14:26.

1 2 G fusion-controlled. The data in Fig. 4b can be fitted to the
Z j 4
2kT n2 nn parabolic kinetic equation:

L2 kt 7
G is the free energy of forming a nucleus with a radius of r
containing n molecules, which can be expressed as37 Where L is the length of nanowires, t is the annealing time,
and k is the parabolic rate constant.
G n 4r 2
In order to set up an intuitive image on the diffusion of
the Cu cations and the distribution of each element involving
It is the sum of two terms: the driving force of nucleation,
the nanowires growth, we also performed EDS mapping and
n, where is the free energy change associated with the
a line-scan profile, as illustrated in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5b and c,
transformation reaction, and the surface energy 4r2, where
the dispersions of Cu and O are revealed, in which the atom
is the interfacial tension. As the annealing time is deter-
number percentages are 51.31% and 48.69% respectively.
mined, the density of the nanowires is proportional to the
Moreover, as the nanowire is a single crystal with few defects
nucleation rate.38 Then we fit the density of nanowires PNW
being observed, we speculate that the diffusion species are
as a function of temperature with the model of steady-state
the Cu2+ ions with a motion path of surface diffusion. The
nucleation on the basis of eqn (3)
data of the line-scan profile in Fig. 5d further confirm this
  viewpoint. The copper element on the nanowire is detected
T C T 1=2   
P NW exp T C T ECuO =kT 6 strongly at the root and the signal intensity gradually attenu-
T a
ates from root to tip along the yellow line, so we conclude
that there exists a concentration gradient of Cu2+ ions with a
TC is the critical temperature for the growth of CuO decrease towards the tip, while there is no noticeable varia-
nanowires, is a proportional constant. The details of the tion of the signal intensity of oxygen. Another evidence of
derivation of eqn (6) see the ESI. As illustrated in Fig. 4a, surface diffusion of Cu2+ ions is that, in the TEM image
the density of the nanowires keeps increasing and reaches a (Fig. S2) some inhomogeneous crystallinity can be observed
maximum value at ~650 C, then exhibits a sharp decline on the surface of the single crystal nanowire, we suspect that
from 650700 C; after 700 C, nanowires hardly ever form at the end of the annealing process some of the surface-
even with prolonging the annealing times or raising the tem- diffusional Cu2+ ions could not move to the CuO nanowire
perature. It can be seen that the model can explain the exper- tip to incorporate onto the existing crystal of the nanowire,
imental data precisely, so we conclude that CuO nanowire but terminate halfway on the sidewall and precipitate with
nucleation is determined by the process of solid solution pre- the oxygen in air to form the inhomogeneous crystal on the
cipitation under steady-state nucleation circumstances. surface of the nanowires.
We also analyzed the growth data of the CuO nanowires. Now we discuss the aforementioned phenomenon that
As illustrated in Fig. 1c, the lengths of the nanowires arising CuO nanowires densities become so different in the flat areas

Fig. 5 (a) The electronic image of a single nanowire and its corresponding EDS mappings of (b) O and (c) Cu. (d) EDS line-scan profile for Cu (azure) and O (red) along the
yellow line on the nanowire (the same one as shown in (a)).

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Fig. 6 Schematic view of the mechanism for CuO nanowire growth on Cu2O.

and the semi-cylindrical protuberances. Since CuO and Cu2O crystal nuclei, which is in accordance with Fig. 6B. According
belong to different crystal systems and have different crystal to the theory of crystallography, the critical nucleus of mono-
lattice parameters (CuO is monoclinic system with cell = clinic crystalline structure usually presents a rhombic prism
4.684 3.423 5.129 , = 99.54; Cu2O is cubic system shape, the ends of which are pointed,41 and nuclei with the
with a = 4.270 ), the lattice mismatch between the Cu2O specific alignment would develop into nanowires following
substrate and the CuO overlayer generates compressive stress the principle of precipitate growth of diffusional transforma-
in the oxide scale. As the compressive stress together with tions in solids. As the sequential CuO film takes shape, the
the thermal stress induced during the heating process accu- growth of the nanowires is controlled by eqn (1) and (2). In
mulates gradually, protuberances on the free surface of the the growth stage of the nanowires, as the foregoing kinetics
oxide layer is brought into being to release the stress. On the of Cu2O oxidation describes, half of the generated CuO grows
other hand, the driving force from the stress also advances out of eqn (2) and the other moiety is owing to eqn (1), with
the outward diffusion of Cu2+ ions besides the thermal diffu- the outward diffusion of Cu2+ ions occurring mainly through
sion. The flux of the diffusion species caused by the stress- grain-boundaries. Some of the Cu2+ ions migrating onto the
induced motion can be expressed as39 surface react with oxygen and incorporate into the CuO sub-
strate, while the remainders will keep on moving via surface
CD diffusion driven by the chemical potential gradient between
J 8
kT the substrate and the nanowire tip to support the growth of
nanowires (as shown in Fig. 6C).
Here C is the atomic concentration, is the atomic vol-
ume, D is the local diffusion coefficient, T is the absolute 4. Conclusion
temperature, and is the normal stress. Thus, we contend
that the gradient of the stress (including the compressive In summary, CuO nanowires were obtained by heating com-
stress and thermal stress) will have a strong effect on the out- pressed Cu2O powder slices in air, and their growth mecha-
ward diffusion of Cu2+ ions. That's why the growth of nism was also investigated. The effects of growth conditions
nanowires exhibits such a dense state on protuberances on the length, diameter and number density of CuO
which happen to be in a local region with higher stress. To nanowires were discussed. The growth mechanism of CuO
further investigate the stress effect on the growth of nanowires consists of two parts: (a) a nucleation and the
nanowires in depth, we performed a contrast experiment by growth process before the continuous CuO layer formed can
annealing the Cu slice at 600 C for 6 h in air. The result be explained by the diffusional nucleation and the precipita-
shows that the CuO nanowires growing on the Cu slice tion phase growth of solid-state transformation theory; (b)
appear to be denser and longer than the Cu2O precursor the growth of CuO nanowires on a continuous CuO scale is
(Fig. S3). The oxidation of pure copper will form two oxide due to the short-circuit diffusion of Cu2+ ions through grain-
layers, Cu2O and CuO, and the stress generated from Cu/Cu2O boundaries in the CuO scale and on the surface of the
and Cu2O/CuO interfaces is much stronger than that from a nanowires. Compressive stress plays a very important role on
single Cu2O/CuO interface,27,35,40 so we deduce that the stress the growth of CuO nanowires by influencing the diffusion
strongly impacts on the density and the growth rate of CuO flux of Cu2+ ions.
nanowires, but not noticeably on the width.
Based on the experimental data and our analysis, the Acknowledgements
growth mechanism of CuO nanowires from Cu2O could be This work was supported by the National Natural Science
proposed as follows. At the beginning of the oxidation of Foundation of China (50972004 and 51272019).
Cu2O, there are microamounts of CuO molecules dissolving
in the Cu2O lattice to form a solid solution (as displayed in Notes and references
Fig. 6A). While the reaction is proceeding, the solute CuO
becomes saturated and starts to precipitate. The deposited 1 A. Kolmakov and M. Moskovits, Annu. Rev. Mater. Res., 2004,
CuO molecules continue aggregating to form monoclinic 34, 151.

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