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Self-regulation is a really important skill to for children to learn starting at a young


Dr. Stuart Shankar defined self-regulation as the ability to manage your own energy
states, emotions, behaviours and attention in ways that are socially acceptable and
help achieve positive goals such as maintaining good relationships, learning and
maintaining well-being

It can be challenging for teachers to consistently monitor and teach self-regulation

in large classroom numbers or in circumstances when some individual require more
attention. It is also difficult for students to independently monitor their emotions
and well being in over stimulated environments.

Technological advancements allow students more resources to help them develop

self - regulation on their own when they do not want to seek help elsewhere.

We have a solution for you

- provides strategies and solutions to problems children may be facing to help

them self regulation
o just like Blank is having problems with tying shoes
o this app helps to provide tools to build skills of resistance and
overcome everyday challenges to stressful situations and transitions
in childrens lives

Concluson: having this app on the iPads in the classroom can allow children to play
to learn strategies and as a useful resources to go to when need help.

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