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May 2017 Volume 96 Number 5 CONTENTS

34 The Cream of the Crop: Craft Competition Draws
Industrys Brightest Talent
Construction apprentices and trainees tested
their skills during a Florida competition
K. Pacheco

38 The Impact of Laser Shock Peening on Welded Metals

Laser shock peening induces compressive stresses
in materials that increase surface hardness and
fatigue life E. Braun


44 Applying Brazing Fundamentals to the Sinter Brazing
A better understanding of this emerging process
can lead to greater success when producing
complex parts K. H. Bear et al.

48 What Does Certified Brazer Really Mean?

The authors explain how brazers can be qualified to
an industry standard R. Henson and W. J. Sperko


90 Introduction to Welding Pipe Downhill
These techniques will help you produce better
downhill pipe welds when using cellulosic
electrodes N. Lott and J. Colton II

96 Preventing Defects when Arc Welding Aluminum

These recommendations can lead to defect-free
aluminum welds C. Tucker


143s Observation and Analysis of ThreeDimensional 163s Laser VisionBased Detection of Weld
Weld Pool Oscillation Dynamic Behaviors Penetration in GTAW
A laser dot-matrix sensor was used to observe An inspection method was proposed for
weld pool oscillation in three dimensions monitoring weld penetration and to help prevent
K. Zhang et al. defects G. Zhang et al.

154s Mechanized Oxyfuel Control with Ion Current 173s Interface Evolution in Aluminum Alloy/Uncoated
Sensing Steel Arc Welds
Eliminating sensors from the hot zone offered The influence of welding wire, composition, and
benefits related to costs and system reliability microstructure on the spalling behavior of
C. R. Martin intermetallic compounds was explored
S. Niu et al.


May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:25 PM Page 4

6 Editorial 60 Coming Events
8 Press Time News 64 Certification Schedule
10 International Update 65 Society News
12 News of the Industry 66 Tech Topics
18 Business Briefs 72 Section News
20 Laser Welding Q&A 87 Guide to AWS Services
22 Stainless Q&A 88 Personnel
24 RWMA Q&A The American Welder
26 Letters to the Editor 102 Learning Track
28 Product & Print Spotlight 106 Fact Sheet
Brazing & Soldering Today 109 Brazing & Thermal Spray Profiles On the cover: Manual oxyfuel
52 Technology News 117 Classifieds brazing of pipe. (Photo courtesy
of Harris Products Group div. of
58 Conferences 118 Advertiser Index The Lincoln Electric Co., Mason,


President John R. Bray Publisher/Editor Mary Ruth Johnsen
Affiliated Machinery, Inc.
Vice President Dale Flood Sr. Editor Cindy Weihl
TRI TOOL, Inc. Features Editor Kristin Campbell
8669 NW 36 St., # 130, Miami, FL 331666672
Associate Editor Katie Pacheco
Vice President Thomas J. Lienert (305) 4439353 or (800) 4439353
Assistant Editor Roline Pascal
Los Alamos National Laboratory Peer Review Coord. Sonia Aleman
Vice President Robert Roth Publisher Emeritus Jeff Weber
RoMan Manufacturing, Inc. Design and Production AWS Promotes Diversity
Production Manager Zaida Chavez
Treasurer Carey Chen Assistant Production Manager Brenda Flores
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Manager of International Periodicals and inclusive practices, and engages its members
Executive Director Ray W. Shook Electronic Media Carlos Guzman and stakeholders in establishing a culture in the
American Welding Society Advertising welding community that welcomes, learns from
Sr. Advertising Sales Exec. Sandra Jorgensen and celebrates dierences among people. AWS
DIRECTORS Sr. Advertising Sales Exec. Annette Delagrange recognizes that a commitment to diversity, equi
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D. L. McQuaid (Past President), D. L. McQuaid and D. Marquard, IBEDA Superflash Copyright 2017 by American Welding Society in both
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M. Skiles (Dist. 9), Airgas, Inc. D. J. Landon, Ex Off., Vermeer Mfg.
W. J. Sperko (At Large), Sperko Engineering Services S. P. Moran, Ex Off., American Hydro Corp.
J. Stoll (Dist. 18), Voestalpine Bohler Welding Group E. Norman, Ex Off., Southwest Area Career Center
K. Temme (Dist. 12), Matrix NAC R. G. Pali, Ex Off., J. P. Nissen Co.
P. I. Temple (Dist. 11), Energy Wise Consulting, LLC N. Scotchmer, Ex Off., Huys Industries
J. A. Willard (Dist. 13), Kankakee Community College R. W. Shook, Ex Off., American Welding Society


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EDITORIAL MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 9:30 AM Page 6


Structural Welding Code Stainless Steel

Demonstrates Importance of Volunteering
Thirty years ago, while working at a the standard is well-rounded. During the
manufacturing plant, American Welding standards development process, AWS fol-
Society (AWS) C5C Chair Ken Hicken lows a strict set of rules and requirements
asked me to join that subcommittee be- that serve to govern not only the stan-
cause of the welding education I received dards approval process, but also all of the
at LeTourneau University. Since then, oth- technical committees responsible for their
er committee activities within AWS and maintenance.
the American Society of Mechanical Engi- It must be kept in mind that because
neers (ASME) presented themselves, AWS codes and standards are American
which have led to many membership and National Standards Institute (ANSI) ap-
chairmanship opportunities. To think proved documents, they are consensus
that initial request developed into three documents, not unanimous documents.
Richard D. Campbell decades of technical committee involve- Revisions are agreed upon by a majority of
Chair, AWS D1K ment is astounding. the committee after being balloted and
Subcommittee on Together with Duane Miller, who asked vetted through rules and procedures es-
Stainless Steel me to chair the AWS D1K Subcommittee tablished by AWS and approved by ANSI.
on Stainless Steel, we assembled a team of Volunteers need to keep in mind that
volunteers to revise and improve AWS the goal of a code or standard is not per-
D1.6/D1.6M:2017, Structural Welding fection, for humans can never achieve
Code Stainless Steel. New volunteers that. A good committee will strive for ex-
were brought in and existing members cellence, but it should never underachieve
were encouraged to take responsibility for or accept mediocrity.
various sections. This subcommittee also The newly revised AWS D1.6 standard is
took a collaborative effort to work with a prime example of volunteer efforts. The
other AWS committees. As a result, I be- 2017 edition received ANSI approval in ear-
came a member of the AWS D1 Commit- ly 2017 and is currently being published.
tee on Structural Welding and other D1 Drafted by the AWS D1K Subcommittee on
subcommittees. Now, Im also an advisor Stainless Steel consisting of engineers,
and/or member of numerous AWS A2 and constructors, manufacturers, welders, tech-
B1 subcommittees and the C5 committee. nical society employees, and union mem-
Since 1995, I have taught AWS Certi- bers and leaders and overseen by the
fied Welding Inspector (CWI), stainless AWS D1 Committee on Structural Welding,
steel welding, and welding symbols semi- this third edition provides improvements in
nars. I encourage all students to get in- new materials, technology, and quality, plus
volved with the various technical commit- corrections in errors or misunderstandings
tees. As I spend eight hours teaching the in requirements.
D1.1 Code Clinic to students, who will lat- This new revision also represents a
Do not be afraid er take a two-hour CWI exam on this code, collaborative effort with members of oth-
to volunteer. All of it never fails to amaze and overwhelm er AWS technical committees and sub-
our experiences and them how much is involved. I strive to not committees to ensure consistency be-
voices matter. Codes just show them what and where the rules tween the revised D1.6 and other stan-
and standards are are, but why they are there. During these dards. The hard-working standards de-
discussions, I encourage their involve- velopment staff at AWS deserves recog-
only developed with ment in these committees. Within Bech- nition for bringing together the volun-
the input of a bal tel, where I work as a welding technical teers and publishers to ensure the stan-
anced committee of specialist, I also encourage young welding dard meets AWS and ANSI procedures.
welders, welding and materials engineers to get involved. Should you get involved with AWS
technicians, engi At, standards are technical committees? The answer is ab-
identified as existing to satisfy a pressing solutely. Do not be afraid to volunteer. All
neers, and others need to develop synchronicity within the of our experiences and voices matter.
such as you. industry. This site clarifies that a stan- Codes and standards are only developed
dard is developed by a committee of ex- with the input of a balanced committee of
perts who work within different areas of a welders, welding technicians, engineers,
particular industry this ensures that and others such as you. WJ


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PTN MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:05 PM Page 1


Ford Allocates $1.2 Billion to Support Majority of Florida Construction Firms Plan
Automotive Needs at Three Michigan Facilities to Hire This Year
Ford Motor Co., Dear-
born, Mich., is investing
$1.2 billion in three
Michigan manufacturing
The automaker is de-
voting $850 million to the
Michigan Assembly Plant.
Employees will begin
building the Ranger truck
at the end of 2018 and
the Bronco SUV in 2020.
In addition, the compa- This table reflects the ABC Florida contractor confidence index by
ny plans to create or re- region, contractor type, and industry as of March 2017. Readings
above 50 indicate growth; those below 50 are unfavorable.
tain 130 jobs and invest
This recent venture awards $850 $150 million to expand
million to Fords Michigan Assem
capacity for engine com- Eighty-eight percent of Florida construction firms plan
bly Plant, $150 million to its Romeo
Engine Plant, and $200 million for ponents on several vehi- to increase hiring over the next six months, and 84% antici-
the advanced data center in Michi cles at the Romeo Engine pate experiencing more difficulty finding appropriately
gan. (Photo courtesy of Ford.) Plant in Michigan. skilled labor, according to a report released on April 3 by the
Ford is also investing Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Florida.
$200 million for an advanced data center to support its ex- The inaugural Florida contractor confidence index
pansion to an auto and mobility company. It represents the showed a statewide confidence reading of 81 for improving
second of two new data centers the automaker is building in sales, indicating the typical Florida contractor expects to be
Michigan and will be at the Flat Rock Assembly Plant. much busier in 2017. This diffusion index is intended to
At Ford, we are investing aggressively in building on our supply stakeholders in the state with information regarding
strengths today including trucks, vans, commercial vehi- contractor perceptions of staffing needs, worker availability,
cles, performance vehicles, and SUVs while at the same and sales expectations.
time growing our leadership in electrification, autonomy, Florida has been among the nations most active con-
and mobility services, said Joe Hinrichs, Ford president, struction markets in recent quarters, and the staffing level
the Americas. reading of 78 anticipates contractors will hire more aggres-
sively this year, said ABC Chief Economist Anirban Basu.
2017 Iron Workers/IMPACT Conference Becomes According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Florida
a Platform for Initiatives on Safety and Diversity managed to add nearly 13,000 construction workers during
the first two months of 2017 alone. Worker availability will
The 2017 Iron Workers (IW)/IMPACT conference held in be most challenging in Miami and Orlando, which are the
San Diego, Calif., from March 17 to 22 not only made histo- two markets that are also leading the state in terms of over-
ry with an announcement about the new IW paid maternity all employment growth.
leave benefit, but the event also set a new attendance record
with more than 1200 participants. PharrSan JuanAlamo Independent School
IW District Representative of Safety and Diversity and
U.S. Safety Coordinator Vicki OLeary revealed the first paid
District Receives Grant for Welding Academy
maternity leave benefit for female ironworkers in the build-
ing trades. This includes six months of predelivery and six to The Texas Education Agency has awarded Pharr-San
eight weeks of postdelivery paid leave. Juan-Alamo Independent School District a $332,567 Texas
During the general session, Dennis Randall from Nation- Industry Cluster Innovative Academies Grant. This will fund
al Steel City and Chris Buckman from BMWC spoke. They the new Welding Innovative Academy at Pharr-San Juan-
shared expert insights and experience on how to achieve Alamo Early College High School.
zero safety incidents under challenging circumstances. Through the academy, 36 juniors interested in pursuing a
Keynote speaker James Benham, from JBKnowledge, ex- welding career will engage in a one-year dual-enrollment
plained how new technology can increase efficiency and ele- program. Students will pursue a South Texas College Level I
vate safety standards on the job site. certification and an associate degree to prepare them for po-
The owners panel focused on safety and productivity, sitions in shielded metal arc, gas metal arc, gas tungsten arc,
while the panel on ironworker safety directors discussed and flux cored arc welding. Graduate candidates will also be
what it takes to manage safety programs for contractors. eligible to take a welder performance qualification test in ac-
Educational breakout sessions took place as well. cordance with the American Welding Society. WJ


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Uniweld Hosts HVAC/R Brazing Training Seminars Victoria University Reveals Plans for New Skills
in Mexico Development Center

Peter Dawkins, vice chancellor of Victoria University, announces

plans for the Sunshine Skills Hub in Melbourne, Australia.
Attendees posed for a picture after completing Uniwelds
HVAC/R brazing technologies training seminar in Mexico. Victoria University, Australia, has plans for a skills devel-
opment facility on its Sunshine Campus located in west Mel-
bourne. The new Sunshine Skills Hub aims at tackling un-
Uniweld Products, Inc., a manufacturer of heating, venti- employment as well as addressing the local skills shortage in
lation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC/R) tools, the area.
has recently conducted seminars throughout Mexico for The $35 million, three-story facility will be funded by a
HVAC/R technicians. These were held in Cancun on Febru- $5 million grant from The Ian Potter Foundation and $10
ary 28, Merida on March 1, and Villahermosa on March 2. million from the Victorian Governments Department of
To conduct the seminars, the company collaborated with Training and Skills. The university will dedicate $20 million
its distributor for the southeast region of Mexico, Refrimart to the endeavor.
de Mexico S.A. de C.V. The training emphasized safety as The facility will offer future-oriented vocational training
well as Uniwelds brazing technologies for HVAC/R systems, in a region where youth unemployment is more than 18%
including its nitrogen flow indicator, antiblowback hoses, higher than state and national averages. It will provide
and flame tips. training in construction technologies; advanced manufac-
Mario Portillo, the companys international sales execu- turing and health technologies; health and community serv-
tive for Latin America and the Caribbean, conducted the ices; as well as language, literacy, and numeracy programs.
training sessions and focused on the features and benefits of It will also house specialized teaching equipment, such as ro-
each tool. bots, virtual reality goggles, computerized mannequins, and
simulation equipment to help students learn through real-
life scenarios.
Chinese Delegates Visit the NPTC Group of According to Vice Chancellor Peter Dawkins, The Sun-
Colleges in the United Kingdom shine Skills Hub will support the development of industry
partnerships and will increase student numbers, reinvigorat-
The NPTC Group of Colleges, United Kingdom, has wel- ing the local community and industry for Melbournes west.
comed Chinese delegates from the Suzhou Wuzhong Senior The facility is expected to be completed near the end of
Vocational College, Suzhou, China, to its Neath campus. The 2018.
visit allowed college representatives to sign a memorandum
of understanding (MOD), strengthen educational compar-
isons, as well as promote vocational education and cultural United Performance Metals Opens New Facility in
exchanges. Hungary
The memorandum was signed by Steve Rhodes, NPTC
Group of Colleges international assistant principal, and On February 13, United Performance Metals, Hamilton,
Hong Xiao, vice principal of Suzhou Wuzhong Senior Voca- Ohio, revealed the opening of a 1000-sq-m specialty metals
tional College. distribution, sales, and processing facility in Budapest, Hun-
The signing of the MOD is just the beginning, and we gary. The facility is the companys third location outside of
are very much looking forward to developing the relation- the United States. Additional international facilities are lo-
ship with Suzhou College and working together to carry out cated in northern Ireland and Singapore.
international educational projects, said Rhodes. The new facility is certified to ISO: 9001 and AS 9120
The agreements will lead to several visits from the NPTC REV A. It will provide additional opportunities for United to
Group of Collegess educational and management staff to service customers in the European Union.
create a program of high-quality teaching methods geared This is a great opportunity to bring our full line of prod-
toward helping students at the Suzhou Wuzhong Senior Vo- ucts and processing services to our customers throughout
cational College achieve international qualifications and Europe, explained Dick Santoro, the companys director of
other certificates. international business. WJ


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AWS Weld Trials Winner Prepares for old welder from Greers Ferry, Ark., placed third. He had the
WorldSkills 2017 same instructors as Hipp, who attended the same high
school, as well as Arkansas State University while competing
in the pretrials for the 2015 WorldSkills. The group ad-
vanced to this event after competing against three other
contestants at the initial round late last year.
The amount of time and dedication that these young
men had to sacrifice is that of an Olympian, Cardin said.
When I say sacrifice, I mean it in the most serious way. An
average training week is 1012 hours a day, 6 days a week.
You put life on hold anywhere from 6 months to a year de-
pending how far you make it. This can involve only being
able to work a part-time job or having to quit your job en-
tirely, staying at your parents house longer...that is the reali-
ty most of us face when we compete for the sole spot on the
team with one and possibly two shots to ever do it in our
Chandler Vincent proudly life...they compete because of their love of the trade and the
holds his 1stplace award, after enjoyment they get from challenging themselves. Kristin
the AWS Weld Trials, along Campbell (, features editor
side Andrew Cardin, the U.S. Chandler Vincent performs
welder from WorldSkills 2015. shielded metal arc welding on
Vincent will compete as the a pressure vessel during the
Final Beam Placed on Lincoln Electrics
U.S. welder at WorldSkills initial round of AWS Weld Tri Welding Training Center
2017 in October. als late last year.

Chandler Vincent has earned top honors at the American

Welding Society (AWS) Weld Trials held February 2023 at
Robotics Technology Park, Tanner, Ala. Hes now secured a
spot to represent the United States as its only welder at the
44th WorldSkills Competition from October 14 to 19 in Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
The 19-year-old welder from Vernal, Utah, attends
Uintah Basin Applied Technology College. His instructor,
Mason Winters, is a 2009 AWS Pre-Trials runner-up com-
petitor. During high school, Vincent placed 4th in his junior
year, then 5th in his senior year, at SkillsUSAs 2016 National
Leadership and Skills Conference in Louisville, Ky.
The February competition consisted of eight welded proj-
ects. Module 1 took place over 5 h and involved welding five
Lincoln Electrics new facility will mark 100 years of education ex
carbon steel plate and pipe projects ranging in different
perience in the welding industry. The endeavor also tapped local
thicknesses, joint configurations, positions to be welded in, trades workers for construction efforts.
and welding process(es). Module 2 included erecting and
welding the prefabricated vessel. Competitors needed to fit
up, weld, and clean the vessel in 8 h using the four manual Construction on Lincoln Electrics $30 million Welding
welding processes listed in the blueprint. Once complete, Technology Center continues to move forward toward a pro-
the final module began with an aluminum and stainless jected opening this year. Crews placed the final beam on Feb.
steel project. Each was allotted 2.5 h for fitup and weld time 8, completing the buildings structural frame on the compa-
with no postcleaning allowed. nys Euclid, Ohio, campus. The next phase will focus on its
Projects underwent a thorough visual assessment fol- faade, interior, electrical, and plumbing work.
lowed by a fillet weld break test and plate/pipe bend tests in Construction is progressing rapidly structural fram-
Module 1, a hydrostatic test of 1000 lb/in.2 for the pressure ing just wrapped up, allowing us to move on to the next
vessel in Module 2, and visual inspection in Module 3. phase of construction, said John Mueller, director of facility
Following his 1st- place finish, Vincent will continue train- planning and development, Lincoln Electric.
ing and have opportunities to be mentored by U.S. expert Before crews hoisted and placed the beam into position,
and 1999 WorldSkills gold medalist Ray Connolly in Mis- company representatives and other firms working on the
souri, as well as WorldSkills 2015 U.S. welder Andrew Cardin project participated in a beam-signing ceremony. On hand
in Ohio. were Chris Mapes, George Blankenship, and Doug Lance
Blaine Hipp, an 18-year-old welder from Prim, Ark., was from Lincoln Electrics senior management. Members of the
runner up at the AWS Weld Trials. He placed 4th at the high companys facilities team and representatives from Panzica
school level during the 2016 nationals and trained at the Construction Co., Structura Architects Ltd., and Ironworker
home of his instructor, Randy Carr. Jacob Miller, a 21-year- Local Union No. 17 added signatures as well.


NI MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:51 PM Page 13

We are proud to be using tradesmen from the same

trades organizations we actively help to train at a variety of
sites around the country, said Jason Scales, manager, edu-
cation solutions, Lincoln Electric.
When the new center opens, it will mark the centennial
anniversary of the companys legacy welding school. The
130,000-sq-ft facility will double the companys welding ed-
ucation capacity to 180 welding booths and include high-
tech classroom and seminar spaces.

AT&F Wisconsin Upgrades Facility,

Adds CWI to Its Staff
AT&F, a custom and high-volume steel fabricator, has
made upgrades to its Manitowoc, Wis., facility as part of
continuous improvement efforts. The entire 60,000-sq-ft
facility layout underwent a redesign to improve workflow
and reduce costs. Additions include an onsite American
Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) to fur-
ther enhance welding quality and provide a resource for
proper procedures and training. The new plasma/oxyfuel
cutting table features a 5-axis beveling head, plasma cuts up

For info, go to

to 2 in., oxyfuel cuts up to 8 in., and offers a cutting enve-
lope of 10 33 ft. A large-capacity boring bar was upgraded
as well.

Inspecting Welds on NuclearPowered

Submarines More Cost Effectively
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) re-
searchers are aligning with the U.S. Navy Metalworking Cen-

For info, go to

NI MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:51 PM Page 14

has to be removed and reinstalled on a Virginia Class sub-

marine during inspections could reduce costs by as much as
$1.2 million per hull per inspection cycle.

San Jos City College, Ironworkers Union

Launch Welding Credit Degree

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers are joining

forces with the U.S. Navy Metalworking Center to review reduc
ing the cost of inspecting welds on nuclearpowered submarines.

ter to study ways to reduce the cost of inspecting welds on

nuclearpowered submarines. The lab has entered into a fea-
sibility study agreement with the Navy to look at developing
a nondestructive technology that can peer through the sub-
marines coating to find defects in the ships welds. At a beamcutting ceremony, San Jos City College and Ironwork
Were investigating a cross-platform technique that al- ers Local 377 celebrated their new welding program that will
lows us to interrogate the welds without doing destructive help meet demand in the San Francisco Bay Areas construction
work on that treatment, said LLNL Materials and Engineer- industry.
ing Section Leader Karl Fisher, a principal investigator on
the project. Researchers will explore the use of acoustical San Jos City College (SJCC), San Jose, Calif., has
structural excitation with ultrawide-band radar technology. launched its collaboration with the International Associa-
For the first phase, the team will use test samples to try tion of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing
the technique. Simultaneously, two other institutions will be Ironworkers Local 377 to offer a credit degree program in
investigating terahertz and phased array approaches. welding. Its intended for apprentices who are on four-year
The Navy estimates reducing the amount of coating that paths to becoming journeymen. Currently, the union has

For info, go to

NI MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:52 PM Page 15

1000 apprentices eligible to take this coursework.

Instruction began on March 6, 2017, in a welding lab
built for this purpose, said Jorge Escobar, SJCC vice presi-
dent of administrative services. The facility consists of 20
fully equipped welding booths, a state-of-the-art air filtra-
tion and circulation system, an outdoor yard, adjacent class-
rooms, and upgraded electrical and mechanical systems.
The lab also helps to lift a burden off of apprentices living
in Santa Clara County who previously commuted hours to
Benicia in Solano County.
Planning for the credit degree started four years ago as
college officials worked with union leaders to transfer cours-
es from the North Bay to San Jos.

Lake Superior College Students Fabricate Soldier

Sculpture to Fund Therapy Dogs for Veterans
The A Soldiers Love sculpture, featuring a back-lit sil-
houette of a combat vet standing ready, flanked by his faith-
ful dogs, represents a community service project by a team
of Lake Superior College integrated manufacturing students.
It will help veterans by raising funds for assistance dogs.

For info, go to

Student Kathleen Crooks took the lead on the effort.
I wanted to help our veterans who have served our coun-
try, said Crooks. We are using the SkillsUSA club project to
raise money for an assistance dog for a local vet. It costs be-
tween $10,000 and $60,000 to raise and train one assistance
dog. We know how life-changing it can be for a vet who may
suffer from PTSD, a physical injury, or other challenges to
have an assistance dog.
She is working with PetsLoyal2Vets, Burnsville, Minn., a

For info, go to

NI MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:52 PM Page 16

Industry Notes
The Texas Workforce Commission has recently award-
ed Aransas County Independent School District a
$126,315 Jobs and Education for Texans grant. The funds
will help the school district purchase and install equipment
to provide 287 students with training for welding careers.

Dale Wilton, CEO of Central Welding Supply, has re-

cently announced a new Wasilla, Alaska, location. In Janu-
ary, build out was done for this store, warehouse, offices,
and cylinder storage yard. It will support retail sales, serve
as a central point for distribution in the Mat-Su Valley, and
The Lake Superior College Integrated Manufacturing SkillsUSA deliver to users in Wasilla, Anchorage, and Palmer.
community service project team poses with their soldier sculp
ture. Pictured (from left) are Student Michael Decaprio, Instruc ACE Production Technologies, Inc., Spokane, Wash.,
tor Matt Farchmin, Students Kathleen Crooks and Nicole Okstad, has revealed Kimchuk, Inc., a provider to the electronic
and Instructor Max Udovich.
manufacturing community, invested in a KISS-103 selec-
tive soldering machine. It has been installed at the compa-
nonprofit that connects veterans with therapy companion nys facility in Danbury, Conn. In addition, Libra Indus-
dogs at no cost. Crooks also bought and paid for extra mate- tries, a privately held electronics manufacturing services
rials to produce 35 limited edition sculptures. provider, has upgraded the software on its ACE KISS-102
Inspired by a photo of a veteran with his dogs, the sculp- selective soldering machine. The equipment runs faster,
ture is designed by alumni Spencer Wilenius. The team put and theres an improved user interface with dual screens.
more than 100 h into making the pieces. They started with
plasma cutting, cleaning, welding, and painting the steel, Xiris Automation, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, has
then finished by installing the backlighting. signed Calibra Engineering Solutions as its exclusive
The 23- 30-in. sculptures are designed to be wall- distributor of products for both the metal fabrication and
mounted. Available for $125 through Crooks at (218) 565- tube and pipe industries in Turkey. The optical equipment
8490, funds raised will go to PetsLoyal2Vets. providers postweld inspection system will be distributed. WJ

For info, go to

cm industries.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/5/17 3:21 PM Page 17

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BB MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/6/17 4:00 PM Page 18


Thyssenkrupp Sells Brazilian Steel Mill CSA gram in 2013, it has retained its status and earned Gold
to Ternium for $1.6 Billion Standard winner status in 2017. This national award is
sponsored by Deloitte, CIBC, Canadian Business, Smith
Thyssenkrupp, Essen, Germany, has reached an agree- School of Business, and MacKay CEO Forums. Its much
ment with Ternium, a Latin American steel producer, on more than just financial performance, said Peter Brown,
selling the CSA Siderrgica do Atlntico steel plant in Brazil. partner, Deloitte and coleader, Canadas Best Managed Com-
The purchase price is approximately $1.6 billion. panies program. The ingredients to success also include
With the sale of CSA, we are parting fully with Steel overall business performance and sustained growth. It takes
Americas. This is an important milestone in the transforma- dedication and commitment from the entire organization.
tion of thyssenkrupp into a strong industrial group, said
Heinrich Hiesinger, CEO of thyssenkrupp AG. We now gen-
erate over 75% of our sales with our profitable capital goods Eriez Celebrates 75th Anniversary
and services businesses.
The parties aim to close the transaction by September 30. Eriez, Erie,
Pa., is marking
75 years in busi-
Lockheed Martin CEO Discusses Growth Plans ness. From hum-
ble beginnings in
1942, the compa-
ny has evolved
into a world
provider of sepa-
ration technolo-
gies with manu-
facturing facili-
O. F. Merwin and his son, Robert, started
Eriez in 1942. Since then, the company
ties in Australia,
has grown to serve as a world provider of Brazil, China, In-
separation technologies. dia, Japan, Mexi-
CEO Marillyn A. Hewson discussed Lockheed Martins strategic co, South Africa,
achievements and the corporations focus on innovation, among and the United
many other details, at its annual Media Day. Kingdom as well as its Erie headquarters. There are sales of-
fices across the United States and some 80 international
markets on five continents. Its separation, material han-
Lockheed Martin Chairman, President, and Chief Execu- dling, and inspection equipment is used throughout process
tive Officer (CEO) Marillyn A. Hewson recently shared an industries.
update on the corporations programs and opportunities for To honor this milestone, the company will release From Pio-
continued business growth in the United States and abroad neer to World Leader, Volume II, an update of a book published
during its annual Media Day. The global security and aero- in 1992 to chronicle the events and people that shaped the
space company is headquartered in Bethesda, Md. She also business during its first 50 years. This new edition will cover
reviewed the current business environment and the compa- the 75-year history and be printed later this year.
nys role in strengthening national and economic security. New robotic welders, laser cutting tables, high-efficiency
Elected leaders in government and our men and women manufacturing cells, proprietary automated assembly sys-
in uniform face a range of unprecedented challenges and tems, and global lean initiatives across the company have
pressures that demand innovative solutions, said Hewson. driven cost out of operations, improved quality, and en-
We believe that we are well-positioned to help our cus- hanced customer satisfaction, said Tim Shuttleworth, presi-
tomers meet these challenges, and that our innovative and dent and CEO. By working predominantly in the field, our
integrated solutions will lead to safety, security, and team has continued to develop new and refined process so-
progress for billions of people. lutions, which lead to industry-changing breakthroughs.
Her remarks at
0321-hewson-2017-media-day.html include the corporations
strategic achievements and performance in 2016, and how Fronius Names LEAF Commercial Capital as
its innovation focus will continue to power growth.
Additionally, Lockheed Martins full year 2016 results,
Exclusive Financing Partner
compared to 2015, consist of net sales at $47.2 vs. $40.5 bil-
LEAF Commercial Capital, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., has re-
lion, net earnings from continuing operations at $3.8 vs. $3.1
vealed Fronius USA, LLC, Portage, Ind., chose the company
billion, and cash from operations at $5.2 vs. $5.1 billion.
as its exclusive financing partner. The FinanceNOW plat-
form gives manufacturers, dealers, and their customers fi-
CenterLine Becomes a Gold Standard Winner nancing that can be tailored. According to Stefan Mayr, Fro-
nius director of sales, users can select equipment financing
CenterLine (Windsor) Limited has recently announced and have an option for managing cash flow while equipping
that as a winner of Canadas Best Managed Companies pro- their facilities with the latest welding technologies. WJ


harris products.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/5/17 3:23 PM Page 19

For Info, go to

Welding QA.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:01 PM Page 20



welding cycle, so that it matches the pling: ~ 5.0E + 07 w/in.2. (0.78E + 07

Q: We laser weld high volume behavior of the metal. The typical w/cm2).
commercial products using a welding schedule has the following se- Sustain the welding process in the
multikilowatt continuous wave quence of power (power density) char- keyhole mode: ~ 2.0E + 07 w/in.2.
(CW) fiber laser. We are experienc acteristics. At the start of the weld, the (0.31E+07 w/cm2). This value is suffi-
ing persistent weld defects that re laser power is ramped up; then the cient since the metal is already in the
quire costly inspection and lower power is lowered as the weld is com- molten state. The focal point of the
the process yield. Most of these pleted. The general tendency is to beam is to be located inside the mate-
weld defects are severe underfills ramp up the laser power linearly and rial to sustain the welding process.
and microcracks at the end of the then ramp down the power linearly. Conduction weld: ~ 2.0 E + 06
welds. The material is low carbon Unfortunately, the cooling of the ma- w/in.2 (0.31E+06 w/cm2).
steel. We typically find no porosity terial during the power ramp down Figure 2 provides an example of the
nor microcracks elsewhere in the phase, as the welding process transi- weld schedule for keyhole welding
welds. tions from keyhole mode to the con- Class II metals.
ductive mode, is not linear. At the start of the weld cycle, the
A: As you have learned and described, If the transition from the keyhole power density is raised to a level that
welding with a CW laser is not simple mode to the conduction mode is not assures good coupling of the laser
nor intuitive. I have seen the issues managed correctly, the weld bead will beam and, without delay, the creation
you described a number of times in show a severe underfill due to the col- of a keyhole. During the keyhole cycle,
the past and, as it turns out, the two lapse of the keyhole. The severe under- the power density of the laser beam at
issues (underfill and microcracks) are fill will create excessive surface ten- the surface may be lowered. When the
related to each other. sion and the material will crack during weld is completed, the power density
the solidification phase. In the cross is lowered to allow the welding process
section of the weld in Fig. 1, the un- to transition into the conduction
derfill is already excessive; hence it is mode. The dwell is time for the transi-
easy to imagine that at the end of the tion of keyhole to conduction mode to
weld the underfill would be even take place. Beyond this point, the pow-
greater. By the way, there are other er and power density are lowered until
reasons for the collapse of the keyhole the AR of the weld is in the range of
that may occur during the welding cy- 1.0 to 0.6. Then the laser power is shut
cle not only at the end of the weld. down. Weld is completed. Using algo-
Incorrect power down ramping is only rithms, the key points of the weld cy-
Fig. 1 Metallographic transverse cross one of them. cle may be computed, tabulated, and
section of the CW laser weld. Note the From the Table of Classification of the values entered in the system con-
recommended labeling of the main fea Material (Welding Journal September troller.
tures of the weld nugget. (Courtesy of 2016 column), the following power Bulk effect. The relationship be-
readers submittal.) density values are found for the key- tween the joint penetration, welding
hole welding of Class II metals: speed, and laser power are available
Material = laser weldable grade of Vaporize the metal for good cou- from various sources, including the
carbon steel
Aspect ratio (AR) = 1.95; it con-
firms that this is a keyhole weld.
Symmetry of the weld = good.
Width (w) of the weld = 0.075 in.
(1.91 mm).
Underfill (N) = 0.019 in. (0.48
mm); it is 25% of the (w) of the weld.
Porosity = none; indicates the cor-
rect power density and correct loca-
tion of the focus of the laser beam.
Flaring on the top of the cross sec-
tion of the weld nugget is hardly visi-
ble; it indicates correct management
of the shielding gas.
Heat-affected zone (HAZ) is mod-
erate to good; it indicates that the
combination of laser power and weld-
ing speed is correct.
Surface effect. In keyhole weld-
ing, it is critical to control the power
Fig. 2 Weld schedule for keyhole welding of Class II metals. (Ref.: HDE Technologies,
density of the laser beam during the Inc.)


Welding QA.qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 9:27 AM Page 21

Crack sensitivity ratings of metals may The reward is that, in most cases, the
be found in published sources1 or it improved weld quality becomes evi-
may be measured assuming that dent often at the completion of
you have access to a laser. As shown in the first weld. No underfill and no
Fig. 3, make a spot weld over the open- microcracks. WJ
ing in the butt joint geometry using
the same laser parameters that are to Reference
be used for the welding process; in-
crease the opening until the material 1. Albright, C. E. 1989. Topics in
in the weld nugget cracks. Then meas- CO2 laser spot welding. The Industrial
ure the depth of the underfill and the Laser Annual Handbook, p. 80.
radius of the meniscus. These meas-
urements would be the limits that
must be avoided in production. Note
Fig. 3 One suggested method to de the following:
termine the crack sensitivity rating of The crack sensitivity rating of the SIMON L. ENGEL is president of HDE Technolo
metals. (Ref.: HDE Technologies, Inc.) metal is not a function of the weld gies, Inc., Elk Grove, Calif. He serves
penetration. as vice chair of the AWS C7C Subcommittee
manufacturers of lasers and laser sys- on Laser Beam Welding and Cutting and is
AWS C7.4/C7.4M:2008, Process a member of the US TAG for ISO/TC44/
tems. From that information, and Specification and Operator Qualification SC10/WG9 on Hybrid Welding. He is also
knowing the power densities required for Laser Beam Welding, Annex D, clear- a senior member of the Laser Institute of
to perform keyhole welding, we can ly states that no microcracks are al- America and a life member of the Society of
compute the diameter of the focused lowed in laser welds. Manufacturing Engineers. He is considered a
specialist in industrial laser applications and
laser beam. Managing the power density of the has been in the business for forty years.
Microcracks. One of the reasons laser during keyhole welds sounds Questions may be sent to Simon Engel,
for microcracks at the end of the weld complicated and may take a little time c/o Welding Journal, 8669 NW 36 St., #130,
is the excessive surface tension during to compute the first time. After that, Miami, FL 33166, or via email at
the solidification cycle of the weld.
the computation takes much less time.

For info, go to


MayStainlessQA.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:34 PM Page 22


within the steel, so that after the an-

Q: The July 2016 issue of the Welding Journal contained an article titled Se nealing, the steel is largely homoge-
lecting Filler Metals for Stainless Steel. While the article provides useful in nized and there is no ferrite phase in
formation, the section headed Why is my stainless steel welding wire it. After the steel, as coiled rod arrives
magnetic? contains incorrect information in its first two paragraphs. The in at the filler metal producer, the rod is
correct information is stated as follows: cold drawn to reduce the diameter to-
Fully austenitic stainless steel is nonmagnetic. However, welding temper wards the final size. There may be an-
atures create a relatively large grain in the microstructure, which results in other anneal or two between arrival of
the weld being crack sensitive. To mitigate sensitivity to hot cracking, elec the rod coil at the filler metal producer
trode manufacturers add alloying elements, including ferrite Fig. 4. The and shipment of the finished wire to
ferrite phase causes the austenite grains to be much finer, so the weld be the user.
comes more crack resistant. So what causes the magnetic re-
A magnet will not stick to a spool of austenitic stainless filler metal, but a sponse in the finished wire if there is
person holding a magnet might feel a slight pull because of the retained fer no ferrite remaining in the wire?
rite. Unfortunately, this causes some users to think their product has been Martensite. Most, but not all, nomi-
mislabeled or they are using the wrong filler metal (especially if they tore the nally austenitic stainless steel alloys,
label off the wire basket). including ER308L, ER308LSi, ER316L,
and 318LSi, consist of austenite that is
not exactly stable under heavy cold
A: In the first paragraph quoted above, a draft with a gas-shielded arc welding work as in wire drawing. The cold work
it is not correct to state that electrode process (GMAW, GTAW, FCAW) can causes the austenite to transform par-
manufacturers add alloying elements, cause nitrogen to be added from the tially to martensite. This martensite is
including ferrite. Ferrite is not an al- air into the weld metal, thereby reduc- ferromagnetic, just like ferrite. A mag-
loying element. A manufacturer of ing the ferrite content. net cannot be used to tell the differ-
welding wire or electrodes does not Another possible means of affect- ence between ferrite and martensite.
have a container of ferrite that is ing ferrite content occurs in sub- Annealing at temperatures like 1900F
added to the metal because there is no merged arc welding when a flux not (1040C) causes the martensite to re-
such thing. intended for stainless steel is used, vert back to austenite. When the wire
Ferrite is a metallurgical phase that which can result in chromium loss and is annealed, it is therefore not ferro-
results from a balance between alloy- a reduction in ferrite content as com- magnetic because the martensite re-
ing elements that promote austenite pared to what might otherwise be verts back to austenite.
formation during solidification (pri- expected. The wire producer generally does
marily nickel, carbon, and nitrogen) The incorrect information in the not supply such wires in the fully an-
and alloying elements that promote first quoted paragraph creates misun- nealed condition because the wire is
ferrite during solidification (primarily derstanding, but it does not generally soft when annealed and generally does
chromium and molybdenum). The bal- lead to inappropriate action. The not feed well. So the supplier generally
ance between these two groups of al- second quoted paragraph contains a cold reduces (draws) the wire to reduce
loying elements provides the potential more serious, incorrect statement if its diameter to final size after the last
for ferrite formation during solidifica- taken literally by a quality assurance anneal, to harden it, and make it feed
tion. To obtain the desired results, inspector. better. Different wire suppliers per-
filler metal manufacturers use tools A magnetic response from a nomi- form the last anneal at different diam-
like the WRC-1992 diagram to adjust nally austenitic stainless steel wire eters, so that the amount of cold work
the alloy element additions to a stain- such as ER308L, ER308LSi, ER316L, after the last anneal for a given wire
less steel filler metal. or ER316LSi is not due to the ferrite in diameter differs from one manufac-
However, the actual weld metal fer- the wire. In fact, it has nothing to do turer to another. Therefore, the fin-
rite content that can be measured with ferrite. When the steel is first ished wire martensite content also
when the weld metal reaches ambient melted in a steel mill, the as-cast steel varies from one manufacturer to
temperature is also affected by the will likely contain some ferrite, but the another.
cooling rate and any postweld heat steel is subsequently hot worked and Other than for feeding purposes,
treatment that might be performed. annealed before it reaches a diameter the martensite content of such wires
The ferrite content of the weld metal close to that of the finished welding has no effect on the finished weld
is not fixed while the alloy content of wire. There may be several cycles of metal because that martensite disap-
the filler metal is fixed when solidifica- hot working and annealing. The ferrite pears when the wire is heated, even
tion is completed, or even before. phase contains more ferrite-promot- before it melts.
The ferrite content of the weld ing alloy elements, and less austenite- It is easy to demonstrate this with a
metal is also not fixed by the alloy ele- promoting elements, than does the spool of wire that provides a fairly
ments in the filler metal because the austenite phase. strong ferromagnetic response. Feed
welder can change one very important These cycles of hot working and an- about 2 ft of this wire out of a GMAW
alloying element (nitrogen) by incor- nealing cause the ferrite phase to gun, then stop feeding and turn the
rect technique. Drawing a long arc transform to the austenite phase by wire feed speed to zero. Use a C-clamp
with a covered electrode or welding in diffusion of the alloying elements to anchor the far end of the wire to the


MayStainlessQA.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:34 PM Page 23

grounded workpiece on which welding tle martensite is present after final ture toughness, then erroneously
is intended. Afterward, energize the drawing of the finished wire. Manufac- reject one or the other wire. Rejecting
contactor on the welding machine turer B purchases rod coil from the either wire based on the magnetic
without feeding the wire so that resist- same heat but performs the final an- response of the wire would be
ance heating of the wire causes the neal at a larger diameter than Manu- imprudent.
wire to heat to a bright yellow color. facturer A, then draws the wire Incorrect information can lead to
Then de-energize the contactor on the through several more dies to reduce bad decisions, as well as significant
welding machine and remove the C- the wire to final diameter after the last errors in a fabricating facility. That is
clamp so that the end of the wire is anneal, so that much more martensite why it is important to set the record
freed from electrical contact with the is present in the finished wire. straight. WJ
intended workpiece. After the wire It is entirely possible that two man-
cools, test the wire with a magnet. It ufacturers would each obtain part of
will be found that the ferromagnetic the same heat from a steel mill be-
DAMIAN J. KOTECKI is president, Damian
response is gone because the resist- cause a heat of stainless steel rod coil Kotecki Welding Consultants, Inc. He is a
ance heating has annealed the length could easily consist of several hundred past treasurer of the IIW and a member of
of wire extending out of the gun, caus- thousand pounds, and that could be the A5D Subcommittee on Stainless Steel
ing the martensite to revert to more than an entire years sales of a Filler Metals, D1K Subcommittee on Stain
less Steel Structural Welding, and WRC Sub
austenite. given alloy by one manufacturer. committee on Welding Stainless Steels and
Now consider what could happen if Testing with a magnet, the quality NickelBase Alloys. He is a past chair of the
a quality assurance inspector acts assurance inspector erroneously may A5 Committee on Filler Metals and Allied
upon the incorrect information re- conclude that Manufacturer As wire Materials, and served as AWS president
garding magnetic response in the July contains less ferrite than Manufac- (20052006). Questions may be sent to
Damian J. Kotecki c/o Welding Journal,
article. For example, Manufacturer As turer Bs wire. The quality insurance 8669 NW 36 St., # 130, Miami, FL 33166, or
wire could be annealed at a diameter inspector may think that more ferrite via email at
only a few thousandth of an inch is better for crack resistance or that
larger than final size, so that only a lit- less ferrite is better for low-tempera-

For info, go to


RWMAQA - Agin.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:12 PM Page 24


stamped parts. A CD welding machine years, we have had the original equip-
Q: My company has been nut and combines super-fast rise times, high ment manufacturers, Tier 1 and Tier 2
stud welding for years using alter currents, high weld forces, short weld suppliers, bring parts to our welding
nating current (AC) and mid times, and lack of feedback from an lab. We have demonstrated consistent
frequency direct current (MFDC) open-loop system. results to all of them.
welding machines with great suc The welding process itself is very
cess. We recently ran into some is Q: Ive been told my MFDC welding fast. A CD weld might take 6 ms to 4 s
sues with a new hotstamped part machine has the fastest rise time from to recharge its capacitors 100% de-
that we couldnt projection weld any manufacturer. I am still having pending on the system. It begins
consistently. What could be caus issues projection welding the hot recharging almost immediately after
ing this? stamped material. Why is that? the weld is complete. In most applica-
tions, the cycle time from weld com-
A: Your question is somewhat compli- A: The fast rise time is just part of the pletion to weld current starting is
cated, and one question will lead to an- equation for success. The lack of feed- more than 4 s. This cycle time would
other and then another. The answers back from an open-loop system is also include cylinder retraction, part han-
to each are as follows. imperative for a consistent process. dling, fastener loading, and cylinder
The automotive industry is trend- extension.
ing to make structural components Q: How does what you are saying fit Expensive is a qualitative term and
stronger and lighter, and hot-stamped into the heat generation equation? needs to be fully reviewed. While true,
steel can accomplish both of those. And, if you have no feedback from an the capital expense for a CD welding
The down side: traditional AC and openloop system, how do you know machine could be more than for an AC
MFDC welding machines cant projec- if you have a good weld? or MFDC welding machine, there are
tion weld it consistently. All hot- many cost-saving benefits of CD weld-
stamped parts are not created equally A: Heres where it all ties in. Ohms ing. First, our capacitor banks need
die to die, run to run, each part Law says that V = IR, where V = volt- only a 30-A, single-phase primary
can be different, and therein lies the age, I = current and R = resistance. power feed to charge. Second, the elec-
challenge. The secondary voltage is going to trode life extends far beyond AC or
remain consistent from the trans- MFDC. Some users report changing
Q: Okay, so each part is different. My former and when the resistance in the electrodes once a week compared to
AC and MFDC welding machines both hot-stamped part increases or decreas- multiple times a shift with the AC and
have closedloop feedback that allow es, the current will vary inversely pro- MFDC welding machines. Third, the
the welder to adjust the settings portionate. This is what makes the water cooling needs drop to 12 gal/m
during welding. Where am I going lack of feedback from the open-loop compared to 34 gal/m for an AC press
wrong? system another key to success in CD welding machine or even 812 gal/m
welding. Referring back to the heat for an MFDC welding machine. Finally,
A: Lets start this one with some theo- generation equation: the current, I, the greatest cost-saving benefit of CD
ry. To generate weld heat, the formula does not remain a constant value as it welding comes from the consistency
is does with an AC or MFDC machine. As and not having to safety weld your
Weld Heat = I2 (R)(t) Thermal Loss the resistance varies, so can the cur- fasteners. WJ
where I = current, R = resistance, and rent, allowing for a more consistent
t = time. heat generation and consistent weld-
In this case, lets establish that t, ing results.
time, and thermal loss are constant As for not having a closed-loop
numbers and will not change. Going system within the weld control, we
back to my first answer, each part will integrate weld checkers, which we can ALLEN AGIN is the Midwest regional
have a different R, resistance. Simply program high/low windows around sales manager for Weld Systems Inte
put, the closed-loop system will always the current, voltage, resistance, dis- grators, Inc., Bedford, Ohio, and has
make sure that the I, current, stays the placement, and weld time into our ma- been involved in the welding industry
same. If the current stays the same chine packages. Any value that is out- since 1968. He is currently a published
and the time stays the same, the delta side the window would result in a ma- coauthor of articles and papers on pro
in resistance will result in a change of chine fault. jection fastener welding to highboron
heat produced producing inconsis- AlSicoated hotstamped materials. He
Q: Ive heard CD welding machines has been involved in the development
tent results.
of processes for producing consistent
are unproven, slow, and expensive. Is projection welding of fasteners to hot
Q: If I cant use my AC or MFDC weld this true? stamped parts for the automotive in
ing machines to projection weld hot dustry and is a member of AWS and
stamped parts, what should I do? A: We manufactured our first CD weld- RWMA. Questions and comments can
ing machine for an automotive appli- be sent to Allen Agin c/o Welding
A: It has been found capacitor dis- cation back in 2007. That welding Journal, 8669 NW36 St., #130
charge (CD) welding machines can machine is still in production today Miami, FL, 33166, or via email at
have great success in welding hot- making great parts. Through the


kobelco.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/5/17 3:24 PM Page 25

For Info, go to

Letters to the Editor May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:07 PM Page 26


Readers Question Pulsed grinding or a buffing wheel can also specific circumstances stainless steel
remove the heat tint. These steps are could be turned into mild steel. The state-
GMAW Article only necessary for the most severe cor- ment should have read that too much
rosion situations the base metal is de- heat may burn the chromium and nickel
The February 2017 issue of the signed to resist. The heat-tinted metal out of the base material, also known as
Welding Journal contains an article is still stainless steel. sugaring. As a result, the weld metal
titled An Introduction to Pulsed and surrounding joint lack corrosion re-
GMAW on pages 7678. The last page Damian J. Kotecki sistance. Thank you to the readers for
contains the following statement: President, Damian Kotecki Welding bringing this to our attention. WJ
Consider stainless steel. This material Consultants
cannot handle too much heat or the Chapel Hill, N.C. Erik Brown
welding operator may burn the AWS Past President 20052006 Welding Engineer and AWS CWI
chromium and nickel out of the base Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
material. As a result, the weld metal Ive never encountered/heard of Appleton, Wis.
and surrounding joint turn into mild austenitic stainless steel welded
steel, which lacks corrosion resistance with the appropriate consumable (or
and toughness. This statement is not even an autogenous weld) turning Dear Readers:
correct. There is no way that enough into mild steel because the excessive
chromium and nickel could be burned heat during welding burned out the The Welding Journal encourages
out so that the weld metal and sur- chromium and nickel. an exchange of ideas through
rounding joint turn into mild steel. letters to the editor. Please send
The heat tint on the weld metal and George Dormer your letters to the Welding Journal
heat-affected zone (HAZ) surface does AWS Life Member, Retired Dept., 8669 NW 36th St., #130,
slightly reduce corrosion resistance as Fairport, N.Y. Miami, FL 33166. You can also
compared to that of the unaffected reach us by FAX at (305) 443-7404
base metal. This corrosion resistance We would like to clarify a statement or by sending an e-mail to Cindy
is easily restored by pickling the sur- made in the article An Introduction to Weihl at
face to remove the heat tint. Light Pulsed GMAW. We indicated that under

For info, go to For info, go to


education.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/7/17 11:13 AM Page 27

American Welding Society


AWWS Online Leearning supports you, the Educa
E tor, by providing the resources you need to educate and
inspire the nexxt generation of welders.
These industry-recognized
y resources aree tailor-made for todays welding
w educator, offering turnkey
solutions that take
t welder training to thee next level. Below are jusst a few examples of the reesources
available to you:
Online Educaational Library: The AW WS Online Educational Library is a comprehensive
collection of AW
AWS online courses delivered through an innovative, easy-too-use Learning
Management System. This versatile e-learnning library complements exissting real-time
training programs, distance learning, blendeed learning, and flipped classsroom models.
Subscribers gaain 24/7 access to the current collection
c of 12 welding coursess, as well as all
new courses added
a to the libraryat no extraa cost.
cost The Library is affordably priced
p to fit the
budgets of acaademic institutions, corporate traaining programs, and apprenticeships.
S Program is a comprehenssive set of minimum Standards anda
Guidelines for Welding Education programs. Schoools can incorporate SENSE into thheir
own curriculum inn order to help attain Perkins fuunding as well as to help insure an
education that iss consistent with other SENSEE schools across the nation. This T
program is fully suupported by the American Weldinng Society (AW
WS). Find out moree at:
Academ mic Access: The AW WS Academic Access is a subscription prroduct created
ifi ally
ll to
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th teaching
t hi done
d e by
b educa
d tional
ti l institutions
i tit ti offe
ff ring
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Welding Handbook: The renowned AW WS Weldingg Handbook series is a must haave
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qualification issuees in perspective
perspective. Buy your copy today at
pubs aws org
PP MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 12:54 PM Page 28

PRODUCT & PRINT SPOTLIGHT Attention on Brazing and Soldering

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SurfaceMount Components nesses are 0.13 and 0.18 mm. gonomic welding guns, a wireless con-
trol pad, and the WeldEye welding
Molex management software. Its software provides access to digital WPSs, reduc-
(800) 7866539 ing the need for printed documents.
The machine also offers a control pad
that allows the welder to activate
Multiprocess Welding Machine welding as well as view content on a
Includes GMAW Brazing 5.7-in. display. Designed to meet the
changing needs of the manufacturing
industry, the machine can be upgraded
with software to work on new materi-
als, applications, and welding manage-
The companys newly-developed ment demands. It is also suitable with
solder encapsulated on a polyester common electrical network voltages.
substrate joins surface-mount technol-
ogy components, including fine- Kemppi
pitched integrated circuits, using low-
+358 3 89911
temperature solder. To ensure connec-
tion, the solder joints are protected by
UV-cured encapsulant, enabling them
to withstand vibration and mechanical Report Presents the Soldering
shock. Right-angle LED lights can be The X8 welding machine is a multi- Tin Market Growth Forecast for
attached to enhance backlighting for process system for GMAW, SMAW, 20172022
user-interface applications. The flexi- GMAW brazing, cladding, and goug-
ble substrate is available in clear, ing. It consists of a power source that Soldering Tin Market Research Re-

For info, go to


PP MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 12:55 PM Page 29

port, Industry Analysis and Growth Fore- Report Analyzes the 2016 chain structure, policies, plans, manu-
cast from 2017 to 2022 provides a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger facturing processes, and cost struc-
study of the current and future state tures. It also includes the market size
of the soldering tin industry. The re-
Market (volume and value), segment markets
port offers definitions, classifications, by regions, types, applications, and
applications, and chain structure of Global Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger companies of major regions, such as
the soldering tin industry, as well as Consumption 2016 Market Research Re- the USA, Europe, China, and Japan.
an analysis of the international mar- port describes the current state of this The report features the company pro-
ket including development history, industry and provides guidance for files, product pictures and specifica-
competitive landscape analysis, and companies or individuals interested in tions, sales, market share, and contact
major regional development status. the market. It covers definitions, clas- information of major industry players.
The report also examines the key play- sifications, applications, industry The feasibility of a new investment is
ers in the soldering tin market
throughout various regions, such as
North America, Europe, China, Japan,
Southeast Asia, and India. Spread
across 125 pages, the report includes
tables, figures, and charts.

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print and air reflow-capable solder
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to component warpage or processes
that require cleaning. It provides a
printing performance down to a 180-
m pad size. The OM-535 is a low-
temperature paste with drop-shock re-
sistance and electrical reliability for
heat-sensitive reflow applications. It
enhances solder joint and flux residue
cosmetics even when using long/high
thermal soaking.

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assessed, and the overall research con-

clusions are offered.

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Masking Agent Protects

Electronics During Soldering

temperatures ranging from 143

310C. Also included are two compati-
ble fluxes TACFlux 007 and 012.
Research kits can be ordered at

Indium Corp.
(315) 8534900

Profiling System Monitors

Miniature Wave Soldering

The Dymax Speedmask 9-20479-B-

Rev-A masking agent safeguards print-
ed circuit board connectors and other
components during soldering and con- The Datapaq SelectivePaq features a
formal coating applications. It is suit- small thermal profiling system
able with manual, semiautomatic, or designed for miniature wave selective
fully automated dispensing. It cures soldering processes. It uses four ther-
and forms a stable coating in seconds mocouples to take measurements
under UV/visible light, and is removed from the electronic assembly as it
by peeling, leaving behind no ionic or passes through the preheating and dip
silicone contamination. It is also sol- soldering phases. Sample intervals can
vent and silicone free, as well as be- be adjusted up to 20 times/s. The de-
nign to gold or copper finishes. tailed temperature profiles enable elec-
tronics manufacturers to adjust their
Intertronics operations for optimum efficiency, val- idate the quality of printed circuit
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ence to both solder and component
temperature constraints.
Research Kit Enables Gold Plate
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The Soldering to Gold Research Kit (831) 4583900
employs indium-based alloys for sol-
dering to gold plating, reducing gold
scavenging damage. These alloys cause Report Forecasts Braze Alloys
less gold scavenging damage than tin- Market Growth through 2025
based solders. The kit provides three
different alloys in 0.030-in. (0.76- Braze Alloys Market Globally Expect-
mm), solid-core wire with melting ed to Drive Growth through 2025 indi-


PP MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 12:56 PM Page 31

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tages offered by brazing. However, the fingers is pliable, which enhances ergonomics, dry grip, dexterity, and tactile
report finds that the changing prices sensitivity.
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pediment to the markets growth. Also Brass Knuckle Safety Products
covered are base metal key market
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cluding automotive, electronics and
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Report Examines the

Silver and GoldBased
Brazing Materials Market
for 20172021
Silver- and Gold-Based Brazing Mate-
rials Market Driving Factors, Market
Analysis, Investment Feasibility and
Trends 20172021 covers the present
scenario and growth prospects of the
silver- and gold-based brazing materi-
als industry for the four-year forecast
period. It also discusses the key ven-
dors and calculates the market size
and revenue gathered from the sales
of the silver- and gold-based brazing
industry. The report spans 69 pages.

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Soldering System Provides

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Designed for surface-mount tech-

nology assemblers, the 4040 vapor
phase soldering system offers an alter-
native to inline convection. The sys-
tem is installable in most workspaces
without the need for complex duct-
work and external venting. Its heat
transfer conditions generate minimal
exhaust that can be managed by any
self-contained fume extraction sys-
tem. Its illuminated processing cham-
ber, which includes a 14-in. viewing
window, is isolated during soldering,
For info, go to
continued on next page
PP MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 12:56 PM Page 32

and a fluid recovery system collects

and filters condensate during cool- Submit a New Products Item
down. Cycle times ranging from 6 to for Consideration
9 min or less coupled with a 18 16
in. work holder allow batch soldering If your company has a new weld-
of multiple boards for throughput ing, fabricating, or manufacturing
that supports low-to-medium volume product readily available, the details
production requirements. required to be considered for possi-
ble publication in the Welding Jour-
Mann Corp. nal are as follows:
(858) 4906266 Press release with the products
name, important features, and spe-
cific industries its aimed for.

High-resolution jpg or tiff photo

(266 or more dpi).

Please e-mail submissions to

Associate Editor Katie Pacheco at

Looking for a Welding Job?

The American Welding Society
has enhanced its Jobs In Welding
website at
The redesigned career portal in-
cludes additional capabilities for
companies seeking workers and in-
dividuals looking for jobs.
Through relationships with
many job boards and distributors,
it offers direct access to more than
88% of the welding-related jobs
posted on the Internet.
Users may search various open-
ings for welders, Certified Welding
Inspectors, engineers, technicians,
and managers/supervisors.
In addition, the website contains
the following highlights:
The home page displays featured
welding jobs along with the com-
panies looking to fill them and
city/state locations.
The job seeker section connects
individuals to new career oppor-
tunities by allowing them to post
an anonymous rsum, view jobs,
and make personal job alerts.
This area has rsum tips, certifi-
cation information, and a school
The employer area enables associ-
ation with qualified applicants.
Rsums, job postings, and prod-
ucts/pricing options may be
viewed here.

Visit the website to create or

access job seeker and employer
For info, go to


fabtech usa.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/7/17 11:09 AM Page 33






Feature - NCC - May.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 9:23 AM Page 34

The Cream of the Crop:

Craft Competition Draws
Industrys Brightest Talent

Pipe welders competed for top

honors at the 2017 National Craft
Competition in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Construction apprentices
t the blaring shrill of a blow horn, the Broward Convention
Center grew busy with the banging of hammers, the quicken-
and trainees traveled to ing of feet, and the flash of flying sparks as competitors raced
to gain momentum at the 30th annual National Craft Championships
the National Craft (NCC) in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The two-day competition took place
March 1 and 2. It called forth 170 construction apprentices and
Championships in Florida trainees from 28 states to compete for top honors in their craft.
to put their skills to the Created by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), this
craft competition is designed to spotlight careers in construction. It
test and jumpstart their also gives craftsmen and their sponsoring companies the opportuni-
ty to see where they stack up with the rest of the country, explained
careers Jeff Leieritz, ABCs senior media relations manager.
The event hosted 15 competitions representing 13 crafts includ-
ing welding, sheet metal, plumbing, pipefitting, millwright/industri-
al maintenance mechanic, and masonry.


Feature - NCC - May.qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 2:53 PM Page 35

The first day of the competition

commenced with a 2-h, craft-based
written exam based on the Contren
Learning Series Core Curriculum mod-
ules developed by the NCCER.
The second day was comprised of a
6-h, hands-on practical performance
test measuring a range of skills, in-
cluding workmanship, project disas-
sembly, and safety Fig. 1. The writ-
ten portion accounted for 25% of the
total score, whereas the hands-on seg-
ment was worth 75%.

Structural and Pipe

Welding Competitions
The welding portion of the compe-
tition consists of two separate classifi-
cations: structural welding and pipe
welding. To be eligible to participate in
one of these categories, competitors
must not be certified in the welding
process used in the practical perform-
Fig. 1 Pipe welding competitor safely uses a 4 12-in. angle grinder.
ance test longer than six months from
the date of the competition, and they
should have completed the NCCER Companies sponsor the competitors to tor or boss believes in you, or you won
core curriculum modules. These re- represent their organization or region, many competitions, he said. As a re-
quirements help ensure all welders be- explained Leieritz. In this way, the in- sult, the welders seen at NCC repre-
gin on an even footing. dustry is investing in their best and sent the industrys cream-of-the-crop
Additionally, the welders should be brightest. journeymen.
enrolled in the NCC via a sponsor. Getting here means your instruc- Becoming eligible isnt the most dif-

Fig. 2 A structural welding competitor prepares to cut a 38- Fig. 3 A pipe welding competitor joins a 5-in. Schedule 80
in.-thick plate using an oxyfuel torch. pipe in the 2G position.


Feature - NCC - May.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 9:24 AM Page 36

ficult part; its the parameters for the

competition that welders find most
Meet Holley Thomas, challenging. The structural and pipe
welding competitions required weld
a Competitor Turned Judge coupons to be joined with shielded
metal arc welding using E6010 elec-
Seven years ago, Holley Thomas was just like the other competi- trodes for the root pass and E7018
electrodes for the fill and cap passes.
tors vying for gold at this years National Craft Championships Both competitions were judged accord-
(NCC). ing to AWS QC7-93, Standard for AWS
I decided to compete at NCC because Ive always liked the chal- Certified Welders.
lenge, and I felt it was something that would jumpstart my career The individual welding competi-
and put my name out in the industry. tions also had their unique parameters
Thomas, a graduate of Central Alabama Community College, be- and scoring criteria. For instance, the
gan preparing for the competition six months in advance by taking structural welding competition re-
the sample written tests three times a week and rigorously practicing quired a 38-in.-thick plate to be welded
her welding skills. in the 3G, with uphill progression, and
The hard work paid off. In 2010, Thomas won the gold medal for 4G positions. Structural welding com-
the NCC structural welding competition, making her the first female petitors were also tasked with display-
ing the knowledge and skills applicable
to place at the event. When asked what the most challenging aspect to torch setup and breakdown, oxyfuel
of the competition was, Thomas said, Conquering my fears. We prac- cutting, weldment assembly, and print
ticed in a controlled environment, but when you come here to com- reading Fig. 2.
pete, youre in a fishbowl. In contrast, pipe welding competi-
Thomas also expressed pride at being able to overcome those tors were required to weld a 5-in.
nerves by not just competing well, but also winning. Look at what I Schedule 80 pipe in the 5G, with uphill
did. I gave it my all, and I got to do it in front of all these people. progression, and 2G positions
Thomass accomplishments did not stop there. In 2015, she won Fig. 3.
the NCC Craft Professional of the Year award, taking home a Dodge According to Bill Cherry, project
Ram 1500 truck. manager of the NCC pipe welding
Currently, Thomas is a lead quality inspector and welding instruc- competition, the difficulty level and
welding parameters are designed to
tor for KBR, Enid, Okla. She is also a judge for the NCC structural mimic in-field conditions. The degree
welding competition, where she gets to see beginning-level welders of difficulty is a four out of five be-
take the same steps she took years ago. Looking back, she credits the cause theyre using restricted jigs and
NCC for helping her get where she is today. The competition is a welding in a restricted position, he
great thing to put on a rsum, and it helped me progress faster. said.

The Victors in Welding

On March 3, the winners of each of
the 13 NCC competitions were an-
nounced during a breakfast awards
ceremony. First-place winners for the
welding categories were Brandyn
Kendall in pipe welding and Israel Pi-
con Jr. in structural welding. Kendall
represents his employer and training
sponsor, Cianbro, Pittsfield, Maine.
Picon represents his employer, Per-
formance Contractors, Inc., Houston,
Tex., and his training sponsor, the ABC
of Greater Houston Chapter. Both
winners were awarded gold medals
and a cash prize of $750.
Second- and third-place winners in
the welding category received silver
and bronze medals, as well as $500
and $350, respectively. However, no
one left the competition empty hand-
ed. All competitors took home gifts
NCC Judge Holley Thomas proudly stands in front of the 2017 structural welding from NCC sponsors.
competition, where she competed seven years ago.


Feature - NCC - May.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 9:24 AM Page 37

Fig. 4 Gold Medalist Israel Picon Jr. (center) poses with the NCC representatives after winning first place in structural welding.

Opportunity Knocks for Gold tion, foster public interest, and help and go to the next level next year for
Winner Israel Picon Jr. fill the looming skills gap by delivering the pipe competition. The next level
industry-approved training and en- after that is gas tungsten arc welding.
Winning an industry-recognized hancing the job marketability of com- According to Cherry, it is common
competition like NCC is worth more petitors. One of the ways it does this is for people to continue participating at
than its weight in gold for Israel Picon by informing young people about the the different NCC welding competi-
Jr. Fig. 4. many opportunities available in con- tions as they develop more skills. For
Im excited. I think winning this struction through outreach. example, Michael Noschese, NCCs
competition has opened up a lot of Ruth Tirado, vice president of edu- 2016 first-place winner in structural
doors. People know my name, said Pi- cation and training, works with high welding, is competing again this year
con, a senior at Dr. Kirk Lewis Career schools and colleges to get kids in- for pipe welding, a more difficult com-
and Technical High School, Houston, volved in the industry and show them petition than structural.
Tex. different career paths and what train- Additionally, the competition opens
Picon also expressed pride at his ing they will need. Tirado visits a sea of opportunities for its competi-
ability to compete against and beat schools, sends local contractors to tors. Chris Weber, project manager for
welders nearly double his age. speak to students one on one, and or- the structural competition, explained
One of my classmates, Ramiro, ganizes class field trips to events such that many competitors move up the
was participating with me. I think we as the NCC competition. ranks in their present companies after
were the only high schoolers, he ex- Present at the 2017 NCC event the competitions. The companies are
plained. It was great to go against were several South Florida educational watching what theyre doing, he said.
guys who were the same age as our institutions, including Plantation High It makes competitors strive more to
dads. We were right up there with School, Coral Springs High School, At- get to the next level.
them. I think we proved that being lantic High School, Seagull High
young doesnt mean you cant do School, and Whiddon-Rodgers Educa- Get Ready for the 2018 NCC
something. tion Center.
Picon credits winning to his dedica- Tirado also works to eradicate com- After three years in sunny Florida,
tion to studying and practicing every mon misconceptions that discourage the NCC is heading to the west coast.
day. You get whatever you put in, he young people from entering the con- The 2018 NCC is slated to take place at
said. Some advice I can give for others struction industry. The culture needs the Long Beach Convention and Enter-
who are considering a career in the to be changed for people to under- tainment Center in Long Beach, Calif.,
construction industry is to always put stand that construction is a worth- on March 2022. To learn more about
effort into it because you can get a lot while career option, she said. the National Craft Championships,
from it. The NCC also accomplishes its visit WJ
aim by working to train professionals
and encourage continued education.
Building a Workforce Cherry described it as a progression
One Competition at a Time competition.
The average competitor is at a
The NCC is designed to highlight stage of advancing their careers, he KATIE PACHECO ( is
associate editor of the Welding Journal.
the significance of careers in construc- said. A lot of competitors start here


BRAUN FEATURE MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/5/17 6:22 PM Page 38

The Impact of Laser Shock

Peening on Welded Metals
This process influences the mechanical
properties of steels, titanium, and

aser shock peening (LSP) is a met-
al treatment process that uses
laser beams to induce residual
compressive stresses in the materials
on which it is employed. These stress-
es increase surface hardness and fa-
tigue life.
Figure 1 shows a two-dimensional
stress map for a peened and unpeened
weld. Laser shock peening is used in
multiple fields, but its most prevalent
in aerospace engineering. The process
can be used both on the final product
and in the equipment used to manu-
facture those products. For example,
LSP is used on fan blades for the
McDonnell F101 Voodoo fighter jet
and the General Electric F110 jet en-
gine, metalforming resistance welding
dies, land-based power generation
blades, F-22 wing attachment lugs,
and peen forming wings on Boeings
747 aircraft.
One of the main advantages of LSP
is its ability to induce compressive
stresses in such a way that cracks aris-
ing from cyclic loading can be con-
trolled in their shape and rate of
growth. Postwelded metals are suscep-
tible to cracking, especially in the
heat-affected zone (HAZ). Welds ex-
posed to cyclic loading are often the
subject of costly repairs. If LSP can be
used to induce compressive stresses
and extend the lifetime of welds, it
can have a positive effect in terms
of the cost and longevity of welded
The purpose of this article is to re-
view the effects of laser shock peening
This photograph shows a gear with overlay water flowing set up in a robot and
on the mechanical properties of stain-
ready for the application of laser peening. (Courtesy of LSP Technologies.)


BRAUN FEATURE MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/5/17 6:23 PM Page 39

Fig. 2 An illustration of the LSP Tech-

nologies Procudo 200-W laser system is
shown along with a processing cell con-
Fig. 1 This two-dimensional stress map shows a weld before and after peen- taining part-handling robots. (Image cour-
ing. (Image courtesy of Professor Michael Hill.) tesy of LSP Technologies.)

less steel, titanium, aluminum, and plastic deformation responsible for tential for using LSP on the fan blades
carbon steel, as well as how these ef- LSPs characteristic residual compres- of General Electric F101 engines,
fects differ when the materials are sive stresses. This was the first in- which were being used in their Rock-
welded. In general, the benefits of LSP stance of laser shock peening. well B-1 Lancer bombers. The fan
are maintained, if not improved, for Figure 2 shows an illustration of blades of these engines were nicked by
welded metals as compared with un- the LSP setup while Fig. 3 shows the collisions with foreign objects in the
welded metals. process. air as the bombers flew. A severely
The technology used to generate notched fan blade treated with LSP
A Historical Perspective these pulsed lasers was severely limit- had the same fatigue life as a brand
ed at the time Battelle was doing its re- new blade.
of Laser Shock Peening search, requiring a whole room and Figure 4 shows a fan blade that has
several minutes of downtime for re- been laser peened.
In the early 1960s, researchers covery between laser pulses. It was not Before the experimentation with
started looking at pulsed laser beams until the 1980s that the technological pulsed laser beams, shot peening (SP)
and their ability to generate shock advances necessary to further develop had been the most widely used
waves. Gurgen Askaryhan and E. M. LSP would arise, when Wagner Cast- method of inducing compressive resid-
Moroz inspected pressure measure- ings Co. (WCC) wanted to use LSP to ual stresses in metals. This cold work-
ments on material surfaces targeted increase the strength of cast iron ing process shoots round particles
by these pulsed lasers; the pressures enough to compete with that of steel. made of metal, glass, or ceramic at the
they documented were significantly After discovering better fatigue surface of the material undergoing
larger than those that could be made strength in the cast iron with LSP, treatment. This plastically deforms
by a continuous laser beam. Further WCC created a prototype laser de- the surface by mechanical means and
studies showed that plasma was creat- signed for this purpose, which was induces residual compressive stresses
ed at the surface of the material when completed in 1987. at the surface. However, SP had some
this pulsed laser hit it, and it was the By 1991, the U.S. Air Force had got- drawbacks, such as only being able to
rapid expansion of this plasma that ten involved, combining the work of cause compressive stresses at a shal-
caused the stress waves. Battelle and Wagner to explore the po- low depth and usually at the expense
Following this research on pulsed
laser beams, LSPs development first
began in 1971 when researchers at the
Battelle Memorial Institute started
thinking about using pulsed laser
beams to improve the mechanical
properties of metal. They devised a
method that used a transparent over-
lay, an opaque overlay, and a high-
energy pulsed laser. The transparent
overlay, typically water, kept the plas-
ma from expanding away from the sur-
face. The opaque overlay, such as
paint, protected the metals surface.
Together, these overlays let the shock
Fig. 3 LSP drawing detailing the laser pulse, opaque and transparent layers, and
waves propagate deeper into the sur-
plasma cloud. (Image courtesy of Professor Michael Hill.)
face and resulted in the creation of the


BRAUN FEATURE MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/5/17 6:23 PM Page 40

of severe surface deformation. Now,

LSP is used to induce layers of com-
pressive stresses deeper than standard
shot peening and also leaves a better
surface condition.
Table 1 shows a summary of re-
search results for unwelded (UW) and
welded (W) materials and compares
observations of different mechanical
properties for stainless steel (SS), tita-
nium (Ti), aluminum (Al), and carbon
steel (CS).
Laser shock peening increases the
ability of metal alloys in the as-welded
state to resist cyclic loading and also
slows crack growth. The improvement
of mechanical properties due to LSP
was more pronounced for welded met-
als than unwelded metals. In stainless
steel, pitting and stress corrosion
cracking resistance were improved by
LSP. The effects of LSP on titanium are
listed as well; however, it is not possi-
ble to compare the welded and un-
welded states due to a lack of data.
The effects of LSP on welded alu-
minum samples were nearly the same,
if not better than, the effects on the
unwelded samples. There was an in-
crease in tensile properties, an effect
not seen in the unwelded state. In
steel, the effects of LSP were compara-
ble in both the welded and unwelded

Stainless Steel Fig. 4 Edge peened Ti-6Al-4V fan blades used in General Electric military engines.
(Image courtesy of Professor Michael Hill.)
Stainless steel is an important and
versatile alloy with a wide range of ap- fore SCC was observed (Ref. 3). This is Goudar et al. examined 304L stain-
plications. Treating 304 austenitic more than three times longer than the less steel groove welds. Laser shock
stainless steel with LSP resulted in results Luo et al. found for unwelded peening generated a compressive
greatly increased compressive stresses SS, even without the entire surface be- stress layer 4 mm deep (Ref. 5). Re-
and produced a refined grain structure ing treated. sults to compare against for unwelded
in the metal (Ref. 1). It also greatly in- Figure 5 shows how LSP changes SS were not found.
creased stress-corrosion cracking the propagation of SCC in a sample of
(SCC) resistance. When submerged in 316 stainless steel after being sub- Titanium
a boiling solution of 40% magnesium merged in 40% magnesium.
chloride, a highly corrosive environ- Nasilowska et al. examined shot Titanium is a widely used material
ment, the LSP samples went 300 h peened gas tungsten arc welding in the aerospace industry where LSP
without cracking. Samples that had (GTAW) joints and laser beam welded treatment is prevalent. Unfortunately,
not been treated only lasted 16 h. samples after exposing them to salt there is a lack of published research on
Along with this, the elastic modulus of water for up to 1000 h. After SP, the the LSP of titanium welds, making a
four different samples went up by GTAW joints did not experience corro- true comparison impossible. However,
about 70% and the nano hardness of sion until after 1000 h, a 75% in- there is a lot of research on the LSP of
those same samples increased by 40% crease, and the laser welded joints ex- titanium by itself, which might offer
(Ref. 2). Kong et al. examined welded perienced no reaction at all to the cor- insight into what the laser peening of
304 SS. Untreated specimens had SCC rosive environment (Ref. 4). Though titanium welds would do.
after just 25 h of being immersed in 309L is already a highly corrosion- Liu and Hill tested Ti-6Al-4V titani-
boiling magnesium chloride. resistant alloy, this is a clear improve- um coupons in fretting fatigue and
The samples that had only 45% of ment. The results of SP on stainless compared the results of SP and LSP.
their surface treated by LSP lasted steel groove welds suggest that LSP When comparing surface condition,
300 h, and those that had 80% of their stainless steel groove welds may be a residual stress, and lifetime, the depth
surface treated by LSP lasted 985 h be- promising area of research. of the compressive stresses was much


BRAUN FEATURE MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/5/17 6:23 PM Page 41

Table 1 Summary Table of Key Results Found in the Cited Research about Eects Due to LSP

Material Depth of Stresses Surface Stress Time to SCC

UW 304 SS 300 h
W 309L SS 1000 h
W 304 SS 4 mm 400500 MPa 985 h
UW Ti-6Al-4V Ti 1.3 mm 230 MPa
UW Ti-2.5 Cu Ti 0.25 mm 390 MPa
UW 7050-T7451 Al
UW 6160 Al 1.4 mm
W 7075-T7351 Al 12 mm
W 2195 Al 24 mm
UW 300M CS

Material Corrosion Rate Mech. Prop. Increase Cyclic Load Life Increase

UW 304 SS Elasticity by 70%

hardness by 40%
W 309L SS 75% decrease
W 304 SS
UW Ti-6Al-4V Ti
UW Ti-2.5 Cu Ti
UW 7050-T7451 Al 41% @ 100,000 cycles
UW 6160 Al
W 7075-T7351 Al 60% tensile strength
W 2195 Al 300% tensile strength
UW 300M CS 54% @ 1,000,000 cycles
W ASTM A516 CS 5063%

higher in the LSP specimens than in stresses, resulting in a 390 MPa sur- files, which concentrate stresses at the
the shot peened specimens. The LSP face residual stress at a depth of 0.25 peaks of these waves (Ref. 7). The LSP
specimens were found to have a com- mm (Ref. 7). samples also initiated cracks faster
pression depth of 1.3 mm and depth SP and LSP significantly improved than the SP samples. This is theorized
of maximum tension of 2.8 mm (Ref. the life of the specimens in both stud- to be due to the cavities at the surface,
6). These results were dependent on ies. However, the life was lower after which help with crack propagation.
the geometry of the test conditions, LSP than after SP, especially at lower Due to these results, one may spec-
which needs to be taken into account applied stresses. The laser peened ulate for applications that do not re-
when predicting the results of future samples ability to withstand fatigue quire cyclic loading, LSP will produce
testing. In Ti-2.5 Cu samples, LSP in- was not as good as standard SP due to deeper compressive stresses in titani-
creased the layer of compressive the wavy nature of their surface pro- um welds than SP.
Furthermore, because titanium
and stainless steel have similar me-
chanical properties, the change in
effects of LSP in the welded and un-
Nonpeened Area: Cracks avoid welded conditions of SS might give
Cracks are prevalent laser peened area clues to the difference for Ti. This is
an area that would also benefit from
further research.

When subjected to cyclic loading,
laser peened aluminum samples lasted
much longer than samples in the as-
Laser Peened Area: machined (AM) state. Hill and Luong
No observable cracks examined the high cycle fatigue per-
formance of 7050-T7451 aluminum
specimens in the AM, SP, and LSP con-
ditions (Ref. 8). The LSP specimens
Fig. 5 The effect of LSP on crack propagation in 316 stainless steel is highlighted. outlasted the AM specimens by nearly
(Image courtesy of Professor Michael Hill.)
a factor of eight at moderate levels of


BRAUN FEATURE MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/5/17 6:24 PM Page 42

stress, and by a factor of 3.3 at higher

stresses. For 100,000 cycles, LSP pro-
vided a lifetime that was 41% higher
than the AM samples. In laser shock
peening 6160 aluminum, nanoscale
precipitates were able to form, and
these greatly increased the fatigue re-
sistance of the samples. The depth of
stress was about 1.4 mm due to this
treatment (Ref. 9).
Figure 6 shows a difference in cy- 0.50
cles to failure in 7049 T73 aluminum.
In laser peening friction stir weld-
ing (FSW), high-strength, 7075-T7351
aluminum alloys, there was an in-
crease in strength of about 60% and a Fig. 6 The difference in cycles to failure in 7049 T73 aluminum for the as-
compressive layer of residual stress machined, shot peened, and laser shot peened conditions. (Image courtesy of
Professor Michael Hill.)
around 12 mm deep (Ref. 10). There
was also a marked increase in tensile
strength, postulated to be caused by a
state. The depth of surface compres- done. This would allow a more com-
higher dislocation density at deeper
sion in both the welded and unwelded prehensive look at its effects on a
levels, due to the welding process.
states was comparable, both in the 2 wider variety of materials and alloys.
Hatamleh found similar results in
to 4 mm range. Also, there was a rela- In general, LSP was just as effective
2195 FSW aluminum alloys (Ref. 11).
tionship between the number of layers on welded materials as it was on un-
Crack growth rates were much lower
in welded aluminum and the depth welded materials. Ideally, enough re-
for LSP weldments than they were for
and magnitude of compressive stress- search would be done to be able to tab-
the original material. These rates were
es not noted in research done on un- ulate all the combinations, covering a
found to be almost the same as for un-
welded aluminum. wide variety of metal alloys, all the
peened base material, meaning that various welding processes, and across
the material could almost achieve the
same fatigue resistance it had before Carbon Steel a variety of thicknesses. This would al-
low engineers to quickly assess what
being welded due to LSP. The depth of benefits may be gained by LSP. If a less
near surface compression on these For 1 million cycle fatigue loading
under normal conditions, laser peen- expensive alloy that has been laser
samples varied from 2 to 4 mm. peened can be substituted for a more
DeWald and Hatamleh noted an in- ing increased the life of high-strength
300M steel samples by 54%. In gener- expensive alloy, it could lower cost.
teresting observation when studying Characterizing the effects of LSP
the residual stresses in FSW joints for al, the LSP materials were found to
perform significantly better than the across a wide variety of materials and
2195 and 7075 aluminum alloys (Ref. welding processes would open up a
12). Depending upon the number of AM and SP samples (Ref. 14). This is
similar to the results seen in peening new realm of mechanical and material
times the coupons underwent LSP, the design.
depth and largest magnitude of com- fusion welds.
The use of shot peening treatment Laser shock peening is currently
pressive stresses fluctuated. These used in high-cost and high-importance
properties were maximized with six on ASTM A516 grade 70 carbon steel
fusion welded joints resulted in an in- applications, but the ability to reliably
layers of laser shock peening. High lev- increase the strength of weldments by
els of tensile stress were found in the creased fatigue life of the fusion weld
by 50% on shielded metal arc welding, inducing compressive stresses can
mid-thickness of the laser peened benefit the entire welding industry. WJ
welds, similar to what has been found 63% on GMAW, and 60% on GTAW
in other studies. In 7075 aluminum al- samples (Ref. 15). Laser shock peening
may yield better results on the fatigue Acknowledgments
loys, there was a connection found be-
tween tensile strength, compressive life of these welds, upon consideration
of the substantial research done com- Professor Michael Hill of the De-
stresses, and the number of LSP layers partment of Mechanical and Aero-
(Ref. 13). Single layers of LSP pro- paring the effectiveness of SP and LSP.
However, there is a shortage of re- space Engineering at the University of
duced a marked increase in tensile California, Davis, provided images and
strength but did not affect surface search done on LSP of carbon steel.
More studies on this subject would al- valuable advice on the content of this
hardness, while this was opposite for paper. Dr. David Sokol, director of re-
many layers of LSP. The highest in- low a real comparison to be made with
its effects on unwelded carbon steel. search at LSP Technologies, provided
crease in tensile strength occurred at images and information about LSP
three layers of LSP. commercial applications.
The effects of LSP on welded alu- Conclusions
minum were very similar to those on References
the LSP of unwelded material. Fur- Further research on the LSP effects
thermore, the tensile strength seemed on different alloys of these reviewed 1. Lu, J. Z. et al. 2012. Effects of
to be improved by LSP in the welded metals, especially titanium, should be laser peening on stress corrosion


BRAUN FEATURE MAY 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 8:42 AM Page 43

cracking (SCC) of ANSI 304 austenitic 7. Maawad, E. et al. 2012. Investi- 12. Hatamleh, O., and DeWald, A.
stainless steel. Corrosion Science 60: gation of laser shock peening effects 2009. An investigation of the peening
145152. on residual stress state and fatigue effects on the residual stresses in fric-
2. Luo, K. Y. et al. 2011. Effects of performance of titanium alloys. Mate- tion stir welded 2195 and 7075 alu-
laser shock processing on mechanical rials Science and Engineering: A 536: minum alloy joints. Journal of Materi-
properties and microstructure of ANSI 8291. als Processing Technology 209.10:
304 austenitic stainless steel. Materi- 8. Luong, H., and Hill, M. R. 2010. 48224829.
als Science and Engineering: A 528.13: The effects of laser peening and shot 13. Hatamleh, O. et al. 2009. Fa-
47834788. peening on high cycle fatigue in 7050- tigue crack growth performance of
3. Kong, D.-J., Zhu, W., and Sun, B. T7451 aluminum alloy. Materials Sci- peened friction stir welded 2195 alu-
2009. Effects of laser shock processing ence and Engineering: A 527.3: minum alloy joints at elevated and
on residual stress of AISI304 TIG 699707. cryogenic temperatures. Materials Sci-
welding joint [J]. Materials Science and 9. Ye, C., Liao, Y., and Cheng, G. J. ence and Engineering: A 519.1: 6169.
Technology 6: 007. 2010. Warm laser shock peening driv- 14. Pistochini, T. E., and Hill, M. R.
4. Nasilowska, B., Bogdanowicz, Z., en nanostructures and their effects on 2011. Effect of laser peening on fa-
and Wojucki, M. 2015. Shot peening fatigue performance in aluminum al- tigue performance in 300M steel. Fa-
effect on 904L welds corrosion resist- loy 6160. Advanced Engineering Materi- tigue & Fracture of Engineering Materi-
ance. Journal of Constructional Steel Re- als 12.4: 291297. als & Structures 34.7: 521533.
search 115: 276282. 10. Hatamleh, O. 2008. The effects 15. Lah, N. A. C. et al. 2010. The ef-
5. Goudar, D. M. et al. 2011. Meas- of laser peening and shot peening on fect of controlled shot peening on fu-
urement of residual stresses in surface mechanical properties in friction stir sion welded joints. Materials & Design
treated stainless steel groove welds. welded 7075-T7351 aluminum. Jour- 31.1: 312324.
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 681. nal of Materials Engineering and Per-
Trans Tech Publications. formance 17.5: 688694.
6. Liu, K. K., and Hill, M. R. 2009. 11. Hatamleh, O. 2008. Effects of
The effects of laser peening and shot peening on mechanical properties in ERIK BRAUN ( is
an undergraduate student in mechanical
peening on fretting fatigue in Ti-6Al- friction stir welded 2195 aluminum al- engineering at the University of California,
4V coupons. Tribology International loy joints. Materials Science and Engi- Davis, Calif.
42.9: 12501262. neering: A 492.1: 168176.

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Bear et al. Feature May.qxp_Layout 1 4/5/17 2:48 PM Page 44


Applying Brazing Fundamentals

to the Sinter Brazing Process
How the success of sinter brazing GLENN RISHEL, BRIAN SMITH,
technology is built on a basic AND STEPHEN L. FELDBAUER

understanding of the process

inter brazing is a process that al- Fundamentals of Brazing the base metal and reduce the capillary
lows producing complex compo- force that must pull the filler metal
nents of powder metal by bond- Brazing is a widely used process for through the joint clearance to form
ing multiple powder metal pieces dur- bonding materials. It is commonly em- the braze joint.
ing sintering of the compact to pro- ployed in the aircraft industry and Prior to melting the filler metal, the
duce a single part with features that heat exchanger production. In each oxides on the surface of the base metal
cannot be made through current case, the fundamentals of the process and the filler metal must be reduced. If
molding technology. are the same Fig. 1. allowed to remain on these surfaces,
This process is used to produce Surface cleanliness is key to the the filler metal will not flow into the
many parts with complex shapes, yet success of the process. Any contamina- joint clearance completely, and defects
its fundamentals are not widely under- tion on the surface of the base metals may form because the filler metal is
stood. The result is often marginal may cause the filler metal to not wet not in complete contact with the base
success in the sinter brazing process the base metal or be pulled into the metals to form the alloy of the braze
and increased costs. In this article, the joint clearance by capillary effect joint. Without something present to
fundamentals of brazing are used to Fig. 2. reduce or react with the oxides, the
further understand the sinter brazing Contaminants, such as forming oils filler metal cannot form the alloy that
process. Issues such as surface cleanli- or other lubricants, dissociate during becomes the braze joint. This reactant
ness, sinter brazing atmosphere, and the heating process to form carbon. can be in the form of a flux added to
the impact of good sinter brazing prac- The carbon deposits will cause a reduc- the surface of the base metals, con-
tices will be reviewed. tion in the filler metals ability to wet tained in the filler metal itself, or it

Fig. 2 The photo on the left shows the wetting of 1.5 g of filler metal on a
metal plate. The photo on the right shows the wetting of 1.5 g of filler
Fig. 1 The fundamental steps in the brazing process. metal with a carbon ring around it that stops the wetting.


Bear et al. Feature May.qxp_Layout 1 4/5/17 2:49 PM Page 45


Fig. 3 More stable oxides require a lower dew point to allow the reduction of the oxides with hydrogen. The graph on the right shows the
equilibrium dew point as a function of base material and temperature.

can be the atmosphere around the sys- much lower than those calculated at will be too small to overcome the re-
tem, such as hydrogen. In most sinter the brazing temperature. For example, sistance to flow. The result will be a
brazing processes, there is hydrogen in the case of copper and stainless joint that is weak due to the insuffi-
present in the sintering atmosphere steel, the equilibrium dew point at the cient formation of the alloy bond
that reacts with the oxides on the brazing temperature of 1120C Fig. 4.
surface to prepare the surfaces for (2050F) is 46C (50F); however, The joint clearance also determines
bonding. prior to the melting point of the cop- the amount of filler metal that is re-
The chemistry of the base metal per at 1086C (1986F), the equilibri- quired to form the joint. Calculated in
and the filler metal play an important um dew point is less than 50C the hot state, the joint clearance size
role in the atmosphere that is required (60F) Fig. 3. and volume will allow for the determi-
to reduce the oxides in the system. As When the filler metal melts, the nation of the capillary force and the
shown in Fig. 6, lower free energies of force due to capillary action causes volume of filler metal needed. As indi-
formation of an oxide require a much the liquid filler metal to be pulled cated in Fig. 4, for a system such as
lower equilibrium dew point for the through the joint clearance. The prop- stainless steel base metals and a cop-
oxide reduction to take place in hydro- er design of the joint clearance is criti- per filler metal, the optimal joint clear-
gen. It is important to note that oxides cal to the successful formation of the ance is approximately 0.05 mm (0.002
must be completed prior to the melt- braze joint. If the joint clearance be- in.) to 0.07 mm (0.003 in.). It is im-
ing of the filler metal. For this reason, tween the base metals to be bonded is portant to note that this optimal con-
the dew points of the system must be too small or large, the capillary force dition is a function of the metal sys-

Fig. 4 The relative relationship between the flow potential Fig. 5 Effect of density on the capillary effect and pulling away of the
vs. the joint clearance volume. filler metal from the joint clearance.


Bear et al. Feature May.qxp_Layout 1 4/5/17 2:49 PM Page 46


Fig. 6 Lower density powder metal compacts pull more filler

metal from the joint clearance than the higher density compact of
the same material. This is shown by the deposits on the tops of the Fig. 7 Endothermic gas carborizes the pore surfaces of the pow-
sintered compacts, as well as the volume of filler metal shown in the der metal compact to slow the flow of the filler metal away from the
sectioned and etched samples. joint clearance.

tem. In sinter brazing, this optimal even more important in the sinter that as the pore radius decreases, the
joint clearance is between 0.10 mm brazing process. If lubricant is allowed capillary force to pull the filler metal
(0.004 in.) and 0.25 mm (0.010 in.). to overheat and form soot, the filler away also increases; however, the total
metal will not flow and joint quality volume of the filler metal that fills
will be compromised. those pores is less. The result is that
Sinter Brazing In sinter brazing, there is a compet- higher density compacts tend to pull
ing process to the capillary force less filler metal away from the joint
Sinter brazing follows all of the fun- pulling the filler metal into the joint clearance Fig. 6.
damentals of conventional brazing, clearance. This is the capillary effect The addition of sulphur to the pow-
but the sintering process is concur- that pulls the filler metal into the der mix has been an approach to con-
rently taking place as well. Hence, hav- porosity of the part and away from the trol flow of the filler metal within the
ing a very good sintering process is joint. This is one of the most common compact. The sulphur joins with man-
crucial for achieving a good sinter failure mechanisms in the sinter braz- ganese in the filler metal to form man-
brazing process. Although surface con- ing process Fig. 5. ganese sulphide and raise the liquidous
taminants from oils are not as much of It is important to note that the temperature of the filler metal and re-
a concern in the powder metal forming pore size in the compact decreases as tard the flow of the filler metal into the
process, the removal of the lubricant the density increases in the green compact; this approach requires sul-
from the powder metal compact is compact. From Fig. 6, it can be seen phur, which is not always wanted in

Fig. 8 Effect of the carbon monoxide on the wicking of the filler Fig. 9 Volume of filler metal flow into the powder compact as a
metal away from the surface as a function of density. function of density.


Bear et al. Feature May.qxp_Layout 1 4/5/17 2:50 PM Page 47


the base material. A more common so- ing. The ability to sinter and bond References
lution is to process the powder metal multiple components in a single pass
parts in a carbon monoxide-containing through a furnace is key to remaining 1. Machining and other operations.
atmosphere. The result is a controlled competitive. The success of this tech- Hoganas Handbook, Chapter 10.4, pp.
contamination of the pore surface in- nology is based on the need for a fun- 1030 to 1031.
side of the compact, increasing the car- damental understanding of the braz- 2. Malas, A., and Feldbauer, S.
bon in solution at the pore surface that ing process. The fundamentals of braz- 2007. Gassing up to get the right at-
retards the wetting of the filler metal ing are directly applicable to the sinter mosphere. Metal Powder Report, pp.
into the pores. Similar to the carbon brazing process. These principles can 1419.
ring in Fig. 2 that stopped the flow of work hand in hand with good sinter- 3. Brazing Handbook, 5th ed. 2007.
the filler metal, the increased carbon in ing practices. Unfortunately, the sinter Miami, Fla.: American Welding
solution on the pore surfaces reduces brazing process is extremely sensitive Society.
the surface energy between the filler to poor sintering practices. Complete
metal and the pore surface, which re- lubricant removal, clean atmospheres KYLE H. BEAR ( and
sults in a lower capillary force and is with low dew points, sufficient atmos- GLENN RISHEL ( are with
seen as a slowing of the filler metal phere flows to flush lubricant vapors Pennsylvania State University, DuBois, Pa.
flow into the compact. This is achieved to the front door, attention to belt BRIAN SMITH (
by the carbon monoxide in the furnace speeds, and part loading all play a key and STEPHEN L. FELDBAUER (sfeldbauer@ab- are with Abbott Furnace
atmosphere carborizing the material role in the future of expanding the Co., St. Marys, Pa.
at approximately 1010C (1850F) powder metal market. WJ
Fig. 7.
The hydrogen in the atmosphere
still cleans the surfaces of oxides, yet
the presence of the increased carbon
in solution at the surface is just
enough to slow the wicking of the
filler metal into the compact and away
from the joint Fig. 8.
To aid in cleaning the base metal
material, a flux is often added to the
filler metal to help reduce oxides. It is
common in the brazing industry to
only use the hydrogen in the furnace
atmosphere as the oxygen-getting
species for cleaning the surface. For
this reason, two types of filler material
were also evaluated, one with flux and
one without Fig. 9.
The results at the higher densities
in Fig. 9 illustrate the impact of the
flux and carbon monoxide. The clean-
er the surface is, filler metal with the
addition of a flux as well as having hy-
drogen in the atmosphere, the more
metal that is pulled into the compact;
however, the presence of the carbon in
solution retards this flow. The results
at the lower density are scattered be-
cause the overall pore size at these
lower densities has a greater influence
on the ability of the filler metal viscos-
ity to fill the pore and experience the
fullest capillary force possible.

Sinter brazing technology is becom-
ing increasingly necessary for the
growth of the powder metal industry
to compete with machining and cast- For info, go to


Henson/Sperko Feature May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 1:23 PM Page 48


What Does Certified Brazer Really Mean?


The importance of qualifying brazers to WALTER J. SPERKO
an industry standard is outlined

Qualification test specimen showing

complete fill of a brazed joint.

any firms want their brazers protocol should follow a standard such agency documents the conditions of
to be certified because it lends as American Welding Society (AWS) the test on a record. The manufacturer
credibility to the brazing de- B2.2, Specification for Brazing Procedure or agency conducting the tests certi-
partment and provides assurance and Performance Qualification, or fies, by signature, that the tests were
about braze quality. While your braz- American Society of Mechanical Engi- conducted in accordance with the ap-
ers may be skilled, can they be certi- neers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel plicable standard and the test condi-
fied? The term can mean different Code, Section IX. After passing a test tions are a true record of what the
things to different people and, often, prescribed in a standard, the brazer brazer did Fig. 1. Through this
the designation is misapplied. becomes qualified to that standard. process, an organization certifies
When a brazer is tested, the testing The manufacturer or the testing that the brazer is qualified.


Henson/Sperko Feature May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 1:25 PM Page 49


When someone asks for a certi-

fied brazer, what the person really
should be asking for is a qualified
brazer because qualification, according
to AWS B2.2, is one who is qualified
to the requirements of this specifica-
tion to perform manual brazing.
Were featuring B2.2 in this article,
but this approach also applies to
ASME Section IX and other qualifica-
tion documents like ISO 13585. While
these standards cover various brazing
processes, this article refers to manual
brazing using an oxyfuel torch.

Brazing Procedure
Before an organization can qualify a
brazer, it must first develop a written
Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS).
The BPS includes information about the
parts design and brazing conditions.
Testing appropriate brazed parts is done
to confirm the procedure will produce
brazed joints that meet strength or
other established service requirements.
Once the BPS has been written,
qualified brazers can be tested to en-
sure they can produce brazed joints
that meet the requirements of the ap-
plicable standard.
According to B2.2, Brazer perform-
ance qualification tests determine the
ability of brazers to make sound
brazed joints following a Brazing Pro-
cedure Specification (BPS), and under
conditions that will be encountered in
production assemblies.
Fig. 1 An example of a brazing performance qualification record.
Brazer Performance
For example, AWS B2.2 groups base other hand, if you were brazing
Brazer performance testing is how metals by similar composition using a C70600 (copper-nickel, 10%) with
brazers become qualified. This qualifi- BM prefix. A change from BM 300 BAg-24 and changed to BCuP-5, you
cation is specific to the joint parame- brass Alloy C23000 to BM 300 brass would need to requalify your brazer.
ters in the BPS. This includes designat- Alloy C26000 does not require requali- That is because youve changed FM
ed filler metal, base metal, joint design, fication. However, a change from one numbers from 110 to 150.
material thickness, part clearance, and of these base metals to BM 310, Alloy Other conditions present during
brazing position. To avoid being too re- C90700 does. the test limit what the brazer may do
strictive, standards acknowledge simi- B2.2 groups filler metals in a simi- in production. For example, qualifica-
larities between groups of base and lar manner using filler metal (FM) tion on plate qualifies pipe, but not
filler metals, and provide some latitude numbers. Each number contains A5.8 vice versa. Increasing the overlap
for part variations from the exact con- product classifications. Most of the length more than 25% from the over-
ditions used during brazer testing. popular BAg silver brazing alloys are lap used on the test coupon requires
If there are changes outside the pa- included in FM group 110. Alloys in requalification, but a decrease does
rameters for which the brazer is quali- the copper/phosphorus family are not because a shorter overlap is easier
fied, the brazer must requalify. B2.2 grouped under FM 150. So, for exam- to braze than a longer one. Increasing
lists qualification variables that dictate ple, a change from BCuP-5 to BCuP-3 the part thickness beyond twice the
when this occurs. doesnt require requalification. On the test coupon thickness requires addi-


Henson/Sperko Feature May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/5/17 4:25 PM Page 50


A 4-in.-diameter copper tube brazing performance qualification

Manual brazing of a pipe using an oxyfuel torch. test specimen.

tional testing of the brazer, as does

certain changes in the flow position.

Testing Requirements
Specific braze joint testing require-
ments are included in B2.2. Test parts
are workmanship or production sam-
ples, either visual tests to section 5.3.2
of the specification, or specimen tests,
(section and macro etch to section
5.3.3 or peel test to section 5.3.4 ).
Its important to point out that fol-
lowing the test standards listed above
does not make the brazer qualified on
every brazed part the company might
produce. It only applies to those parts
that conform to conditions listed in the
performance qualification document.

Who Can Administer

the Test?
Another common question asks
who can administer these tests. Manu-
facturers can qualify their own brazers; Manual oxyfuel brazing of a pipe.
an independent test agency is not re-
quired. The brazer qualification record
that documents the testing should lieve third-party testing lends more portant, experience has shown that
name the person or persons (the qual- credibility to the process. developing a brazer testing program
ifier) who conducted and supervised to an accepted industry standard is
the tests. It makes sense that this per- an excellent method for improving
son should have brazing experience Summary braze quality. WJ
and thoroughly understand the testing
process and relevant documents. Many Qualification following a recog-
companies prefer a third-party ap- nized industry standard establishes ROBERT HENSON (Bob_Henson@lincolnelec- is technical director, Harris Products
proach to this as they feel it removes the organization performed due dili- Group div. of The Lincoln Electric Co., Mason,
any possible internal bias. From a mar- gence, which is important in the case Ohio. WALTER J. SPERKO, P.E., is president of
keting standpoint, customers may be- of a part failure in service. Equally im- Sperko Engineering, Greensboro, N.C.


general corporate.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/6/17 10:05 AM Page 59
TECH NEWS MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 5:00 PM Page 52


Active Soldering Ceramic phase growth into needle-like creased to 100 m, excess Ti in the
Ceramic and CeramicMetal whiskers. The whiskers formation braze interlayer led to the formation
mechanism was that the elements Fe of Cu-Ti phases including Cu4Ti3 with
Compounds and Ti from the Li-Ti ferrite reacted an average nanohardness value of 10.3
A growing interest in the applica- with BiO6 units from the glass solder GPa. Application of the thickest
tion of joined ceramics and ceramic and came out as Bi5(Ti3Fe)O15 whiskers Ticusil foil at 0.15 mm resulted in the
matrix composite structures, along during cooling, when the Ti content in highest joint strength ~ 270 MPa of
with hybrid compounds, can be seen the joint reached the critical concentra- alumina D-96 grade, while the
in the aerospace industry (e.g., satel- tion of crystals. Also, a narrow diffu- thinnest foil at 0.05 mm provided the
lite structures), but earthbound indus- sion layer containing Ti, Fe, Bi, and Si joint strength at only ~ 190 MPa.
trial applications are also conceivable was observed at the interface (Ref. 2).
(e.g., thermal management systems). The maximum shear strength of 92 Corrosion Protection of
Active soldering enables joining metal- MPa was achieved after brazing at SmallDiameter Steel Pipes
lic and nonmetallic materials whose 750C for 30 min under 200 Pa of ap-
plied pressure. The dielectric proper-
by SolderedClad Layers
surfaces are supposed to be difficult to
wet by metallic solders. Due to the ties of Li-Ti ferrite were barely affected
A method of corrosion, erosion, and
specific composition and mechanical by the 700C bonding temperature.
wear protection of the interior sur-
activation of the molten solder, those The dielectric constant and dielectric
faces of the high-aspect ratio carbon
materials can be joined with a single- loss tangent of the ferrite/glass solder
steel tubes or pipes was developed and
step process in air atmosphere. joint brazed at 675C were nearly the
studied at the Ion Vacuum Technolo-
A new technology active soldering same as that of the heat-treated Li-Ti
gies Corp., Cleveland, Ohio.
for the joining of SiC-based materials ferrite. Formation of Bi5(Ti3Fe)O15
whiskers at the interface made the Two superalloy foils consisting of
to similar and dissimilar materials, like 50 to 80-microns-thick Inconel-600
Invar alloys, was developed at the dielectric constant and dielectric loss
tangent of ferrite/glass solder joints and Ni-19 Cr-10 Si (wt-%) were sol-
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufactur- dered to the interior tube steel surface
ing Technology and Advanced Materi- brazed above 675C significantly high-
er than that of the Li-Ti ferrite. by a standard tin-lead or lead-free sol-
als, Dresden, Germany (Ref. 1). The der using a new active flux (Ref. 4).
active Sn-4 Ag solder was alloyed with This new soldering technology pro-
4 wt-% titanium and 1 wt-% rare-earth Effect of AgCuTi Braze
vides the following advantages com-
metals (mostly cerium). The melting Preform Thickness on the pared with traditional thermal- or
range of the new solder is 221230C. Properties of Aluminato plasma-spray coatings: 1) Steel pipes
The optimal soldering process parame- Alumina Joints coated by a soldered-clad superalloy
ters were determined systematically. can be bent without delamination or
The produced compounds were charac- Alumina-to-alumina brazed joints cracking in the cladding, 2) the solder-
terized regarding their joining zone were formed using 96.0 and 99.7 wt-% ing process does not depend on the di-
structure and mechanical properties Al2O3 and Ticusil (68.8 Ag-26.7 Cu- ameter or steel composition of pipes,
by scanning electron microscope 4.5 Ti wt-%) preforms of different 3) heating to soldering temperatures
(SEM) and mechanical testing (appar- thicknesses, including 0.05, 0.1, and has only a negligible effect on the me-
ent shear strength). 0.15 mm, at Brunel University, TWI, chanical properties of steels, 4) solder-
It was observed that the active sol- Cambridge, UK, and Hysitron, Inc., ing can be carried out both in shop
dering process is appropriate for the Aachen, Germany (Ref. 3). and field conditions, and 5) low pro-
production of material compounds of Brazing was conducted in a vacuum duction costs due to the inexpensive
the mentioned materials. The process of 1 10 -5 mbar at 850C for 10 min. solders and equipment. The soldering
enables producing robust and thermal- Joint strengths were evaluated using process and corrosion test results of
ly conductive joints at joining temper- four-point bend testing and nanohard- protected and unprotected steel pipes
atures between 250 and 300C. ness distributions in the microstruc- were presented and discussed.
tures of joints made with increasing Depending on the material of the
The Microstructure of LiTi preform thicknesses evaluated using soldered-clad layer, this technology is
Ferrite Joints by Brazing with a nanoindentation. The average reaction also suitable for protection against
Bismuthate Glass Solder layer thicknesses, brazed thicknesses, wear or erosion. The macrostructure of
and strengths of both 96.0 and 99.7 soldered joints conclusively demon-
A Bi2O3-B2O3-SiO2-ZnO-BaO glass wt-% Al2O3 joints were observed to in- strated the absence of corrosion dam-
solder was used to join the Li-Ti ferrite crease with increasing Ticusil pre- age both to the protected steel and sur-
at the Harbin Institute of Technology, form thickness. Complete diffusion of face of the corrosion-resistant alloy.
China. The Bi5(Ti3Fe)O15 whiskers were Ti to the joint interfaces was observed
observed in the joints when the bond- in joints made using 50-m-thick
ing temperature was equal to or higher Ticusil preforms. The resulting braze Development of CuAlTi
than 700C. The Ti concentration gra- interlayer consisted of Ag- and Cu-rich Filler Metals for Al2O3/SS
dient and the layer-perovskite struc- phases with average nanohardness val- Brazed Joints
ture of the Bi5(Ti3Fe)O15 phase were ues of 2.0 and 4.4 GPa, respectively. As
the key factors that determined this the Ticusil preform thickness was in- The Cu-7 Al-(1.5-5.5)Ti wt-% braz-


TECH NEWS MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 5:00 PM Page 53


ing filler metals for joining -Al2O3/ Kovar (Fe-29Ni-17Co) and alumina diffusion couple. Meanwhile, the disso-
stainless steel (SS) 304 dissimilar ceramic (Al2O3) can be used, which lution of solid Mg promotes the eutectic
joints of Na-S batteries cells were de- have coefficients of thermal expansion reaction, and the continuously formed
veloped and studied at Pusan Univer- adjusted to LTCC. However, these ele- eutectic liquid leads to reactive pene-
sity and RIST Research Institute, Pu- ments have to be joined hermetically trating at the Mg side. The time for the
san, South Korea, to prevent thermal to each other and the LTCC sensors to formation of the eutectic liquid phase
compression bonding (TCB) joints avoid a parasitic gas flow or leakage and isothermal solidification during the
from unexpected high-temperature during operation. CRB process were calculated by mathe-
shock (Ref. 5). The Fraunhofer Institute for Ce- matical simulation. There was only a lit-
Reliably brazing the joints -Al2O3 ramic Technologies and Systems, Dres- tle deviation between the calculated and
ceramic and 304 SS were obtained by den, Germany, performed brazing ex- experimental value.
using Cu-7 Al binary alloys containing periments for joining combinations of
from 1.5 to 5.5 wt-% titanium. The Kovar/Al2O3 and Kovar/LTCC with Ag- Application of Electrical
authors found that Cu, Al, and Ti ele- Cu-Ti and Ag-Cu-In-Ti based commer- Resistance Measurement for
ments exhibited no reaction with cial braze filler metals, Cusil-ABA and
molten sodium in the binary phase di- Incusil-ABA, respectively.
Quality Assurance
agram. After immersing the Cu-Al-Ti For both active braze filler metals,
Brazing is commonly the final step
filler into the molten sodium, it had optimized processing parameters were
within a long process chain, and only
no reaction with molten sodium even investigated to realize hermetic Ko-
with this technology is it possible to
after 400 h at 500C. A continuous var/Al2O3 and Kovar/LTCC joints. Her-
minimize the costs and enhance the
Fe2Ti4O reaction layer was formed at metic Kovar/LTCC joints were manu-
quality of many products. Hence, a
the Cu-Al-Ti/Al2O3 interface in the factured by brazing with Incusil-ABA
failure of these brazed joints would
specimens brazed at 1000C for 30 at 755C, while Cusil-ABA provided
cause heavy economical damage for
min, while the eutectic structure and hermetic joints by brazing at 810C
the company. A quality assurance with
primary dendritic crystals were pre- and higher (Ref. 6).
methods such as ultrasonic testing or
sented in the joint metal. The effect of
an examination with x-rays is often
Ti content on the mechanical proper- Reactive Brazing of very expensive and time consuming.
ties of the brazed joints was investi- MagnesiumSteel Contact Using This is the reason why a 100% quality
gated. The maximum shear strength
72 MPa was reached in the specimens
Pure Nickel as the Interlayer assurance is seldom conducted.
A novel method based on the meas-
brazed at 1000C for 30 min, when the
Contact reactive brazing (CRB) of urement of the electrical resistance
Cu-7 Al-3.5 Ti filler alloy was applied.
AZ31B magnesium alloy to 1008 steel was developed for the quality control
Fracture modes of -Al2O3/304 SS
in a vacuum furnace was performed by of brazed joints at Dortmund Univer-
joints after shear tests at room tem-
using pure nickel coatings as the inter- sity, Germany. The method was tested,
perature were characterized by crack
layer deposited on the magnesium al- compared with ultrasound testing,
propagated in the -Al2O3 substrate
loy surface by arc spraying. The effects checked by examining the microstruc-
and braze interface, simultaneously.
of brazing temperature and holding ture of brazed joints, and recommend-
time on the shear strength and mi- ed for industrial brazing applications
Brazing Kovar to Alumina and crostructure of brazed joints were in- such as rotary hammer drill bits (Ref.
LTCC for Integrating Ceramic vestigated at the Beijing University of 8). This method can be used with
Pressure Sensors Technology, China. these specimens due to the electrical
The maximum shear strength of 43 conductivity of materials such as steel,
Sensors based on ceramic materials MPa was reached at 540C and 45 min copper, and cemented carbides.
are designed to operate in corrosive holding time. The interface was mainly Due to the fact that the resistance of
environments and at high tempera- composed of -Mg solid solution, these brazed joints had a very low value,
tures. The well-known applications, Mg2Ni eutectic phase, Mg-Ni-Al, and a precise method such as the four wire
such as circuit boards and housings Mg-Al-Ni ternary phase. The fracture technique was necessary to examine the
based on multilayer low temperature morphology of brazed joints was char- brazed joints. Defects such as voids and
co-fired ceramics (LTCC), offer a flexi- acterized by a brittle fracture mode cracks exert a significant effect on the
ble and temperature stable platform (Ref. 7). measurement. In this regard, the possi-
for developing complex sensor ele- In addition, the penetrating and dif- bilities and limitations of this novel
ments. Commercial LTCC qualities are fusion behavior of the eutectic liquid in- method were discussed on the basis of
usually available with a matching set terlayer during the CRB process was different additional examination meth-
of metallization pastes, which allow also studied. The process can be divided ods such as ultrasonic testing and the
the integration of various electrical into four stages: a) solid-phase point microscopy of cross sections.
functions. For their integration into contact diffusion, b) eutectic liquid
standardized steel housings, it is nec- phase formation, c) isothermal solidifi- Grain Boundary Penetration of
essary to compensate the mismatching cation, and d) joint homogenization. a Pure Copper Brazed Joint
thermal expansion behavior between Analysis of the results showed that Mg
the ceramic and metallic components. atoms diffusion to Ni coating belongs to Joining pure copper and dissimilar
Therefore, balancing elements made of the interfacial reaction type in a Mg/Ni metal is an important technology in


TECH NEWS MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 5:00 PM Page 54


todays industry. Brazing technology is rately or together. Local microstruc- with Ni and Au, and the other is the
employed as dissimilar metals joining tures and elementary compositions of NiAu-rich phase dissolved with Nb, Ti,
between pure copper to stainless steel various austenite and ferrite stainless and Fe.
SUS 304 and SUS 444, and pure cop- steels such as 304, 316L, 444, and
per to brass. These metals are brazed 904L were characterized by electron Evaluation of DCB and VNotch
by BAg-8 at 840C and Cu-20 Ag-6 P microscopy for different brazing con- Fracture Mechanics Test
brazing filler metal at 940C, and grain ditions and a variation in boron con-
boundary penetration of pure copper tent of the filler material (Ref. 10).
Methods for HighTemperature
occurs. The grain boundary penetra- As long as the boron content of the Brazed Joints of Gas Turbines
tion phenomenon influences the filler material stays below 1 wt-%, no
brazed joint properties. Therefore, the base material degradation by inter- Failures of brazed joints are typical-
mechanism of grain boundary pene- metallic borides was observed. Fur- ly brittle in nature due to high tri-axial
tration was investigated at Tokai Uni- thermore, no degradation of austenitic stress and brittle intermetallic phases.
versity, Tokyo, Japan, by observing stainless steel by phosphor embrittle- As a result, when modelling and de-
brazed joint microstructures and ele- ment was found when the dwell time signing brazed joints, it is important
mental distributions (Ref. 9). was kept short during brazing because to account for the joint fracture behav-
Brazed joint microstructures were almost no phosphorus diffused into ior. Currently, there are no industry
observed by optical microscope, and the stainless steel. On the other hand, standards, and limited testing proce-
elemental distributions were analyzed phosphorus embrittlement can be ex- dures are reported in literature for de-
by electron probe microanalysis pected in the 50-microns-thick diffu- termining the fracture toughness of
(EPMA). In the case of pure copper-to- sion zone of the ferritic stainless steel. brazed joints. Two methods were eval-
stainless steel brazing, Ni was dis- uated by Rolls-Royce Corp., Indianapo-
solved in the joint metal from stain- Microstructure and Mechanical lis, Ind., and The Ohio State Universi-
less steel, the composition of joint ty, Columbus, Ohio, for studying the
Properties of Ti3Al/NiBased fracture behavior of Inconel 718
metal was changed, and grain bound-
aries of copper base metal were pene-
Superalloy Joints brazed joints with BNi-2 filler metal
trated by reactive melt. In the case of using double cantilever beam (DCB)
The Ti3Al-based alloy is one of the and V-notch test specimens (Ref. 12).
pure copper-to-brass brazing, Zn was
most advanced structural materials for Manufacturing and brazing proce-
dissolved in the joint metal from
applications in the aerospace industry dures for the two types of samples
brass, and the composition of the
due to its low density, high specific were reported with test results of the
brazing filler metal was also changed.
strength, excellent creep behavior, and calculated critical stress intensity fac-
These joint metal composition
good oxidation stability at elevated tor (KIC) for the Inconel 718 brazed
changes tend to progress the grain
temperatures. The dissimilar joining joints. Electrical discharge machining
boundary penetration of pure copper.
of the Ti3Al-based alloy (Ti-24 Al-15 (EDM) was sufficient for precracking.
Nb-1 Mo wt-%) to the Ni-based super- However, misalignment between the
Boron and Phosphor Effects in alloy GH536 should be very attractive EDM notch and brazed joint needs to
NickelBased Brazing Alloys on for engineering applications. The be considered. All failures occurred
Different Base Materials Ti3Al-based alloy was joined to a Ni- through brazed joints along two pri-
based superalloy using Au-17.5 Ni mary fracture paths. The DCB speci-
For more than 50 years, it has been (wt-%) brazing filler metal at the Bei- mens gave the most repeatable results
well known that nickel-based brazing jing Institute of Aeronautical Material, with an average KIC of 14.9 ksiin. and
filler metals can degenerate mechani- China. The joint microstructures were will be used for future fracture me-
cal and corrosion properties of the in- examined by using an SEM and an chanics testing and multiscale finite
volved base materials during brazing, EPMA as well as an x-ray diffractome- element analysis (FEA) modeling of
in particular with stainless steel base ter (Ref. 11). brazed joints.
metal. Elements like boron, silicon, The joint tensile strengths were
and phosphorus often contained in tested at room temperature and
those nickel-based filler metals form 650C. The results showed that quality InSitu Synthesis of Difficult
phases and precipitates during brazing brazed joints were achieved at the toForm AgCuZn Brazing
depending on the heat treatment and brazing temperature of 980C for 3~20 Filler Metals
metallurgic impact affecting the per- min, in which the optimum dwell time
formance of materials to be brazed. was 5 min, and the corresponding The high Zn content in AgCuZn,
On the other hand, those elements are joints exhibited the maximum tensile and that the AgCuZnSn filler metals
necessary either to tailor properties, strength of 372 MPa at room tempera- are Cd free and provide a high
for example, the melting point, or for ture. When the test temperature was strength of brazed joints, make them
manufacturing reasons. increased to 650C, the joint strength prospectives for application in the
The investigation made at Vacuum- value was decreased to 259 MPa. The form of foils or strips by green manu-
schmelze GmbH, Hanau, Germany, fracture of the Ti3Al/GH536 joint sub- facture from powders. However, the
concerns a new type of nickel-based jected to the tensile test mainly oc- poor forming property limits their ap-
amorphous brazing foils containing curred at the two high-hardness areas: plication. A method to in-situ synthe-
silicon, phosphorus, and boron sepa- one is the Ti3Al master alloy dissolved sis of high-strength brazing alloys


TECH NEWS MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 5:01 PM Page 55


using the sandwich-structured com- complete diffusion intergrowth, Economic Processing of

posite sheets was proposed by the except a thin eutectic zone in the HighVolume Binder Burn Out
Zhengzhou Research Institute of middle of the joint metal. Thus, the
Mechanical Engineering, China. Two application of rapid-solidified, low-
in the Vacuum Furnace
outer layers and one inner layer of the solidus foils as the filler metals made it
High-temperature vacuum brazing
sandwich sheet had different compo- possible to reduce a negative effect of
of heat exchangers is an established
sitions, e.g., Ag 45 Cu 33 Zn 22 and the joint metal brittleness by obtain-
joining technology. New designs in
Zn 48 Cu 41 Ag 5 Sn 6 wt-% (Ref. 13). ing a very small width of the brazed
heat exchangers and demand in the
If the ratio of outer-to-inner layers joints.
substitution of Cu foil to stainless
was 25:50:25 wt-%, the resulting sin-
steel brazing filler metal increase the
tered material had the composition LowTemperature Soldering brazing paste load per vacuum brazing
Ag 25 Cu 37 Zn 35 Sn 3 wt-%. Premetallized Glass to Steel batch. A significant increase in burn
The melting points of the two lay-
ers are close, and their forming prop-
and Properties of Joints out gas volume requires new furnace
technology for economic reasons and
erties are better than the targeted syn-
Glass-metal structures possess a saves processing the paste binder burn
thesized alloy. Induction brazing of
high sealing property, thermal insula- out process. For decades, Schmetz
316LN stainless steel using the com-
tion barrier, and required structural high-temperature vacuum furnaces
posite brazing sheets was studied. It
strength. The method for joining glass have worked successfully for water-
was found that the two alloys melt at
to metal, its structural safety, and reli- water heat exchangers, automotive
the same time and fuse comprehen-
ability are important for further appli- heat exchangers, and other industries
sively after holding for a short time at
cations. A new method of glass surface like tools and medical. A new burn out
20 s, forming a high-strength brazing
premetallization + low-temperature system for new and installed Schmetz
seam. The strength of the obtained
soldering has been developed at the vacuum furnaces was developed by
brazed joint ~ 557 MPa is much higher
Beijing University of Technology, Chi- Schmetz GmbH, Mendedn, Germany,
than the joints brazed using the com-
na, to obtain the metallurgical bond- to provide effective burn out of the
mon AgCuZn alloy.
ing of glass to steel (Ref. 15). paste binder with simultaneous pro-
First, two ceramic coatings Al2O3 tection of brazed products and parts
Rapid Solidified AlSiCu and and ZrO2 were deposited on a tem- of the furnace (Ref. 16).
AlSiGe Brazing Filler Metals pered glass substrate separately by us- The smart pump station maintains
for Joining Aluminum Alloys ing atmospheric plasma spraying. high productivity independent of the
Then, Cu or Ni coatings were deposit- polymer load. A vacuum pump sucks
Many aluminum alloys have a ed on top of the ceramics. Later, sol- the released binder immediately out of
solidus temperature below 640C. dering metallized glass was carried out the hot zone and guides it to a cold
Brazing these alloys with the standard to 45 steel using an Sn-based solder at trap system. The pump volume is scale
Al-12% Si filler metal is impossible or 270C for 46 min. based on an estimated polymer load. A
difficult due to overlapping their The results showed that the typical vacuum brazing paste profile
solidus with the brazing temperature premetallized coating treatment effec- ramps up to 500C awaiting total burn
that is in the range of 600620C. tively improved the solderability of out of the polymer. The condensation
Low-liquidus Al-Si-Cu and Al-Si-Ge glass to steel. The ceramic coatings ob- temperature of all VOC vary from
brazing alloys present an opportunity tained a maximum strength of 20.5 room temperature up to 360C, while
to join said base metals. However, MPa. When the soldering temperature binder burn out happens between
these filler metals are not suitable for was 270C, the compressive shear 300 to 450C. WJ
manufacturing by rolling due to low strength of the soldered glass-steel
ductility. joint using premetallized copper coat- References
The Moscow University of Steel and ings reached the maximum average
Alloys, Russia, evaluated some low-liq- value to 16.9 MPa. However, for a tem- Refs. 116 are from the 11th Internation-
al Conference on Brazing and Diffusion
uidus compositions of brazing alloys pered glass substrate with a high hard- Bonding, LT-2016, published in DVS-
Al-(13-28) Cu-(6-10) Si wt-%, Al-9 Si- ness and brittleness, lots of defects, Berichte, June 79, 2016, Aachen, Germany.
10 Ge, and Al-7 Si-20 Ge wt-% to i.e. cracks, chips, and peel off on the
achieve the brazing temperature below glass surface (generated by the sand- 1. Schmidt, A., Schubert, Th., Weigr-
570C (Ref. 14). These filler metals blasting pretreatment process), were ber, Th., Kieback, B., Wilhelmi, C., S, M.,
were manufactured by rapid solidifica- responsible for decreasing bonding and Funke, M. 2016. Active soldering of
tion as flexible foil ribbons having a strength. In addition, the structural ceramic-ceramic and ceramic-metal com-
thickness up to 200 microns (0.08 in.). parts of a car windshield glass pre- pounds for aerospace applications. Vol.
Brazing with these foils exhibited pared by soldering deposited glass to 325: 1721.
promising results. For example, when metal frames, based on optimized pa- 2. Lin, P., He, P., Lin, T., and Zhao, M.
2016. A preliminary research of mi-
brazing aluminum by the Al-7 Si-22 rameters, could resist a wind pressure crostructure and properties of Li-Ti ferrite
Cu filler metal, the dissolution of base higher than 0.08 Pa. It fractured under joints fabricated by brazing technique with
material in the melt was so intense 11.8 kN mechanical load when the bismuthate glass solder. Vol. 325: 2631.
that the joint became practically indis- glass was broken while the soldered 3. Kassam, T. A., Nadendla, H. B., Lud-
cernible from the base metal due to frame preserved. ford, N., and Hangen, U. 2016. The effect


TECH NEWS MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 5:01 PM Page 56


of Ag-Cu-Ti braze preform thickness on brazed joint between pure copper with dis- Li, Z.-X. 2016. Low temperature soldering
the nanomechanical properties of alumina- similar metals. Vol. 325: 220223. of glass to metal and its joint properties.
to-alumina brazed joints. Vol. 325: 3243. 10. Marsilius, M., and Hartmann, T. Vol. 325: 307310.
4. Shapiro, A. E., and Fischer, G. 2016. 2016. Influence of boron and phosphor 16. Stein, R., and Stroiczek, M. 2016.
Corrosion protection of steel pipes by sol- containing nickel based brazing alloy on Economic processing of high volume
dered clad layers. Vol. 325: 192196. different base materials. Vol. 325: binder burn out in vacuum furnace. Vol.
5. Heo, H., Jung, K., and Kang, C. 2016. 227232. 325: 316317.
Development of Cu-Al-Ti filler metals for 11. Xiong, H. P., Ren, H. S., Chen, B.,
Al2O3/SS brazed joints applied for Na-S Pang, S. J., and Cheng, Y. Y. 2016. Mi- Information provided by ALEXANDER E.
batteries cells. Vol. 325: 5054. crostructures and mechanical properties of SHAPIRO (
6. Schilm, J., Pnicke, A., Goldberg, A., Ti3Al/Ni-based superalloy joints brazed and LEO A. SHAPIRO, Titanium Brazing, Inc.,
Partsch, U., and Michaelis, A. 2016. Braz- with AuNi Filler metal. Vol. 325: 245252. Columbus, Ohio.
ing of Kovar to alumina and LTCC for inte- 12. Riggs, B., Benatar, A., Alexandrov,
gration of ceramic pressure sensors. Vol. B. T., and Xu, R. 2016. Evaluation of DCB
325: 5561. and V-notch fracture mechanics test meth-
7. Li, H., Nie, H., Long, W., Zhong, S., ods for high temperature brazed joints.
and Chen, Z. 2016. Penetrating and diffu- Vol. 325: 257261.
sion behavior of eutectic liquid during 13. Long, W. M., Zhang, G. X., Zhang,
Mg/Steel contact reactive brazing using Q. K., and Zhao, C. F. 2016. In-situ synthe- Correction
pure nickel as interlayer. Vol. 325: sis of difficult-to-form brazing filler met-
108112. als. Vol. 325: 267271. There was an error in the Brazing
8. Tillmann, W., and Sievers, N. 2016. 14. Pashkov, I. N., Karpova, J., Bazhen- Q&A column of the April 2017
Application of electrical resistance meas- ov, V., and Bazlova, T. 2016. Development Welding Journal. The answers and
urement for quality assurance of brazed of brazing alloys based on Al-Si-Cu and Al- winners of the brazing quiz will run
joints. Vol. 325: 118122. Si-Ge system for brazing of aluminum al- in the June 2017 Welding Journal,
9. Miyazawa, Y., Hirono, A., Wasada, T., loys with low solidus temperature. Vol. not the May issue, as previously
Andou, Y., and Kanazaki, F. 2016. Grain 325: 296301.
stated in the column.
boundary penetration at pure copper of 15. Li, H., Zhu, T.-H., Tillmann, W., and

For info, go to


advertising sales.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/7/17 11:09 AM Page 57

American Welding Society


on your compan y around
a the world
 Promote your full-color photos of your newest and hottest welding products and services to
80 000 A
80,000 AW
W members
WS b andd customers
t s.

 Reach by email 55,000 AW WS memberrs in the digitaal version of Welding

e Marketplacee that is
included ono the Weelding Journal annoouncement lettter and also includes active links that send
clients dirrectly to your website.

 Downloaddable from the AW

WS website,, with active links that send clients directly to your website.
Website averages 102,000 plus viewss a month.

 Ask us hoow you can get your companny photo on the Welding
e Marrketplacee coverr.

 Ask us abbout our special sponsorship opportunitiess.

 4 Issues to
t get your brand name and product in to the hands of A
WS members and customers.

Contact AW
WS for more
m information at 8000-443-9353
Sandra Jorgensen at Ext. 254, email: / Annette Delagran
nge at Ext. 332, email:
Conferences May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:08 PM Page 58


10th Shipbuilding Conference Welding Additive Manufacturing

May 16 and 17 Conference
Portland, Oregon October 10 and 11
Buffalo, New York
The next AWS conference for shipbuilding will include
sessions on innovative pipe welding technologies, welding This will be one of the most important conferences the
automation, new technology for welding both ferrous and American Welding Society has ever sponsored. Additive
nonferrous materials, and additive manufacturing. The pre- metal manufacturing (AMM) is best described as using
sentations will include information on welding technology existing welding processes to make final products from
implemented in shipyards in the United States and other scratch. This technology will compete head on with forgings,
international locations. castings, and fabricated products. Were talking about a
whole new world for welding technology. Highly engineered
4th Welding Education, Skills & filler metals and powder metal compositions are used for
Certification Conference this purpose. So far, laser welding with powder and electron
beam welding with wire or powder have been making great
June 1315 gains. Now its time for gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
Phoenix, Arizona and even gas metal arc welding (GMAW) to create even
greater interest. Attendees will see it all at this conference.
The impending skills gap in manufacturing continues to Rounding up the sponsorship will be EWI, Inc., and Cran-
be a hot-button topic. In its fourth year, the Welding Educa- field University from England. EWI has established a new
tion, Skills & Certification Conference aims to address the additive manufacturing center in Buffalo, N.Y., near Niagara
welding industry piece of the puzzle. How do we ensure Falls, which is where the conference will be held. The team
were doing our part to deliver new, skilled professionals from Cranfield has been chosen to be a cosponsor because
into this booming sector? Attend this conference to gain the university has been a world leader in the manufacture of
new insights, share best practices, exchange ideas, and be large AMM parts. WJ
part of the solution.

For more information, please contact the AWS Conferences and

Weld Repair Conference Seminars Business Unit at (800) 4439353, ext. 224, or email
August 8 and 9 You can also visit the Conference
Portland, Oregon Department website at for upcoming con
ferences and registration information.
Weld repairs occur across nearly all industries and types
of alloys. Whether it is performed immediately after joint
completion, after hydrostatic testing and nondestructive ex-
amination, or after the failure of an in-service component,
successful repair welding should take into account code com-
pliance, quality assurance, fitness for service, and economic
considerations. Each weld pass adds another chapter in the
thermal and mechanical history of the component, affecting AWS, WeldEd Web Site
its mechanical and/or corrosion resistance properties. Accu- Promotes Welding Careers
rately planning, designing, and executing the repair are criti-
cal to make the component suitable for continued service. The American Welding Society (AWS) and National
Many guidelines exist within API, ASME, NBIC, and AWS Center for Welding Education & Training (Weld-Ed) web-
standards for executing a successful weld repair process. site at offers the following details:
This conference will provide case studies, discuss the ap- people and companies in the welding industry; fun facts;
plication of repair codes/guidelines, and better connect the salary information; industry news; videos; articles; and up-
welding industry, including fabricators, material suppliers, coming training opportunities, seminars, and events.
and operators, in discussions regarding the importance and Additionally, the site features pages geared directly for
complexity of repair welds. students with scholarship information and a welding
school locator; for welding professionals to build a
rsum, find welding-related jobs, and learn about AWS
20th Annual Aluminum Conference certifications; and for educators to discover tips for teach-
September 12 and 13 ers and guidance counselors, information about curricula,
Portland, Oregon professional development, and other resources.
This website serves as a valuable tool for students, par-
Welcome to the twentieth year of the Annual Aluminum ents, educators, counselors, and welding professionals. It
Conference. Learn from experts from leading institutes. Alu- also allows visitors to send questions, comments, or ideas
minum is one of the most versatile and widely used metals in for people profiles.
manufacturing, but its unique chemical and physical proper-
ties can also make it one of the most challenging to weld.


member network.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/6/17 10:06 AM Page 51
Coming Events - MAY.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:21 PM Page 60


nual spring convention. Attendees are owners, presidents,

AWS-SPONSORED EVENTS CEOs, and COOs, as well as sales, marketing, and operations
executives at welding and gases distributor and supplier
companies, along with their guests. Conference will feature
For more information on AWS conferences: several keynote speakers, a business session, and a trade show. Visit
(800/305) 4439353, ext. 455
Great Designs in Steel. May 17. Laurel Manor Conference
National Robotic Arc Welding Conference and Exhibition. Center, Livonia, Mich. Features more than 30 technical pre-
June 6, 7. Milwaukee, Wis. Two-day conference with a sentations from OEMs, automotive suppliers, steel compa-
bonus day hosted by Miller Electric features two tours of nies, and industry affiliates highlighting advanced high-
companies utilizing robot applications from the simple to strength steels, automotive safety, and manufacturing tech-
the beyond. The tours take place before the conference, on nologies. Visit
June 5. This conference is a joint effort between the AWS
Milwaukee Section, AWS D16 Robotic and Automatic Weld- Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy. June
ing Committee, and Milwaukee Area Technical College. All 1315. Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, Nev. Metal additive manu-
proceeds from the conference go toward the J. F. Hinrichs facturing conference with more than 70 technical presenta-
scholarship fund. For more information or to register, con- tions. Visit
tact Karen Gilgenbach, (262) 613-3790 or karen.gilgen- Download more information at Westec. September 1214. Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, Calif. Technology solutions you need with the
most machining, metrology, design, waterjet, software, digi-
tal, 3D printing, and engineering expertise than you can
find. Visit
The Quality Show. Oct. 2426. Donald E. Stephens Conven-
tion Center, Rosemont, Ill. Trade show will focus exclusively
GAWDA Spring Management Conference. May 1113. Boca on quality manufacturing. Engineers and managers respon-
Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, Fla. The associations an- sible for quality in the manufacturing process for automo-
For info, go to

For info, go to


Coming Events - MAY.qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 2:16 PM Page 61

tive, aerospace, consumer products, electronics, medical de-

vices, and machinery will have the chance to tour the show
floor, attend sessions, and network. Visit

19th International Conference on Joining Materials. May
710. Konventum LO-Skolen, Helsingr, Denmark. The In-
stitute for the Joining of Materials (JOM) in association
with the International Institute of Welding (IIW) present a
conference dedicated to the advancement of joining and ma-
terial technologies and fabrication techniques in all the key
industries. Contact +45 48355458 or e-mail

PowerGen India & Central Asia. May 1719. Pragati

Maidan, New Delhi, India. Hear from more than 75 industry
specialists who will exchange knowledge and showcase the
latest power generation technology developments. Visit

For info, go to

70th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference.
June 2530. Shanghai International Convention Center,
Shanghai, China. Two-day international conference will
focus on the theme Green Welding Technologies for Effec-
tive and Reliable Manufacturing. Visit

25th Annual Conference on Composites and Nano Engineer

ing. July 1622. Rome, Italy. Hot topics include 3D printing,

Protect Parts

For info, go to

For info, go to



Coming Events - MAY.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:22 PM Page 62

electrospinning fibers, nano sensors, cryogenics, and com- Brazing Training Seminars. Three-day intensive training
posite manufacturing. Visit programs in all aspects of brazing, from fundamentals to
advanced concepts. Covers furnace, torch, induction, dip
Schweissen & Schneiden. Sept. 2429. Dsseldorf, Ger- brazing of aluminum, titanium, super alloys, and ceramics.
many. The meeting places for experts and top decision mak- Classes held May 1618, Los Angeles, Calif.; October 35,
ers of the joining, cutting, and surfacing technology South Carolina; and November 1416, Simsbury, Conn.
industry. Held every four years, the show offers a range of Contact Kay & Associates at or call
machinery, products, processes, and services. Visit (860) 651-5595.
Certified Welding Inspector/Educator Prep Courses and
China Chongqing Machine Tool Show. Nov. 1316. Endorsement Seminars. Allentown, Pa. Six-day prep courses
Chongqing International Expo Center, Yubei, Chongqing, begin July 31 and Nov. 13. Single-day bolting endorsements
China. The Association for Manufacturing Technology and begin July 28. Single day D1.1/D1.5/API endorsements be-
the China Machine Tool and Tool Builders Association pres- gin Aug. 3 and Nov. 16. CWI/CWE and endorsement exams
ent this expo to showcase the latest manufacturing technol- given Aug. 6 and Nov. 19. Contact Welder Training and Test-
ogy and bring buyers and sellers together from all over the ing Institute, Tracy Wiswesser, (610) 820-9551, ext. 204;
world. Visit

ECourses in Destructive and Nondestructive Testing of

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Welds and Other WeldingRelated Topics. Online video
courses taken at ones own pace offer certificates of comple-
tion and continuing education units. Contact Hobart Insti-
ASME Section IX Seminar. June 1214, Houston, Tex. Visit tute of Welding Technology; (800) 332-9448; and search PD 190 or contact Marian Hess,; (212) 591-7161.
ESAB Welding and Cutting Distributor InstructorLed
Business Electronics Soldering Technology. Classes held in Training. Year-round training at Denton, Tex.; West
Chicago, Ill.; Detroit, Mich.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Cleveland, Lebanon, N.H.; Traverse City, Mich.; Hanover, Pa.; and Salt
Ohio; and Huntsville, Ala., or can be coordinated onsite at Lake City, Utah. Online eLearning training available at
your facility. Contact BEST at (847) 797-9250 to register., e-mail

American Welding Society


ATTEST RELEASES Follow the Welding Leaders
ARE HERE! WEMCO is an Assocciation of Welding
Manufacturers and a stannding committee of the
The AWS Volunteer Committeess work tirelessly to ensure
AWS Standards remain at the forefront
f of advancements American Welding Societyy dedicated to providing
in welding technology. Each month,
m new or revised a common voice to the welding industry.
standards are featured on the AWS Bookstore website.
This months featured releases incclude: WEMCO provides senior manaagement of welding
manufacturers a platform to:
 A1.1:2016, Metric Practice Guide
G Foor The Weelding Industryy
 B1.10M/B1.10:2016, Guide Fo For The Nondestructive   Promote plans and proggrams, which benefit their
Examination Of Weelds
understanding of weldinng equipment market
 B2.2/B2.2M:2016, Specification
t Foor Brazing Procedure
And Peerformance Qualificatioon trends and needs.
 B4.0:2016, Standard Methodds Foor Mechanical Teesting Of   Share solutions and besst practices with current
 D1.8/D1.8M:2016, Structuraal Weelding Code-Seismic
industry, organizations and
a private businesses.
Find out more and joinn the leaders today!
Keep an eye on the latest releaases on the AWS Bookstore wemco
website, under the Pick ofo the Month section


Coming Events - MAY.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:22 PM Page 63

European Modern Furnace Brazing School. October 1719. INTEG Courses. Courses in NDE disciplines to meet certifica-
Pontardawe, Wales, UK. Wall Colmonoy presents this three- tions to Canadian General Standards Board or Canadian Nu-
day seminar offering knowledge and practical application on clear Safety Commission. The Canadian Welding Bureau;
brazing design, metallurgical aspect/brazing operation, (800) 844-6790;
brazing atmosphere and furnace equipment, brazing materi-
al selection and applications, and quality control. Contact Laser Safety Online Courses. Courses include Medical Laser or +44 (0) 1792 860 622. Safety Officer, Laser Safety Training for Physicians, Indus-
trial Laser Safety, and Laser Safety in Educational Institu-
GE Industrial Computed Tomography (CT) Operator Course. tions. Laser Institute of America; (800) 345-2737;
Learn to operate the 3D technology that is becoming more
prominent in industrial quality control and metrology. Laser Safety Training Courses. Courses based on ANSI
Lewistown, Pa., (315) 554-2039; Z136.1, Safe Use of Lasers. Orlando, Fla., or customers site.
Laser Institute of America; (800) 345-2737;
Houston Braze School. Two-and-a-half days of classes cover-
ing the essential theoretical aspects of brazing technology Laser U Online Education Portal. Offers practical infor-
combined with real-life applications and case studies. Visit mation to use on the job. Topics range from 3D printing to drilling, welding, wireless and optical product requirements,
and many others. Visit Laser Institute of America;
Hypertherm Cutting Institute Online. Includes video tutori-
als, interactive e-learning courses, discussion forums, webi-
nars, and blogs. Visit; hyperthermcutting Laser Vision Seminars. Two-day classes, offered monthly and on request, include tutorials and practical training. Pre-
sented at Servo-Robot, Inc., St. Bruno, QC, Canada. For
Industrial Laser Training. Technical training and support schedule, cost, and availability, e-mail
offered for users of industrial lasers in manufacturing,
education, and research. Regularly scheduled classes in laser Laser Welding Technology Classes. Classes begin May
welding and laser cutting and drilling. HDE Technologies, 1519, Minneapolis, Minn.; Oct. 913, Phoenix, Ariz. Visit
Inc.; (916) 714-4944;,
For info, go to

For info, go to


Certification Schedule -MAY.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 12:54 PM Page 64

CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE Certication Seminars, Code Clinics, and Examinations

Note: The 2017 schedule for all certifications is posted online at 9Year Recertification Seminar for CWI/SCWI For current CWIs and SCWIs needing to meet education re-
quirements without taking the exam. The exam can be taken
at any site listed under Certified Welding Inspector.
Certified Welding Inspector (CWI)
Location Seminar Dates
Location Seminar Dates Exam Date
Kansas City, MO June 49
Miami, FL Exam only June 9
Miami, FL July 2328
New Orleans, LA June 49 June 10
San Diego, CA July 30Aug. 4
Kansas City, MO June 49 June 10
Orlando, FL Aug. 2025
Denver, CO June 1116 June 17
Boston, MA Aug. 27Sept. 1
Milwaukee, WI June 1116 June 17
Denver, CO Sept. 1015
Huntsville, AL June 1116 June 17
Dallas, TX Sept. 2429
Newark, NJ June 1116 June 17
Appleton, WI Sept. 2429
Beaumont, TX June 2530 July 1
New Orleans, LA Oct. 2227
Duluth, MN June 2530 July 1
Seattle, WA Nov. 510
Spokane, WA June 2530 July 1
Miami, FL Dec. 38
Waco, TX July 914 July 15
Houston, TX Dec. 38
Sacramento, CA July 914 July 15
Houston, TX July 914 July 15 Certified Welding Educator (CWE)
Miami, FL Exam only July 22 Seminar and exam are given at all sites listed under Certified
Louisville, KY July 1621 July 22 Welding Inspector. Seminar attendees will not attend the Code
Atlanta, GA July 1621 July 22 Clinic portion of the seminar (usually the first two days).
Philadelphia, PA July 1621 July 22
Phoenix, AZ July 1621 July 22
Cleveland, OH July 1621 July 22 Certified Welding Sales Representative (CWSR)
Baton Rouge, LA July 2328 July 29 CWSR exams are given at Prometric testing centers. More
Helena, MT July 2328 July 29 information at
Omaha, NE July 2328 July 29 sales-representative.
Seattle, WA July 30Aug. 4 Aug. 5
Chicago, IL July 30Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Certified Welding Supervisor (CWS)
San Diego, CA July 30Aug. 4 Aug. 5 CWS exams are given at Prometric testing centers. More in-
Salt Lake City, UT Aug. 611 Aug. 12 formation at
Charlotte, NC Aug. 611 Aug. 12 supervisor.
Minneapolis, MN Aug. 1318 Aug. 19
Dallas, TX Aug. 1318 Aug. 19 Certified Radiographic Interpreter (CRI)
San Diego, CA Aug. 1318 Aug. 19 The CRI certification can be a stand-alone credential or can
Mobile, AL Exam only Aug. 19 exempt you from your next 9-Year Recertification.
Miami, FL Exam only Aug. 22
Beaumont, TX Aug. 2025 Aug. 26 Location Seminar Dates Exam Date
San Francisco, CA Sept. 1015 Sept. 16 Cleveland, OH June 59 June 10
Houston, TX Sept. 1015 Sept. 16 Dallas, TX July 1721 July 22
Portland, OR Sept. 1015 Sept. 16 Miami, FL Exam only Aug. 4
Nashville, TN Sept. 1015 Sept. 16 Kansas City, MO Aug. 2125 Aug. 26
Kansas City, MO Sept. 2429 Sept. 30 Chicago, IL Sept. 1115 Sept. 16
New Orleans, LA Sept. 2429 Sept. 30 Pittsburgh, PA Oct. 913 Oct. 14
Pittsburgh, PA Sept. 2429 Sept. 30
Long Beach, CA Oct. 16 Oct. 7
Tulsa, OK Oct. 16 Oct. 7
Certified Robotic Arc Welding (CRAW)
ABB, Inc., Auburn Hills, MI; (248) 391-8421
S. Plainfield, NJ Oct. 813 Oct. 14
OTC Daihen, Inc., Tipp City, OH; (937) 667-0800, ext. 218
Chattanooga, TN Oct. 813 Oct. 14
Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, OH; (216) 383-8542
Miami, FL Exam only Oct. 20
Genesis-Systems Group, Davenport, IA; (563) 445-5688
Denver, CO Oct. 2227 Oct. 28
Wolf Robotics, Fort Collins, CO; (970) 225-7736
Des Moines, IA Oct. 2227 Oct. 28
On request at MATC, Milwaukee, WI; (414) 456-5454
Cleveland, OH Oct. 29Nov. 3 Nov. 4
Atlanta, GA Oct. 29Nov. 3 Nov. 4

IMPORTANT: This schedule is subject to change. Please verify your event dates with the Certification Dept. to confirm your course status
before making travel plans. Applications are to be received at least six weeks prior to the seminar/exam or exam. Applications received after
that time will be assessed a $350 Fast Track fee. Please verify application deadline dates by visiting our website For information on AWS seminars and certification programs, or to register online, visit or call (800/305) 4439353, ext. 273, for Certification; or ext. 455 for Seminars.


MAY 2017 S.N..qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:42 PM Page 65


AWS Offers Two New CWI Endorsements

The American Welding Society specifically mapped out for each speci- tion and certification of NDT
(AWS) Certified Welding Inspector men. They have also been approved personnel.
(CWI) Plus Subcommittee was estab- for use by an AWS Accredited Testing The two new endorsement exami-
lished to develop weld inspection en- Facility (ATF), and meet the NDT nations may be used by the employer
dorsement add-on skills and knowl- criteria. to meet their companys written prac-
edge credentials for current CWIs and During the third test, the candi- tice requirements. This may save time
Senior CWIs (SCWI). Code books, bolt- dates will follow a 10-point checklist and money by assisting their quality
ing, and advanced blueprint reading to examine their specimens. The can- management and/or in-house Level
are among the current endorsements a didates will also be expected to find all III designees from having to develop
SCWI/CWI can earn. AWS is now also relevant unacceptable indications (de-
offering two new nondestructive test- fects) and evaluate them in accordance
ing (NDT) endorsements: magnetic with the weld acceptance criteria in
particle (MT) and liquid penetrant the respective NDT method procedure.
(PT) Figs. 1 and 2. To pass the practical test, the candi-
The endorsement examinations are dates will have to identify all defects
styled around The American Society and map them out on the test report.
for Nondestructive Testings (ASNTs) To successfully earn the endorse-
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A: ment, each of the three tests require a
Personnel Qualification and Certification minimum passing grade of 70%. Also
in Nondestructive Testing. required is an 80% composite score av-
The examinations consist of three eraging the three exams.
individual tests. The first is a 40- As a bonus for the successful candi-
question general knowledge test in dates, either of the two new endorse-
each of the methods. The second is a ments will qualify to meet the alter-
20-question specific test on the AWS nate requirements for recertification
MT procedure, as well as the PT proce- of their SCWI/CWI nine-year renewal,
dure, which was developed by the CWI in lieu of either taking the Part B prac-
Plus Subcommittee specifically for the tical exam again or earning 80 profes-
endorsement examinations. sional development hours of advanced Fig. 1 Inspector performs magnetic
The procedures follow techniques training in topics related to the QC-1 particle testing on a weld specimen.
prescribed in ASTM E-709, Standard Body of Knowledge. This additional
Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing, for value makes the two new endorse-
the visible dry powder yoke technique, ments beneficial to the SCWI/CWI
and ASTM E-165, Standard Practice for who wants to move onto additional
Liquid Penetrant Examination for Gener- NDT methods extending beyond visu-
al Industry, for the type 2 method C, al weld inspection.
visible solvent removed dye. How can an employer benefit from
The two AWS method procedures a SCWI/CWI who has these NDT en-
can be referenced during the test, thus dorsements? Currently, both AWS and
demonstrating the candidates ability ASME codes accept the qualification
to read and understand an NDT and certification of NDT personnel in
method procedure. accordance with ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
The NDT procedures also contain These two new endorsements may be
the weld acceptance criteria that will used by the employer who has provid-
be used in the third test, which is a ed the NDT method training hours ei-
practical (hands-on) performance test ther in-house or using an outside NDT
of the candidates ability to follow the training provider.
method procedure and apply the skills Afterward, qualified NDT personnel
necessary to examine two welded joint employed by the company can provide
specimens a groove weld and a fillet supervised practical training experi-
weld. All test specimens have known ence in accordance with their compa-
Fig. 2 Inspector performs liquid pene
weld discontinuities that have been nys written practice for the qualifica-
trant testing on a weld specimen.

BOB WISWESSER ( is chairman of the AWS CWI Plus NDT Subcommittee and past chair of the Certification Committee, as
well as an ASNT Level III and AWS SCWI at the Welder Training and Testing Institute, Allentown, Pa.


MAY 2017 S.N..qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:43 PM Page 66

and administer these method for a qualified Level III test supervisor. oversee the accuracy of NDT inspec-
examinations. Beyond this, a SCWI/CWI who has tions performed by outside inspection
ATFs that have been approved to these endorsements has demonstrated agencies.
administer these NDT endorsement the knowledge and skill to perform In summary, these two new en-
examinations are required to have a these two technique-specific NDT dorsements broaden the SCWI/CWI
test supervisor who is a current NDT methods for in-house use, which, in program into new areas of welding in-
Level III in each method certified by some cases, may be conducted prior to spection to enhance and expand the
ASNT. This will comply with most em- third-party NDT inspection. The value of the SCWI/CWI to the welding
ployers written practice requirements SCWI/CWI is also better prepared to industry. WJ

Candidates Sought to Receive the MIT Masubuchi Award

The Prof. Koichi Masubuchi award, through research and development. Todd Palmer, This
with a $5000 honorarium, is present- Send a list of your candidates experi- award is sponsored annually by the
ed to one person, 40 or younger, who ence, publications, honors, awards, Massachusetts Institute of Technolo-
has made significant contributions to and at least three letters of recommen- gy, Dept. of Ocean Engineering.
the advancement of materials joining dation from fellow researchers to Prof.

Opportunities to Contribute to metals and alloys, G2 Committee (E, A. Babinski,, ext.
AWS Technical Committees G, U). Reactive alloys, G2D Subcom- 310. Resistance welding, C1 Commit-
mittee (G). tee (C, E, G, U). Friction welding, C6
The following committees welcome Committee (C, E). Automotive weld-
new members. Some committees are R. Gupta,, ext. 301. ing, D8 Committee (C, E, G, U). Resist-
recruiting members with specific inter- Filler metals and allied materials, ance welding equipment, J1 Commit-
ests in regard to the committees scope, A5 Committee (E). Magnesium alloy tee (C, E, G, U). Welding in the air-
as marked below: Producers (P), Gener- filler metals, A5L Subcommittee. craft and aerospace industry, D17
al Interest (G), Educators (E), Consult- Subcommittee (C, E, G).
ants (C), and Users (U). For more infor- P. Portela,, ext. 311.
mation, contact the staff member listed High energy beam welding and cut- S. Hedrick,, ext. 305.
or visit ting, C7 Committee (C, E, G). Hybrid Metric practice, A1 Committee (C, E).
Committee-Application.pdf. welding, C7D Subcommittee (G). Ro- Mechanical testing of welds, B4
botic and automatic welding, D16 Committee (E, G, P). Joining of plas-
S. Borrero,, ext. Committee (C, E). Welding in sani- tics and composites, G1 Committee
334. Definitions and symbols, A2 tary applications, D18 Committee (C, (C, E, G). Personal & facilities quali-
Committee (E). Titanium and zirconi- E, G). Additive manufacturing, D20 fication, PFQC Committee (C, E, G).
um filler metals, A5K Subcommittee. Committee (C, E, G). Safety and health committee, SHC
Piping and tubing, D10 Committee Committee (E, G).
(C, E, U). Welding practices and pro- J. Molin,, ext. 304.
cedures for austenitic steels, D10C Structural welding, D1 Committee J. Rosario,, ext. 308.
Subcommittee. Aluminum piping, (E). Sheet metal welding, D9 Commit- Procedure and performance qualifi-
D10H Subcommittee. Chromium tee (C, G). cation, B2 Committee (E, G). Thermal
molybdenum steel piping, D10I Sub- spraying, C2 Committee (C, E, G, U).
committee. Welding of titanium pip- J. Douglass,, ext. Oxyfuel gas welding and cutting, C4
ing, D10K Subcommittee. Purging 306. Methods of weld inspection, B1
Committee (C, E, G). Welding iron
and root pass welding, D10S Subcom- Committee (C, E). Brazing and solder-
ing, C3 Committee (C, E, G). Welding castings, D11 (C, E, G, P, U). Railroad
mittee. Low-carbon steel pipe, D10T
Subcommittee. Orbital pipe welding, in marine construction, D3 Commit- welding, D15 (C, E, G, U).
D10U Subcommittee. Duplex pipe tee (C, E, G, U). Welding of machinery
welding, D10Y Subcommittee. Joining and equipment, D14 Committee (C, E,
G, U).


MAY 2017 S.N..qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:44 PM Page 67

Technical Committee Meetings 305, Contact: J. Douglass, ext. 306,
All AWS technical committee meet- May 25. G1A Subcommittee on Hot
ings are open to the public. Contact Gas Welding and Extrusion Welding. F1.6:20XX, Guide for Estimating
staff members listed below or call Burr Ridge, Ill. Contact: S. P. Hedrick, Welding Emissions for EPA and Ventila-
(800/305) 443-9353 for information., ext. 305. tion Permit Reporting. Revised Stan-
dard. $28.00. ANSI public review ex-
May 24. D17 Committee on Weld- June 13. Safety and Health Com- pires 5/15/17. Contact: S. P. Hedrick,
ing in the Aircraft and Aerospace In- mittee. Baltimore, Md. Contact: S. P. ext. 305,
dustries. Newington, Conn. Contact: Hedrick,, ext. 305.
A. Babinski,, ext.
310. ISO Draft Standards for Public
Standards for Public Review Review
May 3, 4. A2 Committee on Defini-
tions and Symbols. Columbus, Ohio. AWS was approved as an accredited Copies of the following Draft Inter-
Contact: S. Borrero,, standards-preparing organization by national Standards are available for re-
ext. 334. the American National Standards In- view and comment through your na-
stitute (ANSI) in 1979. AWS rules, as tional standards body, which in the
May 15. C1 Committee on Resist- approved by ANSI, require that all United States is ANSI, 25 West 43rd
ance Welding. Livonia, Mich. Contact: standards be open to public review for Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY,
A. Babinski,, ext. comment during the approval process. 10036; telephone (212) 642-4900. Any
310. This column also advises of ANSI ap- comments regarding ISO documents
proval of documents. should be sent to your national
May 15. J1 Committee on Resist- The following standards are sub- standards body.
ance Welding Equipment. Livonia, mitted for public review. A draft copy In the United States, if you wish to
Mich. Contact: A. Babinski, ext. 310, may be obtained by contacting the participate in the development of In- staff secretary of the committee as ternational Standards for welding,
listed below at AWS, Standards Devel- contact Andrew Davis at AWS, 8669
May 16. D8 Committee on Automo- opment, 8669 NW 36 St., #130, Mia- NW 36 St., #130, Miami, FL 33166-
tive Welding. Livonia, Mich. Contact: mi, FL 33166-6672; (800/305) 443- 6672; telephone: (305) 443-9353, ext.
A. Babinski,, ext. 9353. 466; e-mail: Other-
310. wise, contact your national standards
D3.9/D3.9M:20XX, Specification for body.
May 25. B2F Subcommittee on Classification of Weld-Through Paint
Plastic Welding Qualification. Burr Primers. Revised Standard. $30.00. ISO/DIS 10042, Welding Arc-
Ridge, Ill. Contact: S. P. Hedrick, ext. ANSI public review expires 5/1/17. welded joints in aluminium and its alloys

The D38 Subcommittee on Underwater Welding met on February 23 in New Orleans, La., to discuss the upcoming release of the 2017
D3.6M, Underwater Welding Code.


MAY 2017 S.N..qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 1:29 PM Page 68

Quality levels for imperfections. Nondestructive Examination of Welds. glass,, ext. 306.
This guide acquaints the user with the
ISO/DIS 11666, Non-destructive nondestructive examination methods
testing of welds Ultrasonic testing commonly used to examine weld- New Standards Approved by
Acceptance levels. ments. The standard also addresses ANSI
which method best detects various
ISO/DIS 17607, Steel structures types of discontinuities. The methods C2.16/C2.16M-2017, Guide for
Execution of structural steelwork. included are visual, liquid penetrant, Thermal Spray Operator Qualification
magnetic particle, radiographic, ultra- Programs. Approval Date: 3/10/2017.
ISO/DIS 17677-1, Resistance weld- sonic, electromagnetic (eddy current),
ing Vocabulary Part 1: Spot, pro- and leak testing. Stakeholders: Weld- D8.2M-2017, Specification for Auto-
jection, and seam welding. ing industry. Revised Standard. Con- motive Weld Quality Resistance Spot
tact: J. Douglass,, Welding of Aluminum. Approval Date:
ext. 306. 3/9/2017.
New Standard Projects
B1.11M/B1.11:20XX, Guide for the
Visual Examination of Welds. This guide
Development work has begun on Revised Standard Approved by
contains information to assist in the
the following new or revised stan- ANSI
visual examination of welds. Included
dards. Affected individuals are invited
are sections on fundamentals, surface
to contribute to their development.
conditions, and equipment. Sketches C4.2/C4.2M-2017, Recommended
Participation on AWS Technical com-
and full-color photographs illustrate Practices for Oxyfuel Gas Cutting Torch
mittees is open to all persons.
weld discontinuities commonly found Operation. Approval Date: 3/2/2017.
in welds. Stakeholders: Welding indus-
B1.10M/B1.10:20XX, Guide for the try. Revised Standard. Contact: J. Dou-

EPRI Holds Meeting for the AWS D10P Subcommittee

On February 28, members of the of Welds in Grade 91 Material in Piping Bruce Stewart of Quality Control
AWS D10P Subcommittee on Local and Tubing Using Electric Resistance Canada and Lyle Spiegal, a private con-
Heat Treating of Pipework met at the Heating, in preparation for final ballot sultant, attended the meeting
Electric Power Research Institute submission to the D10 Committee on telephonically.
(EPRI) in Charlotte, N.C. Piping and Tubing.
The meeting opened with a presen-
tation by EPRIs Dan Purdy on the
analysis results of extensive testing on
the resistance heating of large bore
piping (3 in. diameter 1 in. wall) per-
formed by the company.
Afterward, John Hainsworth of WR
Metallurgical gave a research presenta-
tion on the effects of increasing the
soak band width that would lead to
tighter through-wall gradient temper-
atures in the heat-affected zone for
creep strength enhanced ferritic steels.
The presentation led to a discussion of
heat and soak band changes to facili-
tate through-wall gradient tempera-
Following the technical presenta-
tions, the D10P Subcommittee re-
solved the comment review report
from the ballots on D10.10, Recom- The AWS D10P Subcommitee posed with representatives of the Electric Power Research
mended Practices for Local Heating of Institute, Charlotte, N.C. From left are Ray Knobbs; Dan Ciarlariello, D10 vice chair and
Welds in Piping and Tubing, and D10P chair; Craig Bowman; Gary Lewis; John Siefert, EPRI; John Hainsworth; Dan Purdy,
D10.22, Specification for Local Heating EPRI; Walt Sperko; and Bill Newell, D10 chair.


MAY 2017 S.N..qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:45 PM Page 69

New AWS Supporters Aviation Institute of Maintenance Pyramid Enterprises, LLC
2025 Satellite Pointe 3321 N. Reseda Circle
Sustaining Members Duluth, GA 30096 Suite 50 and 61
Meza, AZ 85207
Cleveland Integrity Services, Inc. Bill R. Johnson CTE Center
366200 E. 5150 Rd. 1033 McCart Ave. Silver Ships, Inc.
Cleveland, OK 74020 Crowley, TX 76036 9243 Bellingrath Rd. Theodore, AL 36590
Bossier Parish Community College
JEA 6220 E. Texas
4377 Heckscher Dr. Bossier City, LA 71111 MemberGetAMember
Jacksonville, FL 32226 Campaign Bristol Technical Education Center
431 Minor St. Listed are the members participat-
Mallory Metal Products, Inc. Bristol, CT 06010 ing in the 2017 Member-Get-A-Mem-
2655 Airport Rd. ber campaign. The campaign runs
Santa Teresa, NM 88008 Campbell County High School from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2017. Mem- 1000 Camel Dr. bers receive 5 points for each Individ-
Gillette, WY 82716 ual Member and 1 point for every Stu-
Metso Minerals Industries, Inc. dent Member
8223 E. Pecos Rd. Graves County High School
Mesa, AZ 85212 1220 Eagles Way
For campaign rules and a prize list, Mayfield, KY 42066
please see page 81 of this Welding Jour-
Millard School Dist. Delta Tech Center nal. Standings as of March 21. For
Play Club S.A. De C.V. more information, call the AWS Mem-
Circuito San Roque N. 305 East 200 North
Delta, UT 84624 bership Dept. at (800) 443-9353, ext.
423 Puerto Interior 480.
Silao, GTO 36275 Mexico Orange Technical College
2900 West Oak Ridge Rd. J. J. Russell, Fox Valley 35
TowerMRL, Inc. D. K. Eck, Houston 30
2851 Capitol Dr. Orlando, FL 32809
O. N. Boylan, Cleveland 28
Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Oshkiimaajitahdah Institute of B. P. Brandmeir, Lehigh Valley 27
Technoloy S. Galyen, Florida West Coast 25
15525 Mendota Ave. J. P. Theberge, Boston 24
Affiliate Company Members J. R. Stempka NW Penn 20
P.O. Box 416
Rhoads Industries, Inc. Redby, MN 56670 T. W. Zablocki, Pittsburgh 16
1900 Kitty Hawk Ave. F. S. Babish, Lehigh Valley 15
Philadelphia, PA 19112 Springeld Clark CTC D. S. Beecher, San Diego 15
1901 Salem Rd. S. Catherman, Philadelphia 15
Industrial Door Contractors, Inc. Springfield, OH 45505 T. A. Harris, Johnstown-Altoona 15
820 Mayberry Springs Rd.
Columbia, TN 38401 Sulphur Springs High School
1200 Connally St.
The Attraction Services Company, Inc. Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
25625 Hercules St.
Valencia, CA 91355 UAF Bristol Bay Campus AWS Member Counts
P.O. Box 1070 April 1, 2017
Dillingham, AK 99576
Educational Institution Sustaining.................................596
Members Supporting Company Members Supporting ...............................344
Airon Academy Critical Path Metalworks Affiliate.....................................693
Second Floor, Nayana Mansion 614 Cliff St., P.O. Box 869 Welding Distributor ...................60
Near Ayyappa Temple, S.S Kovil Rd. Westcliff, CO 81252 Total Corporate .......................2463
Trivandrum, Kerala 695001 India Individual ...........................59,604
HFW Industries Student + Transitional ...........12,272
Allen County Career and Technical Ctr. 196 Philadelphia St. Total Members ..................71,876
1585 Bowling Green Rd. Buffalo, NY 14207
Scottsville, KY 42164


MAY 2017 S.N..qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:46 PM Page 70

District Director Awards ties, and membership recruitment. gram, and has served as Chapter chair-
To qualify for distinguished mem- man the past two years. He has also
Presented bership status, applicants must accrue participated in every Student Chapter
35 points or more from at least four fundraiser, as well as every community
The District Director Award pro- categories: national AWS leadership, service project since his sophomore
vides a means for District Directors to local AWS leadership, professional de- year.
recognize individuals and corporations velopment, and AWS membership re- This award was established with the
who have contributed their time and cruitment. If you believe you qualify, purpose of recognizing AWS Student
effort to the affairs of their local Sec- contact the AWS Membership Depart- Members whose Student Chapter ac-
tion and/or District. ment at (800) 443-9353 ext. 260. tivities have produced outstanding
District 3 Director Michael Seber- school, community, and/or industry
gandio has nominated Ed Calaman, achievements.
York-Central PA Section; Justin Heis-
tand, Lancaster Section; and Jason Student Chapter Member
Deiter, Lehigh Valley Section. Award Presented
The AWS Whitmer Career and
Distinguished Member Technology Center Student Chapter,
Change of Address? Moving?
Status Achieved Northwest Ohio Section, Dist. 11, has
selected Tristan Carle to receive the
Make sure delivery of your
Dennis K. Eck, AWS Houston Sec- Student Chapter Member Award.
Welding Journal is not interrupted.
tion, and David M. Beneteau, AWS De- Carle was nominated for this award
Contact Maria Trujillo in the Mem-
stroit Section, have attained the status by Craig Donnell, AWS Beaver Valley
bership Department with your new
of Distinguished Member for their Student Chapter advisor. Carle, who
address information (800) 443-
participation in the Societys leader- scored 100% on every written test he
9353, ext. 204;
ship, professional development activi- has taken this year, has maintained a
3.8 GPA throughout the welding pro-

AWS Representative Delivers Lecture Series in India

Under the auspices of the Indian Institute of Welding AWS D19 Committee for Welding of Tube and Piping.
(IIW) and the American Welding Society (AWS), the IIW Bloch visited numerous companies and gave presenta-
Foundation conducts a lecture series every year in different tions to hundreds of welding experts, engineers, and man-
cities across India to benefit the welding industry. AWS sup- agers from various organizations throughout India, includ-
ports this initiative by selecting and sending a renowned ex- ing Kochi, Trichy, Delhi, and Vadodara.
pert in the field. The final lecture was organized in Mumbai with the An-
This year, AWS chose Christopher Bloch to deliver lec- nual Welding Seminar of the IIW Mumbai chapter. The event
tures on heat treatment of welded structures. Bloch is an ac- hosted 175 welding experts.
claimed authority on heat treatment and an advisor to the

Christopher Bloch, advisor to the AWS D19 Committe for Welding Christopher Bloch (fifth from left) posed with his wife and mem
of Tube and Piping, recently delivered a lecture on heat treatment bers of the Indian Institute of Welding at the Annual Welding
of welded structures in Mumbai, India. Seminar and Lecture Series VIII in Mumbai, India, earlier this year.


MAY 2017 S.N..qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:47 PM Page 71

Four New Trustees Elected to the AWS Foundation

Andrew Bonham Jeff Deckrow Jason Scales William Visintainer

The American Welding Society liedSignal (now known as Honeywell), coln Electric Co. since 2011, and cur-
(AWS) Foundation has announced the and spent 12 years with General Elec- rently serves as its manager of educa-
election of four new members to the tric in its plastics and silicone prod- tion services. He is a board member
board of trustees. Andrew Bonham, ucts groups. of the James F. Lincoln Foundation,
Jeff Deckrow, Jason Scales, and Jeff Deckrow has worked with Hy- and chairman of the Junior Board of
William Visintainer were each elected pertherm since 1996, holding posi- Lincoln Electric Co.
to serve a three-year term from 2017 tions in sales, marketing, and sales Bill Visintainer has been the owner
to 2019. support. He currently serves as the and president of Atlas Welding Supply
Andrew Bonham has been senior company's vice president of North in Birmingham, Ala., since 2008. He
vice president at ESAB Americas since American sales. Deckrow is also chair previously worked at BOC Gases for
2013, with responsibility for more of the AWS Foundation Careers Com- 11 years as a manager, and was the
than 1800 employees across North mittee, and is past chair and a mem- 20152016 president of the Gases
and South America. Previously, he ber of WEMCO, a standing committee and Welding Distributors Association.
worked at WR Grace and Invensys of the AWS.
Controls, held executive roles with Al- Jason Scales has been with the Lin-

U.S. Coast Guard Visits AWS Headquarters

Members of the United States Coast Guard (USCG) recently toured the AWS Headquarters in Miami, Fla. The members work in the main
tence and engineering segments of the USCG Miami base, focusing on upkeep, supply, and retrofit of the patrol fleet. Pictured are USCG
officers, engineers, and maintenance personnel.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:10 PM Page 72


of Technology. Three students from

District 1 District 3 each school competed in the event
Douglas A. Desrochers, director Michael Sebergandio, director consisting of three levels. First level,
(508) 763-8011 (717) 471-2065 up to 500 h of instruction; second lev- el, 5001000 h of instruction; and
third level, more than 1000 h of
BOSTON READING instruction.
March 2 March 18
Location: Tewksbury, Mass. Location: Lancaster County Career &
Summary: Laurie Jones, Section board Technology Center, Mount Joy, Pa. District 4
of director member and student affairs Summary: The Section held its Annual Stewart A. Harris, director
chair, presented the Sections Instruc- Reading Section Welding Contest fea- (919) 824-0520
tor of the Year Award to Greater Low- turing five career and technology
ell Technical School Metal Fabrication schools, including Lancaster County,
Instructor Thomas Kasilowski. Berks County West, Lebanon County,
Reading-Muhlenberg, and York School
District 2
Ken Temme, director
(856) 264-8377

February 8
Location: Benjamin Franklin Engi-
neering and Technology High School,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Presenter: Rob Yagle Jr., vice presi-
dent, Bay Technical Associates
Summary: Yagle gave a presentation to BOSTON Student Affairs Chair Laurie NEW JERSEY From left are Senior Past
members describing the various posi- Jones (left)presented the Sections District Director Kenneth Stockton, Jun
tive material identification (PMI) ma- Instructor of the Year Award to Thomas ior Past Director Harland Thompson,
chines that his company uses to pro- Kasilowski. and current Director Kenneth Temme.
vide material identification to clients
in the petrochemical and refining

January 18
Location: Somerset County Vocational
and Technical School
Summary: The Section hosted a weld-
ing education and career night at Som-
erset County Vocational and Technical
School. Exhibitors included the Sheet
Metal Workers Union Local 22, United NEW JERSEY Staff Sergeants
States Army, Steamfitters and Pipefit- PHILADELPHIA District Director Ken Cameron Fischer (left) and Luis A.
Temme (left) and Section Chair Michael Navedo, United States Army, were one
ters Union Local 475, and Universal
Chomin (right) thanked speaker Rob of several exhibitors during the Sections
Technical Institute. Yagle Jr., vice president of Bay Technical. welding education and career night.

READING Welding students competing in the Annual Reading Section Welding Contest posed for a group photo.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:11 PM Page 73

ing followed. Additionally, Section tation and talk on how plasma cutting
District 5 Chair Ren Engeron presented William works and the latest developments in
Joseph T. J. T. Mahoney, director Bill Durret with a 50-Year Life Mem- cutting equipment and accessories.
(352) 727-0366 ber Award. Durret then spoke to the Meeting attendees then went to the students about the benefits of being shop area and used the plasma system.
an AWS member. Two bags of welding Professional development hours
ATLANTA supplies and three free student mem- (PDHs) were available to attendees
February 16 berships were raffled off during the who requested them.
Location: Jasper, Ga. meeting.
Presenter: Carl Matricardi, Section Tulsa School of Welding
vice chair and past district director NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA Student Chapter
Summary: Matricardi presented a slide February 21 February 2
show to members and students re- Location: Airgas, Ocala, Fla. Location: Tulsa School of Welding,
garding his experience as an expert Presenter: Steve Weaver, district man- Jacksonville, Fla.
witness in fatal welding accidents re- ager, Hypertherm Corp. Presenter: John Bray, AWS president
sulting from safety procedures not be- Summary: Weaver gave a video presen- Topic: Mentoring and what it can do
for you
Summary: More than 50 students as
well as representatives from Lincoln
Electric and Strate Welding Supply at-
tended the Student Chapters Febru-
ary meeting. President Bray spoke
about the benefits of mentorship
while Lincoln representatives Steve
Mattson and Jim Issa spoke about
new company products. Steve Strate of
Strate Welding Supply spoke about
welding safety. The school supplied a
READING Seen are the judges of the Annual Reading Section Welding Contest. From
pizza dinner for all attendees.
left are Richard Heisey, contest and Section chairman; Bryan Shenk; Tracy Davenport;
Craig Davis; Francis Butkus; Gene Henry; and David Hibshman.

Tulsa School of Welding Student Chap

ATLANTA Bill Durret (second from left) received his 50Year Life Member Award from ter AWS President John Bray (left)
Chair Ren Engeron (second from right). Also pictured are Section Vice Chair Carl Matri and Student Chapter President Dion
cardi (left) and Jordan Hunter (right). Thornhill.

ATLANTA February meeting attendees gathered for a photo.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:11 PM Page 74

District 6
Michael Krupnicki, director
(585) 705-1764


February 28
Location: Century House, Latham,
Presenter: Bob Cohen, president, Weld
Summary: More than 30 members
attended a presentation given by Co-
hen about adaptive controls for resist-
ance welding.

Tulsa School of Welding Student Chapter Pictured after their February meeting are
(from left) Student Chapter President Dion Thornhill, AWS Past President Nancy Cole, Dis
trict 5 Director J. T. Mahoney, and AWS President John Bray. District 7
Uwe Aschemeier, director
(786) 473-9540

March 7
Location: Crown Plaza Hotel, Colum-
bus, Ohio
Presenter: Uwe W. Aschemeier, senior
welding engineer, Subsea Global Solu-
tions, LLC, and District 7 director
Topic: The OSU Impulse Manufactur-
ing Laboratory
Summary: Aschemeiers presentation
focused on providing photos of under-
water repair projects with an emphasis
on underwater wet welding. Attendees
Tulsa School of Welding Student Chapter The speakers from the Sections February were introduced to hyperbaric wet and
meeting gathered for a photo. Seen (from left) are Dion Thornhill, Student Chapter presi dry welding, as well as top side weld-
dent; Jim Issa, Lincoln Electric; John Bray, AWS president; Steve Mattson, Lincoln Electric; ing repair techniques on ocean vessels
and Steve Strate, Strate Welding Supply.
and maritime underwater structures.

PITTSBURGH/Beaver Valley
Student Chapter
February 21
Location: Steamfitters Local 449 Tech-
nology Center, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Presenter: Efram Abrams, AWS learn-
ing sales representative
Summary: Abrams made a presenta-
tion about the online learning re-
sources available to colleges and
industry. The meeting also hosted the
student awards/scholarship presenta-
tions for the winners of the 36th Annu-
al Weld Off Competition. Section
Chair Don Stoll and John Foley, in-
structor at Pittsburgh Technical Insti-
COLUMBUS Chair Jim Worman (second from left) presented a welding helmet speak tute, presented the awards. Kerry Sabo
ers gift to Uwe Aschemeier (second from right). Also shown are John Lawmon (left), re of Lincoln Electric presented the
cipient of the Section Meritorious Award, and Bryan Lyons (right), recipient of the District award winners with company prod-
Meritorious Award. ucts, and System One provided x-rays


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:12 PM Page 75

of the weld test coupons at no charge.
Hallie Schmitt became the first District 8 NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI
February 16
woman in the history of the Pitts- D. Joshua Burgess, director Location: Mayhew, Miss.
burgh Section to win the Weld Off (931) 260-7039 Presenter: Caleb Brown, Mississippi
Competition and her coupon x-ray sales manager, ESAB Welding
showed no defects.

March 14
Location: R. J. Lee Group,
Monroeville, Pa.
Presenter: Jim Pellegrino Jr., senior
materials consultant
Topic: Industrial forensics and testing
Summary: The Section held its annual
joint meeting with ASNT. The groups
were provided a presentation and tour
of the R. J. Lee facility, which is an
industrial analytical laboratory and
scientific firm. After the tour, mem-
bers of both organizations enjoyed a
buffet dinner at Palmeris Restaurant.
PITTSBURGH/Beaver Valley Student Chapter Secondary student winners (from left)
are Franklin Shaffer, third place; Ted Zablocki, instructor; Robert (Chuck) Kimble, second
place; Hallie Schmitt, first place; and Roger Hilty, instructor.

PITTSBURGH/Beaver Valley Student Chapter Section members gathered for a group photo at the February meeting.

PITTSBURGH Following a joint meeting between the Section and ASNT, members of both organizations posed for a photo.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:12 PM Page 76

Summary: Members gathered for the Presenter: Josh Wallmuth, JW Custom including students from Auburn Uni-
Sections Student Night as well as a Fabrication versity, Central Alabama Community
presentation on welding safety and Summary: Students from Central College, and Southern Union State
equipment. Louisiana Technical Community Col- College toured Goldens Foundry and
lege and from Buckeye High School Machine Co. Established in 1882, it is
attended Wallmuths presentation on one of the oldest foundries in the U.S.
District 9 underwater welding. Students were
able to ask questions and learn more
and is still in operation today. The
company manufactures cast, ma-
Michael Skiles, director
about the industry. chined, and assembled gray and duc-
(337) 501-0304
tile iron components for the capital
OPELIKAAUBURN and durable goods industries. The
February 16 company is a fifth generation family
NEW ORLEANS Location: Goldens Foundry and owned business.
January 17
Machine Co., Columbus, Ga.
Location: Best Western Landmark
Summary: More than 55 members March 4
Hotel, Metairie, La.
Location: Auburn University, Auburn,
Presenter: Dwight Witter, ND3
Topic: NDT training and rope access
Summary: District 9 and Auburn Uni-
versity Materials Engineering hosted a
Summary: The Sections January gen-
merit badge university for local Boy
eral meeting consisted of Witters
presentation on NDT training and
rope access technology for welding and
inspection. The meeting was spon-
sored by Inspection Specialists, Inc.,
and they also supplied door prizes. A
50/50 raffle raised money for student


February 15 Berger (far right) presented a speaker
Location: Central Louisiana Technical recognition award to (from left) Dwayne
Community College, Jena, La. Witter and Dwight Witter, owners of


(right) presented a sponsor recognition Wallmuth (left) and Buckeye High School
PITTSBURGH Pictured are John award to (from left) Sean Hargis and welding student Peyton Ryder (right)
Markanich, ASNT; Jim Pellegrino, R. J. Brian Connelly, Inspection Specialists, demonstrated the use of an underwater
Lee Group; and Don Stoll, Section chair. Inc. welding helmet.

NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI Student Night meeting attendees listened to a presentation on welding safety and equipment.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 1:28 PM Page 77

manager from Paslin, gave a brief com-
District 10 pany introduction. Tupper then gave
Mike Sherman, director his talk on the vision applications in
(216) 570-9348 the automotive industry. He intro- duced multiple commonly used 2D
and 3D laser-based and camera-based
DRAKE WELL/Oil Region Student vision systems. The Section also recog-
Chapter nized the old timers after the talk, in-
March 9 cluding Salvatore Delisi.
Location: The Franklin, Franklin, Pa.
Presenter: Randy Voelp, manufactur-
ing representative, Metabo Grinders
Topic: Safe operation of grinders
Topic: Voelps presentation centered
around grinder operation safety, the
many uses of grinders, and the dos
and donts of operation. Meeting
attendees were able to ask questions
following the presentation.

March 14
Location: Eriez Magnetics, Erie, Pa.
Presenter: Ron Bartosek, production NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA OPELIKAAUBURN District 9 and
manager and weld manager, Eriez Vice Chair Donna Bastian (right) pre Auburn University Materials Engineering
Magnetics sented Ron Bartosek (left) with a hosted local Boy Scouts for a welding
speaker gift. merit badge clinic.
Summary: Bartosek spoke to members
about the history of his company and
the state of manufacturing today in

District 11
Phillip Temple, director
(734) 546-4298

March 9
Location: Paslin, Warren, Mich.
Presenter: Terry Tupper, senior engi-
neer, material joining section, Fanuc
America DRAKE WELL/Oil Region Student Chapter Pictured after the March meeting are (front
Summary: The Section hosted its tech- row from left) Dan Bubenheim, Andy Klapec, Tanner Rose, Travis Crate II, and Travis
nical meeting/Old Timers Night. As a Crate. In the back row (from left) are Bob Hime, Dick Whitcomb, Ryan Lehnortt, and
cohost, Greg Stacey, sales account Robert Fugate.

OPELIKAAUBURN Members and welding students enjoyed a tour of Goldens Foundry and Machine Co., Columbus, Ga.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/10/17 1:26 PM Page 78

March 16 tour was the attachment of the steel
District 12 Location: Burger Boat Co., Manitowoc, hull to the aluminum upper structure.
Daniel J. Roland, director Wis.
(920) 241-1542 Summary: The Section toured the manufacturing facilities of the Burger
Boat Co. Led by the companys human
MADISONBELOIT/Blackhawk resources director, Curt Prokash, the
Technical Student Chapter tour included an extensive walk-
March 8 through of a 103-ft yacht that was un-
Location: Blackhawk Technical Col- der construction. The highlight of the
lege, Milton, Wis.
Presenter: Joe Thompson, industry
Summary: Thompson spoke about his
more than 40-year career in the weld-
ing industry. His career has gone from
welding in the military during the
Vietnam War to a business owner and DETROIT Don Maatz (left) thanked
then a regional sales representative. Terry Tupper (right) for his technical
Thompson was then given a tour of presentation on vision applications in
the Blackhawk Advanced Manufactur- the automotive structural assembly.
ing Facility by Student Chapter Presi-
DETROIT Chair Tyler Alexander (left),
dent Austin Duhr and Vice President and Mitch Dupon (center), presented
Mich Vanderkoi. Salvatore Delisi with a recognition
plaque as part of the Sections Old
LAKESHORE Timers Night.
February 16
Location: Machuts Supper Club, Two
Rivers, Wis.
Presenter: Ken Smith, business devel-
opment director, SciAps Manufactur-
ing; and John Greivell, vice president,
Raeco LIC, LLC
Summary: The February meeting was
a technical event presented by Smith
and Greivell. The meeting presented
the theory of operation and a real-
time demo of the SciAps laser and
x-ray hand-held alloy identification
testers. The presentation stressed the
identification of materials prior to LAKESHORE Pictured (from left) are LAKESHORE Host Curt Prokash (far
welding and the chemical analysis of Ken Smith, alloy business development left) posed with Section members in
completed welds and the surrounding director, SciAps Manufacturing; Adam front of the yacht currently under con
Witepalek, Section vice chair; and John struction at Burger Boat Companys
heat-affected zone. Greivell, vice president, Raeco LIC, LLC. main manufacturing area.

MADISONBELOIT/Blackhawk Technical College Student Chapter Student members posed with guest speaker Joe Thompson (center
holding banner).


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:13 PM Page 79

New York and how it all started in
District 13 District 15 1919.
John Willard, director David Lynnes, director
(815) 954-4838 (701) 893-2295 NORTH TEXAS January 17
Location: Fort Worth, Tex.
Summary: The January meeting fea-
District 14 District 16 tured award presentations for mem-
Tony Brosio, director bers. Candace Ortega received the
Karl Fogleman, director
(765) 215-7506 Howard E. Adkins Memorial Instruc-
(402) 677-2490 tor Section Award.
February 23
Location: Jerry Haas Race Cars, District 17
Fenton, Mo. J Jones, director
Presenter: John DeFlorian, general (832) 506-5986
manager, Jerry Haas Race Cars
Topic: Facility tour and presentation on
different company operations EAST TEXAS
Summary: DeFlorian led members on a February 11
tour of the race car manufacturing facil- Location: East Texas Oil Museum,
ity and questions were asked by atten- Kilgore, Tex.
dees regarding welding processes and Summary: Section members were
materials used to create the race cars. given a tour of the museum. It started NORTH TEXAS Chair Paul Stanglin
Templates and jigs all used to create with a short video including various (left) presented Candace Ortega with
frames were shown to attendees as well clips from the 1930s. Section Chair J the Howard E. Adkins Memorial Instruc
as non racing-related custom work. Jones enlightened the audience with a tor Section Award.
brief history of AWSs early days in

ST. LOUIS Event attendees gathered for a photo during a facility tour of Jerry Haas Race Cars.

EAST TEXAS J Jones (kneeling, left side of banner) and Bryan Baker (kneeling, right side of banner), posed with welding students from
Kilgore College and Bossier Parish Community College.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:14 PM Page 80

February 14 HOUSTON Summary: Traditionally the January
Location: Arlington, Tex. January 18 Section meeting is Past Chairmans
Presenter: John Bray, AWS president Location: Bradys Landing Restaurant, Night. There were six past chairs in at-
Summary: AWS President John Bray Houston, Tex. tendance. Keynote speakers Lang and
visited the Section and shared infor- Presenter: Mike Lang, director of Wisnoski spoke to attendees about ex-
mation about the Society and the ben- training, Fluor; and Scott Wisnoski, panding the instruction of classic
efits of mentorship. Maverick Testing Labs welding techniques to include new
Topic: Proper training of incoming technology including Lincolns STT,
March 8 welders Millers RMD, and pulse welding.
Location: Grapevine, Tex.
Presenter: Linda Lewis, Grapevine
Topic: Investment casting
Summary: Lewis explained the invest-
ment (lost wax) process. She covered
creating the wax mold, coating the
image with a strong shell, melting out
the wax, pouring the bronze into the
mold, and then finally removing the
shell to retrieve the final product. The
presentation was part of the CWI
nine-year recertification class held in
Dallas the week of March 5th.

January 24
Location: Oklahoma Joes Bar-B-Que NORTH TEXAS AWS President John Bray (center) posed with Section officers (from left)
Tulsa, Okla. Ernest Levert, Paul Stanglin, John Kennedy, and Chelsey Morris.
Presenter: Paul Wittenbach, principal
welding and metallurgical engineer at
Phillips 66, and Section treasurer
Topic: Welding dissimilar metals in the
petrochemical industry
Summary: Wittenbach discussed weld-
ing considerations and practices used
within the petrochemical industry to
join base metals with different chem-
istry and microstructures. Weld joints
between combinations of carbon steel,
low-alloy steel, stainless steel, and
nickel alloys were evaluated.

District 18
John Stoll, director TULSA (From left) Section Chair Travis Weber stands with event speaker and Section
(713) 724-2350 treasurer Paul Wittenbach, and door prize winners Jay Rufner and Jacob Elliot.

NORTH TEXAS Pictured are the Sections February meeting attendees.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:14 PM Page 83

District 19 February 23 District 21
Shawn McDaniel, director Sam Lindsey, director
Location: Airgas fill plant and retail
(509) 793-5182 (858) 740-1917
store, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Presenter: Tom Little, fill plant man-
ager, Airgas
PUGET SOUND OLYMPIC Summary: Members participated in a ARIZONA
February 2 October 19
fill plant tour and discussion on AWS
Location: Bellevue, Wash. Location: Matheson Air Separation
B5.1, Specification for the Qualification
Presenter: Chris Sundberg, structural Plant, Mesa, Ariz.
of Welding Inspectors.
engineer and Senior CWI Presenter: Freddy Sanchez, operations
Summary: Sundberg presented on the manager, Matheson Tri-Gas
design, layout, and fabrication of re- Summary: Members participated in a
February 16
ducing elbows for piping. The presen- plant tour and listened to a presenta-
Location: Mountainland Applied
tation was based on a technical paper tion on methods used to process air
Technology College, Lehi, Utah
he coauthored for an ASCE pipelines and gas for the industry. Attendees
Summary: AWS Learning Sales Repre-
conference earlier in the year. learned how welding gas is manufac-
sentative Efram Abrams gave a presen-
tured. Event attendees included Hay-
tation to welding educators from
den Kereluk, Jason Dominguez, David
around the state. He discussed avail-
Miller, Richard Santasiero, Michael
District 20 able opportunities for students and
educators who utilize the AWS library. Lloyd, Brent Couch, Daniel Boyer,
Pierrette H. Gorman, director Randy Fox, Leon Zamora, Brian
He also outlined the AWS SENSE pro-
(505) 284-9644 Headley, Kapp Brian, Tamara Drobit-
gram for schools. sky, Mike Drobitsky, John Kocur,

HOUSTON Seen at Past Chairmans Night were Past Chairs (from left) Dennis Eck PUGET SOUND OLYMPIC Chair David
(20062007); Robert Hunt (19992000); Asif Latiff (20062007); Jerry Koza Jr. Edwards (right) thanked speaker Chris
(20082009); Grant Peltier (20152016); and John Bray (19981999). Sundberg for his presentation.

NORTHTEXAS Seen are attendees of the CWI nineyear recertification class during a tour of the Grapevine Foundry.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:14 PM Page 84

Jerry Siko, Joshua Anderson, Robert vided drawings to weld a griddle and was well attended by students, their
Holmes, Craig Burnhen, Ryan Priest, grill. The students then used their parents, welding instructors, and
Eric Tully, Kyla Cook, Blaine Cook, newly-built grilling equipment to com- members.
Shawn Cook, Kenny Cook, Ty Wagner, pete in a friendly cookoff that was
Esvin Barrios, Linda Zamora, Ken judged by culinary arts instructors
Hughes, Tim Sullivan, Kyle Sargent,
Chad Norris, David Romero, Shane
from Arizona Western College. For a
list of participants and winners, see
District 22
Kerry E. Shatell, director
Clayton, Clifton Green, Bryan pages 3436 of the January 2017 (925) 866-5434
Makovicka, Leo Hernandez, Cory Welding Journal.
Carpenter, David Hevlin, James Trim-
ble, Steele Buksas, Zak Noyes, Felixia January 11 SAN FRANCISCO
Vasquez, Xaviera Hannah, John Han- Location: Mesa Community College March 8
charik, Nick Martinez, Jerry Wright, Welding Department, Mesa, Ariz. Location: ConXtech, Inc., Hayward,
Freddy Sanchez, and Fran Johnston. Presenter: Nick Martinez, 1st vice chair Calif.
and project NDE/QC specialist, Salt Presenter: John Rettie, tour guide
November 16 and 17 River Project Summary: More than 58 members and
Location: Las Vegas, Nev. Summary: Martinez presented infor- guests, many from nearby community
Summary: The Section sponsored the mation on AWS scholarships for con- colleges, toured the ConXtech facility
2016 Welders without Borders: Weld- tinuing education opportunities avail- where components for the ConX
ing Thunder Competition during the able to students, teachers, and career Chassis Based Modular Building Sys-
annual FABTECH show. The two-day professionals. He addressed eligibility, tem are fabricated.
competition featured high school and the selection process, financial aid,
college-level welding teams using pro- and GPA requirements. The meeting

IDAHOMONTANA Airgas Fill Plant Manager Tom Little (front row, fifth from left) welcomed Section members for a facility tour and
discussion on compressed gas safety and governing regulations.

UTAH Section members welcomed AWS Learning Sales Representative Efram Abrams (left of banner) during the February meeting.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:15 PM Page 85


ARIZONA Welding Thunder volunteer

ARIZONA Welding Thunder volunteer judges (from left) Shanen Aranmor, Eric Phye, judges Nick Martinez (left) and Gonzalo
Curtis Casey, Doug Anderson, Carl Van Hoose, and Jeff Davis. Huerta.

ARIZONA Participants at Scholarship Night at Mesa Community College.

SAN FRANCISCO A tour guide led attendees through the ConXtech facility.


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:15 PM Page 86


SAN FRANCISCO A group of meeting attendees are seen during their ConXtech facility tour.

Contact Robert Fugate for more infor- information about North Texas
SECTION EVENTS mation about Drake Well events at events by e-mail at

Please note events are subject to change.

Reach out to the listed contact to conrm. New Orleans ANNOUNCE YOUR
Colorado Meetings are usually the third Tuesday
of each of the following months: Sept., If you would like to submit an event
May 11 Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb., March, April, and or calendar listing, send along the fol-
Denver, Colo. May. lowing information: Section name;
Annual awards dinner with 2016 activity name, date, time, and loca-
AWS President David McQuaid Contact D. J. Berger for more information tion; and speaker name, title, affilia-
about New Orleans events at (504) 415- tion, and subject. If some of your
Contact Bob Teuscher for more informa- 9165, or by e-mail at meeting plans are pending, include
tion about Colorado events at (303) 893- the name and e-mail or phone num-
3602 or by e-mail at bobteuscher@ ber of a contact person for the event.
North Texas Please keep in mind the Journal pub-
Drake Well lication cut-off is usually the 20th of
Meetings are the third Tuesday of each
the month, for two months ahead.
month: dinner at 6:30 pm, program at
May 5 For example, if you want to have your
7 pm
Cleveland, Ohio July meeting in the June Journal cal-
Humperdinks, 700 Six Flags,
Lorraine Community College endar, the deadline is April 20.
Arlington, Tex.
Weld-Ed Center Bring three canned goods for the
District 10 meeting Send your calendar event listing to
North Texas Food Bank and receive a
Cindy Weihl, senior editor, by e-mail,
door prize ticket.
August 4, or fax, (305) 443-
Meadville, Pa. Contact Paul Stanglin for more 7404.
Annual golf outing


MAY Section News.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:16 PM Page 87

Guide to AWS Services

American Welding Society Learning Sales Representative Program Managers II
8669 NW 36th St., #130 Efram Abrams.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(307) Stephen Borrero... . . . . . . . . . .(334)
Miami, FL 33166-6672 Definitions and Symbols, Structural Subcommit-
(800/305) 443-9353; Fax: (305) 443-7559 Corporate Director, Global Sales tees on Reinforcing Steel and Stainless Steel, Joining
Phone extensions are in parentheses. Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . .(233) of Metals and Alloys, Piping and Tubing
Oversees international business activities; cer-
AWS PRESIDENT tification, publications, and membership. Rakesh Gupta.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(301)
John Bray. . . . . . . Filler Metals and Allied Materials, International
Affiliated Machinery, Inc. PUBLICATION SERVICES Filler Metals, UNS Numbers Assignment, Arc Weld-
3008 South Main Street, Pearland, TX 77581 Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(275) ing and Cutting Processes, Computational Weld
Executive Director Publisher/Editor Jennifer Molin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(304)
Ray Shook.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(210) Mary Ruth Johnsen.. . . . . . .(238) Structural Welding, Sheet Metal Welding

Chief Operating Officer Society News Editor Program Managers

Matt Miller.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(207) Katie Pacheco.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(275) Annik . . . . . . . . . .(310)
Automotive, Friction Welding, Resistance
Senior Associate Executive Directors Section News Editor Welding, Resistance Welding Equipment, Welding
Cassie Burrell.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(253) Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(256) and Brazing in Aerospace

John Gayler.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(472) Inspection Trends Editor John . . . . . . . . . . . .(306)
Carlos . . . . . . . . . . .(348) Brazing and Soldering, Methods of Weld Inspec-
Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer tion, Welding in Marine Construction, Welding of
Gesana Villegas.. . . . . . . . . . . .(252) Welding Handbook Editor Machinery and Equipment
Kathy Sinnes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(255)
Chief Information Officer Peter Portela.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(311)
Emilio Del . . . . . . . . . .(247) MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS High-Energy Beam Welding, Robotics Welding,
Chief Marketing Officer (interim) Welding in Sanitary Applications, Additive Manufac-
Board and Executive Director Services Michael Walsh.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(350) turing, Structural Subcommittees on Bridge Welding
Associate Director and Titanium
Alex Diaz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(294) MEMBER SERVICES
Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(480) Jennifer Rosario.. . . . . . . . . . . .(308)
AWS Awards, Fellows, Counselors Oxyfuel Gas Welding and Cutting, Railroad
Board and Executive Director Services Senior Associate Executive Director Welding, Thermal Spraying, Welding Iron Castings,
Program Manager Cassie Burrell.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(253) Welding Qualification
Chelsea Steel.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(293)
Coordinates AWS awards and Fellow and Corporate Director CUSTOMEROPERATIONS
Counselor nominations. Rhenda Kenny... . . . . . . . . . . . . .(260) Program Specialists
Serves as a liaison between members and AWS Vivian Pupo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(362)
Administrative Services headquarters. Vanessa Vasquez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(361)
Corporate Director Answer customer questions about AWS.
Hidail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(287) CERTIFICATION SERVICES
Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(273) AWS FOUNDATION, INC.
Director Managing Director General Information
Gricelda Manalich.. . . . . . . . . .(208) Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(281) (800/305) 443-9353, ext. 212,

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING Director of Agency Representation Chairman, Board of Trustees

Senior Coordinator Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(470) William A. Rice..
Sissibeth Lopez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(319)
Liaison services with other national and interna- EDUCATION SERVICES Executive Director, Foundation
tional societies and standards organizations. Corporate Director Sam Gentry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (331)
Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(226)
GOVERNMENT LIAISON SERVICES Corporate Director, Workforce Development
Hugh Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director, Development and Systems Monica Pfarr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (461)
Webster, Chamberlain & Bean, Washington, D.C. David Hernandez.. . . . . . . .(219)
(202) 785-9500; F: (202) 835-0243 Associate Director of Scholarships
Monitors federal issues of importance to the TECHNICAL STANDARDS SALES Vicki Pinsky.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . (212)
industry. Managing Director
Michael . . . . . . . . . . . .(350) The AWS Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3)
CONVENTION AND EXPOSITIONS AWS Bookstore, Subscription Sales, and AWS charitable organization established to provide support for
Director, Convention and Meeting Services Reseller Management the educational and scientific endeavors of the American
Matthew . . . . . . . . . . .(239) Customer . . .(280) Welding Society. Promote the Foundations work with your
financial support.
SPRAY ASSOCIATION Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(340)
Program Manager
Alfred . . . . . . . . . . . . .(467) Managing Director Standards Development
Annette Alonso.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(299)
RWMA RESISTANCE WELDING MANUFACTURING Technical Committee Activities, Additive
ALLIANCE Manufacturing, Welding Qualification
Program Manager
Adrian . . . .. . . .. . . .(295) Director International Activities
Andrew Davis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(466)
WEMCO ASSOCIATION OF WELDING International Standards Activities, American
MANUFACTURERS Council of the International Institute of Welding
Program Manager
Keila . . . . . . . .(444) Manager, Safety and Health
Stephen Hedrick.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(305)
INTERNATIONAL SALES Metric Practice, Safety and Health, Joining of
Managing Director of North American Sales Plastics and Composites, Personnel and Facilities
Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(297) Qualification, Mechanical Testing of Welds


Personnel MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:26 PM Page 88


Keen Adds Quality Control velopment, and compliance objectives. his Certified Transportation Profes-
Director and Technical Priebe has been in the compressed gas sional credential from the National
industry for more than 20 years. From Private Truck Council. Tim Stott has
Welding Specialist 1999 through 2016, he served as the also joined Keen Compressed Gas Co.
Keen Compressed Gas Co., Wilm- manager of safety, compliance, and as technical welding sales specialist.
ington, Del., has two new hires. transportation, where his responsibili- His primary role will be assisting the
Lawrence Priebe has been named safe- ties included risk management, safety companys account managers and cus-
ty and quality control director. In this and health, DOT, OSHA, EPA and tomers with their technical welding
role, he will be responsible for oversee- state-specific compliance, fleet man- needs. He will also be responsible for
ing the safety and quality of Keens op- agement, and bulk and microbulk training and educating Keens sales as-
erations, including training, policy de- installations. In 2007, Priebe received sociates and customers on welding
processes. Stott began working in the
welding industry at age seven in his
family-owned construction and weld-
ing business. In 1972, he was hired as
the field sales engineer for Airco,
where he went on to several other po-
sitions within the company. In 1993,
Stott was hired by Miller Electric as
their Mid-Atlantic district manager
where he managed relationships with
distributors and end users for more
than 20 years. Stott retired from
Miller Electric in February 2017.

Koike Names CEO

Koike Aronson,
Arcade, N.Y., has
announced that
President and
COO James
McAuliffe Jr. has
been named chief
executive officer
(CEO) of the com-
pany. McAuliffe
replaces Jerry
Leary, who has re-
J. McAuliffe Jr. tired after leading
the company since
2002. McAuliffe joined the company in
2016 and brought with him extensive
experience in finance, distribution, ac-
quisitions, manufacturing, and inter-
national operations.

Weiler Appoints New

Managing Director, Americas

Weiler Abrasives Group, Cresco, Pa.,

has appointed Bill Dwyre as managing
director of the newly formed Americas
business. This promotion, part of a
larger restructuring, supports the
integration of the acquisition of
continued on page 107
For info, go to


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For Info, go to

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Introduction to Welding Pipe Downhill


Mastering techniques for welding with JAMES COLTON II
cellulosic electrodes expands
employment opportunities

Fig. 1 Pennsylvania College of Tech-

nology offers a B.S. in Welding and Fab-
rication Engineering Technology, an
Associate of Applied Science degree in
Welding Technology, and a certificate
in welding.

atural gas extraction and trans- and cellulosic (EXX10) electrodes. Lo- tion from the schools curriculum and
mission, as well as oil and cated in Williamsport, Pa., between passes on advice instructors provide to
chemical processing and water two of the states largest hydraulic students. The figures show a 6-in.-
transmission, require field welding API fracturing regions, Pennsylvania Col- diameter, Schedule 80 (0.4375-in.-
5L line pipe in grades X42 or X52. For lege of Technology (PCT) teaches wall) pipe. Any specific parameters or
this thin-wall pipe, generally 0.5 in. or welding pipe downhill as part of its dimensions used in an actual project
less, many welding procedures require Welding & Fabrication Engineering should always follow the supplied
downhill welding using the shielded Technology program Fig. 1. Welding Procedure Specifications
metal arc welding (SMAW) process This article incorporates informa- (WPS), as well as applicable codes,
Lott Feature AmWeld 5/17.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 11:14 AM Page 91


such as API 1104, Standard for Welding

Pipelines and Related Facilities, and
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section IX.

Why Downhill and

For situations that require manual
field welding, SMAW remains the pre-
ferred process because it minimizes
equipment requirements and skilled
operators can consistently produce
sound weld beads. On thinner-wall
pipe, downhill welding enables opera-
tors to run hot and fast, increasing
productivity compared to welding up-
hill, which is required on thicker wall
pipe to increase heat input to ensure
complete penetration Fig. 2.
To control the molten weld pool
and prevent the slag from rolling in
front of the pool, downhill welding re-
quires a fast-freezing EXX10 cellu-
losic electrode. These electrodes have a
thin coating (10 to 12% by weight)
that contains around 30% cellulose
(wood flour) and its associated mois-
ture content. Other ingredients
include a sodium-silicate binder,
titanium dioxide to create a quick-
freezing slag, deoxidizers such as fer-
romanganese and ferrosilicon, as well
as other elements that vary by
During welding, the heat of the arc
melts the cellulose and turns it into
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and
large amounts of hydrogen. Carbon
dioxide becomes the shielding gas and
hydrogen increases arc voltage to cre-
ate a driving, deeply penetrating arc
a desirable characteristic when
welding an open-root joint in field
conditions, as well as for melting
through rust and dirt in field repair Fig. 2 Welding pipe with EXX10 electrodes in the downhill position requires different
welding techniques than uphill welding.
applications. Cellulosic electrodes also
strike easily, making them well suited
for tack welds. Power Sources for EXX10 starts. Typical OCVs range from 60 to
EXX10 electrodes produce a weld 90 V.
pool that wets and spreads well, yet EXX10 electrodes require direct Power sources for EXX10 electrodes
sets up fast enough to make this elec- current electrode positive (DCEP) po- also have a good inductor (an inductor
trode ideal for downhill welding tech- larity and more voltage than other resists change in the electric current
niques. The weld bead is flat with electrodes. Power sources designed for passing through it). Inductors act as a
coarse ripples and covered with a thin, running EXX10 electrodes have a high power reserve to keep the arc estab-
friable slag layer that is easily removed, open circuit voltage (OCV), which is lished as the operator manipulates the
which helps prevent slag inclusions voltage at the electrode before the arc electrode. Direct current welding gen-
when making multiple passes. As an in- is struck. Think of high OCV as a gar- erators, with their large magnetics and
teresting side note, the first covered den hose with the water turned on but smooth output, have historically set
electrode, patented in 1904 by Oscar the nozzle closed. Good electrical pres- the standard for EXX10 arc perform-
Kjellberg, was of the cellulosic type. sure directly relates to positive arc ance. That said, a new generation of


Lott Feature AmWeld 5/17.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 11:15 AM Page 92


through to the backside of the joint, as

well as the option to step down to a 18-
in. electrode. If a 116-in. root opening
tightens, there is a higher probability
that the operator will need to use a
grinder to
open the root opening to ensure
After setting the root opening
thickness, operators make four or
more 1-in.-long tack welds at the 12, 3,
6, and 9 oclock positions to maintain
root opening thickness and hold the
pipe in place. Note that the size of the
tack weld allowed varies by pipe diam-
eter. Tacks should be ground to bare
metal and the ends feathered.
Successful pipe welding demands a
good setup: concentrically align the
pipe ends and ensure an even root
opening around the entire circumfer-
Fig. 3 Inverters for welding downhill have specific settings for welding with E6010 elec- ence. If the setup is less than perfect,
trodes and can create a crisper arc using an adjustable arc force control. fix it now if at all possible Fig. 5.

inverters has been designed to deliver same size as the root face.
optimal results for welding with cellu- Depending on the WPS, pipe diam-
The Root Pass: Four Key
losic electrodes so that field welding eter, and personal preference, opera- Adjustments
applications can benefit from light- tors may have the flexibility to choose
weight, portable units. These inverters whether they want to set 116- or 332-in. Set welding amperage to fall within
feature a cellulosic operating mode root face and root openings, as well as the WPS and then match personal
that mimics the drooping volt/amp use either a 18- or 332-in. electrode for preferences. Typical starting points are
curve preferred for pipe welding. They the root pass. If the application allows, 80 to 90 A for a 18-in. electrode and
can create a crisper, more forceful, and the authors prefer choosing a nickel 105 to 115 A for a 532-in. electrode.
driving arc that benefits open root root face and root opening and a 532-in. Strike the arc on a tack weld at the top
welding and EXX10 arc characteristics, electrode because it allows flexibility if of the pipe, holding the rod perpendi-
plus they have an adjustable arc force the root opening tightens as the pipe cular to the pipe. The operator will
function so operators can tailor the arc heats, cools, and contracts Fig. 4. If clearly hear the arc when it penetrates
to match the application and personal a 332-in. root opening narrows, the op- through the pipe, and a small key-
preferences Fig. 3. erator might have a wide enough hole will open behind the electrode.
opening to push the molten metal At this point, tilt the electrode and
The Setup
Downhill pipe typically requires a
60-deg included angle, or 30-deg bevel.
Compared to the 75-deg included an-
gle or 37.5-deg bevel for uphill pipe
welding (necessary to reduce slag en-
trapment potential when using an
EXX18 electrode), the narrower angle
reduces deposition requirements and
improves productivity.
Depending on pipe diameter, the
bevel will terminate in a 116-in. or 332-in.
root face (flat) to support the heat of
the arc. Operators commonly refer to
these sizes as dime and nickel root
face, respectively. Because welding
pipe requires an open root to ensure
complete penetration, WPSs require a
root opening between pipe sections, Fig. 4 Use a piece of 332-in. GTAW wire to properly size a nickel width root opening.
with the root opening usually set the


Lott Feature AmWeld 5/17.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 11:16 AM Page 93


Fig. 5 Because good fitup is essential, one operator helps another Fig. 6 On a root pass with a properly sized keyhole, very little light
hold the pipe in position during tacking to create an even root open- appears on the outside of the pipe, as the arc force pushes the weld
ing all the way around the pipe. metal through to reinforce the backside of the joint.

start traveling toward the bottom of which should roughly match root with a remote amperage control.
the pipe, holding a 5- to 15-deg drag opening width. If the operator does 2. Hold a longer arc, which increas-
angle and moving in a straight line not see a keyhole, that indicates insuf- es voltage and overall heat input.
(e.g., no weave). ficient penetration. To correct the sit-
Very little arc light will be visible on uation, the operator can do one or 3. Use more of a drag angle, which
the outside of the pipe Fig. 6. Expe- more of the following: pushes more heat back into the joint
rienced pipe welders know how to read Fig. 7.
the keyhole and make one of four ad- 1. Increase amperage, typically
justments to control keyhole size, done on the fly by a welders helper 4. Reduce travel speed.

Fig. 7 Directing the arc back into the pool can help open up the Fig. 8 Some operators place the electrode between the fingers of
keyhole. their free hand to help them drive the rod into the joint.


Lott Feature AmWeld 5/17.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 11:16 AM Page 94


If the keyhole is too large, the oper- weld metal. When the coating is not On the exterior, the root pass will
ator can make one or more of the fol- concentric to the core wire, the poor leave a convex (humped) weld bead
lowing corrections: arc direction causes inconsistent weld with wagon tracks of slag on either
beads, poor shielding, and incomplete side. Grind the bead with a disc
1. Reduce amperage. penetration. The electrode melts off grinder to somewhat flatten the bead
unevenly, leaving a projection on the and expose the wagon tracks, as they
2. Increase travel speed until the side where the coating is the heaviest. can entrap slag. Do not grind the bead
keyhole reaches the correct size. This condition is often referred to as too thin, as it needs to support the
fingernailing. heat of the hot pass, which will work
3. Decrease arc length to lower volt- To counteract fingernailing, push the slag to the top so that it joins the
age and cool the weld pool. the thin side of the electrode further new slag layer rather than become
into the groove to direct the arc force trapped.
4. Hold the electrode more into the joint. The second problem, If the WPS allows the flexibility to
perpendicular. which has a similar solution, is arc increase electrode diameter, note that
blow, where magnetic forces try to using a 532-in. electrode and running
Beginners typically need to put push the arc toward one side of the hotter tends to melt out slag better.
more pressure on the electrode than joint. If this occurs, push the electrode However, using a 532- or 316-in. electrode
they think (bury the rod is a com- toward the opposite side of the joint will allow for more weld metal deposi-
mon instruction) Fig. 8. Sometimes and try to create a more even melt-off tion into the groove to fill the groove
the right amount of pressure can cause rate. Arc blow can be caused by poor faster. With more weld metal being
the rod to bend a little bit, especially grounding. Make sure the pipe is well- utilized, caution must be taken with
with a smaller diameter electrode and grounded; repositioning the ground larger electrodes to use proper tech-
a narrow root opening. clamp can solve the problem. nique to avoid discontinuities that can
There are two problems operators Old electrodes may also cause become trapped Fig. 10.
may encounter on a root pass. One welding issues. Where EXX18 low- When making the hot pass, a slight
problem is the arc may wander to one hydrogen electrodes will absorb mois- weave may be necessary to fill the
side, and this can be caused by a con- ture and cause issues, the cellulose in joint, and holding a longer arc also
centricity problem with the electrode EXX10 electrodes can dry out, leaving helps widen the pool and increase heat
coating. In SMAW, the coating crater, insufficient gases for the electrode to input. Otherwise, the electrode does
or the cup-like formation of the coat- perform properly. not require much manipulation until
ing that extends beyond the melting reaching the bottom of the joint. Here,
core wire, performs the function of
concentrating and directing the arc. Hot Pass when welding pipe in the 5G or 6G po-
sition, the pool may tend to sag. If
Concentration and direction of the arc working with a helper, ask the helper
stream is attained by having a coating A good root pass will create rein- to decrease amperage. Also, many op-
crater, somewhat similar to the nozzle forcement on the inside of the pipe erators use a stepping motion: drag
on a water hose, directing the flow of that is flush with the inside Fig. 9. the electrode forward to melt out the
slag, step back an electrode diameter
to give the front edge of the pool a
chance to cool, then move forward and
If the pool becomes fluid and wants
to run ahead of the arc when transi-
tioning from the 2 to 4 oclock posi-
tion, there is a misconception that am-
perage should be decreased. More of-
ten than not, the solution is to in-
crease amperage and use the addition-
al arc force to push the pool back into
the joint. Also, it may be necessary to
increase travel speed to stay ahead of
the pool.
When transitioning toward the bot-
tom of the pipe, be sure to maintain a
drag angle. A large percentage of weld
flaws occur because of poor electrode
angle between the 4 and 8 oclock posi-
tions Fig. 11.
Fig. 9 Looking at a root pass from the After the root pass, note that the
inside of the pipe. It should be nearly Fig. 10 Using the proper technique will WPS may call for an E7010 or E8010
flush, although the WPS may allow up to enable the hot pass to consume small dis-
16 in. of reinforcement. electrode; regardless of EXX10-type
electrode, the technique will be simi-


Lott Feature AmWeld 5/17.qxp_Layout 1 4/6/17 11:18 AM Page 95


ing the electrode side to side and creat-

ing an upside-down U shape is com-
mon, as is holding a longer arc than
for the previous passes. Combined
with a proper drag angle, these tech-
niques prevent the center of the pool
from sagging.
Because one of the most common
defects is insufficient fill, stripper
passes may need to be added to build
up the weld metal so that it is flush or
almost flush with the top of the joint.
The spots between the 2 and 5 and
710 oclock positions are notorious
for having low spots in the center, and
adding a stripper pass in this area may
be necessary.
The cap pass should bring the weld
metal up to the point where the cap is
flush to no higher than 116 in. above
the pipe surface. Without the need to
tie-in to the pipe wall, lower currents
may be used than for the fill pass(es).

Practice Makes Perfect

Welding pipe downhill with cellu-
losic electrodes isnt harder than uphill
welding, but it does require different
techniques. The skills learned for
welding uphill simply dont translate.
For example, the whip and pause
technique required for uphill EXX10
welding has no place in downhill weld-
ing, and the slag systems for basic and
rutile electrodes provide completely
different characteristics.
At Pennsylvania College of Technol-
ogy, students spend 80 h on their in-
troduction to downhill pipe welding
course. The course provides a good
foundation and will let students know
if they have an aptitude for the
process. However, like all welding ap-
plications, theres only one way to gain
proficiency: spend time in the booth
and practice downhill. WJ
Fig. 11 The operator demonstrates a 5- to 15-deg drag angle, which is especially hard to
maintain when transitioning toward the bottom of the pipe. Keeping the elbow tucked in
tight helps.

lar. Also, note that several electrode Fill and Cap

manufacturers offer EXX10 and
EXX10 plus electrodes. The plus For the fill and cap passes, operators
electrodes create a slightly narrower will usually step up to the largest elec- NATHAN LOTT ( is account
and less fluid arc, so operators prefer trode allowed, often a 31 6-in. to provide manager, ESAB Welding and Cutting Products,
them for the root pass. The standard greater deposition and to help create a Hanover, Pa. JAMES COLTON II
EXX10 electrodes create a slightly wider pool. In fact, a cap made in a sin- ( is an AWS CWI and assis-
tant professor and co-department head, Weld-
more fluid arc, which helps wet the gle pass is often called a pool cap. ing Engineering Technology, Pennsylvania
sidewalls on the hot pass and spread For the first fill pass, use a weave to College of Technology, Williamsport, Pa.
the pool on the fill and cap passes. ensure tie-in with the pipe wall. Mov-


Tucker Aluminum - May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 10:49 AM Page 96


Preventing Defects when

Arc Welding Aluminum
These recommendations can help you
avoid rejectable porosity, incomplete
fusion, and crater cracks

ecent work at Newport News bons, water, hydrated aluminum ox- Lubricants or contaminants on the
Shipbuilding (NNS), a division of ide), when welding aluminu, include equipment for cleaning or machining
Huntington Ingalls Industries, the following: the weld joint
involved qualifying joints with a 45- Lubricants (oils, grease) or contami- Lubricants or contaminants in the
deg included angle for spray and nants (paint, debris) on the weld welding equipment
pulsed gas metal arc welding (GMAW) joint surfaces Moisture, typically condensation, on
of aluminum. This required producing
welds that were acceptable to the Class
1 radiographic testing (RT) require-
ments of Navy standards, which hold
the same porosity requirements for
aluminum as they do for steel.
Another recent NNS contract re-
quired ultrasonic testing (UT) of pro-
duction aluminum welds, which is not
a typical requirement. Through this
work, it was found that practices that
are sufficient for producing visually ac-
ceptable aluminum welds or volumet-
rically acceptable steel welds may not
be enough to produce acceptable RT or
UT aluminum welds, especially as joint
thicknesses and humidity increase.
The following recommendations
were used at NNS to prevent defects
such as rejectable porosity, incomplete
fusion, and crater cracks when arc
welding aluminum.

Hydrogen Sources Cause

To prevent porosity when welding
aluminum, the source(s) of hydrogen
need to be eliminated. Since hydrogen
is highly soluble in molten aluminum,
but has low solubility in solid alu-
minum, it becomes trapped as porosi-
ty when aluminum welds solidify. Typ- Mechanized GMAW of an aluminum aircraft elevator for the USS Gerald R. Ford. (Photo
ical sources of hydrogen (hydrocar- courtesy of Chris Oxley, Newport News Shipbuilding.)


Tucker Aluminum - May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 10:49 AM Page 97


rotary files in acetone (or an equiva-

lent degreaser) for 5 min prior to re-
moving lubricants.
Use only grinding wheels meant
for aluminum and proven not to affect
weld quality. Some grinding wheels
marketed for aluminum may be in-
tended to last longer when grinding
aluminum and not necessarily produce
good quality welds. Organic binders
and fillers in grinding wheels can be a
cause of porosity. Grinding wheels and
rotary files both smear aluminum, but
are acceptable so long as their use does
not trap contaminants (oxides, lubri-
cants) or hide defects.
Do not weld over moisture. When
heating aluminum, take care not to
overheat one area and to avoid tem-
perature ranges that can metallurgical-
Fig. 1 Pneumatic vs. electric cleaning equipment. ly damage the material.

Filler Metals
the base and/or filler metal dedicated to aluminum only to cut and
Moisture in the shielding gas bevel plates as an alternative to ma- Aluminum filler metal begins to ox-
Moisture in the air (humidity), due chining with lubricants. If lubricants idize as soon as it is manufactured. Us-
to insufficient shielding gas flow are used when machining/beveling ing filler metal with the newest date of
Moisture in compressed air lines joint edges, degrease the initial joint manufacture possible is recommend-
used for pneumatic equipment or preparation prior to mechanically ed, though hermetically sealed packag-
cleaning cleaning the joint surfaces. ing, similar to that for flux cored filler
Hydrated oxides on the surface of Degrease the joint (e.g., wipe metal, can help protect the wire from
the base and/or filler metal. down joint surfaces using acetone and the environment. Also, larger diameter
a clean rag). Always degrease prior to filler metals, such as 1/16 in. diameter
Recommendations for using mechanical cleaning methods compared to 3/64 in. diameter, have a
(grinding, wire brushing, etc.) to pre- smaller surface area to volume ratio
Preventing Porosity vent smearing/trapping contaminants and, therefore, less surface oxides,
in the base metal. which typically result in less porosity.
Joint Cleaning and Fitup Do not sandblast aluminum base Do not move the filler metal from a
metal, since sandblasting grit can be- cooler environment (e.g., air condi-
Aluminum metal is soft and can come embedded in the aluminum and tioning) to a warmer, more humid en-
easily smear and hide defects or trap contaminate joint surfaces. vironment and immediately begin
contaminants, such as oxides, mois- Use of electric-powered tools is welding when the temperature of the
ture, and lubricants. As soon as alu- recommended. Avoid using pneumatic filler metal is lower than the dew point
minum metal is cleaned, it begins oxi- equipment because the exhaust can temperature of the surrounding air.
dizing. Surface oxides on aluminum contain moisture and/or lubricants. If Condensation can form on the filler
metal can prevent proper penetration pneumatic equipment is used, prevent metal, as is shown in Fig. 2, and result
of welds, become permanently hydrat- the exhaust from blowing contami- in unacceptable porosity in the weld.
ed if exposed to moisture, and should nants into the joint. Installing a water While the filler metal can be heated
be fully removed before welding. To separator or dehumidifier on the com- or allowed to dry to remove condensa-
have the least amount of surface ox- pressed air line to prevent moisture tion, the surface oxides will be perma-
ides present, joint cleaning and fitup contamination and degreasing the nently hydrated (Ref. 1). Aluminum
should be performed just prior to joint after using compressed air is also filler metal can still produce acceptable
welding (within 8 h is recommended). recommended. Examples of pneumatic RT or UT results with respect to poros-
The following methods and prohibi- and electric equipment are shown in ity as long as the hydration of the sur-
tions are recommended for joint clean- Fig. 1. face oxides is limited. Therefore, stor-
ing and fitup of aluminum: Use stainless steel wire brushes/ ing the filler metal in a warm, dry area
Do not use lubricants. This in- wheels and rotary files that are dedi- was recommended (for example, stor-
cludes, but is not limited to, oils, cated only to aluminum. Even new ing the filler metal in a cabinet or tool
grease, beeswax (used to preserve wire brushes may have oils present box heated by a light bulb). Also, prior
sanding disks/grinding wheels), etc. from their manufacturing process. to welding, ensure the top strand of
Use an electric saw with blades Soak new wire brushes/wire wheels/ wire is clean of dust or oxide and re-


Tucker Aluminum - May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 10:52 AM Page 98


acceptable welds, while 45 ft/h is suf-

ficient when the RH is lower. To pro-
duce higher flow rates, gas
regulator/flowmeters set and calibrat-
ed to 50 lb/in. may be necessary to
overcome gas flow restrictions in the
wire feeder and welding gun. The fol-
lowing recommendations help ensure
sufficient shielding gas protection of
the weld:
Use a gas hose with low moisture
Perform a pressure drop test be-
fore welding to verify that there are no
leaks in the setup.
Check the dew point of the gas
flow at the welding gun. Use a dew
point meter and, if necessary, attach a
short hose over the dew point meters
air temperature sensor to ensure that
the shielding gas flows to the sensor as
is shown in Fig. 3. If the dew point is
not 76F (Ref. 1) or below, purge the
Fig. 2 Condensation is shown on aluminum filler metal. entire welding system until the dew
point is acceptable (typically 58 min).
If the dew point does not reach accept-
move one complete strand if contami- 60% RH. Increasing joint thicknesses able levels, purge the system with ni-
nation is suspected. may require increasing flow rates to trogen until it reaches 76F or below
produce volumetrically sound welds. and then reattach the shielding gas.
Welding Equipment For example, GMAW of thicker alu- Shelter the weld from drafts or
minum butt joints with 100% argon anywhere the shielding gas may be
For GMAW, it is recommended to shielding gas in approximately 60% compromised.
use wire feeders and welding guns that RH may require flow rates as high as Set both the pre and post purge
are dedicated to welding only alu- 6080 ft/h to produce volumetrically for a minimum of 5 s.
minum to prevent cross contamina-
tion. Use plastic (nylon or Teflon) gun
neck and cable liners, along with inlet
guide plates, to prevent shaving the
aluminum welding wire. Using other
wires with the plastic liners can leave
behind residual wire drawing/feed aid
lubricants and/or cut up the plastic,
which may contaminate the weld. Us-
ing aluminum dedicated U groove
feed rollers will minimize wire scar-
ring. If available, utilize features such
as pre/post purge, hot start and crater
fill settings, and the heater in the wire
feeder to help prevent defects.

Shielding Gas
Having sufficient shielding gas flow
without moisture contamination is
critical to prevent porosity in alu-
minum welds. The minimum shielding
gas flow rate needed to achieve satis-
factory RT and UT results may in-
crease as the relative humidity (RH) of
the surrounding environment increas-
es, especially above approximately Fig. 3 Testing the gas flow out of the welding gun with a dew point meter.


Tucker Aluminum - May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 10:53 AM Page 99


Table 1 Possible Causes of Different Porosity Types in RT Film

Description Possible Cause of Porosity

Localized disruption of shielding gas

Small Areas of Porosity Localized contaminants (paint, oils, etc.) on the base metal
Insufficient pre/post purge for starts and stops

Low heat input/fast cooling rate trapped hydrogen in the area of the
weld bead that solidified first
Root/Linear Porosity Note: If a backing strap is used, the thickness of the backing
strap may need to be increased to allow for hotter parameters
without melting through.
Contaminated shielding gas or insufficient flow rate
Porosity throughout Joint
Hydrated oxides, moisture, or contaminants on the filler/base metal

Avoid stopping and starting in Welding Technique the joint increases and traps more hy-
a joint. Use run on/off tabs, when drogen.
possible. Recommendations to Do not rely on visually sound met-
Set the gas flow rate with all of the Prevent Defects al when backgouging. It is possible to
welding equipment hooked to the flow completely miss excavating a defect in
meter. Gas flow restrictions in the Defects caused by welding tech- a joint due to the aluminum smearing.
wire feeder and welding gun (especial- nique and/or parameters include in- Figure 4 shows an example of the root
ly push/pull welding guns) can cause complete fusion and crater cracks. As of an unwelded aluminum butt joint
the set flow rate to drop as much as 15 joint thicknesses increase (approxi- that has been smeared due to grind-
ft/h. mately 3/4 in. and greater) and included ing. A 6-in. work line from the center-
When using shielding gas cylin- angles decrease (less than 60 deg), in- line of the joint should be marked to
ders, do not draw cylinders down to complete fusion particularly becomes aid in joint location and ensure excava-
zero pressure. Replace nearly empty more prevalent when the parameters tion is performed at the root. Measure
cylinders when approximately 500 and technique were not sufficient to the depth of the initial root pass to
lb/in. pressure remains. ensure good penetration. Increased determine the depth that needs to be
Cap off gas hoses when discon- thickness also leads to increased backgouged. Uniformly prep the back-
nected to avoid moisture pickup/ porosity, because the cooling rate of gouged joint profile with a minimum
To ensure sufficient shielding gas
coverage, maintain a gas cup to work
distance approximately 3/8 to 5/8 in.,
keep the gas cup clean, use a slight
push/lead welding gun angle, and use
the largest size of gas cup that is able to
access the joint. When using 100% ar-
gon, a dark, sooty weld is an indication
of an incorrect welding gun angle or too
great of a gas cup to work distance.
Use an argon-helium or helium-
argon mixed gas rather than 100% ar-
gon or increase the percentage of heli-
um to increase penetration and de-
crease porosity.

Interpreting Causes
of Porosity
If unacceptable porosity occurs, it is
possible to narrow down possible
causes based on how it appears in the
RT film. Descriptions of porosity in RT
film and their possible causes are pro-
vided in Table 1. Fig. 4 The unwelded root of an aluminum butt joint smeared by grinding.


Tucker Aluminum - May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 10:54 AM Page 100


60-deg included angle and avoid bevel- of the weld pool burning into the base prevalent in thicker joints with tight
ing only one side of the joint. metal rather than listening for a (< 60 deg) included angles welded with
Contouring/grinding may be smooth sound without crackle. small (3/64-in.-diameter) filler metal. In-
needed to ensure proper penetration if Small, fast weld beads in groove creasing the included angle and filler
there is not enough space to split-pass. joints can solidify before completely metal diameter (1/16 in.) as joint thick-
When grinding, contour to ensure fusing to the base metal. However, nesses increase is recommended.
there are no square edges. overly large weld beads can cause the Welding aluminum groove joint thick-
Do not rely on sound when weld- weld pool to roll in front of the arc, nesses over 3/8 in. using 3/64-in.-diame-
ing aluminum to ensure good parame- also causing incomplete fusion. ter filler metal is not recommended.
ters. Visually observe the penetration Incomplete fusion is especially Use a slight push/lead gun angle
to ensure proper gas coverage and
To prevent crater cracks, using the
equipments crater fill settings is rec-
ommended. If crater fill settings are
not used, fill the end crater by using
any of these techniques:
Stop travel and fill the crater by
making a circular motion with the
welding gun.
After breaking the arc, immedi-
ately restart the arc and fill the crater.
Reverse direction where practical
and allowed.
Chip/grind as needed to remove

While producing volumetrically ac-
ceptable aluminum welds can be diffi-
cult, eliminating hydrogen sources and
ensuring good welding techniques and
parameters can help prevent common
defects when arc welding aluminum.
Using these recommendations has al-
lowed NNS to consistently produce ac-
ceptable RT and UT quality aluminum
welds. WJ


The author would like to thank Joe

Strickland for his contributions in
welding and troubleshooting.


1. Hobart Brothers Corp. 2013. Ho-

bart Filler Metals Guide for Aluminum
Welding, pp. 2426.

CAROLYN TUCKER is a welding engineer

at Newport News Shipbuilding in
Newport News, Virginia
For info, go to


Page 87.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/7/17 4:30 PM Page 101

Friends and Colleagues:

The American Welding Society, in 1990, established the honor of Fellow of the Society to recognize
members for distinguished contributions to the field of welding science and technology, and for
n sustaining the proffessiona
promoting and nal stature of the field. Election as a Fellow of
o the Society is
n ng accomplishments and the technical impact of the individual. Such
based on outstandi
accomplishments will have advanced the science, technology and application of wellding, as
evidenced by:

 Sustained service and perfor

o mance in the advanc
n ement of welding science and
 Publication of papers, articles and books which enhaanc
n e knowledge o
of welding
 Innovative development of welding technology
 Society and Section contributions
 Professional recognitions

I want to encourage you to submit nomination packages for those individuals whom you feel have a
history of accomplishments and contributions to our proffession consistent with the standards set by
the existing AW WS Fellows. In particular, I would make a special request that, in considering members
for nomination, you look to the most senior members of your S Section or District. In many cases, the
colleagues and peers of these individuals who are the most faam miliar with their contributions, and who
would normally nominate the candidate, are no longer with us. I waant to be sure that we make the
extra efffort required to ensure that those truly worthy are not overlooked because no obvious
individual was available to start the nominating process.

For specifics on nomination requirements, please contact Chelsea Steel at csteel@aw at AWS
headquarters in Miami, or simply foollow the instructions on thhe Fellow nomination foorm located at Please remember, we all benefit in the honor
h ing of those who have made major
contributions to our chosen profeession and livelihood. The deaadline for submission is August 1,
2017. The Fellows Committee looks forward to receiving numerous Fellow nominations for 2018

Dr. Charles V. Robino
Chair, AWS Fellows Committee
May Learning Track.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 11:23 AM Page 102


College of the Sequoias

Reaches New Heights
How one college is pulling all the stops to
fast track students into careers, bolster
industry, and expand its welding program

College of the Sequoias (COS) gets where it now boasts a state-of-the-art es. Students in the program also learn
its namesake from one of the tallest, welding facility; impassioned instruc- metallurgy, blueprint design and cre-
largest, and oldest trees on earth tors; customizable delivery and cre- ation, joint design, and basic materials
the mammoth, cinnamon-red sequoias dentialing options for students; and science.
of northern California. People travel an industry-approved, challenging Students interested in welding have
from all over the world to see these curriculum. multiple options at the college. They
natural skyscrapers, and often their More notably, the college has can earn a 27-credit Certificate of
only expectation is to see very large Randy Emery, a welding instructor Achievement in Welding or a 60-credit
trees. Visitors are frequently surprised dedicated to expanding the program Associate of Science in Welding. In
to discover they leave with something and facility, motivating students, fos- both cases, students are required to
much greater than the trees them- tering local interest in welding, and fa- take 23 credits in agriculture project
selves. cilitating career pathways Fig. 1. construction/metal fabrication, oxy-
This sentiment makes the sequoias acetylene welding, shielded metal arc
an appropriate emblem for the col- Welding Program welding, specialty metals welding, gas
leges welding program, where stu- tungsten arc welding, blueprint read-
dents leave with more than just a cer- The welding program is designed to ing/metallurgy, and agriculture work
tificate or degree in a trade. Founded prepare students for entry-level em- experience. Those seeking the certifi-
in the 1960s, the program bounced ployment in the field of welding cate need to take a four-credit elective
from campus to campus until it found through the study of fabrication, met- to cap off their study. Students on the
its permanent home in Tulare, Calif., al transfer, and different shielding gas- associate degree route are required to

Fig. 1 Welding Instructor Randy Emery (first from right) poses with students at the College of the Sequoias (COS) Tulare, Calif., campus.
COS is an AWS Sense Level 1 school and an Educational Institution member.


May Learning Track.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 11:23 AM Page 103


food processing infrastructure.

The training students receive in the
program also makes them marketable
throughout the United States. Jesse
Coles, a second-year student at COS,
plans to explore Alaska and the Dako-
tas once he graduates, then pursue ei-
ther custom fabrication, structural
steel, or pipelining Fig. 2.

The Facility
Emery asserts that COS has a weld-
ing lab that is larger and better
equipped than many other community
colleges Fig. 3. We are blessed with
an outstanding training space with
10,500 square feet of usable shop
Fig. 2 Secondyear student Jesse Coles watches the PlasmaCAM cutting system in ac space and 2000 square feet of office
tion at the COS welding lab. and classroom space. The area offers
various welding and metal fabrication
take 12 credits worth of electives, as core courses during a semester. equipment, including shielded metal
well as 25 credits of general education The welder training cohort is de- arc, gas metal arc, flux cored arc, gas
and subject requirements. signed to fast track the training tungsten arc, and oxyfuel welding, as
The course options are designed to process and delivers 19 credits in one well as plasma arc cutting systems.
lead the student through a typical semester, said Emery. The college also has several up-
training progression from no previous Regardless of the road taken, the grades in mind for the future, includ-
experience to entry-level employment courses offered by the college provide ing an electrical upgrade. It is our
opportunities, explained Emery. students with the tools they need for a hope this electrical enhancement will
There are additional pathways for prosperous career in industry. Most allow us to develop a pipe and preci-
students pursing an associate degree. of our students will find their employ- sion sheet metal fabrication workcell,
According to Emery, the college has ment opportunities in the local manu- said Emery.
two delivery options. The first gives facturing and construction industries,
students the ability to enroll in one explained Emery. We have a high con- Instructors
course at a time. The second option, centration of food processing in our
referred to as the welding training co- area that requires many supporting The success of the program is due,
hort, requires students to take five contractors to build and maintain the in part, to the dedication and knowl-
edge of its staff. It currently has two
full-time and three adjunct instruc-
tors. All of our welding instructors
have adopted a very balanced training
delivery practice, explained Emery.
They deliver extensive welding aca-
demic sessions as well as plenty of
hands-on training.
Students also appreciate the unique
instruction provided by Emery. Mr.
Emery is one of the best teachers I
have ever had at the College of the Se-
quoias, said Coles. The instruction
he has given me, and the entire class,
has been very thorough, and he always
gives us personal attention if we need
help Fig. 4.
Where instruction is concerned, the
program also gets students involved in
the mix by promoting peer-to-peer
teamwork, which encourages students
to learn from one another and work
Fig. 3 Pictured is an overhead view of the COS welding lab. It provides students 10,500 together to complete assignments
sq ft of usable shop space and 2000 sq ft of office and classroom space. Fig. 5.


May Learning Track.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 11:24 AM Page 104


Transcending the Classroom

with Online Learning
To supplement its traditional, face-
to-face instruction, the college has im-
plemented the AWS Online Learning
Library into the welding cohort pro-
gram. The library offers 12 online
welding classes, as well as a learning
management system that allows teach-
ers to assign tasks and track student
progress. We have just completed our
first semester using the AWS Online
Learning Library with great success
and feedback from our students, ex-
plained Emery.
Coles concurs. I have taken seven
AWS online courses. I liked that it
started with the basics and reviewed
Fig. 4 Welding Instructor Randy Emery (right) provides oneonone instruction. the fundamentals of every subject, he
said. We used it in conjunction with
our written homework. We did it on
our personal time, but we also had one
day a week in the computer lab to do
According to Emery, the library has
facilitated learning and retention by
providing 24-hour access to content, a
feature that especially benefits stu-
dents who work; permitting students
with varying knowledge bases to cus-
tomize their experience; and allowing
the school to offer stackable creden-
tials that are recognized by industry
and educational institutions.
The implementation of the library
has also unveiled an unanticipated
need within the student body. Many
of our community college students are
untrained or afraid of using basic com-
puter equipment and have been un-
able to advance their overall education
because of this computer skills gap,
admitted Emery. However, the library
also provided a solution by fostering
these very same skills.
These previously untrained stu-
dents used the experience provided by
the AWS learning management system
to both improve their welding theory
knowledge and achieve a much im-
proved level of computer operation
competencies, affirmed Emery.

Students and Companies

Benefit from Partnerships
Emery brings strong industry con-
nections to the fold. He is an AWS
Dist. 22 Section chair and an AWS Cer-
Fig. 5 Welding students work in teams to complete an assignment. tified Welding Inspector and Educator.


May Learning Track.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 11:24 AM Page 105


Fig. 6 Local high school students pose with Welding Instructor Randy Emery (third from right) during the high school welding contest,
where competitors have a chance to win prizes and earn qualifications.

In my role as the AWS chairman, I welder wall of fame. Emery originally tasked with joining sheet metal by
have the perfect opportunity to expose created the honor as a teaching tool to performing gas metal arc welding and
our students to the many benefits of- encourage students to try harder. gas tungsten arc welding. Our high
fered by AWS, said Emery. I didnt expect this, but it created school welding contest has been a
He also spent 27 years in the Unit- competition. Now they ask, What do I great event, and we are planning to
ed Association of Plumbers and Pipe- need to do to be the Welder of the continue to grow it, said Emery.
fitters. This direct connection to the Week? he said.
construction industry gives our COS For More Information
program many built-in professional re- Supporting High School
lationships. These relationships help Welders To learn more about the welding
deliver direct industry pathways for program at the College of the Se-
students into apprenticeships and em- The COS also sponsors a high quoias, contact Randy Emery at (559)
ployment opportunities, he said. school welding contest, where 688-3180, e-mail, or
According to Coles, Emery has teenagers are given the chance to com- Frank Tebeau at (559) 688-3181,
worked nonstop to keep the class in- pete to receive prizes and earn qualifi- e-mail WJ
formed of good job opportunities. cations Fig. 6. According to Emery,
The program has also developed an the college reaches out to 10 local high
internship opportunity with one of its schools and presents the contest to
local employer partners, US Farm Sys- the instructors. Each instructor then
tems. This internship is completing selects his or her top four welding stu- KATIE PACHECO ( is
its fourth year with great success for dents, who are then invited to the COS associate editor of the Welding Journal.
both this critical employer and the welding contest. Competitors are
student interns, explained Emery. In
fact, the company has hired several
COS interns for full-time work.
Part of my job is to get to these
employers and make them realize its a
big benefit to train these students,
said Emery.

Welder of the Week

For info, go to

To inspire students and promote

professionalism, Emery has intro-
duced a Welder of the Week program.
The peer-nominated honor is be-
stowed on a weekly basis to one stu-
dent who shows up to class on time
and works well with others. The
Welder of the Week receives an award
and has his or her picture on the


Fact Sheet May 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:08 PM Page 106


Coated Steels: Welding and Cutting Safety Concerns

Adapted from AWS Fact Sheet No. 34. All of the AWS Safety and How to Avoid Health Hazards from Overexposure
Health Facts Sheets are available through the AWS website at Click on Standards on the home page and then on Safety The welder should make sure he or she knows what a
and Health.
coating might give off when heated or burned:
Obtain the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for all materials
Introduction used.
Read and understand the specification for coating type
Steels are coated to provide a protective covering or a and coating weights.
decorative finish. Protective coatings are designed to pre- Find out what hazardous materials are present or might
vent rusting or to shield the steel from chemical attack. be given off by the coating when it is exposed to the arc or
Coatings found on steels can become airborne or give off high temperatures.
fumes, smoke, or dust during joining and cutting. Some of the Use adequate ventilation whenever an airborne fume
coatings dusts, fumes, or gases can harm you. Their exposure gas or dust must be controlled. Use enough ventilation, ex-
limits should not be exceeded. Exposure limits include haust, or both to keep the air the welder breathes below rec-
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): The PEL is set by the ommended safe levels such as the PEL and TLV.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Have air monitoring done as necessary to test for expo-
and is a legal employee exposure limit in the U.S. sure levels in the breathing zone of the welder and other
Threshold Limit Value (TLV): The TLV is published by persons working nearby.
the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Use a respirator when required.
Hygienists (ACGIH) and is a guideline for employers to Orient the work so the welders head is kept out of the
consider in controlling employee exposures. fume plume.
See AWS Fact Sheet 1, Fumes and Gases.
Overview of Health Hazards See AWS Fact Sheet 11, Hot Work in Confined Spaces.
See AWS Fact Sheet 25, Metal Fume Fever.
Employers need to know which chemical may be released
into the air that may injure welders. Welders must be Summary
trained in how to do each process the correct way, and they
shall cut or weld only after proper safety precautions have Coatings on steels may be a source of exposure to fumes
been taken. and gases during welding, brazing, and cutting. Steel coat-
Coatings may give off fumes and gases when welding or ings and paints contain materials that can cause harmful
cutting is performed. A health hazard may be created when overexposure when breathed. This is why coatings must also
its dusts, fumes, or gases get into the air in large enough be looked at in order to remove hazards from welding and
amounts that safe levels are exceeded. cutting. The joining of some coated steels requires special
Protective coatings on steels can contain chromium, lead, types of ventilation. In some cases, the welder must wear a
tin, zinc, or other materials. It is always good for the welder respirator to keep safe.
to understand the coating types for the materials he works
with. If not, the welder should get this information from his Information Sources
supervisor or employer. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Safety in Welding,
Paints are made up of compounds that may release haz- Cutting, and Allied Processes, Z49.1, available from American Weld-
ardous materials into the air when heated. Paints are usually ing Society, 8669 NW 36th St., Miami, FL 33166;
used on a phosphated and passivated (often with chromi- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Code
um) metal surface. The heat from the arc can cause paints to of Federal Regulations, Title 29 Labor, Part 1910, available from the
give off unsafe amounts of gases like carbon monoxide and U.S. Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW,
carbon dioxide. These also increase the risk of suffocation in Washington, DC 20401;
confined work areas, or those with poor air movement. American Welding Society (AWS). Safety and Health Fact
Steels coated with plastic materials should not be cut or Sheets, available from American Welding Society, 8669 NW 36th
St., Miami, FL 33166;
welded unless proper precautions are taken. It is best to re-
ISO 15011-5, Health and safety in welding and allied
move the coating to a distance away from the weld or cut processes Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases
where the temperature wont go above the point where the Part 5: Identification of thermal-degradation products generated
material starts to break down. when welding or cutting through products composed wholly
For additional information, see AWS Fact Sheet 1, Fumes or partly of organic materials using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-
and Gases. mass spectrometry.

AWS disclaims liability for any injury to persons or to property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, con
sequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance on this information. AWS also makes no
guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein.
American Welding Society, 8669 NW 36th St., #130, Miami, FL 33166, email;


Personnel MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:27 PM Page 107

PERSONNEL ing director. He

will oversee all op-
continued from page 88 erations and sales
activity for the
Swatycomet in late company. Wilkin-
2015, launching son has been in
the company into the welding indus-
the global abrasive try for more than
market space. 25 years and has
Dwyre has been held several posi-
with Weiler since tions including
2013 serving as vice president of
D. Wilkinson
vice president of marketing, direc-
strategic market- tor of merchandis-
ing and later vice ing, customer service manager, and
president, sales, purchasing. Wilkinson has also been
B. Dwyre involved with industry associations
and marketing. In
his new role, including four years on the WEMCO
Dwyre will be responsible for executing Committee and decades of involve-
the regional growth strategy and will ment with GAWDA.
have full accountability for the regions
P&L. He will continue to report to
Chief Executive Officer Chris Weiler. Osborne Promotes Product
Manager, Polishing
Phoenix Welcomes New Osborne, Richmond, Ind., has pro-
Managing Director moted Tim Priestley to product man-
ager for its polishing division. He is
Phoenix International, Inc., has responsible for developing polishing
welcomed Dick Wilkinson as manag- products, including buffs, compounds,

For info, go to For info, go to


Personnel MAY 2017.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:27 PM Page 108

flapwheels, and non-wovens. Priestley away peacefully on

brings more than 29 years of experi- January 25. Born

ence to the position. Prior to joining on the family farm
Osborne in 2013 as a field application in LaValle, Wis., in
engineer, he held positions as a plant 1924, he attended
manager of finishing operations, prod- elementary school
uct development manager, field serv- in LaValle and

ice and support manager, production graduated from
manager of buffing and welding opera- Wonewoc, Wis.,
tions, and a supervisor of plating oper- high school in
ations. 1942. He worked
several jobs on
B. Mueller
farms, construc-
Messer Hires Central Regional tion, and truck
Manager driving until 1948 when he began
what would become his lifes work and
Messer Cutting passion: welding. Beginning with the
Systems, Meno- Milwaukee Road rail yards, then with
monee Falls, Wis., the Heil Co., and finally with the Man-
announced Todd itowoc Co., Mueller was instrumental
Wellens is the new in the creation and repair of machin-
central regional ery, boats, and cranes. In addition to
manager. Wellens his career as a welding technician, he
has more than 20 became active in the American Weld-
years of experi- ing Society (AWS) in 1955 and part of
ence in the fabri- what is now the Wisconsin Technical
cating machine College system since 1966. If Mueller
tool marketplace, was not welding and fixing something,
Model 200 Positioner T. Wellens he was teaching others how to do it.
as well as ten
3 models av years of manufac- He retired from his position as a weld-
, turing engineering experience. ing instructor and certified welding
. examiner at Lakeshore Technical Col-
lege, Cleveland, Wis., in 2007 at the
OBITUARY age of 83. Later that year, he was rec-
ognized by AWS for his life-long con-
Bernhard Mueller tributions to the welding profession by
being named the Howard E. Adkins In-
Bernhard Ben Mueller passed structor of the Year. WJ

Mode el 1200 Pipemate Guidelines for Submitting a Welding Journal Feature Article
Rottates pipe and tube
from 1 to 17 diameter,,
Have you ever thought about writ- about 1500 to 2000 words and
ing a feature article for consideration provided in a Word document.
in the Welding Journal? If so, our staff Line drawings, graphs, and
stays on the lookout for original, photos should be sent as high-resolu-
noncommercial, practical, and hands- tion jpg or tiff files with a resolution
on stories. Take a look at our of 300 or more dots per inch.
editorial calendar available as part Plan on about one figure for
of the American Welding Societys every 500 words, and provide
Media Kit at to see captions for every image. Also, if a
what topics will be highlighted in fu- nice lead photo is available, please in-
ture issues as well as the editorial clude it for review.
deadlines. Potential ideas to focus on The authors names, along with
could include a case study, recent the companies they work for and
company project, tips for handling a their positions, should be listed.
particular process, and so on. If youd like to discuss a particular
Heres an easy breakdown of our idea or e-mail a submission for evalua-
guidelines: tion, please contact Features Editor
The text of the article should be Kristin Campbell at

For info, go to


Brazing/ThermalSpray Profiles 2017.qxp_April School Profiles 2007 4/5/17 3:24 PM Page 109


Aimtek, Inc. Bellman Melcor Inc.

Established in 1973, Aimtek Founded by Richard Campbell,
is a manufacturer and value- Bellman-Melcor, LLC was
added supplier of Aerospace- created with one goal: to pro-
grade Brazing and Welding vide high quality products and
Alloys. Aimtek specializes in deliver them at a lower overall
precious metal-based brazing cost than any other supplier of brazing and soldering alloys.
alloys, as well as nickel, Since our inception in 1963, we have worked closely with the
titanium, and high tempera- engineering staff at some of the worlds largest companies to design
ture superalloys. Aimtek is and fabricate custom preforms and comprehensive solutions for
the exclusive North American use in a wide range of brazing applications. Focusing on process
distributor for Soudax, a respected European manufacturer of improvement and cost-saving solutions, we routinely provide
resistance microwelding equipment and hand tools for ball tack support on the entire brazing process.
welding, honeycomb, and numerous other set-up operations.
Aimteks quality certifications include AS9100, ISO9001, Pratt &
Whitney LCS, UTC Supplier Gold, Rolls Royce, Honeywell, and GE. (800) 3676024
Fax: 1888BRAZEIT2729348
(508) 8325035

Fusion, Inc.
Fusion produces a wide
variety of brazing and
soldering alloys in paste
form. Each contains
atomized filler metal,
appropriate flux, and special
New Improved Workhorse binders which facilitate
2nd GENERATION automatic application. Thus,
all the ingredients for a
Vacuum Brazing strong, reliable brazed or soldered joint are delivered in one step.
Vacuum Diffusion Bonding Furnaces Fusion also designs and builds automatic brazing and soldering
machines. These custom-built systems convey fixtured parts
All Stainless Steel chamber. through a timed sequence of filler metal application, heating, and
Larger high-vacuum pumping system. cooling. Typically, 200-700 assemblies per hour can be joined with
Improved hot zone design. just one operator.
New HMI control strategy.
Temperature Uniformity of +/- 3C. Fusion Inc.
Highest Quality at an affordable price. (800) 6269501, ext. 510
(440) 6025510 (Direct)
Centorr Vacuum Industries manufactures
custom vacuum furnaces for High-
performance sintering, pressure Harris Products Group
densification, and heat-treat of alloy
steels, stainless steels, high-speed steels, The Harris Products Group
hardmetals and ceramics. has been manufacturing
Vacuum furnaces can be designed quality braze filler metals in
with Graphite or carbon-free hot zones the United States for over
with Sweepgas synthetic or natural 50 years. We are leaders in
binder and lubricant removal systems developing brazing and
available for pressed or injection molded
soldering products to meet the industry needs for new metal joining
methods. We are certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14000, and have
Over 400 metal and ceramic parts.
Workhorse Furnaces developed proprietary manufacturing technology to ensure the
Built Since 1954 highest standards of quality and traceability. Our experienced sales
and technical personnel are trained to assist you in producing
sound, cost effective brazed assemblies.
Centorr Vacuum Industries, Inc.
55 Northeastern Blvd., Nashua NH
Toll free: 800-962-8631 (800) 7334043
Fax: 603-595-9220


Brazing/ThermalSpray Profiles 2017.qxp_April School Profiles 2007 4/5/17 3:25 PM Page 110


LucasMilhaupt, SaintGobain
Global Brazing Solutions
Saint-Gobain is a world class
Lucas-Milhaupt is your single manufacturer of equipment and
supplier for the most comprehensive consumables for the thermal
selection of silver, gold, copper, spray and hardfacing industry.
nickel, and aluminum brazing Our extensive equipment
supplies. We can provide you experience dates back to 1920
technical support and materials with the development of the first
globally, wherever your company oxyacetylene wire flame gun followed by Rokide Spray Systems,
manufactures your product. We are Plasma Spray Systems, PTA systems and many innovative materials.
your one source for brazing materials including Handy One We offer a wide range of consumables in the form of powders,
flux cored products, silver and aluminum coated products, Sil-Fos, ingots, flexicords, Rokide rods, wires and hardfacing Tuf-Cote
Easy-Flo, Braze, Silvaloy, Silvabrite, Ultra Flux, and range for use in many different applications and industries. We
Handy Flux. supply our own raw materials and this enables us to develop a
product to meet your exact needs.

(414) 7696000 (800) 2430028 (508) 7952380

Metglas, Inc. ThermoCalc Software

Metglas is a worldwide Thermo-Calc Software is a
leader in the production leading developer of software
and databases for computational
of amorphous metal
thermodynamics and diffusion
brazing foils. controlled simulations.
Metglas Brazing Foils Thermo-Calc: powerful software
(MBF brand) are a solution to produce virtually reject-free joints for thermodynamic calculations
with high strength and superior resistance to corrosion and high- for multicomponent systems.
DICTRA: a unique tool for accurate simulations of diffusion in
temperature oxidation.Metglas Brazing Foils are available in
multicomponent alloys. TC-PRISMA: new software for modeling
various alloy compositions and widths, and are ductile enough to concurrent nucleation, growth and coarsening of precipitates.
be mechanically stamped and shaped to 3-D configurations. Databases available for steels, Ti, Al, Ni-superalloys, solders and
MBF bends 180 without fracturing. other materials.

(724) 7310074
(800) 5817654

Oerlikon Metco Wall Colmonoy

Oerlikon Metco's innovative solutions NickelBased Brazing
improve the life, reliability and
performance of your manufactured Wall Colmonoy is a pioneer and
components and industrial processes. leading expert in the manufacture
Customers benefit from a broad range and development of high-tempera-
of surface solutions that include ture nickel-based brazing. Nicrobraz
thermal spray and laser cladding (nickel), Niferobraz (iron), and
advanced materials, integrated CuBraz (copper) brazing products
systems and surfacing services, high join parts for high-temperature and
temperature braze materials, and weld corrosion applications in Aerospace,
hardfacing materials all delivered Automotive, Energy, Nuclear, and
through a global sales, customer Defense industries. Available as powder, paste, transfer tape,
support and manufacturing network. rods, and sheets in a full range of sizes and specifications.
Wall Colmonoy also hosts a spring and fall Brazing School taught
by our industry-leading brazing engineers that includes practical
(516) 3341300 hands-on experience.
Fax: (516) 3382414 (248) 5856400


Brazing/ThermalSpray Profiles 2017.qxp_April School Profiles 2007 4/5/17 3:25 PM Page 111


Determining the Thickness of Thermal Spray Aluminum

Coatings on Stainless Steel

Ensuring the long-term protection of

parts exposed to the extremely harsh
conditions found in offshore environ-
ments requires specialized anti-corro-
sion coatings. For example, thermal
spray aluminum (TSA) used to
protect stainless steel against corrosion
even at high temperatures can with-
stand marine influences for decades. However, to achieve such
longevity, the TSA must have a certain coating thickness, making
quality inspections mandatory. The thickness of thermal spray
aluminum (TSA) coatings on stainless steel and steel constructions
can be measured easily and effectively using Fischers PHASCOPE
PMP10 with the ESD20-TSA probe. Visit www.protective-coating-
Fischer Technology, Inc.
(860) 6830781

DeWAL Thermal, Plasma and HVOF tapes.

DeWAL precision tapes form a protective mask for ceramic and
metal plasma spraying, arc spraying, HVOF and grit blasting.

Diamond Abrasives The Thermal Spray

Powder Specialists
Loose and bonded
for all your Thermal Spray Lineage Alloys, Inc., is a privately
cleaning, grinding and owned company whose team of
polishing needs. Custom experienced powder manufacturing
size belts and disks. professionals have been producing
Low minimum order. thermal spray powders at the
Call today! current location for over thirty-five years. We specialize in the
manufacturing of tungsten carbide powders for HVOF coatings and
Nickel Chrome carbide wear coatings. We also excel in the manufac-
ture of one-step thermal spray powders and NiCrSiB/WC Blends.
We have many years of wear coating experience and is dedicated
to providing the best powder solution for your Thermal Spray
requirements. The use of stringent quality control and
manufacturing processes guarantees the highest quality and most
consistent powders available.

(802) 6745427 Lineage Alloys, Inc.

Call for Fast, Affordable, Custom Diamond Products (281) 4265535


Brazing/ThermalSpray Profiles 2017.qxp_April School Profiles 2007 4/5/17 3:26 PM Page 112


Thermal Spray Materials, HighQuality Thermal Spray

Equipment and Parts Components and Equipment

Plasma Powders & Systems, Inc., With over 100 years combined experience in
has been supplying the industry manufacturing thermal spray gun parts and
with thermal spray materials, consumables, along with engineering and
equipment and parts since 1980. a responsive sales team, Thermach, Inc.,
In addition to manufacturing continues to grow its equipment line and
self-bonding wire and powder at expand its capabilities as a thermal spray
our New Jersey USA facility, our supplier. Our current product line consists
extensive thermal spray services include coating development, of the AT-400 Twin Wire Arc Spray System;
sample part coating, equipment demonstration, training and on-site the AT-1200 Series Powder Feeders; the AT-
equipment repair services. Everything required for the customer 3000 Plasma System, which incorporates the SG100 Plasma Gun
from entry level to OEM is available including turnkey automated and utilizes the well-known AT-1200 Powder Feeder; and the new
systems. Plasma Powders serves every industry including the AT-8000 HVOF System, which incorporates the HV2000 Gun.
U.S. government. Alongside the standard product line, we also provide customers
with custom thermal spray components and part fixturing.
(732) 4310992
(800) 3584287 (920) 7794299 Fax: (920) 7794452

Polymet Corporation
Polymet is a world-class
manufacturer of high-
performance welding,
hardfacing and thermal spray
wire. Our manufacturing
processes include a patented
hot extruded forged wire
process, rolling, die drawing, and alloy cored wire fabrication.
Polymets multiple wire processing capabilities allows it to be
an innovator in problem solving. The high quality products
provide protection against abrasion, corrosion, impact and high
temperature application for the aerospace, automotive, chemical,
petrochemical, cement, mining, lumber, power generating, and
other industries.

(513) 8743586


Counselor Letter 1.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/7/17 4:28 PM Page 113

Friends andd Colleagues:

The Ameriican Welding Society established the honor of Counselor of the Society to recognize
f a career of distinguisheed leadership contributions in the advancement of welding
members for
science andd technology. Election as a Counselor is based upon an individuals career off
outstandingg achievements and accommpplishments. The selection committee is seeking g qqu
individuals who can demonstrate their leadership in the welding industry as evidenced bby:

 Sustained service and performance in the advancement of welding science and

 Publication of papers, articles and books which enhance knowledge of weldiing
 Innovative development of welding technology
 Society, National and Section contributions
 Professional recognition
 Leadership in AWS or other corporate levels, particularly as it impacts the
advancement of welding technology
 Facilitating others to participate as a volunteer in the advancement of weldinng

For specifics on the nomination requirements, please contact Chelsea Steel at at
AWS headquarters in Miami, or simply follow the instructions on the Counselor nomina n tion
form located at Please remember, we all benefit in the honoringn of
those who have made major contributions to our chosen profession and livelihood. Thee deadline
for submission is July 1, 2017. The Counselor Committee looks forward to receiving nu umerous
Counselor nominations for 2018 consideration.


Lee Kvidahl
Chair, Counselor Committee

Counselor Letter 2.qxp_FP_TEMP 4/7/17 4:29 PM Page 114


Nomination packages for AWS Counselor should clearly demonstrate the candidates
outstanding contribution to the advancement of welding science and technology. In order for the
Counselor Selection Committee to fairly assess the candidates qualifications, the nomination
package must list and clearly describe the candidates specific accomplishments, how they
contributed to the advancements of welding technology and that these contributions were
sustained. Essential in demonstrating the candidates impact are the following:

1. Description of significant technical advancements. This should be a brief

summary of the candidates most significant contributions to the advancement of
welding science and technology
2. Publication of books, papers, articles or other significant works
3. Inventions and patents
4. Professional recognition including awards and honors from AWS, other
professional organizations, industry or other recognized body
5. Meaningful participation in AWS committees, Sections or other AWS voluntary
6. Contributions to handbooks and standards
7. Presentations made at technical sessions, including Section meetings
8. Consultancy in technical matters or welding industry business matters
9. Leadership in AWS or other corporate levels, particularly as it impacts the
advancement of welding technology
10. Participation on organizing committees for technical programs
11. Advocacy in support of AWS through institutional, political or other means
12. Facilitating others to participate as a volunteer in the advancement of welding

Note, packages for nominees that do not show participation in several of the activities above will
have a low probability of success.


Letters of support from individuals knowledgeable of the candidates and his/her contributions are
encouraged. These letters should address the metrics listed above and provide personal insight
into the contribution and stature of the candidate. Letters of support that simply endorse the
candidate will have little impact on the selection process.


Nomination of AWS Counselor

In 1999, the American Welding Society established the honor of Counselor to recognize individual
members for a career of distinguished organizational leadership that has enhanced the image and
impact of the welding industry. Election as a Counselor shall be based on an individuals career of
outstanding accomplishments.

To be eligible for appointment, an individual shall have demonstrated his or her leadership in the
welding industry as evidenced by:
Sustained service and performance in the advancement of welding science and technology
Publication of papers, articles and books which enhance knowledge of welding
Innovative development of welding technology
Society, National and Section contributions
Professional recognition

A. Candidates for Counselor shall have at least 10 years of AWS membership
B. Each candidate shall be nominated by at least five members of AWS
C. Nominations shall be submitted on the official form, available from AWS Headquarters
D. Nominations must be submitted to AWS headquarters no later than July 1 of the year prior to
that in which the award will be presented
E. Nominations shall remain valid for three years
F. All information on nominees will be held in strict confidence
G. All required mandatory information is to be included in the nomination package or the
package will be returned and not considered by the Selection Committee
H. Candidates who have been selected as Fellows of AWS shall not be eligible for selection as
Counselors. Counselors may not be nominated for both of these awards at the same time.


Maximum of 10 Counselors selected each year

Return completed Counselor nomination package to:

Chelsea L. Steel Email:

Program Manager, Board and Telephone: 305-443-9353 Ext. 293
Executive Director Services 800-443-9353 Ext. 293
8669 NW 36th Street, # 130 Fax: 305-445-1809
Miami, FL 33166

Date Name of Candidate
AWS Member Number Years of Membership
Home Address
City State Zip Code Phone
Present Employer
Business Address
City State Zip Code Phone
Academic Background, As Applicable
Institution Major/Minor



The Counselor Selection Committee criteria are strongly based upon and extracted from the categories indicated on
the second page of this application. It is strongly recommended that the nominator prepare a complete summary of
the nominees history as an attachment to this application to ensure that the committee has sufficient information to
deliberate and make the appropriate selections of Counselor nominees.

AWS Member Number:

The proposer will serve as the contact if the Selection Committee requires further information. The proposer is
encouraged to include a detailed biography of the candidate and letters of recommendation from individuals
describing the specific accomplishments of the candidate. Signatures on the nominating form, or supporting letters
from each nominator, are required from four AWS members in addition to the proposer. Signatures may be acquired
by photocopying the original application and transmitting to each nominating member. Once the signatures are
secured the total package should be submitted.


AWS Member Number
AWS Member Number
AWS Member Number
AWS Member Number


may 2017 wj classifieds.qxp_Layout 1 4/7/17 3:29 PM Page 117



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Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 143

Sponsored by the American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council

Observation and Analysis of ThreeDimensional

Weld Pool Oscillation Dynamic Behaviors
A sensor was used to observe weld pool oscillation in three dimensions, and
then the 3D data was used to analyze the oscillation behaviors


ral frequency of the oscillation and di-

ABSTRACT ameter of the weld pool. A theoretical
model for CJP was proposed based on
Pool oscillation frequency is thought to have a direct relationship with weld joint pene
a stretched membrane theory. A simi-
tration, and appropriate oscillations help refine grains and reduce defect sensitivity. This
paper uses a novel laser dotmatrix sensor to observe the pool oscillation three dimension lar relation was also derived by
ally (3D) and use the 3D data as an enhanced ability to analyze oscillation behaviors. To this Zacksenhouse et al. (Ref. 34), who
end, pool oscillations were excited using pulse current, oscillation images were captured at developed an analytical model for sta-
1000 frames per second by a highspeed camera, and the acquired highspeed images were tionary complete-joint-penetration
processed and observed. The processed/observed images provide experimental data about pool and verified their mode by
oscillation amplitude and mode to study oscillation behaviors. It was found that three oscil experiments.
lation modes associated with partial, complete, and critical penetration exist during the base Richardson et al. (Ref. 29) studied
time period. From the observed 3D dynamic evolution process, the periodical contraction the oscillation frequency for a station-
and expansion at its natural frequency as excited by the pulsing current were observed. The ary GTA weld pool by an arc voltage
amplitude of the oscillation was found to gradually decrease as the oscillation process pro
signal and arc light intensity signals,
ceeded and the liquid metal solidified during the base current period. Furthermore, the am
plitude was found to increase as the peak current increased. The experiments under and found that the natural oscillation
constant current and highfrequency pulsing current provided supplemental data to under frequency is strongly dependent on
stand the pool behaviors. Because of the enhanced ability of 3D observation of the oscilla the pool geometry and correlates well
tion, this study enhanced the understanding on the pool oscillation and experimentally veri with the inverse of the square root of
fied certain theoretical derivations about oscillation that have not been verified previously. the pool mass. They found a distinct
boundary exists for pool oscillation
frequency in the intermediate state
between the partial and CJP condi-
KEYWORDS tions (Ref. 30). They also later found
that arc light is a better transducer to
Pulsed GTAW (GTAWP) Oscillation Mode Oscillation Behavior detect pool oscillation than is arc volt-
Dynamic Evolution Process age due to the volume effect of the
plasma region (Ref. 30). In 1993, Yoo
Introduction tion with the weld penetration (Refs. et al. (Ref. 30) proposed three kinds of
1823, 2931) and its effect on the oscillation modes for CJP welding,
The weld pool is where complex grain refinement and defect inhibition which were, respectively, symmetric,
welding phenomena originate, playing a using methods like magnetic force stir- sloshing, and mixed modes. However,
fundamental role in determining result- ring and ultrasound vibration (Refs. 32, these modes were proposed based on
ant welds. It has been the subject of 33). simulation without experimental
many recent studies (Refs. 17). Among Kotecki et al. (Ref. 8) studied com- verification.
weld pool behaviors, oscillation has re- plete joint penetration (CJP) weld pool Xiao et al. (Refs. 1820) studied weld
ceived attention from welding re- behavior in the case of stationary gas pool oscillation under stationary and
searchers around the world (Refs. tungsten arc welding (GTAW) using low-speed welding conditions, and pro-
828), since Kotecki et al. (Ref. 8) first high-speed motion pictures. They first posed two pool oscillation modes: one
observed the phenomena of weld pool brought attention to the research com- for partial joint penetration and anoth-
oscillation in 1972, and has been stud- munity regarding the oscillation phe- er for complete joint penetration under
ied with regard to different interests. nomena of the weld pool. They found stationary welding conditions. Further-
Particular interests included its correla- a relationship exists between the natu- more, in welding with low traveling


Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 144


flexible distributive body.

Along this direction, Shi et al. (Refs.
2123) made the first attempt to ana-
lyze the pool oscillation based on a
three-dimensional laser multiline sens-
ing method to investigate weld pool os-
cillation in pulsed GTAW. However, they
focused on the correlation of the pool
oscillation characteristic frequency with
the weld penetration. In this paper, a
novel sensing system is used to observe
the three-dimensional weld pool surface
to analyze the oscillation modes three-
dimensionally and their correlation
with the dynamic evolution process of
Fig. 1 Sensing system for pool oscillation experiment.
the weld pool.
In particular, in previous work
speeds, there even exists a third oscilla- varying the energy input into the weld (Refs. 3943), a new laser dot-matrix
tion mode: asymmetrical. They further pool. This favors generating finer sensing method was proposed. The
developed and improved their corre- grains and more effective substruc- three-dimensional surface of the weld
sponding theoretical model based on tures, thus better ensuring production pool can be monitored and measured.
classical hydrodynamics to the liquid of quality welds. To this end, a 19 19 dot-matrix pat-
metal or a stretched membrane theory Along this direction, preliminary tern was projected onto the weld pool
on the basis of Koteckis research (Ref. investigations by Nakata et al. also surface. Because of the specular nature
8). They found the natural oscillation showed the effect of current pulsation of the weld pool surface, a laser dot
frequency of a partial joint penetration on the weld solidification structure of matrix reflected from the weld pool
pool is considerably higher than the aluminum alloys (Ref. 32). They also surface can be intercepted/imaged
natural oscillation frequency of a CJP explored the effect of low-frequency by/on a diffusive imaging plane placed
pool and that an abrupt transition oc- GMAW-P on grain refinement of the a distance from the center of the weld
curs between the partial and complete weld metal and improvement of solidi- pool. The images are captured by a
joint penetration oscillation modes. In fication crack susceptibility in alu- high-speed camera, and the three-
addition, they found the oscillation fre- minum alloys (Ref. 33). They found dimensional shape of the weld pool
quency drops after the weld pool that weld pool oscillation strongly af- surface can be directly observed as
changes from partial to complete joint fects grain refinement and, to some well as monitored and reconstructed
penetration because of the change in extent, also found that grain refine- from a two-dimensional to three-di-
the oscillation mode. This result is fun- ment has a beneficial effect on the so- mensional freedom surface. Because
damental by providing an effective lidification crack susceptibility of the the reflected position on the imaging
method to distinguish the partial and weld metal. plane differs with the curvature of a
complete joint penetration. In previous studies, the pool oscilla- specific position of the weld pool sur-
Ramos et al. (Ref. 31) studied the tion was studied based on analyzing face, variations of the reflected laser
weld pool oscillation in pulsed gas the frequency of the oscillation as a dot matrix can characterize the pool
metal arc welding (GMAW-P) by one-dimensional signal; for example, oscillation direction as well as the am-
means of Shadowgraphy image pro- the weld penetration was experimen- plitude of convexity and concavity of
cessing techniques, and obtained the tally correlated to the frequency from the weld pool surface.
frequency spectra by fast Fourier such one-dimensional, signal-based This paper focuses on the analysis of
transform. They found the method of frequency. While the one-dimension- the dynamic behavior of the pool oscil-
Shadowgraphy image processing for based analysis on the weld pool has lation using the unique laser dot-matrix
measuring the weld pool oscillation is the advantage of simplicity, the weld sensing method introduced previously.
more reliable than that from using the pool is actually a distributive body From the reflected laser dot matrix im-
arc voltage signal. whose oscillation is in all directions. It age captured by high-speed camera, the
Furthermore, research has also re- is apparent that one-dimension meth- oscillation modes were clearly revealed
vealed that, like arc vibration and ods do not fully characterize the pool and the dynamic real-time evolution
weaving, ultrasonic vibration, and oscillation such that many phenomena process for pool oscillation under differ-
weld pool stirring by electromagnetic and characteristics are still not fully ent penetration states were explored ac-
force, the pool oscillation during revealed. The pool oscillation should cording to the shape variation of surface
pulsed arc welding can also promote be studied fully dimensionally, but the oscillation of the weld pool under vari-
grain refinement of the weld and re- major challenge lies in the lack of an ous welding conditions of pulse current
duce weld defects (Refs. 32, 33, effective method to measure the and penetration, such as complete, par-
3538). Among the reasons support- three-dimensional surface and the tial, and critical penetration, which is
ing this theory is that pulsed arc weld- complexity of the analysis of the defined as the states of penetration be-
ing can excite the pool oscillation by three-dimensional oscillation of the tween complete and partial penetration.

144-s WELDING JOURNAL / MAY 2017, VOL. 96

Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 145


Furthermore, the variations of oscilla-

tion amplitude related to the pulse cur-
rent were analyzed to evaluate the pool
oscillation process.

Methods and Principles

1A 2A 3A 4A
Sensing System
The proposed weld pool surface
sensing system is shown in Fig. 1 (Ref.
43), where a 20-mW illumination laser
with an interbeam angle of 0.77 deg and
a wavelength of 685 nm with variable
focus was used to generate a 19 19 1B 2B 3B 4B
dot-matrix structured light pattern. The
Fig. 2 Characteristic principles for pool oscillation.
laser pattern was projected onto the
area under the electrode at 30 deg with
a 50-mm distance from the electrode flect its oscillation. in the center of the weld pool can rep-
and covering the entire possible weld When the laser dot matrix project- resent the amplitude of the weld pool
pool surface. To intercept the reflected ed onto the weld pool surface, the oscillation.
laser pattern, an imaging plane was laser dots were reflected onto the im-
placed at a known distance of approxi- aging plane. The reflected dots on the
mately 50 mm from the electrode, imaging plane had a different mapping Experimental Procedure
which could be as simple as a piece of relationship corresponding to the dif- and Method
glass attached with a grid paper. A high- ferent shapes of the weld pool surface
speed camera was used to record the re- (Refs. 43, 44): convex, concave, and The experiment aimed to study
flected images on the imaging plane. To combination Fig. 2. Figure 2(1a2a) pool oscillation behavior in different
minimize the influence of the arc, the are, respectively, the scheme of the weld penetrations for GTAW-P under
camera was fitted with a band pass filter mapping relationship corresponding stationary conditions, which meant
of 20-nm bandwidth centered at a 685- to Fig. 2(1b4b), which are the reflect- zero travel speed. Typical 304 stainless
nm wavelength of the laser used. As ed laser dot matrix images of the dif- steel plates, 4.7 mm thick, were used
shown in Fig. 1, a universal coordinate ferent weld pool surfaces. The figures as the workpiece, which was placed on
system served to locate the positions for show the adjacent laser dot distance at a thick copper plate with a backfill of
all the objects in the sensing system. In the center of the weld pool changes argon. Welding was carried out using a
this system, the torch was on the z-axis, with the convex or concave state of the 2% thoriated tungsten electrode with
and the workpiece surface was on the x weld pool surface. According to the a diameter of 2.4 mm and a tip angle
y plane. mapping relationship between the of 60 deg at direct current electrode
projected laser dots and reflected laser negative with 99.995% argon shield-
Characteristics for Pool dots, the weld pool surface of Fig. ing gas at a flow rate of 15 L/min and
Oscillation 2(1b) is moderately convex; the weld a distance of 5 mm from the tungsten
pool surface of Fig. 2(2b) is more con- electrode to the specimen.
During the peak current period, the vex because the distance of the reflect- The welding parameter design is
center of the weld pool surface was de- ed laser dots in the center of the weld given in Table 1. The image-capture
pressed by the arc jet pressure. During pool is larger than that of Fig. 2(1b); rate was set to 1000 frames per second
the base current period, the balance the weld pool surface of Fig. 2(3b) is (f/s). The base time was set to 20 ms
among the arc jet pressure, surface moderately concave because the dis- to observe the weld pool oscillation
tension, and gravity, which were exert- tance of the reflected laser dots in the process at its natural frequency. The
ed on the weld pool, was broken after center of the weld pool is close; and in base time was set to 10 ms, mainly for
the arc plasma pressure was suddenly Fig. 2(4b), the distance of the reflected inspecting the pool oscillation behav-
reduced. As such, the surface tension laser dots in the center of the weld ior of complete joint penetration,
pulled the pool back toward a new pool is closer, showing that the weld whereas the 3-ms base time served in
equilibrium position, inducing an os- pool surface is deeper than that of Fig. studying the forced pool oscillation be-
cillation to the pool. On the other 2(3b). If the weld pool surface were havior when the pulse frequency was
hand, the molten specular weld pool much deeper downward, the reflected greater than the natural frequency of
surface could reflect, like a mirror, laser dots on the imaging plane would the weld pool because of the very
most of the incidental laser light. As a probably converge to a point or even short base current time. Experiment 1
result, the reflected laser dot matrix cross up and down. Therefore, the am- was designed to judge the pool oscilla-
could respond simultaneously to the plitude of the change in the pixel dis- tion under constant welding current
motion of the weld pool surface to re- tance between two adjacent laser dots conditions. Experiments 2 and 5 were


Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 146


1A 2A 3A 1A 2A 3A

1B 2B 1B 2B 3B
Fig. 3 Symmetrical oscillation at the center of the pool under Fig. 4 Symmetrical oscillation at the center of the pool under
partial penetration. complete joint penetration.

designed for exploring oscillation be- dynamic variation in the weld pool face was concave, whereas the center
havior and partial penetration. Experi- surface such that the pool oscillation of the weld pool expanded toward the
ment 3 was designed for exploring behavior could be clearly observed. Re- outside [Fig. 3(2b)], correspondingly,
forced oscillation. Experiments 4 and sults of the experiment showed three and the shape of the weld pool oscilla-
6 were designed for complete joint pool oscillation modes at different tion surface was convex.
penetration and oscillation behavior. depths of penetration. Figure 3(1b and 2b) shows that the
Experiments 5 and 7 were designed weld pool oscillation in the partial pene-
for critical penetration and oscillation Symmetrical Oscillation under Partial tration is symmetrical about the center
behavior. The other experiments were Penetration of the weld pool. As was presented in
designed for analyzing pool oscillation Refs. 18 and 20, the oscillation model
behavior or amplitude issues. Figure 3(1b) and (2b) are the con- can be described with the first harmonic
secutive reflected laser dot-matrix im- mode of the Bessel function.
Experimental Results and ages of the oscillating weld pool at par- The arc pressure is known to be
tial penetration, such as those in Ex- caused by a magnetic pressure differen-
Discussion periments 2 and 5 in Table 1. The pixel tial along the length of the arc, which
distance of adjacent laser dots in the accelerates the arc plasma and entrains
Pool Oscillation Mode weld pool center in Fig. 3(1b) is rela- the gas toward the workpiece to form a
tively large, while in Fig. 3(2b) it is dynamic jet pressure (Refs. 8, 29). It in-
The oscillating weld pool was im- much smaller. This concurs with the creases with the square of the current
aged/captured at 1000 f/s by the high- characteristic principles discussed in and decreases from electrode to work-
speed camera during welding. Both the the section titled characteristics for piece as the arc radius increases. Thus,
convexity and concavity of the weld pool oscillation. The center of the the arc jet pressure derived from the
pool surface under the pulse current weld pool shrank toward the inside peak current is much greater than that
were observed. The variation in the re- [Fig. 3(1b)] and, correspondingly, the derived from the base current.
flected laser dot matrix presented the shape of the weld pool oscillation sur- When the welding current is

Table 1 Welding Parameters

No Peak Current Base Current Peak Time Base Time Pulse Frequency Captured Rate Target of Study
Ip/A Ib/A Tp/ms Tb/ms f/Hz f/s
1 60 60 1000 DC oscillation
2 60 20 20 20 25.0 1000 Partial / behavior
3 80 20 20 3 43.5 1000 Forced oscillation
4 80 20 20 5 40.0 1000 Complete / behavior
5 80 20 20 20 25.0 1000 Mode / behavior
6 100 20 20 10 33.33 1000 Complete / behavior
7 100 20 20 20 25.0 1000 Critical / behavior
8 120 20 20 5 40.0 1000 Oscillation behavior
9 140 20 20 5 40.0 1000 Oscillation behavior
10 160 20 20 5 40.0 1000 Oscillation behavior

* Partial partial joint penetration; complete complete joint penetration; critical critical penetration; mode partial and critical penetration; behavior
oscillation behavior.

146-s WELDING JOURNAL / MAY 2017, VOL. 96

Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 147


sition that the reflected laser dot-

matrix shrinks into a large bright point
in the center of the weld pool. At this
time, the shape of the weld pool surface
is concave (see the section titled charac-
teristics for pool oscillation). The
scheme of the pool oscillation mode is
shown in Fig. 4(1a).
1A 2A
3A Figure 4(2b) shows a brighter circle
in the edge of the pool. When the arc
jet pressure on the top of the weld
pool surface is suddenly released, the
surface tension on the weld pool top
and bottom pulls the pool back toward
its equilibrium position. The center of
the weld pool first expands upward,
and then the edge of the weld pool fol-
lows with the motion of the weld pool
center. However, because of the lack of
support of solid metal in the bottom
1B 2B 3B of the pool, the weld pool surface is
pushed down to a relatively low posi-
Fig. 5 Sloshing oscillation under critical penetration. tion by the high arc pressure that de-
rived from the pulse current. There-
fore, the edge of the weld pool does
switched to the base current from the Symmetrical Oscillation under not easily drag back to the convex
peak current, the arc jet pressure sud- Complete Joint Penetration when the pools center reaches the
denly releases from the top of the pool highest point, and most of the time,
and induces pool oscillation at a natu- Images of the oscillating weld pool the reflected image of the weld pool
ral frequency. The surface tension in Fig. 4(1b and 2b) show complete surface, like in Fig. 4(2b), is a bright
pulls the pool back toward its equilib- joint penetration occurring as it did in circle around the pools edge. The sec-
rium position. The pixel distance at Experiments 4 and 6 (Table 1). Figure tion titled Characteristics for Pool Os-
the central region of the weld pool en- 4(3a and 3b) are the top and bottom of cillation shows that the shape of the
larges [Fig. 3(2b)], and the weld pool the weld, respectively, corresponding weld pools central region is convex
continues to expand upward after it to CJP oscillation. To a first approxi- and that of the weld pool edge is con-
reaches its point of equilibrium, due to mation, the oscillation under CJP can cave, as shown in Fig. 4(2b). The
the inertia. When the weld pool ex- be described in terms of a stretched scheme of the oscillation mode is illus-
pands upward to its highest position, membrane or classical hydrodynamics trated in Fig. 4(2a).
the surface tension and gravity drag to the liquid metal in the weld pool It is apparent from the reflected
the pool back toward its point of equi- (Refs. 8, 18, 20). laser dot characteristic that the pool
librium, and the pixel distance at the In Fig. 4(1b), a bright region appears oscillation under complete joint pene-
central region of the weld pool shrinks in the central region of the molten pool. tration is also radial symmetrical with
Fig. 3(1b). The weld pool continues The brightness is much higher there respect to the arc axis. However, both
to depress downward after it reaches than in other regions of the molten the top and bottom of the weld pool
its point of equilibrium position, again pool. Under the CJP condition, the bot- are liquid film, and the pool oscillation
due to the inertia. More details on the tom metal of the workpiece has also morphology is significantly different.
evolution process can be seen in the been melted, as shown in Fig. 4(3b). The corresponding image of the oscil-
section titled pool oscillation under The bottom of the weld pool loses the lating weld pool surface [Fig. 4(1a)] is
partial penetration. support of the solid metal, and, instead, also considerably different from the
Due to the support of the solid is maintained by the surface tension of image under partial penetration
metal in the bottom of the pool, the the liquid metal from the bottom pool. Fig. 3(1a). Figure 4(1b and 2b) shows
liquid metal around the pool edge was Therefore, the liquid weld metal in the that the pool oscillation amplitude is
pushed upward when the liquid metal CJP pool has an extra degree of freedom much greater than that under partial
at the central pool was depressed (normal to the surface of the pool) (Ref. penetration. The results coincide with
downward. The scheme of the pool os- 20), and the surface tension along the mode 2 proposed by Xiao et al. (Refs.
cillation mode for partial penetration top and bottom surface of the pool as 1820), and the experimental phe-
is illustrated in Fig. 3(1a, 2a). The os- the main driving force has a significant nomena also verify the hypothesis
cillation mode was consistent with the influence on the oscillation behavior. proposed by Richardson et al. (Ref.
mode 1 proposed by Xiao et al. (Ref. When the arc jet pressure acts on the 30), i.e., there exists a kind of symmet-
18). Figure 3(3a and 3b) are the top top of the weld pool surface, the weld rical oscillation mode under complete
and bottom for the weld associated pool surface depresses to such a low po- joint penetration as described earlier.
with partial penetration.


Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 148


Fig. 6 Pool oscillation process under partial penetration (Ip = 80 A, Ib = 20

A, f = 25 Hz, Tb = 20 ms): A Amplitude variation of pool oscillation ; B
some typical pool oscillation images. (Welding base time from 3760 to
3804 ms.)
Sloshing Oscillation under Critical the unbalance causes
Penetration asymmetrical movement, like a sloshing were both 20 ms. The other welding
wave of water, in the oscillating pool. parameters are given in Table 1. With-
Figure 5(1b and 2b) shows the pool In the situation of critical penetra- in a pulse period, 20 frames of images
oscillation under the critical penetra- tion, only a very small part of the bot- under peak current and 20 frames of
tion, such as in Experiments 5 and 7, tom metal melted. A large part of the images under base current were cap-
(Table 1). In Fig. 5(1b and 2b), the sym- weld pool was still backed by the solid tured and processed. The feature
bols and represent the weld pool metal. Under the arc pressure, only a points were extracted, the missing
oscillation valley and peak, respectively. small part of the liquid metal was points were added by interpolation,
The pixel distance minimum in Fig. pushed downward. With the increased and the point in the laser dot matrix
5(1b) is located on the pool oscillation pool size, less liquid metal was backed in the image corresponding to the os-
images right side, whereas the pool os- by solid material and more liquid metal cillation center was replaced by the
cillation images minimum pixel dis- was pushed downward. Only after the symbol +, as shown in Fig. 6.
tance in Fig. 5(2b) is located on the left bottom size of the pool reached a cer- As previously mentioned, the pixel
side, neither at the center of the weld tain threshold, the oscillation became distance between two adjacent laser
pool. Unlike the pool oscillation under the mode of complete joint penetration. dots around the oscillation center of a
complete or partial penetration, the ex- Our series of experimental results weld pool is defined as the amplitude of
treme position (oscillation center here- has also shown that this oscillation be- pool oscillation. When the current
after) of the oscillating pool under criti- havior occurred under critical penetra- switches from the peak to base current,
cal penetration is not always at the weld tion, i.e., after complete joint penetra- the arc plasma pressure suddenly releas-
pool center but instead shifts like a tion was achieved until the area of the es. The surface tension pulls the pool
wave of water in a pool. It is possible bottom liquid surface reached approxi- back toward the equilibrium position
that the oscillation center would shift to mately 0.3 and 0.5 times that of the top and the natural oscillation occurs due to
another position in the next moment. surface as suggested by literature (Ref. the surface tension and gravity. A differ-
The oscillation behavior is somewhat 30). Thus, critical oscillation was not at ent penetration state has a different
like a wave of water in a pool, so the a specific position as its oscillation cen- pool oscillation behavior that can be ob-
pool oscillation mode is defined as ter but in a transition stage. This is con- served and analyzed from the consecu-
sloshing oscillation or swing oscillation. sistent with the results that were ob- tive oscillation behavior within a 40-ms
The scheme of the oscillation mode is tained in terms of oscillation frequency pulse period.
given in Fig. 5(1a and 2a). characteristics (Ref. 20). Figure 5(3a
Why did the oscillation center shift? and 3b) is the top and bottom of the Pool Oscillation under Partial
When the weld pool grows, the bottom corresponding weld with critical pene- Penetration
metal of the workpiece also gradually tration in which the bottom pool sur-
melts into a liquid state. Because the face area is less than 0.3 and 0.5 times Again, 40 frames of consecutive
microstructure, crystal structure, and that of the top pool surface. weld pool oscillation images were cap-
defects/imperfections are not uniform tured and processed including 20
and continuous, it is possible that the Pool Oscillation Process for frames for the peak and 20 frames for
earliest spot that is melted is not exactly Pulsed GTAW the base times such as in Experiment
at the weld pool center. The melting 5 (Table 1). Some typical oscillation
process of the bottom pool is thus not To investigate the evolution process images taken after processing are
perfectly uniform and symmetrical (in of pool oscillation during GTAW-P, a shown in Fig. 6B. Figure 6 shows the
stationary welding). Therefore, the series of consecutive reflected weld oscillation dynamic evolution process
asymmetrical position results in that pool images based on laser dot-matrix is clearly observable. The reflected
the forces of the weld pool are off-bal- was captured at 1000 f/s. The peak laser pattern is distorted because of
ance and not uniform, and the force of and base times of the pulsing current the pool oscillation, and its variations

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Fig. 7 Pool oscillation process under greater partial penetration (Ip = 80 A, Ib = 20 A, f = 25 Hz, Tb = 20 ms): A Amplitude variation of
pool oscillation; B some typical pool oscillation images. (Welding base time from 4608 to 4628 ms.)

respond to the regular and periodic

contraction and expansion during the
entire period.
As previously mentioned, the pixel
distance between two adjacent laser
dots at the weld pool oscillation center
is defined as the amplitude of pool os-
cillation. The amplitude in each image
was calculated. The relationship be-
tween the amplitude and welding time
is shown in Fig. 6A. The following phe-
nomena can be discerned from Fig. 6A:
During the base current time when the
arc plasma pressure on the top of the
weld pool surface is released, the weld Fig. 8 Variation of weld pool oscillation surface under complete joint penetration (Ip =
pool oscillates at a natural frequency, 100 A, Ib = 20 A, f = 33.3 Hz, Tb = 10 ms).
and the amplitude gradually decreases
with weld pool solidification because cles within 20 ms when the welding tion, arc light intensity (Ref. 30), or
of the reduced heat input under the time is from 3783 to 3803 ms; thus, shadowgraphy image techniques
base current. The variation in the am- the oscillation frequency at the mo- (Ref. 31), with the help of a three-
plitude of the weld pool surface is ment is approximately 225 Hz. The os- dimensional laser dot matrix sensing
from 19 to 36 pixels during the base cillation phenomena for the other ex- method and high-speed camera, the
time period, while the variation in the periments was similar to those in Ex- variation of oscillation morphology
amplitude of the weld pool surface is periment 5. can be observed more easily, and the
from 17 to 23 pixels during the peak Figure 7 shows the pool oscillation dynamic evolution process of weld
time period. Because of the support of process when the welding time was pool surface oscillation can be clearly
the solid metal in the bottom (Fig. 3), from 4608 to 4628 ms with the same observed and analyzed.
it is difficult for the pools surface to welding parameters as for the experi-
be pulled to a lower position only by ment shown in Fig. 6. Because the weld- Pool Oscillation under Complete Joint
the surface tension than that by the ing time was longer than that of Fig. 6, Penetration
pulse arc jet pressure; therefore, in the depth of penetration is correspond-
general, the lowest amplitude value is ingly deeper, the oscillation process is Figure 8 shows the variation of the
not lower than the values during the sharper, and the oscillation amplitude oscillating weld pool surface and several
peak current period. from 10 to 40 pixels is much greater corresponding pool oscillation images
During peak current time, the weld than that of the oscillation of welding that are typical for complete joint pene-
pool surface is also not completely time from 3782 to 3802 ms. tration, such as those in Experiment 6
still, possibly because of the effect of According to Fig. 7, it can be calcu- (Table 1), with the welding time t0 being
the natural oscillation in the base lated that the natural oscillation fre- equal to 6080 ms. The reflected images
current period. The surface tension on quency is approximately 200 Hz, from the pool oscillation surface were
the weld pool surface prevents the which is less than the 225 Hz of Fig. 6. taken at 1, 4, 7, and 10 ms after the arc
pool oscillation from stopping imme- The results are consistent with the plasma pressure was suddenly removed.
diately; instead oscillation continues other studies, indicating the natural The pool oscillation process was just as
at a lower amplitude Fig. 6A. frequency decreases with the increase the scheme of oscillation under the time
In addition, the pools natural fre- in the geometry or mass of the weld axis of Fig. 8.
quency can be easily calculated from pool (Refs. 8, 29). As indicated in the section titled
the pool oscillation process shown in As can be seen in Figs. 6 and 7, symmetrical oscillation under complete
Fig. 6B. The pool oscillation has 4.5 cy- compared with the arc voltage varia- joint penetration, the pool oscillation


Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 150


Fig. 10 Variation in maximum and minimum amplitude for sloshing os

cillation during a 20ms base current time.

the solidification of the penetration is between the partial and

liquid pool. During the complete, the pool oscillation dynamic
next 40-ms period, the process is in the critical penetration
pool oscillation process stage as can be seen in Fig. 9, which in-
was similar. cludes 20 frames from 20-ms base cur-
Fig. 9 Sloshing pool oscillation under critical penetration Because of the lack of rent time, such as those in Experiment
(Ip = 80 A, Ib = 20 A, f = 40 Hz, Tb = 20 ms). the support of the bot- 5 (Table 1). The lowest positions of the
tom solid metal and the oscillating pool surface in the follow-
mode and phenomena of complete joint weight of the weld pool ing 120 images are labeled with the
penetration are similar to that of the itself, the weld pool shrank downward sign. The dynamic variation of pool
partial penetration. However, when to a lower position, and the reflected oscillation by the shift of the sign in
the weld was at complete joint penetra- laser dot-matrix at the pool center grad- the following 120 images is clearly
tion, the metal in the bottom of the ually converged to a litter area as shown evident. The maximum amplitude and
weld pool was also molten such that the in the image of t0 + 1 ms in Fig. 8. The lowest oscillation position distribution
bottom of the weld pool lost the sup- image of t0 + 4 ms in Fig. 8 shows the are shown in Fig. 9.
port of the solid metal. Instead, it was weld pool continues to shrink, and the Figure 9 indicates the pool surface
maintained by the surface tension of brightness is the largest in the entire is not symmetrically and vertically os-
the liquid metal in the bottom pool. The weld pool area. When the pool surface cillated as is the case in partial pene-
weight of the weld pool itself had a sig- expanded upward, the distance between tration and complete joint penetra-
nificant effect on pool oscillation. The adjacent laser dots at the center of the tion, and the pool oscillation center is
amplitude of the pool oscillation was pool gradually became larger. However, no longer fixed at the center of the
much greater than that under partial the shape of the weld pool edge might weld pool but constantly moves like
penetration, and the motion of weld still be concave, and the reflected laser the waves on a water surface. The pool
pool oscillation was sharper Fig. 8. dot-matrix converged. As a result, the behavior looks like the swing or slosh-
Apparently, the pool surface was brightness of the area is larger, looking ing wave of water in a pool.
lower than the top of the workpiece like a bright ring, as shown in the image Figure 10 shows the variations in
due to the effect of surface tension and of t0 + 7 ms Fig. 8. The bright ring in maximum and minimum amplitude for
the lack of support from bottom solid the image of t0 + 10 ms became bigger, sloshing oscillation during a 20-ms base
metal. When the welding current and shows that the edge part of the pool current time. Again, the peak current
switched from peak to base current expanded upward. If the pool were to has an amplitude of 80 A and a duration
such that the arc jet pressure on the continue to expand upward, and the of 20 ms. The base current has an am-
top of the pool was suddenly removed, concaveness of the pool edge gradually plitude of 20 A and duration of 20 ms.
the surface tensions of the top and bot- became flat, even convex, then the In Fig. 10, when the welding time reach-
tom of the weld pool together pulled bright ring would gradually disappear. es 7084 ms, the critical penetration
the pool back toward its equilibrium When the arc jet pressure, once process occurs, and the natural oscilla-
position and the oscillation occurred at again, was exerted on the top of the tion process is forcibly stopped after the
a natural frequency. The oscillation weld pool surface, the weld pool sur- base time of 20 ms, because the arc jet
process is as shown in Fig. 8. As can be face concaved downward to the very pressure, once again, is exerted on the
seen, the weld pool gradually expanded low level because of the forced action top of the weld pool surface, which is
up from the bottom to the top. The of the arc pressure, as shown in the derived from the pulse current.
pool morphology is as shown in the last scheme of Fig. 8. Compared with partial penetration
scheme of Fig. 8 in the corresponding (Fig. 7) and complete joint penetration
images t0 + 1 ms to t0 + 10 ms. Then Pool Oscillation under Critical (Fig. 8), the oscillation amplitude of
the oscillation process repeated as de- Penetration critical penetration (Fig. 9) is mini-
scribed previously, but the amplitude mum, and the oscillation frequency is
of the pool oscillation decreased with As mentioned previously, when the not a fixed value but varies.

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arc pressure needs to be understood.

The authors have studied in detail
the oscillation modes and dynamic be-
haviors. However, the studies were
done under pulsed current with mod-
erate frequency. To gain a broader and
more complete view, the authors
wished to briefly study the oscillations
under extreme frequencies by using di-
rect current (DC) as the extreme for
low frequency and pulsing current
with high frequency.
Pool Dynamic Behavior under Direct
Current GTAW

To study the behavior under ultra-

low frequencies, (DC) was used. As
shown in Fig. 12, the amplitude of the
pool center during DC-GTAW was also
measured based on the same method
described previously. Figure 12B
B shows typical images for DC-GTAW af-
Fig. 11 Behavior of weld pool oscillation under different peak currents (Ib = 20 A, f = 40 ter image processing. The symbol
Hz, Tb = 5 ms): A Amplitude variation of pool oscillation in different peak currents; B still represents the weld pool oscilla-
typical pool oscillation images for different peak currents. tion center. Figure 12A shows ampli-
tude variations from consecutive 140
In the critical penetration, the oscil- pool oscillation observed. Figure 11B ms welding time from 1577 to 1617
lation center dynamically changes. The shows typical pool oscillation images ms. Figure 12A shows the amplitude
weld pool surface morphology is after processing when the peak cur- of the pool oscillation center almost
abruptly different from those in partial rents were 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, and remains constant since the welding
and in complete joint penetration. The 160 A, respectively. Figure 11A shows current stays nearly constant during
pool oscillation mode is also essentially the amplitude of pool oscillation at the DC-GTAW, although some slight
different from those in partial and in different peak currents. The arc pres- changes for the amplitude might have
complete joint penetration. It is appar- sure increases with the square of cur- resulted from minor disturbances. Ac-
ent the morphology variation in the rent and decreases from electrode to cording to the sections titled Pool Os-
weld pool surface that is clearly observ- workpiece as the arc radius increases. cillation under Partial Penetration and
able from the reflected images is not ob- The pressure accelerates the arc plas- Pool Oscillation under Complete Joint
tainable from the one-dimensional arc ma and entrained gas toward the penetration, the pool behaviors during
voltage or arc light signal that were used workpiece to form a dynamic jet pres- DC-GTAW differ entirely from those in
in pool oscillation studies in literature. sure, and the jet acts on the pool sur- GTAW-P during the peak period.
face to create pressure. As shown in
Relationship between Fig. 11A, the amplitude of pool center Forced Pool Oscillation under
oscillation gradually increases from 30 HighFrequency Pulsing Current
Amplitude and Pulse Current
to approximately 100 pixels when the
Difference corresponding welding peak current As mentioned previously, when the
gradually increases from 60 to 160 A. arc jet pressure on the top of the weld
To observe the pool oscillation am- The conclusion can be drawn that, pool is released, the pool oscillate is ex-
plitude in different peak currents, all under the condition of the same base cited at the natural frequency corre-
other welding parameters were kept current, the greater the peak current sponding to the geometry of the weld
the same: 20-A base current, 5-ms du- the greater the pool oscillation ampli- pool. However, when the base time is
ration for the base current, and 20-ms tude. The appropriate amplitude of pool shorter than the period of the pool os-
duration for the peak current. Differ- oscillation helps to improve the weld cillation at the national frequency, the
ent peak currents were applied in dif- quality, gain refinement, and defect in- oscillation process would be forcibly ter-
ferent experiments (Table 1). hibition (Refs. 29, 30); however, im- minated. Figure 7 shows that after the
To ensure the conditions were the proper amplitude might influence the current is switched at 4608 ms from 80-
same, only after the weld pool had stability of the welding process. Thus, A peak current to 20-A base current,
grown to the same size was the weld the relationship between amplitude and which lasts 20 ms, the natural oscilla-


Zhang Paper 2016110 May 2017_Layout 1 4/7/17 4:01 PM Page 152


tion frequency of the weld pool is 200

Hz. The oscillation period is 5 ms.
Clearly, if the base time is less than 5
ms, such as in Experiment 3 (Table 1),
the oscillation process will be terminat-
ed before a complete natural oscillation
cycle is finished. Natural oscillation will
not occur. The pool oscillation frequen-
cy is expected to be equal to that of the
pulse frequency of GTAW-P. In this case,
the oscillation will be much stronger A
such that the images become blurrier.
To analyze such oscillation, the im-
ages have been enhanced to increase the
contrast as in Fig. 13 where the base
current is 3 ms where the fourth image
was acquired 3 ms after the peak cur-
rent had been applied. Despite the rela- B
tively blurrier images, it is still clear that
the reflection in the fourth image shows Fig. 12 Pool dynamic behavior under DCGTAW (welding current I = 60 A): A Amplitude
variation during DCGTAW; B some typical images for DCGTAW.
a concave pool surface (as indicated by
the bright spot in the center) rather
than a convex pool surface as it should
be if the natural oscillation continues.

Pool oscillation behavior has been
characterized by and analyzed from
the reflection laser dot-matrix pattern
from the oscillating weld pool surface.
From reflection laser dot-matrix A B C D
pattern-based analyses, the following
conclusions can be drawn for the pool Fig. 13 Forced pool oscillation under highfrequency pulse current (Ip = 80 A, Ib = 20 A, f
oscillation in GTAW-P: = 43.5 Hz, Tb = 3 ms).
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K. E. ZHANG (, SHAOJIE WU, YUMING ZHANG (, and JINSONG CHEN are with the Insti
tute for Sustainable Manufacturing, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. K. E. ZHANG is also with the Welding and Laser Processing In
stite, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China.


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Mechanized Oxyfuel Control with

Ion Current Sensing

An approach for sensing standoff distance and fueloxygen mixture using only
the electrical characteristics of the flame is described


for sensing standoff distance and fuel-

ABSTRACT oxygen mixture using only the electri-
cal characteristics of the flame. Meas-
This paper advances an approach to sensing in mechanized oxyfuel systems where
urements were also presented demon-
sensors are eliminated and the electrical characteristics inherent to the torch, flame, and
workpiece are used to measure standoff distance and fueloxygen ratio. Electrical prop strating how total flow and plate tem-
erties are also shown to be correlated to preheat flow rate and work temperature. These perature might be measured. In this
measurements were conducted by applying voltage to the torch and measuring the approach, the torch was presumed to
resulting current transmitted through the flame. Measurements with an Oxweld C67 be electrically isolated from the work-
torch heating a temperaturestabilized plate revealed a nonlinear currentvoltage charac piece, and the torch tip and workpiece
teristic with three regimes at signal level voltages (10 to 10 V). These regimes were acted as electrodes.
dominated by different physical phenomena that empowered the observer to
understand various parameters of the system typically only available by mounting
sensors in the vicinity of the flame. Eliminating sensors from the hot zone had positive
Literature Review
cost implications, but there was an even stronger potential benefit to the reliability of
the system, because those sensors were susceptible to damage from the process. The aggregate of several studies
spanning roughly a century and a half
is a relatively complete picture of the
KEYWORDS physical processes at work (Refs. 1, 5).
Electrical currents in flames have been
Oxyfuel Cutting Ion Current Height Control Sensing the subject of interest since at least
the eighteenth century (Ref. 1). Identi-
fying them to be caused by the forma-
Introduction lenging to find the sensing suite neces- tion of ions during the chemical reac-
sary for total automation that does tion was an important part of under-
The present paper advances an ap- not also undermine the systems cost, standing the electrical structure of the
proach to sensing in oxyfuel systems reliability, or some other important as- atom (Refs. 2, 3).
whereby active sensors were obsoleted pect of the process. As a result, oxyfuel By the middle of the twentieth cen-
by relating the electrical properties of cutting has largely retained its old de- tury, it was clear that the currents to
the flame to process parameters. mands on the operators attention, and from metal (absorbing) surfaces
While the immediate application envi- knowledge, and skill. near a flame were due to unequal bom-
sioned here was in mechanized oxyfuel To illustrate the challenge, one bardment of positive and negative
cutting systems, the same physics and might consider the capacitive rings ions (Refs. 1, 4). This information is in
concepts were relevant to welding, that have long been favorites for sens- harmony with the now canonical ki-
heating heads, scarfing, and other ing torch standoff from the workpiece. netic theory of gases. The painstaking
more specialized applications. For a cost potentially in excess of the process of identifying those ions in
torch itself, these systems suffer from different flames would span the re-
poor performance at the plates edge, mainder of the century (Ref. 5), with
Background susceptibility to electrical interference, several important works in this area
unpredictable drastic behaviors in the casting light on the internal structure
A niche has been carved out by presence of moisture, and regular of flames (Refs. 6, 7).
mechanized oxyfuel cutting where degradation and ultimate destruction In a flame, free electrons are far
cost, material thickness, or both typi- due to long-term exposure to heat and more mobile than their heavier, posi-
cally determine the process selection. slag. A desire for immunity to edge tively charged molecular counterparts.
It might be said that the century-old and moisture effects dares designers An electric field applied between two
cutting process competes adeptly to place the ring ever closer to the surfaces adjoining the flame will drive
against its more modern peers when flame with predictable implications on electrons away from one (cathode) and
these concerns are paramount. How- the longevity of the sensor. towards the other (anode). When posi-
ever, oxyfuel cutting has proved chal- This paper describes an approach tive ions impact a metal surface, they

154-s WELDING JOURNAL / MAY 2017, VOL. 96

Martin201690_Layout 1 4/6/17 4:03 PM Page 155


gases (Ref. 16) and solid propellants

(Ref. 17).
A pair of patents assigned to the
Caterpillar Tractor Co. in 1974 (Ref.
18) and 1982 (Ref. 19) probably repre-
sent the most advanced documented
application of ion current sensing to
the oxyfuel process. The latter was ac-
quired by Messer Cutting Systems,
and served the basis of their Sense-
matic oxyfuel control systems in the
1990s. The system was eventually
dropped from the Messer catalog due
to the limitations of the economical
processor power at the time (Ref. 20).
A B This brief review of ion current
sensing suggests two reasons for why
Fig. 1 Spatial structure of the system under study. The torch is an Oxweld C67 with a the approach has not been widely
in., twopiece tip. The coupon is internally cooled 34 in. from the top surface. The adopted in the oxyfuel industry, such
hot section depth is visible from the dark oxidation on the cylinders outer diameter. as gaps in the fundamental under-
standing of the physics and limitations
can diffuse into it. However, they are serve the apparent conductivity of the of the available electronics. Since the
more often neutralized by the libera- flame. processing capacity of an mp3 player
tion of an electron from the metal. This approach was predicated on would be more than is required for the
When free electrons or negative ions the notion that if the torch was quite measurements proposed below, the
impact the metal surface, the process close to the workpiece, it would be availability of robust and economical
is reversed. In this way, the net flow of easy to pass current through the electronics is no longer a realistic con-
electrons from the cathode will be the flame. The opposite would be true if cern. The remainder of the paper is de-
difference between the rate of impact the torch were far away. While that voted to constructing the argument
of positive ions and electrons. As an simple notion certainly stands up to that the physics involved are complex
external electric field drives electrons scrutiny, a realistic system is rich with but easily measured.
from the cathode surface, their con- secondary effects that can confuse sys-
centration (and rate of bombardment) tems built on the vacuum tube elec- Experiment
will drop, and the system will be tronics that were in use in 1944. It
brought into a new equilibrium. This seems reasonable to speculate that Controlled tests of the voltage-
equilibrium is abruptly interrupted these obstacles may have hindered the current characteristic of a methane-
when increasing the net current ex- spread of the technology. oxygen preheat flame on an Oxweld C-
hausts the electrons in the vicinity of At the same time, researchers in a 67 torch with a -in., two-piece tip
the cathode. Instead of driving addi- number of other industries were suc- while varying the flow rate, fuel-
tional current, increases in the electric cessful with ion current applications. oxygen ratio, standoff, and coupon
field strength cause a mounting accu- Automotive engine researchers turned surface temperature were conducted.
mulation of positive charge around the to the same physics for robust sensing The flame was stagnated over a 218-in.-
cathode face. This is called saturation. in the internal combustion chamber diameter (54 mm) SAE 4140 steel test
It is not surprising that as tenable (Ref. 10). It is from this body of work coupon with internal cooling channels
explanations for these physics gained that the name ion current sensor is to stabilize the temperature. The sur-
broad consensus, engineers were also borrowed. This type of sensing has face temperature was approximated
identifying problems for their applica- been used to tackle the perplexing with a thermal model for the plate
tion. In the United States patent problems controlling compression ig- based on two thermocouples embed-
record, the earliest appearance of ion- nition internal combustion engines ded in the coupon Fig. 1. The
current sensing applied to oxyfuel (Ref. 11) as well as diagnosing com- coolant was a mixture of air and water
torches appears to have been Mott, bustion dynamic problems in diesel adjusted to stabilize the coupon sur-
Chouinard, and Hardings 1944 patent engines (Ref. 12) and engine knock. face temperature independently of the
ambiguously titled Torch Device (Ref. Meanwhile, engineers in the fur- heating conditions.
8), assigned to the National Cylinder nace industry today favor what they While the details of the thermal
Gas Co. In 1960, their competitor, the call flame rectification for burner diag- model are beyond the scope of this pa-
Air Reduction Co., was assigned a nostics (Refs. 13, 14). Ion currents per, the author offers some discussion
patent along similar lines (Ref. 9). In have been used for robust diagnosis of in Ref. 21. Figure 1 shows the experi-
both cases, standoff alone was sensed combustion dynamics in gas turbine ment illustrated with the classical in-
by a control system applying a con- burners (Ref. 15), and the application ner and outer cone structure of the
stant electrical excitation to the flame. of more intense electric fields has even oxyfuel flame.
The torch height was regulated to con- been used to control burning rates of The flame was interrogated by a


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Fig. 2 Diagram of the amplifier and measurement circuit used in these experiments. Electrical connections to the torch and workpiece
were shielded by an earthgrounded foil.

+/-10 V triangle wave, and signals in- regimes. At the center, the flame acted V1 and V2 were calculated in terms
dicating the current and voltage were like a quasi-uniform plasma with some of the floating potential, V0, and the
simultaneously returned by the circuit volume resistivity (Ref. 4). Bracketing saturation currents, I1 and I2.
shown in Fig. 2. The circuit was cali- this regime were abrupt saturations
brated using a series of shunt resistors limiting the current observed (Ref. 2). V1 = V0 + I1R2 (2a)
to simulate the flame, and the four po- Once this occurs, additional voltage
tentiometers were adjusted to provide drives no more current, barring some V2 = V0 + I2R2 (2b)
command/response precision to 0.1% secondary mechanism, which was ob-
of measurements taken with an served here. The outer cone resistance, ROC, was
Agilent precision multimeter. The Figure 4 shows an electrical model the resistance responsible for the slope
TL074 quad-opamp was selected for exhibiting the behaviors as they have of the current-voltage characteristic in
its frequency response and ultra-low been described thus far. The interac- Regime 2. It should be equal to R2 so it
bias current to avoid corrupting the tion between each surface and the can be measured directly as the slope
current measurement. The distance plasma was represented as a unique in Regime 2.
between the torch and the workpiece semiconductor component. For exam-
precludes the possibility of a twisted ple, in Regime 2, the sleeve compo-
Roc = R2 (3)
pair-noise rejection strategy, so foil nent behaved as a short, but it transi-
shielded signal wire was used to good tioned into a constant current source
The inner cone resistance, RIC, de-
effect. at saturation, which we called I1. Simi-
termined the slope in the partial satu-
While the circuit allows for either larly, the stagnation junction saturat-
ration observed in Regime 1. If R1 was
voltage or current command mode, ed at a current, I2. The insert junction
the resistance determined by the slope
these tests were conducted entirely was not shown to saturate at these
in Regime 1, then
with respect to voltage. Fuel and oxy- currents, so it acted as a short under
gen flow rates were monitored with all conditions.
thermal mass flow meters. Standoff Figures 5 through 13 were pro- RIC = R1 ROC (4)
height was changed by indexing a rack- duced by fitting the current-voltage
and-pinion height adjustment. characteristics with a piecewise It is worth mentioning that the
function. floating potential, V0, would be more
correctly modeled as the aggregate of
Results  (V  V1 ) / R1 + I 1 V < V1  potentials generated at the surfaces,
  but the ultimate effect is similar. In
I =  (V  V0 ) / R2 V1  V < V2 (1)
Figure 3 presents voltage and cur-  (V  V ) / R + I V  V  this work, we make no effort to quan-
rent waveforms beside three current-  2 3 2 2 
tify the components of the floating po-
voltage characteristic curves exempli- tential contributed by the torch and
fying data collected in 97 tests at vari- work, but treat the floating potential
ous standoffs, plate temperatures, Here, each regime was character- as a single parameter.
flow rates, and fuel-oxygen ratios. ized by a corresponding resistance, R1, The Regime 3 resistance was moti-
Each curve expresses three distinct R2, and R3. The saturation voltages vated by the observation that, in many

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Fig. 3 A and B Example of voltage and current waveforms as well as data at 0.23 and 0.46in. standoffs with fueloxygen ratios of
0.55 and 0.80. The torch voltage was positive, and the current was measured positive from the torch to the workpiece.

researchers, but close inspection

showed a small declining positive
slope. While Regimes 1 and 2 enjoyed
remarkable immunity to changes in
the work surface condition, the work
surface saturation causing Regime 3
exhibited drastic changes from test-to-
test. These phenomena are afforded
some discussion in the sections on
sensing flow rate and plate tempera-
ture below.
The need for the floating potential,
V0, in the electrical model is also appar-
ent in Fig. 3, since zero current did not
occur at zero voltage but at some offset
voltage. This has long been understood
to be due to the dissimilar rates of bom-
bardment of negative (electrons) and
Fig. 4 An equivalent circuit model for the system under study. The sleeve, insert, and positive (ionized atoms and molecules)
stagnation blocks did not behave consistently across all conditions and required special ions (Ref. 1). Conducting surfaces in-
treatment. serted in plasmas (like flames) are as-
sumed, either through absorption or
conditions, the work saturation did sleeve formed the shortest electrical through exchange of electrons, to neu-
not seem to be bounded as the ideal path, the sleeve surface was expected tralize ions on impact. As a result, a flow
model would predict. While this paper to saturate first, and any additional of current between the surface and the
will not address the matter entirely, current would be forced through the plasma will occur when the impact of
more detail is provided in the sections longer path through the inner cone small, quick electrons outpaces the slug-
discussing sensing flow and work (Ref. 21). The resulting abrupt change gish positive counterparts. The floating
temperature. in the flames apparent resistance pro- potential is the voltage required to
duced the transition to Regime 1 in counteract that effect in balance be-
Fig. 3. It stands to reason that at tween the two conducting surfaces. If all
Discussion strongly negative electrical potentials, conditions at the surfaces are symmetri-
a second saturation occured, but prac- cal, then the floating potential will be
The partial saturation between tical considerations have motivated us zero (Refs. 2, 3).
Regimes 1 and 2 of Fig. 3 was due to to consider only signal level voltages
an interaction between the complexity (-10 to 10 V) in the present study. Sensing Height
of the flame structure and the tip The positive saturation in Regime 3
geometry. Since the path from the appeared to, more closely, resemble
work through the outer cone to the the hard saturation described by most While standoff was shown to im-


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Fig. 5 Standoff distance vs. the Regime 2 resistance. Data were col Fig. 6 Outer cone resistance (Regime 2 resistance) at vari
lected with 20 ft3/h (9.4 L/min) and 0.55 fueltooxygen ratio (by vol ous standoff distances vs. fueltooxygen ratio (by volume).
ume). The black squares represent four tests conducted in an Data were collected at a 20 ft3/h (9.4 L/min) flow rate.
edgestart configuration with flow rates 20 or 27 ft3/h (9.4 or 12.7
L/min) and with 0.50 or 0.61 fueltooxygen ratios.
ations in the If this increase in resistance is
F/O mixture caused by the beginnings of flame
pact all the regimes in some form, its stand to impact the height measure- liftoff, then it should also have a
impact was most disentangled from ment. Figure 6 shows outer cone resist- strong impact on inner cone resist-
the secondary effects in Regime 2. At ance (Regime 2 slope) at three standoff ance. Figure 7 shows the Regime 1 re-
most conditions, the outer cone length distances while varying the F/O mixture sistance and the inner cone resistance
was proportional to ROC, as shown in at a constant total flow rate. At leaner calculated from Equation 4.
Fig. 5. The data were collected with the mixtures and small standoffs, substan- The collapse of data onto a single
total flow at 20 ft3/h (9.4 L/min) and tial changes in mixture were required to curve suggests the electrical model
at a fuel-to-oxygen ratio of 0.55 by vol- produce a noticeable effect. However, was correct. Furthermore, the similar
ume (stoichiometric is 0.5). the lean flames exhibited drastically shapes of Figs. 5 and 6 encourage the
The black squares of Fig. 5 repre- shorter outer cones, causing a nonlinear notion that they may be subject to the
sent separate measurements taken increase in resistance at high standoff same phenomenon.
above a 1-in.-tall steel slat arranged (black triangles).
in an edge-start configuration while As the mixture was pushed richer, RIC = RIC|REF + RIC (6)
varying flow and mixture. The torch eventually the flame was made to lift
was positioned such that half of the off the torch and stabilize on the
flame stagnated on the top of the slat Figure 8 shows deviations in the
coupon surface. Beginning around the outer and inner cone resistances while
and the other half washed over the 0.75 F/O ratio, the lifted flame caused
vertical face. The tight cluster of black varying the F/O ratio. The F/O ratio
resistance to approach infinity, but 0.60 was selected as the reference val-
squares include data at 20 and 27 ft3/h rather than trending to infinity as a
(9.4 and 12.7 L/min) and 0.50 F/O ra- ue because the outer cone was sup-
multiple of one another, the data drift- posed to be in proper electrical contact
tio. The outlier point was produced by ed upward as a group. This behavior
increasing the F/O ratio to 0.60 while with the plate at the highest standoff.
suggests the flame resistivity was un- The resulting scatter was not small
holding the flow rate at 20 ft3/h. changed, but some series resistance
These represent a deliberate effort enough to be completely neglected,
had been added. but the argument for a linear correla-
to confuse the measurement by ma- At a low F/O ratio, the outer cone
nipulating the plate surface, flame tion seems quite strong.
resistance was linearly proportional to These results indicate that as the
stagnation geometry, flow rate, and the cone length, which implied some
mixture. Only the mixture seemed to flame approached liftoff conditions, an
uniform bulk resistivity. If that bulk electrical barrier grew between both
have produced a severe effect. The fol- resistivity were to trend upwards, then
lowing sections are devoted to quanti- cones and the torch. While that barrier
the outer cone resistances at different does not affect the two equally, it did
fying the measurements sensitivities, standoffs should always be in the same
but a detailed study of variable work seem to maintain a strong proportion-
ratio to one another as the distances at ality even as the inner and outer re-
geometry is left to future study. which they were observed. Instead, sistances were increased several times
Fig. 6 suggests some offset resistance over. That proportionality could hardly
Height Sensitivity to Mixture is added to all of the values equally. be expected to be similar for different
tip geometries, but for the tip under
As the outlier of Fig. 5 suggests, vari- ROC = ROC|REF + ROC (5) test, that ratio was about 15.6%.

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Fig. 7 A and B Regime 1 resistance taken directly from measurements and inner cone resistance calculated by subtracting the outer
cone resistance from R1.

Fig. 8 Deviations in inner cone and outer cone resistance, due to Fig. 9 Outer cone resistance vs. total preheat flow rate for
changes in the F/O mixture, plotted against one another at various various standoffs and F/O ratios.

This represented the worst case meas- ing the inner cone resistance as a
ROC 0 .16RIC (7) ured. At rich conditions, any impact means for compensating the height
from the flow rate was not discernible measurement for changes in the fuel-
If measurements in RIC are per- from the scatter. to-oxygen ratio, but fully autonomous
formed simultaneously with the The substantial scatter in the data multitorch systems should be capable
measurements of ROC, a sufficiently were due to insufficient experimental of detecting gas pressure balance
aware controller could be configured control of the F/O ratio at rich condi- across torches. If some torches burn
to compensate for drifts in the F/O tions. Recall from Fig. 6 that small hot, it can cause irregularities in the
mixture during a long operation us- changes in the F/O ratio had drastic part geometries, while a cold torch can
ing a trivial correction. effects in rich conditions. The same cause a costly lost cut.
scatter is not visible at leaner condi- To this end, the inner cone resist-
Height Sensitivity to Flow tions because of the insensitivity to ance was not an ideal quantity for
the F/O ratio those conditions exhibit. sensing, because it was insensitive to
Figure 9 shows the outer cone re- the mixture over much of the range
sistance measured over a wide range of Sensing the Preheat Mixture studied here. Instead, negative satura-
flows. At stoichiometric conditions, a tion current, I1, offered a preferable al-
10% increase in flow caused about a The section titled height sensitivity ternative. The electrical current at
10% decrease in outer cone resistance. to mixture provides a method for us- which the sleeves surface saturates


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Fig. 10 Negative saturation current plotted against the F/O ratio. Fig. 11 Plate saturation resistance vs. total flow rate.

was certain to be a strong function of ror in the Regime 1 and 2 resistance the surface area of the flames lumi-
the temperature and concentration of measurements. nous zone that washes over the
ions at the sleeve surface. Once aware of the phenomenon, coupons surface.
Figure 10 shows the saturation cur- this effect was easily avoided by taking To investigate the effect, some
rent plotted vs. the F/O ratio at vari- intermittent mixture measurements equivalent of RIC for the plate surface
ous standoffs. Even while the inner during a preheat operation. These con- were considered
cone resistance is relatively flat, I1 ditions can be relied upon to have the
demonstrates a strong dependence on workpiece in a stable location a short R3 = R3 ROC (8)
the F/O ratio while remaining insensi- distance from the torch with excellent
tive to standoff. Measurements of I1 engagement between flame and work. which was the component of the
sensitivity to flow showed sensitivities effective resistance after saturation oc-
no larger than 0.5 A per ft3/h (1 A Sensing Preheat Flow curred that was not due to the outer
per L/min). If nothing was known cone.
about the flow, these sensitivities That none of the measurements Figure 11 shows the results plotted
could not be ignored. If mixture ad- discussed so far bore a strong depend- against flow for selected mixtures and
justments are made while making even ence on flow was helpful to our ap- standoffs. Despite the scatter, there
a meager attempt to preserve total proach. However, it left few options was an excellent correlation between
flow, they are justifiably neglected. but to turn to the dubious class of flow and electrical engagement with
measurements that rely on the work- the work. However, without a theoret-
Mixture Errors at High Standoff piece to serve as the primary sensing ical basis for confidence in the meas-
surface. For a given mixture, the urement, the scatter was sufficient to
Using a saturation current method strongest impact that flow will have is cast doubt on its feasibility in practice.
to detect the mixture can work with to elongate the flames luminous zone. Further work is required.
very little knowledge of the torch loca- It seems reasonable to conjecture that
tion relative to any other electrode. something similar would happen to Surface Irregularities
However, there are extreme cases the flames electrical structure.
when a neutral or stoichiometric Equation 1 uses a resistance, R3, to The appearance of repeatable out-
flames short outer cone fails to engage characterize the continued rise in cur- liers along the bottom of the plot be-
with the work; the outer cone resist- rent after the positive saturation. In lied the ambition that this measure-
ance can actually grow to overwhelm some conditions, this behavior was ment might be insensitive to the plate
the inner cone resistance. In these nearly negligible. In others, it was condition. The measurements were
conditions, the change in the voltage- more substantial than the saturation shown in the legend in the order they
current characteristic becomes quite current itself. The author has offered were taken. Some of the data collected
subtle, instead of the severe changes some explanation for the behavior in this study took the plate surface to
shown in Fig. 3, and the saturation (Ref. 21), but it remains to be seen its melting point, after which small
current becomes difficult to determine whether this is correct. Though the beads of molten metal were allowed to
with any certainty. To illustrate this present study offers no means to freeze on the plates surface. Those
point, the error bars in Fig. 10 were quantify the effect, the rise of current formed a complex surface geometry
approximated by presuming a 5% er- in Regime 3 seems to correlate with that seemed to have burned off at high

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Fig. 12 Positive saturation current vs. plate surface temper Fig. 13 Positive saturation current vs. plate surface tempera
ature plotted for four data series. Data series 2 and 4 were ture for all data collected at 0.23 in. standoff. The F/O ratio was
conducted with F/O ratio 0.55, flow rate 20 ft3/h (9.4 L/min), not controlled. Flow was not controlled for the black diamonds.
and standoff 0.23 in. Series 3 was conducted with an elevated
F/O ratio 0.70, and series 1 was conducted while varying assessing the level of are the only results that show chrono-
standoff to control plate temperature. oxidation, scale, or logical sensitivity. In data series 1, the
other potentially un- height of the torch was varied. In the
flow rates, creating the hysteresis loop desirable impurities other experiments, the plate coolant
formed by the white circles. on a workpiece. was varied.
It is possible that an alternative Were one to approach the question Given the shape of the trend and
method could be developed by which without data to act as a guide, there is the temperatures involved, it is possi-
the torch is lowered until the R3 values good reason to speculate that floating ble that thermionic emission may have
stabilize to some large threshold. The potential might bear a good sensitivity been responsible for the abrupt rise,
implications on flame length could be to plate temperature. Measurements or a cold plate could have been cooling
interpreted as an indirect measure- showed the floating potential varied the plasma and retarding the rate of
ment of flow without dependence on between about 0.5 to 1.0 V, and plots ion bombardment. It is difficult to per-
the work surface, but no such investi- controlling for plate temperature im- form even an order-of-magnitude ap-
gation was performed in this study. plied a modest positive correlation. proximation of thermionic emission
However, the extreme scatter was currents since the phenomenon is
discouraging. It is possible that chemi- widely known to be sensitive to sur-
Plate Temperature cal action at the plate surface may be face roughness and composition, nei-
Measurement influencing the measurement, so we ther of which is well controlled in this
were compelled to abandon it for the experiment. While it seemed unlikely
Attempts to measure the work tem- present purpose. However, if chemical to be the direct cause for changes in
perature using electrical characteris- action contributed to the floating po- saturation, it should also be noted that
tics were frustrated by the same severe tential, it may prove an excellent indi- the melting temperature for the steel
sensitivities to the surface condition cator for the burning rate in a cut. used was usually reported to be about
as the flow measurement, but the situ- Figure 12 shows the positive satu- 1440C.
ation was helped somewhat by the im- ration current for four data series in To give some indication of the re-
portance of plasma and plate tempera- which the plate temperature was al- peatability of these measurements, Fig.
ture in shaping the positive satura- lowed to vary. Because all other data 13 shows positive saturation current
tion. In the course of this investiga- showed a strong dependence on the plotted for all data collected throughout
tion, floating potential, Regime 3 re- mechanical condition of the plate sur- the entire study, 0.23-in. (5.8-mm)
sistance, and positive saturation cur- face, these data series were organized standoff without regard to F/O ratio,
rent were examined as possible means by the order they were taken. Each and the order of collection or plate sur-
for detecting plate temperature. data series represented consecutive face condition. The white circles repre-
Regime 3 resistance formed a scat- measurements that were collected sent all data collected at the 20 ft3/h
ter that seemed to be more predomi- without removing the torch from the (9.4 L/min) flow rate. Black diamonds
nantly determined by the plate surface coupon. No care was taken to control included all flows ranging from 15 ft3/h
roughness than anything else. As a the plate condition between data se- (7.1 L/min) to 30 ft3/h (14.2 L/min).
happy accident, this may actually offer ries. Similar controls were used in all While the level of scatter was not partic-
a controller the means for qualitatively other data presented here, but these ularly encouraging, it was not unman-


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ageable given that a preheat process will The preheat fuel-oxygen ratio can Formation of ions in flames. Combustion
exhibit far more parametric stability be sensed via the negative partial satu- and Flame 1(4): 385403.
than is represented here. A more trou- ration current. This measurement was 8. Mott, C., Chouinard, A., and Hard-
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Patent 2,364,645.
that the kindling temperature of steels weakly sensitive to flow rate. Provided
9. Anderson, N. 1960. Method and ap-
in atmospheric oxygen has been report- the measurement is performed with a paratus for automatic torch positioning.
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2500F (1371C) (Ref. 22), a range gests that better than 0.025 error in 10. Rado, W. 1974. Characteristics of a
where these data show little sensitivity. the ratio is possible. plasma generated by combustion in a spark
Inspection of the characteristic The piecewise linear model for ion ignition engine. Journal of Applied Physics
curves like those in Fig. 3 failed to sup- currents seemed to be inadequate in 46(6): 24682474.
port the notion of a well-defined Regime 3. A more complete electrical 11. Henein, N., Bryzik, W., Abdel-
abrupt transition like the negative sat- model for the workpiece surface might Rehim, A., and Gupta, A. 2010. Characteris-
uration. Instead, the curves were much offer calibrated measurements for flow tics of ion current signals in compression ig-
nition and spark ignition engines. SAE Inter-
more gradual and never seemed to and plate temperature.
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be blamed for the scatter or not re- the flame, but it did have the effect of using an ion current sensor in diesel en-
mains to be seen, but the piecewise lengthening the outer cone. Though its gines. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas
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an excellent correlation to flow, but tion and modern boilers. Journal of Physics
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14. Platvoet, E., and Baukal, C. 2013.
from dependency on the physical con-
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the feasibility for measuring standoff Work temperature seemed to be 15. Chorpening, B., Thornton J., Hucka-
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electrical characteristics. Methods for saturation levels. While this is clearly oscillation monitoring using flame ioniza-
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additional work characterizing the further investigation. The data collect- 16. Marcum, S., and Ganguly, B. 2005.
work saturation phenomena is neces- ed thus far were not sufficient to place Electric-field-induced flame speed modifi-
sary before they will be practical. confidence in the measurement tech- cations. Combustion and Flame 143: 2736.
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be extensible to any torch with a simi- References flame. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
lar geometry. Acetylene single-piece 41(1): 338343.
tips may pose the most interesting 18. Stolin, B., and Brown, R. 1974.
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CHRISTOPHER REED MARTIN ( is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Penn State University, Altoona College, Altoona Pa.

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Laser VisionBased Detection of

Weld Penetration in GTAW
An inspection method was proposed to monitor weld penetration
for investigating the control of weld defects


(Refs. 37), radiography (Refs. 8, 9),

ABSTRACT infrared sensing (Refs. 1012), ultra-
sonic (Refs. 1316), magnetic detec-
In automatic gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), incomplete joint weld penetration, ex
tion (Ref. 17), acoustic measurements
cessive weld penetration, or weld pool collapse may occur due to changes in welding
conditions or weld structures so that the required weld integrity cannot be assured. In (Refs. 18, 19), and weld pool oscilla-
order to realtime monitor the weld penetration to prevent these defects, an innovative tion (Refs. 2023). Nacereddine et al.
method was proposed that detects the dynamic change of the reflection image area (Ref. 24) used the radiographic sensor
(RIA) for the laser pattern reflected by the specular weld pool surface. The dynamic to automatically detect the weld de-
change in the RIA was found to be determined by the weld pool surface, which was in fects, which was considered as a non-
turn determined by the weld penetration. Because of this physics mechanism, the RIA destructive examination method.
demonstrated two peaks that corresponded to the occurrences of the complete joint However, radiographic sensors can-
penetration and excessive penetration, respectively. This unique characteristic eases the not be installed on weld lines to sup-
determination of the weld penetration status based on a simple analysis of the one port online detection. Ultrasonic
dimensional RIA signal. Further, in comparison with the computation of the 3D surface
method lacks a visual record and re-
of the weld pool, the RIA was computed simply by image binarization. The proposed
method is not only innovative and physics based but also easy to implement online in quires highly skilled operators to per-
real time. Experiments and comparative analyses from highspeed and backside images, form defect recognition, although it is
weld beads, and RIA signals verified the physics mechanism and the effectiveness of the being widely implemented due to its
proposed method. flexibility and lower cost (Ref. 14).
Carvalhoa et al. (Ref. 25) used the
magnetic testing method to inspect
KEYWORDS pipeline weld defects and recognize
the defect pattern. However, this
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Weld Penetration Laser Vision method was limited to ferromagnetic
Image Processing Weld Pool Surface
materials for off-line detection. Alfaro
et al. (Ref. 26) utilized the infrared
Introduction cause defects when using welding pa- sensor to measure weld penetration by
rameters predetermined from nominal real-time monitoring the weld pool
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is conditions. These defects include in- temperature, but the temperature gra-
a major arc process for precision join- complete joint weld penetration, ex- dient of the weld pool was extremely
ing in reactor pressure vessels, nuclear cessive weld penetration, weld pool high. To use the measurement to de-
power plants, and other industries due collapse, and porosity. Repairing is not rive the weld penetration, the point
to its ability to produce high-quality preferred because of the high costs as being measured must be accurately po-
welds (Ref. 1). However, it is conven- well as the increased production time. sitioned. In practice, an error can be
tionally performed by skilled human Equipping machines/robots with expected under the varying condi-
welders who can adapt to the varied adaptation abilities appears to offer a tions. Tao et al. (Ref. 27) investigated
welding conditions and control weld better solution but presents technical acoustic emissions to detect welding
quality timely and correctly. As labor challenges. porosity and incomplete joint weld
costs and a shortage of skilled welders Adaptation ability depends on the penetration using the amplitude and
continuously increase, automated availability of methods that can detect centroid frequency of acoustic emis-
GTAW becomes urgent (Ref. 2). Unfor- possible weld defects. They can espe- sion. This method requires noise re-
tunately, in the absence of human cially detect the weld penetration to duction as well as an efficient and fast
adaptation, varying or inconsistent meet the minimal requirement for data processing system when welding
conditions such as in joint geometry, weld integrity. Possible methods in- defects are encountered.
root opening, and mismatch will likely clude the following: machine vision Recently, Zhang et al. (Ref. 28) pro-


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posed an alternative method to sense

weld penetration based on arc voltage,
and obtained the step-by-step pulsed
gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW-P)
complete joint weld penetration. Yoo
et al. (Ref. 29) had monitored the in-
tensity of arc light caused by pool os-
cillation and then ensured the weld
penetration status in step-by-step
GTAW. Shi et al. (Ref. 30) had pro-
posed a new method to detect pool os-
cillation frequency, and identified the
weld penetration. However, it is diffi-
cult to separate the characteristic sig-
nal from the small variations in the arc
voltage, which can be easily disturbed. A B
Those methods can only detect the
partial and complete joint penetration.
Vision sensing methods have great-
ly improved our abilities to monitor
the welding process to prevent certain
defects (Ref. 31). However, for real-
time detection during welding, the
ability of conventional vision method
is affected by the strong arc light and
the specular weld pool surface. The
weld pool surface that can reflect weld
defects cannot be clearly imaged. Fur-
thermore, the process to extract fea-
ture signals of weld defects from the
weld pool images is complex and time-
consuming. To overcome such short- C D
comings, an innovative inspection
method was proposed in this work to
detect the weld penetration status to Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the correlation between the characteristic of reflection
prevent possible incomplete joint weld laser stripes, weld pool surface, and weld penetration in stationary GTAW.
penetration, excessive weld penetra-
tion, or weld pool collapse. 32) first proposed the basic method, real time.
The objective of this study was to es- and it was developed by the University Figure 1 depicts the correlation of
tablish the experimental system and ac- of Kentuckys Zhang and Saeed et al. the change in reflection laser images
quire the characteristic signal from the (Refs. 33, 34) as well as Song et al. and the weld pool surface as well as the
reflection laser images by the developed (Refs. 35, 36) to monitor the weld pool weld penetration in stationary GTAW.
image processing algorithm, which rep- surface. In their method, a dot matrix In this case, five laser stripes were pro-
resents the weld penetration status. laser pattern was projected onto the jected onto the weld pool surface. Their
Verification experiments were then con- weld pool surface, which was specular reflections from the weld pool surface
ducted, and the correlation between the and reflected as a mirror. The reflec- gathered as the weld pool surface con-
characteristic signal and the weld pene- tion of the projected laser pattern cavity and its back-side width increased
tration status was derived. from the weld pool surface was used to when the penetration status changed
compute the 3D weld pool surface and from partial to complete joint and ex-
Proposed Method estimate the weld penetration as well cessive. However, as the back-side
as control it (Refs. 3741). However, width of the weld pool further in-
The proposed laser vision-based the computation for the weld pool sur- creased to the level comparable with
method monitors the change in the re- face was relatively complex. The novel- the top-side width of the weld pool, an
flection laser stripes on the imaging ty of our proposed method lies in cor- excessive weld penetration level, the
plane that reflects the variation of the relating the reflection characteristic to gathered laser stripes on the image
weld pool surface to determine/esti- the status of the weld penetration started to disperse with a larger curva-
mate the weld penetration status from partial, complete joint, excessive, or ture because of the more concave pool
partial, complete joint to excessive, or weld pool collapse without actually surface. Hence, the number of the pix-
pool collapse. The principle can be il- computing the 3D weld pool surface. els of the reflection laser stripes in a
lustrated in Fig. 1. As a result, the status of the weld pen- given area on the image varies accord-
To this end, Kovacevic et al. (Ref. etration can be determined rapidly in ingly during the penetration develop-

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Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of an experimental system. Fig. 3 Flow chart of the image processing algorithm.

ment process as the reflection changes The imaging plane (a thin glass with a Image Processing Algorithm
from gathering to dispersing. To simply sheet of white paper attached) was
and quickly achieve the change in the used to intercept/image the reflection A novel, specific image processing al-
laser stripe characteristics, the sum of laser stripes. The corresponding high- gorithm that can quickly address the
the gray value of the pixels (SGVP) in a speed camera can take 60 to 1800 pic- specific characteristics of the reflection
given area on the reflection image was tures at one second. The direct current laser images and the particular informa-
computed and used to reflect the electrode negative (DCEN) GTAW tion of our concern was developed.
change in the reflection, and the without filler metal was used to per- Figure 3 shows the principle/flow-
change in the weld penetration status. form bead-on-plate experiments on chart of the proposed algorithm con-
It had been demonstrated that the con- type 304 stainless steel sheet with di- sisting of the following: image prepro-
vexity of the weld pool surface closely mensions 100 50 2 mm. cessing, selecting the region of inter-
correlated with the back-side width of The welding direction is the negative est (ROI), and identifying and record-
the weld pool (Refs. 4042). y axis in Fig. 2. The welding torch was ing the two characteristic peaks that
perpendicularly installed and kept sta- are to be detailed in later experiments.
Experimental tionary during the welding process In the image preprocessing section,
while the workpiece was moving. The linear grayness conversion was utilized
Experimental System travel speed was controlled by a com- to enhance the contrast of the reflec-
puter-assisted servomotor. The welding tion laser stripes from the back-
Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of torch, laser generator, and imaging ground. A homomorphic filter was
the system that real-time monitors the plane were carefully aligned. To reduce used to reduce/eliminate the effect of
laser stripes reflected by the weld pool the influence of strong arc light, the the noises produced in the background
surface. The system includes a struc- high-speed camera was fitted with a such as signal transmission, experi-
tured-light laser generator, an imaging composite filter lens that most of the ment surroundings, and strong arc
plane, two GZL-CL-22C5M-C high- interference of arc radiation, which was light. Because the change of the ROI
speed cameras, and cameras 1 and 2 distributed along the entire visible was represented by the SGVP defined
produced by Point Grey Research Co. wavelength spectrum, was effectively in the experimental system section,
While camera 1 captured the reflec- filtered out. The sampling frequency of the reflection laser image was further
tion laser stripes, camera 2 captured two cameras were the same at 200 Hz. binarized to easily calculate the gray
the back-side surface of the workpiece Pure argon was used as the shielding gas value. The selection of the ROI (a rec-
to observe the actual weld penetration at a flow rate of 10 L/min. The system tangular window) was crucial for effec-
status. A 50-mW Stocker Yales was programmed to simultaneously tively processing the image to extract
LasirisTM SNF continuous illumination capture the weld pool reflection and the relevant information.
laser with variable focus was utilized workpiece back-side images as well as While a larger rectangular window
to generate the five-line laser pattern. control the workpiece movement. (e.g., rectangle 1 in Fig. 4) increases


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Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of the ROI selection. Fig. 5 Flow chart of the adaptive selection of the ROI.

the processing time, a too small win- were reflected by the weld pool surface feasibility of the proposed weld pene-
dow (e.g., rectangle 3 in Fig. 4) would and imaged on the plane. tration monitoring method and image
lose the characteristic information re- Compared with the algorithm pro- processing algorithm. The parameters
flecting the variation in the weld pool. posed in Ref. 30, which was utilized to for the six representative experiments
Hence, in this work, a special algo- extract the weld pool oscillation fre- corresponding to different cases to be
rithm was developed to adaptively se- quency in GTAW, this algorithm discussed in detail are listed in Table 1.
lect the ROI, as shown in Fig. 5. As can processed the images simply and Meanwhile, the verified back-side im-
be seen, by finding the upmost, lower- avoided the errors caused by the devia- age of the weld pool was captured to
most, leftmost, and rightmost bright tion that the laser stripes were reflect- calculate the times when complete
points, the ROI of a rectangle can be ed on the relative side of the image joint weld penetration and excessive
adaptively defined. Furthermore, the plane. In addition, this algorithm over- weld penetration occurred.
running time of this algorithm was the comes the blindness of first selecting
shortest, which will be demonstrated the rectangular window for correcting Stationary GTAW Experiment
by later experimental data. the reflection laser image.
In particular, as shown in Fig. 5, after The images shown in Fig. 6 (weld-
searching and ensuring the four charac- ing current was 70 A) start at the 9th s
teristic points, the rectangular window
Experimental Results during the experiment. The laser
would be acquired and its four sides and Discussion stripes reflected by the weld pool sur-
should be located in the above recorded face are shown in Fig. 6A while the
point respectively, such as rectangle 2 in A series of stationary and traveling workpiece back-side images are shown
Fig. 4. Thus, this rectangular window GTAW experiments have been con- in Fig. 6B.
can encompass all the laser stripes that ducted to verify the effectiveness and Figure 6A gives three apparent ob-

Table 1 Welding Parameters

Welding and Laser Parameters

Welding Distance from the Distance from the Center of the Angle of the Laser Arc Length/ Welding Traveling
Condition Weld Tungsten Axis to Laser Generator to the Center Projected to the mm Current/A Speed/mms1
the Imaging Plane/mm of the Weld Pool Surface/mm Weld Pool Surface (deg)

Stationary 50 40 30 5 70 0
Experiment 50 40 30 5 75 0
50 40 30 5 65 0
Traveling 50 40 30 5 70 1.3~1.0~0.8
Experiment 50 40 30 5 67 2.5~2.3~2.0
50 40 30 5 63 2.3~2.0~1.7

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point. Hence, the divergence of the re-

flection, from frame (g1) to (j1), re-
flects the change of the focal point to
become more deviated toward the re-
flection mirror or the increase of the
concavity degree. The increased con-
cavity degree was caused by the in-
creased back-side free surface, i.e., the
increased weld penetration. Hence, the
divergence of the reflection from
frame (g1) to (j1) reflects the increase
in the weld penetration.
C The back-side images in Fig. 6B,
captured from camera 2, which was
Fig. 6 Sampled images in the stationary experiment. Starting at the 9th s with the sam placed in the yoz plane (shown in Fig.
pling interval 0.5 s. 2) at 30 deg with the z axis from be-
hind, show the variation of back-side
servations: 1) the number of the re- creased its concavity degree. Before high-temperature region of the work-
flected stripes that were imaged in- the back-side of the workpiece be- piece. As the weld penetration in-
creased from three to four in frame comes free surface, the liquid metal in creased, the variation of the high-tem-
(c1); 2) the reflected stripes gathered the weld pool, due to the increased perature region also extended. When
and changed to a spot in frame (e1) volume because of the thermal expan- the workpiece is just penetrated, only
and then were separated in frame (h1) sion, could only elevate from the work- a little liquid weld metal may exceed
and clearly separated in (i1); 3) the piece. The weld pool surface must be beyond the bottom of the workpiece,
number of the identifiable reflected convex unless the arc force creates a as can be seen in Fig. 6B frame (d2).
stripes became five in frame (i1). local concavity. The weld pool surface In the zoomed-in images shown in
While the projected laser has five may become globally concave only af- Fig. 6C, the red and green lines, re-
stripes, only those projected on the ter the back-side surface of the work- spectively, represent the high-temper-
weld pool surface were specularly re- piece becomes a free surface that is no ature region edge of weld metal and
flected and imaged. Observation 1 longer able to constrict the weld pool the edge of liquid metal exceeding the
clearly suggests that the weld pool sur- metal. Hence, the contraction of the workpiece bottom surface that was
face had been increased from the time reflection laser stripes not only re- also the back-side surface edge of the
of frame (a1) (t = 9 s) to intercept flects that the weld penetration be- weld pool. Figure 6C frame (e2) shows
three stripes to the time of frame (c1) came complete, such that the back- that parameters h and w were utilized
(t = 10 s) to intercept four stripes. side surface was free, but also that the to represent the height and width of
What is interesting is that, while concavity degree or the back-side free the liquid metal exceeding the bottom
the weld pool surface has been in- surface increased, i.e., the weld pene- of the workpiece, respectively. The ex-
creased and more stripes were inter- tration increased. ceeding liquid metal increased as the
cepted as explained, the image region When the concavity degree further free surface on the bottom of the
of the reflection laser stripes was de- increased, the focal length of the con- workpiece increased, i.e., as the weld
creased. When the incident light was cave reflection mirror (weld pool sur- penetration increased. From the
unchanged, the reflected pattern was face) reduced to deviate the focal point zoomed-in frames (d2~f2), it was easi-
only determined by the shape of the from the imaging plane toward the ly found that h and w both increased
reflection mirror, which was the weld mirror. While the light (reflection of as the weld penetration increased.
pool surface in this case. This clearly the laser stripes) converged before the This is understandable because when
suggests that the reflection mirror in- focus point, it diverged after the focal the arc force, which tends to press the


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Fig. 7 The change of the RIA in the stationary experiment (welding current was 70 A): A Original; B fivepoint smooth filtered.


Fig. 8 The change of RIA in the stationary experiment (welding current was 75 A): A Original; B fivepoint smooth filtered.

liquid metal beyond the bottom of the paper, is suggested to first increase as the focal point moved away from the
workpiece (if it has become free liquid the weld pool surface increases such imaging plane when moving toward
surface), remains the same, an in- that more laser stripes are reflected, the reflection mirror. The laser reflec-
creased free bottom surface, i.e., an in- and then decrease as the reflection tion diverged again but from the focal
creased penetration, an increased mirror (weld pool surface) changes point. Because of the divergence, the
gravity, will allow the liquid metal to from convex to concave such that the RIA increased as the focal points
move further beyond the bottom of reflection becomes from divergent to moved toward the weld pool surface
the workpiece. convergent, as the weld penetration when the weld penetration increased.
An easy way was needed to conve- increases. After the concavity increases to a de-
niently and accurately detect the After the mirror surface became gree such that the concavity becomes
changes of the weld penetration status concave, the reflection became conver- deep, some reflection will be blocked
for real-time control. To this end, we gent and the focal point moved toward by the workpiece such that the RIA
proposed to compute the area of the the mirror as the concavity degree in- will decrease. As such, we expect that
reflected laser on the image. We have creased (as the weld penetration in- the RIA will demonstrate a twin peaks
proposed, in the image processing al- creased). When the focal point moved characteristic during the complete
gorithm section, to binarize the image to the imaging plane, all the laser re- joint development process of the weld
to separate the laser reflection from flection converged to form a very penetration. For the stationary experi-
the background such that the SGVP bright area. While this area was very ment designed to examine this entire
can be used to measure the total area bright, its area became minimum be- process, the authors expect to observe
on the image that intercepted the re- cause of the best focus. Then, as the this phenomenon.
flected laser. This area, referred to as weld penetration increased such that Figure 7A shows the change of the
the reflection image area (RIA) in this the concavity degree further increased, RIA during the stationary experiment.

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Fig. 9 The change of RIA in the stationary experiment (welding current was 65 A): A Original; B fivepoint smooth filtered.


Fig. 10 Reflection image series during the weld penetration establishment process with a moving workpiece. The image sampling inter
val was 0.5 s.

The adaptive ROI selection, proposed in used to monitor the status of weld then decreased to 1.0 mm/s to run 2 s,
the image processing algorithm section, penetration in stationary welding. and finally decreased to 0.8 mm/s to
was used to obtain the ROI within last to the end of the experiment in or-
which the binarization was performed der to obtain an excessive weld penetra-
and the sum of gray value of pixels was Traveling GTAW Experiment tion or weld pool collapse. The images
counted as the area for the RIA plotted presented in Fig. 10 start 1 s before the
in Fig. 7A. Figure 7B shows a filtered In stationary GTAW, the fluid flow speed is changed to 1.0 mm/s.
RIA during the experiment. It was clear status and weld pool surface geometry Figure 11A plots the change of the
that the twin peaks characteristic in- were relatively stable such that the laser RIA characteristic on the reflection
deed exists in the penetration develop- stripes may be reflected and intercepted laser image with the time. Figure 11B
ment process as analyzed above. with desirable regularity. The RIA was gives the weld bead on both sides with
To convincingly show this inherent also easy to obtain. Verification experi- the first vertical line representing
characteristic of the RIA with varying ments have also been conducted to veri- where the tungsten axis (arc center)
weld penetration, results from two ad- fy the phenomenon observed earlier was when the welding started, the sec-
ditional experiments with a different from the stationary experiment, as well ond vertical line representing where
welding current are shown in Figs. 8 as our observations and analyses as the the speed was changed to 1.0 mm/s,
and 9. effectiveness of the proposed image and the third line representing where
Observations of Figs. 8B and 9B processing algorithm. Now the question the speed was changed to 0.8 mm/s.
showed the twin peaks were clearly is if all these will hold for a moving When the travelling speed is 1.3
seen in the welding process as the weld welding process where the weld metal mm/s (frame (a) and to (b) in Fig. 10,
penetration increased despite differ- fluid flow and the weld pool surface first second in Fig. 11A, and the seg-
ent welding currents that generated may be less stable and more complex. ment before the first and second verti-
different arc forces acting on the weld To answer this question, experiments cal lines from the left), the weld pene-
pool and produced diverse weld pool with varying travel speed have been tration was partial. After the speed
geometry. In addition, these two peaks conducted using the parameters given was decreased to 1.0 mm/s, the pene-
were easily distinguished from the en- in Table 1. Because of the movement, tration changed from partial to com-
tire change of the RIA. Hence, this the images can be mapped, in time, to plete joint (between the second and
characteristic of the RIA is inherent the back-side weld bead that better third vertical lines from the left in Fig.
for the penetration development showed the change of the weld penetra- 11B and the period from t = 2 to 4 s in
process, independent from the adap- tion than the back-side surface image. Fig. 11A, and frame (c) to (f) in Fig.
tive ROI selection that only reduced In the moving experiment with 70 A 10). This can be easily seen from the
the computation to improve the real- welding current, the travel speed was back-side weld bead in Fig. 11B. Figure
time ability to implement, and can be first set at 1.3 mm/s to run 4.6 s, and 11A suggests that the first peak of the


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Fig. 11 The traveling experimental result (speed 1.3~1.0~0.8 mm/s): A The change of RIA; B weld bead.

Fig. 12 The traveling experimental result (speed 2.5~2.3~2.0

mm/s): A The change of RIA; B weld bead.

RIA, at which the convexity of the plies that the focal point is at the im- one can expect that the second peak of
weld pool surface reaches its maxi- aging plane. The concavity of the weld the RIA should occur before the time
mum, occurs less than 1.0 s after the pool surface was large but not too ex- of frame (h), i.e., less than 1 s after the
speed decreases. This should be the cessive to block the laser reflection. speed is decreased to 0.8 mm.
moment at which the complete joint The weld penetration should be signif- Figure 11A shows that the second
penetration was sufficiently estab- icant but not yet excessive. This can be peak occurs approximately 0.6 s after
lished, such that the free surface on verified from the back-side weld bead the speed decreases at t = 3 s in Fig.
the bottom can allow the liquid metal in Fig. 11B. 11B. Of course, this further increase of
to move beyond the bottom surface to During the welding period with the concavity was a result of the fur-
off-set the increase in the volume speed at 0.8 mm/s, the back-side weld ther increase in the weld penetration.
thermal expansion. The complete joint pool shape between the third vertical As can be seen from Fig. 11B, the pen-
penetration must have been estab- line and the rightmost vertical line in etration indeed becomes larger on the
lished before this moment. Fig. 11B and the typical frame (g) of right of the last (from left) of the ver-
As can be seen from the back-side Fig. 10, combining the change of the tical line. An excessive weld penetra-
weld bead in Fig. 11B, the complete SGVP in the RIA in Fig. 11A (t > 3 s) tion occurred but no melt-through
joint penetration indeed happens in showed that the weld penetration fur- occurred.
the first half of this 2-s period. In Fig. ther increased. This implies that the The welding current and welding
10, the laser reflection is more concen- concavity will further increase, and it speed significantly affected the arc
trated in frame (d) than that in frame becomes possible that the focal point stability and the liquid metal fluid
(c). This again suggests that at the moves away from the imaging plane flow, which, in turn, determined the
time of frame (d), the convexity of the toward the weld pool surface such that geometry of weld pool surface and the
reflection mirror has been reduced the reflection on the image starts to characteristics of the reflection laser
from that at the time of frame (c). At diverge. This is clear in Fig. 10 where stripes. Hence, to test if this character-
the time of frame (f), the laser reflec- an increasing reflection divergence can istic of the reflection laser stripes was
tion has been well converged. This im- be observed after frame (h). As such, also produced in different traveling

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GANG ZHANG, YU SHI (, YUFEN GU, DING FAN, and MING ZHU are with the Status Key Laboratory of Advanced Process
ing and Recycling Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, China.

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Interface Evolution in Aluminum Alloy/

Uncoated Steel Arc Welds

New findings on spalling phenomena and mechanisms when Zn15% Al and

Al12% Si fluxcored welding wires are deposited on five types of steel sheets


termetallic compounds spalling into the

ABSTRACT weld was observed in the joint between
5A02 aluminum alloy and stainless steel
Zn15% Al and Al12% Si fluxcored welding wires were deposited on five types of steel
(Refs. 5, 6). In our previous work (Ref.
(Q235 and ST16 carbon steel as well as 304, 410, and 430 stainless steel) sheets with differ
ent alloying elements content and microstructures using the gas tungsten arc welding 7), a laminar intermetallic compound
process. Lap joining 5052 aluminum alloy to ST16 low carbon steel and 304 stainless steel layer that peeled off from the interface
sheets was also conducted with these two welding wires. Spalling of the intermetallic com was detected when Zn-15% Al flux-
pounds (IMCs) layer occurred, and fine FeAlZn IMCs integrated with ZnAl solid solution cored welding wire was used to join
when Zn15% Al fluxcored welding wire was used. The results indicate that Cr in stainless 5052 aluminum alloy to Q235 steel
steel could effectively restrain the detachment of FeAlZn IMCs and growth of the interfacial sheets. In an immersion test between
layer compared to carbon steels. However, Cr could not restrain the spalling of FeAlSi IMCs. solid iron and molten aluminum,
The shape of IMCs containing Cr turned block like instead of needle like when Al12% Si flux Shahverdi et al. (Ref. 8) and Bouayad et
cored welding wire was melted on a stainless steel surface. Reducing welding heat input al. (Ref. 9) both found that the inter-
could completely suppress the spalling of FeAlZn IMCs, and the thickness of the interfacial
metallic compound layer cracked and
layer also decreased. However, reducing welding heat input could restrain but not
completely eliminate the spalling of FeAlSi IMCs. During welding, the arc should not peeled off into the aluminum side. The
directly exert on the steel surface, since the arc force could facilitate diffusion of Fe and Cr to influence of elements addition may play
the weld and promote formation of FeAlSi and FeAlZn IMCs. an important role.
In this paper, welding wires were de-
posited onto different types of steels
KEYWORDS with different alloying elements, con-
tent, and microstructure, and the lap
Aluminum Alloy Steel Arc Braze Welding (ABW) Microstructure joints between aluminum alloy and steel
Intermetallic Compound
sheets were made by the ABW process.
The influence of welding wire, composi-
Introduction join aluminum alloy to steel, and sound tion and microstructure of steel sub-
joints with a thin interfacial layer less strate, welding heat input, and arc force
Dissimilar metal joints between alu- than 1 m were obtained (Refs. 13). on the spalling behavior of Fe-Al-Zn and
minum alloy and steel combine low- However, the workpiece assembly dur- Fe-Al-Si intermetallic compounds was
density, high-specific strength, and ing FSW was not as flexible as with arc explored. The effect of these intermetal-
high-corrosion resistance of the two welding. Arc braze welding (ABW) is a lic compounds on the properties of lap
materials, which has been increasingly promising method to join aluminum al- joints was investigated as well.
used in manufacturing industries, such loy to steel, which can control the
as automotive, shipbuilding, and air- growth of intermetallic compounds ef- Experimental Procedure
craft. But the large differences between fectively. As Fe diffuses to the weld dur-
aluminum and steel in thermal-physical ing the arc brazing process, the spalling The materials used in this paper
properties and the formation of brittle behavior of Fe-rich intermetallic com- were 2-mm-thick 5052 aluminum alloy,
intermetallic compounds creates a chal- pounds is inevitable. Dong et al. (Ref. 4) 1.5-mm-thick Q235 steel, 1.0-mm-thick
lenge for joining these two materials. lap joined 5A02 aluminum alloy to ST16 steel, and 1.5-mm-thick 304, 410,
Efforts need to proceed to ameliorate Q235 steel with different types of weld- and 430 stainless steel sheets with di-
compatibility between the two metals ing wire. Needle-like Fe-Al-Si inter- mensions of 200 100 mm. The mi-
and suppress the growth of brittle inter- metallic compounds distributed in the crostructure of the Q235 steel sheet is
metallic compounds. weld, and higher Si content in the filler ferrite and pearlite. The German DIN
Solid state joining processes such as wire could suppress the spalling of the standard ST16 steel for the automobile
friction stir welding (FSW) were used to intermetallic compound. Block-like in- industry has a very low carbon content,


NIU 201673_Layout 1 4/10/17 4:20 PM Page 174


and the microstructure is almost ferrite.

The microstructure of German DIN A B
standard ST06 Z galvanized steel is fer-
rite with 7-m-thick zinc coating on the
surface. The microstructures of 304,
410, and 430 stainless steel are mainly
austenite, martensite, and ferrite, re-
spectively. The Zn-15% Al (Sun Kwang
Brazing Filler Metal Co., Ltd.) and Al-
12% Si (Shanghai Know-How Material
& Technology Co., Ltd.) flux-cored weld-
ing wires are cored with CsAlF4 and Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the following: A Depositing; B lap joining.
KAlF4 fluxes, respectively. The outside
diameter of the two types of filler wires
is 2 mm.
The nominal composition of alu-
minum alloy, steels, and welding wires
are listed in Table 1. The schematic dia-
gram of the depositing experiment is
shown in Fig. 1A. The welding wire was
melted by the arc and then deposited on
the surface of a steel sheet by the assis-
tance of flux, which was cored in the
wire. The welding place was in the mid- Fig. 2 Schematic of the specimen for a tensile shear test (dimensions in mm).
dle of the steel sheet along the length-
wise direction. The lap joining assembly was tested in a DNS100 universal test- lyzed with a Zeiss SUPRA55 field emis-
is shown in Fig. 1B. During welding, the ing machine with a strain rate of 2 sion scanning electron microscope
travel speed was 2 mm/s, the flow rate mm/min. To minimize the inherent equipped with energy dispersive X-ray
of argon was 10 L/min, and the arc bending stress in the overlap specimens spectrometer (EDS).
length was kept constant at 5 mm for during testing, a spacer plate was insert-
the convenience of wire feeding. Be- ed between each end of the sample and Results and Discussion
cause the melting point of the Al-12% Si the tensile test fixture to accommodate
welding wire (570C) is higher than that the sample offset. The tensile shear Depositing FluxCored Welding Wires
of the Zn-15% Al welding wire (440C), strength is the maximum load divided on Steel Sheets
the welding parameters were different by the length of the tested weld. Three
for the control of heat input into the replicates from each joint were prepared It is relatively easy to investigate the
weld pool. The flux-cored wire was con- to evaluate the average tensile shear interaction between the weld bead and
tinuously fed through wire drive wheels strength. The fracture surface was ana- different steels without the influence of
at a constant rate during welding.
The welding parameters for de-
Table 1 Nominal Composition of Aluminum Alloy, Steels, and Welding Wires (wt%)
positing and lap joining experiments
are listed in Tables 2 and 3. Before
Materials C Zn Cu Mn Cr Ni Ti Si Mg Fe Al
welding, the workpieces were polished
by a stainless steel brush to remove
5052 Al 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.18 0.02 0.11 2.15 0.42 Bal.
the oxide layer and then cleaned with
acetone to wipe off metal powder and Q235 0.12 0.23 0.03 0.08 Bal.
grease on the surface. ST16 0.002 0.12 0.02 0.06 0.002 Bal. 0.04
The cross sections of welded spec- 304 0.05 1.24 18.1 8.03 0.36 Bal.
mens were prepared to examine the 410 0.12 0.16 12.2 0.41 Bal.
macrostructure and microstructure of 430 0.11 0.28 16.1 0.22 Bal.
the joints. The optical microstructure Zn15% Al Bal. 0.50 0.02 15.0
was observed with a Leica MEF4 optical Al12% Si 0.20 0.30 0.15 1113 0.10 0.80 Bal.
metalloscope. The backscattered image
and elemental distribution were ob-
served with a Shimadzn EMPA-1600.
The electron beam spot for EPMA quan- Table 2 Parameters for Depositing Experiment
titative analysis was 1 m, and the
measurement error was less than 2%. Filler Wire Welding Wire Feeding Travel Speed
The dimensions of the specimen for Current (A) Speed (mm/s) (mm/s)
the tensile shear test are shown in Fig. Zn15% Al 30 8 2
2. The quasistatic tensile shear strength Al12% Si 40 10 2

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A B shown in Fig. 3. A thick intermetallic

compound layer formed close to the in-
terface, and both ends of the layer
flexed to the weld in Fig. 3A. Mean-
while, lots of lamellar intermetallic com-
pound layers distributed in the weld. In
Fig. 3B, one end of the thick intermetal-
lic compound layer still stuck to the in-
terface, and the other end of the inter-
metallic compound layer is curled. The
thickness of this layer is around 100
m. This phenomenon was also ob-
C D served in our previous work (Ref. 7),
which decreased the tensile strength of
the joint. However, the interfacial layers
only slightly spalled into the welds
when Zn-15% Al welding wire was de-
posited on stainless steels sheets as
shown in Fig. 3CE. No band-like inter-
metallic compound layer was observed
in the welds. The morphology and
spalling behavior of intermetallic com-
Fig. 3 Optical microstructure of de
pounds using Zn-15% Al flux-cored
E welding wire are summarized in Table 4.
positing Zn15% Al fluxcored welding
wire on: A Q235 steel; B ST16 steel; It seems that the carbon content and
C 304 stainless steel; D 410 stainless microstructure of steel have no influ-
steel; and E 430 stainless steel. ence on the spalling of intermetallic
compound layers. But Cr plays a signifi-
cant role in suppressing the detachment
aluminum alloy base metal during con- of intermetallic compound layers in the
ventional dissimilar metal joining of resultant joints (Fig. 3).
aluminum alloy to steel. The optical mi- Black interfacial layers marked as 1-
crostructure of resultant joints with Zn- A and 2-A were observed between
15% Al flux-cored welding wire is steels and welds in Fig. 4A, B. Accord-
ing to quantitative analysis, the inter-
Table 3 Parameters for LapJoining Experiment facial layers are confirmed as -
Fe2Al5Znx in Table 5 (Ref. 10). The
Filler Joint Specimen Welding Wire Feeding Travel Speed spalled intermetallic compound layers
Wire Type No. Current (A) Speed (mm/s) (mm/s) (1-B and 2-B) in the welds distributed
5052/ST16 #L1 50 7 1 discontinuously. They broke into
lap joint #L2 60 8 1 pieces integrating with Zn-Al solid so-
Zn15% Al lution like peeling off from the origi-
5052/304 #L3 50 7 1 nal interfacial layer according to their
lap joint #L4 60 8 1 shape. The dark intermetallic com-
pound layer spalled in the welds has a
5052/ST16 #L5 60 7 1 similar composition to the interfacial
lap joint #L6 70 8 1 layer. As Al is more active than Zn, Fe
Al12% Si
reacts with Al first during welding.
5052/304 #L7 60 7 1
lap joint #L8 70 8 1 The interfacial layer solidifies first be-
cause of its high melting point. The

Table 4 Morphology and Spalling Behavior of Intermetallic Compounds Using Zn15% Al FluxCored Welding Wire

C Content Cr Content Microstructure Thickness of IMC

Material (wt%) (wt%) of Steel (m) Spalling Behavior
Q235 0.12 0.03 Pearlite + Ferrite 20 Lamellar spallation
ST16 0.002 0.02 Ferrite 17 Lamellar spallation
304 0.05 18.1 Austenite 8 Partial bulges
410 0.12 12.2 Martensite 9 Partial bulges
430 0.11 16.1 Ferrite 8 Partial bulges


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Fe-Al intermetallic compound acts as a D E

diffusion barrier to suppress the reac-
tion between Fe and molten Zn (Refs.
10, 11). According to Nakamori et al.
(Ref. 12), when the Al concentration
in the weld pool is higher than 0.15
wt-%, the inhibition layer of Fe2Al5 can
effectively prevent the formation of
the Fe-Zn compound. As a result, no
Fe-Zn compound was found in the
welds. When the interfacial layer
grows thick enough, it becomes unsta-
ble and breaks into the weld pool. For
the sake of discontinuity of the spalled
interfacial layer, the liquid Al-Zn alloy
flows through the opening and facili-
tates the detachment. Since the cool-
ing rate is extremely fast during the
welding process, and the residual liq- Fig. 4 Electron backscattering micrograph of a weld with Zn15% Al fluxcored welding
uid Al-Zn alloy experiences nonequi- wire deposited on: A Q235 steel; B ST16 steel; C 304 stainless steel; D 410 stain
less steel; E 430 stainless steel.
librium solidification. The dark gray
phase (1-E and 2-E), with more than
50% Al, has a higher melting point, ac- process, two mechanisms have been Figure 4CE shows that the interfa-
cording to the Zn-Al phase diagram proposed to explain the formation of cial layers grew thicker and slightly
(Ref. 13). The light gray phase (1-D Fe-Zn intermetallic compounds (Ref. spalled into the weld in some loca-
and 2-D), with less than 35% Al, solid- 11). One is the Al-depletion model, in tions. The intermetallic compound in
ifies subsequently. The white Zn-rich which iron atoms diffuse across the Fe- dark interfacial layers (3-B, 4-B, and 5-
phase (1-C and 2-C) is pushed to the Al interface into molten Zn and Fe-Zn B) is confirmed as -[Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx in
grain boundary and solidifies last. intermetallic compound forms at the Table 3. The composition of the
When stainless steels were applied, a molten Zn/Fe-Al interface. Another is spalled Fe-Al intermetallic compound,
discontinuous white phase (3-A, 4-A, the Zn-diffusion model, in which zinc marked as 3-C, 4-C, and 5-C near the
and 5-A) formed on the steel side next atoms diffuse across the Fe-Al interface interfacial layers, is similar to that of
to the dark interfacial layers in Fig. to steel substrate and Fe-Zn intermetal- the interfacial layers. Because Cr has a
4CE. However, this phenomenon was lic compound forms at the Fe-Al/Fe in- similar atomic radius with Fe, they co-
not observed in the joints with low car- terface. The formation of white Fe-Zn exist in the intermetallic compound in
bon steels. The higher Si content in intermetallic compound is consistent a form of substitutional solid solution.
stainless steel substrate may have re- with the Zn-diffusion model. The Fe-Zn The diffusion coefficient of Cr in liq-
sulted in this consequence. According intermetallic compound is not homoge- uid Al is smaller than that of Fe (Ref.
to the Sandelin effect (Refs. 14, 15), the neous, so the quantitative analysis of 17), and the melting point of Cr is
increasing content of Si and P in base EPMA may be not be precise. But based higher than that of Fe. Consequently,
metal can promote the reaction be- on the study of the galvanizing process Cr had a significant effect on restrain-
tween Fe and Zn to form Fe-Zn com- (Ref. 16), the intermetallic compound ing the spalling of the interfacial layer
pounds. In the hot-dip galvanizing is most likely to be -FeZn13 compound. when Zn-15% Al flux-cored welding

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Fig. 5 Optical microstructure of deposit D E

ing Al12% Si fluxcored welding wire on:
A Q235 steel; B ST16 steel; C 304
stainless steel; D 410 stainless steel; E
430 stainless steel.

Table 5 Element Content and Possible Phase at Each Spot in Fig. 4 (at%)

Positions Elements Content (at%) Possible Phase

Al Si Cr Fe Ni Zn O

1A 66.610 0.129 0.005 27.076 0.013 5.318 0.849 Fe2Al5Znx

1B 62.679 0.397 0.015 28.063 0.000 7.503 1.343 Fe2Al5Znx
1C 8.571 0.098 0.000 0.438 0.003 80.899 9.991 ZnAl solid solution
1D 32.882 0.063 0.000 0.137 0.028 57.092 9.798 ZnAl solid solution
1E 50.900 0.049 0.022 0.108 0.007 40.091 8.823 ZnAl solid solution
2A 65.648 0.007 0.007 22.069 0.000 11.081 1.188 Fe2Al5Znx
2B 66.549 0.069 0.000 26.839 0.000 5.960 0.583 Fe2Al5Znx
2C 1.641 0.033 0.000 0.473 0.000 89.294 8.559 ZnAl solid solution
2D 32.893 0.031 0.018 0.132 0.027 57.790 9.109 ZnAl solid solution
2E 53.996 0.000 0.003 0.087 0.000 37.654 8.260 ZnAl solid solution
3A 2.035 0.686 11.342 53.559 3.120 25.712 3.546 FeZn13
3B 63.787 0.513 5.779 21.484 1.436 7.001 0.000 [Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx
3C 63.519 0.256 1.036 13.347 1.311 20.531 0.000 [Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx
3D 1.523 0.020 0.129 0.403 0.021 97.904 0.000 ZnAl solid solution
3E 45.762 0.072 0.071 0.113 0.095 53.887 0.000 ZnAl solid solution
3F 69.906 0.036 0.021 0.066 0.022 29.949 0.000 ZnAl solid solution
4A 2.115 1.383 10.127 59.525 0.020 23.705 3.125 FeZn13
4B 66.121 0.359 3.031 22.911 0.054 6.317 1.207 [Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx
4C 70.750 0.266 1.814 20.090 0.008 6.306 0.766 [Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx
4D 5.465 0.062 0.000 0.194 0.025 82.292 11.962 ZnAl solid solution
4E 39.195 0.076 0.004 0.265 0.000 50.623 9.837 ZnAl solid solution
4F 62.227 0.055 0.033 0.073 0.019 32.294 5.299 ZnAl solid solution
5A 1.697 0.382 9.569 55.518 0.073 28.352 4.409 FeZn13
5B 64.891 0.215 3.557 22.486 0.027 7.082 1.742 [Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx
5C 70.830 0.308 2.514 21.021 0.003 4.943 0.381 [Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx
5D 1.649 0.052 0.007 0.160 0.000 85.728 12.404 ZnAl solid solution
5E 41.020 0.046 0.021 0.034 0.010 50.113 8.756 ZnAl solid solution
5F 63.194 0.019 0.032 0.072 0.009 29.715 6.959 ZnAl solid solution


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wire was used. The rest of the Al-Zn al- D E

loy had the same solidification process
as that in low-carbon steels.
Figure 5 shows the optical mi-
crostructure of a weld with Al-12% Si
flux-cored welding wire deposited on
different steel sheets. A needle-like
phase grew from the interfacial layer
when low-carbon steels were used in
Fig. 5A, B. The needle-like phase exists
not only near the interface but in the
whole joints. With stainless steels, the
block-like phase instead of needle-like
phase distributes homogeneously in
the entire welds as shown in Fig.
5CE. The morphology and spalling
behavior of intermetallic compounds
using Al-12% Si flux-cored welding
wire are summarized in Table 6. It Fig. 6 Electron backscattering images of the weld by depositing Al12% Si fluxcored
seems that the shape change of a spe- welding wire on: A Q235 steel; B ST16 steel; C 304 stainless steel; D 410
cific phase is not caused by carbon stainless steel; E 430 stainless steel.
content and microstructure of steel
substrates, but by Cr diffusing from layers marked as 1-A and 2-A in Fig. es in the welds (1-B and 2-B) have
the stainless steel substrate. 6A, B are very thin and confirmed as lower Fe content so as to form 6-
The morphology of spalled inter- 5-Fe2Al7Si (Refs. 19, 20), based on the FeAl4Si phase (Refs. 19, 20). The dark
metallic compound layers using Al- quantitative analysis in Table 7. The gray zone (1-C and 2-C) in the joints
12% Si flux-cored welding wire differs formation of needle-like intermetallic consists of the -Al and Al-Si binary
from that using Zn-15% Al flux-cored compounds depends on Fe diffusion. phase, which is not homogeneous due
welding wire Fig. 6A, B. The IMCs The farther from the interface it is, to nonequilibrium solidification.
grew from the interfacial layers like the less Fe content it has. The branch- The Cr in stainless steel substrate
stems and lots of cracks were identi-
fied in the branches, while Al-12% Si
Table 6 Morphology and Spalling Behavior of Intermetallic Compounds Using Al12%
flux-cored welding wire was melted on Si FluxCored Welding Wire
low-carbon steels. Song et al. (Ref. 18)
calculated the formation enthalpy of Material C Content Cr Content Microstructure Thickness of IMC Spalling Behavior
Al-Fe-Si ternary intermetallic com- (wt%) (wt%) of Steel (m)
pound, and indicated that the forma-
tion enthalpy of Al-Fe-Si ternary Q235 0.12 0.03 Pearlite + Ferrite 5 Needlelike spallation
phase was lower than that of the the ST16 0.002 0.02 Ferrite 4 Needlelike spallation
304 0.05 18.1 Austenite 16 Blocklike spallation
Fe-Al binary phase. So Si in welding
410 0.12 12.2 Martensite 10 Blocklike spallation
wire can decrease the formation en- 430 0.11 16.1 Ferrite 9 Blocklike spallation
thalpy of the IMC layer. The interfacial

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the weld is 6-[Fe, Cr]Al4Si compound,

A B as shown in Table 7. The thickness the
of interfacial layer is about 15 m. The
blocky gray phase (4-C and 5-C) in
the weld is 6-[Fe, Cr]Al4Si as well.
During welding, Fe and Cr diffuse
from the steel to the weld pool under
the heating of arc. The Al-[Fe, Cr]-Si
ternary intermetallic compound with
the higher melting point cannot grow
continuously to form dendrite, but nu-
cleates in the weld pool to form a
D block-like or flower-like phase. The
C rest of the dark gray zone (3-C, 4-D
and 5-D), which consists of the -Al
and Al-Si binary phase is inhomoge-
neous under nonequilibrium solidifi-

Lap Joining of Aluminum Alloy

to Steel Sheets

Fig. 7 Microstructure of the following: A 5052/ST16 lap joint with a welding current Lap joints of 5052 aluminum
of 50 A; B 5052/ST16 lap joint with a welding current of 60 A; C 5052/304 lap joint alloy/ST16 steel sheets and 5052 alu-
with a welding current of 50 A; D 5052/304 lap joint with a welding current of 60 A. minum alloy/304 stainless steel sheets
were made with the GTAW. Zn-15% Al
cannot restrain the spalling of inter- Fig. 6C. The interfacial layer (3'-A) con- and Al-12% Si flux-cored welding wires
metallic compounds, but just changes sists of 5-[Fe, Cr]2Al7Si, the same as the were used to investigate the spalling of
their shape, compared to that using Zn- lumpy zone (3-B) growing from the in- Fe-Al-Zn and Fe-Al-Si intermetallic
15% Al flux-cored welding wire. When terface Fig. 6. compounds. The microstructure of
the flux-cored welding wire was deposit- In the welds with 410 and 430 joints #L1#L4 (Table 3) with Zn-15%
ed on a 304 stainless steel sheet, the stainless steels, the interface is com- Al welding wire is shown in Fig. 7.
thickness of the interfacial layer reached posed of two layers (Fig. 6D, E). The The welding current for joints be-
20 m and a large amount of blocky in- one sticking to the steel is [Fe, Cr]2[Al, tween 5052 aluminum alloy and ST16
termetallic compounds grew from it Si]5 compound, and the other close to steel sheets (#L1) is 50 A, and the

Table 7 Element Content and Possible Phase at Each Spot in Fig. 6 (at%)

Positions Elements Content (at%) Possible Phase

Al Si Cr Fe Ni Zn O
1A 68.271 12.404 0.004 19.321 0.000 0.000 0.000 5Fe2Al7Si
1B 63.977 21.482 0.000 14.380 0.016 0.000 0.145 6FeAl4Si
1C 98.020 1.929 0.004 0.043 0.000 0.004 0.000 Al + AlSi eutectic
2A 67.531 12.816 0.000 19.027 0.000 0.027 0.599 5Fe2Al7Si
2B 66.158 17.956 0.001 15.103 0.022 0.005 0.755 6FeAl4Si
2C 96.328 1.590 0.000 0.105 0.008 0.000 1.969 Al + AlSi eutectic
3A 63.822 13.389 4.976 17.192 0.570 0.051 0.000 5[Fe, Cr]2Al7Si
3B 62.061 16.812 5.432 15.273 0.422 0.000 0.000 5[Fe, Cr]2Al7Si
3C 66.692 32.731 0.031 0.178 0.091 0.000 0.277 Al + AlSi eutectic
4A 55.154 16.485 3.890 24.299 0.038 0.019 0.115 [Fe, Cr]2[Al, Si]5
4B 70.993 12.303 3.160 13.544 0.000 0.000 0.000 6[Fe, Cr]Al4Si
4C 70.607 12.985 3.115 13.169 0.002 0.000 0.122 6[Fe, Cr]Al4Si
4D 60.995 37.521 0.009 0.139 0.010 0.000 1.326 Al + AlSi eutectic
5A 59.457 12.537 4.969 22.986 0.051 0.000 0.000 [Fe, Cr]2[Al, Si]5
5B 70.311 13.850 3.104 12.735 0.000 0.000 0.000 6[Fe, Cr]Al4Si
5C 70.502 13.825 2.905 12.768 0.000 0.000 0.000 6[Fe, Cr]Al4Si
5D 93.915 5.760 0.017 0.214 0.000 0.012 0.082 Al + AlSi eutectic


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thickness of the interfacial layer is 14

m Fig. 7A. When the welding cur-
rent increases to 60 A, the thickness of
the interfacial layer is about 20 m,
and spalling behavior of the inter-
metallic compounds is quite obvious
Fig. 7B. An 80-100-m-thick
spalling intermetallic compound layer
was observed above the interface. Lots
of intermetallic compound strips dis-
tributed over this layer, which indicat-
ed that reducing welding heat input
can also restrain the spalling of the Fe-
Al-Zn intermetallic compound. The
welding current for joints between the
5052 aluminum alloy and 304 stain-
less steel sheets (#L3 and #L4) are 50 Fig. 8 A Backscattered electron image of
and 60 A, respectively. The interfacial a fusion brazed joint between 5052 aluminum
layer is thinner than that of the joints alloy and ST16 steel sheets with a welding cur
between 5052 aluminum alloy and rent of 60 A; B magnified view of zone P.
ST16 steel sheets. No spalling inter-
metallic compound was found in the
weld Fig. 7C, D. Consequently, A B C
when Zn-base welding wire was used,
Cr in the stainless steel could com-
pletely restrain the spalling of Fe-Al-
Zn intermetallic compounds and the
growing of the interfacial layer.
Figure 8 shows the backscattered
electron image of the joint between the
5052 aluminum alloy and the ST16 steel
sheets (#L2) with a welding current of D E F
60 A. According to the quantitative
analysis in Table 8, the interface (L2-A)
is probably to be -Fe2Al5Znx inter-
metallic compound with a thickness of
15 m. Most researchers believe that
the reaction between Fe and Al follows
parabolic kinetics (Refs. 9, 21, 22).
Bouch et al. (Ref. 21) reported that the
diffusion rate of Al is faster than that of
Fe. As a result, Al crosses the interface Fig. 9 Backscattered electron image and EPMA element distribution maps of the
fusionbrazed joint between 5052 aluminum alloy and 304 stainless steel sheets with a
reacting with Fe, and the -Fe2Al5Znx welding current of 60 A.
interfacial layer grows into the steel
substrate. Small Zn-rich spots appear

Table 8 Quantitative Analysis Results of Each Point in Figs. 8 and 9

Position Composition (at%) Possible Phase

Al Si Cr Fe Ni Zn Mg

L2A 64.973 0.026 27.544 7.394 0.063 Fe2Al5Znx

L2B 57.730 0.040 15.120 26.650 0.460 Fe2Al5Znx
L2C 10.250 0.210 3.100 86.440 Znrich solid solution
L2D 2.589 0.001 0.188 90.207 7.015 Znrich solid solution
L2E 77.638 0.013 0.087 22.172 0.090 ZnAl solid solution
L4A 70.300 0.627 4.602 19.809 1.782 2.873 0.007 [Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx
L4B 2.687 0.038 0.385 1.785 0.167 94.938 Znrich solid solution
L4C 2.136 0.018 0.013 0.100 0.049 97.588 0.096 Znrich solid solution
L4D 79.000 0.029 0.077 0.027 20.809 0.058 ZnAl solid solution

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rich solid solution to form a layer. Al-

though the welding heat input of the
lap joint between the 5052 aluminum
and the ST16 steel sheets with welding
current of 60 A was three times larger
than the depositing experiment, the
Fe2Al5Znx intermetallic compound was
still fine, and the finer zone was beyond
the analyzing ability of equipment in
Fig. 8B. Because the arc did not exert on
the steel sheet directly, the diffusion of
Fe and the growth of intermetallic com-
pound are restrained, leading to this
phenomenon. Except for the spalling in-
termetallic compound layer, the weld
consisted of Zn-Al solid solution (L2-C
and L2-D), which experienced nonequi-
A B librium solidification Fig. 8.
Figure 9 shows the backscattered
Fig. 10 Backscattered electron image of: A Lap joint between 5052 aluminum alloy electron image and the element distri-
and ST16 steel sheets with a welding current of 70 A; B lap joint between 5052 alu bution maps of the joint between
minum alloy and 304 stainless steel sheets with a welding current of 70 A.
5052 aluminum alloy and 304 stain-
less steel sheets (#L4). The thickness
of the interfacial layer is about 10 m,
consisting of Fe, Cr, Al, and Zn. Ac-
cording to the quantitative analysis in
Table 8, the interfacial layer (L4-A)
could be the -[Fe, Cr]2Al5Znx inter-
metallic compound. Fe and Cr were
not spalling into the weld, and the
thickness of the interfacial layer was
thinner than that in the joint between
the 5052 aluminum alloy and ST16
steel sheets. This phenomenon indi-
cated that Cr in the stainless steel base
A B metal can restrain the spalling of Fe in
the Zn-Al alloy and the growing of the
Fig. 11 Tensile shear curves for samples #L1L8. interfacial layer. Lots of Zn-rich spots
(L4-B) appeared above the interfacial
above the interface and connect to each terfacial layer. layer and formed a layer. It seems that
other, forming a discontinuous layer. Based on Fig. 8B, it can be seen that the Zn-rich phase hardly permeated
Some Zn-rich strips also exist inside the the dark zone (L2-B) is the -Fe2Al5Znx into the interfacial layer, because few
interface. Thick intermetallic compound intermetallic compound, while the Zn-rich strips exist in the interfacial
layer spalled above the interfacial layer white zone (L2-C) is the Zn-rich solid layer Fig. 9.
Fig. 7B. It seemed that the Zn-rich solution according to the quantitative The lap joint between 5052 alu-
phase penetrated into the interfacial analysis in Table 8. The shape of the minum alloy and ST16 steel sheets
layer, and it made the -Fe2Al5Znx inter- Fe2Al5Znx intermetallic compound was (#L6) and that between 5052 alu-
metallic compound peel off from the in- irregular, which integrated with the Zn- minum alloy and 304 stainless steel

Table 9 Quantitative Analysis Results of Each Point in Fig. 10

Position Composition (at%) Possible Phase

Al Si Cr Fe Ni Mg
L6A 65.993 6.089 27.892 0.026 Fe2[Al, Si]5
L6B 70.711 18.837 10.221 0.231 6FeAl4Si
L6C 97.728 1.802 0.029 0.441 Al solid solution
L6D 78.431 20.899 0.028 0.642 Al + AlSi eutectic phase
L8A 72.356 9.289 5.102 13.032 0.172 0.049 5[Fe, Cr]2Al7Si
L8B 67.978 21.122 0.666 9.901 0.152 0.181 6Fe Al4Si
L8C 98.515 1.207 0.022 0.037 0.014 0.205 Al solid solution
L8D 73.165 26.303 0.050 0.041 0.050 0.391 Al + AlSi eutectic phase


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Fig. 12 Fracture location of joints between 5052 aluminum alloy and ST16 steel sheets with a welding current of: A 50 A; B 60 A.

sheets (#L8) are shown in Fig. 10. Ac-

cording to the quantitative analysis in Table 10 Tensile Shear Strength and Fracture Path of FusionBrazed Joints
Table 9, the interfacial layer of joint
#L6 (L6-A) is Fe2[Al, Si]5 intermetallic Filler Wire Joint Type Joint No. Tensile Shear Strength Fracture
(N/mm) Location
compound, while that of joint #L8
(L8-A) is 5-[Fe, Cr]2Al7Si intermetal- Zn15% Al 5052/ST16 lap joint #L1 164 Interface
lic compound. In the lap joining uxcored #L2 222 Weld
process between aluminum alloy and ller wire 5052/304 lap joint #L3 224 Interface
steel sheets, no matter if low-carbon #L4 276 Interface
steel or stainless steel was applied, Al12% Si 5052/ST16 lap joint #L5 146 Interface
uxcored #L6 136 Interface
the spalling intermetallic compound
ller wire 5052/304 lap joint #L7 238 Weld
in the weld (L6-B and L8-B) is 6, dif- #L8 302 Weld
fering from the depositing experi-
ment. However, in our previous study
(Ref. 6), a block-like intermetallic Table 11 Analysis Results in Dierent Positions on Fracture Surface in Fig. 13 (wt%)
compound containing Cr was found
in the joint between 5052 aluminum Position Mg Al Si Cr Fe Ni Zn
alloy and 304 stainless steel sheets F1 0.02 15.54 0.08 73.92 10.44
with Al-12% Si filler wire. This phe- F2 0.04 0.19 0.11 99.05 0.61
nomenon is related to the welding arc F3 0.24 43.34 0.05 0.29 56.08
directly exerting on the steel sheet. In F4 0.03 50.38 0.30 7.69 31.46 2.61 7.53
the depositing experiment, the arc F5 0.17 58.46 6.91 34.46
force directly acts on the steel sheet, F6 0.09 5.14 0.61 94.16
resulting in severe diffusion of Fe and G7 0.48 83.55 5.83 1.96 7.61 0.66
Cr into the weld. As a result, the in-
termetallic compound containing Cr strength of joint #L2 with a welding
Mechanical Property
nucleates first and grows into an ir- current of 60 A is 35% higher than that
regular blocky phase. In the lap join- of joint #L1 with a welding current of
The tensile shear strength and frac-
ing process, the arc points to the alu- 50 A. The joint #L2 fractured at the
ture location of each joint are listed in
minum side with an angle of 10 deg. weld root where defects exist Fig.
Table 10, and the tensile shear curves
Although the welding heat input for 12B. This phenomenon indicated that
are shown in Fig. 11, respectively. The
the lap joint is three times larger than the fine -Fe2Al5Znx and Zn-rich phase
lap joint between 5052 aluminum alloy
the deposited sample, less Fe diffuses mixed the structure of spalling inter-
and ST16 steel sheets with a welding
into the weld and Cr is barely found metallic compound layer and interfacial
current of 50 A (#L1) fractured along
in the weld because the arc force did layer can intensify the bonding strength
the interface Fig. 12A. The fracture
not exert on the steel directly. The of the interfacial layer. The typical qua-
morphology and EDS results of typical
dark gray zone in the weld (L6-C and si-cleavage fracture feature with slip
joints are shown in Fig. 13 and Table 11.
L8-C) consists of -Al solid solution, zones and tear edges is observed on the
The fracture surface consists of the Fe-
while the light gray zone in the weld fracture surface of joint #L2 Fig. 13B.
Al-Zn intermetallic compound (F1) with
(L6-D and L8-D) consists of -Al solid The joints between the 5052 aluminum
lots of cracks on the surface Fig. 13A.
solution and Al-Si eutectic phase alloy and 304 stainless steel sheets (#L3
In some locations, the interfacial layer
Fig. 10. This segregation is caused by and #L4) fractured along the interface.
peels off, and the ferritic grain (F2) is ex-
the rapid cooling of the weld pool. The tensile shear strength is 2436%
posed. The average tensile shear

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Fig. 13 Fracture surface of: A joint #L1; B joint #L2;

C joint #L4; D joint #L6; E joint #L8.

ly fractured along the detected on the fracture surface (F7),

interface, while the so the crack initiation regions could be
joints between the 5052 the needle-like Fe-Al-Si intermetallic
aluminum alloy and 304 compound. In our previous work, the
stainless steel sheets needle-like Fe-Al-Si intermetallic com-
(#L7 and #L8) fractured pound spalling into the weld brought a
at the weld root where negative effect to the tensile strength
defects exisisted. The of the joint (Ref. 23).
thickness of the interfa- In general, intermetallic com-
cial layer of joint #L6 is pounds easily spall when the joints
similar to that in joint between the aluminum alloy and low-
#L8. However, the ten- carbon steel sheets are made with Zn-
sile shear strength of 15% Al welding wire, but the tensile
higher than that of the joints between joint #L8 is 122% higher than that of shear strength is 1263% higher than
the 5052 aluminum alloy and ST16 joint #L6, which means the bonding that using Al-12% Si welding wire.
steel sheets, which reflects that the strength of the 5-[Fe, Cr]2Al7Si inter- The residual stress in joints between
bonding strength of the -[Fe, facial layer is higher than that of the aluminum alloy and stainless steel
Cr]2Al5Znx interfacial layer is higher Fe2[Al, Si]5 interfacial layer. The frac- sheets using Zn-15% Al welding wire
than that of the -Fe2Al5Znx interfacial ture surface of joint #L6 is shown in is higher than that using Al-12% Si
layer. The fracture surface of joint #L4 Fig. 13D. The bulges (F5) are the resid- welding wire. Cracks often generate
consists of the Fe-Cr-Al-Zn intermetal- ual interfacial layer consisting of the in the weld root. The tensile shear
lic compound (F4). Fe-Al-Si intermetallic compound. The strength of joints between aluminum
When the Al-12% Si flux-cored flat region (F6) is the surface of the alloy and stainless steel sheets using
welding wire was applied, the joints steel sheet. The fracture surface of Zn-15% Al welding wire is 610%
between the 5052 aluminum alloy and joint #L8 showed quasi-cleavage frac- lower than that using Al-12% Si weld-
ST16 steel sheets (#L5 and #L6) main- ture characteristic in Fig. 13E. Fe was ing wire.


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SONG NIU, HONGGANG DONG (, and PENG LI are with the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Dalian Univer
sity of Technology, Dalian, China.

184-s WELDING JOURNAL / MAY 2017, VOL. 96

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