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Kessler, R. (2004).

Collaborate with employees to make your competency-based

systems stronger. Employment Relations Today, 31 (3) pp. 27-32. (AR27544)

Collaborate with employees to make your competency-based systems stronger

Robin Kessler
Employment Re/ations Today; Fall2004; 31, 3; ABIIINFORM Global

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the ne.xt few months. The increase in compe ensure their employees know which compe
tency use is also evident if you look at online tencies are critica! for their performance
sites. In the last year, it is clear that more appraisals. Using online resources, employees
organiz.ations are including competencies can easily access the list of competencies
when they Jist their positions at job-search managers will use in behavioral interviews
Web sites like Monster. for intemal promotion possibilities. In many
But are these systems working as wel1 as cases, employees receive charts and bro
they should? Al:e there ways that leading chures describing competencies and individ
edge organizations can make their compe ual competency-based applications. In the
tency-based systems even more effective? most sophisticated organizations, employees
usually know about the competency-based
WHAT'S MISSING? system and individual competency-based
applications like behavioral interviewing, but
Managers and consultants usually make the they are rarely, if ever, taught to make the
decision to use competency-based systems system work for them.
because they see it as a way to help them For the whole system to work more effec
irnprove the overall performance of their tively, employees need to be taught how to
employees. Competency-based systems can thrive in a competency-based system. In
also give senior managers a way to help addition to the current top-down approach to
change the mission of the organization-for competencies, organiz.ations should be collab
example, from lowest-cost producer to high orating with their employees to encourage
est-quality producer-by focusing on develop- their commitment to the program. Organiza
tions need to begin working more directly
with employees to support their competency
0-qait.:w& rteed t.,. !P.. (l.f.{).lk.tq- rno.-'l.e cf;,..ed)..lf -w..ih.
based systems. When individual employees
erq.Jo'f'*'-s t> M'("{"Yd lhe/4 ''""'pd'"''ra!R.d ;.d.eflM.
focus on the organization's competency goals,
the entire organization will achieve those
ing (or recruiting) the competencies needed goals much faster and more effectively.
to make the new mission successful.
Even the best competency-based systems Partnering with Emp!oyees
are top-down in their focus. The human
resources or organizational development We have identified six important reasons why
managers responsible for designing and main employers should consider collaborating with
taining the competency-based systems and their employees to make their current compe
individual competency-based applications tency-based systems work more effectively,
make sure employees know the key compe and these are described below:
tencies for their positions and do a good job
of communicating any changes. Employees l. Improve competency 1eve1s (aster. The proba
are given access to directories or online bil.ity of success in improving the compe
sources that describe what wouJd be required tency levels of an entire department or
to reach a higher level in each key compe workforce is greater if individual employ
tency area. Managers make an effort to ees are working toward the goal of mov-

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ing to higher competency levels. Clearly, employees are working to develop their
the more efficiently employees work competencies in the areas that are the
toward their goals, the faster the goals of most critical to the customers.
the entire organization wiJl be achieved. 4. Empower employees an.d improve mora/e. lf
Most managers have not yet recognized employees u.nclerstand what they can do
how much they could improve the compe to actively manage their careers in a
tencies of their employees simply by hav competency-based systern, they are much
ing them develop competency-based more likely to buy into the system and
rsmns and trainL"'lg them to thrive in a
competency-based system. Cm-plr>'f'24- ,weJ l> wo.,J. ""'"'J-'J i#'JVI'Wbvf tlm4 GWH-b.utU
2. Provide employers with better information l#t. flt;z. ltetarJ
rxo.mpdefl.Cled.f.()l], ff,e;A tw.! !.iiiOff.J.,
about the competencies of their employees. If dep.w,.(;,&dd, a..u!. cvzcpnlm.
employees are asked to provide the orga
nization with in.formation about their be connnitted to making it work.
accomplishments in each competency Employees need to work toward improv
area, employers are likely to d.iscover ing their own levels in the relevant com
some employee strengths they did not petencies for their individual positions,
realize they had internally. This can be departments, and organizations. Employ
done by developing strong, competency ees will be more committed to the suc
based internaJ, employee profiles, cess of the organization's coi:npetency
or data sheets. If these are devel based system if they:
oped, managers will have better, more
Understand how to improve their
accurate information before making deci chances of achieving a positive perfor
sions about work assignments and promo mance evaluation based on competen
tional opportunities. cies;
3. Enable companies to sell their services more
Increase the probab!ity of being cho
effectively to competen cy-based customers. sen based on targeted accomplish
For cornpan.ies providing services to com ment statements shown on com
pet.ency-based organizations like JPMor petency-based intemal for an
gan Chase, Anheuser Busch, A.uerican interview for a promotion; and
Express, or BP, .it is important to think Prepare more effectively for an inter
about showcasing the competencies of the na! behavioral interview.
proposed project team in the rsums or 5. Support diversity efforts. By train
data sheet being provided as part of the ing and coaching to help employees
bid package. Developing high-quality com u.nderstand how the system works, an
petency-based rsums '"'i.ll help ensure increasingly diverse wor kforce will be
that the customers understand how the exposed to what they need to do to suc
competencies of the team will work to ceed. In essence, demystifying what it
help their organization and will give your takes to get ahead clarifes the rules for
organization an edge if you are competing everyone-without regard to race, sex,
for a significant contract. For outsourced national origin, disability status, or age.
providers, it is also important that By explaining to employees what it takes

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to be successful in a competency-based be developed by individual employees ( or
system, employees have a more even play by the organization) using word-processing,
ing field to start from. More employees database, or spreadsheet sofn.,are or by the
have a chance to be successful, and more organizati.on. Employees need to be trained
types of employees will be successful. t.o identify accomplishments related to rele
6. Improve quality of succession planning and vant competencies and how to write good
employee development. The better the quality accomplishment statements.
of in.formation managers have about the O Develop competency-based rsums and
competencies of their employees, the more keep them updated to be ready lar new
likely they are to do a good job with succes opportunities within the organization. Com
sion planning. If employers have access to petency-based rsums simply make
information about employee accompHsh- sense for all who want to app1y to work
for a competency-based organiz.ation or
to be considered for better opportunities
. !k o!J t='f" o/r J"'/iw altead '''"'f mt /;e M e/!Rdir,.
within their current organization.
tttnde);., #.e /1IU(j. (.(J.(Jip o./ apbtaiiJ-.q- t flte w()Jz.h.,al.aee.
Because managers will be screening and
i...'lter viewing candidates based on the rel
ments-listed competency by competency evant competencies, employees stand a
they are more likely to choose the best better chanpe to get selected for inter
qualified canclidates to be prom.oted. views and the position .if thei.r rsums
l\1anagers can identify competency gaps hghlight ther accomplishments in the
and areas that need to be strengthened and critica] competency areas. This is a new,
develop training, coaching , and work fresh approach to writing rsums. Com
assignments to help meet these needs. petency-based rsums will give man
agers better information about the
What Emp!oyees Should Do to Manage Their strengths of their employees in the areas
Own Careers that are the most important to predict
their future success.
Most employees have no idea that with the O Dewlop critica) competencies to a higher
change to a competency-based system they leve!. When employees know whch com
need to start about managing their pete.ncies are critica! to their success in
own careers clifferently. Because competency their current positions, they can Iook for
based systems even the playing field, the old opportunities to build these competencies
ways of getting ahead may not be as effective through assign.ments, training, coaching,
under the new ways of operating in the or mentoring within the organization.
workplace. They can also develop their
So what can employees do to manage their outside the organization through volunteer
own careers clifferently? Here are severa] sug work, teachli1g, or taking classes at a col
gesti.ons: lege, university, or trade school program.
O Identify and overcome competency gaps. It is
O Set up and use a system to track competencies important for employees to also he think
and accomplishments. A tracking system can ing about the competencies t.hey need for

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their current positions but have not devel managers know when they have done par
oped to the level required to be success ticularly good work and what they want
ful. When an employee is transferred to do in the future. No matter how good
from engineering to sales, it is reasonable employees are, if they are not to
for the sales manager to e.-pect compe advocate for themselves or enlist a man
tency gaps in certain of the competencies ager to advocate for them, they will be
required to be successful in sales. When passed over. So what's changed? In a com
employees recognize their own compe petency-based system, employees need to
tency gaps, they can collaborate with their be more st:rategic about making sure that
managers to develop a plan to overcome the accomplishments they emphaslze with
the gaps through targeted work assign their direct manager and other key deci
ment.s, coaching, mentoring, training, or sion rnakers relate to the critica! compe
attending a class sponsored by an outside tencies for their current positions-or the
organization. positions they want to be considered for
O Add new competencies that might be crilical in the near future.
in future positions. The sav-viest employees O Submit an updated list of their latest accom
in a competency-based organization are plishments, listed by competency area, to
going to be the ones w ho dentfy the managers before each perfonnance apprmal.
positions they are interested in moving About a month before the performance
into in the future, and work to deve1op
the competencies required to be success 4 .Jh-,,J;uurA. :'f!pfYll fwn' tlw J.afda,u - ,, &-t,d
ful in the new position. Many hardwork aped r:;,;p:1,. /Uf#f, if tire, ei1!f.e.e, M .t-11-r211.a0?4 6-?Jrp;..g. tire
ing employees focus on dolng their cur Cifl'P"';.i;a/. u ,,.,.
rent jobs to the best of their abilities and
have assumed that their managers will appraisa1, employees should provide their
take care of them when there is an oppor managers with a Jist of their accomplsh
tunity to be promoted. This approach may ments for the last year by competency
not work as weJJ for thern under a more area. Ideally, they should run a report
sophisticated competency-based system. from their competency tracking system
In a competency-based system, the listing these accomplishments. They
employees need to recognize early that shotlld read the report, ed5t .it, and add
developing the competencies required for relevant inforrnation. A standardized
promotional opportunities is at Jeast partly report from the database could be devel
their responsibility-they need to advocate oped and run by the employee or manager
for themselves to make sure they get the before the appralsal is written. This
assigm:nents and training to enable them should be done in addition to any
to have significant accomplishments in the employee questionnalres currently
right competency areas. required by the organization. This could
O Promote their careers by maldng sure key work to help employees receive better
managers know ther competencies. Most eva1uations because it would ensure the
upwardly mobile employees have figured manager has the critica] information
out that they need to make sure their about the competency-based accompllsh-

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ments written from the perspective of the being asked to collaborate or partner with
empioyees. Knowin.g how much progress their managers to make the entire organization
the employees feel they have made over stronger and more competitive for the future.
the J.ast year on relevant competencies Provide training or individual coaching on
would give managers additional informa how to write a competency-based rsurn or
tion to con.sider and help them be more data sheet. It is importan! to remember that
effective in writing the final evaluations. many good employees are not good writers
and will probably need some help developing
What Employers Can Do the hlgh-quality, competency-based accom
plishment statements and rsums that will be
Collaborating wth emp!oyees to make your the most helpful to managers. Once the
competency-based systems stronger and more employees have developed the first interna!
effective simply makes sense. Human rsu1ns, consider dentfying a resource
resources and organization development man withln the company to monitor the quality of
agers need to encomage employees to active! y the writing and provide assistance.
try to develop their competencies to support Collaborating with your employees will
the organization's goals. Line and staff man make your competency-based system even
agers should understand the benefits to their more successful. Structure your con_petency
ovm departments and make eve1Y effort to based system the new way and encourage
support the idea of more activeiy collaborating your employees to actively work to develop
wU1 employees to improve the competency key competencies. As the employees become
levels of their depa:rtments. more competent, the organization will become
Consider offering the employees training on more competitive. You will have helped your
how to thrive in a competency-based organiza organization develop the right competencies to
non. Make sure employees know that they are be ready for future opportun.ities.

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