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CERTIFICATE Candidates observation

(2009 specification) sheet


Sheet number 1 of __7__

Student name ______________________________________ Student number _________________

Place inspected ____________________________________ Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Priority /
Observations Control measures Timescale
Hazards and consequences (H, M, L) Immediate and longer-term actions

1. Handrail at the entrance to the building Make a temporary repair until a Immediate
has become un-attached at the base. welder can be arranged to repair the
(Tripping hazard). M rail.
Arrange for a qualified welder to make 1 week
a permanent repair of the handrail.

2. An emergency exit was locked, due to Remove padlock and unlock the door. Immediate
students misuse. Reinforce the correct way to the door. Immediate
(Fire Safety) Find alternative security 1 Month
Monitor the door usage and report to 6 Monthly

3. There is no log of any fire drills being Carry out an immediate fire Immediate
carried out, in the past year. evacuation and begin training for staff
(Fire Safety) and students.
Test fire alarms regularly. Weekly
Arrange training for staff. 6 Monthly
Brief students on fire evacuation drill. daily

4. Students have misused some fire Replace/Refill the low extinguishers. Immediate
extinguishers, resulting in LOW OR NO Replace/Repair the security tags on Immediate
pressure. the triggers.
(Fire Safety) H Arrange form more secure storage. 1 Week
Implement harsh disciplinary action 1 Month
for misuse of this equipment.
Monitor for compliance. Monthly

5. There are only water extinguishers Borrow an extinguisher from Immediate

available, even though there are electrical elsewhere in the building (ONLY if
items used within the centre. able to).
(Fire Safety) Ensure all electrical equipment it shut 1 Week
down at the end of the day.
Purchase own extinguisher(s) 1 Month

6. The centre cleaner is storing equipment Unlock door. (See serial 2) Immediate
between the (locked) fire door and the door H Remove all equipment. Immediate
that leads outside. Provide suitable and safe storage. 1 Month
(Fire Safety)
CERTIFICATE Candidates observation
(2009 specification) sheet


Sheet number 2 of __7__

Student name ______________________________________ Student number _________________

Place inspected ____________________________________ Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Priority /
Observations Control measures Timescale
Hazards and consequences (H, M, L) Immediate and longer-term actions

7. Cleaners and spray bottles left sitting on Remove all fluids and containers from Immediate
the floor under wash hand basin, gathering the floor and dispose of unlabelled
dust. Some without labels. bottles. Review
(COSHH Regs). Always ensure chemicals can be monthly
identified and are stored

8. The cleaner is using a brush to sweep a Do not sweep whilst the students are Immediate
very dusty corridor. there.
(Workplace Regs) Lightly spray the floor prior to being Daily
cleaned, thus suppressing the dust.
Use or purchase an industrial vacuum 1 Month

9. Trailing cable on the floor, near the Remove the cable whilst the students Immediate
tutors table, which runs the length of the are in class.
middle of the classroom for computer. Purchase a cable cover. 1 Week
(Electricity Regs and Trip Hazard) Run the cable along the wall. 1 Month

10. Some of the students are sitting on Remove all the damaged chairs. Immediate
damaged chairs, due to student misuse Borrow chairs from other rooms. As needed
possible injury. M Replace with more robust and 1 Month
(Workplace Regs) suitable chairs.
Monitor for further damage. Weekly

11. Some of the students desks are Remove the damaged desks. Immediate
broken, with some protruding screws/nails M Repair the desk tops, where possible. 1 Week
possible injury. Replace with more durable and 1 Month
(Workplace Regs) suitable desks.

12. A 10 metre extension cable to the Remove the extension cable. Immediate
desktop is mostly coiled and connected the Move the desk close to the mains 1 Day
mains power supply (cable is warm) M socket, so no extension is required.
potential fire hazard, Purchase a sorter extension cable. 1 Week
(Electricity Regs)

13. The corridors are often wet, due to Ensure that towels are available. Immediate
students washing their hands, with no Only allow the students access during 1 Week
towels to dry and also so playing with M lessons.
water. Possible injury. Implement a no water bottle in the 1 Month
(Workplace Regs and Slip Hazard) corridor policy.
CERTIFICATE Candidates observation
(2009 specification) sheet


Sheet number 3 of __7__

Student name ______________________________________ Student number _________________

Place inspected ____________________________________ Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Priority /
Observations Control measures Timescale
Hazards and consequences (H, M, L) Immediate and longer-term actions

14. There is no first aid box within this Borrow one from another wing if Immediate
wing. Furthermore, the tutors and students possible or let everyone know where
do not know where to find one. M their nearest one is.
(First Aid Regs) Purchase a first aid box for the wing. 1 Week
Instigate regular usage checks. Monthly

15. Some of the tutors leave VDUs on at Inform all staff members to power Immediate
all times. down the equipment at the end of
(Fire Safety) each day.
Staff to check each others rooms. 1 Day
Instigate a rota for staff to do a close 1 Week
down rota.

16. The equipment that belongs to the Equipment should be PAT tested. Immediate
training site is not PAT tested regularly. A PAT testing register should be 1 Week
(Electricity Regs) M implemented.
Equipment to be tested regularly by a 1 month
competent person. (start)

17. The toilet and wash facilities are often To be cleaned and restocked more 4 Hourly
dirty, with no paper, soap or towels regularly.
available. Also some of the cubical door M Cleaning the facilities to be monitored. Daily
locks are broken. Door locks to be replaced. 1 Week
(Workplace Regs)

18. Waste paper bins in toilets overflowing Empty the bins and clean the floors. Immediate
with hand towels lying on the floor. Ensure bins are emptied on a regular Weekly
(Workplace Regs). basis.
L Monitor toilet areas and introduce On going
rotation of cleaning duties between
staff to ensure toilets remain clean
and tidy.

19. It is common practise for students to Disciplinary action to be taken against Immediate
share PPE, resulting in ill-fitting PPE to be those students that forget their PPE.
worn. Training to be given on the need for 1 Week
(PPE Regs) correctly fitting PPE.
Purchase enough spare PPE for 1 Month
activities on the site.
CERTIFICATE Candidates observation
(2009 specification) sheet


Sheet number 4 of __7__

Student name ______________________________________ Student number _________________

Place inspected ____________________________________ Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Priority /
Observations Control measures Timescale
Hazards and consequences (H, M, L) Immediate and longer-term actions

20. Some of the PPE is old and damaged / Replace the damaged PPE. Immediate
Torn gloves, scratched safety glasses and Give further training on the need for 1 Week
badly damaged safety footwear. H PPE.
(PPE Regs) Purchase or make suitable storage for 1 Month
the extra PPE

21. A water fire extinguisher label was Have the extinguisher check by a Immediate
scuffed and cannot be read. L competent person and replace the
(Fire Safety) sticker.

22. Piles of PPE on the floor blocking Remove all PPE from the floor and Immediate
access to fire extinguishers and also fire keep fire exit clear.
exit. Monitor the area to ensure fire exit Monthly
(Fire Safety) remains free from obstructions at all

23. Old work boots and gloves in poor Dispose of any old unused PPE. Immediate
condition lying around on store room Ensure all PPE is kept clean and On going
shelves. replaced as and when required.
(PPE Regs.) H Ensure all staff are made aware of Monthly
PPE laundering facilities and are
reminded to keep PPE in the correct
storage room.

24. Wall mounted first aid kit missing, Ensure first aid kit is available for use Immediate
bracket broken. First aid kit not in its by all staff and its whereabouts are
correct location. M known.
(MHSWR). Replace the bracket so first aid kit can 1 week
be returned to its correct location.

25. An old office swivel chair is being used Dispose of the chair as it is creating a Immediate
in the restroom. Chair has no arm support very high risk of a fall for anyone
and also has a damaged backrest. using it.
(Ergonomics issue / DSE Regs). L Order another chair to match the rest 1 week
of the canteen chairs if there arent
enough. Use of swivel chairs is
CERTIFICATE Candidates observation
(2009 specification) sheet


Sheet number 5 of __7__

Student name ______________________________________ Student number _________________

Place inspected ____________________________________ Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Priority /
Observations Control measures Timescale
Hazards and consequences (H, M, L) Immediate and longer-term actions

26. There is only one qualified first aider The first aider must be known to Immediate
and the students may not know who they everyone by use of signage.
are. More importantly they are not always Arrange for one or more staff to do a 2 Weeks
at this site. FaW course.
(First Aid Regs) A first aider should be available at all 1 Month
time, throughout the working day.

27. No fire extinguisher in office area. Install new fire extinguisher/s in office. Immediate
(Fire Safety) H Review fire risk assessments. Annually

28. Several battery chargers under office Remove chargers from power supply Immediate
chair with tangled cables. Also connected when not in use and keep cables free
to the power supply with no batteries from tangling. Also not to be left on
charging. the floor under chairs.
(Electricity and Fire Safety) Find a convenient place for battery On going
M chargers to be stored and only
connect to the power as and when
Perform checks to ensure power Monthly
supply is not being used when not

29. Box of marker spray paint cans stored Remove spray cans from office area Immediate
under office desk close to electrical and into store room.
sockets. M Brief staff on the importance of 2 weeks
(PUWER & COSHH) keeping aerosols away from electrical

13. Bags of rock salt piled up on store Place bags on shelving to prevent Immediate
room floor, not on proper shelving. bending over and causing injury.
(Manual handling Regs). Acquire a grit bin for better storage of 1 month
Arrange better storage of salt for 3 months
summer months, preferably in an
outdoor store where it wont cause an
obstruction whilst it is not in use.
CERTIFICATE Candidates observation
(2009 specification) sheet


Sheet number 6 of __7__

Student name ______________________________________ Student number _________________

Place inspected ____________________________________ Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Priority /
Observations Control measures Timescale
Hazards and consequences (H, M, L) Immediate and longer-term actions

31. Various boxes outside the store for Arrange for waste disposal company Immediate
holding large used batteries prior to to collect and uplift used batteries.
removal. All boxes are full with batteries M Set up a regular collection and 3 monthly
sitting on top in pools of rainwater. disposal service to prevent overfilling
(Manual handling Regs & COSHH) of battery containers.

32. Shelving in the store not being used Clear out the store and dispose of any Immediately
correctly with various items of work waste materials.
equipment piled up on the store floor M Use the shelving for proper storage of Review
blocking access to the shelves. tools and materials to keep floor every 3
(MHSWR). space clear. months
CERTIFICATE Candidates observation
(2009 specification) sheet


Sheet number 7 of __7__

Student name ______________________________________ Student number _________________

Place inspected ____________________________________ Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Priority /
Observations Control measures Timescale
Hazards and consequences (H, M, L) Immediate and longer-term actions


1. Safety notice board displaying HSE Continue this good practise. Possibly As required
poster, employers certificate of liability designate a member of staff to be in
insurance and all relevant safety notices charge of updating notices.
and all in very good order.

2. Locker room in good order with wash Re-fill all skin care dispensers as and Weekly
hand basin and wall mounted skin care when required.
centre with various hand cleaners, all kept
clean and tidy.

3. The temperature is monitored and This is good; however the air Yearly
controlled, by windows and air conditioning conditioning system should be
systems. serviced on a regular basis.

4. Clearly visible fire exit signs and glow in No action required, very good practise Quarterly
the dark signs applied to walls showing for emergencies with power outage.
locations of fire extinguishers. Just check for serviceability

5. The fire exit signs are in English and No action required, very good practise
several foreign languages to aid visiting for emergencies.

6. All the tutors personal equipment is PAT This is a good practice. Monitor if As required
tested and regularly. require by centre policy.

7. The natural lighting the classrooms are This is good; care should be taken to Quarterly
sufficient and controllable. keep the blind serviceable.
(Workplace Regs)
CERTIFICATE Candidate report template
(2009 specification)



Student number:

Location: _______________________ Date of review:

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place

This report follows my inspection of the Roxby Training Centre facilities and was done to meet the
requirements of the Nebosh General Certificate (NGC3) practical application. The aim of this
inspection is to highlight the good practices as well as to identify any breaches of Health and Safety
legislation and hazards, and to bring any recommendations to the attention of the management team.

The areas concerned with the inspection are the training centre building and its immediate
surrounding area, which houses the training yard.

The training building consists of a reception area, a number of small and large classrooms, two sets of
male/female toilets, a canteen area, a store room for personal protective equipment (PPE) and an
office for admin duties. In the yard is one store for the storage of various outdoor work materials,
tools and more PPE.

The premises are occupied by up to six staff and anything up to thirty students at any one time. The
staffs working hours are 8am until 6pm, with the students occupying the building 9am until 3.30pm.
The building is used for messing, completing paper work, theoretical lesson and planning work.
The yard is used for loading and unloading vehicles with work equipment and also use for practical

The premises were occupied at the time of the inspection, by three members of staff and twelve

Executive Summary

Roxby Training is trying to fully meet the standards set out by Health and Safety (H&S) regulations
and this is to be commended. At Roxby Training, from the management down has a commitment
towards H&S and has a policy on display stating so.

Upon completion of the inspection I found there were some serious concerns over the fire
precautions, personal protective equipment (PPE), student furniture and electrical equipment. These
areas of concern may lead to breaches of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA), the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR), the Regulatory Reform (Fire
Safety) Order (RRFSO), the Provision and Use of Workplace Equipment Regulations (PUWER), the
Personal Protective Equipment Regulations (PPE Regs) and Manual Handling Operations

Any actions annotated as immediate should be considered urgent and action should be taken without
delay. Some of will incur little or no cost to the organisation and limited resources, but others will need
to be budgeted for as a matter of urgency, the details of these are in this report.

The health and safety of the employees and students who are using the premises may also be at risk
if some of these concerns are not addressed. If the management team fail to address these issues
then it may lead to the attention and possible enforcement action from the HSE and/or the local
authority (Middlesbrough County Council).
Breaches of statutory duty or failure to comply with improvement or prohibition notices may
result in court action being taken which may lead to criminal prosecution and fines of up to
20 000 in a magistrates court and the possibility of up to 6 months imprisonment.

A detailed description of the findings is listed below with reference to specific observations given in

Main findings of the inspection

Fire precautions

The emergency fire exit door (2) is a major concern, if a fire were to break out the students could not
exit by these means. The door should be unlocked and unobstructed (6) at all times when the building
is in use. The cleaner should be told to store his equipment in a more suitable place until a permanent
place can be found.

The (RRFSO) states that fire exits must remain free from obstructions at all times (22). The PPE
blocking the fire exit is not only creating a tripping hazard but it is putting the health and safety of the
employees at risk of becoming trapped in the building if a fire were to start.

New labels should be purchased for the extinguishers and new extinguishers purchased (5 + 21) and
the old ones should be re-pressurised and protected (4).

The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order (RRFSO) requires that fire fighting arrangements must be
provided in the workplace (27). Although there are fire extinguishers located throughout the building
there is an absence of any extinguisher in the office. Therefore there is an urgent requirement to
have extinguishers installed here as employees would be in extreme danger if a fire were to start in
the office.

Fire drills and training should be carried out immediately for all staff and students and these should be
factored into their daily programme and then regular tests and training should be carried out (3).

Management of Health and Safety

Many problems stem from a poor management system and some could be rectified by members of
staff specific tasks and at a very low cost to the organisation. (8 / 17 + 18).

Tutors can monitor housekeeping issues such as tangled cables, the students behaviour in the
classroom more closely and this would save wear and tear on the furniture. They could also monitor
the emergency exits and enforce a disciplinary procedure for miss-use and the overflowing waste
paper bins are all issues that will present a very poor image to visitors but are low cost and not time
consuming problems to resolve.

The head cleaner can monitor the cleanliness of the WCs and ensure that they are always well
stocked and a rota can be sorted amongst the tutors and they can do a close down procedure at the
end of the day and sign to say that it is done.

None of these would incur an additional cost the organisation. However, these issues may also be in
breach of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

PPE. Issues

The Personal Protective Equipment is vital to protect the students and for them to be forgetting theirs
and borrowing from other students is unacceptable (19). The students are to be given extra training in
the need for PPE and a disciplinary process should be brought in to enforce this training.

The Personal Protective Equipment regulations state that all PPE must be suitably stored and
maintained (20+ 22). The PPE blocking the fire exit must be removed and all the old PPE in the store
room should be disposed of and replaces as it is no longer fit for purpose. The centre itself should
ensure that it has enough new spare equipment to replace any unserviceable equipment (23).

PUWER Issues

It is unacceptable to have the students using broken tables and chairs (10 +11) but at the same time
they should be disciplined for any miss-use. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
state that employers must ensure that all work equipment is suitable, maintained and inspected.
These items pose a risk to health. These items should be fixed or replaced with more conventional
teaching tables and chairs at the cost of 50 per table and chair.

An industrial vacuum could be purchased to clean the corridor (8) this could suppress the amount of
dust moved about when cleaning.

Manual Handling Issues

There are issues concerning heavy materials being stored at ground level (13). This is in breach of
the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and presents a high risk of an injury to employees
lifting or moving these materials. These materials should be stored correctly and at waist level to
prevent injuries from bending and lifting. This will prevent high costs through workplace incidents and
loss of productivity.

First Aid Issues

A first aider should be available at all times; therefore having just one first aider is not enough. At least
one other member of staff should attend a first aid course (26). The names of the first aiders should
be posted on a notice board. A first aid box should be purchased (24); that is suitably adequate for the
numbers that use the centre. It could be kept in the staff office.

Electricity Issues

There are some good practices dealing with the use of electricity, such as the tutors equipment being
PAT tested and their computers being subjected to DSE assessments, but there are still some
shortfalls. A PAT test register should be opened and the centres equipment should be checked
immediately and regularly thereafter (16).

There are several cables running on floors in some classrooms (9), these form trip hazards and
potential fire risks. These cables could be covered with a cable cover and this in the short term would
eliminate the risk although a better solution would be to run the cable along the walls. In one room a
coiled extension cable (12) that was clearly not needed was found and because it was coiled it was
hot to touch, this is an obvious fire hazard, and this could be replaced with a shorted cable if needed
and a cable cover.

Some tutors are being lazy and not switching their IT equipment off at the end of the day (15), this is a
potential fire hazard. It should be made mandatory for the tutors to switch off all electrical items at the
end of the day.


There are some good practices here and it is obvious that management want to improve H&S
standards. However, there are still some major concerns and these should be corrected soonest. The
improvement of H&S standards and therefore fewer accidents and near misses raises the moral of
both the tutors and the students and makes it a better place to teach and learn. Parents expect the
centre to look after their children, this is not achieved by having the students using broken chairs and
desks and worn out PPE, and these should be rectified immediately.

The building and yard are all of old design and is situated within a dock environment, however there
are refurbishments being planned for later in the year. Many of the hazards found were as a result of
a lapse in general Health and Safety management and many of the observations could be rectified by
simple maintenance and tidying up of the building and yard.

As stated previously, some of these major breaches contravene H&S legislation. The management
have a duty of care to everyone and by contravening this legislation leave themselves open to fines,
imprisonment and /or civil action. Any of these far outweigh the cost of correcting the points in the

The cost of rectifying the immediate points would be numbered in the thousands, there would be an
ongoing annual cost that would need to be factored into the centres budget, which may or may not be
required (broken chairs etc). If however, these costs are neglected then the cost to the centre may be
much more. As stated there could be fines to pay and increases in insurance premiums if something
were to happen. Also, if a student were to be hurt, this may encourage parents to take their child away
reducing your revenue.

The employees have all had a very good level of workplace specific Health and Safety training with
certificates on display on the notice board. However this training counts for little if it is not put into
practice on a daily basis. It appears there have also been many bad habits picked up over the years
such as poor general housekeeping. Employers and employees should take pride in a safe workplace
and this will also reduce the risk of accidents, ill health to employees and in the long run save money
from unnecessary claims, losses of production and a poor corporate image.

If the centre were to act on the recommendations the insurance should be kept to a manageable level
and the good publicity for the centre when students complete their studies will be immeasurable.


Recommendation Likely resource implications Priority Target date

Fire exit door should PPE to be removed from exit High Immediate
remain free from area and signs to be erected
obstructions at all advising to keep clear.

Fire extinguisher to be New fire extinguisher, 30, easy High Immediate

installed in the office.(27) to install by a member of staff.

An emergency exit to be A quick release catch can be High Immediate

unlocked at all times. (2) installed, 200, this should
reduce the misuse issue.

Arrange for the cleaners The manufacture can supply High 1 month
and spray bottles to be replacement containers for all
stored correctly & also their cleaning products, 89, & a
remain in the proper suitable disused locker was
containers. (7) found to store the cleaning
equipment, 0.

Remove battery chargers Install an extra plug socket to Medium 1 month

from power when not in prevent tangling cables under
use, and establish better chairs. Electrician for 1 hour
layout of cables. (28) plus parts. 50 approx

Arrange for a repair to be Hire of a welder for 1 hour. 50 Medium 1 week

carried out on the approx.
entrance handrail. (1)

Students are sitting on These items need to be repaired Medium 1 month

damaged chairs & desks in-house or replaced, 50 per
due to student misuse. table & chair.

Bracket for wall mounted New bracket approx 20 or Medium 1 week

first aid kit to be install in-house and less than 1
replaced.(24) man hour to install.

Waste paper bins are Contact the contractor and for Low 1 week
overflowing with hand this to be rectified and monitored
towels lying on the floor. more closely. Minimal cost if any.

Yard store flooring to be General clean up and disposal of Medium 1 week then
cleared of obstructions to any disused and waste review each
gain access to materials. 2 staff hours month
Recommendation Likely resource implications Priority Target date

Students have to share The budget for this should be High 1 month
PPE, resulting in ill-fitting dictated at the start of each
PPE to be worn. academy year but for immediate
Furthermore some of the replacement purposes it is
PPE is old and damaged calculated at no more than
/Torn gloves, scratched 3000.
safety glasses and badly
damaged safety footwear.

Remove spray cans and General clean up of office by Medium 1 week then
all outdoor work staff. Keep all areas around and review each
equipment from office under desks free from clutter. 1- month
area.(29) 2 hours

Remove the old office Disposal of the chair, in the Low 1 month
swivel chair in the correct manner, 10 minutes
restroom. (25) work.

There is no first aid box Purchase correct signage first High 1 week
within this wing. aid box, suitable for the staff and
Furthermore, the tutors student 60. Mounting the
and students do not know signage staff hours
where to find one. (14)

There is only one qualified At least one other member of Medium 1 month
first aider and the students staff should attend a first aid
may not know who they course for the cost of 120(FaW)
are. More importantly or 85 (EFaW).
they are not always at this
site. (26)

Students have misused New labels should be purchased High 1 week

some fire extinguishers, for the extinguishers and new
resulting in LOW OR NO extinguishers purchased and the
pressure. old ones should be re-
pressurised and protected, the
There are only water cost of this should not exceed 1 month
extinguishers available, 500
even though there are
electrical items used
within the centre.
1 month
A water fire extinguisher
label was scuffed and
cannot be read.(21/4/5)
Recommendation Likely resource implications Priority Target date

Trailing cables on the These cables could be covered Medium 1 month

floor, near the tutors table, with a cable cover 10 each or
which runs the length of run the cables along the walls.
the middle of the
classroom for computer.

A 10 metre extension Replaced with a shorted cable if

cable to the desktop is needed for 10 and a 10 cable
mostly coiled and cover
connected the mains
power supply (cable is
warm) potential fire
hazard, (12/9)

The cleaner is using a An industrial vacuum could be Low 1 month

brush to sweep a very purchased to clean the corridor
dusty corridor. (8) for about 200, this could
suppress the amount of dust
moved about when cleaning

Old work boots and gloves The centre itself should ensure High 1 week
in poor condition lying that the new spare equipment is
around on store room stored on the shelves or replace
shelves.(23) any unserviceable equipment
asap. 1 hours work to remove all
unusable equipment.

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