Lightolier ParaLyte 848 Brochure 1986

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ParaLJytc 848

Copyright 1986 by L ghtoj er ncorporated

ParaLytc 848

PARALYTE 8481is a recessed fluorescent f xture that de v-

ers quaity lighting and d stinctrve appearance but at ow
cost. Lighto iers latest des gn s innovative in concept, yet t
adheres to the fundamentals of good lighting. n step wth
todays human, energy, and construct on requirements,
Para }4e offers so utions to the diverse cha enges of
nterior des gn.

A New Scale tor the 2 x 4 Ceiling Compare Paralytes appearance to a typical 2x4taIfet
instalation. The I near effect is dlst nct ve. ln addltion, Para-
Para yte 848 is designed expressly for the 2 x 4 exposed
yte offers f exib e placement n small spaces. F xtures can
grid ceiing. Paraly4e is 8/ wde; t occupies the central thrd
be moved easily without alter ng the ceirng.
of the 2 x 4 modu e. The compact, linear form mounts easi y
n continuous rows to signa direct on or reflect building ln fact narrower Paralyte leaves more acoustrca ce ing tiles
arch itectu re and enhances a convent onal low-cost ce ling. n piace than standard 2 x 4 troffers thus providing a arger
noise-absorbing surf ace.

Simple Construction and lnstallation Quality Built-in

Paral!4e 848 consists of a chass s and 10-ce a um num Paraly,te ncorporates a parabolc ouver bu t to L ghto iers
louver. The chassis snaps onla a 11/2" high exposed T-bar exacting standards. Blades and side ref ectors are d e-
runner No modlficat ons to the standard 2 x 4 grid are formed from Aizak processed a um num ref ector sheet.
required: no extra runners hangers, or trim. To f nish the Louver components are thorough y washed, careluly
module,the2x4panel scut nto th rds, two p eces go on jigged for precise algnment, and securely tabbed for
either side of the fixture. The louver flange conceals lhe cut r gld assembly The tops of the blades are closed for
edge of the pane and supports one s de. eff cient operat on.

ln a typical off ce space 2 x 4 ens troflers oflen cTeate excessrve Para yte 848 fixlures, nslaled in a simiar space, provde hgh visual
ce ling br ghlness wh ch s uncor.lortable and dislracting comfort by elimlnat ng celing brghtness so that the occupants afd the
lurnishings are the dominant points of nteresl.

I U S. Patent Pend ng

Lighting Performance Lighting For CRTs

For its size, Para }4e is a high y eff cient louvered f xture, as Paral),4es low br ghtness and "no f ash' shie d ng make it a
much as 20 percent n-rore effic ent than typica compact sound cho ce for lighting in areas w th CRTs. Para \,'te offers
un ts. A wide-soread "batwino" I ght d str but on permits a choice ol specu ar or sem -specular Jouvers. The specu ar
generous spacing without dark spots. The "no flash" louver f n sh provides high output whi e reducing surface brighl
prov des high v sua comfort n typica arge spaces ness to a min mum. The sem -specular f n sh g ows with
gent e lurninosity throughout a room, creat ng a comfortab e
env ronment for people working or working around n the

Task/Ambient Lighting Lighting Vertical Surfaces

Para !4e su ts spaces with med um or ow ight leve s espe Due to its s mple construct on and easy nstallation. Paraly'te
cia ly we and ays out conven ently on B' x B' or 8' x 10' s a ow cost method of ght ng wals in circu at on, work ng,
centers. By contrast, us ng 2 x 4 troffers would lead to e ther or retai spaces. mportantly wa I I ghting can be prov ded
uncomfortab y wide spac ng or an excess ve power budget. lrom a "bu ld ng standard" fixture, reducing des gn com
plexlty and cost. Even n sma I off ces, Para yte can be pos -
Econom cal layouts with Paraly'te can a so compensate for
t oned near wal s to avo d the d m fee ng often produced by
the annoying shadows cast by open andscape furnit!re
louver shie ding.
Typ cal 2 x 4 des gns leave many cublc es n shadows.

System Costs* The Para yle syslern requ res less than 1 2 watls per square
loot (B'x B' centers), a 20 percent savings over a typ ca
Paralyte s an extremely cost eflect ve system Cons der an
ayout of three larnp 2x4 troffers The owpowerdensty
office wth Paral!4e on 8'x I' centers compared Ia a2t.4
saves substantialy on operating costs both for lght ng and
troffer on B'x 10' centers. Wh le the 2 x 4 des gn provides
for air cond t oning. Fewer watts per square foot also means
more raw footcandles Para yte st I de vers about 60 fc
fewer branch clrcuits and oweT oveTal eectrcal dstrbutiof
maintained, w th super or distribution. Moreover. the Para-
ly,te system nstaledwll cost about 50/o esslhana2x4
deep cell troffer, 250lo less than a smal ce p astic ouver, St lfurther sav ngs may be ava able by using T'8 amps
and only 150/0 more than a commod ty grade lens trolferl wh ch offer high eff c ency and prem Lrm co or rend tion A
Because Para yte requ res no spec al ce ing cond t ons t Para )4e system w th T I lamps costs about 7 percent more
costs considerab y less than 1 x4 systems. installed but saves about l0 percenl on operaling costs,
compared to a conventiofaL nstallat on.

Looking Forward
Para y4e is a lighting f xture designed for the futLrre. D st nc
tive n appearance, Paralyte nsta ls sirnply and f exlb y
Econom cal to use, Para yte prov des lighting qualty and
he ps to so ve many of todays ghtng proberns

'Operal ncr cosls based on I cenls per KWH Consul your L ghto er
representat ve ior dela s on cost comparsons
FaraLyte 848

ParaLlytc 848

Quality Built-in

Easy Relamping

l. * -*iTt
Automatic Chasais Positioning

Precise Chassis Cenlering/Aligning

ParaLytc 848

16 Reasons to Specify Paralyte 848

Fits Shallow Ceiling Plenum Fast Wiring
Chassis depth is a m nirna 6". Quickaccess plale,2" x3" , w th two 7s" K.O.s per-
m ts wiring without open ng ballast compartment.
Air Return Capability Accepts most modular wir ng receptacles.
Chass s/louver construct on perm ts air return to
plenum, cools lamps. Secure Fit on T-Bar
Buit- n T-Bar mount ng c ps (two at each end), of
Through Wiring spr ng stee , firmly grlp IBar ma n runner, c ips are
One %" K.O at each end, three on each s de. offset for c earance dur ng tandem mounting. Cl ps
are approved as earthquake/hurr cane c ips.
Energy Saving Ballast
Low energy ful -output type ba ast. Therma ly High Efliciency
protected class "P" ballast' C.B.l\,4. cert fied by Parabo ic s de reflectors, 4" deep, of specular or sem -
E.l.L. Direct mounted to outs de of chassis for cool specular anodized a um nurn ref ector sheet, are con-
operation. toured for rninimum 30' shie ding to lamp and amp
mage, and br ght enamel upper reflector. Optical
Easy Maintenance chamber fil s 8" module for high eif c ency Side

o Reflector retainrng screws in keyhole slots (two at each

end) permit access to ba last from w th n f xture.
ref ectors surround lamps for maximum contro

Dust Protection

Simple Construction Plast c wrap on bottom of louver protects against dust

Top reflector formed of code gauge stee, baked white during construction.
enamel fin shi 850/o min mum reflectance. Fixture is
lght enough to be he d nonehand. Efbctive Glare Control
Parabo c louver b ades, 2" deep, of specular or semi
Easy Relamping specular anodized a um num ref ector sheet, are con-
Louver ls suspended secure y on bead chains (one at toured for m nirnum 25' shie ding to lamp and amp
each end) during relamping. lmage.

Positive Louver Mounting Automatic Chassis Positioning

Louver rnounting clips (one at each corne|, of spr ng End mounting tabs (two on each slde), integral with
steel, engage n slots of chassis, assuring positive chassls end cap, support chassis at proper he ght on
mount ng at proper height. 172" T-Bar ma n runner.

Clean Ceiling Trim Precise Chassis Centering/Aligning

Self-flanged ouver, integral wlth louver assembly, Tabs (one on each end) sl p into standard s ots ln
I clean y trims oul2'x4' panels. No extra trim or cei ing T-Bar ma n runner, precisely centering chassis in
runners requ red. N,4inimum 72 " wlde flange of c ear 2' x 4' open ng and align ng chass s in continuous
anodized aluminum assures clean appearance. rOWS.

ParaLytc 848

Installation for T-Bar Ceilings

1. Lift: Lift fixture above ceiling "T" Bars.
2. Posilion: Place mounting tabs on top ol 1lr" Ign main "T" runner.
3. Snap Down: Pull flxture down until mounting c ps engage bub on top of main runner.
Align: Slide fixture sideways to center until a igning tab is engaged lnto main runner slot.
4. lnstall Louven lnsert ends of bead chain into key holes. Push up louver untll snap latches engage square holes on fixture.
Finish Ceiling: Pace one{hird oI a2' x4' ceiling paneL on each slde of flxture. Use extra piece for next module.

lnstallation for Plaster or

Gypsum Board Ceilings
For mounting n a plaster or gypsum board ceiling, use
Para yte Accessory Frame #10804. The Frame is made
of extruded a unrinum, 101{" wide x 49" long. Corners
are mitred for rigid support.
Paralyte Frame is simple to install. The support frame is
mounted d rectly to the structure above by hanging wire
(included). Paralyte s then lnstalled on frame. The frame
lncorporates a "slot"for the cenlering clip on Paralyte's end.
Frame is shipped assembled.
Gypsum Board Openng.48y," Lx10L" W.
Wood Construction (f rame out inside d menslon)
51" 1x 11" W
ParaLytc 848


Paralyte instal s clean y in 2 x 4 ce ing. Centerlng c ip aligns fi)dure.

Mounting tabs are offset to permit continuous row nstallation.

Selector Guide


't-T12 1-T12 2-T12 2-T12

Catalog No" 8O071.UU 8fi71.UU _ 80073.UU 8017$uu

Efficiency 72.20/o 67.4o/o 67 2o/o 62.20/o

Spacing Ratio
Lenqthwse/crosswise 1.312.2 1.2t2.1 1 .3t1.7 1 .2t1.7
VCP(ior 100 fc)
60'x 60' x 87r'
Room Rei ectances:
80o/o ce llng
500/a wal , 204/0 1 oot
Lenqthw se/crossw se 90/90 87 /85 81182 80/80
Maximum Average
Brighlness@ 65o
Lengthwise/crosswise 113 f /80 f 184 f t2AO 1 261 fl/151 fl 367 11279 tl

Application Data
lllumination trom lllumination from Row ot Luminaires
Single l'rlminaire


Data shown are for 80073-UU

(specular louver with T-12 lamp.)

2 2' g
For data on other fixtures, con- a2
sult the appropriate Lightolier I 52
Specification Sheet. 10 5.5 9! 0! 7! q I _3___1
15 6', 50
20 a2 7.5 57 71 65 a3 25 1l
4 I' ----f--------- 'r

31 26
36 "9.1'__ 1!__12__12___12-,3_! 19 __r1
10 22

IE x' 2' 4', 6', 8', 10', 12'
ona... lrcm rcf, ol luftindcs

Footcand es shown are initlal and are in center ol run of 5 luminaires.

! Lumina re Locat on At end of run iootcandles are approxirnate y 500/0 ess.
- Large Room
Small Room Roorn Surface Beflectances:
Helght Above Work P ane = 800/0 Cei lng, 500/0 Wd s, 200lo F oor 3200 Lumens Per Lamp

We rcserve the rightlo change details of Design, matorlals and flnlsh, ln any way thal willnot alter lngtalled appearance or ducelunctlon and performence.
ParaLytc 848

Options/Delivery Guide
All delivery time frames are from receipt of order at a
Lightoller jacility.
Ballasts: Premium ow energy type ls standard. 1100 in
stock. 101-500, 4 weeks and 500+ 6-8 weeks delivery.
Optional ba lasts include Octron-T8 (Speclfy OCT), solid
state (Specily ELB), dimming (Specify DIM). Allow 4
weeks delivery for quantities up to 100; 4-6 weeks for
SPECU LAR SEMI.SPECULAR Emergency Batlery Pack: (Specify EN/L). 4 weeks
218' 218.
delivery for quantities 1-500.
Fusing: Slow Acting HLF/GN,4F Iype 12AV ot 277V
(Specify GN/F).4 weeks delivery for quantitles 1-500; 6-8
80073-OCT 80173-OCT
weeks for quantitles 500+.
Radio lnlerlerence Suppressor: (Specify RFI). Allow
6-8 weeks delivery for all quanlities.
1.3/1 I 12t1.8
Greenlield Whip: A standard 6' 6" 3-wire assembly
with two straight connectors. Quick access plates can
be attached at the factory. Allow 4-6 weeks delivery for
all quantities.
85/87 79l80 Tandem Wiring: A pair of fixtures can be supplied wlth
one 2light ballast to power one lamp ln each fixture.
Lghtolier can furnish an armored cabe wiring harness
257 I1121 11 3821 t27A f with quick attachment plugs, to facilitate nstallation.
* Aso avalabe n oae ghl with Oclron ba ast Negotiate delivery for all quantities.
Lamps Faclory lnstalled: Lightolier can install lamps jn
fixtures, to facilitate lnstallation. (Specify CW or WW
lllumination from Array of Luminaires Llghtolier choice of brand). Allow 4 weeks delivery Ior
quantities 1-500, 6-8 weeks for quantities 500+.
(Negotiate delivery lor lamps supp ied by others.)
Special Lengths: 2' and 3' verslons can be accom-
modated. Consult lactory for delivery.
Other Ceilings: Consult your Lightolier representative
LLrmlna re
Spac na Lum na re RCR=5 Ior compatibility of Paralyte to other type ceiling
4"8 32 144 96 conligu'ations.
4x10 4A 115 n
Bx6 96 64
BxB 64 72 4A
8x10 BO 58 38
I x 12 96 48

Foom Cavty Bal o =1

(RmWdth=10xN,1t9. Ht above work p ane)

Room Cav ty Rat o= 5

(RrnWrdth=2 x f/tg Hl abovework pane)
l-l -I l= lr-'
346 Ave n ue

Edisoni New
Elgin, lllinois
Fall River,
Norwich. Connect
. Norcross (Atlanta), rqra
Dallas, Texas
Compton (Los Angeles), californ ia
Seattle, Washington ,

l\4ontreai, P.Q., Canada

Toronto, Ont., Canada
1071 Avenue of the Amerieas
New York, N.Y. 10018 \
(2'12) 719"1616 i
1266 N,lerchandise Mart \
Chicago, lllinois 60654
(312) 321-3600
2650 Nova Drive
Dallas, Texas 75229 \
(214) 241-8691 ,
2100 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, Texas 75202 \
\214) 760.7334
501 West Walnut Street
Compton (Los Angeles), California 90220
(213) 637-1811
6675 Jimmy Carter Blvd.
Norcross (Atlanta), Georgia 30071

(404) 449-9181
2141 West Governoas Circle
Houston, Texas 77092
'1825 Emerson Street
Denver, Colorado 80218
(303) 863-7333
'150 De Haro Street
San Francisco, California 94103
(415) 864.4455
Design Center Northwest
5701 Sixth South, Suite 528
Seattle, Washington 98'108
(206) 767-5701
5622 Delmar Blvd.
St. Louis, lVissouri 63112
(314) 367-7910
3015 Rue Louis A. Amos
Lachine, Que. HBT 1C4 Canada
(514) 636"0670
1739 Orangebrook Court
Pickering, Ont. L1W 3GB Canada
(416) 831"2525
17303-105 Ave.
Edmonton, Alta. T5S 1H2 Canada
(403) 483-1476
Airport Executive Park
10551 Shellbridge Way, Suite 157
Richmond, B.C. V6X 2W8 Canada
1604) 27s-7732

Printed in u-s.A.

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