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rtr 1rriltrl. I)r'si:rrr,'rl iu rtrrtrl ,-:rri,l, rrll,'rr llr, r'rrr'l lirl-, 1,'

l!\li lialr,;-r'n larnlr'- all lrt tasilr Ltl.r'rl in Plrrcr'.


l-irrr. \ollagr',1.r lin,lo. Ialt ol llr'(ialtlirlgc r l"o

l'r'ii t u lc rr \lcrliri {,irltlirlgc Ii'lrlttt r'. it tt'ntot alilt t t ttss-

tIlrl i' r'r'nior tEl arrrl l,lar lc l,rrrrcr'. \ll I'r'oS1,r'r'

in'tllltrl liiir l .irrrlrlc l,irr' \oltagr' (irlirrrlcls accr'pt

Line [1,, i" t ir s oiot ir;rr. 'Irr'\llrlirr t lrc lirll lirng.-r'ol l)r'oSpcr'

|( r'r'{so|i('s to aIlricr c tl('

Voltage { .rr lr i,Il, l{ r '.N'l: ui' l"

llrt{ r'r{ 4'(:sr)t-i(': lttl![ r.r ac t clli'r't rlcsilcrl.

Cvlinders rrllou. r"l a r'[ 1

rI il t'r 'l rt l'i r t to

Ix ttrilitrIrlirrt'rI ,'l ctt rr lrt'tt

\r irilirlrll irt a l irlc t'attgt o1

n t'lilnrlrirr:t. \ lrilrortl Irpt
sizr'. - I)r'o S pcr". l,irt r'
[{ }('l! iin( [ LIi crl irlig-rt Dt t tt l

\',rllrrgr' ( ir lirrrltt's ol'li'r'

s ul)('l i1l|'PtIlirl.rrrirr( r' I lt rrl's

ir lt'rr I lir r l,'ttt a tt r litt g

in"titrrtiorral s1,irr','s rrrtrl

riI Irc r crrr ilrirttttttrI. l Ittt r'

h iy,-lr rlrralitr s pt'cilic ir t io tt

glirlt' tt all<. lig.lrtirrg i*

,1ir,,r,LL \'L\ -Lr

(iL rr.r.1) ,

l',,'l ', ., , , r: /;"i, /i"rir

.rl , lt,-, :r/',,j \",r,ri 1.. ,,,r,


Line Voltage
l)rrr51rel l.ine \oltagr' ( lr l irrrlels lertltuc
,r i l,r'-*ic rlcsign lhal is crsiLr irrteglaterl
i rto r lrliorrs llllriLci'tLl al ent itonrrt'ttls.

I}r'1r rrnit at'r'e1rls Iht l)r'o51x'r' N'lerlin

(.artrirlg-r: ulrillr cati Iroll Lrlr to i3
act essorii s alrl itllors tltrir'k alrl
lolrr'trierrl t h,rngirg ol liltets" loLrtets
ltnt I sltt'r'rs.

1l li2

5 3rr

4 3/a" Cylinder 5 3A" Cylinder 5 r/q" Cylinder Stepped Cylinder* Stepped Cylindera
t)vi.:jtt |.;ll vt\. l'\ li )ttJ.;ti.ll I l,t\. l)1R tit/ ] l.;t)\\ ll,1\. l,l li 1a/.] !tr)l\
th r. l) | I l.;t) ;t n )l\ llt1.i.

26030WH lnrit,. ll lirl 26038WH lLrr', llltt" 26383WH lnrrr, 11/ri r' 26463WH lnl1r, ll /rir. 26056WH l/rriir 1l irirr
260388K l h rtt, lllu L 263838K lhttr. ltlu,l 264638K lltrtt lt l, t, L 260568K lhttt lllr tr I
260308K ll,ttr llh, L
1,,.',,,r,r'. 1i' / /i/tr r.; I' r,r r.. 1i / liltrA: 1, r',',,ri,,: i/iirrr':
1/' \,.,:"ttit': ll , liltt t
"'t,tu ':
r ll
lilr, ) r':
ll I I'rtr t:: \.\ ! t t,, tt,
l/ / i,,ilrir: 1\/ v,rlir l/.; /,,rr,1.r l); ! r,rrt l/.; /rarrrr: 15, v rrlrrr
l/"i ila,r,': l.\ I ', rlr rl

L,, iL( (,':.t)r iti .rr I'ri, . lll lt)



Product Features
O Flush Adapter insens easi y jntO track and pr0vides separate mechanical and electrical c0nnectlon.

f,) Lever energizes fixture e ectrically by g0' rotation. Fixture cann0t be mechanically engaged or disengaged
wh en powered.

@ Slem: c0nstructed 0f stainless steel; 5/8' 0D; .049' wa thickness.

@ Tru-Lock'"'aiming mechanism allows simultane0us h0rlz0ntal and vertica locking. Full tension is maintained
even when braking lever is re eased to hold aiming position.

@ Finish: all painted finishes are powder coated baked enamel.

@ lndicator Guide allows pre c se'ixLure a ring.

@ Housing: 20 gauete 1.036') drawn steel c0nstructi0n. Hemmed front edge provides superi0r durability, additi0nal
stiffness; prevents chipplng and enhances appearaIce.

o Media Cartridge allows convenlent oading and remOval 0f up t0 3 accessories without disturbing aiming
adjustment. Easily insta Led and removed with a sinrple twisting mOti0n. C0nstructed of formed aluminum.

o Clamping Wedges: cam-0perated wedges expand or release gripper springs from track ledge; gripper springs
h0ld adapter securely within track.

@ Cross Blade Louver 0f extruded a uminum, 1 deep, provides additi0nalshielding

and can be easily removed.
Note: the arqer PAB46/3 and PAB56 Stepped Cyllnders feature y0ke mounting with a side-locking lever for
vertical adjustment. N0t all features app y t0 Stepped Cylinders, please c0nsult factOry.

clual iap 5.5/l2v tralsfirrmer fi'om 0o to l80o and lockerl

with a convenicnt slitle in plar:t'. The Pt\R jJ(r

switch. Each unit can be Cylinrlcr also featrtres an

atlj usted up to 90o vertit:all-v adjustable Iamp. MIIJ 6,

anrl i'i40' holizontallv and AR70 and I'AR36 Lrxv

t1uicl<ly lochr:rl into plat:t-'. Voltage Cylinders include

Low Thc discreet lndicator the unirpc l'roSpet: Mcrlia

Voltage Guide on the housing nllows (i artr-itlge {irl t'onvenient

accur-ate angle sctting. The mounting of accessorit,s.

Cylinders PAR1l6 Stepperl (iylinder

features -vohc muunting antl

Thesc low voltage accent
a lamlr that can lrc rotatetl
lights are availablc in three

sizes with a wide selection of

light sources to mttt job

requirements. All cylinders

Ieature lorv voltage

transformcrs that provide

rcl.iable operation and ar-e

easily rlimmable using the

ap propriate Lightolier Lrw

''I li.tor oi l sel,alL..
voltagc dinrners. 'Ihe Narnnrl lh*l,rll,rrri { \rll,irl
{ir1r'rstorn. Ner \r,r L
J'lhr,,iht,her: llil0 S /rut1. It.
PARll6 Cvlinder {'eaturcs a


''\\irlr1 Serie. Itrrm'

\rtionrl Iiasel,rll 1.ihan t\,\rchive
Coot,crslorr. lc\ \orli
l'lrrtogrrplro: ,1/i/o Srraal, /n

Low Voltage i

l'i rlrrrirrg a l ir le selt'i l iott ol lritlogc n
IiglrI .orttli s. Itl,Sp,:r''s l,ol \ollage
(lr lirrrlos lrlor irli poirctlLtl. r et ertsilr
conltr'llltl Iiglrt tlrrrt's irlt,rl lor rlislilirr
enr irrnrrcrrts.'l'he I'\lill(i (.1 Iirrli t
li ltrrri's a rILrrrl tap.'r.5/12i ttirtrsliitrttct
rr ilh ,r r.orrrorienl .liik'tritclr. l'he
I' \ liil(r lr linrI r arrrl l) \ l:i.r(r Str'1r1rtrl

(,rlirrrI r also {t'lrlrttl rL latttlr llritl t att

lt rrtrrLerl lii,ru (.io to lli0" irrrtl lrx'l'r'rl
irr 1rliti r'.

I 't$_,,
I 3t4

3 :/q" Cylinder 3 3/a" Cylinder 5 3/a" Cylinder Stepped Cylinder*

Illi lh tl i- I'in l)t l'\ll )t, ,..;t/l)t ,.t\\ l|r\.

.ilrll l/,i r. .,/)ll lrr L. \lilll l)t .'l\ Il,tt.
26016MBWH l/rrtrl ll lirr 26070MWH ll,trr tl h it" 26036MWH I /,, t t,' ll/rnr 26556MWH \I t!!, 1\ liil.
26016MBBK lhtttlllur I 26010M8K tl,tr. ltl,t I 26036MBK I /,,ttr /l/rr,l 26556M8K l/,///" llr,' l,
ii r r,,i,rrrr; 1i'-1.; lilrln: 1r, r,'.,r r,'r: 1i l.l ttlt"r
': l',,,.,,r r,r: li / /iltri ': 1,,
',',,,r','; 1/ /i/trr.:
\1,2 t l,'uttt': Ls?r v tlrr, ll2.t l.tttttt: 1r-l , 'rrattr 1/.1 /,,rrrr r'': lr/ r,,,irr' 1/., 1',rri,r ': 1:' vtr,'ttt

li), r, t c.\,ri, s .,r' l'!ir,+ lil l()

r -t

Product Features
Q Flush Adapter inserts easily into track and provides separate mechanical and electrical c0nnecti0n.

@ Lever energizes fixture electrically by 90' rotati0n. Fixture cann0t be mechanically engaged 0r disengaged
when powered.

) Stem: constructed 0f stainless stee ; 5/8 0D; .049' wallthickness.

O Tru-[ock"'aiming mechanism allows simultaneous h0rizontal and vertical l0cking. Fulltension is maintained
even when braking lever is released to hold aiming position.

@ Magnetic Transformer offers reliable operaiion and is c0mplete y housed inside fixture.

@ Finish: alL painted finishes are powder coated baked enanrel.

@ lndicator Guide allows precise fixture aiming.

@ Housing: 20 gauge (.036 idrawn steel c0nstructi0n. Hemmed front edge provides superior durability, additional
stiffness; prevents chipping and enhances a p pea rance.

@ Media Cartridge a lows convenient l0ading and removal 0f up to 3 accessories without disturbing aiming
adjustment. Easily installed and removed with a simple twisting motion. C0nstructed ot tormed aluminum.

@ Clamping Wedges: cam-0perated wedges expand or release qripper springs from track edge; gripper sprinqs
hold adapter securel\/ within track.
(D Cross Blade Louver of extruded aluminum, 1' deep, provides additional shielding and can
be easily removed.

@ Lamp Rotation Lock: lamp can rotate from 0" to 180' and then be locked in the desired position (PAR36 &
PAR56 only).

Note: the PAR56 Stepped Cylinders feature yoke m0Lrntlng with a side-locking lever {or vertical adjustment.
Not all features apply to Stepped Cylinders, please c0nsu t factOry.

arrrl ir rr arrorlizcrl altttninttttt rrrlintairtt'rl itr or-rlt'r'lo holr I

hillr. t cl'lcltor'. 'l'ht' liilh airrring- lrositiort tt ctt l ltttt

lt'l'lcc l or lsstttrlrlv ltolt ls t Irr. lorl.irrg ltr ct' i-. r'r'lcast'rl.

on('l('( ('ssol \ atttl latt lrt' 'l'lrc rlisllct't lnrlit ato l

r','rrroverl l'r-orr lll' l't'ottt Iirl (irrirlt' 1r lor it lcs a

relanrlrirrg rtsitrg a s irtt p lt I o rt t ctt it'ttt ttlt lrt

Wall t$' isl ing lnotion. Itt'oSltet'"" accrl aItll st't tltr rct'tical

Washers 'li'tt- Lor,l. ' '' airrr irrg a rrglt ol tltt ttttit.

rtctlrlnisttt allor r' ('as\

,lrrst liht otltt'r' I)t'oSlrt'r' lrrl.j rrsl ntctrt artrl

lighting irrsl lrrrnort"" sinrrrltartorts l, r'1, irr g o{'

l)roSlrt't'\\all \\ ts hu's Irotlr Itot'izorrtitl attrl r cllicirl

li'attrlc a classit itltpt'at attt c lrrsitiorrs. l"t t ll tcrrsiott is

tlral lrlt'rrrls ca"ilr ittto it

valictl ol at't lrilcltttt'al

enyirorrrttt'ttIs.'l'ltcsl trttils

1rr-ov ir Ie a lriglrlr trnilirlrn

rva ll rvtrslt u t iliz irrg an

a sv rnnrt't lit aI sltrt'arl lctts

\\,,11 .,- \ Ll, L ,,\
li.L tir,,,r, \l,r rl. rrL
l'1,,,,,rr,11, r,, i/',r,i,rrr/rt l1,,t1,,rt,i' t

.rl r r!l),.,!,:a;",!' \r\r',, l\.i'i,rr,\


Nllrnl,Iir Il,rnls l'lrscurr o1 '\rl

\l'rrrlrlris. li'rrrrlss,r'
l'hont,paphe r B o b'l' h t I I
l.ishrrns l)e'ig.: c.d, !.., S.r/,,, .1lsor i,r.i
I)r'oSlrer'\\irll \\lslrcls lealttte itl
l-r lrrrrelticitl *1ttt'iul lerts trtrtl ltt lttttrlizetl
rlrrrrrirrrrn l..ich lcIIct Iol Io rlislr'ilrrrte JiglrI
i ri'rrlr lirnr ceilirg lo lloor:'['ht'kit k
lellcltol asserrlrlv catt Iroltl orle il('{ ('ssoI-\
arrrl lri li'ruorerl (ionr llrt lilrt Irl
ri'liur1 ri nu. l)11v-S1rer"s'l'rrr-l,rx'k''' ai rtt i rtg
rrrer'lritni*rr allotts sirtrttllittrt'oLts lrx liittg
,'l l,',r'r l."r i,,,"r rtl.rtt,lr.t i'.'1 1",.it.,,rr-.
Iiirrg \\rrlI \\rr'-lrus lerrttrle higlrlv
rrr l.jrrslalrle r olie nriLtt ttit tg.

5 3i4
4 3/a" Wall Washer 5 3/a" Wall Washer 5 3/q" Wall Washer 4 3/4" Bing Wall Washer* 5 3/4" Bing Wall Washer*
t)|u.:I) :.;\ IL l\ l' \ li.lil !.it)ll ll'tr. l'l li.til/.t Ltrtll
1h.,. J'Ut.X);.;$ th t\ l, I ll.:ll j ).itill Ih\.
26030WWH ll,t rrt l\ hirt 26038WWH i ltittt
lti!, l\ 26383WWH tLtllt Il h ilt 26230WWH 1lut1. ll h itt 26238WWH Ihtt ll l) ilt
26030W8K ll'trrt lllr tr l; 26038W8K I ht ttt lll,u L 26383W8K thu. ltlu I 26230W8K thrrrl lllu L 26238W8K lLr1k Illutl;
\rr ir': ll')
liltttt: ttr r"tri,:,: \l ttilrtt,: 1,,.':,,t i.': ll I tilrt': 1r'.,',rr,,': 1/ l /i/rlrr: l, tt'*t i': ll l lilru':

1 ,)r r, ,1!.,'rl, ' n! t)i,:t . lli l')


Product Features
O Flush Adaprer inserts easily into track and provides separate mechanical and electrical connection.

@ Lever energizes fixture electrically by 90' rotation. Fixture cannot be mechanically enqaoed 0r disenqaqed
whe n powered.

o Stem: constructed of stainless steel; 5/8'0D; .049 wallthickness.

o Tru-Lock" aiminq mechanism allows simultaneous horizontal and verticallocking. Full tension is maintained
even when braking lever is released to hold aiming position.

o Finish: all painted finishes are powder c0ated baked ena mel.

o lndicator Guide all0ws precise frxtL,re aimi''rg.

o Housing:20 gauge (.036') drawn steel construction.

o Kick Bellector Assembly: holds one accessory beh ind the spread lens. Assembly can easily be removed from
the [r0nt using a simple twisting moti0n.

o Kick Rellector: constructed of anodized aluminum. Embossed texture reflects lighttoward upper poftion of wall
and c eiling line.

@ Glamping Wedges: cam-operated wedges expand or release gripper springs from track ledge; gripper springs
hold adapter securely within track.

Note: the PAR30 and PAR38 Ring Wail Washer feature y0ke mounting with a side-locking lever {or
verlical adjustment and top lever for horiz0ntal adjustment (Tru-Lock is not featured in Ring Wall-Washer).


'l'h'st linc r ollitgt tutits Ii ing" ul'o irrllrtri, ltt,,S;tcr".


li'rrlrrrr':r c lcrr tt - ntirtirrrit l lortl' lltriia (,artrirlur' ti, Iilt,'r's. 11i4 I

tlrat's ir lcal lirr rttttst'rtrtts- I,,ttt, t s ittttl s{'l'( ( lls ('illl l)( I

lolrlrics arrl otlrcr' itt"littttiorrirl lr lr lcr I ol t cntor ttI lrilhorrt 4 3j4 3i4

t'rr virr rn rrru Is. lirl lctttclr ,li-trrr I'irrl rri'rrittr ;r,l,itr-ltrt, rrl. 4 3/a" Ring* 5 3/4" Ring*
t'\ L.x ) ..t\\ vrtt l'}l li ]it ).;tlll lLt\.
26230W4 ll,trtt ll h tt 26238WH i/.///, llrii,
r r'r'satilr'. tlttr catr lrt'arl.jrr.ttrl liing. arri ( lr lirirltr' \ltrlirr 262388K tl,trl ltln
262308K trt' llla,l,
I l, L

1,,,'r,ir,.': 1/ll 7ilrrr': 1,r',',,rr,,r: l/ / /i/trr,:

Irorizortlullr arttl rct licallr ( laltlirl:.:,r'. ol' tlrl' sirtttt' .izt at't' l/ I /,,r',.r': 1s l',ra,ir l/./ /',rrr",r: 1\/,'t,r'tt'

irrll tlrlrr lolkcrl irt lrlacr'. 1'lrc rorrr;rllltlr ittlclclrattg-r'al rlr'. \

cort r cttitnt lrrrlicator' (l trir lc (llo.s lilarlr' l,,rrrrlr' lrloritl,'s

alkrrvs lr .r'r'ies ol'l'irttl cs lo lic lrr lr lit ionir! s lr iclr ling ltttl t'itrt

lcculirtclt nitrtr',1 ittttl lrt tasilr r','rtt,rt crl il n('r'r'isxl \. I ,,, a, ,, -.,,r , . .,', t,r!, - lii :rl

arl,jLrsttrl.'l'lrt'sc l,irrr' \ollrrgc

Prod uct Features

O Flush Adapter insefts easl y intO track and pr0vides separate mechanicaland e ectrical c0nnecti0n.

@ lever energlzes f]xtLrre e ectrically by 90' rOtati0n. Fixture canf0t be mechanically engaged or disengaged
when powered.

@ Stem: c0nstructed 0f stain ess steel, 5/8 0D; .049 wallthickness.

@ locking Lever: side ever precisely locks vert]ca adjLrstmeft. Top lever precisely locks h0riz0nta adjustment.

) lndicator Guide a lOws precise flxture aiming.

@ Housing: 20 gauge (.036 ) drawn steel constructlon. Hemmed front edge provides superior durability, addltl0nal
stiffness; prevents chipping and enhances appearance.

@ Cross Blade Louver of extruded aluminum, 1 deep, provides additional shielding and can be
easily removed.

@ Clamping Wedges: cam'0perated wedges expand 0r Te ease gripper springs from track ledge, gripper springs hold
adapter securelV within track.

O Yoke Monnting al ows adjustment up to 180'vertlca y and 350'horizontally.

@ Media Cartridge a ows conveniert l0ading and remova of up to 3 accessories wjth0ut disturbifg aiming
adjustmeft. Easi y installed and removed easi y with a simple twisting motion. C0nstructed of formed alumrnum.

@ Finish: all painted f nishes are pOwder coated baked enamel.

lrloSpec l'rach is a liglrting i rrs tlrLrnr:lts. lt is alrrrrrirrrrnr trnrl joins togt:thet'

comlrlrtcll rtcw ['arnilv of availalr|'il'1-firot. I firot ol with a neallv ilrisilrle seanr

tracl< fronr Lightolir:r l2 foot sr.r'tions in cithr:r- {irr a corrtirtttotts :ll)l}ealal(:t. )

dcsignetl to lre rLsr:rl l)[airr ol Feerl units. 'l'lrt'
carr be ferl rlirt'r'tly at !

exclusivel-v uith Itr-oS lret' trrrcl< is clalir:rI of cxtt'tttled tlrc t'ntl ol trnyr,hclc alorrg its


surlace. ItroS pcr''I'r-ar,k t:un Moulting Clips which lowe r- ProS1rt'c conncctors makt's

be nounted tlirectly to a the track {i om the ceiling by it easy to achieve the exacl.

jllfi of an inr:h anrl provirle

-.rrrftrce or- with a r:hoir:e of a lrattern r [csirtrl rluril;i
stantlard -Din:r't Mountilg ncat al)l)(:aran(:(' ()i1 uncv(:rl installation.

Clips or olrtional Stant[-Off srrrfartrs. { frrll linr: of

ProSpec Track Specifications
. A two cirr:uit tlack consisting oI tlo s(:lrarate 120r 60llz 20 anrtr
lrlanr:h lirr:rrits. ear:h rvith rlerlicatcd neutlals.
. 'l'racL i-. continoousll glounded thlorrghout lrnt net'd rrot lx'|olat'izetl
since the cilcuits are allangttl slnrmetlicalll rlitlrin tlrr'tlrck.
. !'lush ArlaPtt:r's can lre inselted il ilnt {)ricnl:rti(m tr) acccss lhc r'ill trit
rlesircd. Position o{ lever- allorts easy irlenti{ication of cilcuit lreirrg Lrserl.
. Porve| is {etl into Integral Feed rri|irrg connecto| corrtainr'rl in the
Feetl Track.
.'l'rack Cortntr:tols ale ertlurletl alttnrinunr horrsings with llrr'sarne
plol'ile as the lrack to provitlt a clean trrntinttotrs lool<. {ll connct tor's
can be power letl.
. All l acl< sections nrly h l'ieltl rlt to length.
. Aluninum ttack has a |r'olile ol llJlra" r'lith arl avcllgr: wl ll thickness
of.08" crcating a strong sul)p{)l'l for'lixttrres whilt: nrirrimizing
[* ,o,u ] defler:lions lretween cci lin g ruoturts.

4' Feed Track 4' Plain Track

26001WH ltl (r t.. lYllite 26004WH Jlrrtte II /r itcr
260018K ill otr e Bku:A 260048K Mutte ll[;

a-',za:1_' __l-,,,,
j,. 8' Feed Track
26002WH Mutte fr hite
8' Plain Track
26008WH ,lk,ttc ll /rire
}.- 260028K Xlutte IIkLtI; 260088K X] r t t te Il l.u c l;

12' Feed Track 12' Plain Track

26O13WH lltttc trhi.te 26012WH \lrrtte ll ltitc
260138K I'l ut.te llkrck 260128K lI rt te lllu A

Mountitg ProSpec Track

I)ilect tr{orrrttinil (1li1rs allorv a clcan aplx'alance Lt
spacing the trach l/16 of irn inrh Ilonr tlrc rrrotrnting
sulfat:e. Stantlar-tl wilh rll tlarrh trrrits" thcy tle nrlotr
coaterl to pr't vt:trt lusting lrrrl lcilin.u nralks. Togglt
Lolts anrl scl ews are al-.o lirlnishetl rrith all trrrits lirl
(lirect lrl()ulrtirtg l() the ceiling or rlall.
r/r 6'
Optional Stanrl-Ofl llorrnting (ilips plorirlc ligirl
suppolt antl holrl the tracli jJlll ol rn inch lr'orl tht
rnounting sulfalc. 'lLc clilrs 1i'atulc orre-scr'r'u
mounting/onc scl e\r tightelriltl{. 'l'hc tl acl< snill)s r)nlo
tht: ciips anrl can lte nutltrl irrto lrositiorr lrtfirr'r'
Lightening tht: locLitrg screus.

Installirg ProSpec Track
Straight Runs ol Track
licsirr \\ itlr arrr lcngtlr ,rl J,i'erl 'li'at li anrl arLl as manv Plain -..-........
{r'r'r;ors rs rlr.sirtrl. 'I'Lc rorrctrrIcrI Inrisilrlr'(lorrpk:r (or-tlcrt'rl
ir'l)rrllt{ l\ I ( r)nnc( ts tra( l( seltions melhanicallv anrl
l--------.-- lr-----.-
cIlctlicrrIIr. I plirlc tlrr' lrrrisilrlt (lrulrlcr l,ith Irr-l,irrc _____...___ll
(lrnncltol lor'poto li'r.rl in lrcttctn tr{{ l( rnits. Pr{)Slrc(i ..----J,z
'll rrlL rnar lrl lut irr tlrc l'itLl.

Making Track Patterns

L s, ..1,". "'1"". "\". anrl lrr Linr'(lrrunr.r'tols to tuln cor-nels
ol l'olrn '-'1 "- or"-\'' inltlscclions- Porrr.t nrrv Irc li:rl inlo thr:
r'r)nri ( tors. ,lrrrrrlrcl *iles lrle ;l'ovirlr'rl Iirr'lrotel coltinrritt.
I l'lair 'll rrlL lirl crrrh str aiglrt r-rrrr ol tlack lx:tr!( (:rt ( orxr(1:tors.
(lrnrrr.r'lor'. nrrr lx rlta{,lrcrl t() ll|t('l( tlrrl has lrrtrr Irrl.

Stem Mounting
I'r'oSpcr' 'li acl. r'arr lrr. sLr.;rcrrrlrrl ll orr holizortirl srrr-Jaccs or'
'1,,1'trl srrllacr," l'r'oSlrcc Sttnrs. I'hc stenrs can lx'r'rl t{)
arrr ltrrgtlr to irchicr c thr' r'ract Irt'ight rlr'silerl. 'Ihe minirnrrrn
,(f L nglh olrtainlrlr| llonr thc ttiling is ii irrrhcs. Stcrns shoLrlrl not
lr, slirIr'rl rrro|r tlrrrrr ,l li r't al;aIt. S$ir t'1 Stern Slorrnting Kits
alt arailalrl, to rrllow tLc tlirlk to lrirrrg roticallr *ith tlre tlark
opt ning h,rlizontll lo thr'1lrror'. l'hi" is lrossilrle if the tlack is
lrrrrnirru lrrrlallcl to tlrc slolrc or'ptr';r'rrlicrrlal to tlrt slrlre.

Direct Feed into Connectors

'l'lrr' lrrtrl 'li acl<. l'orrcl lirtlnsion. *1,". -'l-". ".\" anrl ln Line
(lrrrrrtltols ( onlirin ir nLrt with rr l/2 -l.l tlrlcarl to acce|t a i3ltl"
rtrir,l, -iz, r,l,,tIi,rrl,,,rrn,,t,,r'. 1),,r.- rr t rr''l||i11.;r.,.1':rrlll,.
1r,rrr cl li crI L it.

Floating lnvisible Feed

'l lris larr lrr' ruorrnttrl rnrrlhr'r'r' rlong tht' ll rcl( nl a marinlrlr
rlistrrrrlc ol l ii ct ll orn tlrc crlgt ol trar.l.. 'l-lrc Floatirrg IurisiLlr
l'r'r'rl allrlrt. r'onrlrrit,rl lalrlt l'ith iJ/lj eltrtlical connector'(h,v
(,llr{ r s). It larr lrc rrscrl *itlr &.r'rl 'l'r'ar'l<. "L". "T". "X'". anrl
In Lirrr' (lonneltor'..


Sur{ace Mount Track Connectors

lnvisible Coupler Power Extension (Live End) ln-Line Gonnector

26049WH iMru tte W/rite 26046WH
'l'Icrtc ltr /rite
26054WH,i/artc Iilitt,
260498K Motte Blutk 260468K /l/ccA 26O54BR Xluttp llhu'k

,trffi '/ offi:::

"L" Gonnector "T" Connector "X" Connector Su rface Monopoint
26050WH ,11atte II /rite 26051WH Mrrtte ll Iitr: 26052WH'llrrta, IITrrte 26190WH .rlt(lIe lllitc
260508K Motte IlLaek 260518K llat te tsku:A 260528K lI t t t e Il I a t: l; 261908K l]Iu k

3/8" Stand-Off 1/16" Direct

Mounting Clips Mounting Clips
Set oJ .l Sct of )0 reltku:t'rttt'rtt L:tips.
2647 Stttl H M o tt e lY I it e 56451WH
'lfarte II ftite
264l8BK Ilatte Bluck 56451BK llatte lllacA




lnvis ib le End Feed & Floating End Feed & Floating Grid Ceiling
Floating Feed Canopy Kit Canopy Kit Canopy and J Box
26082 (l:lush .llountitrg) ll'or usc u irh .)lS"Stuntl l )ll' 26096WH l/,,/rr ll /r ir (,
26060WH .l/rrta, ll hite llounting Olilts )
260608K ,l1u ta l'ilrrtl; 26061WH llu rc ll hitt'
260618K |Iutte IIIutl,
Stem Mounting Kits -sr,,,,* ntlr('lr l,) lllc lrul l{ rl lur\ t)(,irt. 1r'ril rlar lr slrartrl rrlr lo I ulrrrlt.


(f ]L
18" Stem Mounting Kit 48" Stem Mounting Kit 48" Stem Extension Kit 48" Swivel Stem+
7584 llutte ll ltitc 7586 l/rrttc ll lritc 7582 llutre ll ltitc 7480 ll rt rte ll hir e
7683 llrttte Illrtt L 7681 ll.l nr lllr tl, 7680 llttttt' lllttt l; 7481 \lurrc lilttcA

Grid Ceiling Mounting Clips

Prl,\i,l,s 0')l) :|,IiL,L,r,.,,I

i,,r .1,)tr!l , (.ili,1!s.

I)O\\ r,,,1 \\t.t i,r,.

r, ri'l' ,1!l t r llf ,,,irl-
t i(; l,,ri ri1,r-. 1,,,.
I llr lir( ' :l;lrlr i- r r, !isl, fr,L
rrIl, ,,,n, L ,'l (:l,it nq,' \l, rrlli(

Irol Iicgrr'-.scrl lirlgc I'llels lirl llcglr'.strl l'lrlgr' l'antls Iirl Srlrralc Lrlgc Ilrrrrcls
rrlrl 9/16 ol lir/l(r 'l'-llrrr' (ilirl ltrrrucls
irrrrl .'\lottcrl lnrl9/l(r" ol l5l l(r" I'llrl
ltr rr nt'r's. St't iil' 9. irr Ir'ilin:l sfslInrs srr{'h Ns r-Lrrrrru s. Sct ol'().
6081 llutte ll lrite t)o\N ,. l, l\1.,l,lNu,,. 6089 llattc ll /ritc
rrrrrI t ltr rrlinr"' iti00 i.
Set ol t).
jl/rritl ll /riie


ProSpec Recessed Track
\! hen an erct lrlionallr clt lrr looL rr t tlrc lciling i" rlt sir trl. l'r'oSlrlr''s li'"'' ""1
'l'rar'l< is lhe pleli'r'r'r'tl lhoicr'.'l lrls, llrrrtgtrl lrorrsirrp." * itlr irrtcglal ltalli ttlt
lvailalrlc irr 4'.ll tnrl t2'st'ttiorrs lirl a.inrl,lili, rl. all irr orrc irrstallatr,,rr.
Rcccsscrl 'liach is arailirlrlt il titlrl licrl or I'lairr rrrriti. I'Ir, Irorrsirrr.: hrt'
nrinimrLrn witlth tlinr Ilangt'irlcirl lirl rrllltilirrg rrrirlu ial. alrl , an IIc IilIrI-r'rrt to
lerrgth. PloSpec ltelcsscrl 'li irlli i. rlr'"igrrlrl to lrc ltlr'.strl irr tllr r, ililg
aplrlic.rtions only. srrrlr as.hcet lolL ttilirrg. r,r''rr'1,, rrrl, rl rrlorrstil ccilings

ProSpec Recessed Track Specif ications

. \ tuo lilcuit ltlcsstrl tlllli lorrsisting ol tl. st l)xr irtt l20\ !(larrrlr(r0llz
Lr-arrIh Ii|r'trits. llaclr ri|r'rrit hr" rlt (IiIitt( rI Dl'rrlIxl.
. 'flacl' is rontinrrorslr glourrrllrl thlorrghorrt.
21132 +l . l,'lush ,\(lal)trrs lan lrc inselttrl iu irrrr or-icrrtaliorr to rr( r't ss IIIt ( iI ( IIit (lt'sir.( rl.
Lercl itlcrrtilics wlrich cilluit is lrcirrg rr'r'rl trrrrl is crr'ilr olr"o rcrl li,rrrr Iloor"
. Ylatelial: alrrnrinttnr rrith ar aroirgl rrall thilllrcs.i)1 .()li lltlling n \l11)"9
-.uIlrolt lirl Iirtrutq *lriL rrrinirnizirrg rlll'lcrtiorr. lrct*r'r'rr lcilirrg rrrorlrts.
. l)r'oSl)rr lightilg rrlits carr lr rrttalhcrl trl rrrt\ lmirrl llorrg tlrl llrrlll, ,'l
tht llack.
. !'loltirrg Slrlire Box is arailrrlrlc lirl lorrrlrritrrl li crlirrg ol porrll lo tlrc
. -\lI r'rr.tsscrl llalli sr'( tir]ns rrrrrr lrc liclrl , ut t,' L nqllr.

4'Recessed 4'Recessed
Feed Track Plain Track
26601WH l/ritl ll /ritc 26604WH l/,,it,, ll./ritc

8'Recessed 8'Recessed
Feed Track Plain Track
26602WH l/oitl ll /ritc 26608WH l/rrrtc ll'/r r t c

12'Recessed 12'Recessed
Feed Track Plain Track
26613WH l/rttr ll hitc 26612WH lluttc ll: ltitt'

{nstallirg ProSpec Recessed'}'rack
r llrrrr'r i"ltrl irrto lntcglll li,il {,"rl:rin(,1irr tlr, li,rl llar 1..
. li, (, "', (l Il lll. r'ur al',, lr, li rl l'r'onr u l lortinu SIlilc li,r
tlr, r'rr,l ol'r,r'lrltrrrtrr lrlrrsirrgs (,)r(lcr l)lrirti l\ ).
installr,rl lt f//
. Or(lcr,'ri lrr',rl ll,r',s.,rl 'lirrll. rrrrit irrr,l rr.rlarrr l'lairr llclcs.r'rl llrrlli fr'Ltt
rrrit' a- r'r'rlrrilcrl lol cullr stlrri:rlrt lrrl ol tla,'I l)r't\\( r'r] inli rr'1 1)l:.
. l)irtt( r'rs i ur lr( i onslrrlt( il rrsirrg tIrl r',,, s.,,I "1,". "1"'. "\" 1,,,*, r' {f
, \r, r-i,,'r- ,,r ll I.irr, ( ,,rrrr,, t,'r -. .,/i' '
.I'o*, r'r',,rr l,i lirl i',r(, Il,r',ss,,l 1..-"1 "."\.'r,r lrr Lirrr' (.()''',i ( L),s. n/

I lrrrisilrlr'(iorrlrL l i" rr.r'rl to.ioirr "lliriglrl llall'" rrrlchanicallr anrl

, L ltr ilallr.

. \ll r (,rnr'( lr)rs rrrt crtlrrrltrl irIrlrrirrrrrrr lrorrsirrl. rritlr tlrr'.arrr, l,r',,lilt a'
tlr lllls.r'rI tr rrlL to 1rr or ir lt rr lL :rrr corrt irrLrorrs looL.
. \ll ,,,r'r'('t,,rs r.rrrr lr joirrlrl l,) lh{ , ul lrrrl ol thl trirr'1..

Recessed Track Connectors

Recessed "L" Becessed "T"

Recessed "X" Recessed
Connector Con nector Connector lnline Connector
26650WH l/arte ll lire 26651WH lla ruc tl /rirl 26652WH ll t rtc ll hite 26654WH llarrc ll/rire

Power Extension (Live Efdl Floating Splice Box Recessed Hanger Clips lnvisible Goupler
26646WH l/atir ll /r iir 26660 liltluirt'rl lt rcces:ing t ntcA 26049WH r'l'tlle lflrire
ittt o ttroplx'rl t cilinys. 26O49BK ill t t tt c lll r r k
26090 .\Pr .,/ r



PloSpct'",. Iir ll rarrgt of S1r'r'ialtr l" ilt c ls lll all lr iltu. "ol'll\ rlillu.r'tht
acr:r'ssor-its allorrs I ht' cltatcrl ol ritttle.s lt ttt i rlgr' ,,['tlu' 1,,'rrrn lr ltil,

1l('-. igrr c r cotrtIrlctr'Ilct'tItittr 1rclt'rI glrr. s. Light lilosl rritirrllrirrirtg ({ lll( r' ll{ iltjr

to shalre alrI tirrl tlre light Ii ille ls alt rlr'.igrrcrl lo r';rrt,lii p,,rr,'t. llirrrrrr.rI

Ircan of artl fixtttt'e in tltt' tol'tcn licirrrt l)illl( l r). $ ta irr lr'.s Stccl tn"

ProS lrcc lirt e. \ott rr itlrorrl rrirslrirtg orrl liglrt lrloi'li li- lr t * ii hrttI
rlil {'tr si n g (.]olor' -F iltcls irrrrl irrtcrrsilr. I)r'r'irrrttcr l lo.l t lritrrqirlg soltt r'{' !'()l{)r'

-t T-:r
"\ t: $
ll E

l('rrl,r'r'irlur'('. [ \ Il,', l rr r' ( r'('ll('(l ()l ottr' Iriclc lItitt' (lcll l,orn cr'" 1r'or irll rLrlrli

tiorr Iiiltcr'. ltcllr lrlt'r trrt Irolosilicatt glass anrl t io rral shiclrling Lrnrl .ig.nil'i

Iottg lct'tn rlitttritgr' .rrclt as ltrlrrcc inl'r'ir lcrl lrtat lrr ( antl\ r'('(lll('( larnl, glalr'.
r Iist rtlot izltIiott ol'rttatt' l07r rvh ilc slill rrrairr L ;r to ii l) r'oS ptr' ( lolor ol
lial. arrl .l lrrlt rr llr l taining lii37r I lansuri..ion Sptr.ialtr l,'ilt,'r'. r,rr rr l,r'
rliuttirg-r' srrclr lrs crrrlrlittlc ol r isilrL' liglrt. \lattt sIachtrI irr.irlc tlrr' \lcrlia
rrrcrr l . I lcrr t I'iltcr'-;rlc lrlirrli llcr (lcll arrrl (lrrlrc (laltlirlgr'.

atsiCL Era
Diflusion/Special Filtets
Series: AF25, AF3, AI'4,
At25 =2112' At4 = 431t"
AF3 = 3/,r"
3 At7 = 6r/t"
A complete accessory
consists of size and suffix:

uv Optivex"' tIV Reduction-

PF Perimeter Frost
SY 55' Symmetrical Spread
LF Light Frost
IR Infra-Red Reduction
(407o heat reduction,
837o light transmission)
AS 5'x 55'Asymmetrical

*Oprivex uV filtcrs by Bausch & Lomb cl

Hex Cell Louvers

Series: Al-25, Al-3, N,4, AL7
All5HC = 21l2" Hex Cell Louver
A[ilHC = 33/+" Hex Cell Louver
AL4HG = 4:fu" Hex Cell Louver
ALTHC = 61/+" Hex CelI Louver

Screen Kits
Series: AS25, AS3, AS4, AS7
Each kit features two 157a Light Blocking Screens and
two 407o Light Blocking Screens which may be used
singly or combined to reduce light output without
affecting lamp color iemperature.

AS25IS = 2 1/2" Light Blocking Screen

AS3LS = 3 r/a" Light Blocking Screen
AS4LS = 4 n/,r" Light Blocking Screen
ASTLS = 6 t/,r" Light Blocking Screen LLGHTOLIEB
tiotor Filters

Primary Co lors: Se cond ary Co lors: Mixing Colors:"

RI) llcrl fl ill \'ltrlirrnr \'ltscnta SI' Surlrlise Pink

t3L lllrre B(; lilrr'(llet'l LS l-ight Stlarr
(;R (l ltcn Y(; \r'l|rw Olrtrr
\'l A I'1,'rlirrnr .\nrl'er' SB Steel llIrre
RA Blrstrrrl .\rrrlx r

DA I)allisht (loLrr (lorler:tion

I,P l,ight Pink

'i'F illels shorln together nri\ to \rhitc

Pll oi *ll t t' i,i'.r r'f,

LamDs shodn arc tVpLca,lhc r pe ormaice s based on

barc amp phoLode[ics Coimcr amD manuta urers lor
ava lab lry aid perromran.e

@D FC *lo c FC wl o c FC wI n c FC

L t0,200
58', 66 3.3 2.8
75', 39 43 3.7
1 10
g', 90',
3.5 2.4
45 3.1',
4', 69 80 41
5 8/ 51 51

. 14 29 L9 r /o 88 ?8 r J0 r 20 15 06 db
5{]W MR]6
1400 4000 t0 53
5 50
1 7.A
5t' 34'
11 4A
3 5.2
4 69'

NFL{SYS) 27' 12 24 58', 58', 11 6.4 18 72', 61', v 9.0 15 92', 61', 5 87', 17 ll6', 48',
4' |0 2E 29' 3 t7 t34 30' 25' 3 30 73 50 31 1' 17' 231 48 15'
50w t,tBr 6 1850
59 58',
529485l 42',44041 67 41
1 4.A 25 11 59', 5 50', 20 84 5i
235 5851
3', 52', 26 l4t
l0 l9 13 13 9 5.2 15 91 76', 6 60 18 10.1 62 4', 69 14 19.3
FL(EXN) 40'
--:---- - --------:- --:---=---; --l--ll-- 58',

50w [4F] 6
ll50 4000 5 46
7 23
52 ",
73 73
52 " 76 60 3', 30', 45 8.6 4.4
5', 29', 30
7, 40, t5 t0.7 8.4 4' 40' 25 tt.4 - 5.9
55' 9 t4 94', 94 g', 52', I 13.7 10.8 5', 50', 16 14.3 74', 4 69 9 89.1 83

frMFt6 /l 12000 4000
8 t88
12 83
16' 47
2 o', 2.0
29 29
39', 3E
7', 40 159 23 20
r0 53
13 75
13 33', 28
5 50 170 2.5', 17',
1 1D 87 35', 24', 4 69 94
40 43', 37', 9 90 52 45', 31', 5 87', 60
167 3 5.2 31',
?i 30 49', 49', 6 92 6 104 42
ll ll.0 35 5t 38' --:------
30 53', 45', --:---::- 62 29

,A 6 t36 27 27', ;---t . .,, b ,,

" 31 ,
g 11 35 35', 7 4.0 65 42', 36', t 5.0 69 47 3', 52', 68 6 t 27',
,o*tffi n /\ *oo 4ooo
10 49 44 44', 9 5Z 3C 54', 46', 7 70 35 65 44 4', 69', 38 8.3 35',
NFL(EYJ) 25' 12 34 5.3 5 3', 11 64', 26 66 56 y 90 21 84 5.6 5 81 25 1A4 44
3 11 152 3.7 21 3', 30', 62 54 33 ]', 1.7 ?03 5t l.t
MFr6 / \ 2100 4ooo
3.t 3l'
46', 46
6.t 61
5 29', 55 54 44
1 40 25 7.5 6.?
4', 40', 46
5', 50', 30
2', 3.5 66 110 31
3', 5Z 29 l6.t 4.6
FL(EYC) 42' 10 21 11 11 9 12 11 9.7 60 6', 60', 21 10.8 6.t 4 69 16 220', 6.1

6', 125 12 1.2 3', 30 r77 r 2 08 2 35 t4t 16', 0.8

L t\rtRr 6 I
8', 70 r5', 15
t0 45 19' 19
h' 79 |l
7 40 60 18',
9 52 36 23', 20',
13 11
1.6', t 50 64
7 la 32
tg', 14',
2.1 19
3 52
|" l2 31 23 2.3 11 64 24 2A 24 v 90 20 35 2t 5 87 23 40' 1g',
-----.']Td---l----l-- 3 t.7 05 17', I i n 7n
20w N4Bt6 A *', 35.,o
t 36 21 21
1 18 30 30',
7 40 t2 40 34

3 3.0 35
4 40 20
36 24
2 35 28 3.v 17',
3', 52 13 5.9 26

TL NFL I r 36 36 9 52 1 52 44 5 50 13 45 3.0 4 69 7 79 3.4

2 113 t.3 13', 2', 12', 73 l8 l5 2 20 40 29 1.8 r' 17 50 38 r.3
[rlRt6 / \ 450 ]500
3 50 ty 19
4 28 2.6 26
3 17 32 21 23
4', 23', 18 3.6 3 0
3', 30', t8
4 40 10
44 28
5.8 37
2 3.5 14 70 26
3 5.2 8 11.4 39
TL FL 36' t t8 32 37 5', 29 12 45 38 5', 50', 6 73 46 4 6.9 4 152 52
--;----;----- o . ;--l;----:-- 4', 40', 179 I t 08', 2 35 253 I l', 0.6
35W Nrtnt 6 A
r0' 8r 14' t.4
13', 48 r.8 r.8
g', 52 65 lT lt
12 6 9 37 2.2 I 9
6', 60', 80 t7 12
I 80 45 2.2 r6',
3 5.2 113 17', 08
4 6.9', 63 23', II
8' 15 81 23 26 2.4 0' 100 29 28' 20'
t0' 5 8 7', 41 28', I 4',

6', 90 19', r.9 5 2v 84 21', 18', 3 30 t27 19', l3', 2 35 101 77 13

f- N4Br 6 A r* 35oo
8', 5t 25 25
10 32 3? 32
7 40 43 30', 26',
9 52 26 38', 33',
5 50 46 32', ??
7 70 23 45 31
3 52 45 4.1 19',
4', 69', 5 55 25
t8' t2 23 38 38', ll', 0.4', 17 47 40 g', 9.0', 14 56 40 t 87 16 0v 3.2
3 97 2.1 3 11 63 29 2.4
35W MB]O
t 2.9 23 48 4.0
7 4.0 t2 07', 56',
3 3.0 34 47', 29
4 4.0 19 63', 39
235 21 86 28
3 52 12 128 41
9', ll 62 6.2 9 s2 1 46 12 5 5.0 t2 78', 49 4', 69', 7 t71 55',
8 169 l4 5', 50 t53 t 8', 12', 3 52 t50 2t', 1.0
f. MB] 6 A 10,800 3500
10 58 1A 2.3
13 75 42 30',
1 7A 18 25 11
4 09', 84 29', t.4
5 87', 54 36', 17
TL NSP t0' 20 21 3 5', 3.5', 16 9.2 27 31 32 | |.0' 32 39', 27', 6 r04' 38 43', 21',
6', 93 22 22 --T--2i---E---1i-- 3 3.0 131 23 r 6 2', 3t r04 33 lt
5OW MF] 6 A *, 35oo
30 30',
31 37
7 4.0 44 35', 30',
9 5.2 27 45 39
t 5.0' 47 38 26
1 10 24 5.4 31
3 52 46 5A 22
4', 69 20 6.6 30',
TL NFL 2f 1? 23 44 44', 11 6.4' 18 55 47 9 90', 15 6.v 4Z t 8.7 17 6.3 3.7
21 3 11 1A1 2.9 1 11 114 43
50w Mnr6 1395 3500
4 8,
36 48
t8 67',
30 55
4.0 31
2 35', 44 86',
3', 52', 19 128
38' g', l7 6? 62 9 5.2 11 86', 7 s0' 20
2', s 78' 49 4', 69', tl 171 55',

370 35', 3 52 40 2.0 562 69 111 79'23',

50w l\4816 630 3500 521
| i
t6 87 67
8 tzl 93 4',
30', 25
40', 14
2 35 2A '

60' 96 9 52 5 156 12.0 5', 50', 9 113 82 46.y5"9.2

'Exceeds useab e im ts.

I o rc wro c FC wI o c FC wl o c FC

0 +
25W PAB3615 5V)
ll 30,000 t000
r0 300
15 133
2A fi
8 46', 304 05
t2' 69', t35 07
10' 92', 76 0y
6 60 295 0.5
g', 90', 131 0 8
12 124 14 1.4
4 69', 234 07', 0
6', t04' t04 10' 06
n 139', 59 14', 08

25"Xv 25 48 tt t3', 24 115 49 1? 12 tt 160' 47 r3 ir' t0' 173' 38 17 r0

row pqnro {HrroctNt il
40,000 4000
3', 10 58', 200 rz r0'
15 8.7 115 r7', I5
20 11 5', 65 23', 20
8 8.0', 14 l0
1Z 12.0', 98 2.1 r t
16 160' 55 28 20
5' 87', 200 18', 09
8', 13.9', 78 28', r 4
|'191', 4t 39', t9
VNSP 30 44 26 26 ?5 144 M 79 77 )n 1nn 37 35 75 14 )4) )6 49 )4
row renrs tneLocrrut ll
12 76 17 11
4000 16
I nz r.l
43 2.2 22
t0 58' 7l
13 15 42
t9' t6'
24 21
1 14 19 2Q 14
9 90 48 2t r8',
4', 09', 86 23', II
t 87', 55 28', r4
NSP 8' 7n 2A 7A 2A 16 92', 28 30', 26', 11 11n 32 31 22 6 104', 38 34', r7
_::_ 3 144 1.6 16', 3 11 94 22 19 2 20 115 23 15
1300 4000 552?1 5 2.9', 34 3/ 3t 3', 3.0', 5t 3.t 2.3 2', 35', 41 5t 2r'
A 21
row pcni6 GcLoceNr /\ | 21 38 38' 740n 5r' 43 4', 40', 29 46 30 352 18 82 32
wFt 3n" 9 16 48 48', 66 h6 5 50', l3 53 33 4', 69', l0 109' 43
10' 315 07', r 3 | 46 374 nl 17
iII 5 140 0 20 lr b9 l4l ll 18 g', 90 137 t3 t7 6', 104' 109 t7 t6
11500 /000 _0 79 4 26 tb 9/ 80 5 .r 12 12Q 11 11 22 8 139 62 22 21
VNSP 4'X 7 5" )5 5t r7 33 20', ll5', 5l I9 30 t5' 150 49 21 28 10' 17 3', 39 28', 2 6

10' 58', 39014 r0 8', 80', 33r r7 r0 5', 87', 300 21', r4
r1 60000 u000
t0' 150 -l' l8 15 81 113 2.1 2.4 1? 120 141 2.5 2.4 8 139 117 34 27
r20w vt\.p
DAB56 /h 90 /6 J, 20 112 111 2.8 3.2 t6' 160' 83 3.4 3.2 ', t9t' 62 47', 3.t
I]2VJSCFTEfrM 6"X8" 30 67 31 42 25', 144 62 :5 40 2i 2ii 53 4? 4n t4' 242', 33 h9 39
t0 190 16 32 6', 60', r87 rg', 27',
]t 84 2.4 4.5 12', 69', 86 2.5 4.4 g', 90', 83 2.9 40 6', 104' 66 38', 3 8
I2OW PAB56 NlFL 20 48 3.1 03 16', 92', 48 34 59 12 120 41 38 54 8', 139', 37 51', 5t
1r2V)SCn TEnNI 9'X t8' 2s 30 39 79 20', 115', 3t 42 73 15', 150', 30 48 67 l0' 17 3', 24 64', 6 3
A 5' 29' 146 21 36 3 31r' ??1 19 77 7 34 116 21 24
,[ 625 8882550 7',
40', 75 3.0 51 5',50', 80 3.2 4.5 3', 5 z', 78 41', 3 8
t)ow pahsa wrL 5 2000
10 56 32 63 52', 45 36 6.6 1 10 41 45 62 4', 69', 44 55', 50
1r2V)SCB TERI\4 r8'X 35. 12 39 38 76 |' 64', 30 4.7 80 g',90', 25 58 80 5', 87', 28 69', 63
21 3l 17 1) lr' 344 75 77 8 139 213 34 )5
30 t50 31 41 t44', 145 3.5 45
25', t7', t70', t7t 3.6 3.8 12 208 122 51 36
40 88 q.2 63 35 202 14 49 64 22 220 1Q2 46 49 16', 277', 68 68', 50
1I2VI SCF TEflNI 0'x r 5) 4t 200' 45 0.3 8t 21 210 68 5.t 6.4 20', 346', 44 It 03
20 11' 28 6.1 it 8.7
',',$d5 r33 28', 58', 12 r2.0 rr3 34', 57', 8 r3.9', 90 4.5', 54
25 14 3t 84', 24 11.5 75 37 7 7 t6 t6.0 64 4 5', 7 6', 11 19.1 48 6.2 7 4
TERM ]9' 30' 51 42', 25 14.4 48 4.1 9.1 20 20.0 4t 56', 95', 14 24.2 29 1.9
0 {IzVJSCF 8" X 100', 9.4

I ?a- t\ t.a 7 40 t72 30 5t t 50 t84 32', 45', 3 52 t8t 4t

t.^: t3 000 2000
t2 9a t8 /.6 r0' 58 84 4.3 73 1 1.4 54 45 6.2 4 6.9 t02 5t 50
aow pnnqr, wrr th 5t 5I t0 l 13', 7 t 50 5.t 9.t v 90 57 5.8', 8.0', t 8.7 65 69 63
1t2V)SCB TERI\4 rr X 35" 20' 33 6.3', t2 6 16 92 33 6.6 |.7 0 38 7.t 9.8 6 10.4 45 6.2', 76

20' 563 17 1.7 tt 87' 650 tT tt 12 124 552 21 15 8', r39 439 28 r4',

]2OW PAF64 225,000 zaaa 30 75n 16 )6

40. t4t 3 5' 3
?5 144 ?34 2.9 2.5
35 202 1t9 4.t 3.5
n n I z75 3.4
22 22 4 164 3.8 2.1
2.1 It 20.8 195 4.2
16 277 tto 5.6
1V6)VNSP 50' 90 4.4 44' 4 76n 17 5? 45 21 71n 1A9 41 jj 20 346 10 70 35

a n4 1.4 1.4 7', 40', 199 16 t4 t 50 2r? ]a r? 3 52 246 21 lQ

15,000 2000 1? 1n4
10. 59
?1 71
28, 29,
10' 8', 97 2.3 2.0
t3' 7 5 58 3.0 2.6
0 r08
90 65
2.t 1.7'
3.2 2.2
4', 6v ll7 2.9 14',
5 87 75 3.6 17',
sP 10" 20 38 3t 3t t6' Iz', 3R :t :2 lt' 0' 44 39 2t 6', 104 52 4: 21',

aR70 /\ 2000
4 125 2.1
21 3 11 144 22
5 29 5? 3.1
3', 30', 79
4', 40', 44
35 23
4.6 3.0
1 11 254 21 11
? 35 63 5.5 21',
I 31 43', g', 40 21 5.1 5', 50 28 5.8 3.8 3 52 28 8.2 32
50w 200n 43 4.3
F 30. lA ZA 5.4 5.4 52', t6 66 56 6', 60', 70 69 45 4', 69 16 109 43',

t0' 58' 325 12 1o', 8', 80', 276 r4 r0 5', 87', 250 18', 09',
50w AB]]I I 50 000 2000 )n t7\ 11
25 Bo 22
t5' 8.7 t44 I7 t 5 12 120 123 21 1.5
24 115 81 23 2A t6 t60', 69 28 2.0
8', 139', 98 26', t.4',
', tgt', 52 311', t.g',
NSP 5' 30 56 26 26 25 14.4 52 29 25 20',200', 44 3t 2t 14 242 32 48 24
4', 69', 156 29', 14
12 6.9 90 28 9 9.A A1 3.2 2.2 6', 104', 69 43',
za,aoo zooo ]|.
t6 92 5t 37',
24 115 32 41 40
49 42 3A
32', 12 12A
31 53 37
15 150
8', 139', 39
10 113 25
3 30', |8 35 23
ABtll A ,* 2ooo
8 47
10 30
7 40 40 5r', 43', 5 5.0 42 58 36
v 5.2 24 66', 56', T 7.4 22 81 53
4', 69', 23 109', 43
17 21 64 64', f 64 16 8r', 66', 9 90 r3 r04 6R 5 87', l5 137', 54
10 250 11 1.1 8 4.6 254 1.9 10 6 6.4 246 21 15 4 69 r95 29 r4',
+ An]]l il 25,000
t5' |t 26 2.6
20' 03 3t 35
12 6.9 113 2.8 2.4
r0 9 z 63 3.7', 3.2
v 9.0 109 3z 2z
rz r20 61 42' 30'
6 t04 87 43 2r',
8 r3.9 49 5.7 2 8',
25', 40 44 4.4 20 5 41 47 40 t5' t5D :9 53', 37', l0 l7: 31 72 35',
rl 1?t y 32 t 2v 117 3.7 3 34 177 35 23
3.1 2 3.1 r4t 5t 2r',
8', 70 43 43 7 40', 60 5.1 4.3 t 50 64 56', 38', 3 5.2 63 82 32
10' 45 54', 5.4 9 52 36 6.6 5.6 1 1.0 32 8.1 5.3" 4 6.9 35 10.9 4 3',

12', 31 64', 6.4 ', 64', 24 31 63 g', 90 20 r04' 08 5 87 23 137 54',

0 --1'--'i?t---L5' 35--
5 52 58', 5.8
3 t7 94 5.2 4.0
5', 29', 34 87 67
2 2A 115 6.9 3.3
3', 30 5t t04 4.9',
7 7 40', 17 t2t 93 4', 40 29 r39 05
g', 27 81', 8.1 3 52 t8 59
60" t6 t0 4' t0.4 y 52 r0 156 r20 t 50 i0 173 82 4 6y r0 92
I GHTOLIFF 'Exceedsuseabe mts

-- t,"11":!
1To 509i CBCPI
,.r, ",*ffi0
FC wl o FC

-- 8---
266----i' r- j t"t ni fi- 11' t 5.0 240 14' 10' 3 5.2 230 17 08
12 ll8 17 17', 10 5.8' ll0 19' 16' T la 123 20 14 4', 09 133 23', 1.1

50w PA830 (Hrn) il 17,000 r0 66 2.2 22 13 7.5 65 24 21', 9 9.0 74 2t 18', t 8.7 85 28', 14
20 43 2.8 28 16 02 43 30', 26', ll ll.0 50 31' 2.2',
.-.-o.-.---fr----i1._/,--;-,,b--J,jj-------:-----;--r,--j---:--- 6 104', 59 34', 17',

8 47 35 3t 7 40', 40 42 36 1 5.0', 42 4.7 3.1 3 52', 42 62 21
5OW PAB3I] (H B) A ,* 3ooo r0 30 4.4 44 9', 52', 24 5.4 4.6 7 10 22 6.5 4.4 4', 69', 23 8.3 3t
5', 87', 15 10.4 44',
12 21 5.3 5.3 l]', 64', 16 6.6 s.6 9', 90', 13 8.4 5.6
---i-r;---t:i----'!- -- ,----,----:--- --;---;:----;--- ,----;-:;---:-
,A t 58 3.2 32 t 2.9 30 43', 36', 3 3.A 55 42 21', 2 35 44 12 25
5OW PAB3O A r4,,o 25oo
1 29 4.4 44
v 17 51 51
7 4.0', 19 61', 5l'
4 4.0 31 56', 30', 3 52', 19 108', 36',
11 7 8', 56', t 5.0', 20 7.0 4.1 4' 69', 11 14.4', 50',
--;----il---'i:-- --;---.5.2',
,---;---i;--. " *:----;--;--;- *
,( 12 91 r.9 rg', r0' 58', 91 21 1.8', 7 70', 101 22 1.6 "---;:---l:;--l
4', 69', 109 26 13',
75W PAF3O I 14,000 16 55 25 2.5 13 15 54 2.1 24 g', I()', 61 2.9 20 t 87', 70 32 16
NSP r 20 35 3r',
--;----ft-r / '- 16', 92', 36 3.4 2.9
3.r' --r---= ]l', 110', 41 3.5 24
------::- 6', 104 49 3.6 19
--:- ;-------:l--
A 30
8', 50 43 43', 1 4.A 42 51 43 t 5.0 45 58', 38', 3 52 44 82 32
r0 32 5.4 54', 9', 52', 26 66', 56 1 1.A r 81', 53', 4', 69', 25 109', 43',
30' 12 22 04 64', ]]', 04', l7 81 68', 9 90', 14 104', 66', 5', 87', 16 137 54',
t\ 3 1-7---1i4--1fi--a 4 4.0 7e----nr--::l-
t 56 44 44', 5 2.9 52 51 42 -'--t- - 07', 41', -i'-7---50---13'--lT
44 Z 3.t 03 97', 2.9
7bw FAB30 8 31 58 58', 1 4.A 27 71 59 t 5.0 28 84', 51', 3 52 28 145 44
40' r0' 20 7.3 13 9 5.2', 16 91', 76', 6 00 20 l0l' 62', 4', 69', 16 193', 58',

rn' rg5 16' t 6 8', 46', 198 1.7 1.5 6', 60', lS2 1.9 1.3 4', 6 9 r52 2.6 1.3
l] 15', 87 24 2.4 12 6.9 99 2.5 2.2 g', 90', 85 29 2.0 6 t0 4 00 3.8 r.9
il 19,500 20' 49 24 2.4 16 9.2 49 34 2.9 12 1?.A 48 3.8 2.1 8 139 38 5r', 2.t
NSP 2t 31 39', 3.9 20 ri.t 32 4.2', 3.6', lt 15.0 31 48 r0 173 24 64', 3.t
--1---1i;- ,- t, ,-:;----;_---i;-,, 3 52 201 26 13
tz tot 2.5 25 r0' 58' 94 28 2.4', 7 7.0', 105 30', 4', 69', 1r3 3t r7',
90w PA838 A t4,500 16 57 34 34 13' 75', 56 3.7 32 -:---:;---:l---
g', 90', 63 3.8 ?7
581 73 43 21
SP 12' 16', 92', 37 4.t 3.9
2A 36 4.2 4.2 --i---=------;- ]]', 110', 42 4.7 3.3 6', r0.4 s0 5.2 2.v
--;---;;---; ------::- 2 35 141 49 20
8 70 4 0 "u 40', 7', 40 60 48', 40', t 5.0', 64 5.3 3.1 3', 52', 63 7.4 30',
9OW PAF38 r0 45 5.0 0' 9 5.2', 36 6.1 5 2
5 7 1.0 32 1.4 4.9 4', 69', 35 9.8 40',
28' 12', 31 6.0 00' 11' 64' 24 7t 6.3 g', 90', 20 9.6 6.3 t 67', 23 r23 50
--:----14---;- --;---il----T ------=--: I t.7 t63 ' 23
5 52 56', 50 - t 2v 34 6.7', ^ 6.7 3', 30', 51 - 10.4 49 2 3.5 41 '40
gow FAB38 1 21 81', 8t' 1 4A 11 12.1 9.3 4', 40 29 13.9', 3 52 16 " 6.9

60. 9, 16 104', 104 y 5.2 l0 15.6' 120' 5 5.0 18 17.3', 4 69', r0 " 9.2
--;---_;---l'- , t --;--;---:;--; --;--- ---::--- 4 6.9 221 2.9 14
]OOW PAR38 il
17 1)g 26 26
29,000 3000 20 n 35. 3t
12', 69', l3l 2.8 2.4 9 90 121 - 3.2 2.2 o', l04 l0l 4.3
16 9.? 14 3.1 3.2 t2 120 j1 4.2 3.A 8 t39 57 5.7 2.8

SEH R 25 46 44', 4.4 2A 15 41 41 4.A lt 150', 46 53 3.7 10 173 30 72', 3t

--.---155---E----:i- --E --:tr--r35---tt---F 66--Ti'-- 2 3.5 234 4 6 t.9
1l 10 75 48', 4.8 v 5.2 60 5.9 50' -r-[0---

6 6.0 74 6.1 41', 3 5.2 104 10 2.9

13 44 62 62 12 09 34 78', 07', y 80 41 8.2', 4 6.9', 59 93', 3
5.4', o',

NFI- H B 27' 16 ?9 11 11 ]t 8 7 22 8', 8 3', 1A 1A.A 21 10.2 68

S 5 87', 38 6', 48',
--G'---3i----in'--1.1'---E--n---?r---i1=--nT----n_j.?---10-..3T- 2 35 106 91 29
r, 8 53 5 8 58', 1 4.A 45 71 59', t 5.d 48 84', 51', 3 52 47 14.5 44
t0 34 13 13 9 52', 27 91 78', 1 1A 25 117 72 4', 6 g', 27 19.3 5 8',

12 24 8.7 81 11 04', 18 ll.Z 9Z 9 9.0', 15 l5l', 9.3 5 81 11 24.2 73

--n---1;---ii- , --;------------
FL, HIF 40"
, .:------ - t' t.7' 250 107' 1g',
I 6 56 50 56', 5 29 52 67', 54', "4 40 44 I5', 53', 2', 35', 63 2t t 37',
1zOW PAR38 8 31 7.t 75', 7 4.A 21 14 15', t 5.0 28 1l9', 66 3', 52', 28 32.2 56',
50' n 20 93 93', 9 5? 16 121 91 6 6.0 20 143', 7S --'4', 69', 16 429 75',
15 W 29 2.9 i0 5.6 260 2.6', 22', 9 8.A 221 3.1 2.2 sj-roL4i-i--i3-
20' 100 3 g', 3.9', rt 8.7 115 3 9', 3 3', lZ 12.0 98 4.7', 3 8 139', 78 63', 3r',

250W PAn38 il 40,000 2t 64 4 8', 4.8', 20 11.5 65 5 2', 4 4', 16 16.0 55 6 2', 4 11 191 4t 81 42

1t' 25 14.4', 42 64', 56', 20 200 35 78', 54',

30 44 58', 58', -:---F-:;---.;----:- 14 242 26 11.1 54
t----l;--1 4.:- ----J.--:----::- 2 3.5 250 6 t', 23
t0' 80 51 5.7 9 5.2 64 71', 60', 6 6.0 79 7t 49', 3 5.2', 111 122', 91', 34',
25OW PAB38
8,000 13 47 15 15 12 6.9 36 94', 79', 8 8.0 44 100' 5t 4' 69', 63 46',
3?' 16 31 92 92 15 87', 23 118', 99', 10', 10.0', 28 l2t 81', 5', 87', 40 15.1 57',

1.7 |.l 7 40', r59 2.0 r.7 5', 50', 170 2.1 1.5 3 52 161 2.6 1.3
r0' 56 78 28 2.4 1 70 3A 4 0.9 94 3.5', t.7
2500 12 83 2.5 2.5 2.1
gow pnnsa/a se r2,000 $, 47 3 4 3.2 13 7 5 46 3.7 3 2', v 9.0 52 3.8 27', t 8.7 60 43', 2r'
{IlALOGEN) 20 3n 42 42 16 92 30 4.5 3.9 1| rr0 35 47', 33', 6 1A4 42 52 2.5
6 104 32 3.2 5 2.9 97 37 31 3 3.0 r47 3t 23', 2 35 117 55 21
8', 59 43', 43', 7 40 50 5r', 43', 5 50 53 58', 38', 352528232
gOW PA838/3 FL 10 38 54 54', 9 5.2 30 66', 56', 7 7.A 21 a1 53 4', 69', 28 10.9 43',
lHALOGEN) 1? 26 64 64', | 6.4', 20 8r', 66 v 9.0 16 r0.4 6.8 5', 87 rS r3.7 4 t
8 18A 21 21 1 4r) 152 2.5 21 t 5.0 163 2.7 1.9', 3 5.2 160 3.3', I 6
12 8A 32 32 r0' 50 75 3.1 3.0 1 1a * 38 26 4 69 90 44 2.1

150W PAF38/3 16', 45 42 42 13 7.5 44 4.6', 4.0', v 9.0 50 46' 34', t 87', 58 56', 26
SP t5' 20 29 3', 5.3 5 16 9.2 29 56', 4.9', 11 11.0 34 59', 41', 6 10.4', 40

6', 111 32 32 --l--:::------:- '. .r-- , 2 3.5 125 55 21

v 63 43 43', 7 40 53 5t', 43', 5 50', 57 56', 38', 3', 52', 56 I2', 32',
10 40 54 54', 9 5.2 32 66', 56', 7 70 29 81 53 4', 69', 3r r0.9 43',
1? ?B 64 64', | 6.4', 21 81', 6 8', 9 9 o', 17 10.4 6.8 5', 87', 20 13.7 54',
'Exceeds useable m ts

jl;[, I o rc w lo c FC wI o c FC wl n c FC

l0' 310 14' 19 8', 46', 315 I5 t 8 6', 60', 304 r.7 16 4 6.9 242 2.3 1.5
NSP 8'x
31,000 2000
15', t38
20 78
25', 50
8 r95 15 3t
2l 2I
2.8' 3.9
3.5 4.8
12 69 140
16', 92', 79
20' ]]5', 50
g', So', t35 25 25
12 120', 76 3.4 3.3
tt t5 0' 49 4 2 41
o', t04', t08
8 13.v 6t
10 17.3 39
3 5) 114 )4
34', 23
4.t 3.1
5.7 3.v
t0 58' 8t 26', 1 1.A 90 21 4 6.9 98 3.2
z{X]\! PAR46/5
lrx 25J
.2,500 2ooo 13. ia
?n 31 39
|tr. 88ii. t3' 75', 48 33',
16 92 32 41
9', 90', 55 3t
]] t] 0 37 43',
5 87', 03 40
6 104 43 48
3 5',

3', 167 3.5', 3.8 2', 20', 133 69 36

!-+ 5 60 58 6.4 5 29 39 S1 l4 3', 30', 59 t0.4 5.4 2 35 47 " 5.1
zoowinruen I500 7',
3t 8.t', 8.9 7 40', 20 12.1 r0.3
g', 52', 12 rs.6 r3Z
4 40 33 13.9 7.2 3 52 21 ' 7.6
60' x 65r t9 t04' ll5 5', 50', 2t 17.3 9.0 4', 69', 12 " t0.2'

2oo!v PAn56
[40G END
PFoNG 7'x 9'
il 52,000 2000
?31 1.8
13n ?4
83 3.t
58 3.1
t0' 58' 338 1.6 18', I
15 81 150 24 21
20' 115', 84 33 36',
25 144 54 41 45
8.0', 287 20',
12 12A 128 29
16 16.0', 72 39',
24 24.4 46 49
t 8.7', 200 25', t0
8 13.9 102 4.0 2.5
|', 19.1 54 5.4', 3.t
14 24.2 33 6.9 4.4
8 28t 14 28 5 50', 755 t3 2h
,_- l\ '8000 2 \t\ 2 4r l0' 58 lll tJ 4l 7 7.0', r30 2t 3t 4', 09', t4t 29', 28',
ToowPAF56MF i\ 000 to 70 28 5b i t, b9 tQ )l 9 90', 79 3? 4t t 87 90 3.6 3.5
11 110 53 39', 55', 6 104 63 43 42',
IdOG END PFONG l0'r 20' 20 4s 3s 7r' 16 92', 46 37', 65',
rf 302 2r' 2-6- 10' 53' 4,tZ l-9 Z-tr S' S!' 376 22 2-0 5 47 340 2-S t7
20' r70 26', 3.5 15', 87', 1962.8 30 12', 120', 167 34 30 8 r3.9 r33 4.t 2.8
loowPAF56NsP ll 68,000 2t t09 3t 44 20', | 5', 0 3.7 40 t6', t60', 94 4.5 40 |', tg.t', 70 6.2 38',
N40G END PRONG 8'x l0l 30 76 42 52 25 144 11 41 51 20',200', 60 56 49 14 242 43 19 49
1A 24Q r 9 4r', 8 46 244 21 38 6 6.0 236 23', 35', 4 6.9 r88 3.2 33',
t5 t07 29 bt
24.000 2000 z0 60 J.9 8t
t2 6.9 t09 3t 56', 9 90 t05 35', 52', 6 10.4 83 48 49',
3!OW PAB56 N4FL ,A t6 9.2' 6t 4t' 75' t2 t20 09 47' 09' 8 l3y 47 03 0.5
2t 38 4.6 102', 20 f t 39 52', 94', rt r50 38 58', 86 ro', r73 30 7.y 8.1

u ]72 2r' 5rt 7 4-0 1.40 3!', 5.t 5 5-0 156 32', 4./ 3 5-Z t5J 4t .4.0
12 16 38 80', tU 5.8 71 43', 77', 1 1.4 79 45 6.6 4', 69', 66 55', 5.4
.rnw PAF56WFL 4 11,000 16 43 51 107', t3 7.t 42 5t t00' 9 9.0 48 58', 8.t 5', 87', 55 69', 6.7
lrl0c END PRONG l8' x 37" 2A 2A 63 134', t6 9.2 28 68', t24', ll |.0 32 7.t', t0.4 6', t04', 38 82', 80
10 375 2.2 36', 12 6.9 433 22', 32 t0 t0.0 339 28', 6', r04 333 3.4',
PAn56 NSP /rl s6,000
24 167 3.4 5t
32 94 4.5 37
20', ]] t 156 37', 53',
28 16.2 84 52 7 4 20 20.0 85 56',
15 r50', r51 42', 48',
6.4', 14', 242', 61 79', 6.4
r0' 17.3', r20 5.7', 4.0
END PBONG HAL0GEN 8'x 13" 40 60 5.6 91', 36 20.8', 48 67', 95', 25 25.0 54 70', 8.t', 18', 31 2', 31 10 2', A.2
15 r9r 26 69 10 58 278 23 53 8 8.0 238 28 52 t 87 2r5 3.6 46',
smw PAF56MF MoG / \
dJ000 4000 r0 108 15 9l
A 6s ii rrr
15 8, 124 Jr 80
zo.|r /o 4, to,
12 12.0 106 42 1A
t6' t6.0' 59 56', 104',
6 13.9 84 5.7 7
ll l9.l 44 7.9 102

0 FND PRnNG HAIoGFN l0rx 26r 30 48 5Z l3y

8', 297 2.8', 6.t
25', 144', 45 58 133 20' 20 0' 38 7 t', l3 t'
5', 50', 269 30 57',
14 242 21 lQQ 129
3 52 264 41 48
7', 7 l]', 137 5.t 60',
r*#"*r* A
END PfloNG HALoGEN 20'x 44'
t9 000 4000
10' 56', r23
13 7 5 73 6.2
t6' 92', 48 76
4 8 9.3
9', 90', 83 6.6 103',
|' | 0' 56 80 126',
4 6.9 148 6.2 6 t
t 8.7 95 7.8
6 104 66 93
8 r',

t6' 434 3.4 rz 09 50r 20 29 r0' r00 392 ?5 3.0 6 10.4 385 3.0', 2.t
2000 24 193 ?9 5n 20 ll.t 180 3.3 4.9 lt 150 174 3.7 41
10 17.3 139 49', 4.2
5dnrv PAF64 NsP /r\ 111,000
32' t08 3 9, 0 7 28 162 92 4.6 6.8 20', 200 98 4.9 59 14 24.2 11 6.9 5.9
FXT MoG FND PRoNG 7'x l2' 40' 09 49', 8 4 36 20 8 56 5 9 3 7 25', 2h0 li3 61 74', 1A i1? 43 R9 16
dl 10 230 t9 41', 8 46 233 2.t', 38', 6', 60 226 23 35 4', 69', 180 32', 33
23,000 2000 rt r02 29 6r' rz 09 r04 31 50 9' 90 r00 35 5? 0' 104' 60 48', 4.9
soow pnia [nFL /i 20 58 39 8 r' t6 9.2 58 4.1', 7.t 12', 120 56 4.7 6.9 8', 139', 45 63', 65
EXI1,40G END PBoNG ll'x 23' 25 31 48 1A2 20 ri.t 37 5.2 9.4 11 r50 36 5.6 8.6 ro', r73', 29 7.9 81',

5oowPAFMWF , i 13,000
8 203 2.8 61',
12 90 42 92
l0 5t 5.6 123',
T 4.4 n2 33 62
10 5.8 64 48', 89',
13 75 50 62', | 5',
t 5.0 184 3.6 5.4
7 7.0 94 5.r' 7.6
y 90 57 00', 98',
3', 52 r8r 4.7
4', 6.9 r02 6.2
5 81 65 18 11

EXT[40G END PRONG 20'x 42' 20 33 7r' r54', 16 92 33 16 142 r'|0 38 8.0 11.9 o', r0.4 45 9.3 92',
20' 500 28', 5 3 15 11 511 )8 46 12 120 491 34 45 8', 139', 391 45 42',
25 144 2A8 41 16 17', 170', 245 48 6.3 12', 20.8', 174 08 63',
A 2oo,ooo 4ooo 13 ?,3i ift
50' 80
it1n 1i?
3t 20 z 106 0 t r0 0
45', 280 64 84 137
22 22Q 146 62 92
21 210 91 16 141
16', 27 7', 98 9 r', 8.4
20',346', 63 114', 105
t6' 3t3 3 4', 8.0 12' 69', 30r 34 6.9 10', 100' 283 4.3 7.1 6', 104', 278 52', 6.0
24', t3S 5 o', t2 0 20' tl t r30 5.6 11.t 15' r50' 126 6.4 10.6 r0' 173' r00 87' r0.0
rooow paaos urr moc rrt //\ 80,000
32 18 07', t00 28', t6 2 66 7.9 t6.t 20 200 11 8.5 14.1 14 242 51 122 14.A
FND PFnNG NAL0GFN l2rx 23r 40' 50 8 4', tgI 36', 208', 40 t0t 207 25', 250', 45 106 t76 16', 312', 31 157', t80
r0' 330 43', 8 9 8 4.6 335 4.6', 8 2
15' r47 64', 134 rz 09 r49 09 123 g', 90 r44 8.0 | 3 6 t0.4 5 .8
33,000 4000 20, 83 8 5' t7 8 16 9.1 84 9.2 t6.t 12',120 81 10.7 15.1 8 13.9 04 157 142

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Catal No. No. Catal No. No. Catal No. e No.

6087 26046WH 22 264638K G.

6OBB 260498K 22 26463WH 6
6089 26049WH 22 2647BBK 22
7480 26050BK 22 2647BWH 22
7481 26050WH 22 26556M8K t0
26051BK 22 26556MWH 10
7 584 23 2605lWH 22 26601S/H 24
7 586 260528K 22 26602WH 24
7 680 26052WH 22 26604WH 24
7681 26054BK 22 2660BWH 24
76a3 26054WH 22 266l2WH 24
26001BK 20 260568K 6 266l3WH 21
26001WH 20 26056WH 6 26646WH 25
26002BK 20 260608K 26650WH
26002WH 20 26060WH 2665lWH 25
260048K 20 26061BK 26652WH 25
26004WH 20 2606lWH 23 26654S/H 25
260088K 20 26070MBK l0 26660 25
26008WH 20 26070MWH 10 56451BK 22
260r2BK 20 26082 56451WH 22
26012WH 20 26090 25 AF25 28,29
26013BK 20 26096WH AF3 28,29
26013WH 20 26190BK 22 AF4 2',3,29
l0 26190WH 22 Al'7 2a,29
26016MBWH t0 . 26230BK 16 AL25
260308K 6 262.30WH 16 AL3
26030WH 6 26230W8K 14 AL4
26030WBK 14 2623OWWH I4 AL7
26030WWH t4 Z623BBK 16 A525
26036MBK r0 26238WH 16 A53
26036MWH 10 26238W8K 14 A54
26O3BBK 6 26238WWH 74 AS7
26038r[H 6 26383BK 6
2603BWBK l4 263B3WH 6
2603BWWH I4 26383W8K t4
260468K 22 26383U/WH 14


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