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Spring Video Code of Conduct Assembly Script

Lancaster High School

Agenda & Welcome- Cesar

Slide 1- Good morning, this is Mr. Marchioli. Weve put together a brief video for you to go over
some reminders as we move into the final weeks of the school year. Thank you for your
attention today.
Slide 2- Here is the agenda for our video today. We will be going over many reminders about
our code of conduct and policies to ensure that we have a safe and enjoyable end of the year.
For additional information about any of the topics discussed today, please refer to your student
agenda planner or contact the main office.

Electronic Devices- Jamie

Slide 3- Good morning students, this is Mr. Pernick. Id like to remind you that although you are
permitted to possess and use cell phones during the school year, you must respect individual
teacher rules regarding electronic devices.
Classroom use is at the discretion of the teacher and should be used for instructional purposes
If you use earbuds or headphones, you must have one out at all times. This is a safety concern
and it is imperative that you adhere to this rule in the event of a lockdown, fire drill, emergency
announcement, etc.
The last item Id like to address is for students and staff- you are not permitted to take
photographs of anyone without permission. You do not have the right.
Based on the Code of Conduct, if you are in violation of these or any of the policies regarding
electronic devices, your electronic device will be confiscated and you will be assigned a
detention. Your parents will have to pick up your cell phone.

Dress Code- Terry

Slide 4, 5 and 6- Good morning students, this is Mrs. Adamec. Im going to talk a little bit about
dress code and review our dress code as we move into the warmer months of the year.
A students dress and appearance shall:
Be safe, appropriate, and not present a health or safety hazard to the student or others in the
Not create a distraction that interferes with the educational process.
Ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing.
Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed.
Potential consequences include change of clothing, parent contact, detention and suspension.

Parking- Terry
Slide 7- Remainder of this year
Challenges next year

Slide 8- E-cigarettes and other similar devices are not permitted anywhere on school grounds,
on district property, at school sponsored or school related activities and athletic events. Any
student in violation will be subject to discipline up to, and including, suspension from school.

Attendance- Steph
Slide 9- Good morning, this is Mrs. Lackie.
-Just a few reminders about your attendance. Please check your number of absences, It is
important that you closely monitor your own attendance.
- If you are absent, notes must be turned in to the attendance office within 5 school days
-If you need to review three reasons for excused absences, you can find this in your planner.
- All students who arrive late, must report to the attendance office for a late pass.
-If you are tardy 3 times without a note, you will receive a detention.

Class Cuts & Tardies- Jamie

Slide 10- Any student who cuts a class for any reason is subject to disciplinary action. A class
cut counts as an unexcused absence and credit will not be given for work assigned or collected
on the day of a class cut.
Seniors who cut class may have graduation implication or lose privileges such as Early
Dismissal, Late Arrival and Parking Passes.
Students who arrive late to class without a pass will be marked accordingly in the teachers
attendance records. Teacher assigned detention or a call to your parent are among the actions
that might be taken. Chronic tardies will be referred to a principal for further action.

Student Individual Food Deliveries-Steph

Slide 11- In an effort to minimize class disruptions as well as disruptions in the main office, we
ask that you be considerate of individual student food deliveries. The grab and gos are located
in the junior and senior hallway are available during the day as well as the cafeteria if you need
something to eat. Please be mindful of this and we appreciate your cooperation in advance.

- Slide 12
- Academic hallway- Steph
- -Just a reminder, students need to be with a teacher, coach or advisory by 2:25
or must leave the building.
Student Printing- Techsperts
Slide 13- Students add text

Wrap up- Cesar

Slide 14- Thank you for your attention today. We are looking forward to a wonderful end to the
school year!

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