Assembly of Single Bacteriorhodopsin Trimers in Bilayer Nanodiscs

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Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222

Assembly of single bacteriorhodopsin trimers in bilayer nanodiscs

Timothy H. Bayburt a,b, Yelena V. Grinkova a,b, Stephen G. Sligar a,b,c,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, 116 Morrill Hall, 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois, 116 Morrill Hall, 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, 116 Morrill Hall, 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801, USA

Received 9 February 2006, and in revised form 9 March 2006

Available online 29 March 2006


Nanodiscs, phospholipid bilayer assemblies of controlled size, were used to self-assemble bacteriorhodopsin (bR) into single trimers.
Self-assembly at optimal bR to Nanodisc and phospholipid stoichiometry yielded particles containing three bR molecules. Analysis of
solution small angle X-ray scattering indicated that bacteriorhodopsin is embedded in a discoidal phospholipid bilayer structure. Forma-
tion of trimers, as evidenced by visible circular dichroism of the retinal absorbance bands, is facilitated in Nanodiscs at a speciWc size
threshold, suggesting that a critical bilayer area or amount of lipid is necessary to maintain a native oligomeric state. The lipid to bR ratio
in the assembly process was also found to be an important factor in determining oligomerization state. These nanoscale bilayers oVer the
opportunity to understand and control the assembly of oligomeric integral membrane proteins critical to macromolecular recognition
and cellular signaling.
2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Model bilayer; Membrane protein; Nanoparticle; Bicelle; Self-assembly; Oligomer

Membrane proteins are associated with 2030% of all cal micelle concentration to avoid aggregation during puri-
open reading frames from archaebacterial, bacterial, and Wcation, manipulation, assay, and structural studies.
eukaryotic organisms and are perhaps among the most Maintenance of activity also often requires the presence of
challenging and potentially rewarding subjects of study [1]. phospholipid or lipid components [3]. Finally, membrane
Indeed, a majority of currently marketed therapeutics are protein oligomers exist whose association is concentration-
active against membrane protein targets, and the large dependent and potentially critical for function.
number of membrane associated orphan receptors and The G-protein coupled receptors, seven-transmembrane
enzymes of unknown function, as revealed by the human helix proteins with roles in cellular signal transduction, are
genome sequencing eVorts, are thought to represent excit- of great interest in human disease and as therapeutic tar-
ing pharmacological opportunities. A central problem gets. These receptors are believed to form hetero- and
encountered by biochemists and biophysicists is the solubi- homo-oligomers of functional consequence, and methods
lization of membrane proteins in a functional state using for controlling and isolating monomeric and oligomeric
detergents (for a recent review, see [2]). states would be a signiWcant contribution to understanding
Detergentmembrane and detergentprotein interaction the functional role of oligomerization [4,5]. Clearly, tech-
depends on molecular properties and the physicochemical niques are needed to maintain stability and oligomerization
make-up of the solution and detergentprotein interactions state in the absence of deleterious eVects of detergent.
are often destabilizing. Once solubilized, the protein We have recently introduced a new type of stable
requires the continued presence of detergent above its criti- phospholipid bilayers termed Nanodiscs, which have a
monodisperse size, into which membrane proteins can be
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 217 265 4073. self-assembled [610]. Nanodiscs are composed of
E-mail address: (S.G. Sligar). phospholipid present in a bilayer domain with two copies

0003-9861/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
216 T.H. Bayburt et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222

of an amphipathic -helical Membrane ScaVold Protein

(MSP)1 that wrap around the periphery of the bilayer. They
form reproducibly and in high yield through a directed self-
assembly process in which detergent is removed from initial
detergentphospholipid micelles, either by dialysis or treat-
ment with hydrophobic detergent-removal media [7,10].
The potential uses of Nanodiscs for stabilization, puriWca-
tion, manipulation, and structural studies of refractory
membrane proteins, enzymes and receptors are exciting
We have recently shown that Nanodisc size can be con-
trolled by extending the length of the MSP [10] so that the
number of phospholipids can vary from 160 to 340 lipids
Fig. 1. Schematic of MSP constructs used in this work. MSP1E1,
per particle, hence potentially allowing an increase in the MSP1E2, and MSP1E3 have the indicated 22, 44, and 66 amino acid
buried volume of a membrane protein target. Our original sequence insertions, respectively, compared to MSP1. MSP1D1() lacks
work with membrane scaVold proteins used a construct the His tag, linker and residues 111 found not to participate in the helical
with 200 amino acids which formed the encircling amphi- belt [10]. The Nanodisc structure consists of a discoidal phospholipid
bilayer domain encircled by two MSPs in a belt fashion.
pathic helices and was termed MSP1. The extended MSP
constructs MSP1E1, MSP1E2, and MSP1E3 have 22, 44,
and 66 additional amino acid residues, respectively, com- repeated three times and the sample was aliquoted, lyophi-
pared to MSP1 [10] corresponding to increases in the cir- lized, and stored at 20 C. MSP1, MSP1D1, MSP1E1,
cumference of the 280 helical belt by 30, 70, and 100 . MSP1E2, and MSP1E3 were grown and puriWed as
In this work we used a model seven-transmembrane helix described previously [10]. The MSPs used in the experi-
membrane protein to investigate the eVects of increasing ments had N-terminal polyhistidine tags, with the exception
the size of Nanodiscs on the oligomerization state of the of MSP1D1(). The N-terminal polyhistidine tag was
solubilized protein. removed from MSP1D1 to make MSP1D1() as described
GPCRs are notoriously diYcult to obtain in large quan- [10]. The MSP constructs are shown schematically in Fig. 1
tities and therefore bacteriorhodopsin (bR), a seven-trans- and full amino acid sequences are available as Supplemen-
membrane proton pump from Halobacterium salinarum tary material. Concentrations were determined from the
purple membrane, has often been used as a model GPCR absorbance at 280 nm using calculated extinction coeY-
with multiple membrane spanning helices. The use of bR as cients [13]. Dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) was
a model membrane protein allowed assessment of the util- obtained from Avanti Polar Lipids (Alabaster, AL, USA),
ity of Nanodiscs for solubilization of membrane proteins in dissolved in chloroform and quantitated by phosphate
amounts necessary for physical characterizations of the analysis [14]. Bacteriorhodopsin was biotinylated with EZ-
Nanodiscs containing monomeric protein [8]. The native Link-Sulfo-NHS-LC-LC-biotin (Pierce Biotechnology,
form of bR is a trimer that is further organized in the pur- Inc., Rockford, IL, USA) as described [8]. All buVers con-
ple membrane into a two-dimensional hexagonal crystal sisted of 10 mM TrisHCl, pH 7.4, 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01%
[11] thereby presenting the possibility of addressing the NaN3 unless stated otherwise. Water was puriWed with a
introduction of protein oligomers into Nanodiscs. Here, we Milli-Q system (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). All other
establish the utility of Nanodiscs for solubilizing large inte- materials were commercially available high-quality
gral membrane protein complexes, and suggest a role for a reagents.
critical number of phospholipids necessary to preserve a
native oligomerization state in the Nanodisc bilayer struc- Self-assembly of nanodiscs with bacteriorhodopsin
Bacteriorhodopsin was initially solubilized with 4% w/v
Materials and methods Triton X-100 as described [15]. MSP stock solutions (200
400 M) and a DMPC/cholate mixture (200/400 mM in
Materials buVer) were added to bR (typically 190 M) at mole
ratios of two MSP to three bR with varying amounts of
Purple membrane was isolated from H. salinarum JW-3 phospholipid to optimize self-assembly. After 1 h at room
cultures as described [12]. Sucrose was removed by centrifu- temperature, detergent was removed by treatment for 34 h
gation at 35,000 rpm in a Beckman Ti-45 rotor for 15 min at room temperature with 500 mg wet Biobeads SM-2
followed by resuspension in water. This process was (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) per ml of solution, with gen-
tle agitation to keep the beads suspended [16]. Beads were
Abbreviations used: bR, bacteriorhodopsin; CD, circular dichroism;
removed by centrifugal Wltration. In some cases, samples
DMPC, dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine; MSP, Membrane ScaVold Pro- were found to be proteolytically degraded upon prolonged
tein; SAXS, small angle X-ray scattering. storage at 4 C. Addition of a complete protease inhibitor
T.H. Bayburt et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222 217

cocktail without EDTA (Roche Applied Science, Indianap- were measured with a Varian Cary 300 or Hewlett Packard
olis, IN, USA) to the self-assembly mixture and stored sam- 8453 spectrophotometer at room temperature.
ples prevents degradation.
Solution small angle X-ray scattering
Size exclusion and monoavidin aYnity chromatography
Small angle X-ray scattering measurements were per-
Self-assembled mixtures were concentrated, Wltered formed at the Advanced Photon Source (Argonne National
through 0.22 m Wlters and injected onto a Superdex 200 Laboratory, Argonne, IL). The bare MSP1E3 and bR tri-
HR 10/30 column (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ, mer MSP1E3 samples were puriWed by gel Wltration. Sam-
USA) run at 0.5 ml/min at room temperature with collec- ples were sealed in 1.5 mm glass capillaries (Charles Supper
tion of 1 min fractions. Peak elution was monitored at 280 Co, Natick, MA, USA) and placed in a sample holder with
and 560 nm. The column was calibrated as described [10]. a sample to detector distance of 1.5 m. Intensities were mea-
AYnity puriWcation of Nanodiscs containing biotinylated sured at ambient temperature using a wavelength of
bR was performed using a 5 ml soft-release monoavidin 0.826 . A silver behenate standard was used for calibration
column (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) according to the of the detector array. Data were processed with the pro-
manufacturers protocol. Nanodiscs containing biotin- gram FIT2D [18,19] and scattering intensities of sample
modiWed bR were eluted with 2.5 mM biotin in 0.1 M phos- consisting of buVer were subtracted. The momentum trans-
phate buVer, pH 7.0. The recovery of biotinbR nanodiscs fer is deWned as s D 4sin()/, where  D 0.826 and  is
from the monoavidin resin is typically in the range of 50 half the scattering angle. Scattering curves were Wt with
70% mostly due to incomplete elution of the sample. GNOM [20].
Model structures were made using an MSP1E3 sequence
Protein quantitation and determination of lipid stoichiometry without polyhistidine tag and residues 111 (see Fig. 1), as
these N-terminal amino acids do not contribute to the
Phosphate analysis of aYnity-puriWed bR Nanodisc perimeter of Nanodiscs [10]. The phi and psi angles were
samples was performed after extensive dialysis to remove adjusted to form a 3 to 11 helical pitch so that hydrophobic
phosphate buVer [14]. The amount of lipid per MSP in the residues line one side of the amphipathic helix [21]. A
absence of bR was determined from the amount of lipid monolayer consisting of 148 molecules of DMPC in a hex-
phosphate and the concentration of MSP in the sample agonal array and molecular area of 59 2 was placed in the
based on the absorbance at 280 nm. The amount of lipid center of a circular MSP1E3 molecule and juxtaposed with
per bR was determined using an extinction coeYcient itself to form a Nanodisc structure. The value for the
560 D 56,600 1200 M1 cm1 measured using retinal titra- molecular area was chosen based on the experimentally
tion of bleached Nanodisc samples [17]. The concentration determined number of DMPC molecules (see Results) and
of MSP was calculated by subtracting contributions of bR the estimated area of lipid in MSP1E3 Nanodiscs [10]. Bac-
to absorbance at 280 nm using values of 59,600 M1 cm1 teriorhodopsin trimer (PDB ID 1C3W) [22] was positioned
based on the amino acid composition of bR and a mea- at the center of the Nanodisc structure and models were
sured value of 42,000 1200 M1 cm1 for contribution by constructed in which the trimer was translated from the
bound retinal obtained from the retinal titration. MSP to center of the Nanodisc. The trimer displaced 90 molecules
bR ratios were also estimated after separation on 415 or of DMPC on average. Calculated scattering curves were
20% SDSPAGE and staining with Coomassie blue R-250. generated with the program CRYSOL [23] and the curves
Use of the MSP1D1() construct was necessary because were summed using weighting factors based on the frac-
MSP1 does not separate eYciently from bR on SDS tional area encompassed by concentric circular bounding
PAGE. MSP1D1() and MSP1 form Nanodiscs of the intervals for each model.
same size and lipid stoichiometry [10] and can be consid-
ered interchangeable. Gels were scanned and quantitated Results
using Scion Image for Windows (Scion Corporation, Fred-
erick, MD, USA). Calibration of staining intensities were Optimization of bR reconstitution mixtures
performed with standards consisting of mixtures bR and
MSP at known ratios. The ratios of bR to MSP in Nano- The MSP constructs used are depicted schematically in
disc samples were determined from least squares Wts to the Fig. 1 and consist of an N-terminal polyhistidine tag, a
calibration curves. linker/protease recognition sequence and a sequence, encod-
ing the amphipathic -helical MSP. The extended MSP con-
Spectroscopy structs were obtained by inserting a repeat of amino acids
5677, 5699, and 56121 of the parent MSP1 sequence after
Circular dichroism spectra were measured with a Jasco residue 55, to make MSP1E1, MSP1E2, and MSP1E3,
J-720 spectrapolarimeter at 20 C at a sample OD560 of respectively [10]. Nanodiscs result from the self-assembly of
approximately one. Samples contained non-biotinylated two membrane scaVold proteins and a Wxed number of phos-
bR and were puriWed by gel Wltration. UVvisible spectra pholipids (Table 1 and [7,10]). The number of phospholipids
218 T.H. Bayburt et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222

Table 1
Composition and size of bare and bR incorporated Nanodiscs
Bare Nanodiscs bR Nanodiscs
ScaVold protein Dia. (nm) Lipids Dia. (nm) bR per Nanodisca Lipids per bR
MSP1 9.1 154 4 10.7 4.8 1.6 25 2
MSP1D1() 9.2 11.2 (2.6 0.3)
MSP1E1 10.0 205 20 11.1 2.7 0.4 (3.3 0.4) 24 3
MSP1E2 10.7 244 6 12.0 2.9 0.4 (2.6 0.5) 55 4
MSP1E3 12.1 295 4 12.6 2.6 0.4 (3.0 0.4) 69 7
calculated from absorbance spectrum, values using SDSPAGE quantitation in parentheses.

Fig. 2. Optimization of Nanodisc self-assembly with bR. Size exclusion chromatograms were obtained with MSP1 (A), MSP1E1 (B), MSP1E2 (C) and
MSP1E3 (D) assembled in the presence of the indicated mole ratio of DMPC to MSP. bR and MSP were held at mole ratios of 1.51. Following self-
assembly, samples were injected onto a Superdex 200 HR 10/30 column (Amersham Biotech). Void volume, v; Nanodisc peak, I; larger aggregates, II;
smaller species are marked with asterisks ().

per Nanodisc is related to the length of the MSP and the lipid Size and stoichiometries of bR-containing nanodiscs
cross-sectional area [10]. Because of the Wxed geometry of
Nanodiscs, high yields of Nanodiscs require self-assembly at Re-injections of the pooled main peaks are shown in
a Wxed lipid to MSP ratio. Inclusion of bR in the assembly Fig. 3A. The sizes based on calibration of the column with a
mixture should result in lower optimal ratios of lipid to MSP set of standard proteins are given in Table 1 and are slightly
due to the displacement of lipid. As a starting point, larger than Nanodiscs formed in the absence of bR. Devia-
bRMSP mixtures at a ratio of 3:2 were used to provide an tions in the empirically determined calibration plot can
average of three bR molecules per Nanodisc. To empirically result in systematic errors and so, for example, MSP1E3
deWne the correct lipid ratio for bR trimer assembly into assemblies elute shortly after ferritin (12.2 nm) in Fig. 3A
Nanodiscs, self-assembly was performed with varying but the size based on calibration data appears somewhat
amounts of DMPC and assessed by gel Wltration chromatog- larger. The small extramembrane loops of bR are expected
raphy. Representative chromatograms are shown in Fig. 2. to alter the diVusion coeYcient of the Nanodisc by a small
The optimal ratio was chosen as the ratio at which the main amount. Modeling of the hydrodynamic radius with molec-
peak I of solubilized bR is the major component with a mini- ular models using the program HYDROPRO [24] yields
mum amount of large species II and species eluting in the approximately the same Stokes radii for Nanodiscs with
void volume (v). At less than optimal ratios of DMPC to and without a bR trimer.
MSP1E2 and MSP1E3, species of smaller size appear. This The stoichiometries of bR, MSP, and lipid were deter-
behavior is also seen in the reconstitution of MSP and mined by phosphate analysis, quantitation by SDSPAGE
phospholipid to form Nanodiscs with no incorporated pro- and absorbance after puriWcation by size exclusion and
tein [7]. The optimal ratios of DMPC to MSP1, MSP1E1, monoavidin aYnity chromatography to isolate the main
MSP1E2, and MSP1E3 determined in this manner were bR population. The errors in bR to MSP ratios based on
roughly 10:1, 10:1, 55:1, and 80:1, respectively, with yields of absorbance are very sensitive to errors in the measured val-
bRnanodiscs of about 60%. ues of molar extinction for bR, which are in turn sensitive
T.H. Bayburt et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222 219

Fig. 3. Nanodiscs formed at the optimized ratio of lipid. (A) MSP1 (triangles), MSP1E1 (diamonds), MSP1E2 (squares), and MSP1E3 (circles) were
assembled at the optimal ratio of DMPC and bR and subjected to a size exclusion puriWcation step. The chromatographic traces are reinjections of the
pooled elution peak. (B) Visible circular dichroism of MSP1, MSP1E1, MSP1E2, and MSP1E3 bR Nanodiscs showing the presence of a bilobed trimer
spectrum for MSP1E2 and MSP1E3 Nanodiscs.

to the bR microenvironment. Therefore measurements (Table 1), but dont always appear to form an ordered tri-
were also undertaken using an analysis of stained meric structure. Heating of a MSP1 or MSP1D1() sample
SDSPAGE gels. The numbers of bR per Nanodisc are to 35 C for ten minutes results in appearance of a trimer-
given in Table 1 and are approximately three for all MSP like CD spectrum with concomitant particle fusion as mea-
constructs. sured by gel Wltration (data not shown). The CD spectra
and gel Wltration elution proWle of the MSP1E2 and
Circular dichroism of bR containing nanodiscs MSP1E3 Nanodiscs, however, do not change when incu-
bated at the elevated temperature.
Circular dichroism is often used to probe for the pres- To assess the amount of trimer versus monomer, titra-
ence of trimeric bacteriorhodopsin since bR in purple mem- tion of bR into the assembly with MSP1E3 was performed.
brane exhibits a positive and a negative peak in the visible The amount of DMPC in each reconstitution was adjusted
circular dichroism spectrum, while monomeric forms of bR to account for displacement of lipids by the bR, based on
exhibit a single positive peak. Thus, CD spectra are often the results of Table 1. Circular dichroism spectra are shown
used to measure assembly and disassembly of the bR lattice in Fig. 4A with titration proWles at wavelengths of 520 and
in purple membrane and in liposomes composed of syn- 593 nm given in Fig. 4B. The characteristic trimer CD titra-
thetic phospholipid [25,26]. Spectra of bR solubilized by tion appears to saturate at approximately four bR mole-
MSPs at the optimal lipid ratios are shown in Fig. 3B. cules per Nanodisc. Qualitatively, the positive and negative
MSP1E2 and MSP1E3 Nanodiscs have a negative peak amplitudes for the exciton splitting appear approximately
near 600 nm, indicating the existence of a trimer. Multiple symmetric, suggesting that most if not all bR is present as a
bR molecules are present in MSP1 and MSP1E1 Nanodiscs trimer.

Fig. 4. (A) CD spectra of samples formed at ratios of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, and 0.2 bR per Nanodisc (DMPC to bR mole ratios of 8, 25, 53, 110, 280, 620, and
1640). (B) Titration proWle of spectral amplitudes at 520 nm (circles) and 593 nm (squares).
220 T.H. Bayburt et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222

Fig. 5. Small angle X-ray scattering of bR Nanodiscs. (A) Scattering curves were Wt using GNOM (see Materials and methods). Upper curve, bR trimer
Nanodisc formed with MSP1E3, lower curve plain MSP1E3 Nanodisc. (B) Distance distribution functions for bR trimer Nanodisc (thick solid line), and
bare MSP1E3 Nanodisc (thin solid line) corresponding to the data shown in (A) Also shown are the distance distribution functions obtained using atom-
istic models of a bR trimer in a Nanodisc with a weighted sum of distributions in the plane of the bilayer (dashed line) and a model of a bare Nanodisc
(dotted line).

Solution small angle X-ray scattering are consistent with assembly of the bR into Nanodiscs with
a slightly increased apparent hydrodynamic radius com-
Small angle X-ray scattering measurements were per- pared to plain Nanodiscs. When assembly was performed
formed on MSP1E3 Nanodisc samples with and without at a ratio of three bR per Nanodisc and variable amounts
bR (Fig. 5A). Samples with bR were formed at a stoichiom- of lipid, the optimal lipid ratio based on qualitative con-
etry to yield an average of three bR per disc. The radius of straints was consistent with displacement of approximately
gyration (Rg) determined by Wtting of the entire scattering 135 molecules of DMPC per bR trimer in the assembly as
curve [20] for trimer Nanodiscs is 50.6 while the Rg value compared to plain Nanodiscs. The area per lipid for Nano-
for plain Nanodiscs is 57.2 . A smaller Rg is expected for discs composed of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine
the bR Nanodisc due to increased electron density within (DMPC) has been estimated at 5258 2 [28]. The bR unit
the bilayer of the Nanodisc structure containing a bR tri- cell determined by electron diVraction has P3 symmetry
mer. Distance distributions calculated from a Wt to the with unit cell dimension of 62.45 in the plane of the mem-
experimental curves are shown in Fig. 5B. Nanodiscs with- brane [29,30] and an area of 3380 2 so that a bR trimer
out bR have a distance distribution very similar to with its associated archaeal lipid is predicted to displace
phospholipid bilayers, with negative contrast correspond- approximately 116130 DMPC molecules. The results of
ing to the acyl group termini in the middle of the bilayer, a the optimized ratio of lipid to MSP are thus in reasonable
maximum corresponding to the thickness of the bilayer, agreement with the expected values. The amount of lipid
and a maximum distance value that approximates the phosphate associated with each of the Nanodisc particles
Nanodisc diameter [10,20,27]. The distance distribution for was also determined. Purple membrane contains approxi-
the bacteriorhodopsin Nanodisc shows increased contrast mately 78 phospholipid phosphates per retinal [31], and
in the 24 nm region, as would be expected for added elec- assuming preservation of the full complement of native
tron density near the center of the bilayer, and a maximum phospholipid in the Nanodiscs as suggested [9], trimer
near that of plain Nanodiscs. Also shown is the distance incorporation displaces approximately 110 molecules of
distribution for a weighted sum calculated from molecular DMPC from the MSP1E3 Nanodiscs containing three bR
models with diVering positions of the trimer in the plane of molecules, also reasonably close to the predicted value of
the bilayer. 116130 DMPC molecules. Thus to maximize assembly of
large integral membrane proteins or complexes into Nano-
Discussion disc structures account must be made for the numbers of
phospholipids displaced.
Assembly of oligomeric bacteriorhodopsin was explored The presence of trimeric bR as determined by CD spec-
using Nanodiscs of diVerent sizes to establish the factors troscopy was consistently found only when MSP1E2 and
governing successful oligomer incorporation into nanopar- MSP1E3 were used to form Nanodiscs. There are several
ticles of the expected composition and overall organization. potential explanations for these observations. The mini-
A bacteriorhodopsin trimer would theoretically Wt into mum number of phospholipids that would be required to
each of the Nanodisc constructs used and multiple bR mol- eYciently solvate a bR trimer with one layer of lipids is
ecules were found to self-assemble into particles formed on the order of 60, a condition that may be limiting for the
with each of the MSPs. The sizes of the resultant particles MSP1 and MSP1E1 scaVolds. Monomers may be sterically
T.H. Bayburt et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222 221

trapped in the wrong orientation in smaller bilayers during model in which the trimer is positioned randomly within
Nanodisc formation and are unable to reorient to assemble the plane of the discoidal bilayer better reproduces the
a trimer. The temperature-induced increase in size of the experimental scattering than models in which it is all cen-
MSP1 particles and trimer formation suggests that fusion tered or exists at the edge of the Nanodisc.
and rearrangement of Nanodiscs could relieve the problem In conclusion, ordered trimers of bR having 21 total
of bR orientation or solvation by lipid. The instability of transmembrane helices were assembled into Nanodisc
the bRMSP1 Nanodiscs also suggests that they are imper- phospholipid bilayer structures, which provide a native-like
fectly packed, possibly due to the lack of suYcient lipid. phospholipid environment for solubilizing membrane pro-
The timescales for the assembly of discrete Nanodiscs, and teins. Characterizations by size exclusion chromatography,
of bR assembly into trimers are not known, but the gradual chemical analysis, and small angle X-ray scattering are con-
removal of detergent from the system occurs over a few sistent with the predicted organization of the particles. The
hours and is probably rate-limiting. The results of Fig. 4 presence of a native-like trimer is found to be aVected by
indicate that the majority of the bR is in a trimeric form at the stoichiometries of components and, in a general sense,
ratios of 34 per Nanodisc. The fact that more than reXects the lipid to bR ratio during formation as shown by
one-fourth of the bR, the expected value based on a ran- the results of Fig. 4. A critical factor appears to be the
dom orientational distribution, exhibits the bilobed CD at amount of lipid present in the Nanodisc and overall Nano-
an average of three bR per Nanodisc suggests that bR is disc diameter. Circular dichroism measurements indicate
not randomly oriented heads or tails but that oligomeri- that an ordered trimer structure assembles in Nanodiscs
zation occurs before Nanodiscs are completely formed. with a bilayer diameter of about 95 or greater. This value
Monte Carlo simulation of the assembly of trimers is approximately the diameter of a bR trimer with a con-
shows a transition from monomer to trimer versus area centric ring of two lipid molecules at its outer edge. The
fraction corresponding to a pairwise short-range attractive results presented herein enable the use of Nanodiscs for
well depth of about 5 kT [32] that is similar to that shown in controlling the oligomerization state of membrane proteins
Fig. 4. In this study the authors concluded that attractive having multiple transmembrane helices. We are currently
interactions between monomers as well as associated lipid exploring the incorporation and isolation of monomers and
in the interstitial space are responsible for trimer formation. dimers of G-protein coupled receptors for evaluation of the
In addition, there is experimental evidence for a speciWc functional role of receptor dimerization in cell signaling, a
role of archaeal lipids in assembly of bacteriorhodopsin fairly recent topic of intense debate and wide speculation
and archaeal lipids are observed tightly associated with bR for which Nanodiscs appear to be optimally suited as an
in the crystal structure (PDB ID 1C3W) [22,33]. Again, it experimental system.
should be noted that these reconstitutions performed with
Nanodiscs used whole purple membrane with its native lip- Acknowledgments
ids. The assembly of bacteriorhodopsin into higher order
structures as probed by CD spectroscopy has been studied Portions of this work were performed at the DuPont-
in DMPC liposomes [25,34,35]. Below a ratio of roughly 80 Northwestern-Dow Collaborative Access Team (DND-
lipids per bR molecule the bR is trimeric, both above and CAT) Synchrotron Research Center located at Sector 5 of
below the phase transition temperature, and above that the Advanced Photon Source. DND-CAT is supported by
ratio the trimer formation is temperature-dependent. Con- the E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., The Dow Chemical
sistent with the literature, the spectra in Fig. 4 indicate that Company, the U.S. National Science Foundation through
the amount of trimeric species decreases substantially Grant DMR-9304725 and the State of Illinois through the
above 50110 DMPC per bR when Nanodiscs were assem- Department of Commerce and the Board of Higher Educa-
bled near the phase transition of DMPC. Bacteriorhodop- tion Grant IBHE HECA NWU 96. Use of the Advanced
sin trimers (7.5 nm diameter particles) have also been Photon Source was supported by the U.S. Department of
detected in egg phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidic acid (9:1 Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, OYce of Energy Research
mol ratio) liposomes by freeze-fracture electron microscopy under Contract No. W-31-102-Eng-38. We gratefully
at lipid protein ratios similar to those in Fig. 4, but for some acknowledge the help and support provided by Dr. J. Quin-
reason do not exhibit a bilobed CD spectrum [36]. tana, Dr. D. Keane, and Dr. S. Weigand while working at
The experimental small angle X-ray scattering data and Argonne. We thank Dr. I. Denisov for helpful discussions.
scattering calculated from models that are based on the This material is based upon work supported by the
stoichiometry of MSP, bR, and phospholipid in Nanodiscs National Institutes of Health under Award No. GM33775
are consistent with an arrangement of a bilayer structure and R41 GM075362.
containing a bR trimer that displaces on average 3040
molecules of DMPC per bR molecule, with MSP at the Appendix A. Supplementary data
periphery of the bilayer disk. Though the models are imper-
fect, particularly with respect to bilayer thickness and acyl Supplementary data associated with this article can be
chain conformations, the derived distance distributions found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/
reproduce the features seen in the experimental data. The 2006.03.013.
222 T.H. Bayburt et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 450 (2006) 215222

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