Assignment 2

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Assessment item 2
Research Project - Preliminaries
Value: 15%
Due date: 08-Apr-2017
Return date: 04-May-2017
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This assessment item aims to develop and gauge student understanding of the key topics covered so far.
Answering these questions will help you build some understanding for the next assessment item as well
as for the entire subject material. It is expected that answers to the assignment questions be succinct (i.e.
precise and concise) with all sources of information fully referenced as per APA referencing style. You
have to reference the text book and any additional material you have used in your answers.

Note that the guide for APA referencing is provided in the Resource section of Interact site.

Answers MUST be written in your own words. If an answer contains more than 20% direct quote
(referenced or unreferenced) 0 marks will be awarded for this question. One or two sentence answers will
be too short and only receive low marks. Answers longer than 1.5 pages (12 point font, single line
spacing) may incur a penalty if too much non-relevant information is stated. For mathematical and
subnetting questions it is expected that you show intermediate steps of your working. Just stating the
correct solution will result in low marks, on the other hand if the working is correct and you only made
minor mistakes, you will still be awarded marks, even though the final answer is wrong.

Question 1

What is a protocol in the context of communication network? Describe the purpose of protocol analysis.
Your answer should contain description of a real-time situation where protocol analyser can be used. List
any three popular protocol analyzer solutions currently available in the market. [ 5 Marks]

Question 2

You are asked to visit a pharmaceutical company to help troubleshoot some network connectivity
problems. The companys network consists of 11 workstations connected by a single 24 port hub. The
company manager describes the problem as consistent and explains that every morning there is a five
minute delay to connect to the main server. The manager indicates that every user on the network has the
same problem. Using your protocol analyzer where would you tap into this network and why? Explain how
this network is different to modern networks. [ 5 Marks]

Question 3
Differentiate between distance vector routing and link state routing. Your answer should describe the key
features of the two utlising some real time examples and where possible supported by diagrams. [ 5

Question 4

Complete following Hands-On Projects from the prescribed textbook (Pyles, Carell &Tittel 2017).

i. Hands-On Project 1-1

ii. Hands-On Project 1-2

In order to complete this activity, students should insert screenshots in the assignment document along
with a short description of each step taken to complete the projects. [ 5 Marks]

Question 5

As a network administrator for a medium sized company, you have been asked to design a network by
utilizing private IP address. The network will span six buildings with a router in each building to
join the networks. Currently, the company has approximately a total of 1,000 workstations in the following

Building A - 200 workstations

Building B - 125 workstations

Building C - 135 workstations

Building D - 122 workstations

Building E - 312 workstations

Building F - 105 workstations

It is assumed that each building will have its own single subnet, design a simple addressing solution that
leaves room for growth and is easy to administer. Explain what happens to your design if the number of
hosts per network jumps to over 1,024 per building. [ 5 Marks]

Question 6

Explain the purpose of QoS on a TCP/IP network. Define the basic purpose and differentiate between IP
precedence, TOS, ECN and Diffserv functionalities. [ 5 Marks]


This assessment aims to assess the following learning objectives of this subject:

be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme;

be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods;
be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration;

be able to explain how data flows through the internet; and

be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data
across the internet.

Marking criteria

Marks will be awarded for:

Correctness of the answer

Discussion on valid arguments or features to support your answer

Clarity of explanation

Steps of working in question 5.

Marks will be deducted for:

NOT providing / following the proper APA style referencing. Referencing should be accurately
documented using APA 6th edition and includes in text and bibliographic information.

Question Criteria HD DI CR PS FL
All elements All elements
Understanding All elements The answer
have been have been Some elements
of the terms have been fails to show
addressed and are addressed and have been
Question 1 involved in addressed with a basic
well expressed, are largely addressed with a
TCP/IP few understanding of
comprehensive accurate and few inaccuracies.
protocols inaccuracies. the topic.
and accurate. well expressed.
Correct answer
Correct answer Correct answer
Correct answer has been The answer is
has been provided has been
Demonstration has been provided, incorrect and
along with a well provided along
of how data provided, followed by a fails to show
Question 2 expressed, with a well
flows through followed by a limited basic
informative and expressed and
the internet limited explanation with understanding of
accurate accurate
explanation. some the topic.
explanation. explanation.
All elements All elements
All elements The answer
have been have been Some elements
Understanding have been fails to show
addressed and are addressed and have been
Question 3 of routing addressed with a basic
well expressed, are largely addressed with a
concepts few understanding of
comprehensive accurate and few inaccuracies.
inaccuracies. the topic.
and accurate. well expressed.
Projects are Projects are Project mostly Project
completed, completed, completed, some completed but
Evidence of
Completion of screenshots of all screenshots of minor errors are with errors, some
some steps, most
Question 4 Hands-On steps along with most steps has apparent in the screenshots are
screenshots are
Projects. informative been provided screenshots, missing,
description has with good description is description is not
been provided. description. reasonable. clear.
Question 5 Understanding Correct answer Correct answer Correct answer Correct answer Answer is
Question Criteria HD DI CR PS FL
has been
has been provided has been has been incorrect and no
along with provided, provided, or limited
evidence of
evidence of all evidence of evidence of most evidence of
of IP Addressing some steps is
steps. A well most steps is steps is missing. steps has been
requirement present. A
expressed and present. A brief Explanation does provided.
analysis and limited
comprehensive explanation has not adequately Explanation
design. explanation has
explanation has been provided to provide does not provide
been provided to
been provided to justify the justification of justification of
justify the
justify the design. design. the design the design
The answer The answer
The answer
demonstrated a demonstrated a The answer
demonstrated a
thorough good demonstrates a
Distinguish detailed The answer
understanding understanding limited
between understanding fails to show
with all elements with all understanding.
Question 6 selection of with all basic
addressed in a elements Some elements
applications for elements understanding of
well expressed, addressed in a have been
data transfer addressed in a the topic.
comprehensive brief and and addressed with a
largely accurate
and accurate mostly accurate few inaccuracies.
manner. manner.

Marks will be deducted for NOT following the presentaion guidelines below as well as for poor
Presentation presentation, spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
&Referencing Marks will also be deducted for NOT providing / following the proper APA style referencing.
(5 Marks - Referencing should be accurately documented using APA 6th edition and includes in text and
Deduction) bibliographic information.
(Note that the guide for APA referencing is provided in the Resource section of the subject site)


The assessment must be submitted electronically with a Cover Page including:

Assessment No

Assessment Title

Student Name & ID

Student Email

Students must ensure that all tasks are identified clearly with headings.
References must be in APA style both in-text and at the end of the assessment document. This is
also a part of the marking rubric.

Please note: Assessment MUST be submitted as ONE word or pdf file on Turnitin. Please do not submit
*.zip or *.rar or multiple files.

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