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We Will Never Forget.

By: Kate Powell

Voyager and the rest of our motley
caravan have been traveling through a part
of space where gateways that lead to any
number of unknown parts of the universe
have been popping up and either sucking
in or spitting out ships. We the crew of with the power drains, we had other ships
Voyager, have taken it upon our selves to, tractor them through, and as for the
once again, help complete strangers. But sensors, we put buoys every 15 kilometers
we are, after all, in a strange situation. to act as road signs.
70,000 light years from home and the
leader of a caravan that brings enemy and Now, of course, we were all afraid of
enemy together to reach a common goal, to what might have been in there, or what
try and get home in one piece. Now more might have been waiting for us on the
then ever, we need to pull together, and other side, but no one was as afraid as the
find a way to get these people and Kuluuk. The Kuluuk were a kind and very
ourselves back home. timid species, but what might not be
known is that the Kuluuks physiology is
Weve already lost several of those who so fragile that they quite literally could die
were in our caravan in the beginning. In of fright. It seems almost unimaginable,
one of the most tragic of circumstances, we that all a person had to do to kill a species
lost the Kuluuk. Captain Janeway asked that timid, is to go running through the
me to write this article to stress the corridors screaming. But it wasnt
importance of the tragic details unimaginable to the person that killed
surrounding the death of those harmless, them. In fact, according to the evidence,
little creatures. thats exactly what they did.

Several days ago we encountered a After the Kuluuk didnt follow every
nebula that was not unlike the Mutara one else out of the nebula and had been
Nebula back home in the Alpha Quadrant. two hours overdue. Captain Janeway sent
In order to get past it, we would have to go Tom Paris and Harry Kim to find them.
through it. But, of course, there were two And find them they did. Tom transported
major problems. One was that there over and found the Captain with his neck
were ships in the caravan that, due to the broken and every one of the other Kuluuk
strange new power drain that all our ships dead of a cardiac arrest due to severe
had seemed to be experiencing, they fright. After we had towed the Eru, with
couldnt even start up their thrusters much her dead crew, out of the nebula, Tuvok
less their impulse engines. The second was began a thorough investigation of the
that this nebula was so dense sensors murder of this gentle species. Then both he
wouldnt go past more then a few thousand and Commander Chakotay made a
meters, and shields wouldnt function disturbing discovery. They found only 246
inside the nebula either. So essentially we bodies including the captains, but the
were flying blind, and practically ships records said that there were 247
defenseless, but we figured out ways to Kuluuk aboard. So that led Tuvok and
overcome these obstacles. As for the ships
Chakotay to wondering. This led them to the food supplies. Or the killer was the one
more searching. That searching eventually, who needed the help and they just killed
lead them to the discovery of the 247th the Kuluuk and then stole the Kuluuks
member of the crew. Tuvok found it in a supply of food. So again youre asking.
ceiling storage compartment. And the most Who is the killer? Well, we can narrow
appalling thing about the missing Kuluuk down the list of suspects to the seventeen
is that he didnt die of fright. Oh, no species that were on the ship for the
Voyager. This poor creature had its bones exchange program that Neelix came up
and organs all removed. And we all know with. So with that in mind Captain
of only one species that would do a thing Janeway, Tuvok, Chakotay, and Seven of
like that. The Hirogen. After all, they are Nine began the arduous investigation of
the only species in this caravan that are the fifteen species, not including the
hunters, and collect things of that nature as Hirogen and those from Voyager, that were
trophies of their hunts. But why would the on the Kuluuk vessel for the exchange
Hirogen do such a thing? What was their program. After about four days we found
motive? And why did they hide the body? the murderer, and it turned out to be non
They are a proud people that flaunt the other then the leader of the Todanians,
trophies of their hunts for the entire galaxy Sinimar Arkathi. Unfortunately he got
to see. No the murder of the Kuluuk didnt away, by flying directly into a gateway. All
seem like something they would do at all. we can do now is hope and pray that he
Tuvok also found something else that was will never do such a thing to anyone else
surprising. The Kuluuks food supply and ever again.
been completely depleted. And according
to Commander Chakotay, they were so And with that I will leave you with one
afraid of running out of food, that despite more thought, Voyager. If we remember
their embarrassment they would ask for nothing else of this journey we are on, I
assistance. hope that we will all remember the horrible
death of the Kuluuk. For if we do not carry
Right now youre probably asking. on the memory and the story of the Eru
Well, if it wasnt the Hirogen, then who and her crew, then the death of the Kuluuk
was it? Well first lets re-examine the will have been for nothing.
evidence. First we have a dead Kuluuk
crew with one missing. Then we find the We, the crew of Voyager, do here by
missing body de-boned in a storage swear an oath to never forget what has
compartment. And we know that it happened to the Kuluuk on their journey
couldnt be the Hirogen, because trying to home.
hide the fact the Kuluuk had been
murdered is the way of a coward not a
hunter. Lastly the food supply on the
Kuluuk ship was completely gone. So, who
could it be? Well the way Captain Janeway
saw it, is that one of two things could have
happened. One, the Kuluuk could have
veered off course in the nebula, and
someone could then have transported over,
killed them, and then helped themselves to

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