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SERIAL An Introduction to the Music of COMPOSITION Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern AND by George Perle ATONALITY SIXTH EDITION, REVISED UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS ely, Ly Ana, Ord» 19 In Memory of My Mother sotecciee peer ara! Shane Contents Prafce othe Ssh Eton vik Preface othe Fifth Baton xd Tonal, Atonality, Dodscephony “Pree” Atonality 9 Nendodacophoic Sets 40 otic Functions ofthe Set 60 Simatanety 94 Structural Functions of the St 101 Appendix 146 Index to Basic Definitions 168 Indes to Compositions 168 I Tonality, Atonality, Dodecaphony nagar in an ato berate the ven noes of he chromatic Aur fpem ee monte ence sancatone they tl ean “crema SSedevie diac, toto pth, the chromate vale fom “ehrmasran ‘Foe epanied baron rbulary of se nncceni corr) ed ‘Beco he range of tna! elaionips wo the pint wee the adios cle pocdres were no loge aguas The nal sep ln his deve ene as tan by Aol Sebvenber aa aca sie depart are ‘pont eon of any general principe runing ancy and pr ion. Inthe croton Seoenber wate betwen 1906 snd 1803, th Shiedot"tee" sonny, be iced ta tema cxpesion of peal ‘oor nce the whole range of combinations contin! inthe {Gul ak demas revlon of every arpct of Ox muna laguage, “The componer working within the atone tonal seem may fake for rane the oeeoe of spete pope of thar ste # sv oe eae ‘de bamonle awit, hey center, ad sooth. Fhe sonal compen ove canaksfor pane ashing ciept he xnnc ot» gen ag toand wold, the sonal ae. Aae rom ths sept, impo toate the Fundamental conditions of aconly gone xcept int aa way merely siping he abence of spi ener] eontectone ong the reve note ofthe senfonl sale, Msc caerece Fees inal inking fcr, but ese aro eu aeo oundatna Seunptone in ems of which the cmnpontons tha ae callectvly deg ted yh expen sonal me can bea fo pec yo ‘N18 Schenkeg rt pubie x ompson eapoying heed of conpaing nts re hte" The “octal” wan roe fo have the [feral evacs to the weal problems of sana cmpetin, I eon ‘hen with hte pose and negative penises of tons, fang the ‘rab of wee nate we denying pri ancl precedent 8) se tihem 2 Tonahiy, Aonaiy, Dodecephony In Schoener tte tones leh tooe relaons ht gore 3 hen sma contest aera toa peices reving of he wre wero ‘reennal a Nei ran Me ee ornate other tom tht repented by the plas nae of hic itomaty ees Sot" dtied by i etreatl perma lin mmitonal ale, a pormetason dented by he em“, we" sean men nig te Spe ch tering scaly cern he yecral sual procedtes vate ready foe ous wer anne even wre tee te by the tame compe Te {oul nal etre nevi esas trea elas ot eel spear Sed by tne otal een en pry tne plane evans orn, YC Premio en erdred sangre fhe ere nue ie ave sy ‘Benning so somehow gov the een seal evens = commie End lial manne, topo ambiglen snd ere ‘The pom o| Tmutiindon, bower momentary, the presblahed order pr Ue ‘eatonal ro of acer precndson, What thea, and what et ‘intone the coma precndons, wl be Acne In Geta ae, “Te llowing pra hen, mat be undertone ont th at cnvtich get ers rvecon oft work ay be bac The canpetona impeatoof ae posites ne he mabet of Chepes WV, and Vio I ook 1. The ot compris al weve note of the eto! le, MPN note sppetn mre than once wih the et. 8, Therese anya near spec: pie, evening, eo rie, tod setroprade menion ranged in peirty E98, Sr Thora ben ple Poems of Modern Sate om asin OF ne, gn spre ing ng on cn roi Set an iy mn em foe et ‘ptt Sl eb n= wp enact ey reine Se erie eect oot than sgn hep fete Seeger Seas cotuneecenentieeemsee onay,Atonlty, Dodecphony 3 emg fe tr ap So san pcan ts reac sta chee Pecan nc acer rence So at ee en on 219053408760 Teton ttcl aeih Se tne i ot Pa erctacia ape tog ee 1 my cere oe fe ey cer cache ach eae a a eer eet Seeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Eo cepa beet nnd ind Rat ate Bea ttn eee omen, snc se ee etree mene tk Re met praia ein oa eat erie ace So pnd ccnei ta ten prin te Sree er ee eto eons Sepemen te torn Tnke one mene near aes rns ese rea ego yee ae ae ‘ep al ae he tS era DSR eres te ar on ce oe Mime hermeptel ete Sayin lng pee Saeco tence eeeeeee eee Shaviesaes ane ies ee oe Satire toe melee Tecate ane fe ser Son pee See ey na 5 Tee ee ve compln” refer to the fry egh diferent frm generated © wher sien sere stated at all tele sranspstion im each of soot | spec. The term tet fom” ees ny teen ember of scopes fe J ities which atpet of goen st degoned ate pre. eng athe 4 Tonaliy, Atnalty, Bodecsphony semsiing terms are propery interchanged in onder to reflec he tecprral ‘eine tnong the srforma in weetone mun thee fn pce at {iat no diferce nthe meaning oenbarmonicly quialene eer, Which ‘pelng sled merely 2 mater of convene" Te the otton of ‘SCsorn inthe ests lw, cach acsSental nec ely the ote Dele Which ends.) See formes nconcpos aeonsere acute, Pals and 2 tase been gotrqelymbintrpreed to ply Wat “vey thee mur Pave {che nue "a son asin woul Me the aalogour teens ta intonl music "vey there mast hae aren hot: Petlate 2, fr ape of ‘sidene to the comeary fa ont cvry bar of Schoenberg twee tone “Spans, hm bees mundestond wo ler to a porly composanal od ‘Beteal device. the rere ong oe, with noe ter iterenig [procedure thu abi bueno effect whatever upon pc los sd hat {bereft if no releence to quesons of ve strate” Another sow mi: Sodertanding, and one to wich some proponent ofthe sien hive en. ‘Saud, the conform of potlate Sith entapuntl thematic ope. ‘one. Polte 9 simply afms that interac relaons beeen acer ‘Semnts ae oly texporalyalleted wen the sti Inverted, nor the {ory af thee telcos altered when the oil seta ts ern ee ‘ial revered. At the sme ime, ptt 5 mpi hat na eke gore Semen of the texan ie poste nr that rapoisons of he ‘Shinty oft our pile ane, cannon floc the neal sactare “Phe the oe the weds frm 2 ain a the octave it eee ra faraaces tat shea rot be coined withthe tempered ‘Sroronic wale eve hough the rong lemons ae renpecively ate “The tempered chromase sale undemtaod tp bea necery comprowie ‘repartee tne mate of diatonic onal, providing ere approx Toston ofan nite sere of Yea! note. Bu where tho element are ‘Snployedsecomapanentf elven stone may presumably tndertand ‘lem nt ae pasties aprsimation of te” nts penrsted ty the eee ‘i, ue ava” otra theme, generated by an equal divin of {he ore The chromic wale bl premised pon the perfec thm 8 ata” itereal rte shat dene the fonction] clon, butte TERE epee of ety capi: "ma em iid si psc mca es = ‘gona met at he “Sa eho iy Ee (New Yk Se See 14), 28 Tab, Atma, Dodecaphony 5 sotesone et dvs 6 neces respon sacha cretion of interac ase" . “eran we of ntl, a Schober points ot, Yeton in the 2 mae aly fom the teal ave, Atreivetone wrk in Schoenberg 1 eee cn of perpetual varied renaceent of tesinetone at, At operations the vet may aire eeaindemate ba ise diene fetus contour hh | oNtnden fortes that may ans the sbarac seri aro 4 more | Siehangile thomas frmaton. At ihe mune tne, ll he other ch npc fe workare deve from the se the str nent fo be sere inulin te ofthe rdeved ich rls which pees Tov the “thematic” be diffeentited Kom the “anthemace”? What fhe coun itn which the "mde" x manipulated wd deeoped? I it ‘peste trl character af the Waosormaton and wanipestans ofthe ‘rine fi oxramoti fonetion- Were thee operat rely to tina thy ae equ sued to be, Sey would not ned abe ler Berane ey ae che ferent pect» gle sbtac itera rte tar pots he ean of velerece, they ca oly be ier rege ordering of te ote ins eceaycomequenc of he concept © ottsee aes watury scture whose elements ena anettnall differn {hel An unordered ewes tone et would Be egulen to the semson Jee at, sud be simply a sateen f the able tne sacral ‘The wventone wale may be analogouly rgarded ae 4 wate of the sale tone material of the distoni tem, but in aden, cen fan. thal elas among dhe element of he even soe el replied inc | thectementof he weve one ot are noe tasty diferente, Sc, ile thesevertone sae thee compris the aly of pcs came, hey be ordered these concer itary eure, hte hea ‘other twee

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