Minutes March 11 2017

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RVACG Board of Directors

Minutes for Saturday, March 11, 2017.

Preliminary Business
McVay called the meeting to order at 10:37 a.m.


McVay made a motion to establish a quorum to conduct business. McCarville seconded. Motion carried.
The roll call was as follows:

Present: McVay, Schneider, McCarville, Anderson

Absent: D. Miller, B. Miller
Guest: Tom Hilston

Consideration and approval of minutes.

McVay made motion to approve the minutes from the February meeting. Second by Anderson. Motion


Presidents Report.

McVay reported that the agenda format would be changed to reports from the various officers and
committees. McVay further reported there are over 362 individual specimens in the horticulture
collection. He also reported that he had been in contact with the various people sponsoring the SWOFVT

Vice Presidents Report.

The report on the construction of both the bulletin board and shed was tabled for the next meeting due to
D. Millers absence.

Secretarys Report.

Schneider reported that the Landscape Planning Committee had meet and made decisions on ordering
trees for the site. She reported that a number of things were discussed but no decisions made. Schneider
reported that she, McVay and gardener Joyce Christie had been interviewed on WRCO radio Morning
Show by Ron Fruit and are invited back this summer.

RVACG Board of Directors
Minutes for Saturday, March 11, 2017.
Treasurers Report.

McCarville reported there was a balance of $15.14 in the checking account. Bills were paid to Sauk
County for $158.25 for trees and shrubs for the site; $50 to J&M Fund Raising; and $52 for the Post
Office Box.

McCarville reported that there were issues with the IRS 501c4 application. Anderson said he would write
some letters to our representatives in Washington and talk to the IRS.

McCarville reported that the Fiskars grant was rejected. She did not have positive feelings about the Art
Coalition grant. She is writing a grant for the Kettle Moran Garden Club grant for the 2018 growing
season. She has established a series of brat fry fundraisers at Prems Meats for the 4th Saturday of the
month from April through October with the exception of May which will be May 13. The Doerre
Hardware fundraiser is currently in progress.

Director Andersons Report.

Anderson reported he had obtained 300 feet of hose from the DNR. Connectors were discussed and will
be purchased.

Old Business

Consideration and approval of amendments to policy handbook.

Schneider made the motion to approve the Policy Handbook apart from Policy 306. McCarville second.
Motion passed.

Consideration and approval to vote on amendments to Policy 306.

Separately, McVay made the motion to approve Policy 306 concerning allotment abandonment
electronically pending corrections in policy language. McCarville second. Motion passed.

Consideration and approval of allotment configurations.

McVay made the motion to approve the current allotment configurations for the 2017 growing season,
and permit the Registrar to configure any remaining applicants as they are received by the Treasurer,
whom is ex officio registrar. Schneider seconded. Motion passed.

RVACG Board of Directors
Minutes for Saturday, March 11, 2017.
New Business

Review and endorsement of policy on conflict of interest procedures.

McCarville made the motion to endorse the RVACGs conflict of interest procedures as written and to get
the signatures of those involved. Anderson second. Motion passed.

Discussion and possible action on matters pertaining to the garden expo.

McVay reported that neither Julie Dawson, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, nor Erin Silva, Assistant
Professor of Organic and Sustainable Cropping Systems, were available to present at the 2018 garden

Consideration and approval to host a seminar on organic vegetable production.

Separately, Schneider made the motion to invite Aaron Silver to present a seminar on organic vegetable
production in late April or early May at the Little Theater at the High School. Anderson second. Motion

Discussion and possible action on purchasing sweet potato slips for the demonstration garden.

McVay brought up the initial idea of purchasing sweet potato slips in quantity to be cultivated in the
demonstration garden; come autumn, the harvest would be disseminated to area food pantries. McVay
added, however, that community gardener Doug Rouse would be willing to obtain any leftover slips from
Driftless Organics, a farm in Verona, Wisconsin; the farm consults with Doug on a regular basis
regarding disease ecology. No action was taken.

Open Forum

Tom Hilston said most of his concerns had been discussed and covered throughout the meeting. He did
suggest developing a Garden Buddies program so that people were willing to help each other.


Anderson made the motion to adjourn until the next scheduled meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday,
April 8, 2017, in the library at Spring Green Community Church. McCarville second. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Rose Ellen Schneider

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