Excerpt - 5e Magic Items From Dragonlance

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by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.

last updated on June 10, 2017 at 14:06:02 PM

New Magic Items

Charm of Gilona
Giantsmiter in Dragonlance
Wondrous item, uncommon
Giantsmiter was a greatsword with a stylized "L" on the unique
While wearing this necklace, you can understand and
hilt. Originally the sword was known to be in the possession of
speak all spoken languages.
Lord Lankford Lorimar of the Rose, but when Lord Lorimar and
his daughter, Dara Lorimar, were assassinated, the sword fell
into the possession of Jaymes Markham, who was falsely
accused of being Lorimar's assassin.

Golden Ring of Healing

Ring, legendary (requires attunement)
While wearing this ring, as a bonus action, you can cast
ceases to function for you forever.

Helm of Griffon Mane

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this helm, a dwarf gains a +1 bonus to AC
and saving throws.

Weapon (any lance), rare
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon.
When you hit a dragon with this weapon, the dragon

creature with the dragon type, including dragon turtles

and wyverns, as well as draconians and dragonspawn.
As a bonus action, you can have the dragonlance deal Phylactery
an additional 49 (14d6) damage to a dragon you have
just hit. You regain the use of this action after a long Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a
rest. lich)
This weapon is immune to the death throe effects of A phylactery is a small object, usually a locket or box,
baaz draconians. that houses a lich's soul. If a lich is reduced to 0 hit
points, their body crumbles to dust but their will and
Giantsmiter mind escape to the phylactery. After 1d4+1 days, a new
Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement) body for the lich coalesces as near to the phylactery as
possible. The new body is identical in every way to the
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made one that was destroyed.
with this magic weapon. However, the lich must feed souls to its phylactery to
When you hold the drawn sword and twist the handle, sustain the magic preserving its body and consciousness.
the blade is wreathed in blue flames, and ignores any It does this using the imprisonment spell to magically
damage threshold, such as that found on objects or trap the target's body and soul inside its phylactery. The
vehicles. phylactery must be on the same plane as the lich for the
spell to work. A lich's phylactery can hold only one
creature at a time, and a dispel magic spell cast as a 9th-
level spell upon the phylactery releases any creature
by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.com
last updated on June 10, 2017 at 14:06:02 PM

imprisoned within it. A creature imprisoned in the

phylactery for 24 hours is consumed and destroyed
utterly, whereupon nothing short of divine intervention
can restore it to life.
A lich that fails or forgets to maintain its body with
sacrificed souls (at least one soul every ten days) begins
to physically fall apart, taking 10d10 radiant damage at
the end of the tenth day and being unable to recover hit
points until a soul is fed to the phylactery, and might
eventually become a demilich if it does not feed its
phylactery for a year and a day.
Every phylactery has a unique weakness that allows it
to be destroyed. Determine this weakness by rolling on
the table below or choosing your own.

d10 Weakness
1 Casting it into a volcano.
2 Submerging it in holy water for
24 hours.
3 Smashing it with a weapon of
legendary rarity.
4 Opening it with a specific key.
5 Taking it to the Dome of
6 Solving a puzzle-lock on the
7 Performing a 1-hour ritual
known only to the creator.
8 Saying a secret passphase. Plate of Solamnus
9 Playing it a certain song.
10 Bathing it in the blood of a Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement)

score of 18 or higher, you have a +4 bonus to AC. All

Mage Slayer others that wear the armor have a -4 penalty to AC.

Weapon (any light), rare Ring of Alteration

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made Ring, very rare
with this magic weapon.
When you hit a creature with the spellcasting ability While wearing this ring, as a bonus action, you can cast
with this weapon, the creature takes an extra 3d6 polymorph on yourself. You cannot use this ring again
damage of the weapon's type. until after you have taken a long rest.

Medallion of Faith
Wondrous item, uncommon
This medallion acts as a holy symbol to one of the True
Gods of Krynn. As an action, you may command the
medallion to create a copy of itself for another true
believer of the gods. This ability will not be useable
again until after your next long rest.
by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.com
last updated on June 10, 2017 at 14:06:02 PM

Ring of Sleep secret of the construction of skull totems, but with

surprising rapidity, other dragons fighting in the Dragon
Ring, rare Purge discovered the secret on their own. The dragons
This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended of light, the metallics, were disgusted by the discovery,
charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you can but many of Krynn's native evil dragons quickly seized
use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the sleep upon the opportunity to not only increase their own
spell (save DC 13). If you choose to expend more than 1 power, but in hopes that the power would offer them
of its charges at once, the spell is cast at 1 higher slot some protection against the marauding invaders from
level per additional charge expended. another world. Unfortunately, becausee none of the
good dragons even begun to construct a totem, they
Shark War-Helmet were unable to match the desperation of either
the evil dragons that were struggling to survive, or
Wondrous item, common the ferocity of the invaders.
While wearing this helm, you gain a +2 bonus to Constructing a totem
Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
The skull totem is a macabre trophy. The skulls must
Sharkskin Armor of Erestem come from a draon that has at least reached adulthood:
the skulls of younger dragons simply do not possess
Armor (leather), rare enough energy to complete the totem. As Malystryx and
While wearing this +1 armor, you gain proficiency with the other Overlords discovered, there must be a balance
Strength (Athletics) checks. If you already have between the different energies. There must be at least
proficiency with Strength (Athletics) checks, you instead one skull from each of the ten native dragon types of
gain expertise. Krynn: black, blue, brass, bronze, copper, gold, green,
red, silver, and white. The skull must be relatively
Sharkskin Cape fresh and intact, with little decaying to the brain within
the cavity. The skulls must be arranged in a tall column,
Wondrous item, uncommon
wide at the base and tapering to a point.
While wearing this cape, if you have been injured, as a Creating a skull totem is a process that takes
bonus action you gain advantage on your next attack many years, for it not only requires the collection
roll. You regain the use of this power after a long rest. of the dragon skulls, but the dragon must slowly
and carefully imbue it with a portion of their own
Sharktooth Gauntlets of Zeboim essence. Once the totem consists of at least one
skull from each of the ten dragon clans, and the
Weapon (sharktooth gauntlet), uncommon
proper ritual is completed, the totem begins to
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made manifest its initial powers. Even after the totem is
with this magic weapon. activated, the dragon can continue to add skulls
When you inflict a critical hit on a target, that creature to the totem, but unless the balance is maintained
suffers the festering wound lingering injury (see DMG between the skulls from the ten clans, the totem's
272). power doesn't noticeably increase.

Skull Totem Powers of the Skull Totem

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a The potent magic inherent to each skull totem is
dragon) truly what made each of the Dragon Overlords incredibly
powerful, for in addition to their draconic abilities, the
The secret behind the Dragon Overlords' ability to totem enables the dragon to call upon a number of
access untapped reserves of raw power necessary to powerful abilities.
shape the landscape. to create dragonspawn, and other The strength of the skull totem is determined by two
feats of magic beyond any seen outside the hands ofthe factors: the number of skulls in the totem and the
gods, lies in the creation of the grisly trophies of the balance between the ten dragon clans. The most
Dragon Purge - the Totem of Skulls. powerful totems have an equal distribution of the ten
These skull totems are constructed from the dragon clans. The addition of any skull to the totem will
desiccated skulls of dragons. The skulls come from increase the totem's power, but if the balance is
dragons both chromatic and metallic, making no maintained, the power increases dramatically. The
distinction between good and evil. Its the magic additional power of unbalanced skulls is a trickle
inherent to their being and the connection between compared to the torrent of maintaining a balance
dragons and the world that is important, characteristics between the clans. It takes ten skulls of a single dragon
possessed only by those dragons native to Krynn. type to make up for the lack of a skull of the appropriate
The dragon, using the skulls of dragons that were killed type.
in battle, constructs the totem. Malystryx discovered the The power level of a Skull Totem is the number of
by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.com
last updated on June 10, 2017 at 14:06:02 PM

dragon skulls divided by ten (rounded down). Tarmak War Paint

Create Minions. The dragon is able to draw upon the
power of the skull totem in order to imbue living Potion, common
creatures with their essence. The dragon can create This blue paint takes 10 minutes to apply and can be
both dragon vassals (see prestige classes) and used to cover one Medium or smaller creature (one
dragonspawn. The dragon can create and control a total additional vial is required for each size category above
number of vassals and spawn equal to their level x the Medium).
power level of the skull totem. The paint heals its wearer of injury, at the rate of 1 hp
Epic Power. The construction of a skull totem enables at the start of each of its turns, up to a total of 10 hp
a dragon to gain power above and beyond even the healed.
legendary powers of an ancient wyrm. Each power level
of a skull totem enables the dragon to gain and retain
one virtual level. At 30th level, the dragon is considered
colossal in size (one size category beyond gargantuan, Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
occupying a space 25 feet across). For example, a While wearing this turban, you gain advantage on saving
colossal red dragon with a Strength of 30, would be able throws against magic.
to lift 14,400 pounds.
Realm-Sense. By calling upon the power within the
skull totem, the dragon can use scrying anywhere within
a radius around their totem equal to its power level x 10

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