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Web Administration User Guide

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Doc Version JAGAUR 5000 S/W Version

Ver.1.7.2W10072001E JAGUAR5000 v1.7.2.(build 100720#1)

JAGUAR 5000 Web Administration User Guide (Ver.1.7.2W10072001E)

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2 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Table of Contents

In This Manual........................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction of Web Administration Tool ..................................................... 6
1.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 6
1.2. How to Access .................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Quick Menu ........................................................................................................ 8
1.4. Login Session Timeout ......................................................................................... 9
1.5. Contents Composition .........................................................................................10
2. Monitoring ........................................................................................... 11
2.1. Cluster Information ............................................................................................11
2.2. Current Status ...................................................................................................13
2.2.1.Stored Object Distributions ............................................................................... 16
2.2.2.Served Object Distributions ............................................................................... 17
2.2.3.Disk Information .............................................................................................. 18
2.2.4.System Information ......................................................................................... 20
2.3. Virus Filtering Information ...................................................................................21
2.4. Dynamic IP Bypass Information ............................................................................22
2.5. Object Information .............................................................................................24
2.6. URL Category Info ..............................................................................................25
2.7. DNS Information ................................................................................................26
2.8. MRTG ...............................................................................................................27
3. Configuration ....................................................................................... 29
3.1. System ............................................................................................................29
3.1.1.Network .......................................................................................................... 29
3.1.2.DNS ........................................................................................................... 33
3.1.3.Time ........................................................................................................... 34
3.2. Protocol ............................................................................................................35
3.2.1.Cache ........................................................................................................... 35
3.2.2.HTTP ........................................................................................................... 48
3.2.3.FTP ........................................................................................................... 66
3.2.4.Cache Cooperation ........................................................................................... 67
3.2.5.ICAP ........................................................................................................... 71
3.2.6.WCCP ........................................................................................................... 76
3.2.7.SNMP ........................................................................................................... 81
3.2.8.Proxy ........................................................................................................... 83
3.2.9.SSL ........................................................................................................... 85
3.2.10.Option .......................................................................................................... 87
3.3. Access Control ...................................................................................................93
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3.3.1.Custom Category.............................................................................................. 95
3.4. Authentication................................................................................................... 97
3.5. Bypass........................................................................................................... 100
3.5.1.Cache Bypass ................................................................................................ 100
3.5.2.Static IP Bypass ............................................................................................. 102
3.5.3.Dynamic IP Bypass ......................................................................................... 103
3.5.4.Bypass Exception ........................................................................................... 106
3.6. Download Ratelimit .......................................................................................... 107
3.6.1.Ratelimit Class ................................................................................................. 107
3.6.2.Ratelimit Map ................................................................................................. 109
3.7. Virus Filtering ................................................................................................. 111
3.8. Contents Preloading ......................................................................................... 112
3.9. SGLB Agent (Plag in) ........................................................................................ 114
3.9.1.SGLB Agent ................................................................................................... 114
3.9.2.SGLB Domain................................................................................................. 115
3.10.Static Page .................................................................................................... 116
3.11.IP Address Geolocation DB ............................................................................... 117
3.12.Log ...................................................................................................... 118
3.12.1.Log Unit ...................................................................................................... 121
3.12.2.Log Profile ................................................................................................... 125
3.12.3.Log File Management .................................................................................... 127
3.13.Maintenance .................................................................................................. 128
3.13.1.Account ....................................................................................................... 128
3.13.2.Alert E-mail ................................................................................................. 129
3.13.3.Send Debug Information ............................................................................... 130
3.13.4.Admin Access Control .................................................................................... 132
3.13.5.Firewall ....................................................................................................... 133
3.13.6.Option ......................................................................................................... 134
3.13.7.Restart/Shutdown ......................................................................................... 135
4. Appendix ............................................................................................ 136
4.1. Profile Condition Type ....................................................................................... 136
4.2. Designating an Address Range using Bitmask ....................................................... 138
4.3. Example of Regular Expression .......................................................................... 139
4.4. User Defined Log Format .................................................................................. 140
4.5. Result Code of Access Records ........................................................................... 146
4.6. Cache Operation Related Log and SNMP Trap ........................................................ 148
4.7. SNMP Mib....................................................................................................... 155
4.8. .......................................................................... 161

4 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

In This Manual
This manual introduces the JAGUAR 5000 Web Administration (hereafter Web Admin), an
administrative tool of the JAGUAR 5000 and shows how to use it.

Section 1. Introduction of the Web Administration Tool

Introduces and explains how to operate the Web Admin.

Section 2. Monitoring
Describes how to check the system of the JAGUAR 5000 and traffic status.

Section 3. Function operation setting

Explains how to set up the operation of the JAGUAR 5000 using Web Admin by each menu.

Section 4.APPENDIX

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1. Introduction of Web Administration Tool

1.1. Introduction

Web Administration (hereafter Web Admin') Tool is a web Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool
based SSL/HTTPS protocol. As it provides strong security and categorized GUI based on RSA
(Rivest Shamir Adleman) public key infrastructure of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), it enables easy
set up of the JAGUAR 5000 by access with a web browser at any place.

6 Premium Web Cache Server

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1.2. How to Access

Figure 1

After installation, the Web Admin can make access without any extra procedures.
To access, use HTTPS protocol, the hostname of the JAGUAR 5000, or No. 8500 port of IP address.
For instance, if an IP address is, access to the address, with a browser. If connection is completed, connection window will
appear like Figure 1.

It will require ID and passwords. Initially, the default ID is admin while the password is smart. It
is possible to add ID or change passwords on the Maintenance>>Account menu later on.

If your Internet Explorer is 7, select 'Continue to this website (not recommended) like

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

1.3. Quick Menu

Figure 2

There is Quick menu for frequest usaging in top right part of the Web Admin screen of JAGUAR
Usable quick menus are Cluster Info, Current Status, Log, Restart and Logout.

8 Premium Web Cache Server

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1.4. Login Session Timeout

When no operation is made in the menus such as Configuation longer than 30 minutes, excluding
the monitoring items which can be used for a long time without any operation of the UI, the
session is terminated and the account is logged out whih message below;

Figure 3

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1.5. Contents Composition

Figure 4

Web Admin is divided into two parts: Monitoring and Configuration. In the Monitoring part, you
can monitor the JAGUAR 5000, its clusters status and traffic processing. In the Configuration part,
you can setup the system and cache operation of the JAGUAR 5000 and its cluster.

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2. Monitoring
This menu checks the service or operation status of the JAGUAR 5000. The page is updated
regularly and pressing REFRESH button on the upper right of the menu updates the information.
Also, pressing HELP button on the menu displays help.

2.1. Cluster Information

Figure 5

It shows the status of accessed the JAGUAR 5000 and the cluster of registered the JAGUAR 5000.
The followings are details of each item on the list of the JAGUAR 5000 Cluster Information.

A. Request
The average number of requests for HTTP per second for the last five minutes. Click this to
see the average values of a five-minute MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) graph of all
the JAGUAR 5000s for a day. If you click each graph, you will see graphs for the average
values for five minutes (last 43 hours), the average values for 30 minutes (last 11 days),
the average values for two hours (last 6 weeks), and the average values for a day (last 17

B. Hit Ratio
The average cache hit rates for the last five minutes. Cache hit rates refer to the proportion
of the total number of web objects that have been cached to the number of the entire web
objects served in the JAGUAR 5000 upon request. To check MRTG graph, use in the same
way detailed in the A. Request items of Cluster Information.

C. Bandwidth Gain
The rate of external network bandwidth use gained by the JAGUAR 5000, it refers to the
proportion of the total size of the requested web objects to the size of web objects served
in the JAGUAR 5000. It is an average value for five minutes. To check MRTG graph, use in
the same way detailed in the A. Request items of Cluster Information. Though cache hit
rates and the amounts of bandwidth gained tend to be proportional, they can differ from
each other depending on the size of web objects.

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D. Session
The number of system descriptors currently used by the JAGUAR 5000. It has a similar
value to the current number of accesses. To check MRTG graph, use in the same way
detailed in the A. Request items of Cluster Information.

E. Throughput
A Bit per Second (BPS) between the JAGUAR 5000 and clients. It is an average value of
the last five minutes. To check MRTG graph, use in the same way detailed in the A.
Request items of Cluster Information.

A CPU usage of the JAGUAR 5000. It is an average value of the last five minutes. To check
MRTG graph, use in the same way detailed in the A. Request items of Cluster Information.

G. Status
A service status of the JAGUAR 5000. If it is blue, it indicates that it is normal, otherwise,
it will be displayed in red.

A status of the JAGUAR 5000. Blue indicates normal condition. If there is a problem in a
disk, it will be displayed in red.

12 Premium Web Cache Server

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2.2. Current Status

Figure 6

This item allows detailed information of the JAGUAR 5000 on a host accessed via the Web Admin.
It shows you various operational statuses of the JAGUAR 5000 including current network
connection status, service status, memory and disk usage, etc.

I HTTP Information
A. Number of Request (Total/Served/Filtered)
It indicates the total numbers of requests made so far (Total), the number of served
requests (Served), and the number of denied request (Filtered). The sum of the number of
served requests and the number of filtered request equals the number of requests served
in normal circumstances.

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B. Number of Hit (Cumulative /Memory)

Cumulative number of hit and memory hit.

C. Number of Miss (Cumulative /Cached)

Cumulative number of miss and cached miss.

D. Hit Ratio
A service ratio of web objects in a cache that has been requested in the last five minutes.

E. Bandwidth Gain
The ratio of the size of web objects served in a cache to the total size of requested web
objects in the last five minutes.

F. Client Connection (Active/Total)

Total number of active accesses between the JAGUAR 5000 and clients. The number of
active accesses refers to accesses in transaction while a total number of accesses refer to
the number of accesses that are currently made.

G. Server Connection (Active/Total)

The number of active/ total accesses between the JAGUAR 5000 and web servers. The
number of active accesses refers to accesses in transaction while a total number of
accesses refer to the number of accesses that are currently made.

H. Req/Sec (RPS)
The average number of requests per second for the last one minute/five minutes.

I. Served RPS
The number of requests served normally per second for the last one minute/five minutes.

J. Filtered RPS
The number of requests denied per second for the last one minute/five minutes.

K. Hit Service Time

The average values of time from the request of cached web objects to actual service
given by cache for the last one minute/five minutes.

L. Average Service Time

The average values of time from a request by clients to actual response from cache
(service or access denial) for the last one minute/five minutes.

14 Premium Web Cache Server

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M. Hit Ratio
A service ratio of web objects in a cache that has been requested in the last one
minute/five minutes.

N. Client Throughput
The average transfer rates between clients and a cache for the last one minute/five

O. Server Throughput
The average transfer rates between servers and a cache for the last one minute/five

II. System Information

A. CPU Usage
The current CPU usage of the JAGUAR 5000.

B. Maximum Resident Size

The amount of memory currently used by the JAGUAR 5000.

C. Memory Cache Size

The amount of physical memory currently used by/available to the JAGUAR 5000 as a
cache storage, or in other words, storage space.

D. Disk Cache Size

The amount of disk currently used by/available to as a cache storage, or in other words,
storage space.

E. Total Stored Object

The total number of web objects currently stored in the JAGUAR 5000.

F. Average Stored Size

The average size of web objects currently stored in the JAGUAR 5000.

G. Session (Cur/Max)
The number of system descriptors currently used in the JAGUAR 5000. As the number of
system descriptors is similar to the value of the number of the connected accesses, it can
be viewed as the current number of accesses made and the maximum number of possible

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2.2.1. Stored Object Distributions

Figure 7

It shows the distribution of currently stored web objects in the JAGUAR 5000 in terms of their
sizes in a circle graph.

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2.2.2. Served Object Distributions

Figure 8

It shows the distribution of the web objects that have been served clients so far by hitting through
the JAGUAR 5000 in terms of sizes in a circle graph.

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2.2.3. Disk Information

Figure 9

It shows the list of logic disks currently used as cache disk in the JAGUAR 5000 and their
individual statuses. It can also manage disk replacement with the HotSwap function, which
restores disks with physical problems.

A. Device
A name of device in the disk system. Click Device name to see DISK I/O MRTG-Daily MRTG
graph and click one more for Disk Load (/dev/sdb) MRTG graph.

B. Used / Size
It shows the status of disk capacity, displayed in the form of current usage/total disk

C. Load
It shows the disk load as a percentage.

D. Status
Disk status. Blue color indicates normal while any problem with disk will be displayed in red.

E. Hot Swap
A button for disk replacement. If you press Stop button, the JAGUAR 5000 does not use the
disk and allows the disk to be physically eliminated. Start button is used to allow the
JAGUAR 5000 to use the disk after inserting a new disk.

18 Premium Web Cache Server

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The HotSwap function operates only in Raid controller of specific hardware.
Followings are hard ware and Raid controller to support the HotSwap function of the
JAGUAR 5000.
-SCSI: MegaRaid (Dell PowerEdge 2970, 2950)
-CSISS: SmartArray (HP Proliant DL380, DL385)

<Disk Status>

Normal /dev/sdc device Status

Abnormal /dev/sdc device Status

<Disk Change Procedure>

1. Press Stop button to change.

The Stop button of the HotSwap will be changed into Start button like figure below.

2. Replace broken the /dev/sdc device physically.

3. Press Start button.
The /dev/sdc status returns to normal which changing Stop button of the HotSwap.

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2.2.4. System Information

Figure 10

It shows the software version and builds number of the JAGUAR 5000 as well as the hardware
specifications of a system in which the JAGUAR 5000 is installed.

If Smartfilter SDK is installed in JAGUAR 5000, Smartfilter SDK information will be
displayed in the lower part of System Information like below.

20 Premium Web Cache Server

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2.3. Virus Filtering Information

Figure 11

It shows a list of IP addresses blocked by virus block rules installed in the JAGUAR 5000, the last
time an IP address has been blocked, and the number of blocking.

A. Time
It directs a system to search the record of the past one, two, three, six, twelve, twenty-
four hours, three and seven days from the present time.

B. Count
Designate the maximum number of records of blocked addresses to be shown by arranging
the records based on the last blocking time.

C. Filtered IP Address
Designate the maximum number of records of blocked addresses to be shown by arranging
the records based on the last blocking time.

D. Last Filtered Time

The last time when IP addresses were blocked per individual clients.

E. Count
The total number of virus requests that have been blocked per individual clients.

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2.4. Dynamic IP Bypass Information

Figure 12

This menu can be seen by set up to Transparent mode from Protocol>>Cache. It shows currently
serviced bypass list by setup to dynamic IP bypass from Bypass>>Dynamic IP Bypass. The less
the number of #, it is the newest registered bypass list and all of dynamic IP bypass list
registered dynamically is removed when the cache is restarted.

A. Search By
Search by specific error code.
Designate a reason (error code) why it was appointed as dynamic IP bypass necessary to
search a specific error code. In case of 'ALL', search all of error codes.
Followings are description for error codes.
When the JAGUAR 5000 decides that one is not an HTTP request. It is a case when a
user has sent a request via HTTP service port of 80 other than an HTTP request

When there is a connection problem with an origin server.

When a web server has sent a 400 Bad Request message to a request. It occurs when
the web server cannot interpret the message of a client.

When a web server has sent a 401 Unauthorized message to a request. It occurs
when the request failed to pass authentication for a membership web site.

When a web server has sent a 403 Forbidden message to a request. It occurs when
the web server understands the request but refuses access for specific reasons.

22 Premium Web Cache Server

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When a web server has sent a 405 Method Not Allowed message to a request. It
occurs when the web server does not allow the request or an impossible HTTP method
has been requested.

When a web server has sent a 406 Not Acceptable message to a request. It occurs
when the contents to be transmitted cannot be sent in the way the client has asked.

When a web server has sent a 500 Internal Server Error message to a request. It
occurs either due to a problem with a web server or to an impossible decision error.
Normally it occurs when CGI, script or DB error or overload.

When an error code occurs that does not belong to any of the above.

B. Dynamic IP Bypass Information

Source IP
Show Request client IP address in the form of a.b.c.d/e.

Destination IP
Show Requested server IP address in the form of a.b.c.d/e.

Error Code
Shows error code that is a reason why it was appointed as Dynamic IP bypass.

C. To Delete
Delete all of Dynamic IP bypass rule.

Individual Delete
Delete Dynamic IP bypass rule individually.

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2.5. Object Information

Figure 13

This function shows the objects information stored in the JAGUAR 5000. Input URLs and press
Search button to see response header information and caching data of relevant objects in the

cache. Press Delete button to remove searched object in the JAGUAR 5000. The PURGE command
is used to remove a single object.

24 Premium Web Cache Server

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2.6. URL Category Info

Figure 14

This function shows URL category information. Insert URL and then click Search button to show
URL category information.
Categroy information which has been registered at 3.3.1 Custom Category in Access Control is
used for URL information searching.
If Smartfilter SDK has been installed in the JAGUAR 5000, Smartfilter SDK information will be
used together.

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2.7. DNS Information

Figure 15

This function shows URL category information. Insert URL and then click Search button to show
URL category information.
Categroy information that is registered at 3.3.1 Custom Category in Access Control is used.
If Smartfilter SDK is installed in JAGUAR 5000, Smartfilter SDK information will be used.

This function shows DNS infocmation that is used in JAGUAR 5000.

A. Search
Enter the hostname in HOST and click Search button.
TTL, the current time, the expiration time and IP addresses of the host saved in the DNS
cache are provided.

Enter the hostname in HOST and click Purge button.
The corresponding entry is deleted.

C.Delete All
Enter * in the host field and click Purge button.
All entries in the DNS cache are deleted.

26 Premium Web Cache Server

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2.8. MRTG

Using MRTG tool that transforms network status data into graphs, it allows monitoring of the
number of Request/Response, Hit Ratio, CPU usage, Bandwidth Gain, Bandwidth Saving,
Client Connection Server Connection, Throughput and Service Time in Daily, Weekly, Monthly
and Yearly graphs in one page respectively. Daily graph shows in the trend of the last 43 hours of
every 5 minutes, weekly to show the last 11 days of every 30 minutes, monthly graph to show
the last six weeks of every 2 hours, and yearly graph to show the last 17 months of every day in
one graph.

A. Request/Response
The number of requested web objects by the JAGUAR 5000. Green indicates the number of
requests while the blue line indicates the number of responses by the JAGUAR 5000.

B. Hit Ratio
The proportion of the number of served web objects in the cache to the number of
requested web objects. Green indicates the accumulated hit rates while the blue line shows
hit rate for each time.

C. CPU Usage
The current system CPU usage in the JAGUAR 5000. Green indicates System & User CPU
usage while blue shows Cache CPU usage.

D. Bandwidth Gain
The proportion of the size of the web objects served in cache to the total number of
requested web objects. Thus, it is also a proportion of network bandwidth gained by a
cache. Green indicates the accumulated value since the service began while the blue line
shows values for each time.

E. Bandwidth Saving
The proportion of the size of the web objects served in cache to the total number of
requested web objects. Thus, it is also a proportion of network bandwidth saved by a cache.
Green indicates the accumulated value since the service began while the blue line shows
values for each time.

F. Client Connection
The (active/total) number of current accesses between the JAGUAR 5000 and clients.
Green is the number of activated connections while the blue line is the total number of
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G. Server Connection
The (active/total) number of current accesses between the JAGUAR 5000 and web servers.
Green indicates the number of activated connections while the blue line is the total number
of connections.

H. Throughput
It is divided into Client Throughput and Server Throughput and indicates transfer rates with
a cache (network bandwidth usage). Green is the amount of service processed by the
JAGUAR 5000 while the blue line is the amount of service that the JAGUAR 5000 has
received from the Web Server.

I. Service Time
A time from which a cache received a request to which it has been served. It does not
include denied access or failed response of the server. Green indicates the average service
time while the blue line is the service time of Hits.

28 Premium Web Cache Server

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3. Configuration
This menu carries out various setups regarding the JAGUAR 5000 system and cache operations.
After making corrections in each administrator page, press APPLY button to save the setting in the
JAGUAR 5000. Some settings are employed only when software has been restarted. Press
REFRESH button on the upper right of the menu to return to the information currently in use by

the JAGUAR 5000. Also, press HELP button in any menu to check HELP.
For items that use lists, you can use A button to add, E button to modify, and X button to delete
among settings. For items subject to priority adjustment, you can use / buttons to change its
order to change priority.

3.1. System

Set up overall system necessary for the JAGUAR 5000 such as Network, DNS, and Time.

3.1.1. Network

Figure 16

It carries out a network setup necessary for the JAGUAR 5000 system. This setup is equal to the
network setup in the operation system.

A. NIC Configuration
Set up Interface, IP address, and Netmask for each NIC (Network Interface Card) in a

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cache system.
For NIC setup, it is necessary to set up more than one IP address. After changing a web
admin access IP address, you have to reconnect the web admin with changed IP address in
the web browser.
In addition, if the changed IP is a cache IP (Protocol>>Cache IP), the cache IP
(Protocol>>Cache IP) and a cache cluster IP (Maintenance>>Option>>Cache IP) are
changed accordingly.
Basically, the JAGUAR 5000 can receive an HTTP request from multiple IP addresses and
ports via configured IP and the same NIC. In reverse proxy cache, it is possible to separate
the couple made by such IP address and port.
To add IP address to use in the JAGUAR 5000, configure alias to interface in use.

Ex1) if there is eth0 interface that uses and you want to add an IP with;
1. Press A button of NIC configuration.
2. Input eth0:0 to Interface column.
3. Input to IP Address column.
4. Input Netmask to Netmask column.
5. Press Confirm button.

Ex2) when using channel bonding;

1. Press E button of NIC configuration.
2. Input bond0 to Interface column.
3. Press Confirm button.
3. Add eth0 and eth1 to Slave column of Bonding.
4. Set up Mode and ARP_interval. (Optional)
5. Press APPLY button.

B. Gateway
Default Gateway
Set up a default gateway for the JAGUAR 5000 to use in the system.

Standby Gateway
The JAGUAR 5000 adjusts a standby gateway setup to use in this system.

C. Routing Table
Add a routing rule in the JAGUAR 5000 system. Add, modify, and delete is the same as in
the A.NIC Configuration Item of Networks. Destination IP/Mask shall be added in the
form of a.b.c.d/e.
30 Premium Web Cache Server
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IP Address

The number of bits to check from the top one in an IP address

A range of bits that has the same e bit with a.b.c.d

D. Link aggregation
Set up NIC channel bonding that uses and gathers multiple numbers of NICs with one IP.
When you set up bonding, arrange the interface of A.NIC Configuration Item of Networks
as bond0 before moving on to the next setup. Right after channel bonding configuration
change and its application, the network may experience some disruption for a certain
period of time. Depending on the network environment such as NIC and the type of
switches connected to NIC, it may take a while to reestablish connection.
Input Network Divce Name to bond.

Set up a mode of bonding. The operation in each mode is shown in the following.


It sends packets from multiple numbers of network interfaces to a Round-robin. It is used

when it is required to overcome the bandwidth limit of an interface.


It uses multiple numbers of network interfaces as an active-backup. When there is a problem

in using main NIC, it uses a secondary NIC.

Arp interval
Set up ARP confirmation interval for interface in terms of milliseconds. To deactivate,
adjust as 0. In a Round-Robin mode, it is recommended to adjust it as 0 to deactivate.

If ARP_interval value is 0 or more, input target IP address to helth check.

Set up the name of NIC interface saving the main network interface.

Set up the name of additional NIC interface saving the main network interface. Two or
more NICs should be configured. For instance, to make a channel bonding between
eth0 and eth1, add eth0 and eth1.

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E. Bridge
This function operates only in Trasparent mode. Connect two Ethernet segments together
in a protocol independent way. Interface Name type must be br#, and available # is from 0
to 9.

The above items on the menu are applicable only after you have completed the restart
of the JAGUAR 5000.

32 Premium Web Cache Server

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3.1.2. DNS

Figure 17

It makes a setup relevant to Domain Name Server. It shares OS and DNS (Domain Name Server)

A. DNS Server
Set up DNS server. Max.3 servers can be registered and set up in accordance with the
priority of DNS server. It is used to get an IP address when the JAGUAR 5000 accesses a
web server following a user request. Basically, it uses a default value that is configured
during the installation.
- Enter DNS server name (or IP Address) to add then, click A button.
- Select the DNS server name (or IP Address) and add or delete.

B. DNS Suffix
If it is not a full domain name, set up DNS suffix to add.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.1.3. Time

Figure 18

Set up an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server to synchronize the date of the JAGUAR 5000
according to priority. After setting up the NTP server, it will adjust a system time to follow
standard time at every specific period.

A. NTP Server
It is possible to add, modify, delete and adjust a priority for NTP servers.

34 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2. Protocol

3.2.1. Cache

Figure 19

It makes a general setup such as name, address, operation mode of the JAGUAR 5000 and more.

A. Hostname
Set up Hostname for the JAGUAR 5000 server.

B. IP Address
For a system with multiple IPs, designates an IP for the JAGUAR 5000 to receive requests.
The default is a value that is configured in setup process of the JAGUAR 5000.

C. Cache Mode
Configure the operation mode of the JAGUAR 5000. Operation mode includes Forward Proxy,
Reverse Proxy, Transparent, and Hidden modes. Each mode differs in users request and
the JAGUAR 5000s handling of a request.
Forward Proxy Mode
In forward proxy mode, the JAGUAR 5000 will operate identical to general web proxy
mode. User can make a web request by the IP address of the JAGUAR 5000.

The way in which a single web request and response is carried out is as follows:
1. User makes an HTTP request to the IP address of the JAGUAR 5000.
2. The JAGUAR 5000 finds the IP address of the web server using Host of the relevant
web server then makes a request to a web server on behalf of the user.
3. Web server makes a response to the IP address of the JAGUAR 5000.
4. The JAGUAR 5000 will process the response and answers the user.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Reverse Proxy Mode

In reverse proxy mode, the user will make a web request through the IP address of
the JAGUAR 5000 while the JAGUAR 5000 will then find the IP address of the web
server previously defined by an administrator and make a request. In reverse proxy
mode, you can use a reverse hosting configuration to carry out more complex service
structures, i.e. administering various domains and/or running separate web server
groups by their URL.

The process in which a single web request and response is carried out is as follows:
1. User makes an HTTP request to the IP address of the JAGUAR 5000.
2. The JAGUAR 5000 finds the IP address of the web server using information from the
relevant web server then makes a request to a web server on behalf of the user.
3. Web server makes a response to the IP address of the JAGUAR 5000.
4. The JAGUAR 5000 will process the response and answer to the user.

Transparent Mode
As the user makes an access through the IP address of the existing web server in the
transparent mode, there is no need to change DNS with the introduction of the
JAGUAR 5000. However, you need to install and configure some devices such as Layer
4 switch (distinguished with IP/ Port) or Layer 7 Switch (distinguished with protocol)
that forwards the relevant web requests to the JAGUAR 5000 in the middle of network

The process in which a single web request and response is carried out is as follows:
1. User makes an HTTP request to the IP address of the JAGUAR 5000.
2. The L4 switch or L7 Switch of the Service provider forwards the relevant web
request to the JAGUAR 5000.
3. The JAGUAR 5000 will make a request to a web server on behalf of the user for the
relevant web request.
4. Web server makes a response to the IP address of user.
5. The JAGUAR 5000 will process the response and answer to the user.
Hidden Mode

Like a transparent mode, in a hidden mode, there is no need to change DNS for the
introduction of the JAGUAR 5000 as user makes an access through the IP address of
the existing web server. Also, when the JAGUAR 5000 makes a request to a web server,
it will operate in such a way that the request has been sent by a client IP while
operating that it has been set by a web server IP for a response to a user, so that it
will ensure that the user and the web server will not recognize its existence. However,
you need to install and configure some devices such as Layer 4 switch (distinguished
with IP/ Port) or Layer 7 Switch (distinguished with protocol) that forwards the
relevant web requests to the JAGUAR 5000 in the middle of network section.

36 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

The process in which a single web request and response is carried out is as follows:
1. User makes a request to the IP address of a web server.
2. The L4 switch or L7 Switch of the Service provider forwards the relevant web
request to the JAGUAR 5000.
3. The JAGUAR 5000 will make a request to a web server on behalf of the user for the
relevant web request. At that time, it will organize a packet that will appear as if being
sent from the IP address of the user.
4. Web server makes a response to the IP address of user.
5. The L4 switch or L7 Switch of the Service provider forwards the relevant web
request to the JAGUAR 5000.
6. The JAGUAR 5000 will process the response and answer to the user. At that time, it
will organize a packet that will appear as if being sent from the IP address of the web

D. Running Option
Generate Proxy Request

This setup is used when it is necessary to use other proxy for the JAGUAR 5000 to
access an external network. Set up whether use the configuration of Protocol>>Proxy
or not.
Ignore Reload Request
Able to determine an operation method for a request with a header, Cache- Control:
no-cache or Pragma: no-cache that demands to bring new objects from a web server.
Default value is Off and it will bring new objects from a web server regardless of the
cache availability and renewal of the request with the above header. If it is configured
as On, it will serve a cached object if the object has not passed the renewal time
while serving it if it has passed the renewal time. In case of On, it is the same
operation with ignore configuration for reload_action of cache basic refresh_policy.
It has a higher priority over reload_action configuration of cache basic refresh_policy
and bypass_req_nocache On configuration of cache basic caching_policycomes first.

Deny Proxy Request in Transparent Mode

This setup directs to deny the proxy request in transparent mode of the JAGUAR 5000.
Make the JAGUAR 5000 refuse a proxy request from a user when it is in transparent
mode. It refuses to carry out a service that makes direct access to the IP of the
JAGUAR 5000. It is designated so as to prevent them being used as a general proxy
rather than their designated use. To permit a specific IP or IP address, enter an IP or
IP address in Accept source IP/Mask box. The source IP/Mask will be allowed to HTTP

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..37
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

The above items on the menu are applicable only after you have completed the restart
of the JAGUAR 5000.

38 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Reverse Host Information

Figure 20

In Forward Proxy or Reverse Proxy mode in the JAGUAR 5000, if a client send web request to IP
address of the JAGUAR 5000, the JAGUAR 5000 searches origin web server and brings the objects.
In Forward proxy mode, the JAGUAR 5000 uses a server that is requested by user to search origin
web server, while in Reverse Proxy mode, it uses various information related to HTTP request and
its administrators configuration.
Reverse hosting function of the JAGUAR 5000 is for load balancing by configures the majority
origin web servers that are included in specific services and offers the way of a large number of
services operating. The reverse hosting offers various load balancing ways in one of web server
cluster and controls their connections.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

The reverse hosting configuration creates reverse host profile by service and then configures
origin web server by each profile.

A. Reverse Host Profile List

Make profile from server data and then name them to manage. Each profile has a priority
in a top-down order.
After selecting the items in the profile list, set up relevant conditions and operation in
Profile Details.

B. Profile Details (Conditions)

Setup for relevant condition of a profile. It is an item subject to setup if it is not a default
profile. Each condition is an AND condition. If all conditions are met, it belongs to a
relevant profile. If it is blank, it does not use relevant conditions. A request that does not
fall into any profile condition is set up according to a default profile.
DNS Name
Designates a hostname of the client HTTP request.

Cache IP
Designates an IP of the requested the JAGUAR 5000. You have to add the relevant IP
in System>>Network and NIC Configuration.

Cache Port
Designates a port of the JAGUAR 5000 that received a request. You have to add the
relevant port in Protocol>>HTTP, Forwarding Ports.
If you designate a port which is used by the JAGUAR 5000 with a specific purpose, it
does not operate normally. Ports that are not available for setup include 22, 25, 631,
80, 8021, 8500, and 8880.

C. Profile Details
Server Name
Set up the list of origin web servers that belong to the profile. If default profile is not
to be used, you dont need to give values in this item of default profile. If you
designate not an IP address but a domain name, the JAGUAR 5000 will find the IP
address through DNS server and make an access. If you assign it with, a user will use Host header server of the request as an origin

Set up the port of the origin web server. If it is set as 443, it accesses through HTTPS.

Support Dual Protocol

40 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Access through each origin server of HTTP and HTTPS by a protocol that is requested
by users.

Designate whether served or not to HTTP and HTTPS (443 port) of client. If both are
not selected, it supports HTTP and HTTPS both automatically. Both are not selected, it
sets to support both HTTP and HTTPS automatically.

Set up policies for deciding web servers when the JAGUAR 5000 sends a request to
origin web server group. You can choose the policies following.


Send a request for set up origin web servers one-by-one.

Hash a request so as to send a specific URL to a same origin server. If there is any

problem with one of those web servers, the URL directed to the server will be requested

to another web server.


Origin web server is determined by the name of first directory. The origin web server

should be in server name and registered in the origin web server list beforehand. If

there is a request for a directory name that is not registered in the list it will be declined.


Ex) when origin server has and the DNS name of cache is

Cache will change request into to send it to origin server.


It has the same operation as Directory policy but can operate without being registered in

Server Name.


It designates the origin web server according to users IP address. That is, users who use

same IP address requested by same web server. For example, use this in case need to

keep session information.

Determine a host header to be used when the JAGUAR 5000 makes an HTTP request
to an origin web server. The default value is not to configure. If it is configured, it uses
the configuration value. The JAGUAR 5000 will change the host part of an HTTP
request header into host name:port before making a request.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If DocumentRoot is set, the JAGAUR 5000 converts a HTTP Request into Request URI
that DocumentRoot was reflected then sends them when it sends HTTP Request to a
web server. For example, if hostname is '' and Documentroot setting is
'/bar', and in case of client request is '", it will be
changed as 'http://{ORIGIN_SERVER}/bar/hello/world.txt" and requested to origin

Outgoing Connection
Manage Outgoing Connection

Can restrict the number of connections to each server for a request corresponded to the

profile. If this function is checked, it will use a connection restriction function.

Max Outgoing Connection Per a Server

Determine the max. values for the number of connections to each server under the

connection restriction function. Able to select numbers are from 1 to 65535.

Origin Server Error Page Return

If errors about origin server are occurred, JAGAUR returns an error page.

Fixed snmp OID

This function is for fixing snmp OID for Reverse Host. The setting value is 0 as default,
available from 1 up to 1024. Give the number 0 for not fixing. Give the numbers as
low as possible for a quick response of snmp querry.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

42 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin URL Rewriting

Figure 21

Substitute a user-requested URL with an Extended Regular Expression by some specific rules. It is
the first to be handled when the JAGUAR 5000 receives a request and the substituted URL is used
for caching operations, the conditions of various profiles and logging, etc. The previous URL will
not be used and is left in a log.

A. URL Rewriting Table

Input the requested URL by a user in the form of an Extended Regular Expression.

Input character line that matches a query in URL to modify.

Ignore Case
Able to set whether or not to ignore case when URL rewriting. Click A button to select
On, or Off. Default value is Off.

B. How to use
Setting of Query and Replace
Query takes the from of Extended Regular Expression that is used in Unix. With
parentheses, '(' ')', it is possible to match a pattern and the matched pattern can be
used in the form of #{match_no}(in order words, #1, #2 ..) during replacing. As #0 is
used to match whole URLs, user can match up to 9 patterns (#1 .. #9) to process
whole URLS.

Ex) Query: http ://([^/]+)/.+/([^/]+)
User request: if it is
Before carrying out any other operations, cache will change the URL into before proceeding further.

Application with Directory Policy

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

This function can be utilized in order to extend a directory policy in reverse.

Ex1) For a URL such as http://host/dir1/../dirN/real_server/dirN+1/..dirM/file, to make
http://real_server/dirN+1/..dirM/file URL to send a request to Origin server,
If it is a reverse mode
Process the whole with http://host/real_server/dirN+1/../file,
Register real_serves in a reverse server setting then adjust it with a Directory Policy.
If it is a Proxy/TP mode:
Process the whole with http://real_server/dirN+1/../file.

Ex2) Query: http://foo\.com/([^/]+/){2}([^/]+)/(.*)

If it is Replace: http://#2/#3
Process all http://real_server/dirC//file

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

44 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Caching Key Generation

Figure 22

This function selects fields only appointed by administrator among URL to identify object. It is
available to process that meet specific conditions for the session by setting profile.
It calculates caching key after that cache parses HTTP request and processes URL rewriting.
(When Global Query Term Strip was designated, please note that it will be striped before caching
key calculating.)

A. Caching Key Profile

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Registers caching key generation service groups as a profile to manage them.

B. Detailed Profiles
Input string to change that is matched with query pattern in URL. Refer to Profile
Condition Type in Appendix for Server name, Extension, keyword, and Regular Expr.
Use Transformed Key
Request URL to an origin server using URL that was transformed by caching key
setting. Please note that a query requested by a client will be transformed if it is On.

Ignore Capital/Small Letters

It does not distinguish between capital letters and small letters in URL.

Ignore Host
Ignore host name in a URL.

Ignore File
Ignore file name in a URL.

Ignore Path
Ignore path in a URL. If it is set as Partial, Ignore Path Start and End should be set.

Ignore Path Start

This menu should be set if Ignore Path mode is Partial. Enter beginning directory of
path in a URL to ignore by number. Able to enter values are from 1 to 100.

Ignore Path End

This menu should be set if Ignore Path mode is Partial. Enter end directory of path in
a URL to ignore by number. Able to enter values are from 1 to 100.

Ignore Query
Set query value in a URL. If it is set as Except, Ignore Query Exception should be set.

Ignore Query Exception

This menu should be set if Ignore Query mode is Except. Enter Ignore Query
Ex) Calculated identification key can be logged by using %cquk.

url =
ignore host http:///dir1/dir2/dir3/file?arg1=abc&arg2=def
ignore file
ignore all path

ignore path 1~1

ignore path 1~3

46 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

ignore path 1~100

ignore query
ignore query except arg1

Varying Caching key

Configure varying caching key. Able to register Varying Header is up to 8, and each
header is up to 32byte.
Varying Header is must be separated from each other by semicolon (;).
Ex) Header_A;Header_B;...

Use gzip

Decide whether or not to use gzip option. When Use gzip is checked in Accept-Encoding

menu, if gzip is included in the header of Accept-encoding in the HTTP request, the

information is included while a caching key is created. Therefore, in this case, the object is

cached, different from the case that no gzip is included in the header of accept-encoding in

the HTTP request.

Multiple user-agents are selectable according to userver-agent pattern to store among
nine User-Agents; iPhone, Blackberry, SymbianOS, MSIE6, MSIE7, Firefox2, Firefox3,
Chrome, and Safari.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.2. HTTP

Figure 23

Set up HTTP protocol cache.

A. HTTP Port
TCP port used by a HTTP cache of the JAGUAR 5000 and its default value is 8080. To add a
port that receive request by HTTP cache service user, add a port in Forwarding Ports.

48 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

B. Max Object Size

Set up the maximum size of the web objects that can be cached in the JAGUAR 5000. If
too large an object is cached, it will occupy a space that can be shared by multiple
numbers of small caches, thus, having a negative influence over the performance of cache
such as Hit Ratio. If you set it up as 0, there will be no limit on maximum sizes.

C. Forwarding Ports
The JAGUAR 5000 will designate an additional port to receive an HTTP request in addition
to the basic port designated in cache http http_port. If you designate a port that is used
by the JAGUAR 5000 for a specific purpose, it would cause a problem in the operation of
the JAGUAR 5000. The ports that should not be configured include: 22, 25, 443, 631, 80,
8021, 8500, and 8880. A setting for this part does not support a cluster integration setup.

D. Query Term Stopwords

Configure a set of keywords that can be ignored in the URL Query string (Query Parameter)
included in URL of an HTTP request. Like some flash files, there are some HTTP requests
that have unnecessary URL query strings. By ignoring this query string and treating them
as one object, it can raise the accuracy of HTTP request cache and reduce the burden of
the web server. It configures a string right before ? that indicates the beginning of a query
string in URL. Thus, to designate extension, it is recommended to configure it with ..

E. HTTP Extension Methods to Bypass

Designate the ways to request HTTP extension to be bypassed without the JAGUAR 5000s
service denying. Some websites use HTTP methods that are not defined in HTTP standards
like GET or POST. According to standards, the JAGUAR 5000 should deny such a request, it
is set to bypass them for smooth services. Any non-standard requests that have not been
configured here will be refused.

F. Suppressed HTTP header Fields

Able to delete any information that you do not want to transmit to a server in HTTP request
header or to a user in case of HTTP response header. Configure HTTP header file to delete.
Both request and response are deleted.

The above items on the menu are applicable only after you have completed the restart
of the JAGUAR 5000.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

50 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin HTTP TTL

Figure 24

Web objects cached can be changed in a server during their stay in a cache. Therefore a cache
should check if web objects have been renewed or not in regular terms. Object renewal time, or
Time-To-Live, refers to time during which cache makes one validity test to another. In other words,
it is a period which a server of cached web objects reconfirms their renewal status again.
Normally, many web objects do not have explicit renewal times and a web cache can provide
them with random renewal time. Using this command, you can configure Time-To-Live (TTL) of
HTTP protocol or modify the existing renewal time in the JAGUAR 5000.

TTL of web objects can be labeled as meta data of HTTP and is determined in a server. The default
value set in this page is a value that is used when a server does not allocate its value. If a web
object includes TTL determined by a server, this value takes priority over others.
If you check whether or not there is a renewal in a server by TTL and find no renewal, it means
renewal check is too frequent. In that case, it is necessary to increase TTL to make it less
frequent. The ratio of increase in TTL refers to automatic renewal period increase rate. All TTLs of
web objects cannot exceed a maximum renewal time.

As too-frequent renewal checks would hamper a web transfer between a server and the JAGUAR
5000, please assign proper values by finding the characteristics of frequently used web objects. If

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

you have many consistent web objects such as pictures and banners, it would be better to have a
large TTL.
A. HTTP TTL Profile
Manage TTL setup for those web objects on which a server did not set up TTL by naming
them with profiles. Each profile has a priority in a top-down order.
After selecting an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile

B. Profile Details
Set up TTL to be designated by a cache as a default for web objects on which a server
did not set up their TTL. The time unit is seconds and the value will be assigned when
a new object is brought or re-fetched after modification.

Configure the max. renewal time that can be assigned by the JAGUAR 5000 for web
objects without specific renewal times by server. The time unit is seconds and the
object will repeatedly have this renewal time even when the time is up and there is
still no modification made.

Aging Ratio
Configure the increase ratio of renewal time for an object that does not undergo any
modification after its renewal time. The unit is percentage and the renewal time will
not exceed Max-TTL.

Object Control Strategy

Able to configure the operation method for a request with Cache- Control: no-cache
or Pragma: no-cacheheader that requires bringing new object from a web server.
bypass_req_nocache of Protocol>>HTTP>>Caching Policy and Ignore Reload
request of Protocol>>Cache have a higher priority over it. The operation method is
as follows:

HTTP Standard

When there is a No Caching Reload request, receive the requested web objects from a

server and provide services unconditionally. In other words, the JAGUAR 5000 will bring new

objects through GET request that does not have a If-Modified-Since header.


When there is a Reload request, check whether or not renewal has been made If-Modified-

Since. If a renewal has been made, receive the requested web objects from a server.
Otherwise, serve web objects that are cached.

52 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin


If the cached object does not pass the renewal time, it will serve the cached object. If it

passed the renewal time, it will serve as it is. If a renewal has been made, it will serve it. It

is the same operation with Off configuration of cache sys operation option offline.

Ignore ETAG
Determine whether ignore or not ETAG value, one of the criteria to see if the stored
date matches the data in the web server. The default value is unchecked and it uses
ETAG value if an object has been renewed. As in reverse proxy mode, it is only used
for objects that have multiple web servers for an identical service so that each server
can have different ETAG values.

Max-age Insert
Adjust the value of Cache-Control: max-age which indicates renewal time.

Make no operation. In other words, transmit Max-age as with the original server values.


Transmit added TTL value if there is no Max-age. If there is, transmit the existing values


Add or overwrite the TTL value for Max-age values.

Cache Generated Max-age

When Cache generated max-age is selected, created or modified max-age header is stored in

web cache's disk and the max-age value is used. If it is not selected, it is created or modified

dynamically and used when it retuns response to clinet.

Max-age for 304 response

Add Cache-Control:max-age=[num] to header when 304 error has returned.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..53
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Caching Policy

Figure 25

Configure policies regarding the caching of objects in the JAGUAR 5000. For an object that has

54 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

certain conditions, it is possible to make information that indicates the accessibility of caching
during HTTP request and response to deviate from standard practices. With standard HTTP
protocol operation, it is possible to make all contents in the existing web server be cached all
together or cached contents unavailable for caching.

A. Caching Policy Profile

Manage caching policies by making profiles. Each profile has a priority in a top-down order.
After selecting an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile
If you set up profiles you added, please refer to Profile Condition Type in Appendix.

B. Profile Details (Configurations)

Set up an operation for the relevant profiles. These options make the JAGUAR 5000 stop
standard operations of a cache depending on the characteristics of sites, erroneous setup
can hamper normal operation of websites. Thus, if you have certain confirmation work, it is
advisable to use default values.
Last Modified
Determine whether or not it is possible to cache from a web server for a request
without a header on Time-to-Live (TTL) such as Expires, Cache-Control: max-age,
Cache-Control: s-maxage) as well as Last-Modified. Default value is On and it will
not carry out caching if it is impossible to determine TTL as there is no Last-Modified

No caching
Determine whether or not to bypass HTTP requests of the relevant conditions without
caching. Default value is Off. When it is On the JAGUAR 5000 will bypass all relevant
requests and bring them from a web server to serve. It is the same operation with
Bypass>>Cache Bypass.

Bypass Req. Nocache

Determine whether or not it is possible to cache from a web server for a request with a
header Cache-Control: no-cache, Default value is Off and it will not cache the object
from the relevant request.

Ignore Req. Nostore

When Reload request is made, there is a browser that sends no-store. When default
value is Off, it is imperative to bring contents again from a web server for this
particular request.

Ignore Req. Validation

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

For a request with the header that asks to bring new object of web server, Cache-
Control: no-cache or Pragma: no-cache, it will bring contents from a web server and
determine if it will cache for the request. Default value is Off and if contents are
cacheable, it will carry out caching.

Ignore Req. Authorization

Determine whether or not it is possible to cache from a web server for a request with a
header, Authorization that contains a user authentication. Default value is Off and it
will not cache the object from the relevant request.

Ignore Multi-part Range

In case client's HTTP request header includes Multiple Range contents, if the value is
On, JAGAUR caches and services the whole object. If the value is Off, JAGUAR
bypasses the request.
Ex) Range: bytes=100-200,300-400

Ignore Resp. Nocache

Determine whether or not it is possible to cache from a web server for a request with a
header Cache-Control: no-cache, Cache-Control: no-store or Cache-Control: private
that indicates that the object should not be cached. Default value is Off and it will not
cache the object from the relevant request. When it is On it will carry out service with
a cached object in case the cached object has not renewed yet and in case of carry out
service after checking out with the web server.

Ignore Resp.Status
Determine whether or not it is possible to cache for a response with various status
codes. Default value is Off and it will carry out caching only with the status code of
200 OK, 300 Multiple Choices, 301 Moved Permanently and 410 Gone. If it is On, it
will make cache all of response available except '206 Partial Content' response code.

Ignore resp. CC: public

Determine whether or not it is possible to cache for a response with a header, Cache-
Control: public that indicates unconditional caching. Default value is On and it will
cache the relevant object no matter what.

Ignore Expires
Set up to ignore Expires header in HTTP response. Default value is Off. If it is On,
ignores Expires header in HTTP response.

Prefetch if Partial Miss

Decide wheather use prefetch or not if partial Miss. If the 206 response is returned for
missed partial request, it sends full requests to store the result.

56 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Use Per profile Quikabort

Deside wheather use Quickabort per profile or not.

Set the ratio (from 1 to 100).

Set the size.

Ignore Request body

If it is Off, JAGUAR bypasses the request if the request has Content-Length header or
chunked encoding. In case of On, JAGUAR deos not bypass by Content-Length header
and chunked encoding that is included in request.

Cacing POST Request

Designate whether or not to cache for POST method request. For POST method
Request caching, Ignore Request Body option must be On.

Use X-Accel-Cache-Control Header

Deside wheather use X-Accel-Cache-Control Header or not. Default value is Off.

Ignore Resp. Setcookie

Default value is Off and it prevents caching when there is a Set-Cookie item in the
HTTP response header. If it is On, it will ignore the presence of a Set-Cookie item to
enable cache. In case of Only If Ctype Matches, if the designated value by Content-
Type header of the response is same, it ignores a Set-Cookie item to enable caching. It
designates starting string list of Content-Typeheader in response by distinguishing
with ';' and each item that is detached as ';' can be inputted by Max. 15 characters.
For instance, it can be designated as "text/;image/jpg;image/gif;application/pdf".

Cookie Bypass
Determine whether or not to bypass the presence of Cookie in a HTTP request header.
The default value is Off, if it has a cookie, the presence of a Cookie header enables
caching. If it is On, and there is a Cookie item, it will bypass it to make caching
impossible. In case of Only If Ctype Matches, if a request has a Cookie item, it will
bypass only when a starting string list of Content-type header in response is identical
to the designated value, it carries out bypass to make caching impossible. It
designates a starting string list of Content-type header in response by distinguishing
with ; and and each item that is detached as ';' can be inputted by Max. 15
characters. It can be designated as "text/;image/jpg;image/gif;application/pdf".

Recently, almost all web requests have cookie so if set to not cache all of requests that

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..57
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

have cookie, cache efficiency can be so low. Therefore we recommend that set to not
cache only 'Text' object that the contents can be different according to cookie.

Request Header Modify

Add or delete a header in case of requesting. If a header to add was in there already,
the header will be overwritten.

Response Header Modify

Add or delete a header in case of responding. If a header to add was in there already,
the header will be overwritten.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

58 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Multimedia Contents Acceleration

Figure 26

It offers HTTP Progressive Downloading function to URL for FLV request that start and End Position
are specified as argument. Establish profile and processing session for specific conditions is

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..59
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

A. FLV Acceleration Profile

Register FLV acceleration service group as profile to manage.

B. Profile Detail
For more information about Server Name, Extenstion, Header Keyword and Regular Expr.,
please refer to Profile Condition Type in Appendix.
Start Keyword
Set keyword of header field.

End Keyword
Set the end keyword.

File Format
Select the multimedia file format. The start and the end range should be an integer.
And they mean the byte offset in case of FLV, and the elapsed time (sec.) in case of
MP4. Do not use this with Prefetch if Partial Miss together because cache may confuse
partial response with whole response.

Offset Type
Select parameter type among Byte, Sec, and Mesc.

Insert AV frames in FLV hit

If it has range parameter and when a request for FLV file is hit, one audio or video
frame of the initial file is added to the response.

Keep Parameter Range

Determine whether or not to use keep parameter range.
If it is On, it will require given argument. (Range Header does not generated and
removed even if there is generated Range Header).
If Off, it will generate Range Header based argument and request to server.

Determine whether or not to use bypass. If it is On, it will not carry out anything. If it
is Nonzero-misc, if a request has Misc Keyword and the value of Misc tuple is non-zero,
then the request is bypassed.

MP4 Header Size

Designate MP4 header size to analyize MP4 file information if MP4 Random Access is
missed. This function is currently not available in general MP4 cache environment (e.x:
YouTube, etc).

60 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Use Per Profile Quickabort

Determine whether or not to use per profile quickabort.

Set the ratio.

Set the size.

Prefetch if Partial Miss

Determine whether or not to pre-fetch if partial miss.
If 206 response returns for Missed Partial Request, it will send Full Request to store the

Send Miscinfo
Send values equivalent to keyword specifying in Misc keyword and details related to
Misc keyword name to origin server.

Misc keyword
Set the misc keyword.

Misc Header Name

Set the misc header name.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..61
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Location Redirection

Figure 27

When servicing information, in structure that relevant broker redirects using 302 Redirection if it
send query to information broker, this is a function that make cache redirects the value only one
time. It is passable to process sessions that meet specific conditions by profile setting.

A. Location Redirection
Register Location Redirection as profile to manage.

B. Profile Details
For more information about detailed profile, please refer to refer to Profile Condition Type
in Appendix.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

62 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Custom Error Page

Figure 28

If there is obstacle in connection to origin server or returned an error code only from origin server,
the JAGUAR 5000 can create and show customized error pages that consist of HTML with
response cords to client.


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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

A. Custom error page profile

Manage Custom error page by making profiles.

B.Profile Details
Set up an operation for the relevant profiles. For more detailed profiles, please refer to
Profile Condition Type.

Press Upload button of item that correspond to error code to modify in list and upload HTML
error page that make out beforehand. After that is uploaded, file name is changed
automatically in the JAGUAR 5000 like table below.

Error Page Descriptions

400.header_size HTTP Header is too long
400.request_size HTTP Body is too long
400.method Unknown HTTP Method

400.host_header Host Header is required

400.scheme Unknown URL scheme
400.cycle Cycle detected
400.uri BAD URI
400.request Invalid HTTP request
401.auth Authorization requested
403.access Access denied
404.object Object not found
407.auth Proxy Authorization required
408.timeout Request timeout
500.server Server Error
501.function Function is not implemented
502.header_size Response header is too long
502.response Invalid HTTP response
502.connect Connection failed
502.gateway Bad gateway
503.service Service unavailable
504.connect Connection timeout
504.object Object not cached

After file upload is completed, Type item is changed into Custom. Click this Custom to check the
uploaded custom error page.
Click Delete to return to basic error page of the JAGUAR 5000.

64 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If wish to service by replacing a page that is delivered from web server with a custom error page,
add a custom error page and force-custom-errorpage line to /usr/local/jaguar/.aux.cfg file
In this case, a represent custom page that the user desires to show will be shown to same code
value like 400, 502 and 504. The represent page was marked in bold letter like in Figure 24. (Ex:
'400.BAD URL', '502.Bad gateway', and '504.Connection timeout').

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.3. FTP

Figure 29

Set up on caching of FTP Protocol.

A. Anonymous FTP E-mail

Sometimes, it is necessary to use FTP to handle an HTTP request. Input an email address
to use as a password for an anonymous connection of FTP.

Set up to try Passive mode first then Port mode during FTP connection.

C. Max Object Size

Set up the maximum size of FTP objects that can be cached in the JAGUAR 5000. If too
large an object is cached, it will occupy a space that can be shared by multiple numbers of
small caches, thus, having a negative influence over the performance of cache such as Hit
Ratio. If you set it up as 0, there will be no limit on maximum sizes.

D. FTP List Width

Set up the width of list when receiving a FTP List.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

66 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.4. Cache Cooperation

Figure 30

Inter-Cache Cooperation menu includes settings of ICP (Inter Cache Protocol) service and MDC
(Mirrored Data Cache) service which are used for cooperation among web caches.
ICP is a simple protocol for communication among web caches. For support of this ICP protocol, it
is necessary to register and manage the information the neighboring caches.
MDC is an internet content caching system using a distributed caching device and the
concentrated content collection and storage device in the ISP network. We have added a setting
function for mounting the MDC storage on our JAGUAR system.

A. Type
Decide the Inter-cache Cooperation type among None, ICP or MDC.

B. Port
Enter UDP port number to use in ICP request or MDC service. Default value is 3130.

C. ICP Max Timeout

Designate the maximum time to wait from ICP request to response. Set up a time limit to
decide failure after sending ICP request. As it is necessary to try ICP requests for missing
clients requests, ICP request shall be handled quickly. Thus, as it is not possible to wait for
a long time, set a time limit. In general, if there is no response 2 or 3 seconds after the
inquiry, it is regarded as failed. If it is 0, there is no limit.

D. ICP Peer Ignore Count, OP_DENIED Ratio

If ICP request on ICP Peer Ignore Count has been sent and OP_DENIED (response

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

indicating erroneous ICP request) returns as much as the OP_DENIED Ratio, the peer cache
will not be used.

E. ICP Peer Dead Count

Set up the limit of the number of no answers to IPC requests within ICP Max Timeout. If
this limit is exceeded, the peer cache is considered to be troubled so no further ICP request
is made until restarting of cache.

F. ICP Hit Stale

Set up if hit response should be made or not when there is an ICP request for the web
object that requires checking of whether or not renewal has been made. If answered as Hit,
peer cache will require the web object in order to obtain it from a server depending on IMS
check result.

G. Do not Cache Object from Peer

This setting is to bypass all objects brought from ICP.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

68 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Cache Cooperation Request

Figure 31

In this menu, you can register and manages peer for confirming web object existence.

A. Timeout
Set up a time limit to decide failure after sending request.

B. Peer List
Manage neighboring caches in the list. Among items of the list, IP address is an IP address
of neighboring cache, ICP and HTTP port are the port numbers used by ICP, HTTP protocol
respectively. Peer type designates the relationship between neighboring cache and the
original cache. The sorts and definition of peer type are as follows:
A relationship that allows both caches to exchange inquiries on web object is cached in
each other.

A relationship that only allows the original cache to make inquiries to a neighboring
cache. The neighboring cache can only receive an inquiry.
For more detailed information on the relationship among sibling, parent, child, please
select the following link:

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..69
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin Cache Cooperation Response

Figure 32

In this menu, you can register and manages peer for confirming web object existence.

A. Allow Miss Access

Set up a relationship that allows neighboring caches (peers) that have request checking up
the existence of specific web objects to demand cache service on the web object even if
they have received MISS.

B. Peer List
Manages neighboring caches in the list. Among items of the list, IP address is an IP address
of neighboring cache, ICP and HTTP port are the port numbers used by ICP, HTTP protocol
respectively. Peer type designates the relationship between neighboring cache and the
original cache. The sorts and definitions of the peer type are as follows:
A relationship that allows both caches to exchange inquiries on web objects is cached
in each other.

A relationship that only allows the neighboring caches to make inquiries to the original
cache. The original cache can only receive an inquiry.
For more detailed information on the relationship among sibling, parent, child, please
select the following link:

70 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.5. ICAP

Figure 33

It is configuration of ICAP (Internet Content Adaptation Protocol). ICAP is a protocol that enables
a server with a specialized function of interworking with a web server or web proxy to receive
requests or responses to process. If you use this protocol, you can easily interwork different
solutions that support the JAGUAR 5000 and ICAP such as contents filtering, virus check, and

For details on ICAP, please refer to the following web site;

ICAP Forum

A. ICAP Server Info. Default TTL

Designate the minimum time for the JAGUAR 5000 to send OPTIONS method to an ICAP

B. ICAP Server Info. Max TTL

Designate the maximum time for the JAGUAR 5000 to send OPTIONS method to an ICAP

C. Updated Time Increase Rate

If an ICAP server transmits the response to the OPTIONS request without any problem, the
JAGUAR 5000 gradually starts to increase OPTIONS request intervals on the ICAP server.
Here you can designate such ratio of increase.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

D. ICAP Server Dead Count

If an ICAP server does not respond to OPTIONS method less than the specified times, it will
regard the ICAP server as not functional (dead state) and does not make any further ICAP

E. ICAP Server Connection Control Activation

Select whether or not to activate ICAP Server Connection Control

F. ICAP Server Max. Connection

Set Max. Connection value per ICAP server to be allowed. You can set from 1 up to 1024.

G. ICAP Server Connection Control Waiting Timeout

If ICAP Server Connection Control is activated, when JAGUAR 5000 connection is controlled
before connected to ICAP server, the connection must wait in Queue. This menu set to max.
waiting time. If the waiting time is exceeded, JAGAUR 5000 returns 502 error. You can set
from 1 up to 65535 seconds.

H. Send Client Address

When JAGUAR 5000 requests HTTP request to ICAP Server, it adds client address to Header.

I. Send Origin Server Address

In case of vectoring point 3 or 4, when JAGUAR 5000 requests HTTP Request to ICAP
Server, it adds origin server address to Header.

J. Send Authenticated User Information

When JAGUAR 5000 requests HTTP Request to ICAP Server, it adds Authenticated User
Information to Header.

K. Send Authenticated Group Information

When JAGUAR 5000 requests HTTP Request to ICAP Server, it adds Authenticated Group
Information to Header.

L. ICAP Server Setting First

It overrides above settings according to the values that are defined in OPTION response
that receives from ICAP Server.

M. Policy
If there are 2 or more servers are registered on Server Name, it is a policy about method

72 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

that specifies a Web Server to service about each request. .

- Round-Robin: Among configured servers, it specifies servers that are selected as Round-
Robin method.
- Src-IP-Hash: it specifies servers that match with the Hash values about requested client
For Load Balancing Policy, it is possible to register up to 8 servers by Vectoring point, and
to set up to max. 511 bytes per server. Servers must be separated by a semicolon (;).

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..73
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin ICAP Profile

Figure 34

A. ICAP Profile
Register and manage profiles to actually carry out request modifications or response
modifications. Each profile has a priority in a top-down order.

B. Profile Details
Set up the conditions of the relevant profiles. Each condition is an AND condition. For more
information about detailed items, please refer to Profile Condition Type in Appendix.

C. Vectoring Point
Designate a Vectoring point that can be requested via an ICAP server for the relevant
profiles. There are four types of vectoring points as shown below. At present, the JAGUAR
5000 supports Vectoring Point 1 and 3 only.
Vectoring Point 1

74 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Configure vectoring point 1. It is used to customize a request that a user has sent to
the JAGUAR 5000 before its processing. For instance, in case of python opensource
icap server, it is entered as icap://hostname:1344/reqmod.

Vectoring Point 2
Configure vectoring point 2. It is used to customize a request that a user has sent to
the JAGUAR 5000 before its processing. As the JAGUAR 5000 currently does not
support the function, it is not applicable.

Vectoring Point 3
Configure vectoring point 3. It is used to customize an answer from a web server
before processing it. Configure as icap://hostname:port/id. You can use it for virus
check of contents.

Vectoring Point 4
Configure vectoring point 4. It is used to customize an answer from the JAGUAR 5000
to a user before processing it. As the JAGUAR 5000 currently does not support the
function, it is not applicable.

At present, the JAGUAR 5000 supports Vectoring Point 1 and 3 only.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.6. WCCP

Figure 35

Set up WCCP, Web Cache Communication (or Coordination or Control) Protocol. WCCP is a
protocol between router/switches and web caches proposed by CISCO that automatically connects
routers and web cashes in transparent mode if both of them support WCCP. For more information
on transparent mode, please refer to cache operation mode in the section of Deployment Model.

The JAGUAR 5000 supports both WCCP v1 and v2 and router can confirm that whether support
them or not by execute ip wccp web-cache in a router consol. If it is a router by CISCO, it
supports WWCP v1 from IOS Release 11.X as well as WCCP v2 from IOS Release 12.X. For several
models, it might require firmware upgrade and others.

For more information on WCCP, please refer to the following link:

Cisco Homepage
Web Cache Communication Protocol V2.0

Determine whether or not to use WCCP.

B. WCCP Version
Determine the version of WCCP to use. The JAGUAR 5000 supports both WCCP V1 and V2.

Set up a router to connect to WCCP V1 or the IP and port of a switch. WCCP V1 supports
either one router or switch only. The default value of the port is 2048.

76 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..77
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin WCCP V2

Figure 36

Set up WCCP V2. WCCP V2 supports multiple routers or switches and allows a password-made
certification between caches and routers.

A. WCCP V2 Service Group

Registers service groups of WWCP V2 and manages.
After selecting an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile

B. Profile Details
Service ID
Designate a service ID for a service group. HTTP protocol service ID is 0.

Set up to key for redirect hash table.

Source IP HASH

78 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Use Source IP as a key to make hash table.

Destination IP HASH

Use Destination IP as a key to make hash table.

Source Port HASH

Use Source Port as a key to make hash table.

Destination Port HASH

Use Destination Port as a key to make hash table.

Port Defined, Ports Source

Use source port to decide whether packet must become redirect using WCCP or not.

Designate port number to redirect, and 8 of port should be designated. These values
can be set when the service ID is not 0 (HTTP protocol) and, it sets that flag is 0 if the
service ID is and port 80 is set as default value.

Designate a password for a service group.

Assignment Method
Set up to communication method with router or switch.


The Cisco router use Hash method normally.


High-End switch of ISO Version 12.1 or more use Mask method normally

Forwarding Method
Designates forwarding method between routers supports the JAGUAR 5000 and WCCP.


Tunneling method in Application level


Tunneling method in L2 level

Return Method
Designates returning method between routers supports the JAGUAR 5000 and WCCP.
Select one of the forwarding methods between GRE and L2.

WCCP Router
Set up routers IP and WWCP port to interlocking WCCP.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..79
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

80 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.7. SNMP

Figure 37

Carry out a configuration on SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) that is protocol to
management network equipments and monitoring. Thorough SNMP trap, possible to get
information of JAGURA 5000 from outer server and to send status information to the server
appointed the JAGUAR 5000

A. Community
Define the name of community to carry out SNMP monitoring as well as read/write rights.
Normally, public is used as a community name, however, there are no specific restrictions
over the community name.
While readonly, a value of right is a community with read right and allows reading SNMP
MIB value when approaching the JAGUAR 5000. read/write is a community with write right
that can change MIB values. To ensure security, it is necessary to assign the read/write
rights discretely.

B. SNMP Trap
Send SNMP trap to appointed server when event related to cache operation of the JAGUAR
5000 occurs.
Use SNMP Trap
Set up whether or not to use SNMP traps.

Trap Community
Set up the name of a community to send SNMP Traps.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..81
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Trap Manager
Set up a server to send SNMP Traps.

Trap Level
Set up a level of even to send to SNMP Traps. Select one of the EMERGENCY, ALERT,

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

82 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.8. Proxy

Figure 38

Set up an upper proxy of the JAGUAR 5000.

For instance, it can be used in an environment that compels to pass through a specific proxy as
the JAGUAR 5000 is within a firewall so that it is necessary to access it with external web, or as in
an environment where there is a parent cache, child cache should bring contents of a web server
through parent cache.

A. Proxy Profile List

Manages proxy setup conditions by each profile. Each profile is applied in the order
registered. Each profile has a priority in a top-down order.

B. Profile Details (Conditions)

Set up the profiles conditions. Each condition is an AND condition. Refer to Profile
Condition Type in Appendix for other

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..83
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

C. Profiles Details (Configuration)

Set up proxy operation on relevant profile.
Proxy Use
Set up proxy use.


Set up to always pass through an upper proxy.


Set up to pass through an upper proxy on the condition that it is alive.

Proxy IP Address
Set up an IP address of the upper proxy.

Proxy Port
Set up a TCP port of the upper proxy.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

84 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.9. SSL

Figure 39

Set to make cache ontents by HTTPS protocol using SSL. Copy the authentication of the service to
cache to the JAGUAR 5000 in order to carry out decoding of a user request and the response from
a web server in the software method to use the information then to conduct encoding for user
service. As you can register only designated authentication in one the JAGUAR 5000, it is
recommended that it is used in a reverse proxy mode that only process HTTPS contents from
some restricted services.

A. Configuration
Enable SSL
Set up to whether allow HTTPS link or not. If this function is selected, the JAGUAR
5000 services HTTPS link from 443 port. If setting is changed, rerestarting is required.

Authentication File
Designates SSL authentication file path that use when receive HTTPS connection in the
JAGUAR 5000. The format of authentication file should be PEM, and default value is
/usr/local/jaguar/ssl.pem .

File Upload
Transmit an authentication file in PC as a name that is specified from certificate file.
Because the transmitted file is set to overwrite the existed authentication file, please
be sure that the existed authentication file deleted if you alternates file name.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

B. Support SSL intercepting

This is used for monitoring clients SSL requests. If it is Off, it forwards SSL requests to
origin server or upstream proxy.
Upload Root Certificate/Key
Upload root certificate and root key to create server certificate of clients. This
configuration is not included in configuration file, and system restarting is required
even if there is no separate message for restarting.

C. Extended Certificate
Using SNI (Server Namd Indication) per JAGUAR 5000 IP address, it is possible to add
certificate by hostname. Following steps show how to certificate Extended Certificate.

1. Click A button to add a certificate.

2. Enter IP address/host information and upload the PEM file.

3. Click Confirm button to complete.

Enable SSL, and upload Root Certificate/key are applicable only after you have
completed the restart of the JAGUAR 5000.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

86 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.2.10. Option

Figure 40

Set up various options for internet protocol. To setup byte-units, it is possible to use G (Giga), M
(Mega), and K (Kilo) following numerical values (Ex: 128M, 2G).

Max Cache Entry
Determine the size of list that caches the results when domain name is resolved by

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..87
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Negative DNS TTL

Set up the Time-To-Live (renewal confirmation cycle) on the element of DNS Cache

B. Connection Policy
Set up the connection on the clients and servers.
Server Try Count
Set up the number of retrials when the JAGUAR 5000 fails to access a web server. If it
is a reverse cache, if the JAGUAR 5000 fails to access an origin web server more than
twice, it is treated as a failure to the request. During another attempt to make an
access, if there are multiple numbers of origin web servers, it will search and access
the next server with round robin even with URL-Hash method distribution.

Server Connect Timeout

Set up the time limit for the JAGUAR 5000 to wait for a response, when it is connected
to a web server.

Peer Connect Timeout

Configure the value of access waiting time for the JAGUAR 5000 to make access to an
interworking server during interworking protocol operation. Use in ICP or ICAP.

Read/Write Timeout
A timeout value for Read/write applied when the JAGUAR 5000 exchanges data with
clients or servers. This value is also used for SSL timeout.

Client Request Timeout

A time limit that checks in the middle of data transmission in which a client makes a
request to the JAGUAR 5000 and is connected.

Linger Timeout
If this policy is set up, it will send the remaining packets during the linger timeout
before disconnecting even when one of the sides cuts off the connection. If it is not set
up, the connection will be immediately cut off even there are some remaining packets
in a queue.

Persistent Server Timeout

Set up an amount of time for timeout for a persistent connection with a server. If data
transmission is not carried out it will cut off the connection. The JAGUAR 5000 reuses
this persistent connection without considering user.

Persistent Client Timeout

Set up an amount of time for timeout for a persistent connection with a client. If data

88 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

transmission is not carried out it will cut off the connection.

TP mode TCP Timeout

Set the time to timeout for client connection on the transparent and hidden mode.

C. Manage Outgoing Connection

Limit the number of access to each web server when the JAGUAR 5000 brings objects. It is
designed to prevent any decline in web server performance owing to too many accesses to
a web server. It is only activated in reverse proxy mode. If there is an individual
configuration for each reverse host in the Protocol>>HTTP>>Reverse Host Profile, such
configuration will take priority.

Manage Outgoing Connection

Determine whether or not to use limit function of the number of server access. If it is
on to restrict the number of accesses, it will limit the number of connections made to
each IP of web server.

Multiple try in Reverse server failover feature

Set origin server checking threshold. If it fails continuously over the threshold, it
judges that the server is DEAD.

Max Connection Per a Server

When a function to limit server access is in use, configure the maximum time for one
access in the server. Able to select numbers are from 1 to 65535.

Connection Management Timeout

When a connection control process is required before connecting to an origin web
server, and it is impossible to secure connection, the request will wait in a Queue. Set
up the max. waiting time on a second basis. For requests that exceed the setup time,
it responds with 502 error. Able to select numbers are from 1 to 65535.

D. Check Origin Server in Reverse Cache Mode

Determine whether or not to use origin server failover function in reverse proxy mode. If it
is On to activate the function, when it is impossible to make a TCP connection with an
origin web server, the JAGUAR 5000 will mark it as an origin web server disruption and
limit its connection to other origin web servers. If connection attempts to all origin servers
fail, the JAGUAR 5000 will provide its service with the cached objects.
Check Origin Server
Determine whether or not to use origin server failover function in reverse proxy mode.
If it is On to activate the function, when it is impossible to make a TCP connection
with an origin web server, the JAGUAR 5000 will mark it as an origin web server

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..89
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

disruption and limit its connection to other origin web servers. If connection attempts
to all origin servers fail, the JAGUAR 5000 will provide its service with the cached
objects. If there is no cached object available, it will respond with an error status code.
In case all of origin servers service to cached object because there is obstacle, it
answers by adding Warning: 111 JaguarCache "Revalidation failed"' header.

Origin Server Checking Interval

It is a time interval to check if a troubled server has been normalized in case of
disruption in reverse proxy mode. It can be configured up to five time intervals. After
the five, it will check it out again based on the gap of last time. The unit is seconds
and can have a value from 1 to 65535.

E. Initial Header Size

Set up the maximum size of header of an HTTP request. When a larger header than the
setting value enters, it is processed as the header size is extended to the multiple of a
setting size with max. value of 64K.

F. Max Request Body Size

Configure the maximum size of the body of an HTTP request that can be served by the
JAGUAR 5000. Any HTTP request that is larger than that will be refused in the cache and
the user will receive 400 Bad Request.

G. Quick Abort
When a client cancels a web object received from a server upon the clients request, this
setup will decide whether or not to finish receiving the entire web object. Two values,
proportion and size, are set up. If the size of data is larger than the setup value when the
data has been transmitted less than the proportion, it will stop receiving and erase what
was already received.

H. Negative TTL
If a web server sends 404 NOT FOUND status code in response to the JAGUAR 5000s
request, the JAGUAR 5000 will cache an error result. As it is possible that the error
condition might have been changed in the web server during caching service, it is
necessary to check on renewal for cached error messages regularly. Set up a renewal time
(Time-To-Live) for such caching data. If '0' is input, the 404 NOT FOUND response does
not caching.
As it is rare to have a changed condition for an error message, it is effective to set up this
value to be larger than renewal time (TTL, Time-To-Live) for general web objects.

90 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

I. Active Cache Level

Actively refresh objects according to their levels so as to keep the objects fresh. The level
can be set from '1' to '7'. '1' refers to objects that are very frequently accessed, 2refers
to frequently accessed objects, 3 to be less frequently accessed object than 2 to be
actively refreshed. Also, from level 3, prefetching function is carried out. If you want to
finish this function, please set up the value as 0.

J. Enable Disk Load Shedding

When there are lots of requests that access a disk to the extent that they form a heavy
load, it determines whether or not to bypass requests rather than processing the cache
engine. If you set this up, it will bypass all requests without disk process when there is
severe overload on disk storage to the extent that it is impossible to make an access within
a reasonable time.

K. Disable Cluster Heuristic

Determine an operation that clusters requested objects from the same IP in a certain
period of time in one disk. If it is Off it will activate a disk heuristic. As normal web
requests consequently request the same objects from the same IP for loading one page, it
helps to greatly increase a disks performance.
In the case of an environment where there are only a few user IPs and most caching data
capacity is large, it is possible to set it to On to deactivate. However, this leads to
inefficient use of disk capacity.

L. Ignore Port Information of Host Field

If it is enabled, cache listen port is used for the host field.
For example, in a case of the client's request coming into port 8888 having "Host:",
the cache treats the request as having "Host:" line.

M. Maximum storage buffer per session

It specifies number of storage buffer about response that is sent from server to client via
Default value of maximum storage buffer usage per session is set to '0'.
'0' means 'unlimited', and if '1' or more, it can not use more than fixed number of buffer (a
buffer is 4096byte).

N. Suppress Warning header production

When some problems occurred in origin server, JAGUAR services the cached object with
waring header, however, if On, JAGUAR does not produce Warning header.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

O. Support Origin Server NTLM Authentication

Use this function in case of authentication by Origin Server NTLM.

P. Max XPURGE Pattern URL

Specify the number of URL pattern to input in xpurge for Memory usage limitation. The
value can be set from 0 to 5000000.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

92 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.3. Access Control

Figure 41

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Set up whether or not to enable the JAGUAR 5000 access. This setup will also determine
whether or not a connection should be made with a local network or server to which the JAGUAR
5000 belongs. The priority in profiles is the order of registration. The restriction on access control
takes precedence over a bypass restriction and it cannot violate the restriction on virus blocking.
A. Access Control Profile List
Manage all conditions on access based on profile. Each profile categorized by Allow, Deny,
Server check and Redirect. Each profile has a priority in a top-down order.
Access Control
Set up a profile to either belong to Allow or Deny, Server Check, Redirect and Static
Page. Server Check confirms service availability about relevant request possibility by
sending the request including If-Modified-Since to web server. Redirect redirects to the
URL. After selecting an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operations in
Profile Details.

* If you select the Static Page option in Access Contorl, file name you registed on Static
Page will be displayed. To register information on the static page, please refer to # Statc

* Code means response code list in Custom Error Page.

B. Profile Details
Set up the conditions on access control. Each condition is an AND condition so only when it
satisfies all to set up an access control for the relevant profile. For more detailed
information of profile, please refer to Profile Condition Type in Appendix.

Note 1
If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

Note 2
If Smartfilter SDK is installed in JAGUAR 5000, Filtering Category box will be displayed
in the lower part of Profile Detail field as below.

94 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.3.1. Custom Category

Figure 42

It makes a general set up custom filtering category for access control.

For category code, you can select from 0 up to 127, and enter URL in the text box, and then click
Save List button.
To apply it to JAGUAR 5000, select Apply All check box.
Files defines Custom category and URLs that are included in each category are stored at
aracategory and aracategory.db in /usr/local/jaguar/.

A. Custom Category
Add category index and category name.

Edit category name only, Category index cannot be edited.

Delete index and contents that currently selected from Custom Category.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Save List
If URL is typed into text box for currently selected category, it commands to save the
changed contents.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

96 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.4. Authentication

Figure 43

The JAGUAR 5000 is able to authenticate a user by interworking with an external authentication
tool. It does so by using an authentication file or interworking with NCSA authentication server
(LDAP, RADIUS). Also, a user can use a predetermined API to create a library to process
authentication. (UCC)

A. Authenticator Profile List

The JAGUAR 5000 manages authentication methods, servers (or files), the information on
client IP range requiring authentication by creating them as a profile. There is no priority
for each authentication method profile. Note that if condition overlaps, the request will be
processed without being ruled out in one profile. In case of NOOP profile that configures
the lack of authentication, it is the first to be processed over all the authentication profiles.
The NOOP is used when picking up some requests to be excluded from getting
After inputting the relevant information on the protocol on type blank that appears when
you select an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile Details.
The type information in accordance with authentication protocol is as follows:

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..97
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Password Path

Set up users/passwords list for NCSA authentication.


Register the IP address of LDAP authentication server.


Register the port of authentication server.


Set up the name of directory to store authentication data.


Register the IP address of RADIUS authentication server.


Register the port of authentication server.


Set up a key necessary to carry out re-encryption when sending authentication data to

RADIUS server.

UCC Auth module

During UCC authentication, the JAGUAR 5000 actively loads a library (made by user) with

specific interface then determines whether or not to allow access to a requested page based

on requested URL and Client IP. Register a library to this end.

When fail of module loading

Determine whether or not to provide service for a requested page when a module loading for

UCC authentication fails.

This is a profile that defines which request receives no authentication. As NOOP
authentication is processed earlier than other authentication profiles, it can be used
when picking up some requests to be excluded from getting authentication.

B. Profile Details
Set up data to apply to each profile.
Client IP
Set up an IP range for applied clients. It is possible to define the range using / and Bit
mask (Ex: 10.101.1-20.39-50, For more information on how to define
as Bit mask, please refer to the section, Designating an Address Range using Bitmask
in Appendix.

98 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Server Name
Register servers (in case of NCSA, files) that will determine whether or not there is an

Cache Port
Enter Cache Port that will determin whether or not there is an authenticiation.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..99
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.5. Bypass

3.5.1. Cache Bypass

Figure 44

Designate and manage the conditions of connection that will always directly request to a server
without caching. The priority among profiles follows the registered order. The bypass restriction
will apply as long as it does not violate virus blocking and the restriction of access control.

A. Bypass Profile
It is possible to manage the conditions on connection by creating them as a profile. Each
profile has a priority in a top-down order.
Setup whether the relevant profile will carry out bypass (Yes) or not (No). After
selecting an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile Details.

100 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.5.2. Static IP Bypass

Figure 45

This is a menu that appears when a cache mode is either a transparent or hidden cache. A source
designated in a static IP bypass or a packet with destination IP range will not be processed by the
JAGUAR 5000 but will be bypassed at the network level of OS. It can contribute to reducing
system load for a service that has many requests with very low cache efficiency. As static IP
bypass determines whether or not to bypass in accordance with the IP of source/destination, it
will not be activated for a proxy request with the JAGUAR 5000 as destination. Therefore, static IP
bypass is only to be configured in transparent and hidden mode.

A. Static IP Bypass
Source IP/Mask, Destination IP/Mask
Designate the range of sources and destination IPs with a Bit mask method. For IP it is
possible to use a range destination with _ and bit mask (Ex: 10.101.1-20.39-50,
For more information on how to designate using a Bit mask, please refer to
Designating an Address Range using Bitmask' in Appendix.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

102 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.5.3. Dynamic IP Bypass

Figure 46

This is the menu that appears when a cache mode is either a transparent or hidden cache. This function
adds IP bypass rules for an occasion when errors frequently occur in a cache or web server during operation
using IP (range) of source or destination.
The use of active IP bypass allows the bypass at the level of OS network without getting through the cache
engine of the JAGUAR 5000 to reduce the burden on the JAGUAR 5000 engine to operate service efficiently.
However, if too large a number is assigned for the number of maximum creation, the maximum value of the
actively created bypass list; it will also put a heavy load on OS. So it is better to limit the number. Active IP
bypass determines whether or not to bypass with IP address of source or both source and destination. It will
not be activated for a proxy request with the JAGUAR 5000 as destination. Therefore, active IP bypass is only
to be configured in a transparent and hidden mode.

A. Max Entries
Determine the maximum number of actively created IP bypass rules.

Set up TTL of IP bypass rule.
Configure TTL of IP bypass rule. The registered TTL applies currnet TTL, not TTL of the
register time, to all registered rule. If TTL value is 0, TTL not applied.

C. Error Code

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Select an Error Code to be bypassed dynamically and its bypassing method. Select Source,
'Destination' or Source/Desination for each Error Code to set bypass.
The error codes are as follows:

When the JAGUAR 5000 decides that one is not an HTTP request. It is a case when a
user has sent a request via HTTP service port of the JAGUAR 5000 other than an HTTP

When there is a connection problem with an origin server.

When a web server has sent a 400 Bad Request message to a request. It occurs when
the web server cannot interpret the message of a client.

When a web server has sent a 401 Unauthorized message to a request. It occurs
when the request failed to pass authentication for a membership web site.

When a web server has sent a 403 Forbidden message to a request. It occurs when
the web server understands the request but refuses access for specific reasons.

When a web server has sent a 404 Not Found message to a request. It occurs when
there is no object requested by a web server.

When a web server has sent a 405 Method Not Allowed message to a request. It
occurs when the web server does not allow the request or an impossible HTTP method
has been requested.

When a web server has sent a 406 Not Acceptable message to a request. It occurs
when the contents to be transmitted cannot be sent in the way the client has asked.

When a web server has sent a 500 Internal Server Error message to a request. It
occurs either due to a problem with a web server or to an impossible decision error.
Normally it occurs when CGI, script or DB error or overload.


104 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

When an error code occurs that does not belong to any of the above.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.5.4. Bypass Exception

Figure 47

In transparent or hidden cache mode, if bypass exception setting is registered, only HTTP
requests with destination IP range registered in Bypass Exclusion Group List are cached while
others will be bypassed. If there is no configured item, all of HTTP objects will cached except
dynamic and static bypass setting items like established setting.

A. Bypass Exception
Add, modify and delete bypass exception group and add or delete IP/MASK list in the
bypass group. For more information to set Bypass Exception, please refer to Help in the
Bypass Exception menu.
Group Name
Set up group name of destination address list to except bypass.

Register description for bypass exception groups.

Rule established in dynamic IP bypass and IP bypass have priority.

106 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.6. Download Ratelimit

This is a function that client controls the speed that receive download from the JAGUAR 5000. It
can control bandwidth usage of client by limit all or individual speed of client by group or limit
speed for each request according to parameter to related URL speed. At first, generate a speed
control class that defines how to control speed then designate classes defined in accordance with
the conditions of HTTP requests to employ speed control in a variety of ways. However, there is no
need to generate a speed control class for the method that transmits speed control parameters
with a query string in URL.

3.6.1. Ratelimit Class

Figure 48

It defines classes has the way of speed limit and descriptions. These classes are applied to
Ratelimit Map by each request group and controls client's download speed actually.

A. Ratelimit Class
Add/Delete/Modifies class names. After selecting the items in the profile list, set up
relevant conditions and operation in Profile Details. You can make classes by max. 31.

B. Ratelimit Class Details

Class ID
Input a number from 1 to 31 for Ratelimit Class. It is used by designating class ID
from URL query string.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Max Download Rate

Set up the max download rate by Kbps (1000bit per second) unit.

Initial Brust to Ratelimit

Designates transition size before download rate limitation. Each rate limitation class
manages transition size by accumulate and executes download rate limitation when
the accumulated transition size are exceed the designated value. It sets by Kbyte unit.

Max Allowed Connection

Maximum connection of client included in class. It returns HTTP 503 (Server
unavailable) response code for connection to exceed the max connection. If it is 0,
there is no limit.

Dynamic Class Allocation

Designate an object to apply speed control.

If On, it is individual-based speed control.

This method allows limiting the use of bandwidth for each user who falls into the
relevant class. In other words, configuration such as rate, burst, and maxconn is all
applicable to individual users. Here, individual users will have their respective range by
netmask and portmask configuration below.

Network Mask bit

Intiger value between 0 and 32, clinet IP address masking value.

Port mask

If port Mask is set to on, JAGUAR 5000 classfies the Ratelimit Class also using the port


Masking result of client IP address with network mask is masked ip and the Port Mask is On,

(masked ip, port) tuple desgisnates the Ratelimit Class. If it is Off, only masked ip values can

designate the Ratelimit Class.

If Off, it is group-based speed control.

This method allows limiting the use of entire bandwidth for all requests that fall into a
relevant class. In other words, configurations such as rate, burst, and maxconn are
all applicable to all requests in the same class.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

108 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.6.2. Ratelimit Map

Figure 49

This menu manages actual download rate limitation using Ratelimit Class There are many ways
to control the speed of a request: apply a speed control class directly, apply a speed control class
by receiving a speed control class ID from a URL query string, and control speed control for
individual access by receiving speed control class from a URL query string.

A. Ratelimit Map-Profile
Manages the conditions about request that rate limitation class is applied by each profile.
Each profile has a priority in a top-down order.
After selecting the items in the profile list, set up relevant conditions and operation in
Profile Details.

B. Ratelimit Map Details

Ratelimit Class
Select rate limitation class. 'Server specified Class ID' is selected, the JAGUAR 5000
abstracts the value of query parameter named class ID keyword from URL that
request by client, and uses them as class ID keyword.
'Server specified parameter' is selected, the JAGUAR 5000 abstracts the value of query
parameter named Max download rate keyword and Initial burst to ratelimit keyword
from URL that request by client and executes rate limitation using that values. In this
case, the value of rate limitation class which is set in the JAGUAR 5000 does not
referred, and executed rate limitation in network mask=32 and port mask=on status.

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Class ID Keyword
Designates keyword for class ID factor when URL request.

Max Download Rate Keyword

Designates keyword for maximum download rate factor when URL request. If 'Max
Download Rate Keyword' does not exist, the rate limitation will not be executed and
the initial burst to ratelimit is set to default value, 0 if Initial burst to ratelimit keyword
keyword does not exist.

Initial Brust to Ratelimit Keyword

Designates keyword for initial burst to ratelimit factor when URL request. If this value
does not exist, Initial burst to ratelimit will be set to 0.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

110 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.7. Virus Filtering

Figure 50

It is possible to filter virus/worm use HTTP such as Nimbda that wastes network resources in a
cache. These network virus/worms waste tremendous network and disk resources for their self-
reproduction and transmission, and they can also damage a system. The network packet created
by these virus and worms has a consistent pattern. You can stop further transmission and
resource waste by virus by registering infected or risky hosts and URL patterns. The virus-
blocking restriction takes priority over all other restrictions.

A. Virus Filtering Profile List

Manage virus filtering hosts and keyword couples by creating them as a profile. Each profile
has a priority in a top-down order.
After selecting an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile
Details. For more information of profile, please refer to Profile Condition Type in Appendix.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.8. Contents Preloading

Figure 51

It is a function of the JAGUAR 5000 that caches the contents of a designated web site within a
specified time in advance without any request from clients.

A. Contents Preloading
Select whether or not to use contents preloading.

B. Edit
Press Edit button to edit the pre-loading setting.
Designate a URL of a web site to carry out contents free loading. It does not use

When contents pre-loading is made, it is possible to carry out pre-loading of pages
linked to the web site as well. Follow the link and designate the depth of max. link of
the pages to pre-load. If it is 0, it will only carry out pre-loading for those specified. If
it is 9, it will pre-load all pages on the visit to 9.

112 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Determine whether or not carry out pre-loading only for pages on the website server
when pre-loading on the linked pages is made.

Yes => 1, No => 0

Designate one month from January to December. If you want to apply for every month,
input 0.

Designate one date from 1to 31. If you want to apply for every day, input 0.

Designate one hour from 0 to 24. If you want to apply every hour, input 24.

Designate one minute from 0 to 59.

C. Save
After clicking Edit button, use the changed Save button to save the changed contents pre-
loading setting. Then use APPLY button to apply it to actual services.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.9. SGLB Agent (Plag in)

This is plug in for interworking with Smart GLB (hearafter SGLB), ARA Networks smart load
balance, and JAGUAR 5000.
For more information about SGLB, please refer to SGLB manual.

3.9.1. SGLB Agent

Figure 52

A. Jaguar IP
Register JAGUAR 5000s IP address. This is used for server indentifying in SGLB.

SGLBs IP address to receice Doamin and host information from JAGUAR 5000.
Registering multiful SGLB IP address
Multiful SGLB IP address registering is available.

114 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.9.2. SGLB Domain

Figure 53

Register domain to be gegistered SGLB.

A. Host
Enter entire domain information

B. Comment
Description for the hosts.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.10. Static Page

Figure 54

Uploading static page is available. This is used for Static Page option in Access Control. When the
Static page is selected in Access Control menu, the file name registered and Without Content' are
provided as well as the code.

A. File Name
Show the File name and location of the static page file.
The allowed upload file extender is html, htm, or txt.

B. Description
Dsescription for the static page.

The html file uploading capacity is available up to 30Kbyte.

116 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.11. IP Address Geolocation DB

Figure 55

It is setting for IP Address Geolocation Database.

A. IP Address Geolocation Enable

AS Number DB
Upload CSV file offering in GeoLite ASN.

City Blocks DB
Upload DB file had "start IP Number", "end IP Number", and "location ID" field among
two of DB files offering in GeoIP City or GeoLite City.

City Location DB
Upload DB file that has location information about"location ID" among two of DB files
offering in Geo IP City or GeoLite City.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.12. Log

It is possible to leave an access record for any requests handled by the JAGUAR 5000 such as a
service request, a request denied of service, a request that was detected as virus contaminated,
etc. in a variety of formats. Also, it provides various functions such as log rolling, automatic
transmission to an external server, log file separation by user request information to name just a
few. The log system of the JAGUAR 5000 is largely composed of log management unit and log
profile. You can set up matters to be recorded, format, rolling policy, the name and location of the
log file and FTP backup policy in a log management unit. Multiple log file data are managed by
being transformed into a log profile.

Figure 56

A. Enable Logging
Carry out default setting for the environment of access log. It is applicable to all log files.

B. Log Directory
Designate a directory in which to store access log files in the JAGUAR 5000 system.

B. Log Rolling Filename Type

Designate file name type to current log file is changed when the log rolling.
Start time/End time
Add the starting time and ending times of access record to an original log file name

118 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

with the rolled log file name in the form of YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.

Rolling Time
Add a time of the rolling at the milli-second unit to an original log file name with a
rolled log file name in the form of YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.mmm.

D. Minimum Log Dir Size

Determine the minimum extra space necessary on a disk for access log recording. It checks
the minimum space every one hour and when the space is not sufficient it will delete the
oldest log files to secure extra space.

E. Log Management Time

Designate log management time for log file compression and others. Actual execution
time is one minute as designated. It is a time-consuming process so it is advisable to carry
out when there is small load on the JAGUAR 5000.

F. Log Compression
Set up whether or not to compress rolling log files. As log is large, it is recommended to
compress the file.

G. FTP Log Transmission

The JAGUAR 5000 can send logs to a specific FTP server in one-day cycle. Carry out a
configuration related to transmitting the rolled access log to an external server. To
send a log, FTP protocol is used. While the log transmission setting will be applicable
to all log files, whether or not to activate a transmission can be determined by each
log file. When log compression function is in use, it compresses a log file that is not
compressed before being transmitted. These are setup for this:

Transmission Time
Determines the time to send a designated FTP server everyday.


Send log one time at a specific time during a day. If this option is selected, logs will be

transmitted at 10 minutes of specified time. If log is not been compressed even Log

Compression option has been selected, it may take time to transmit to compress the file.


Transmit in regular hour intervals. If this option is selected, logs will be transmitted at 10

minutes of specified time. If log is not been compressed even Log Compression option has

been selected, it may take time to transmit to compress the file.

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..119
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

After Rolling

Transmit after log rolling. For more information on log rolling, please refer to the section,

Log Unit.

Delete After File Transmission

If this function is selected, it deletes log file when the file is transmitted successfully. If
first and second FTP server setting to transmit is configured, log file will be deleted
when the file is transmitted successfully even in one server among two.

If sets two FTP servers and file must be transferred equally both two servers, we
recommend that off the delete option after file transmit.

FTP Server
Designate account and directory of FTP server to transmit. In case set all two servers,
it is transmitted to all.

User ID
Designate a user ID to be used for log in on an FTP server

Designate a password to use for log in on an FTP server

Verify Password
Type again to make sure that password is correctly typed.

FTP Log Directory

Designate directory of FTP server to save log.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

120 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.12.1. Log Unit

Figure 57

Add, delete, edit and set up log file data. As they are information to be used in a log profile, to
create a log created in this item, it is necessary to add in a log profile.

A. Log Unit
Add, delete or modify log file data in all log file data lists.
After selecting an item of the list, set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile

B. Profile Details
Log Format
Determine a record format for a log file that belongs to a log file data. The JAGUAR
5000 supports Squid, CLF, NS2, NS2E, APACHE, Web Sentinel, Squid-EXT, Custom and
Custon-EXT supports W3C style header and footer.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Log Filename
Select the name of a log file. The log file will then be stored in a log directory
configured by cache log directory. It should not overlap with other log files. While log
files can be created and rolled in a designated directory and by a name determined by
individual log files, it is also possible to send a log to an external server on a real-time
basis without having to store them in the JAGUAR 5000. To transmit logs to an
external server, you can use TCP or UDP.

Real-time lof transmission using TCP: tcp://server_name:port/file_name

When configured in the above fashion, the JAGUAR 5000 will send logs to a relevant
server upon request via TCP and it only transmits texts such as remote syslog protocol.
If it is not possible to access the relevant server, it is stored in a filename in a
designated directory in the JAGUAR 5000 and re-transmits the log when access is

Real-time lof transmission UDP: udp://server_name:port

When configured in the above fashion the JAGUAR 5000 will transmit logs to a relevant
server for every request via UDP and it only transmits texts such as remote syslog
protocol. As it is UDP, it does not check if transmission is successful and does not
require file name.

Custom Log Format

Define user specified log file format (for those formats that are not Custom, it is not
necessary to set up). Able to enter max. 512 letters. Set up a line of log message that
will be printed out for an event, express cache data as %data name as in printf () of
C language. For more information about User-Defined Log Format, please refer to
User Defined Log Format in Appendix. For your information, the following is the log
format of squid expressed as such:

"%cqts %ttms %chip %pres/%pssc %pslx %cqme %cquc %caun %phie/%pqsn %psct"
Rolling Size
Configure the size of the newly created log file after rolling. Rolling refers to a function
that backs up a log file in a new name and records a log. Rolling is constituted by
either a size condition by max_log_size or time condition by rolling_option.
Sometimes, it is not necessary to configure time condition but setting a size condition
is compulsory so you must enter a value more than 0.

Rolling Time
Set up the time condition for newly created log file after backup. Able to set rolling for
a certain time basis (On-time) for everyday or for a specific time gap (interval) policy.
Select N/Ain On-time to deactivate the time-conditioned rolling function.

122 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If access log is used for analysis, it may take much time and resources cause of much
logs, so, configure the logs to store by sampling. Default value is 1, and able to set
from 1 up to 100000.

Logging with Query Term Stripped

During logging, query string after ? in URL will not be displayed. It is applied to all log
items related to URL.

Logging Filtered Virus

Select whether or not to leave a record of blocked connection due to virus detection.
As this setup takes priority over all other log record selections, if you select this you
will have either total or virus record for a logging selection.

Logging Selection
Set up which should be used as a logging.


Logging all

Normal Only

Logging those connections with servers that are normally made by caching service only.

Filtered Only

Logging those failed connections to servers or the JAGUAR 5000 due to filtering.

Select response protocol of client to log.

FTP Transfer
Select whether or not to send log file to FTP within a specified time.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

If you set up Logging Filtered Virus all settings here will be ignored.

[Normal service & abnormal service]
Normal service refers to a connection through which the JAGUAR 5000 transmits the
contents of a web server to clients. Error messages from a web server belong to normal
services as they are contents in a web server. Abnormal service refers to a connection
through which the JAGUAR 5000 fails to transmit the contents of a web server to clients.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

It includes some occasions when filtering blocks access to a web server by the JAGUAR
5000 or when an access block obstructs any access to the JAGUAR 5000.

124 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.12.2. Log Profile

Figure 58

It is possible to add, setup and delete log profiles. You can create separate log files by client IP or
server name.

A. Log Profile
Add, delete, and modify log profile in a log profile list.
After selecting an item from the list then select a log unit that defines log files to be used,
set up relevant conditions and operation in Profile Details.
Unselected Log Unit/Selected Log Unit
Select or cancel log file data to be managed in a log profile.If you set up profiles you
added, please refer to Profile Condition Type in Appendix.

B. Profile Details
Log Unit Detail
Displays detailed information on the current log profile.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

126 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.12.3. Log File Management

Figure 59

A. Access Logfile List

A list of log files that have been recorded or transmitted by the JAGUAR 5000 so far.
Subject to transmit or delete.

B. System Logfile List

Cache operation related log files that are recorded in a system (OS system) of the JAGUAR
5000. Subject to transmit or delete as well.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.13. Maintenance

It is possible to set up the use of Web Administration Tool such as ID/Password, access allow and
deny, MRTG availability, management of employed the JAGUAR 5000s as well as

3.13.1. Account

Figure 60

Set up an account that can make an access to the JAGUAR 5000 Web Administration.
Administrators ID is always admin.

A. Account
Register Admin ID for Web Admin login

B. Level
Administrator As a supervisor, has authority for entire system.
Limited As a limited user, has limited authority for system such as monitoring.

C. Password
Register Admin password for web admin login.
Password designates more than 4 letters of number, alphabetical letter and special

128 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.13.2. Alert E-mail

Figure 61

Set up a mail address to send mail reporting any problem in the JAGUAR 5000 system. It is sent
when the JAGUAR 5000 is closed abnormally.

JAGUAR has two processes; cachectl and j3-engine.

Cachectl executes the JAGUAR engine, transmit the configurations, and monitors the engines
status by communicating with the engine regually.
J3-engine is in charge of caching.

If J3-engine is closed abnormally due to outside signals such as TERM or TNT, the "Engine is
terminated by some signal. Please check /var/log/cachectl.log file." Message will be sent to the
registered E-mail address.

If cachectl determines that j3-engine performs the role of the cache will be difficult due to
resource problem such as system loading or memory, cachectl will send the "Engine is terminated
abnormally. Please check your syslog file." message to the regisetered E-mail address.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.13.3. Send Debug Information

Figure 62

A.Service Request number

Service request number is given information from Global TAC team of ARA Networks.

B. Information to send
Files to transmit are divided into groups and transmitted debugging information can be
transmitted separately by group selecting.

C. Main Conifgurations main information chage

If security issue has been orruccred during JAGUAR configuration, or when the confiation
file is need to apply on other device for using or testing, configurations that may occurred
some problem has been changed as followings;

- Cache IP Address:

- Generate Proxy Request: off
- Cluster IP: delete except Cache IP address
- FTP Account: server:, password: -
- Use ICP: off
- Use WCCP: off
- Use SNMP trap: off

130 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

- Alert E-Mail Address: delete

D. Customize file
If Customize item is checked in Information to Send, you can send debugging information
including customize file. Enter a file name that has a valid absolute path line by line.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.13.4. Admin Access Control

Figure 63

Set up an access allow IP or access deny IP for a Web Administration Tool Site. It is also possible
to designate the range of IP using and Bit mask. When ranges overlap, it will have a top-down
priority order. (Ex: 10.101.1-20.39-50, For more information on how to define as
Bit mask, please refer to the section, Designating an Address Range using Bitmask in Appendix

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

132 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.13.5. Firewall

Figure 64

Set up a firewall applicable for all network packets transmitted by the JAGUAR 5000.

A. Allow http port first

Allows HTTP port access permission first regardless Firewall configuration.

B. Protocol
Designate profiles such as ALL, TCP, UDP, and ICMP, etc.

C. Src Addr/Mask
Define the scope of source IP addresses using Bit Mask method

D. Dest Addr/Mask
Define the scope of destination IP addresses using Bit Mask method. Input chain processes
network packets coming to this cache server.

E. Dest Port
Port number is from 1 to 65535. The scope will be defined using '-'.
E.x) 1-65535

F. Action
Determine Allow or deny.

Select Network Device.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of the JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.13.6. Option

Figure 65

A. Enable MRTG
Determine whether or not to use an MRTG tool, which creates graphs for monitoring.

B. Cache Integration
You can register and manage the IP of the JAGUAR 5000 to be managed in the Web
Administration Tool. If you choose an integrated setup option in a setting that has an
integrated setup option, it will change all settings of the JAGUAR 5000s registered here.

Web Administration Tool can set up multiple numbers of the JAGUAR 5000s
simultaneously. Select a group of the JAGUAR 5000s to set up together. The group of
the JAGUAR 5000s set up as such is called a cluster.

As one the JAGUAR 5000 can belong to only one cluster, any added the JAGUAR 5000
should not belong to any cluster. This is called an exclusive cache. This cache has no
other caches but itself in the cluster list. Also, any excluded the JAGUAR 5000 will be
an exclusive cache.

Also, it cannot be added or deleted in Admin of the JAGUAR 5000 that are added or
deleted. These add and delete functions are applicable only for those other the
JAGUAR 5000s within a cluster.

C. Cache IP
Please refer to Profile Condition Type in Appendix.

If you mark v Apply All on the upper part, you can apply setup to all of JAGUAR 5000
that are registered as a cluster.

134 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

3.13.7. Restart/Shutdown

Figure 66

Restart hardware or software, or stop operation. Some setups are only applicable when the
JAGUAR 5000 has been manually restarted.
A. Restart
Restart the JAGUAR 5000 S/W or carry out rebooting the JAGUAR 5000s H/W.

B. Shutdown
Stop any operation of the JAGUAR 5000 S/W or H/W.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

4. Appendix

4.1. Profile Condition Type

The JAGUAR 5000 has a wide range of menus that set up specific conditions for HTTP requests
from clients so as to perform certain actions. For example, it includes a policy to give a large TTL
(Time-To-Live) for an object that has specific extension in a specific directory, a policy to limit
access from a specific client IP range, and a polity to assign a specific origin server group for a
request on specific Hostname, etc. Such conditions are configured at the condition instance below
cache content-control cc_item and each has type to represent a type of condition and value
member by which administration tool user enters specific conditions. The following are
descriptions of different types, the same menu items in Web Admin, and value examples.

Item Type Description Value Example

IP of a client. To designate an IP range, you
can use - to designate a specific IP range or
Clinet IP use / to designate a bit mask. Refer to
Designating an address range using Bit mask
in Appendix.
Server name of URL. You can use one wildcard
Server Name
(*). *
Port of a server. To congifrue a port range, you
Server Port 1000-9999
can yse -.
An IP for the JAGUAR 5000 that received a
request. It is configured among IPs that are
Cache IP
registered as an IP for NIC at cache system
An IP for JAGUAR that received a request. It is
Cache Port configured among Ips that are registered as
an IP for cache http forwarding ports.
Execution Time- Execution time-day: {during start}-{during 00:00-23:59-1111110
Day end}-{day}
Control methods for each protocol by
registering in the form of {protocol}-
{method}. http-get
- Protocol: http, ftp, gopher, * (all protocol) ftp-*
- method: http method such as get, head, put
and * (all methods)

136 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin
The first string of URL of a server. Configured
URL Prefix

It is the final character lines saving Query .gif

Extension term (after?) in URL. Therefore, to designate .jpg
an extension, set up with .. .jsp
Designate character lines included in total
URLs. Use this value to compare by doing a
Keyword sub string match of a URL. There is a limit of
alphabet/number of 64 letters excluding blank
and special characters.
When keywords that belong to a URL have
some regularity, it can be designated as
regular expression. When there are too many
Regular Expr. +\.jpg
profiles using regular expressions, it can affect
overall performance. Available up to 127
Determine rules with wildcard (*, ?) in all
URLs. * signifies multiple consecutive /app/search.jsp?*
URL(glob) characters whereas ? indicates a single http://**
character. It is possible to use multiple /*.htm
A string that is included in an HTTP Request
Cookie: id=
Header. Compare them in a HTTP Request
Header keyword Referer: http://
Header by carrying out substring match.
There is a limit of 64 letters
HTTP header is for identifying the originating
IP address of a client connecting to a web X-Forwarded-For: client1,
server through an HTTP proxy or load proxy1, proxy2
JAGUAR administrator can create Customer
Category URLs up to 128, and modify or
Custom Category http://
URLs that are defined by customer
categorized by Allow, Deny, Server check and
Redirect in Access Control.

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4.2. Designating an Address Range using Bitmask

To designate an IP address, it is possible to use Bitmask as shown below.

IP address/Bitmask ex)

The pair of IP address and Bitmask means the range of IP addresses from the largest place of
binary numbers that has the same bit with the number of Bitmask values. As IP version 4 address
is binary number of 32 bits, its Bitmasks are integers from 0 to 32. For instance,
means a range of IPs that have as the first 8 bits. As IP address is expressed in decimal
numbers for each 8 bits, it falls within an IP address of a class 100.*.*.*. As is
100.0.*.*, it falls within B class range. And as is 100.0.0.*, it is C class range. As should have same 32 bits with, it is IP address. If it is, it cannot be compared with any bits, it means all IPs. Thus, falls within
the same range as As the range is adjusted in a bit unit, the size of the range is
a multiple of the number 2. If it is Bitmask 22, as it checks 2 bits less then that of 23, it has the
range of C class 2^2 = 4, IP address2^10 = 1024. While indicates the range of
100.0.0-3.*, indicates the range of 100.0.4-7.*.,, falls within the same range.

138 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

4.3. Example of Regular Expression

In the JAGUAR 5000s configuration, there are some parts that determine the patterns of URL in
regular expression. Simple grammars of regular expression are as such:

Expression Desctiption
A single character except new line
. Ex1) 13. is 131, 132, 13a etc.
Ex2) 1.* is 1, 1123, 13a etc.
Repeat the preceding character or formula for more than 0 time
Ex) a*bis b or ab or aab etc.
Repeat the preceding character or formula for more than 1 time
Ex) a+b is ab or aab etc.
No preceding character or just a single one
Ex) a?b is b or ab
One of the listed characters in brackets (-is range)
Ex1) [abc] is a, b, or c
Ex2) [0-9]is 0, 1, , 9
Ex3) [a-zA-Z]is all alphabet
A single character except the listed characters in brackets(-is
Ex1) [^abc] is a chacracter except a, b, and c
Ex2) [^a-c0-8] is a character except a ~ c and 0 ~ 8
The beginning of string
Ex) ^abc is a string starting with abc
The end of string
$ Ex1) abc$ is a string ending with abc
Ex2) ^$is a blank string
() Combine in one formula
Select one of both characters or many formulas tied with
| brackets(, )
Ex) (abc|def) is abc or def
Use a character that is used for a specific purpose
Ex) \[, \* etc.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

4.4. User Defined Log Format

This is an item that a user can use when access log format is set as either user-defined item or
extended user-defined item. If you place % in front of the item names listed below, it will display
the relevant information whenever a request is made. There is no upper and lower letter
distinction for entering log item. It is an example of strip_query_term to be Off. If it is On, any
query string after ? in the URL related item will not be displayed.

Log Item Description

Client reQuest Header Field
Display a header information by using it in %CQHF{header
%CQHF{} name}. Header name distinguishes between capital and
lowercase letters.
In case of %CQHF{Host}:
Client reQuest Cookie Contents
%CQCC{Cookie name} Display an item that belongs to a Cookie
name in the Cookie header of a user request. Cookie name is
%CQCC{} not distinguished between capital and lowercase letters. If
there is no item applicable, display -.
In case of %CQCC{test}and Cookie: test=val1;abc=val2is
included in a header of a request: val1
Client reQuest Cookie Dump
%CQCC{Cookie name} Display an item that belongs to a Cookie
name in the Cookie header of a user request. Cookie name is
%CQCD{} not distinguished between capital and lowercase letters. If
there is no item applicable, it does not display any string.
In case of %CQCC{test}, and Cookie: test=val1;abc=val2 is
included in a header of a request: test=val1
Client reQuest Header field Double quoted
Use as %CQHD{Header name} to display a header information
%CQHD{} of a user request with quotes. Header name distinguishes
between capital and lowercase letters.
In case of %CQHD{Host}:
Proxy reQuest Header Field
Use as %PQHF{Header name} to display a header information
%PQHF{} requested by the JAGUAR 5000 to a web server. Header name
distinguishes between capital and lowercase letters.
In case of %PQHF{Host}:

140 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Proxy reSposnse Header Field

Use as %PQHF{Header name} to display a header information
%PSHF{} answered by the JAGUAR 5000 to a web server. Header name
distinguishes between capital and lowercase letters.
In case of %PQSF{Date}: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 11:20:30 GMT
Server reSponse Header Field
Use as %SSHF{Header name} to display header information on
answer that the JAGUAR 5000 received from a web server.
%SSHF{} Header name distinguishes between capital and lowercase
letters. If object is served as a cached object that does not
pass the renewal time, N/A is displayed.
In case of %SSHF{Date}: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 11:20:30 GMT
%CAUN Client Authenticated User Name
%CPUN Client Proxy-authenticated User Name
Client Finish Status Code
A result that the JAGUAR 5000 sent a response to a user. If
processed normally, display FIN. Or it failed to send the
response display INTR.
Client Host IP
Display the IP address of a user who made a request.
%CQLB Client reQuest Length (Body)
%CQLH Client reQuest Length (Header)
Clinet reQuest Length (eXtended)
Total length of user request including header and body.
Client reQuest http Method
Client reQuest http Version
%CQVE Display an HTTP version of a request made by a user.example:
Client reQuest FUll text
Ex) GET HTTP/1.1
Client reQuest Time Date
%CQTD Display the requested date.
Ex) 2008-07-23
Client reQuest Time Netscape
%CQTN Display the requested date and time.
Ex) 23/Jul/2008:20:37:37 +0900
%CQTS Client reQuest Time Squid

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Display the requested time in UNIX time.

Ex) 1216813057
Client reQuest Time squid eXtend
Display the requested time in UNIX time. Indicate in
millisecond below decimal point.
Ex) 1216813057.016
Client reQuest Time Time
%CQTT Display the requested time.
Ex) 20:37:37
Client reQuest Time strFtime
Use as %CQTF{strftime_format} to display the requested
%CQTF{} time.
strftime_format is identical to a parameter format of
Client reQuest Url
Client reQuest Url Canonical
%CQUC The outcome of CQURs result to carry out escaping in the
form of RFC1738.
Client reQuest Url Key
If it is set to generate a key ignoring a part of URL requested
by a user and caching on Caching Key Generate menu, log
the key generated about the request.
Client reQuest Url canonical with Directory policy
If reverse host load distribution policy is directory, show the
modified URL.
In case of
Client reQuest Url Path
%CQUP Display what comes next to a host name in URL.
Ex) /index.php?param=0
Client reQuest Url Scheme
%CQUM Client reQuest Url MD5
Client reQuest Query Stem
%CQQS Eliminate Query string of URL then display.

142 Premium Web Cache Server

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Client reQuest Query Contents

%CQQC Display Query string of URL.
Ex) param=0&name=aaa
Proxy Result Code
The outcome of a request processed by the JAGUAR 5000. It
will display one of the following values.
Proxy Result code EXtended
%PREX Display MEM string behind contents of %PRES additionally
when it is hit.
Proxy Finish Status Code
The outcome of a request transfer made by the JAGUAR 5000
to a server. If processed normally, display FIN and if not able
to send, display INTR.
Proxy Host Name
Display the host name of the JAGUAR 5000.
%PHIE Proxy HIErarchy route
Proxy Host IP (client requested)
Display the IP of the JAGUAR 5000 requested by a user
Proxy Host PorT (client requested)
Display the IP of the JAGUAR 5000 requested by a user.
%PQLB Proxy reQuest Length (Body)
%PQLH Proxy reQuest Length (Header)
Proxy reQuest Server Ip
Display the IP address of a web server requested by the
JAGUAR 5000. If service was made without connecting to a
web server, display -.
Proxy reQuest Server Name
Display the name of directly accessed server to bring objects
from JAGUAR 5000. If it is configured the upper proxy of
%PQSN JAGUAR 5000 and requested through the upper proxy, it will
display the host name of the proxy. If a direct access to a web
server was made, display the name of the Host name of the
Host header of a user request.
%PSLT Proxy reSponse Length (Total)
%PSLB Proxy reSponse Length (Body)

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%PSLH Proxy reSponse Length (Header)

Proxy reSponse Length (squid eXtended format)
Same with PSLT.
Proxy reSponse Ratio Number (only count body)
A percentage of the amount of content transmitted against the
value of response Content-Length header to a user before
cutting off
%PSCT Proxy reSponse Content Type
Proxy reSponse Status Code
A status code that JAGUAR 5000 answered to a user.
%RTPC Raw Traffic Proxy to Client
%RTCP Raw Traffic Client to Proxy
%RTPS Raw Traffic Proxy to Server
%RTSP Raw Traffic Server to Proxy
Server Host IP
%SHIP The IP address of a web server that JAGUAR 5000 made an
access to bring objects or to check renewal.
Server Host Name
Display the host name of the Host header of a user request.
%SSLT Server reSponse Length (Total)
%SSLB Server reSponse Length (Body)
%SSLH Server reSponse Length (Header)
Server reSponse http Version
If Server reSponse http Version object is serviced before a
renewal time in the cache, display -
Ex) 1.0, 1.1
Server reSponse Status Code
%SSSC A status code responded by a web server. If it is serviced with
an object that did not pass its renewal time, display 0.
processing time in millisecond
%TTMS Show a request processing time in the unit of millisecond.
Ex) 1090
processing time in millisecond(fractional)
Show a request processing time in the second unit up to
millisecond using decimal point.
Ex) 1.090
processing time in second
Show a request processing time in the unit of second.

144 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Ex) 1

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

4.5. Result Code of Access Records

Following are descriptions of the result of JAGUAR 5000s request process or a situation of
response status codes to a user that are recorded in an access log.
Status Code of
Processing Result Description
When JAGUAR 5000 is caching objects that do not pass
renewal, and:
1. A user makes a request without IMS;
2. A user sends it to IMS then expired
When JAGUAR 5000 is caching objects that do not pass
TCP_IMS_HIT 304 renewal, and:
1. A user sends it to IMS then not expired
As JAGUAR 5000 is caching objects that do not pass
renewal, and checks with a web server with IMS, it was
TCP_REFRESH_HIT 200 304 Not Modified , and:
1. A user makes a request without IMS;
2. A user sends it to IMS then expired
As JAGUAR 5000 is caching objects that have pass
renewal, and checks with a web server with IMS, it was
304 Not Modified so not renewed yet, and:
1. A user sends it to IMS then not expired
As JAGUAR 5000 is caching objects that have pass
renewal, and checks with a web server with IMS, it was
TCP_REFRESH_MISS 200 200 OK, so renewed
1. A user makes a request without IMS;
2. A user sends it to IMS then expired
When JAGUAR 5000 is not caching objects, and;
1. A user makes a request without IMS;
2. A user sends it to IMS then checked with IMS to find
it has expired
When JAGUAR 5000 is not caching object, and;
1. A user redirects
When JAGUAR 5000 is not caching object, and;
1. There is no object
TCP_MISS 304 When JAGUAR 5000 is not caching objects, and;

146 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

1. A user sends it to IMS then checked with IMS to find

it has not expired
403 A users service access is denied due to authentication
404 server or access control, etc.
JAGUAR 5000 is caching objects that have pass renewal,
and checks with a web server with IMS, no response is
returned so that provides a service with objects in
JAGUAR 5000.
As JAGUAR 5000 is caching objects that have pass
TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT 304 renual, and request to object renual, it was failed. So it
returns expired object.
502 If there is a disturbance in network connection to a web
ect server, etc.

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JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

4.6. Cache Operation Related Log and SNMP Trap

JAGUAR 5000 records a log that records a situation related to cache operation so an administrator
may be aware of the status of JAGUAR 5000. Log file is saved in /var/log/cache.log in a system
and recorded as syslog as well. Also, if SNMP trap is activated, it will transmit the log of a relevant
situation to a designated server through SNMP trap for occurrence of above-normal situation.
The followings are level, log, and description of each situation. The details of log can be modified,
added and deleted without any notice in accordance with update.

Message Description
Failed to generate temporary 512/1024 bit
Fail to generate a SSL related key
(RSA private key|DH parameter)
This is time-limited version of software,
which expires at..and now expired. Thank JAGUAR 5000 licence has expired
you very much for evaluating this software.
Internal consistency error regarding
ps_get(): conn mgmt constraint alert ..
persistent connection
unstable persistent connection to %s: Internal consistency error regarding
pri(%d), conn(%d) vs max(%d) resetting persistent connection
port .. - binding http listen port failed Fail to listen HTTP port
port .. - binding sub http listen port Fail to listen HTTP sub-port
port .. - starting http listener failed Fail to run HTTP listener
.. session memory allocation failure. Fail to assign sesson memory
port .. - binding management port failed File to conduct management code binding
port .. - starting http management listener Fail to run management listener
stale ssl [server/client] pointer SSL data inconsistency
alert condition: ev != dev->ev Internal malfunction
alert condition: disk event failed Event Failure
alert: .. no block in LRU, restarting All LRU blocks were wasted and cahce
was ended abnormally

Message Description
engine shutdown. Engine has shut down
SearchMMT: Check-Fail[%d] Internal strage error

148 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Message Description
failed in connecting to j3-helper Fail to connecnt helper process
failed in reading from j3-helper Fail to commnuicate with helper process
.. is not an access log unit Log unit configuration error
fail to initialize log unit .. Log unit initializtion error
cannot roll log files Unable to enforce log rolling
URL regex pattern error in rule URL rewritting rule rewritting error
cannot allocate memory for proper operation Memory shatage
receiving packet information failed Communication error with cachectl
reading content-control configuration Communication error with cachectl
configuring content-control failed Communication error with cachectl
finalizing .. failed Fail to end cache related server
re-*ing .. failed Fail to restart cache related service
export storage snapshot failed Fail to export cache data
starting management communication failed management socket related error
accepting management communication failed management socket related error
receiving management command failed management socket related error
initial configuration failed Default configuration failure
reload configuration failed Fail to renew configuration
sending cache statistics failed Fail to transmit cache statistic data
sending virus-list snapshot failed Fail to transmit cache virus related data
sending bypass-list snapshot failed Fail to transmit cache bypass related data
sending reverse statistics failed Fail to transmit cache reverse cache
statistic data
sending storage statistics failed Fail to transmit cache storage statistic
bad log type: .. Wrong type of log
cannot open log destination .. Fail to connect to network logging
cannot connect to log destination .. Fail to connect to network logging
cannot open log file .. Unable to open a log file
update_session_stat* fail Fatil to renew session information
cannot allocate socketbuf region No memory during initialization
socket_getdest failed: .. socket_getdest failure cause a problem
with Hidden mode
..: create_thread() failed. Memory shortage

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..149
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

SSL SSL operation related error

read_flv: malloc failed Fail to assign memory in FLV related
insufficient memory Memory assignment error
malloc failed ... Memory assignment error
xpurge .. Xpurge is processed mormally
storage exporting .. failed Storage export failure
cannot allocate ram cache blocks ... Memory block assignment failure
fetchDiskJob(): fetch_ev() failed Internal malfunction
event misfetched. Internal malfunction
fetchDiskJob(): disk i/o failed: DISK I/O failure
unknown event fetched. Internal malfunction
failure detected for disk -. mark it No new object stored due to a disk error
cannot open for disk -. mark it unusable. No new object stroed due to the disk size
error since then
invalid size disk -. mark it unusable. No new object stored due to the disk size
error since then
disk .. is not stopped As the disk did not stop, it does not
disk ... cannot be opened Unable to connenct to the disk
cannot allocate ram cache blocks .. Memory assignment error
rai* Warning on referer accept list related

Message Description
rai* Message related to configuration on
referer accept list
max system descriptors: .. max fd configured
suspicious URL Problem with URL.
insufficient memory Memory shortage
fail to open filebuff Unable to open access log
unexpected packet received Communication error with cachectl
invalid ... parameter packet size Communication error with cachectl
unknown packet received Communication error with cachectl
unknown command [...]accepted: possible Unknown valure enters from management
attack socket

150 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

network/file logging failed, discarding Dispose the current log buffer due to
current log buffer logging difficulty
cannot determine the timestamp of log .., Force log rolling for an inability of
log roll forced interpreting log time stamp
log-rolling warning: index file for .. not
Force log rolling for no log index file
log-rolling faled ... Log rolling failure
create storage init thread failed Fail to create storage initialization thread
...cannot find ... in dns cache
..: cannot delete '..' in dns cache Problem in a DNS cache
[..]->item (..) != (..)\n
re-initing dns_cache (prev_dns_cache=..) Re operate DNS cache
given number of max system descritor is too
Re sizing of given parameter for too large
limiting max system descripor to ..
given number of max system descritor is too Re sizing of given parameter for too small
small..setting max system descripor to .. ones
cannot allocate persistent connection .. Fail to create persistenet connection
warning: .. buf(..) will be freed Non-used buffer remains.
http_parse_request_line enters [..]with Warning on argument parse
arglen .. but real arglen is ..
bad syntax in ... Cache configuration file grammar error
too short keyword, skipping .. Fail to read FLV related Keyword
too many flv extensions, skipping .. Fail to read FLV related Extension reading
storage version mismatch A disks storage version and the current
S/Ws storage version do not mathc
object header version mismatch A disks object header version and the
current S/Ws object header version do
not match
cannot allocate .. page Memory assignement error
storage export is cancelled .. Stroage export failure
storage import is cancelled .. Stroage import failure
Disk IO Failure, marking vmpn .. as bad Mark the current black with error

Message Description
forced log rolling start Start enforced log rolling
.. is rolled log rolling

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..151
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

.. cannot be rolled Not subject to log rolling

.. cannot be processed Unable to conduct log rolling
forced log rolling end Finish enforced log rolling
reverse origin server polling enabled:
Activate Origin server fail-over function
interval = ..
reverse origin server polling disabled De-activate Origin server failover
finishing Cache enters shut-down process
started Cache operation starts
termintated Cache is ended with SigTerm
finished Cache is ended normally
LOGS will be rolled EACH time regardless of Regardless of CFG, log rolling takes place
CFG in a given time interval
Temporary (RSA private key|DH parameter) Succeed in creating SSL related key
generated: 512/1024 bits
Temporary (RSA private key|DH parameter) Succeed in deleting SSL related key
freed: 512/1024 bits
Content compression enabled/disabled Use/non-use of compression function
free_http_client_session is zero, aborting As sessions are all in use, cancel newly
connection entered connection
SSL: server session initialized Finish initialization of SSL server side logic
SSL: client session initialized Finish initialization of SSL client side logic
reverse origin server polling enabled: Activate Origin server fail-over function
interval = ..
reverse origin server polling disabled Deactivate origin server fail-over function
https listener stopped Strop https listener
ram cache blocks .. initialized Succeed in assigning memory block
storage export start exporting objects .. Start storage export
storage is exported successfuly .. Succeed in storage export
storage import start import objects .. start storage import
storage is import ... successfuly .. Succeed in storage import
disk .. is overloaded. Entered disk overload status
disk .. is underloaded. Returned to a normal disk load
disk opened .. with fd .. Open a disk and assign FD
sending destroy signal to diskmodule. Start disk module finish
stopping all data disk Complete finishing all data disk
stopping disk .. disk finished
purging all objects in disk .. Purge all disk objects

152 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

purged .. objects in disk .. purge a relevant disk object

cluster descriptor table re-initialized renew cdt
waiting for disk .. cooldown Wait for disk stop
disk .. stopping process end Complete disk stop
starting disk .. Start disk operation
initializing .. for disk .. Internal module initialization for disk
disk .. is started successfully Complete starting the relevant disk
.. FAIL_BID .. Occurs disk IO error, If not marked with
error, make an error marking
ram cache blocks initialized Complete RAM cache initialization

Message Description
outgoing connection management enabled
manage-host-timeout is .. Sec
Activate the number of server-side access
limiting outgoing connection per a
server to ..
outgoing connection management disabled" Deactivate the number of server-side
URL rewritting rulea .. URL rewriting rule dump
forwarding_port_num: .. Cache forwarding port dump
forwarding_port: ..
.. tried but disallowed in current run Unable to succeed in the given task in the
level current situation
initial configuration done, increasing Succeed in default configuration, increase
runlevel in run level
reload configuration done Succeed in cache configuration renewal
log filename style: inktomi Use inktomi style log name
Unable to use network log-in so use local
switch to local fallback log.
In this case, try network log-in again in a
log server will be re-checked after .. Sec
few seconds.
remote logging to .. started Start network logging
log .. prepared Open log and start recording
log-roll done/failed for .. Log rolling success/failure
reading /proc/stat returned .. CPU load measurement failure
Carry out storage initialization at the
storage initializing in background process

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..153
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Detect a warm virus in a certain IP, so

new virus host found: ...
block the IP
Memory assignment information
* region (during starting)
necessary for operation
.. tick/sec Timer related data of Cache
http listener thread started (port ..) Finished HTTP listener operation
nonhttps tunneling (connect) is denied nonhttps tunnel cancel
youtube mode is activated Activate youtube caching function
semantic of Cache-Control: public header is Activate public header ignore function
using original destination ip for server In hidden mode, use DST IP as requested
connection by client
Activate the number of server side access
outgoing connection management enabled
limit function
server persistent connection will be closed
after processing POST method
UCC FLV support enabled UCC FLV enable
UCC location redir support enabled UCC location redir enable
http management thread started (port ..) Complete operating management thread
remove stale object .. Delete abnormal objects
origin server is DOWN/UP ... Abnormal/normal Origin server status
xpurge .. Xpurge is processed as abnormal
Referer accept list related configuration
max system descriptors: .. Max fd is configured

154 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

4.7. SNMP Mib.

[OID Assignments]
Message Description
software OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jaguar 1}
config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jaguar 2}
status OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jaguar 3}

bogus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jaguar 4}

snapshot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jaguar 5}
traps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jaguar 6}
reverse OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {jaguar 7}

Message Description
adminAddress 0: Cache Administrator E-mail address
softwareName 0: Cache Sotrware Name
version 0: Cache Software Version

helixInstalled.0: 0: helix not installed 1: helix


Message Description
Current cache running mode:
wccpVersion.0: Current WCCP version: 1/2/none

Message Description
procInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 1}
perfInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 2}
aggrInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 3}
dnsInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 4}
avgInfoTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 5}
objectInfoTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 6}
diskInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 7}
diskTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {status 8}

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..155
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

# procInfo { 1 }
cacheStartTime.0: Start time of cache process
sysPageFaults.0: Page faults with physical i/o (No Use)
memUsage.0: Total memory accounted for KB (No Use)
cpuTimeUsed.0: Amount of cpu seconds consumed (No Use)
cpuUsage.0: The percentage use of the CPU (%)
cacheMaxResSize.0: Maximum Resident Size in KB (KB)

# perfInfo { 2 }
totalMemCacheSize.0: Total memory cache size in KB
curMemCacheSize.0: Current using memory cache size in KB
totalDiskCacheSize.0: Total disk cache size in KB
curDiskCacheSize.0: Current using disk cache size in KB
numObjCount.0: Number of objects stored by the cache
avgObjectSize.0: Average size of stored objects in KB
curAvailFD.0: Available number of file descriptors
curUsingFD.0: Reserved number of file descriptors
maxUsedFD.0: Maximum used number of file descriptor
totalFD.0: Total number of file descriptors
curNumClientSessions.0: Current number of client sessions
curNumServerSessions.0: Current number of server sessions
curNumActiveClientSessions.0: Current number of active client sessions
curNumActiveServerSessions.0: Current number of active server sessions

# aggrInfo { 3 }
numHttpRequests.0: Number of HTTP requests received
numHttpResponses.0: Number of HTTP responses transmitted
numHttpErrRequests.0: Number of HTTP requests which is error
numHttpDeniedRequests.0: Number of HTTP requests denied

Cache Hit
Cache Hit Ratio = (numCacheHits.0 / numHttpRequests.0)*100
numCacheHits.0: Number of HTTP cache hits
sizeHttpRequestsReceived.0: Size of HTTP requests received (Bytes)
sizeHttpRequestsSended.0: Size of HTTP requests sended (Bytes)
sizeHttpResponsesReceived.0: Size of HTTP responses received (Bytes)
sizeHttpResponsesSended.0: Size of HTTP responses sended(Bytes)

156 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

numCacheMemHits.0 Number of HTTP memory cache hits

numCachedMiss.0 Number of cached HTTP miss

Bandwidth Saving
=((sizeHttpResponsesSended.0-sizeHttpResponsesReceived.0)/ sizeHttpResponsesSended.0)*100
numIcpReceived.0 Number of ICP messages received (No Use)
numIcpSended.0 Number of ICP messages sended (No Use)
sizeIcpReceived.0 Size of ICP messages Received (No Use)
sizeIcpSended.0 Size of ICP messages sended (No Use)

# dnsInfo { 4 }
numDnsCacheEntries.0 Number of DNS cache entries
numDnsRequests.0 Number of DNS requests
numDnsHits.0 Number of DNS cache hits
numDnsMisses.0 Number of DNS cache misses
numDnsFailed.0 Number of DNS lookup failed

# avgInfoTable { 5 }
# index 1: 1 min average
# index 2: 5 min average

avgEntry An entry in avgInfo table

avgMeanTimeIndex The value used to index the table
httpObjectServiceTimeMS.1: Average HTTP service time(ms) per object
httpMissServiceTimeMS.1: Average HTTP service time(ms) per missed
httpHitServiceTimeMS.1: Average HTTP service time(ms) per hitted
httpNearHitServiceTimeMS.1: Average HTTP service time(ms) per near-
hitted object
httpRequestsReceivedPerMin.1: Average number of HTTP requests received
per 1 min
httpRequestsServedPerMin.1: Average number of HTTP requests serviced
per 1 min
httpRequestsDeniedPerMin.1: Average number of HTTP requests denied
per 1 min
httpDocHitRatio.1: Average ratio of HTTP document hit (%)

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..157
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

httpBandwidthSaving.1: Bandwidth Saving Ratio (%)

Average number of HTTP requests Average used BPS to clients(bps)
received per 1 min
Average number of HTTP requests Average used BPS from servers (bps)
serviced per 1 min
Average number of HTTP requests denied Average ICP service time(ms)
per 1 min
icpReplyServiceTimeMS.1: Average ICP reply service time(ms)
dnsLookupTimeMS.1: Average DNS lookup time(ms)

#objectInfo Table { 6 }

# index 1: 0K~4K
# index 2: 4K~8K
# index 3: 8K~16K
# index 4: 16K~32K
# index 5: 32K~64K
# index 6: 64K~128K
# index 7: 128K~256K
# index 8: 256K~

objectEntry An entry in objectInfo table

objMeanTimeIndex The value used to index the table
numStoredObjects Number of stored objects
numServedObjects Number of served objects

#diskInfo { 7 }
storageStatus Storage online status
diskCount Number of disks

#diskTable { 8 }
diskEntry An entry in disk status table
diskPath Disk device path
diskStatus Disk online status
diskUsage Occupied blocks in disk
diskTotal Total blocks in disk
diskLoad Disk load in percentage
activeJobs Number of active disk I/O jobs

158 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

Message Description
snapshotBogus Bogus for snapshot group

Message Description
vrInfectedTable {snapshot 1}
dynamicBypassTable {snapshot 2}

#vrInfectedTable { 1 }
vrInfectedEntry An entry in virus infected table
vrIndex Index
vrIPAddr Infected host ip address
vrLastTime Last time when this host had sended
virus packet.
vrCount Count of filterd virus packet of this

# dynamicBypassTable { 2 }
dbyEntry An entry in dynamic ip bypass table
dbyIndex Index
dbySource source ip address of dynamic bypass
dbyDestination destination ip address of dynamic bypass
dbyHttpCode HTTP status code of dynamic bypass entry
dbyTimestamp enrolled timestamp to dynamic bypass

Message Description
trapMessage Trap message
engine-trap JAGUAR engine notification

[Session processing time]

Message Description 'Request Handle Time' that

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..159
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin 'httpReqHandleTimeMSdms' shows is time

Entry.httpReqHandleTimeMS that is required to decide rule after
receive request among Service Time. 'Post Service Time' that httpPostSeviceTimeMS shows is time
Entry.httpPostServiceTimeMS that is required for post processing
(mainly access logging) after
compliting the. This is time that
Service Time is excepted among total
transaction processing time. That is,
"Service Time" = "Request Handler
Time" + (Actual data service time)
(Transaction Handler Time) = "Service
Time" + "Post Service Time".

160 Premium Web Cache Server

JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin


[How to confirm OID]

snmpwalk -v 2c -Onq localhost public
# r-profileCount.0: The count of reverse profile
ex> snmpwalk -v 2c -Onq localhost public

[N] means the profile of Nth.

[MS1 / MIN1] means the average of 1minutes.
[MS5 / Min5] means the average of 5minites.

# r-InfoTable.r-Entry
r-profileName.N: Profile Name
r-numHttpRequests.N: Number of HTTP requests received
r-numHttpResponses.N: Number of HTTP responses transmitted
r-numHttpErrRequests.N: Number of HTTP requests which is error
r-numHttpDeniedRequests.N: Number of HTTP requests denied
r-numCacheHits.N: Number of HTTP cache hits
r-sizeHttpRequestsReceived.N: Size of HTTP requests received (Bytes)
r-sizeHttpRequestsSended.N: Size of HTTP requests sended (Bytes)
r-sizeHttpResponsesReceived.N: Size of HTTP responses received (Bytes)
r-sizeHttpResponsesSended.N: Size of HTTP responses sended (Bytes)
r-curNumActiveClientSessions.N: No. of Current active client sessions
r-curNumActiveServerSessions.N: No. of Current active server sessions
r-httpObjectServiceTimeMS1.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per object
r-httpMissServiceTimeMS1.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per missed
r-httpHitServiceTimeMS1.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per hitted
r-httpNearHitServiceTimeMS1.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per near-
hitted object
r-httpRequestsReceivedPerMin1.N: Average number of HTTP requests received
per 1 min
r-httpRequestsServedPerMin1.N: Average number of HTTP requests serviced
per 1 min

ARA Networks.Co,Ltd..161
JAGUAR 5000 Web Admin

r-httpRequestsDeniedPerMin1.N: Average number of HTTP requests denied pe

r 1 min
r-httpDocHitRatio1.N: Average ratio of HTTP document hit (%)
r-httpBandwidthSaving1.N: Bandwidth Saving Ratio (%)
r-httpClientBandwidth1.N: Average used BPS to clients
r-httpServerBandwidth1.N: Average used BPS from servers
r-httpObjectServiceTimeMS5.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per object
r-httpMissServiceTimeMS5.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per missed
r-httpHitServiceTimeMS5.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per hitted
r-httpNearHitServiceTimeMS5.N: Average HTTP service time(ms) per near-
hitted object
r-httpRequestsReceivedPerMin5.N: Average number of HTTP requests received
per 5 min
r-httpRequestsServedPerMin5.N: Average number of HTTP requests serviced
per 5 min
r-httpRequestsDeniedPerMin5.N: Average number of HTTP requests denied pe
r 5 min
r-httpDocHitRatio5.N: Average ratio of HTTP document hit (%)
r-httpBandwidthSaving5.N Bandwidth Saving Ratio (%)
r-httpClientBandwidth5.N: Average used BPS to clients (bps)
r-httpServerBandwidth5.N Average used BPS from servers (bps)
r-numCacheMemHits.N: Number of HTTP memory cache hits
r-numCachedMiss.N: Number of cached HTTP miss

162 Premium Web Cache Server

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