Centifugal Pumps, Unit 1 PDF

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CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Section 1 An Introduction to Centrifugal Pumps Centrifugal pumps are machines which use centrifugal force to move liquids, In Section 1 of Centrifugal Pumps, you will learn the prin- ciples, parts, and general operation of these pumps, what pump efficieney is, and how head and pressure are calculated. In Section 2, you will learn the details of construction of pump parts, including packing boxes, seals, bearings, balancing drums, and couplings. You will learn the relation of align- ment and misalignment to vibration, how pumps are lubri- cated, and how they are cooled in operation. In Section 8, you will learn the details of pump operatior startup, normal operation, and shutdown. You will learn what the common problems of centrifugal pump operation are and how to spot and correct them. You will learn how to maintain the pumps for dependable, safe operation. INSTRUCTIONS ‘This is a programed learning course, Programed learning gives information in a series of steps called frames. Each frame gives some information and asks you to make use of it, Here is how it works. First, cover the respon: right with a mask. column at the Read this frame and use the information it gives to All in the p blank. A micrometer is an instrument designed to measure in ‘thousandths of an inch, A micrometer is 2 good tool for messuring very aifferences in size. Move the mask down to uncover the word at the right of the frame. If you have filed the blank with that word or a word ‘that means the same, you are ready to go ahead to the next frame. ‘The drawing of a micrometer provides information that will help you fil in the next blanks, » ossect Tose MEASURED SPINDLE Seven major parts are shown in the drawing, but only the _____and the______contaet the object to be measured. ‘The next frame calls for a choice, Circle or underline the ap- propriate word. Of the two parts that contaet the object, only the (anvil/ spindle) moves. A program is a series of frames that work like the ones you have just done: Read the frame. Use the information to fill in the blanks or make a choice. ‘Move the mask down and check the response column, Go on to the next frame. ‘Remember to cover the response column with a mask before you begin each page. Now, go on to Page $ and begin, Notice that the loft-hand pages from here on are printed upside down. The program is designed so that you will go through all the right-hand pages first, and then turn the book upside down and go through the other pages. spindle SECTION 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS: Brkibits 1, 2, and 3 are placed in the center of the book 40 that they may be removed easily for reference. Please remove them now s0 that you will have them available ‘when needed, A. The force of gravity causes a liquid to flow from one levation to a (higher/lower) elevation. 2. Potentinl energy is stored energy. Liquid at higher pressure has more potential energy than liquids at Tower pressure ‘Thus, liquid flows from pressure areas to___pressure areas. 8 Liquid at higher elevations has (more/less) potential energy than liquid at lower elevations. 4. In the drawings below, indicate the direction of flow with arrows. 15 PSIG Le ee higher 5, Within a system, liquids flow because there is a pres- ture difference In the system, ‘There (is/is not) a pressure difference in this system. 6. Look at this system, SRE Since both tanks have the same pressure, the ligula (Gows/does not flow). 7. A pump is a machine that adds____to a liquid. 8. A pump moves a liquid by mechanical means. PUMP: 8 By installing a pump in the piping between tank A. and tank B, liquid ean be moved from a = elevation to a elevation. oes not flow pressure, or energy lower higher 9. Look at the drawing. ‘This pump is moving liquid from a pressure area to a—____ pressure area. 10. Pumps are also used to move more liquid in a given amount of time. a 50 GALLONS/MINUTE PUMP: ‘The amount of liquid moving through the pipe may be inereased by installing a_________in the line. 11. In moving a liquid from a lower elevation to a higher clevation, the pump adds energy to the liquid at low clevation to provide the needed to lift it to the higher elevation. 12, Pumps are used to: move liquids from elevations; _ elevations to ‘move liquids from areas of pressure; vate of a liquid. pressure areas to inerease the lower higher pump, ‘energy, or pressure lower; higher lower higher flow CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 48, Pumping adds energy to a liquid. ‘The energy of a liquid may be —__by poping it LL. Centrifugal force is the force of spinning. CD ep When an object is spun around in a cirele, it pushes (outward from inward toward) the center of the circle. 15. One way to increase the energy of a liquid is to whirl ‘he liguid around in circles. When a liquid is spun around, it pushes (inward to the center/outward from the center) of the circle. 16, This outward foree is called ___ force. 6 increased outward from ‘outward from the center ‘centrifugal 1. Thie is how a centrifugal pump works. Liquid first comes in at the center. Tt is then foreed______from the center. 18 Pressure at the pump outlet is greater than pressure at the inlet, Liquid leaving the pump has (more/less) energy than liquid entering the pump. 19. ‘The pump part that spins the liquid is called the im- peller. Liquid flows through the pump inlet and into the (center) of the impeller. 20. ‘The impeller whirls the liquid around in a eirele. ‘The liquid is forced from the center to the of the impeller. 21, The faster the impeller turns, the _____ the Tiquid moves. 22. ‘The impeller is made up of guide vanes, or blades. ‘The liguid’s path is directed by thee 28. Centrifugal force pushes the liquid outward from the we. It enters the __ when it leaves the outer edge of the impeller. 24. When the liquid enters the casing, its speed (increases / decreases) outward eve outside, or rim faster ceasing, or housing 25, Look at this impeller. |As the speed of the liquid decreases, its pressure 26. As centrifugal force moves the liguid away from the ‘eye, a low-pressure area is formed (in the eye/ at the rim). 27. The low-pressure area in the eye causes Tiqui into the— to flow 28. In the centrifugal pump, liquid is moved by centrifugal force from a pressure area at the eye to a_______-pressure area at the pump’s dis: charge, For frame numbers 29 through 51 look at Exhibit 1, which shows a centrifugal pump with all its parts. 29. Find the impeller. Energy is added to the liquid as it moves through the rotating vanes of the 30, The rotating __of the impeller move the liquid in a eireular path 81, The impeller is housed in the —_____. 32, Liguid enters the pump through the pump inlet, or suction, It comes into the center of the impeller through the impeller — 88, When the liquid has moved to the outer rim of the impeller, it enters the casing and moves from the im- peller to the nozzle. in the eye low high impeller ceasing discharge 86. 86, at. 29, 40, aL 4, 45, |. As the liquid leaves the impeller, its velocity decreases, ‘Velocity is partially converted to pressure in the casing. ‘The liquid’s velocity decronses, and part of this velocity. shows up as an inerease in ‘The impeller is rotated by an outside power source (pump driver, or prime mover) connected to the pump ‘The rotating shart_____the impeller. ‘The parts of the pump fit together closely. ‘A pump is apt to leak where the shaft passes into the pimp ase Seer Find the packing box. Where the shaft passes into the casing, packing pro- vides a seal to reduce ‘The packing box may be filled with a exible packing material ‘This packing matertal presses around the ‘A mechanical seal may be used instead of flexible Where the packing rubs against the shaft, the shaft may _______ excessively, In most centrifugal pumps, part of the shaft is pro- tected by a removable sleeve, Find the shaft sleeve, ‘The shaft sleeve can be_____more easily and less expensively than the whole shaft, Liquid leaks from the high-pressure area (discharge) ‘back into the suction area, Find the wear rings. ‘The space between the eye (suction section) and the casing (discharge section) is fitted with ‘The casing wear ring is stationary, and the impeller wear ring rotates with the ‘The close fit between the statfonary wear ringy and the rotating wear ring (inereases/decreases) the amount of high-pressure liguid leaking back into the inlet stream. preseure shat ‘turns, or rotates casing leakage packing replaced wear rings. impeller decreases 46. Some leakage is necessary for Iubrieation. Liquid leaking between the wear rings acts as a lubri- ‘cant and coolant, and keeps the rings from against each other. 47. Worn wear rings are removed and replaced more ensily and less ____ than a easing or an impeller. 48 As the rings become worn, clearance between them (nereases/decreases), and more liquid flows from the discharge back into the suction. 49. ‘The wear rings are lubricated and cooled by the being pumped. 50. Without proper lubrication, the wear rings can come into______with each other, get hot, and seize. 51. For this reason, a centrifugal pump is never started unless it is fled with HOW CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS ARE RATED 52 Pamps are rated partly according to their pumping characteristics, For example, a certain pump delivers 100 gallons per minute (GPM), ‘This pump has a rated capacity of ___ GPM. 58. Capacity is usually a factor i pump. 54, Suction and discharge pressure also affect the rating of a pump. For example, a pump produces discharge pressure of 30 PSIG. It has a ratéd discharge pressure of _ PSIG. 55.” Pumps are rated according to the things you need to iknow to operate the pump efliciently. Ratings help you select the ____ pump for ‘your operation. 56. For example, you need to pump out a huge tank quickly. Ifall other conditions are equal, a pump with a capacity ‘of (100 GPM/500 GPM) is preferred. Copacity 57. ‘The capacity of a pump is the amount of quid that ‘the pump moves in @ given length of time. Capacity is usually measured in gallons per minute, abbreviated ——_—___ 10 rubbing expensively increases liquid contact Jiguia 100 rating best, or right, or proper 500 GPM, cpm 58. 60, al. 62. 63. 6, 65. 66. 6. 68. Gallons, pounds, and eubie fect are measures of (amount time) . Minutes, hours, and days ave measures of Check the measurements that are measures of both amount and time. gallons per minute —— pounds per square inch ———ubie feet — {barrels per day Pump capacity can be changed by changing the speed of the impeller (RPM, or revolutions per minute). Increasing pump speed also (increases/ decreases) pump capacity. ‘The pump and its prime mover usually run best ‘a range of specific speeds, ‘To increase the pump speed, you must also increase the speed of the 2 ech Increasing pump capacity by increasing pump RPM's (sis not) always practical. In a centrifugal pump, the liquid moves outward from the _______of the impeller toward the rim of the impeller. ‘Liquid travels from the inlet into the eye of the im- pelle. ‘The liquid is foreed to move in a circular path by the rotating __of the impeller. Centrifugal foree propels the liguid (inward /outward) through the rotating vanes, Because the impeller is rotating, the liquid in the impeller is also Circumference is the distance around a circle. net uw amount ‘time «gallons per minute barrels per day prime mover is not vanes outward rotating diameter 69. 70. a. 2. TB u. 6. 8 Look at the drawing. IMPELLER ‘The clreumference of impeller ___—_ ‘than the eireumference of impeller Because the shafts of both impellers rotate at the same speed, they both travel the same number of revolutions ina given length of time But, liquid traveling around the outer edge of impeller B travels (farther/the same distance). ‘The distance traveled around a circular path in a given length of time is the tangential velocity. “Any point on the rim of impeller ___-__has the greater tangential velocity. As a drop of liquid moves outward from the eye, the ireular path it travels continually in size, Because the size of the circular path continually in- creases, the tangential velocity as the liguid moves outward from the eve. ‘Thus, the larger the diameter of the impeller, the ___the final tangential velocity for a given RI After the high-velocity liquid leaves the rim of the im- peller, it enters the easing where its velocity decreases. A large part of the velocity is converted to___ in the casing. Increasing the tangential velocity increases the pres: sure at the pump’s discharge. Without changing impellers, tangential velocity is in- creased by. (increasing decreasing) pump speed. ‘Without changing pump speed, liquid ean be pumped to higher elevations or higher pressures by —__ the size of the impeller. Pump capacity can be increased by increasing pump or by using a larger 2 op farther Increases seater pressure inereasing. speed, or RPM; impeller Pressure and Head 79, Pressure is the force acting on a unit of area (usually fone square inch). ‘When force is measured in pounds, pressure may be stated as_______per square inch (PSI). pounds 80. Head is the height of a liquid. ‘The head of this liquid is__teet. 10 81, The pressure exerted by a head of liquid does not depend on the diameter of the container. ‘At any point on the bottom of the container, pressure depends only on the of liquid above that head, or height point. 82, Pressure gages are set to read 0 at atmospheric pres- sure (14.7 PSIA). ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE ‘This gage is showing a pressure of ____ PSIG. 10 18 88, 8. a1. 2. ‘This pressure (ineludes/does not include) the pressure of the atmosphere on the liquid. Atmospheric pressure is____PSTA (pounds vper square inch absolute). An instrument that measures atmospheric prossure as ‘well as tank pressure is measuring absolute pressure. This is written as pounds per square inch aBsolute. PSIA is an abbreviation for pounds per square inch A pressure gage reeords only ___ pressure. Since a gage reads atmospheric pressure as 0, it is measuring gage pressure, PSIG is an abbreviation for pounds per square inch PSIA ts al yy. (larger/smaller) number than PSIG. Pressure in this tank is 48 PSIG. Atmospheric pressure is 14.7 PSIA. 43 PSIG cs 4 Co Absolute pressure in the tank is (more/leas) than 48 PSIA. Absolute pressure fs actually ___ PSA. 48 PSIG and 67-7 PSIA are (the same amount different amounts) of pressure. PSrA PSIG + . PSIG = PSIA — 1. A gage reads 80 PSIG. ‘The absolute pressure in the tank is __PSTA. uu {does not inelude uaa absolute tank, or liquid more 43 + 14, or BUT the same amount 47 at an 95. A 10-foot head of water makes a pressure gage read 4.38 PSIG. 100 FEET 439 Pie vo reer eS) eS ‘A.100-foot head of water makes the gage read —__ PSIG. 43.3 PSIG. on By crag 1530 48S wo can et that fr exch foot of water, 0.488 PSIG is exerted. ‘A L-foot head of water exerts ___ PSIG. 91. A 15-foot head of water exerts 6.49 PSIG (15 x 0.438). ‘Wo can find out how much pressure a eolumn of water ‘exerts by multiplying the —____of the water by 0.38, 98 Because oil weighs Jess than water, a 10-foot head of oil exerts (more/less) pressure than a 10-foot head of water. 99, A 100-foot head of erude oil and 100-foot head of water produce (the same pressure/different pressures) 100. ‘The specific gravity of a substance is the weight of the substance divided by the weight of the same volume of water. The specific gravity of water is 1. A liquid with a speciic gravity of less than 1 weighs (more/less) than the same volume of water, 101. A 1-foot head of water exerts 0.438 PSIG. ‘A 1foot end of liquid with a specific gravity of 0.5 exerts____ PSIG, 102, Water and a liquid with a specific gravity of 0.5 have the same height. But the liquid with the 0.5 specific gravity exerts a8 nich pressure as the water does. ‘Now look at Exhibit 2 108, ‘Exhibit 2 is a chart for converting head to pressure, or pressure to 18 438 033 head, or height different pressures, 05 x 0.498, oF about 216 half, or head 104, 108. 106. 107. ‘To read the chart, you must Know the specie ‘of the liquid being: pumped. sravity Suppose the head of liquid is 200 feet and the specific sravity is 0.5. Using a straightedge, find the line betweon 0.5 on the specific gravity scale and 200 feet on the head scale. ‘The pressure exerted by this liquid is about PSIG. 48 Head can be changed to pressure; pressure can also be changed to head. By reading a sage at the bottom of a closed tank, you can tell the _____of the liquid in the tank helght, or depth, or head (if you know what the liquid is) Compare these two tanks of liquid. oie ‘There is a greater head of liquid in (tank A/tank B) tank A 108. Look at the pressure gayes to find which of these tanks hhas the greater head of liquid, _ ee oo le | eo] With the same liquid in each tank, (tank A/tank B) tank B has the greater head 16 109, These tanks contain liquids of the same specifie gravity. ‘The pressure reading would be higher on (gage A/ age B). a pressure Head = op. gr. x 0488 Pressure ~ head % sp. gr. X 0488 Head may be expressed in terms of and pressure may be expressed in terms of 11, Pressure = 30 PSIG Specific gravity = 05 30 Mead = 95x 0488 20 ~ 0216 about 189 feet For this liquid to exert 80 PSIG, the column must be about — feet high: 2, Head = 10 feet Specific gravity = 0.5 Pressure = 10 x 0.5 x 0.488 5 x 0.438 2.16 PSIG ‘This liquid exerts (twice as much/half as much) pres- sure as the same head of water does. 118, Suction head is the sum of the pressure changed to Tread, plus the velocity changed to head, at the inlet to the pump, Discharge head is the sum of the pressure changed ‘to head, plus the velocity changed to head, at the of the pump. 14. Velocity head is normally very small and is not used in pumping calculations, Suction head, then, is the ______at the sue. tion, changed to head. nv sage A pressure 139 half as much discharge, or outlet EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 10,000— 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000. 500 400 300 200: 100 eee eT eee ee [peep 0 ra 0 Ie » 1s fe. PRESSURE, PSIG HEAD, FEET OF LIQUID LIQUID SPECIFIC GRAVITY EXHIBIT 3 SBAYND SONVNYOSARd ‘Wd9~ ALIDVd¥D ‘oor: 0 waNOdaS¥OH. 3 Zz ‘dvan Tyo. daa Ni WsdN. 118, 116. ut. us. us. 120. 121. Discharge head i changed to Gages record the pressure at the pump suction and at the pump discharge. ‘the pressure at the discharge, ‘The height of water in the suction tank exerts pressure, which is recorded on the (P./Ps) gage. Since the height of water is higher on the discharge side, the (P./P,) gage records the higher pressure. ‘The pump adds pressure to the liquid as it passes through the pump. ‘The discharge pressure Is actually the suction pres- sure plus the —that the pump adds. ‘Even without » pump in the line, the liquid rises untit it is equal on both sides. ‘Without pumping, the liquid rises to point ‘To move the liquid from point 2 to may be used. ‘The pump provides the the liquid above point 2. 8 8, alco, needed to move Pu pressure pump energy, or pressure 122. ‘The pump raises the liquid from the level of the suction tank into the discharge tank. ‘The distance which the pump lifts the liquid is called the— —head. total 128. The total head is the discharge head (minus/plus) the ‘minus suction head, 124. This pump is lifting water. Discharge head = 3 "0agq = 40 feat : fle Suction head = 3 fagy = 28 feet Totalhead = 46 — 28 = 28 feet Actually, the pump only has to lift the water —__ 28 feet. 125. Total head can be estimated by measuring the height fof liquid in the suction and discharge tanks and (adding/subtracting) these heads. subtracting 126, Or, total head can be ealeulated by reading the pres- res at the pump suction and discharge and convert- ing these pressure measurements to ——__ head measurements, 9 127. This drawing shows a suction-tift system. TOTAL DISCHARGE HEAD SUCTION LIFT If the pump is located above the suction tank, the liquid must be to the pump. littea 128. The distance the liquid must be lifted to the pump is called the suction lite 129. ‘The pump must supply enough energy to raise the liquid a distance equal to the suetion lift plus the dis- charge head. ‘Suction lift plus discharge head is the —__ total head. 180, ‘The pressure acting on the surface of a liquid is trans- ‘mitted throughout the liquid. 1 ‘The gage on top of the suction tank records the pres- ‘sure acting on the: of the liquid. surface 20 481. This pressure is 10 PSIG. The gage at the pump suc- tion reads____ PSIG. 6 4182, Of the 15 PSIG on the suction gage, 10 PSIG is due to pressure acting on the surface of the liquid. ‘The remaining 5 PSIG is due to the __of height, or head the liquid in the tank. 188, Look at the drawing. ‘The actual height of the liquid in the suction tank is: 5 Tocoags about 115 feet, But the suction head is: Be eg ‘he suction henge han the ata ght of Meats Gu Eat bese of es Sasa ees mares ‘on the surface of the ligufd. 184, For liquid to flow into the pump, there must be some pressure at the pump suction. ‘The pump (works/eannot work) if absolute suction cannot work pressure is 0 PSIA, 185. In a suction-lift system, suction pressure is provided by (the head of liguid/atmospherie pressure) ‘atmospheric pressure 186, If thore is no atmospheric pressure, then there (can/ cannot) be a suetion ltt, cannot Vopor Pressure 187. Sometimes, when the absolute suction pressure is not high enough, liquids vaporize or evaporate at the pump suction, ‘To understand why this happens we must understand whet makes liguids ‘evaporate, or vaporize a 188, Heat is a form of energy (thermal energy). Heating a liquid (increases/decreases) its energy. 139, When ice ix heated sufeiently, the added energy melts the ice, and the solid ico becomes ‘MO. If even more heat is added to thi water becomes steam, which is a water, the liquid ‘Ml, When the liquid absorbs so much heat that vapors ean escape from the liquid surface, the liquid evaporates. ‘Evaporation oceurs when _____eseapes from ‘the gurface of a liquid. M42. Vapors nood energy to escape the liquid, ‘This energy comes from the ____in the liquid. 13. Liquids and gases also exert a pressure on everything they touch, Heating a fluid causes it to exert (more/less) press 144. In a liquid, the vapors exert a pressure before they escape. [NEE = YAPOR PRESSURE — AINSI Vapor pressure is the pressure of the vapor that is trapped (above/in) the liquid. 2 water, or liquid ‘vapor ‘vapor heat 5, 6. ut. us, 149, 150, 161. 152, 153, ‘Vapor pressure causes the liquid to vaporize, or evapo- rate. "The higher the vapor pressure, the (more/less) rapidly the liquid vaporizes, ‘The vapor pressure of a liquid is measured by finding the pressure that the liquid’s vapor exerts in a closed container, ‘At room temperature, gasoline has a higher vapor pressure than water. ‘Therefore, the ____will evaporate before the will Heating a liquid (increases/decreases) its vapor pres- sure. At higher temperatures, the same liquid—for example, water—has a (higher/lower) vapor pressure. At the same temperature, different liquids have (the same/different) vapor pressures. ‘The higher the vapor pressure of a liquid, the (more/ less) heat it needs to vaporize. ‘There is also © pressure that is exerted on a liquid’ surface by the gases and vapors above the liquid. lite —— sas plone ee = *trevio 1 he ~ (yaron PRESSURE) — ‘The pressure on a liquid tends to (cause/prevent) the escape of vapors from the liquid. ‘To keep the liquid at the pump from vaporizing, the absolute suction pressure must be (higher/lower) than the vapor pressure of the liquid at that temperature, If the suction head of a pump is 8 feet, and the vapor pressure of the liquid (changed to equivalent head) is 9 feet, liquid (vaporizes/does not vaporize). 28 more gasoline water increases higher different prevent higher vaporizes Net Positive Suetion Head (NPSH) 154. Net positive suction head (NPSH) is the absolute suction head minus the vapor pressure head, If suction head is 50 feet and vapor pressure head is 3 feet, NPSH is __/__ feo. 15 155. Or, NPSH available is the absolute prossure at the pump suction, changed to head, (plis/minys) the minus Vapor pressure of the liquid being pumped, changed os head 188, NPSH required is the minimum head needed at the suction to get the liquid into the impeller without Y vaporizing 157. If NPSH available is equal to NPSH required, the pump ‘may lose suction due to slight variations in pump design If the NPSH available falls below the NPSH required, the pump (operates/doos not operate) properly. does not operate 158, NPSH available must be (more/less) than NPSH re more ‘quired. 159, NPSH_ Absolute pressure at pump suction —vapor sp. gr. X 0.483 Specific gravity = 1 ‘Vapor pressure = 15 PSIA Suction pressure = 5 PSIG Absolute suction pressure = § + 14.7 = 19.7 PSIA. 10.7 = 15, available = 9-7 — 35 NPSH available = = about 10.8 feot If the NPSH required is 8 feet, the pump (operates/ does not operate} properly operates 160. NPSH available ~ 7.8 feet NPSH required = 15 feet ‘The pump (operates/does not operate) properly doos not operate Friction 161. Liquid is flowing through this line A 8 Pressure must he greater at (A/B). 4 162, 168. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. During flow, pressure is being converted to vel As velocity increases during flow, pressure (inereases/ decreases), ‘The pressure difference between A and B is called the pressure drop. ‘To increase the flow rate, ______ the pressure drop. Fluid flowing through a pipe ereates friction, Friction is a (driving force/resisting force) for fluid flow. For fluid to flow, the driving force must be (greater/ less) than the resisting force. Or, the pressure drop must be greater than the amount of As flow rate increases, friction increases ‘To overcome this friction, a______ pressure drop is needed. ‘The more resistance the pipe offers to low, the greater the pressure drop needed to move the liquid. A small pipe offers (more/less) resistance than a larger pipe. ‘The pressure drop needed is greater in the (lerge/ small) pipe. ‘When the flow rate of liquid into a pump is increased, friction increases. Increasing the flow rate___ the available ‘suction pressure. 25 decrenses increase resisting force sreater friction higher decreases 171, A smaller pipe is used on the suction of pump B. \ a 8 Resistance to flow is greater in pump (A/B). B 112, The available suction pressure is lower at (A/B). B 413, This means that NPSH available may be too (high/ ow) for the pump to operate properly. ow 174, With inereased resistance to flow at the pump suetion, quid may vaporize 175. As the flow rate of the liquid increases, the suction pressure decreases, because the friction increases with fluid velocity. Some pressure is lost in overcoming ___. friction 176, An increase in flow rate increases friction and decreases suction pressure, ‘The NPSH available (increases/decreases). decreases AIT. Look at the drawing. 10 FEET ‘The gage above the liquid reads __ PSIG. 30 178, The height of the liquid is ___ feet. 10 26 179. Pressure due to the liquid level is Pressure = 0493 x 10 x 0.5 2.16 PSIG, ‘The gage at the pump suction should read 80 + 2.16, or ciel = PAIC., 180. The gage at the pump suction actually reads 91.16 PSIG. ‘The gage records a lower pressure because some pres- sure has been used to overcome A 181. If there is no NPSH, I ywid___at the eye. 82.16 friction ‘vaporizes 182, ABS X sp. a NPSH = Absolute suction pressure — vapor pressure at pump temp. Or, when the absolute suction pressure increases, the NPSH available when the vapor pressure increases, the NPSH available ——___ ‘when the suction head decreases, the NPSH avail- shlaseiegeros se, 188. “Total head = discharve head — suction head Or, when the suction head Increases, the total nead ‘when the discharge head increases, the total head Horsepower 184, A centrifugal pump Is dperated by coupling its ee to the shaft of an outside power source (prime mover, or driver). 185. Horsepower (HP) is a unit used for measuring rate of work. Horsepower necessary to overcome friction and other losses and to move the liguid is provided by the 186, The amount of useful work that @ pump delivers is, the difference between the pressure the liquid has as it enters the pump and the pressure it has as it the pump. 187. Part of the horsepower put into the pump is used to overcome friction and other losses; part goes to in- ‘crease the pressure of the liquid being pumped. ‘The horsepower applied directly to the liquid is called ‘uid ___ decreases decreases snereases prime mover, or driver leaves horsepower 188. The horsepower input is always (more/less) than the fluid horsepower, or horsepower output. 189, The overall efficiency of a pump is the percentage of ‘the HP input that is transferred to the liquid leaving ‘the pump. ‘A pump that operates at 100 HP input and 75 uid HP has an overall __of 75%. 190. The overall efficiency of a pump is found by dividing the HP output of the pump by the HP input, or HP output, ‘HP input If the HP Input is 5 and the fluid HP is 4, then the effcieney of the pump is —___te. 191. If two pumps have the same eapacity, a low-efficieney pump requires (more/less) horsepower than a high= ficiency pump to move the same amount of liquid at the same pressure and rate of flow, 192. The volumetric efficiency of a pump is a measure of its internal leakage ‘The main source of internal leakage is the liquid flow- ing back between the wear rings from the discharge into the of the pump. 193. Volumetric elficleney is found by dividing the amount of liquid pumped by the amount of liquid pumped plus {internal leakage: amount pumped ‘amount pumped + internal leakage Ina pump discharging 45 GPM, 5 GPM leaks between the wear rings. The volumetric efficiency is. 194, As the wear rings become worn, the volumetric ef. ciency decreases and the overall efficiency Performance Curves For frame numbers 195 through 221 look at Bhibit 8, which shows a sample set of performance curves for a cene trifugad pump. 195. In the exhibit there are four curves which show the relationship of capacity to: head and 28 ficiency. suction 0 decreases total ‘NPSH ficiency HP, or horsepower 196. The graph in th exhibit is set up so that capacity is read at the bottom, Efficiency, horsepower, and total head are read at the (left side/right side) of the graph. 197. NPSH is read at the __*_-_>_side. 198, Find the line on the graph for 200 GPM. ‘This line crosses the NPSH curve at about ‘on the NPSH seale. : 199. If the pump is pumping 200 GPM, the minimum NPSH required for this pump is about —___ feet. 200, Find where the 200 GPM line crosses the efficiency \curve, ‘From the efficiency seale on the left, you can read that this pump pumps 200 GPM at about ____% cffcieney. 201. ‘The 200 GPM line and the HP curve show that the horsepower required for this pump at 200 GPM is about 202, Look at the efficiency curve. ‘Maximum efficiency on this curve is about. 208. At maximum efficiency, this pump is pumping. GPM. 204. Find the other performance values at 400 GPM. ‘The HP required is about. ‘The total head is about ____ feet. NPSH is_____ feet. 205. ‘This pump is more efficient when it is pumping (200/ 300 GPM. 206. ‘These pump performance eurves were made up for a pump moving water. For more viseous (thicker) liquids like oil, which re- sist flow more than water does, the curves should be adjusted for (higher/lower) values. 207, All centrifugal pumps come with a act of performance ‘These curves can be used to find the NPSH, total ——___, efficiency, and ___ for each ‘pump at different capacities, 29 left side right 38 38 65 42 84 400 58 48 42 300 lower 208. 200, 210, an, 212, ats, 214, 215, 216. a1. 218, ‘The performance eurves can also show some general principles of centrifugal pump performance. For example, look at the relationship between the total hhead curve and the capacity line. When the total head decreases, the pump capacity _—, exeept at very low capacity. ‘Suppose the discharge valve of a pump is pinched down and the discharge head increases. ‘The total head ineroases, and the eapacity As the level in the tank falls, the suction head decreases, ‘The total head increases, and the rate of flow Look at the NPSH curve and the capacity line [As the pumping rate increases, the NPSH required ‘Suppose the pump is operating at a point where the NPSH available and NPSH required are about equal and you try to increase the flow rate, ‘The pump will lose Look at the efficiency curve, ‘The offieieney of a pump is relatively at high and low flow rates. For every pump, there is a capacity where the pump operation is most_______and therefore most: ‘economical Look at the HP eurve, [As the flow rate inereases, the horsepower req Other factors affecting the performance of a centrifu- gal pump are not shown on the chart, For example, a viscous (thick) liquid resists flow and is (easier/barder) to pump. If the liquid being pumped becomes more viseous (for fa given total head), the pump capacity is less. ‘The horsepower required to pump a viscous liquid is Impellers of different sizes can be installed in a pump. An impeller of _______ diameter can pump to ‘higher head. 30 docreases suction, or prime efficient harder greater 219. 22. ‘To pump at a higher rate to a higher head req ‘more horsepower. When the size of the impeller is changed, neither the suction casing nor the size of the impeller eye is changed, As the rate increases, the NPSH required }. The speed of turbine-driven pumps can be controlled. “crease the speed has the same effect as installing an impeller of larger diameter in a motor-driven pamp. Decreasing speed has the effect of installing an im- paller of diameter in a. motor-driven pomp. If the specific gravity of a material being pumped changes, the horsepower required changes. ‘The capacity and head characteristics of « pump do not change when the —_____of the ‘material being pumped changes, but the horsepower required does change. a inereases smaller specific gravity

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