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Energy Conversion Factors


1 cf = 1 cf 1 Btu = 0.001 cf 1 Therm = 100 cf

0.001 Mcf 0.000001 Mcf 0.1 Mcf
0.000001 MMcf 0.000000001 MMcf 0.0001 MMcf
0.000000001 Bcf 1E-12 Bcf 0.0000001 Bcf
1,000 Btu 1 Btu 100000 Btu
1 MBtu 0.001 MBtu 100 MBtu
0.001 MMBtu 0.000001 MMBtu 0.1 MMBtu
0.01 Therm 0.00001 Therm 1 Therm
0.001 Dekatherm 0.000001 Dekatherm 0.1 Dekatherm

1 Mcf = 1000 cf 1 MMBtu = 1000 cf 1 Dekatherm = 1000 cf

1 Mcf 1 Mcf 1 Mcf
0.001 MMcf 0.001 MMcf 0.001 MMcf
0.000001 Bcf 0.000001 Bcf 0.000001 Bcf
1000000 Btu 1,000,000 Btu 1,000,000 Btu
1000 MBtu 1000 MBtu 1000 MBtu
1 MMBtu 1 MMBtu 1 MMBtu
10 Therm 10 Therm 10 Therm
1 Dekatherm 1 Dekatherm 1 Dekatherm


1,000,000 Mcf
1,000 MMcf Cost/Unit The calculations in the above
1 Bcf ----------------- x 1,000,000 = cost per 1,000,000 BTU table are approximations.
1,000,000,000,000 Btu BTU/Unit 1 dekatherm is actually slightly
1,000,000,000 MBtu less than one MMBtu; however
1,000,000 MMBtu Example #1: Cost of Propane on a Per Dekatherm basis for purposes of the above
10,000,000 Therm chart, we have rounded the
1,000,000 Dekatherm $.70 / Gallon numbers.
---------------------- x 1,000,000 = $ 7.6484 per 1,000,000 BTU
91,523 BTU/Gal $ 7.6484 per MMBtu or Dth
Propane at $.70/gallon is equal to the burner tip price of $7.64/dth for natural gas
Electricity 3,413 Btus / Kwh *
Natural Gas 1,000 Btus / cf Example #2: Cost of #2 Oil on a Per Dekatherm basis
Gasoline 125,000 Btus / gallon
#2 Oil 138,500 Btus / gallon $.60 / Gallon
#4 Oil 145,850 Btus / gallon ---------------------- x 1,000,000 = $ 4.3321 per 1,000,000 BTU
#6 Oil 153,200 Btus / gallon 138,500 BTU/Gal $ 4.3321 per MMBtu or Dth
Propane 91,523 Btus / gallon
* Assumes 100% efficiency #2 oil at $.60/gallon is equal to the burner tip price of $4.33/dth for natural gas

Prepared by Energy Solutions, Inc. 06/11/2017

Alternate Fuel Price Conversions

Estimated utility distribution charges: $ 0.40

Estimated pipeline charges (basis): $ 0.50
Estimated balancing per dth: $ -

#2 Oil: Prices
$ 1.59 #2 Oil
138,500 Btus/gallon x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = $ 11.48 Equivalent Cost per Dekatherm of natural gas at BURNER TIP
$ - Balancing (estimated)
$ 0.40 Utility Charges (estimated)
$ 11.08 Equivalent City Gate Price (NYMEX Plus Basis)
$ 0.50 Pipeline Transportation (Basis)
$ 10.58 Estimated NYMEX equivalent price

$ 9.00 Nat Gas/Dth @ burner tip x 138,500 Btus/Gallon = $ 1.25 Equivalent Cost per Gallon of Oil
1,000,000 Btus/Dth

#4 Oil: Prices
$ 1.450 #4 Oil
145,850 Btus/gallon x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = $ 9.94 Equivalent Cost per Dekatherm of natural gas at BURNER TIP
$ - Balancing (estimated)
$ 0.40 Utility Charges (estimated)
$ 9.54 Equivalent City Gate Price (NYMEX Plus Basis)
$ 0.50 Pipeline Transportation (Basis)
$ 9.04 Estimated NYMEX equivalent price

$ 6.13 Nat Gas/Dth @ burner tip x 145,850 Btus/Gallon = $ 0.89 Equivalent Cost per Gallon of Oil
1,000,000 Btus/Dth

#6 Oil: Prices
$ 1.35 #6 Oil
153,200 Btus/gallon x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = $ 8.81 Equivalent Cost per Dekatherm of natural gas at BURNER TIP
$ - Balancing (estimated)
$ 0.40 Utility Charges (estimated)
$ 8.41 Equivalent City Gate Price (NYMEX Plus Basis)
$ 0.50 Pipeline Transportation (Basis)
$ 7.91 Estimated NYMEX equivalent price

$ 5.22 Nat Gas/Dth @ burner tip x 153,200 Btus/Gallon = $ 0.80 Equivalent Cost per Gallon of #6 Oil
1,000,000 Btus/Dth

Propane: Prices
$ 1.19 Propane
91,523 Btus/gallon x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = $ 13.00 Equivalent Cost per Dekatherm of natural gas at BURNER TIP
$ - Balancing (estimated)
$ 0.40 Utility Charges (estimated)
$ 12.60 Equivalent City Gate Price (NYMEX Plus Basis)
$ 0.50 Pipeline Transportation (Basis)
$ 12.10 Estimated NYMEX equivalent price

$ 12.10 Nat Gas/Dth @ burner tip x 91,523 Btus/Gallon = $ 1.11 Equivalent Cost per Gallon of Propane
1,000,000 Btus/Dth

Note: Burner Tip is equal to the city gate price plus all utility charges. It is that cost at your meter.

Dth = Dekatherm

Prepared by Energy Solutions, Inc. 06/11/2017

Alternate Fuel Volume Conversions

#2 Oil: Volumes
55,000 gallons of #2 Oil x 138,500 Btus/Gallon = 7,617,500,000
1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 7,618 dekatherms of natural gas

4,500 dekatherms of natural gas x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 4,500,000,000

138,500 Btus/Gallon = 32,491 gallons of #2 oil

#4 Oil: Volumes
40,000 gallons of #4 Oil x 145,850 Btus/Gallon = 5,834,000,000
1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 5,834 dekatherms of natural gas

6,500 dekatherms of natural gas x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 6,500,000,000

145,850 Btus/Gallon = 44,566 gallons of #4 oil

#6 Oil: Volumes
50,000 gallons of #6 Oil x 153,200 Btus/Gallon = 7,660,000,000
1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 7,660 dekatherms of natural gas

8,000 dekatherms of natural gas x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 8,000,000,000

153,200 Btus/Gallon = 52,219 gallons of #6 oil

Propane: Volumes
150,000 gallons of propane x 91,523 Btus/Gallon = 13,728,450,000
1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 13,728 dekatherms of natural gas

13,860 dekatherms of natural gas x 1,000,000 Btus/Dth = 13,860,000,000

91,523 Btus/Gallon = 151,437 gallons of propane

Prepared by Energy Solutions, Inc. 06/11/2017

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