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afehre Fett angers age aaalhts WRI, HEFUA 3, 203d Neeferosl Reno Has A THT SRE et enter ett (Rawls) CGM afstars Gata BAT (PAE) teat rs ora, > apa 203) AR 25.90r0.032.00,00,229 200k Sub AI! Bore fetes erie (c-GP) awamera acet tere afbsord oA, 2oou WH we(a) diate WERT vata faye Bangladesh c-Government Procurement (¢-GP) Guidelines aR sofas, wet s— 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction This document provides principle guidelines of Electronic Government Procurement (c-GP) system of Bangladesh as provisioned under Section 65 of Public Procurement Act, 2006 and Rule 128 of Public Procurement Rules, 2008, for the use of the e-GP System. ‘The guidelines provide general guidance on e-GP related technical issues, and set out the initial view on c- GP related working assumptions. The guidelines arc prepared also in consistent with the prevailing ICT Act 2009, Right to Information (R21)° 2009 and international practices on ¢-Govemment. Procurement (e-GP). ‘These guidelines demonstrate Government's commitment to achieve greater openness and accountability in government procurement process. (oRa0) WH 2 rH av.00 Seas aa! cre, wifeinn, capa ¢, 2035 The objective of the cGP to chhance he ¢ eney and cnsure ansparency in public procurement through the implementation of a comprehensive ¢-GP solution to be used by any or all, governmen organizations in the Country. The ¢-Gl system will be a single web porial, from where and through which procuring agencies and entities will perform their procurement jaicd activilics, ic, to publish Annual Procurement Plans, Invitation for Tender (IFC), Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Quetation (RFQ), ‘lender’ Application’ Proposals submission, Opening. Hvaluation, Contract Award Not Contract, management, Payments, Procurement Management Information System with Key Procurement Performance Indicator Reports and other procurement related information as required by the PPA 2006 and PPR, 2008, using a dedicated secured web based dashboard. The e-GP Sysiem will be hosted in c-GP Data Center at CPTL and ¢-GP web portal will be accessible for their use lo procuring agenvics and cntilics through web access. The system will be implemented in all the procuring entilies of the government of Bangladesh, AIL the stakeholders inchiling general public, tenderers/applicants! consullanls, procuring, cries, paymenl service providers, development partners, media, e-GP System administrators and auditors get a GP system and information as specified in the Terns and eemdition and 1): i ‘These guidelines provide ¢-CiP gencral technical operational guidance only; no altempt is made to provide a puide to the Procurement, KOT Act, R20 Act itself, or to the associated Code of Practice, which are already available svhere. However, the aspects of those Acts relevant to the e-GP System that are most hkely lo alfect ycheral users have been discussed. cls Vhese guidelines represent the Government's view of the application of the e-GP System for carrying oul public procurement activities online Mowever, the public cntities shall romain responsible for making their own judgments in individual cases. The e-C:P System and its guiding principles are not intended to be static, and shall be revised as necessary in the light of experience being gathered during the system run. 1.2. Short title and commencement 1.2.) These Guidelines shall be called c-Government Procurement (c-GP} Guidelines. 1.2.2 These: guidelines shall be efTetive immediately and shall be applicable for e-GP System in any form of implementation pilot, roll-out oropen for all aeniont oes, fehre, cRPMfa Se, 2003 yaae Definitions The key used in yuidclincs shall have the following meanings provided as follows unless otherwise noted “Act” means The Public Procurement Act, 2006 (Act no. 24 of 2006) along with the subsequent amendments; “Advertisement” means an advertisement published under Section 40 of the Act in newspapers, websites or any other mass media for the purposes of wide publicity; “Approval Procedures” means the approval procedures of a Tender or a Proposal as detailed in Rule 36 of PPR 2008; “Auditors” means the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh and its representalive(s), or any cxternal, internal and information technology auditors recognized by national and international professional bodies or Government of Bangladesh and assigned for the purpose of audit; “CAPTCIIA (Completely Automated Public Turing icst to tell Computers and Humans Apart)” is a spam prevention system, displayed as random words or letters in distorted fashion that cannot be deciphered by people, but only by soltwarc, to ensure that-a human. is online transaction rather than a computer; ing an “Centralized registration system” means the single place for all ¢-GP users to register and provide credential documents for verification for , authenticity for conducting diffcrent activities by utilizing tools provided by the ¢-GP system, “Certification Authority (CA)” means a trusted organization (or server) (hat maintains and issues digital certificates; “Consultant” means a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for providing intellectual and professional servic “Contractor” means a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the execution of any Works; ~ “Contract Price” is the price statcd in the Notification of Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract: “CPTU” means the Central Procurement Technical Unit, established by the government in the Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the Ministry of Planning, for-carrying out the purposes of the act and the mules; DBAS meron ciel, wfefne, caguifa y¢, 2035 “Dashboard” means an interactive user interface that organizes and presents information and links to the differcnt relevant functions into a unified display in a way that is casy to access, track and transact; “Days” means calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days: “Date & Time” means ¢-GP Data Cemer Time stamping server date and server time hosted by CPTU/IMED in its premises in Dhaka, Bangladesh; “Delegation of Financial Powers” mcans the instructions with regard to the delegation of financial authority, issued from time to time, relating to the conduct of public procurement or sub-delegation of financial powers. under such delegation; “Digital Signature” means an clectronic signature used through asymmetric cryptography that can be used to authenticate the identity of the scnder of a message or the signer of a document, and possibly to ensure that (he original content of the message or document thal has been sent is unchanged; “Electronic” means any clectrical, digital, magnetic, optical. clectromagnetic, Internet, wireless or other form of technology that entails capabilities similar to thesc technologies; “Electronic Signature” or “e-Signature” means a signalurc in electronic form attached to or logically associated with an clecironic record, in the form of clectronic symbol or a process attached to or logically associated with documents, and cxecuted, adopted or agreed upon by a person with the intent to sign the documents; “Evaluation Committee” means a ‘lender or a Proposal Evaluation Committee constituted under Section 7 of the PPA-2006, and number of members as provisioned these guidelines; “Evaluation Report” means the report prepared afler the evaluation of ‘Tenders, Quotations, Expressions of Interest or Proposals; “e-Advertisement” means advertiscment through ¢-GP portal; “e-Contract Management System’? means the processes involved between the issuance of a work order and completion of the work handled clectronically with the tools available c-GP System, “e-GP” means procurement by a Procuring Entity using the Llectronic Government Procurement (c-GP) System developed, hosted and operated by the Government of Bangladesh through CPTU/IMED, Ministry of Planning under the ¢-GP guidelines; ATO oteeb, cfehie, cpaifa se, 2035 3e44 “e-Lodgment” means submilting tender documents through the e-GP system to participate in a tender, and legally binds the tenderer with the particular tender as authentic tender participant: “e-Payment System” means electronic payment methods-aviilable, and the processing of transactions and their application within ¢-GP users and payment service providers of thc c-GP system; “e-Publishing” means publish documents by utilizing the e4GP system: “Form” means a form, also include format, prepared in c-GP System with necessary modifications in compliance with the forms and formats appended to PPR-2008, and to the standard Décuments -issucd there under and also means the those forms converted inte digital form: “Goods” means raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid er gascous form, clectricity, and relatcd Services provided (hat the value of such Services dots not“excecd that! of the Gouds themselves; “Hiead of the Procuring Entity (IOPE)" means the Scerctary of a Ministry or a Division, the Head of a Goverment Department or Directorate; or the Divisional Commissioner, Beputy Commissioner, District Judges, or the Chief Executive, by whalever designation it may be called, of a local Government agency, an autonomous or semi- autonomous body or a corporation, ora corporate body established under the Companies Act; “Intellectual and Professional Services” means Services performed by Consultants with outputs of advisory, design, supervi expertise: “Invitation For Tenders (IF means all documents, including those either attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting tenders; nor transfer of “Opening Committee” means a’ Tender Opening Comittee (TOC) or a Proposal Opening Committee (POC) constituted under Section 6 of the PPA-2006, and number as provisionéd in thes¢ guidelines; “Performance Security” means security provided by 4 contractor solely for the protection of the purchasing agency or user agency receiving the materials, services, or construction, conditioned upen, the, faithful performance of the contract in accerdance with plans, specifications, and conditions of the contract; aban alee ctuat, fofre, cpa se, 2089 “Person” means and includes’ am individual, body of individuals, sole proprictorship, parinership, company, association or cooperative socicty that wishes to participate in Procurement proceedings; “Procurement” means the purchasing:or hiring of Goods, or acquisition of Goods through purchasing and hiring, and:/or the execution of Works, and / or performance of Services by any contractual means; “Procuring Entity” means an entily having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds; . “Project Manager” is he person named: in the Contract or any other competent person, lawfully, appointed bythe Procuring. Entity and notified to the Contractor, who is responsible for supervising the execution of the Works and administering thé Contract; * “Public funds” means any funds allocated to a Procuring Entity under a Government budget, or loan, grants and credits placed at the disposal of a Procuring Entity through the Government by the development Partners or foreign states or organizations; “Public Procurement” means Procurement using public funds; “Quotation” means the price offer received e-GP System from ‘Tenderers for the supply of readily available standardized Goods, Works or physical Services subject to the financial litnitation’ as prescribed by the Rules; “Related Services” méans services relating to the:contracts of the he supply of goods; “Request for Proposals (RFP}" means all documents, including those either attached or incorporated, by reference,,.utilized , for; soliciting proposals; “Responsive” means qualified for consideration on, the, basis of evaluation criteria so declared and specified in the Tender Document or in the Request for Proposal Document; “Services”’_ means , goods , related Services, « physical Services, or intellectual and professional Services; “Short-List” mcans a list of applicants deemed suitable to be invited to submit proposals for intellectuals and professional Be ices following the evaluation of Expression of Interest; . " RAT Cine, Sfofre, CEPA de, 2099 span “Scheduled Bank” means a bank for the-time being included in the list of banks maintained under sub-cleuse {a} of clause (2) of Article 37 of Bangladesh Bank order t972, “Signature” means a distinctive mark or characteristic indicating identity; *Sub-consultant” means any person of entity lo whom/which the Consultants subcontract any part of the contracted Services; “Sub-contractar” is a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the Contractor 10 carry oul a part of the work in the Contract, which includes work on the Sito; “Supplier” means a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related Services under the Contract; “Tender or Proposal” depending on the context, mears a tender or a proposal submitted by a tenderer or a consultant for delivery of goods, works or services (0 a procuring entity in response to an invitation for tender or a request for proposal; and for the purpose of the act, tender also includes quotation: “Tenderer” means a person that submits a lender in response w an invitation for tenders; “Tender Security” means an acceptable form of security, either in the form of bank guarantee, or pay order or bank draft; “Tender Document or Request for Proposal Document” means (he document provided by a Procuring Entity to a ‘Tenderer or a Consultant as a basis for preparation of ils ‘lender or Proposal through the c-GP System; “Workflow management system” means a system of oversceing the process of passing information, documents, and tasks from one cmployee or machine within a busincss to another; “Works” means all Works associated with the construction, reconstruction, site preparation, demolition, repair, maintenance or renovation of railways, roads, highways or a building, at infrastracturc or structure or an installation or any construction work relating to excavation, installation of equipment and materials, decoration, as well as physical Services ancillary to Works, if the valué of those Services docs not exceed that of the Works themselves: yrbro Tietort ctceD, wfefre, caus s¢, 203) 2.1 2. SCOPE AND APPLICATION OF TITE GOVERNING PRINCIPLE. Scope and Application ‘The e-GP system shall be used by the procuring entities and other public entilics spending public fund for the purposés of applying the ‘procurement process using these guidetines in case of procuring goods. works and Services using c-GP System. "Fhe scope of this systettis to maintain complete ‘and’ iap-t-date Public Procurement activities 6f all public agencies as well as: provide tender epportunities to all potential wnderers/Applicants/Consultants from Bangladesh and abroad. . Initially this will apply to four sclegied target agencies namely Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB}, Rural Electrification Board (REB}, Roads and Highways Department (RHD} and Local Government Enginecring Departmcht' (GED): Gradually the &-GP*system will be rotled ot to alt procuring entities using public funds. The ¢GP Sysicm is a web based system which must encompass the total procurement lifecycle and record all procurcment activitics and information. ‘All public procurement activities undertaken by the government shall be channeled through the ¢-GP infrastructure and implemented in a-phased manner, ficiency -in carrying: out public procurement by: government organizations shall be enhanced through automation and Process reenginecring. The, system shall cnable the gevernment to maintain a clear picture ‘and comprehend of its procurement activities on a real-time basis. By engaging in c-GP, the government catalyzes the supplier community to participate in c- business. The ¢-GP system shall be based on a worklow based. collaborative government procutement platform. All the siakcholders/actors of the procurement process will have appropriate’ access points and will have access to working dashboards with authorized access to, relevant functions in the e-GP. System. These guidelines covers “all classes of information related to GP, including the Operation, Maintenance and management, (which comprises the long-term outsourcing. of the e-GP System and ¢-GP data center operalion, maintenance ‘and tanagément for the sustainability of the system). a 22 23 eTom OTe, whore, EAM 3¢, 2055 said Major Modules in Bangladesh «-GP System E-Government Procurement (c-GP) system in Bangladesh shall consist of several modules that are interlinked sub-systems, such as: 1. Centralized Registration System — (Contractors/Applicants/ Consultants, Procuring Entities and other actors of e-GP); Workflow management System; ¢-Tendering (¢ Publishing/e-Advertisernent, e-Lodgmeni, ¢-Evaluation, Contract award) System; » ¢-Contract Management System (e-CMSy, e-Payment System; Procurement Management Information System (PROMIS); System and Security Administration; Handling Errors and Exceptions; SF NR wp Application Usability & Help. More modules, sub-systems and features (i.e. e-Catalogue/e-Purchase, c-Auctions, e-Reverse Auction, integration to supply chain and others) may be added, removed or updated as demanded by the prevailing Acts, miles, government instructions and demand from procurement community. Categories of e-GP Stakcholders/Actors The GP system shall support the following user categories for stakeholders/actors initially, and provides them the secured access to related functionalitics of the ¢-GP system through dashboards: 1. Ordinary Citizen/Public for procurement related general information 2. Tenderers/Contractors/Applicants/Consultants “3. Procuring Agencies/Entities ‘Payment Service Providers {Scheduled banks and other payment service providers) Development Partners. 6. e-GP System Administrators (CPTU and PE admnistrators) and Auditors 7, Operation & Maintenance partners Evaluation Committees 9. Media community for updates, announcements, news releases etc. BBR senor cites, wfefire, omgafa >¢, 2033 2.4 3.1. 31. 3.1.2. 3121 Composition ofthe Guidelines supote ah The @GP Guidelines include this document and four following Apendices that consititute as the integral part of the guidelines: Appendix 1: Use of Payment Systems Appendix 2: Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) of, PPR-2008 under e-Government Procurement, (e-GP) system Appendix 3: Changes in Schedule -II, PPR 2008 for ©-GP system, Appendix 4: Terms and Conditions ofuse:.. Appendix 5: Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. i 3. e-GP SYSTEM FEATURES GP Portal Access to Public Procurement Information General public, registered and non-registered users of the GP System shall access to public recerds and informatien to the fullest, extent through the c-GP Portal (j.c. httpi/wwrw.eprocure owned by CPTUAMED) of e-GP System consistent with laws, acts, ‘rules and government instructions applicable in Bangladesh, Applicable laws and regulations include the Public Procurement Act 2006 and the Public Procurement Rules 2008 along with subsequent amendments, and also address CPTU/MED, procuring entities; ' Tenderers; Applicants, Contractors, Consultants and Suppliers have duties: and statutory Obligations to protect the interests: and. rights: of the concermed stakeholders. Access to c-GP System features hee a] All the ¢-¢, 2033 3.1.35 3,1.3.10 32. 3.21 32d CPTU/IMED does not warrant thal the functions contained in the e-GP system shall be uninterrupted or error free or that those defects shall be corrected or that this ¢-GP System or the server that makes it available shall be free of viruscs or bugs. CPTU/IMED does not warrant full functionality, accuracy or reliability of any material, CPTU/IMED may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the ¢-GP System, including the availability of any features of the system, at any time without nolice or liability, CPTUAMED shall not share or sell the personal or Business identifiable information with any other persons or organizations without the prior consent of the owner, unless required by the c-GP System to carry out its defincd functions or required by the law of land. Use of the e-GP System shall only be used for lawful purposes that do not infringe the rights of or restrict or inhibit the usc of the system by any third party. Such restriction or inhibition includes, but is not limited to, conduct which is intended to mislead, or is defamatory, or which may harass, cause distress or inconvenience te any person and the transmission of obscene or offensive content or interruption of the normal flow of content within the ¢-GP System. The ¢-GP. System shall use the ¢-GP Data Center server time as the reference time for all time-bound activities of procurement processes. The e-GP System Administrator may notify users by displaying notices, alerts and statements about the scheduled maintenance and possible interruption of the e-GP System. The e-GP System may send cGP System related promotional information to ils users. ‘The e-GP System keeps all private information of its users in encrypted form in database and shall not be accessible to any user without sufficient authority and access permissions. Centralized Registration Common Registration Guidelines All users (stakeholders/actors) must be registered in the ¢-GP System under an appropriate user category of procurément process in order to have appropriate access poinis and to get working dashboards with authorized functions in e-GP System. 3212 Teron cost, sfefre, cgrat s¢,.2033 pare Registration shall be done through the online registration page of the c- _ GP System followed by due diligent post. verification if CPTU 3.2.1,5 3.2.06" considers it finds it necessary. The intended user’ must provide all required information, digilal documents, and: accept, the terms and conditions. of e-GP System use and. should be aware af the disclaimer and privacy policy of the ¢-GP System. [f any: misinformation is identified or any document submitted found false, and the user docs uot cortect that information, the user accouni shall be cancelled or ‘suspended and appropriate action, shall be: Vaken according to the law of land. Original hard copy credential verification will be carried out by CPTU/MED for ¢-GP system until the facility of online verification of credentials for authentication is available in Bangladesh. - Any registration may be cancelled at anytime violation of any of the clauses of Terms and Conditions of c-GP System, Users should choose a unique User ID (Email: iD) and corresponding Password, acceptable to the System, to fan subsequent access to the c- GP System Users should upload mandatory documents in electronic form (scanned documents in the form of popular‘ formats supported by ¢-GP System like PDF, Word, JPG, GIF, PNG) and provide information required in those documenté "online to cstablistt their identity, qualification “and related experiences as required in PPR-2008 along with subsequent amendments. This information shall be stored ‘in. private: and secured space provided to the user by the ¢-GP system. “Users may be charged and/or waived specified amount of money for “different categories of use, including Registration, Transactions, Subscription and periodic renewal, additional storage space, facilities to use specific features‘modules-of the ©-GP. System 4nd different services from the Operation, maintenance arid management entity. CPTUIMED shall have the rights to set reasonable'charges or waiver to promote the use of the ¢-GP System and sustainability of the system in [ang run, ‘Users must comply with the terms & conditions, privacy policy, and disclaimer, Users need,to,read, the terms.and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimers and the “Accept” during the registration application Process. - Users may fill-in the non-mandatory information provided in the registration, form at the time of: E registration or ray time later after primary registration. sbbru aie Tees, wiSire, CRIM s¢, 2035 3.2.19 3.21.14 3.2.2 3.2.23 The ¢-GP System may use any additional reliablé’and secured human verification methods or security codes, (e.g. CAPTCHA: to protect from unsolicited spamming and automated registrations. Membership for using the e-GP System shall be Completed, ‘when the user responds to the e-mail link sent to’ the ‘respective e-mail of successful registrants as notified by the system after post verification. The concept of single sign-on shall apply and the same/updated information provided at registration can be used across all Procurement activities until its validity ‘expires, Users may sign-on again to enter confidential and sensitive information such as payment information. ‘The users shall be automatically logged out by the system if the user remains idle for specific period of time. Users should properly logout’ from the ¢GP System after using the system. The users: may update their profile details with authenticated information anytime through the dashboard in secured: environment. User ID and username cannot be changed. Users may cancel their registration provided that. they have! no obligations pending to any party while using e-GP System. Tenderer/Applicant/Consultant Registration. Tenderers, Applicants and Consultants may register as a single catity or, in Joint Venture (JV) or association with’ sub-Contractors or sub- Consultants in compliance with the Public Procurement: Rules 2008 along with subsequent amendments, and applicable procurement guidelines, filling in an application form provided, by the System for registration before using the e-GP System. Tenderers, Applicants. and Consultants. may yisit CPTU/IMED ‘e-GP Users Registration Desk’ with the original credential. documents used during online registration process or send the.documents via registered post or courier service for the post-verification for. authenticity. Tenderers, Applicants and Consultants also must include envelope, return address’ written or typed, ‘and with required postal stamp or bank’ draft in the name of Director General, Central’ Procirémenit ‘Technical Unit (CPTU). Ve Tenderers/Applicants/Consultants registered into the e-GP System will havé~access to: the procurement: opportunities’ of public” agencies, participate::in the. .tendering/proposal submission protésses, track contract awards and manage the contract and deliverables eter; TOTEM Come, wishes, CREM 3c, 2099 debe 3.2.3 3.2.31 3.23.4 3.2.4 3.24.2 3243 325 Procuring Agency (PA)/Procuring Entity (PE) Registration. PA/PEs should seek approval from the CPTU to create a Procuring Agency account with authentic PA/PE identity information. PA/PEs shouid register in the e-GF System to access different facilities and activities of procurement processes, annual procurement planning, Procurement document preparation, evaluation, contract award, contract Management, internal procurement process workflow management, tracking payments, deliverables, etc, through the available features and modules of the e-GP System. PA/PEs should provide entity details, and other required information in order to complete the Registration Form, but the CPTU reserves the Tight to make any changes in fields of the Registration Form, if required. The e-GP System will gencrate a unique application number and the Procuring Agency should refer to the unique number while secking assistance {rom CPTU. A secured Dashboard provides PA/PEs with the capacity to creatc as many internal users as required for the procurement process of the precuring entity, Procuring enlity reserves the right to define the number of users for the procurement proccss to use ¢-GP System. Scheduled Bank (SB) Registration Financial Institutions/Banks authorized by the Bangladesh Bank are allowed to register for collecting fees for selling of procurement documents and other applicable fees, providing Bank Guarantees, tracking, and processing payments or both (Refer to Appendix 1). Scheduled Banks should seck approval from the CPTU to create any such service provider account. Secured Dashboard provides banks to create as many intemal users as Tequired for using the e-GP System, Scheduled bank reserves the Tight to define the number of users for the banking process to use c-GP System. ‘Development Partner Registration Prior approval from the CPTU is required to create any such Development partners’ account (i.¢, The World Bank, ADB, JICA, DFID, etc.), Development partners may be provided with facilities to upload their Procurement guidelines, review the progress of development partner funded projects and others. Secured Dashboard provides DPs to create as many intemal users as required for using e-GP System. aabt Teer one, OfSite, cana se, 035 3.2.6 i a 3.2.63 3.27.2 3.2.8 Opening: & ‘Evaluation Committee and Approval ‘Authorities Registration Prior permission from relevant Procuring Agency or Procuring Entity is required to Tegsiter any such Committee member (Refer to Appendix 2). Committee is allowed to register as: (@) Tender! Application’ Proposal Opening Committee (TOC/POC) Gi) Tender! Application’ Proposal Evaluation Committee (TEC/PEC) Opening and Fvaluation Commitices get access to the GP System only for specified and restricted times for specific procurements defined by the procuting agencics/cntities for submittiig evaluation results and reports and’ should fully comply with the requirements of the Public Procurement Rules 2008 along with subsequent atiendments and other guidelines if any. ’ Procuring Agencies/Entitics will register the required Approving Authories as provisioned in -the PPR — 2008° and subsequent amendments, ‘related to the procurement ‘for ‘the completion of procurement process. and map the roles in procurement wotkflow of e- GP System, GP System Administrators and Auditors Registration Prior permission from the CPTU/IMED is required to register any such e~GP System Administrators and Auditors. CPU shall define the c-¢, 2033 debd “Tenderers/Applicants/Consultants must submit their tender response before the closing time. Late tenders/ applications/ proposals, even if a few scconds late, are incligible for consideration. The ¢-GP System shall automatically reject such late tenders/Preposals. All sort of documents kept in the iendercr's/Applicant’s/Consultant's briefcase (virtual web space allocated to tenderer/Applicant/Consultant in &-GP system) will remain unless the allocated size excceds. Tendering ¢-Advertisement Procuring Entities should prepare Invitation for Tenders/Proposals using the online template available from their sccured Dashboard, The detailed description of the Goods/Works/Services, time-schedule, conditions etc, including the tender documents/RFPs for e-Tendering shall be made available on the procurement opportunities section of the GP System and shall be available to all interested users to search and read the e-advertisement. The Invitation for Tender/Application/Proposal, shall be published in the c-GP Portal by proper authority from the procuring entity. Notice shall be published in newspapers and commercial tender portal according to ICT Policy action No. 82. ‘The date of tender notice published in the ¢-GP system shail be treated ag the start date of Tender/ Application/ Proposal. . Online Entry/Uploading ‘Tender Document Tonderers/Applicants/Consultants must submit their ‘Tendérs /proposals with documentation online, to be uploaded by the time specified in the Invitation for Tenders/Proposals after signing of the same with the: Signature or Digital Signature, whichever is applicable, by their authorized representative, ‘The Tender/ Application’ Proposal of only those Tenderers/ Applicants’ Consultants, who have submitted their Tender! Application’ Proposal . within the stipulated time, as per the tender time schedule, will be accepted by the e-GP system. The System will not allow submitting any document for the particular procurement after Tender’ Application’ Proposal submission deadline. The: Tenderers/Applicants/ Consultants are responsible to plan their lime sufficient to complete the documents upload, third party transactions like Tender sccurity preparation and submission through DBD TTT cree, SfSfins, CAM s¢, 2039 SEE 3.5.3 35.3.2 354 3.5.5. banks, verify completeness of tender, and final submission of tenders documents for the specific tenders. Before final: submission, the tenderer/Applicany Consultant may upload documents, fill-in required online forms, modify and verify the documents, and complete other activities part by part. But altempt to submil incomplete tender will not be allowed by the e-GP System. System will provide acknowledgement of successful Tender! Application‘ Proposal submission. Pre-Tender/ Application/ Proposal Mecting GP system carries out online Pre-Tendet/ Application’ Proposal meetings on, the date, time and venue, if required, as stipulated in the tender notice/documents. Responses/clarifications of the queries relating to the- Tender or RFP document should be posted by Tenderers/Applicants/Consuttants online before or during pre-Tender/ Application/ Proposal meeting, Details of the pretender meetings are given in the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) document (Refer te Appendix 2). ‘Tender/ Application/ Proposal Amendment To the extent permissible under the procurement rules the Procurement Agencies may amend the tender documents at' any’ time prior to the deadline for receipt of tenders. Procuring entities shall issue an addendum and publish in the related section of the e-GP System and also send via an’ automated electronic means (i.¢, cmail, sms) and make available online in the e-GP System for the information of the public and ‘the prospective Tenderers/Applicants/ Consultants who have received the tender/Application document or RFP. e-Lodgment A tender/application/proposal lodged clectronically is deemed for all Purposes to be the true and legal version, duly authorized and duly executed by the Tenderer/Applicany/(Consultant and intended to have binding legal effect. E-Signatures / Digital signatures are necessary due to the security system for identity and authentication purposes Identity of the Tenderer/Applicant/Consultant may ‘be: verified with a follow-up due diligence process. Tender/Application/Proposal submitted via the ¢-GP ‘System must be received in. full prior to the closing time. The Tenderers/ Applicants! Consultants acknowledge the receipt of ‘Tendes/Application/Proposal amendment through the system. dpe re: If the electronie records entered online and files containing the Tendet/ Application’ Proposal are corrupt, contain a virus, or are unreadable for any reason, the tender will not be considered:-- Mt is strictly the responsibility of the tetiderer/applicant/Consulfam to ensure the integrity, completeness and authenticity of the Tendér /Proposal. Prior to submitting a tender/epplication/proposal electronically the ‘Tenderer/Applican/Consultant thust ensure that all electronic records and files making up the Tender/ Application’ Proposal.ere completly viruses free using virus checking software, though e-GP system server also will check the uploaded files to ensure the files are completely virus free and will give alcr to the user if any virus found. Tenderers/Applicants/Consultants acknowledge and acéept, in respect of electronically transmitted tenders/proposals, that, Lodgment of large electronic files may take time and as such sufficient time must be allowed lo fully transmit all files prior to the closing time. Files should be compressed inte zip format for making size smaller. Procuring entities or the CPTU shall not be liable or responsible for the loss, damage, destruction or corruption of any Tender/ Application’ Proposal, however caused.” Agencies/procuring entitics, until after the Tender/ Application’ Proposal opening, may not discover corruption. or unreadable files. submitted via the ¢-GP System. Faults im the Tenderer's/Applicant's/Consultant’s computer system arc not the responsibility of the Procuring Entities or the CPTU and no extension to the closing time will be made because of the system faults of this kind. .,5 None of the users of ¢-GP system including Procuring Entity users and e-GP Administrators get to know the name. of, the tenderers! applicants/consultants who purchased the documents and also lodged the tender/applicatiom/proposal watil the,: tenders/applicants/proposals are opened on the designated datc and time of opening. Authorized PE. user may know only the count of tendét/applicant/propesal lodged. CPTU provides the online learning ‘tools for tenderers/applicants! consultants, but the providing ‘ttainings' tb’ the tenderers/ applicants/ consultants to use the ‘system ‘effectively are the ‘responsibility of procuring entities. Procuring catities should prepare the trainers on.c- GP system through the Training for Trainers (TOT) trom CPTU Operation, maintenance and management dnfity, when established, may condutt the training to lenderers/Applicants/Consulfants/PE users and other users on agreed termis-and conditions (Refer-to Appendix 4), and Disclaimer and Privacy Policy (Refer to Appendix 5). Seb8 teem. cre, afore, cram s@, 2035 aE eppeeeeseeeeeee ey 3.5.6 35.6.3 3.6. 3.6.1 Tender/ Application/ Proposal Opening The Procuring Entities receiving the tenders/Proposals should form a Tender Opening Committee (TOC)Proposal Opening. Committee (POC), Formation of TOC/POC is described in Business Process Reengineering (BPR) document (Appendix -2), Access to the Dashboard for the ‘TOC/POC shall,be available only after the specified Tender’ Application’ Proposal opening date/time. The ‘Committee members should fill out the Tender’ Application’ Proposal Opening’ Sheet generatod by the system as per PPR-2008 requirements. Access to the technical and/or financial proposals to TOC/POC shall be available only at the specified date and time, configured in the e-GP System by the Procuring cntitics according to opening date and time stipulated in the Tender/RFP documents. Tenderers/Applicants’ Consultants may physically be present at the Tender! Application/ Proposal opening; otherwise ‘Tenderer! Consulants may choose to participate online during the Tender! Application’ Proposal live opening session, where the TOC/POC may post the tender opening records. Tender! Application’ Proposal opening. information shali .ps posted under the specific tender/RFP section of the Dashboard of ‘Tenderers and Consultants, and also may be sent through email alerts, if preferred by the Tendcrers/Consultants. Online Tender) Application’ Proposal opening sebedule and. specific web address for the Tenderers/Applicants/. Consultants to participate in . the online Tender/ Application’ Proposal opening meeting/conference shall be specified in the Invilation to Tender/RFP issued by the procuring entities. e-Evaluation Formation of Evaluation Committees The Procuring Entities receiving the Tenders/ Applications/ Proposals should form a Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC)/ Proposal Evaluatién Committee (PEC). Formation of TEC/PEC is described i in Business Process Reengineering (BPR) document. Procuring Entities ‘should ensure that the so formed Committees have sufficient’ knowledge and are conversant with t ‘the available tools offered by the e-GP system, ie. the way 10,-enter, view, update scoring criteria and weightings, automated analysis of Tenders/Proposals, audit trails and reporting etc: areerer Cmca, shale, CREAT $e, 2035 sand 36.1.3 3.6.14 3.6.2 3.6.21 36.2.2 3.6.24 362.6 3 BI Procuring Entities should make the e-GP systems available to evaluation committee members with the applicable features that support workflow and cvaluation processes. Members of the evaluation committee members also may receive the auto-notification (via email or SMS as configured in preference for auto-notificalion) from the c-GP System as sun as the user is created. Use of e-GP system hy evaluators Access to the Dashboard for the Evaluat Committee shall be available only after the specified datetime and the c-GP system has been configured by the Procuring Hntilies. At the outset, the Commniitter members should fill out and sign the declaration individually before evalution and joint certification aiter evaluation provided online by the system as per PPR-2008 requirements, Avcess to the technical and/or financial proposals to TEC/PEC shall be avaiiable only at the specified date and time configured in the ¢-GiP System by the Procuring entities. Evaluators should follow the predefined workflow set-up by the Procuring Entity to evaluate ‘londer/ Application’ Propesal dacuments. e-GP sytem will automtically gencrate draft results of the cvalutioti to assist the evalutors. Evalualors should review the aulo-gencratcd Teports, updaic and complete the entire required evaluation matrix based on the stipulated criteria and suught facts in tendor/REP documents to complete the evaluation. e-GP System shull not allow the Evaluators to aher any dala provided by the Tenderers’ Appticants/ uilants and agreed tinal report by the committe: that may determine the winner Tenders’ Applications: Proposals alter submission of the final data to the c-GP system. TE C members may conduct the negotiation online or offline, if negotiation 1s applicable to specific procurement gype as por PPR-2008 along with the subsequent amendments, and upload the negotiated report to c-GP System. . If any modification required, cvaluators may seek permission from the proper authority w update the value in the evaluation record mati The system will record any such alterations. Approval, Notification of Award (NOA) and Contract Signing Approval of the Evaluation Report will be routed in eCP sysicm through the workflow to appropriate Approving Authority as stipulated in PPR-2008 along with subsequent amendments. deeb TreeTTOT Corea, SABRE, CRP ae, 209) 3.72 3R3 . and tender/application/RFP documents. ,. 3.8. 381 3.8.14 Procuring entity will issae .NOA! to successful evaluated: tenderez! applicarit’. consultanttionline. i.e. via“ tenderer/applicant/consultant dashbeard, email, SM&:as configured in preference settings): ‘Tenderer Applicant/Consullant must acknowledge the! receipt of the NOA and carry’ out the necessary formalities:as indicated the NOA e-GP system provides the facility to sign the ‘contract eniine between Procuring Entity and the, tendcrer/applicanycongultant, but may: alse choose to sign offline in compliance with the PPR-2008 along with the subsequent amendments. Ii case of offlié ‘contract signing, PE must enter the contract details, ‘contract’ doctinients, and Schedules of deliveriés, contract exceution plan in ¢-GP systeii. The ¢-GP- system will publish the Contract award information on GP Portal as and when Contract is signed and ‘system is upstate! by the Procuring entity. ‘ , e-Contract Management . Contract progress monitoring and contral - Fhe Procuring Entities::should nominate individuals for mandging “ SN | Rule’ Text in PPR-2008 BPR for c-GP- Sub . Rule ‘ comprising of members as Among two (2) members specified in Schedule IT onc must be from the procuring emtity, and he/she also ust be a member of Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC Proposal Evaluation Committee (POC) to satisfy the PE authentication requirements a of the c-GP System. 4, 8 Tender Evaluation Tender Evaluation Committee (THC) or Committee (TECY Proposal Proposal Evaluation Evaluation Committee Committee (PHC) shall be {PEC) shall be formed formed comprising of comprising of maximum members , as specified in upto three (3) members. Schedule IT, prior to the Among them WO (2) invitation for Application, must be from procuring Tender or Proposal has been. entity to satisfy the PE issued, but certainly must be authentication requirement formed before the deadline for in ¢-GP System. submission of applications, Tenders or Proposals. 5. | 16.1 | (1} Preparation ofa Annual! Procurement Plan 16.3 | Procurement Plan shall be (APP) is mandatory in case mandatory for all Procuring of all online procurement entities. packages. {8) Inthe case of ATL revisions in APP . packages will need preparation of total approvals (rem appropriate Procurement Plan, updated authority. Annual Procurement Plan for Development Project or AlLapprovals will have to Program and Annual go through the workflow process. Procurement Plan for Revenue Budgets the eT ore, aieies, congas s¢, 2033 Text in PPR-2008 BPR for ¢-GP 204 _| fotla formats preseribed in Part A. Part B, Part ©, Part 2) amd Part Fas applicable of Schedule ¥ shall be I (b} arrange a pre-Tender meeting al which potential Tenderers may meet with the Procuring Entily’s representatives: to ask questions and sock clarifications for Works or complex supply Conuracts, particularly for these requiting refurttishing existing Works or equipment. Provide minutes of the meeting, if ane is convened under Suh- nile 18 (b), ina timely manner as specified in Schedule 1, we all praspective Tenderers who have purchased (he Tender documents and to cven those who did not attend the meeting. oF (d) Ciroulate any additional information or correction of errors in the Tender Documents to all Tenderers in the form of an Addendum as specified in Rule 95, | = Prouender or pre-proposal tHecling Will be hefd online on the date and time as stipulated in the tender’ Application’ proposal documents. During the pre- Tender’ Application’ Proposal meclings, clarifications to the queries of the Tenderers’ Applicants/Consultaats will be made online, and also responses will be shared threugh ernail, and also Dashboard of the ‘Tenderers! Applicants’ Consultants, who purchased the documents. «Name of Tenderers/ Applicants‘ Consultants who panicipated in Pre- ‘Tender! Application’ Proposal meeting will nat be shared with other Tenderers * Applicants! consultants by the e-CiP System and precuring aeTitities. « Name of Tenderers! Applicants! Consultants who have posted queries will not be shared with Procuring Entily. ab SN 22.1 24,1 22.(1) To discourage the . ETE crab, wisine, caput aa, 2039 Text in PPR-2008 BPR for ¢-GP Questions can be posted till last date and during the pre- Tender! Application/ Proposal meeting. No question should be allowed to be posted, once preiender meeting is concluded. Queries must be posted via e-GP Online channel through dashboard. Queries posted vie Fax/Past/imail wilt not be entertained. submission of ‘lenders with ill motive, a Procuring Entity may include in the Tender Documents a condition that Tenders must be accompanied by a security in form of, at Tenderer's option, a bank drafl, pay order, or bank guarantee using the standard format altached to the Tender documents, isswed by a scheduled bank of Bangtadesh. 24.(1) The authenticity of Tender security submitted by a Tenderer shall be verified by the Tender Evaluation Commitice in writing from the Bank issuing the security , prior to the finalization of the Evaluation Report In &GP System, the Fender Security will be prepared by bank using the template provided in the e-GP syslern upon request by the tenderer, retained by the bank and transaction information will be updated in the e+GP system. In case Tender security is required to be forfeited, PL: ‘will instruct the bank & Bank in turn will credit the amount in the PE’s bank account or any other account designated by the government, As banks will be issuing the tender securities, additional verification from PE for authentication may nat be required. TITIAN ofc, Sieine, RAIMA aa, 2039 R008 ‘Feat in PPR-2008 (1) A Performance Security shall be furnished by the successful Tenderer in (he amount specified in the TRS following the Uhresheld specified in Schedule IL. (10) Before signing the Contract, the Procuring Titty may verify the authenticity of the Performance Security submitted by a ‘Tenderer by sending a written request tu the ‘branch of the bank issuing the bank draft or irrevocable bank guarantee. BPR for GP Porformace securities will be issued by the bank an the | request of the successful Tenderer applying the bank rules. ut the Bank shall update the transaction information in e-GP System, ‘Upon instruction Grom the PE, the Performance guarantee will be credited in the PE’s bank account or atvy other account designated by the government. Verification of the Authenticity of Performance Security by PE is nol required. as the samc will be issued by authorized Banks cl 36.3.0. Wi) the Evaluation Committee shall, having completed the evaluation in accordance with the Act and these Rules, submit the I:valuation Report, and the recommendation for award of Contraci, but not the Tenders or Proposals, in a sealed envelope directly to the Head of the Procuring Emity ar the Projcet Director, Projoct Manager, or the authorised officer for approval, as the case may be; In c-GP system, technical valuation report will be sent through system following the procurement workflow of the PE, and hence no physical correspondence is required, Rode meres Corea, afShire, CHRPHIa Se,'2033_ SN Rule/ Text in PPR-2008° BPR for e-GP. 10.| 38.4. |(4) The main eléments of «* Thework plan must be (a) contract administration ‘submitted withthe tender and management may submission in the e-GP include — System. (a) review and approval |. Review and approval of of the work plan; work plan can be done at the time of negotiation, contract signing, and during the contract execution. 11.} 38.4(¢)|(e} Organisation and . Standard Progress Report management of format will be used to track documentation related to progress of contract. contract implementation, sy . and preparation of ‘The periodic reports will be periodic reports on the prepared by the implementation of Contractors/Consultants Contract. using e-GP contract mangaement tools and will submut to PE. * Project Director (PD)/Manager will accept progress report in totality or partially ’as they d¢em fit. 12.| 90.2 | (a) Invitations shall be * Alithe procurement related advertised in, at least one Bangla language national newspaper and one (1) English language national newspaper, both of which shall have a wide daily circulation within Bangladesh (1) the Procuring Entities shall send Invitations for Procurements where potential notices for e-Tendering should be published in the e- GP portal. The official website address of the e-GP System portal is hup:/ © A riew optimized form will be used in ¢-GP System for creating a tender notice. © New'abridged Format of Tender Notice to be published:in the newspaper is meno orneb, sfefires, caganis oe, a035 ead SN Sub Rule Text in PPR-2008 BPR for c-GP comract values are estimated | to execed the amounts specified in Schedule 111 ov as decide by the Government from time to lime, for publication in the CPTU's website. suggested here: “Fhis is an enline Tender, whore only ¢- Lenders witl he accepted in GP Portal and no efflineshard copies will be accepted. To submit ¢-Tender please register on ¢-GP systcm (hup:/wws eprocure.pow bd), for more details please contact Suppert desk contact numbers” ‘The e-GP system may send the procurement information via SMS, Dashboard Alerts & email Alerts based on the preferences set by the users in the c4GP system The forms given in Schedule Xof PPR-2008 arc converted inte digital forms in e-GP System and integrated with the subsequent procurcment Processes. Dovuments can be downloaded ll deadline of Tender! Application’ Proposal submission. But the ‘Vonderer’ Appticane’ Consultant should feel the Ume is sufficient to prepare tender, submit all required documents, details, third Party inputs can be completed, required Payments done. Internet connectivity is readily _available for completing all are ores, ofofrer, crupafa se, 3034 ; Rute? Sub Rule ‘Text in PPR-2(08 BPR for -GP online activities related to lender submission, and make sure tender can be submitted hefore the fast date & time ef tender, « The tenderer can be asked to submit Tender security for each and every Lot. Before duc date & time, tenderer can submit the Fender security through Hank. Tenderer should make sure the Tender security is ready & submited 1o &-GP Portal before Tender submission. © Copy of Tender notice can be published in PF Website using the e-GP system web service for consistency in tender information. * Starting date for the Tender’ Application! Proposal will be the dale and lime of the Tender notice ‘REOL published in the e-GP System. (1) Atany time prior to the dead)ite for the submission of Tend. a Precusing Entily may. + on ils own initiative or in response to an inquiry by a Tenderer of asa result ofa Pre- ‘Tender meeting. modify the Tender Documents by issuing aa addendum, + | © Amendments (if any} will be published in ¢-GP system under the corresponding tenders, and will be an imegral pan of the tender, and also the same will be sent ta Verdderers via email Alert / SMS alert if they preferred io receive Teron ones, whafas, cepa ye, 2033 oe SN | Rules Text ip PPR-2008 BPR for ¢-GP Sub Rule (2) ‘The addendum issued | * -GP System will intemally under Sub Rule (1) kecp tack of the shall booome an integral | acknowledgements by part of the Tender ienderers of amendment Document and shall issucd, bul will nol be have a date and an disclosed to the PE until issue number and must tender opening. be circulated by fax. mail or e-mail, to Tenderers who have purchased the Tender Documents within ihe time specified in Schedule U1, to enable | Tenderers to lake | appropmate action | _ 14.) 96 (8) Locked Vender boxcs | # ‘The Tenders/Proposals will or cabinets may be be submitted online in used or when the e-tender box and ¢-GP “Tenders are in large system wil! store in { volumes or in enerypted format prvelopes that arc * Tonderers/Applicants/Cons- large or thick, {hey s i may be directly ultants will submit (he received by an | Tender ‘Proposal assigned officct of the | Documents and the related Procuring Entily. i forms onling. (11) Tenders shatl be «The tenderseproposal must received and opened in one location, but in exceptional cases, a Procuring Entity may allow ‘muitiple . dropping’ m which — | case the following guidelines shal! apply: be signed by the tenderer using o-Signature or digital signature as prescribed by CPTUu/IMED. ‘Tenderer’ Applicant’ Consultant can upload documents to their secured and private web space in 2-GP referred as Common _.Document Library, which 038: aeTOr CBE, afohne, CRRA DeARODY SN | Rules ‘Text in PPR-2008 2009-5199 ni ‘BPR for e-GPist | “2 due oto will be accessible to Tendérers/ Applicants! ‘Consultants, from their dashboard. Once Uploaded, those documents can be Used in various tenders/proposals as it is, or uploading new documents if ‘Tendercrs/Applicants Consultants fcel that the validity and authenticity of the documents expired. * + ‘Lender/Proposal document available on website will be considered as full & final version, */! Sigiiitig the documents (by ¢-Signature or digital Signature) means that the Ly ‘Tenderers! Applicants/Consul- tants will sign the tender ments to state that they in detail, and have understood .¢ gonditions, ete. * Multiple droppings concept isnot applicable in case of ©-GP system, (1) The Procuring Entity. "| ‘*' Tender opening process will shall'convenc the “Be dofie by the Decrypt! meeting for the Tohder ‘Teiider functionality as opening; and ‘Tenders ‘'"|''- » tenders will be stored in shall be opened at the»!!! ‘timetamped electronic time and place specified’! “s¢ead6rbox with encryption. inthe IFT in presence Beg of the Tenderers or his J? TRE T ‘OC/POC shall open or her authorised the tender within ONE hour resentatives. after the deadline. RAO cite, wfefre, cagrfa s¢, 203 nore BPR for e-GP 1 Tenders shall be opened should be suitably cquipped and reserved in advance for the purpose of the ‘Tender opening, (3) The Tender Opening Committee (LOC) constituted in accordance with Rule shall apen, all ‘Tenders reeeived on or before the deadline for the submission of Tenders, in publie and in only one place (4) The Tender Opening Commitice shall ensure that - (a) Except in case stated in Sub Rule 96(11), Tenders shall be opened immadiatcly after the deadline for the submission of Tenders but no later than ene hour alter expiry of the submission deadline; (b) Tender Opening Sheet (TOS) is prepared containing the information relating to ‘Tenders or Proposals announced at the epening in accordance with Sub Rule (4)(1; | SN | Rulef Text in PPR-2008 | Sub | Rule | (2) The place where the | If the tenderer logs into the ¢-GP system during the ‘Vender/Application/Proposal opening Hime, then it will be marked as the Tenderet/ Consultant is present in tender opening ‘Tender/Proposal Opening Sheet (TOS) will be gencrated by c-GP system. Tender/Application/Propesal Opening Sheet (TOS) will be generated by ¢-GP system, and hence 3 members committes is not required, just two (2) members TOC/POC should be formed. Among two (2) members one must be fram the procuring entity, and he/she also must be a member of Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC)Propesal Evaluation Commitice (POC) to satisfy the PE authentication requirements of the ¢-GP system. Rode « TUTTO CHONG, WfSFinE, caft s¢. 203) [sn Rule/ Text in PPR-2008 Sub Rule BPR for GP (c) Persons not associated with the Tender are not allowed to attend the opening of Tenders; (d} The Tender opening is not delayed on the plea of absence of Tenderers or his or her representatives, as the presence of Tenderers or their authorised Tepresenialives ig ‘optional; {e) The Tenderers‘ representatives shail be duly authorised by the Tenderer; (f) The following information stated therein 1s read out from the Tenders after Tender opening which shall be recorded ona Tender Opening Sheet duly verified by the moembers of the Tender Opening Committee— (i) name and addross of the Tenderer; (ii) withdrawal, substitution or modifications, if any; (iii) the Tender price; (iv) discounts, if any; and (¥) Tender security, if required and information relating vw its amount; and arom cred, fishes, crarmft x@, 2035 2054 SN Roles Sub Rule fg (5) (6) a ‘The checklist with steps. Text in PPR-2008 for Tender opening in Part D of Schedule tv | shall be lollawed 4 Tender modifications or discounts, which are not read out at the lender opening or | recorded en the TOS, , shall not be considered, in the evaluation of the concemed Tenders, No Tender shall be ! rejected at Tender opening, but late “Fenders or Tenders withdrawn shail be ! retumed directly to the | Tenderers unopened. Upon completion of the Tender spening, all members of the TOC + and the Tenderers or their representatives who attended the Tender opening shall sign the TOS. copies of which shall be issued lo the Head of a Procuring tntily oz an officer authorised by him or her and to all members of the TOC and any authorized Consultants employe in the project and to the Tenderers. BPR for ¢-GP 20br TATE crea, ofefie, caRMMA oc, 209 SN | Rute Text in PPR-2008 BPR for c-GP Sub Rule (8) The Member-Sccretary of the TOC will ensure that the procedure as per Sub-Rule (4) is carried out and will sign to certify that the Tender Documents: have been sent to the Procuring Entity immediately afer the Tender opening. (9) Upon completion of the Tender opening all Tenders and all related. documents shall be kept in the safe custody of the Procuring Entity along with a copy of the TOS duly signed by all concemed 16.) 98.12 | (12) The item quantified in Arithmetic errors are not the BOQ for which no expected in e-GP system so rates or prices have far the figures and operators. been quoted shall be are correctly entered, and deemed covered by the &-GP system does all the amounts of other rates calculations including and prices in the conversion of figures into contract and it shall not words. be a reason eee System will not allow half filled Tenders. Tenderer Consultant will have to - quote *0° (Zero) against the item to leave blank. 17,] 102 (1) Prior to the expiry of the NOA will be issued online onder validity period and the same will be signed and within one (1) wok (by c-Signature or digital of receipt of the approval signature). Le. of the award by the . MOTOM ciced, wfefre, caganfs s¢, 2095 2035 SN | Rules ‘Text in PPR-2008 BPR for GP Sub Rule Approving Authorily, a Procuring Entity shall Debared Tenderer issue the Notification of | Applicant’ Consultant will ‘Award (NOA) Io the ‘be verified in e-GP system successful Tenderer. before issuing NOA. (3) The Notification of + ‘Tendercr/ApplicanUConsuli Award shall be accepted ant will accept the NOA in writing by the online using e-Signature or successful ‘Tenderer digital signature (whichever within the period *8 applicable) specified in Schedule I. . 18.) 102.11) (11) The duly authorised * Contract will be digitally officer of the Procuring signed by both parties & Entity and of the details of contract award successful Tenderer will be available in the shall sign the Contract e-GP Ponal, within the period . specified in Schedule | | ° No need verify the if the Performance genuineness of the Scourity submitted by Performance security as the the Tenderer is found informatien of the security to be genuine. is updated in ¢-GP system directly by Banks at the time of issuance of Performance security on . behalfofthe Tenderer. | 19. | 122.2. | (2) The Procuring Entity . shall notify the successful Consultant that its Proposal has ~ been accepted and shall Set a date for the commencement of Contract negotiations so that the Contract can come into foree before the prescribed Proposal validity date expires, Negotiation provides in PPR-2008 can be carried oul online and negotiation records will be recorded in. the ¢-GP system. oxo aeons coat, afsine,; cagra® se, 2035 Text in PPR-2008 ‘The Head of the Procuring Jintity shall, having considered the recommendation of the - Commitice under Sub i Rule (5) (c), make an appropriate decision and ifa decision is taken to -debar the concerned Person or firm, the procuring Entily shall issue a letter debarting, the concemed persen or firm and thal letter shall _ | be addressed to the concemed Person with a, copy to the CPTU for * inclusian in the list of debarred persons or firms and published on the CPTU website. Appendix 3; Changes in Schedule —I1, PPR 2008 fer e-GP system ‘The debarment fist will be updated and published in the GP Portal & the same will be published also in the CPTU website through web services, Rule No. Process as per PPR-2008 Times, Valucs, otc Constitution of Tender or Proposal Opening Committee I(one) member from the TEC or PEC and 2(two} other members from the concemed Procuring Entity and other agencies as below— {a) Chairperson; (b) Member; (c) Member-Secretary. Process in c-GP system Constitution of Tender or Proposal Opening Committee TOC/POC shall conaprise of TWO (2) Members. Among two (2) members one must be from the rocuring entily, and ‘she also must be a member of Tender aeons ofan, wfsire, carats se, 2039 2083 80),2) & (8) Tender or Proposal Evaluation Committee * Minimum five (5) and normally not. exceed seven (7) members + Two (2) of whom at least shall be frotn outside the Ministry or Division or Agencies under if, _ © At least five (3) members including two (2) outside members shall attend the Evaluation and sign the Evaluation Report, Tender or Proposal Evaluation Committee for low value Procurement © Minimum three (3) members of whom one (1} member may be selected from another agency or another Procuring Entity » At least three (3) members shall attend the Evaluation and sign the Evaluation Report Yalue of Contracts when number of the Evaluation Committee miensbers may be reduced: Tk. 1.5 (one and a half) million or below for Procurement of Goods and related Services © Tk 3 (three)million or below for procurement of Works and Physical Services * Up to Tk. 500,000 (five hundred thousand) for intellectual and rofessional Services Evaluation Committee {TECYProposal Evaluation Committee (POC) ta satisfy the PE authentication requirements of the ¢-GP system Tender or Proposal Evaluation Committee Tender Evaluation Cornraittes (TEC}Proporal Evaluation Committee (PEC) shall be formed comprising of maximum upto three (3) members. Among them TWO (2) taust be from procuring entity to satisfy the PE. authentication requirement in ¢-GP system. ORR TST Cheb, felts, CRFHIA 3¢, 2039 16(11). | Posting Procurement Plan on Posting Procurement CPTU’s website . Plan on CPTU’s website « For Tk 10 (ten) million and above for | » Ail tenders using ¢-GP Works, Goods and related Services system must have * For Tk. 5 (five) million and above for procurement plan physical Services; and prepared and published © For Tk. 5 (five) million and above for | Tespective of intellectual and professional Services | _Procuretient methods. 28(3) Time for return of the remaining Time for return of the amount of Retention moncy orthe | remaining amount of Bank Guarantee Retention money or the # Within twenty-cight (28) days after | Bank Guarantee the issue of the Certificate of * Within seven days (7) Completion of Defect Liabilities days after the issue of the Certificate of Completion of Defect Liabilities. Retam request to be made to Financial Partners i.e. Banks through e-GP Dashboard 32 Time Limit for Safe Custody of Time Limit for Safe received Tenders, Applications and | Custody of reccived Proposals Tenders, Applications © Maximum two (2) working days | #74 Proposals Online Tender box will be used. 37) Posting of Contract Awards in Posting of Contract CPTU’s website Awards in CPTU’s * Tk 10 (ten) million and above for | Website Goods and related Services and * All the contracts Works and physical Services awarded using e-GP system should be published in e-GP Portal operated by CPTU. 126(3) | © Tk. 5 (five) million and above for |e All the contracts intellectual and professional awarded using ¢-GP Services system should be published in e-GP Portal operated by CPTU. RTP tees, wShrs, CoM at; 2ods ow 37(1&2} | Time for posting Contract Awards | Time for posting in CPTU’s website Contract Awards in + Within seven (7) of issuance of the | CPTU’s website . NOA for not less than a month © Immediately after the signing of contract agreement 66(5) Time for submission of Technical ‘Time for submission of Proposal in the Ist stage of Two Technical Proposal in stage Tendering . the Ist stage of Two- # Forty-two (42)days from the date | St#8¢ Tendering of publication of advertiscment in| # For the National the Newspaper Tendering Twenty one (21) days and for the international Forty- "Fwo (42) days from the date of publication of advertisement in the c-GP system 6803) ‘The Minimum Time for ‘The Minizium Time for - ' Preparation for the 2nd stage in. Preparation for the 2nd Two-stage Tendering stage in Two-stage Tendering * Twenty-one (21) days * For the National Tendering Fourteen (14) days and for the Intemational Twenty-_ one (21) days from the date of publication of advertisement in the GP oystem, 90(2)4) | Posting of Procurement related Posting of Procurement notices in CPTU’s website related notices in 2 * When the official estimated cost of | CPTU"s website Procurement is Tk. 10 (ten) million |e All the procurement and above for Goods and related using ¢-GP system Services and Works'and physical should be published in Services ¢-GP Portal operated by CPTU ORs erent creed, isis, cagA se, 2055 a * Whea the official estimated cost of. Procurement is Tk. 5 (five) million and above for intellectual and professional Services = Advertisement shail be sent to the CPTU and the newspapers simultaneously. 96(11}(@) | Multiple dropping of Tenders for Multiple dropping of Goods and related Services and Tenders for Goods aud Works and Physical Services related Services aud * When the official estimated cost of | Werks and Physteal the Procurement is Tk. 3 (three) Services million and above * Multiple droppings concept is not "| « Must be delivered to the primary lei l licabl f place within three Gyhours ofthe | Epes deadline for submission. Delivery of Annual Report by Delivery of Annual CPTU to the Government Report by CPTU to the Government © Within seven (7) months from the beginning of the current Fiscal Year | * ¢-GP system based procurement reports can be generated anytime from the e

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