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In 1942, Rene Magritte tried to make an improvement of photograph technic with his

master piece titled La Predication. He showed the side of Belgium Culture with two women in
this picture. This picture can be seen and found in Brussel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New
York city. The size of this photo is not too large but with 8 x 5.7 cm, this picture can show us the
emotions of this picture. This picture also presented in black and white color printing which can
drive our feeling to fall in 1942.
Rene Magritte used the different technic to take this picture. If we see the detail of this
picture, in below side of this picture has a different shape with the other sides. The road in this
picture have a concave shape that make this picture so wide even the photographer took this
photo not really far from the object. It is un usual shape as we know which used before 1990s
history of photograph. I am sure that Rene Magritte used a different tool (lens) to take this
picture. I was born in 1994 and as I know, the concave lens or we also named it with fish eye
lens is just found in now day (after 2000). Or maybe the fish eye lens which provided the wide
picture is just an innovation that refer to Renes technique in 1942.
This photo also taken in outdoor with roadway photograph concept. The old lamp post,
the vegetation behind the fence in this picture show us the real situation of Brussel city in
Belgium in 1942. Based on the caption on this picture, two women in this picture are Geogette
Magritte and her sister were hanging on a lamp post. In my opinion, the focus point of this
picture is two women in it. This also a unique side that I found in this picture. Two women in
this picture show us their happinesss sister relationship. They both wear the log dress with the
different color. The different side between two color will guide the audience to get much
perspective. When I see this picture, two women there have an opposite character with the
light appear as a separator between them. The opposite character also shown in their different
pose. The women with the dark dress look more attractive but the women with the light dr ess
look more calm. There is my perspective, I am sure you have your own too. This picture also
presented the unique side. The unusual pose in this picture is on their stability when their
hanging on the lamp. The stable pose is the hard part being a model of photograph. In this
picture the women with the white dress look more stable than women with the dark dress
beside here even she just hung with one hand. Here in the picture we can see it clearly that
they are able to express their creativity to pose. Their cheerful facial expressions indicate the
free-spirit characteristic in which break the stereotyping towards women who specifically wear
formal attire who have strict culture, stiff and do not have an idea to let loose. Magritte
perfectly captured of the picture that showing the real natural behavior on daily basis of human
being on how they interact one to another, engaging and merge as social being. The iconic
photo is factual and realistic.
The composition position of this picture not really proportional. The focus point is in the
center of the picture but if I see the below side, the road isnt in a fit shape (not exactly in
center). In my advice, better the photograph know and notice the composition of the object of
their photos. The composition position also can be applied in any lens to get a better picture.
The brown dot stain on the left side of the picture shows that this is a restored picture from an
old negative film.

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