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Underground Selling

Our sketch was inspired by how many High Tech High students secretly sell things, whether its chips, drinks, or candy. Many students
would relate because they either sell or buy from the sellers. Its funny to have the seller in an awkward spot because in reality students do the
same. Weve witnessed people around the school selling at very shady tables, and we decided to make fun of that.
The premise of our sketch is a hungry student goes to great lengths to buy junk food from a suspicious student and the principle has
something up her sleeve.
The elements we implemented in our sketch was the absurd behaviour of Steven when he sells to Jeff. We heighten our joke by making
each encounter more absurd while developing character.
This is a premise-based sketch because its based around students secret selling and an absurd sketch with how each student interacts with
each other. For example our dealer, Steven, decides to stay undercover by changing his personalities for each thing he sells.

Original Writers Additional Writers Actors

Isaiah Romero Diego Diez de Bonilla Jeff: Isaiah Romero
Kaia Santos Lily Moon Perez Berry: Noemi Hidalgo Uriarte
Miguel Siqueiros Noemi Hidalgo Uriarte Steven: Dylan Zamani
Mae Ware Principle Harper: Elizabeth Aispuro
Extras: Miguel Siqueiros, Diego Diez De
Bonilla, Lily Moon Perez, Mae Ware

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