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Data Collection Form #1 Submitted by: Nicolette Call Date: 5/4/17

Childs Name: Cardon McDaniel

Prompts and Responses Response % Correct

Goal/Objective /Prompt based on
Ratio IEP

Request a toy Prompt M M M M I I V V V V 4 40%

Response 0 0 IN IN 0 IN > > > > 10
Sign "more" during feeding Prompt M M M M I I I V V V 5 50%
time Response 0 0 0 0 0 +/> +/> +/> +/> +/> 10
When given two options, Prompt M M M M G G P P V V 6 60%
chooses between the two Response 0 0 IN IN +/> +/> +/> + + + 10
Prompting Key: G= Gesture M= Model I= Visual VI= Verbal Indirect V= Verbal p = Partial Physical P= Full Physical
Response Key: 0 =No Response IN = Incorrect > = Approximation +/> = Close Approximation + = Target Observed S = Spontaneous

Notes: We worked in the living room and in the kitchen today. Some parts were chaotic with Cardon's little sister running around and wanting to play with us. Cardon

was also distracted most of the session today.

This week we used a picture book to assist Cardon in requesting his favorite toys. We showed him a picture of the toy, then showed him the real
toy so he could make the connection. We hid the toy and asked what he wanted, then showed him the book. The first few times he didn't respond,
but after it was modeled for him, he started to see what we were asking him to do. He didn't reach the target goal, but he came close.
We also modeled "more" for Cardon in sign language during snack time. We pretended to eat snack, then asked for more verbally and with the
sign, and had Mom bring us some more food. When Cardon was finished with what was on his plate, we asked if he wanted more, then signed
"more". He didn't respond at first, just stared at us. After about 5 trials, he started to try and move his hands in the same way we were. He didn't
reach this target goal, but came close.
We also worked on choosing between two objects. We modeled this at first by having two objects in our hands and asking which one was desired,
then we would pick one. He didn't respond at first, then tried to grab both toys. We kept showing him the gesture of pointing to one of the objects,
then moved to simply asking which one he wanted. By the end of the intervention session he was successfully choosing only one toy when given
two options.

Objective Description of Data and Observations:

When we were working on requesting a toy, we modeled this behavior four times for Cardon. We would look at the picture book and point at the
picture of the thing we wanted, then Mom would give it to us. The first two times Cardon didn't respond, but the third and fourth time of
modeling, he flipped through the picture book, then tried to grab the toy. The fifth and sixth times prompting, we visually showed Cardon the toy,
then tried to have him point at it. The first time doing this he didn't respond, and the second time he tried to take the toy away from Mom. The
seventh through tenth trials, we verbally asked Cardon what he wanted. All four times he pointed at multiple objects.
When we were working on signing "more" during meal time, we modeled this behavior for Cardon four times, with no response from him. The
fifth through seventh times we visually showed him what saying "more" would get him. The first time he didn't respond, and the second and third
times using this method he moved his hands and tried to mimic us. The remaining eight through ten trials we verbally asked Cardon if he wanted
more. He tried to move his hands the way we were showing him, but didn't quite get it.
When we were working on the final objective, which is choosing between two objects, we modeled the behavior the first four trials. The first two
times Cardon didn't respond, but the third and fourth time he grabbed both objects. For trials five and six we gestured to the objects and held them
out to him one at a time. Both times Cardon pointed at both objects. For trials seven and eight, we took Cardon's hands and led them to one of the
objects. He grabbed onto the object but dropped it the first time, but held onto it the second time. By the ninth and tenth trials, we were asking
Cardon which one he wanted and he picked one of the objects to play with.
During this intervention session, it was observed that whenever Cardon's little sister was in the room, he wouldn't focus on the activity at hand. He
would run around with her, and pick up whatever toy she was playing with.
Assessment and Evaluation:
After gathering the data, it seems that modeling is often not intrusive enough, because we had to do it so many times during one session. If we
started off with a more intrusive intervention, then slowly eased off, Cardon might understand what we are wanting him to do, not only what we
are showing him. It was also apparent that when he was given two options, he struggles picking between the two, he wants to play with all his toys
at the same time. In the case of the choosing between the two toys, the full physical prompting really helped Cardon realize that we were asking
him to choose between the two toys, we weren't just showing him that we were picking. It was much less confusing to physically show him what
was expected of him, instead of just modeling what was expected. Another aspect of Cardon's confusion was his sister running around. We weren't
making her do the exercises, and he only wanted to play with whatever she had. She also wanted Mom's attention, which made Cardon want
Mom's attention as well. The activities seemed appropriate. He enjoys the picture book of all his favorite things around the house. I think with the
sign language we could do a more fun activity than just modeling what "more" is, then giving him more when the task is complete. The picking
between two objects could also be made more engaging, but for the first intervention it was okay to see how the intervention would go. I think our
goals/objectives are appropriate for Cardon at this time. While he was able to complete the target objective of choosing between two toys, it would
be wise to keep it as a goal until he can do it without prompting at all. These are all goals Mom wanted to work on, and they are goals that he will
need to develop properly. As the interventionists, I think we did pretty decent for our first time. We weren't really sure how many times to keep
trying the intervention if Cardon wasn't getting it, and when would be appropriate to discontinue the activity. I think next time we should have a
variety of activities for the same objective so if he becomes bored of one, then there is another that can promote the same goal.


For next week, we are going to keep the same objectives, but try a more intrusive intervention approach. For requesting objects, we are going to
keep the picture book activity, because it's something Mom has in the house and can use until Cardon is able to talk when expressing his wants
and needs. For the signing activity, we are going to include Dad by having him play "rocket ship" with Cardon, which is one of his favorite
activities. When Cardon is trying to get dad to do it again. We will sign "more" and ask if Cardon wants more. For our last objective of choosing
between two things, we are going to switch it up by having Cardon choose between two different cars. This way the object will be the same, the
style will just be different. We are going to start off seeing if he remembers how to choose, and if he doesn't, we will go straight for the physical
prompt because that is what gave us a response last week.

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