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Issue #29

What Are We Simulating?

Spring 2011

It has long been argued gaming, i.e., sub-systems 2. Reconnaissance

that wargames in any form of almost any set of rules,
Heres an area that most
are not very realistic com- and try to determine if
gamers tend to ignore. The
pared to an actual battle. games are doing a good
game usually starts with
This is true up to a point in enough job of at least at-
everything on the board
that there is no way to tempting to get it right on
and all of the units are seen
simulate the stress, blood, the tabletop. True, this
by everyone playing. Re-
dying soldiers, and ever kind of exercise can be
con units are just extra
changing situations with subjective, but hopefully it
pieces to be used in the
miniatures, rules, or card- will give everyone some-
main line of battle. In real-
board counters. Lately, thing to think about the
ity, recon forces have one
however, this has become next time they break out
of the most vital roles in an
an excuse by many to ex- their favorite set of rules!
army. Determining the
plain away why certain
1. Unit Organization enemys strength, choosing
games dont have for ex-
routes that the army can
ample, command and con- How many games have you

easily navigate and deploy

played or seen played
from, spotting ambushes,
where the starting units are
and feeding the command-
under strength? Probably
ers information as the bat-
not many. Yet, if you go
tle develops. How many
through many orders of
times have you played in a
battle, books, etc., you see
game where reconnais-
that probably 95% of units
sance was important? My
Warning Order

were under strength. Time

guess would be not many if
after time, however, were
any at all.
treated to full strength Ti-
ger battalions on the East- 3. Movement
ern Front in 1945, French
One of the first things I do
battalions at 100% strength
trol, unusual stats for vehi- when I open up a set of
in the fall battles of 1813,
cles or units, systems that rules is look at the move-
and Iraqi battalions over-
seem more fantasy than ment rules. If they have a
flowing with vehicles and
real world, and more. Af- chart with standard move-
personnel during the open-
ter all, its only a game, ment rates it wont cause
ing of Operation Desert
right? If its a game, then me to not consider them,
Storm. Next time you try a
who needs realism on the but I kind of wince. Mov-
game, forego the usual
tabletop and why take the ing combat formations in
points set up and give play-
effort to simulate things usually unfamiliar terrain is
ers some under strength
that will just slow down not something that can be
units and tell them to do
gamers in the end? boiled down into everyone
their best. Their reactions
moves a set distance.
should be pretty interest-
This article will look at Keeping units in line and
several important facets of organized was difficult at

Inside this issue:

Special points of interest:
BKC2 Battle Report 4
Several battle reports including BKC2,
GMTs Combat Commander System 6 General de Brigade, and Father Tilly.
WMA 3rd Annual Tournament 8 3rd Annual WFHGS WMA tournament.
Father Tilly Rules Review 11
Boardgame and rules reviews.
General de Brigade Battle Report 14
Regular features and an editorial.
Editorial-More Ancients Rules? 21
GMTs Fighting Formations review.
Fighting Formations Review 23
What Are We Simulating (cont.)
best in the horse & musket era and then When you move into the modern age the well) as a bunch of troops that are better
you have the problem of commanders problem is exactly the opposite, namely than average, but not quite elite, that cost
interpreting orders differently, choosing theres hardly any artillery at all! Most extra points! Fortifications and engineer-
the wrong formations to cross certain game systems have rules for spotting, ing are essential parts of combat opera-
kinds of terrain, late starters, and a whole shifting fire, concentrated fire, etc., and tions through time, but are they too much
host of other issues that can prevent eve- they handle artillery on the whole pretty work to paint and read the rules about
ryone moving at the same rate all the well. However, most gamers think its using them?
time. too much of a hassle to deal with, so far
too many WW2 and modern games have 7. Reserves
Some game systems solve this by
very little if any artillery! This is strange Again, throughout history battles have
(cont. on p. 3)having randomized move-
since artillery in WW2 accounted for well been won or lost through the use of re-
ment distances such as 6 +1D6, or in
over half of the total casualties and some serves. Now ask yourself, when was the
some like Chef de Battalion, you dont
estimates Ive seen go as high as 80%! last time that you saw a game where there
find out how difficult the terrain is until
were reserves on the tabletop? If you
you get there. I applaud games that have 5. Direct Fire
have seen some, then you are clearly one
anything like that which keeps gamers
Now heres at least one area in gaming of the lucky few. Most gamers I know
thinking during a game. Whats that
systems that most rules get right. You want nothing to do with being assigned a
stream up ahead like? Is it difficult
can argue about the statistics, capabilities command that is posted as a reserve.
ground? Will I need to change to open
of certain weapons, armor, etc,., but most Everyone wants to be right up front in the
order to cross it and then back to line
games have some kind of direct fire action and usually in most group games
afterwards? Will vehicles need to back-
(arrows, musketry, everything is deployed in long lines so
track to a
automatic weapons, that the action starts as soon as possible.
bridge to cross?
etc.) system that works. It would be nice to see more rules reward
Games like
Several systems have a gamers for taking reserves or giving some
Battles For
first fire type mecha- kind of advantage for using them.
Empire, Fire &
nism built in that works
Fury, and Age 8. Morale
well for the most part,
of Eagles do a
but you rarely see a This is a tricky issue as different periods
good job of
system for dealing with have wildly varying troop types, training,
the break down of fire etc., that makes creating a one size fits all
discipline in the ranks. morale system virtually impossible.
which again
Some rules have gam- Also, gamers being gamers, no one wants
makes gamers
ers put smoke out in to spend hours setting up a game, having
think and react
front of their units and a few bad die rolls, then watching their
almost every
they suffer penalties in future turns, army run away! This leads to the com-
turn instead of knowing exactly where
which is a great idea. I think this is an monly used 50% break point in most
your units will be in three turns!
area, particularly for horse & musket rules where things dont get really bad
4. Artillery games, that can be drastically improved. until half of an army has been destroyed.
Also, bonus points for any set of WW2 or In reality, the fight to the last man or
Now heres a game mechanic thats
modern rules where only about half of a bloodbath type battles where more than
wrong in so many games it might be eas-
unit fires as most of the 50% of an army
ier to just list those who are on the right
unit is under cover, too was lost were not
track. Basically, most rules show artil-
afraid to act, or is too very common.
lery as being only able to fire at a specific
experienced to poke their Yet, this is accept-
unit, as if that unit has suffered the wrath
heads into beehives. able in most
of the gaming gods and is being targeted
wargames rules. In
as punishment! In reality, artillery batter- 6. Engineering
WW2 and modern
ies usually fired at areas and in this in-
When you read military era combat most
stance From Valmy to Waterloo por-
history you often come attacks stall out
trayed this the best Ive ever seen. If
across battles that feature after taking 15-
youre playing a game where each unit is
entrenchments, bunkers, 20% casualties,
a brigade (Age of Eagles, Volley &
trenches, minefields, then artillery and
Bayonet, etc.) then artillery batteries tar-
prepared positions, and air support are
geting specific units is acceptable, but if
the list goes on. So why do we rarely see brought in, reinforcements are sent up,
youre playing at a level under that, then
any kind of engineering or fortifications then the next attack goes in. How many
artillery should have different targeting
on the tabletop? Most rules just have times do you see that in the games that
and area effects.
engineers (often referred to as pioneers as you play? (cont. on p.22)

Page 3 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
BKC2: East Front Counterattack
This scenario was actually played to make room on the road for the incom-
twice on the same night as the first at- ing reinforcements. The first two turns
tempt was a complete German disaster, saw average command rolls for the Ger-
so we set it up and tried again! We had a mans and below average command rolls
lot of fun with the BKC2 game on the for the Russians.
day after Thanksgiving, so when the time
The Germans positioned their Stugs
came to choose a game for the next regu-
to cover the road and protect the flank of
lar gaming night, this was high on every-
the Tigers as they moved to attack the
ones list.
hill. The panzergrenadiers got bogged
The premise is that a Russian force down approaching the village, but the
has seized a bridgehead across a river in mixed armor battalion made good time
the East Prussia region in early 1945. towards the bend in the road, which
They have fortified a hill overlooking the would see most of the critical action in
pontoon bridges and an infantry battalion the game. The Russians moved one ar-
pany of PZ-IVHs. The Germans had two
is entrenched up there with a T-34/76 mor battalion towards the bend in the
batteries of 105mm artillery and a nebel-
battalion in support. More Russian forces road, a second battalion moved up to
werfer battery available for support. The
are crossing and will soon be able to enter engage the Stugs, and a third was delayed
Germans would enter the road at the edge
the battlefield. to be able to enter closer to the hill.
of the board and begin their attack.
The action began with the Stugs and
We actually had the chance to
the T-34/76s on the village outskirts slug-
play two games of this as the first
ging it out. After a few turns only two T-
one was a disaster for the Germans.
34s were burning, but all four Stugs were
All of the Russian reinforcements
knocked out. The Tigers and the lone
showed up early, they had great die
king Tiger began to move to attack the
rolls for their commanders, and they
hill, but came under flanking fire from
were able to bring down concen-
the village. A nebelwerfer attack devi-
trated artillery fire in a number of
ated right into where the motorized rifle
places. All of this resulted in a mas-
battalion was on the road in the village
sacre of the German forces with less
and knocked out several units. At this
than 50% of them remaining after
point the game was pretty even.
only four turns! We reset the sce-
nario and tried again. More Russians were arriving, how-
ever, and if the Germans didnt get mov-
This time the Germans got off to
ing quickly they would be unable to
The initial forces for the Russians a good start with their armor moving
punch through the defenses. The Ger-
consisted of an infantry battalion en- quickly out of the large open areas and
mans deployed to make one last attack to
trenched on a hill with a battalion of six T towards the objectives. The Russians
try and force the issue.
-34/85s deployed near the village next to moved up the T-34/85 battalion and tried
the hill. Three more T-34 battalions, a
SU-85 regiment, and a battalion of mo-
torized infantry would be rolled for each
turn to see if they showed up. The Rus-
sians had some say in where the rein-
forcements would arrive and they could
delay them for a turn to have them arrive
at a different location. There were also
two batteries of 122mm artillery and a
battery of BM-13 rocket launchers avail-
able for support.
The Germans had a mixed
kampfgruppe consisting of a panzer-
grenadier battalion in halftracks, a heavy
tank company of two Tigers and one
King Tiger, an assault gun company with
Stug-IVs, and a mixed panzer battalion
with a company of Panthers and a com-


BKC2: East Front Counterattack (cont.)

On the German far left the Tigers and mor. German artillery began to pound broke through and could have won. A
the King Tiger were both finally knocked the area as well and the PZIV-Hs maneu- few bad command rolls, a few blunders,
out. Russian armor had arrived just in vered to pour more fire into the Russian and concentrated Russian fire had de-
time to defeat that part of the attack and position. After a few turns the Russian T feated the German attack.
despite losses, the hill was still holding. -34/85 battalion was pretty much
The Germans never could never
All attention now turned to the bend I in knocked out for all intensive purposes
really get rolling or string together a se-
the road near the village where a T-34/85 and the Germans had created an opening.
ries of commands in one turn to gain the
battalion had hunkered down and could
The problem was that now the Ger- momentum. The game did bring up one
not be moved. The panzergrenadiers
mans only had the panzergrenadier battal- concern about the BKC system and that
could not venture out in the open and no
ion, one Panther, and five PZ-IVHs to was the ability of groups of units, such
one wanted to actually move around the
continue the attack. After looking at the a battalion of six T-34s to gang up and all
bend and get shot at!
remaining defenses, the infantry battalion fire at one German unit. This happened
Finally, the Panthers moved closer on the hill, remnants of the mech infantry too often and seemed a bit unrealistic to
and despite one Panther being knocked battalion in the village, a few SU-85s, many of us. Were thinking of having
out the rest returned fire and the T-34/85 and about a dozen T-34s still left, it was some kind of coordination roll if you
battalion was soon in trouble. Several decided that the Germans would have to want to fire more than three units at one
panzergrenadier stands then dismounted call off the attack. The game ended as a target, especially for armies like the Rus-
and began moving towards the road in an Russian victory, but there had been sev- sians and Italians who had issues with
effort to put pressure on the Russian ar- eral moments where the Germans almost battlefield coordination. Just a thought...

ISSUE #29 Page 5

GMTs Combat Commander Game Series
For a long time the pre- similarities to ASL? This arti- mand range, making them one of the
eminent wargame for cle will try to explain the basic driving forces in the game. Leaders can
WW2 tactical combat was game concepts so that the command multiple units and depending
Avalon Hills and later, reader can determine if they upon their stats, can issue orders to more
MMPs Squad Leader and would like to go in this direc- than just one hex. A good leader with the
Advanced Squad Leader tion. right hand of cards can unleash a lot of
(ASL). When Squad firepower or get several units in position
The Combat Commander
leader first appeared it
boxed games come with a lot of
created quite the sensation
components in them. For ex-
and now, after almost three
ample, the Med box has the
decades it has been sup-
rulebook, a playbook with sce-
planted by ASL. ASL
narios, three decks of 60+ cards
isnt just a game, its a
each, two counter sheets, and
way of life! For those who
around a dozen or so maps. Add this
are fans, it is THE WW2 tactical game by
together with the other boxed games and
which all others are measured and to its
the supplements and soon you have a
detractors it is just too much for those
stack of mats, hundreds of counters, mul-
who cant devote every waking second to
tiple card decks, and over a hundred sce-
narios! The components are the usual
For a long time there really werent high quality that everyone now expects of
to launch an assault on an objective.
too many viable options if you were into GMT products and there is little to com-
this type of game. Yaquinto had Close plain about in this area. The smaller counters are light or man-
Combat, there have been several Panzer portable weapons such as LMGs, HMGs,
The rules are broken down into nu-
Blitz type games from numerous compa- 75mm infantry guns, or small mortars.
merous sections that cover the cards,
These can be assigned to squads and/or
counters, setting up a scenario, and then
weapon crews to increase their firepower.
sections that go over what each order/
You will quickly notice that there are no
action can do, terrain markers, and more.
bazookas, panzerfausts, or anti-tank guns
Fortunately, there is a well put together
in the game and thats because there are
index that can quickly lead you to any
no vehicles! Yes, this is the most contro-
rules that you need during a game. The
versial subject in regards to the Combat
rules may look daunting, but once play
Commander series in that there is not a
begins you get the hang of it pretty
vehicle in sight. The scenarios are
quickly and the game starts flowing to the
nies, but nothing to rival ASL in terms of strictly infantry affairs, which to a degree
point where you dont need to refer to the
product quality, number of supplements, cuts down the number of extra rules and
rules that often. You soon figure out that
extra scenarios, and more. complexity that vehicles would bring to
the basic rules are only a few pages with
the game.
Then came Combat Commander from the rest covering exceptions and special
GMT Games and now a lot has changed. items such as radios, artillery, etc. The central part of the game revolves
I gave this game a very positive review around the card deck, or Fate cards as
The counters represent leaders,
when it first came out and at that time no they are called. Each card has a type of
squads, and weapons teams. The number
one knew whether it would really take off command or order that can be given such
of soldiers depicted on the counter are
or not. Well, it has, and in a big way. as Recover, Move, Fire, etc., plus each
just what it shows, i.e., if there are four
The basic game, Combat Commander: card has an action such as Ambush, Spray
soldiers on a counter then that counter
Europe, has spawned a boxed sequel, Fire, and more that can be used in certain
represents four soldiers in the game. This
Combat Commander: Med, another situations. Finally, each card also has an
is critical as you can only have up to
boxed set called Combat Commander: event, a hex with a letter and number in
seven men in a hex. Leaders have vary-
Pacific, and several supplements covering it, and two dice that represent a die roll.
ing stats in regards to morale and com-
Stalingrad, paratroop operations, Nor- Yes, there are no actual dice in the
mandy, and soon to be coming out, New game as everything is done through the
Guinea and Resistance, which covers card draw.
partisan operations. Obviously, the series
The number of cards each player can
has enjoyed great success and continues
keep in his hand depends upon the
to grow.
players posture in the scenario. Attack-
So, is this game for you, what is it all ing will usually let you keep up to six
about, how does it work, and what are while if on a recon mission you would

Page 6 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
GMTs Combat Commander Game Series (cont.)
only get five. The one thing Stalingrad set and the
The nationality about Combat Normandy pack. Stalin-
and year will also Commander is that grad also introduced a
determine how it is not boring! A campaign system where
many cards you text book assault players can run through
can discard each with a dozen units a series of scenarios and
turn from only a can go badly if sev- keep the same forces.
few to possibly eral break due to a You can modify these of
the entire hand. random airstrike or course and there are
sniper attack. A reinforcements, but this
The cards are
bad run of cards can is a good step in the
slow momentum or right direction and it will
in the game. All
a defender placing a hidden minefield can be interesting to see if these campaigns
orders, actions,
disrupt the best plans. Chaos is a recur- will get extended or have their own sup-
events, determining which hexes random
ring theme in this game and Ive seen plements in the future.
things happen such as airstrikes or sniper
some wild swings where it looks like the
attacks, and die rolls are all made through Naturally, comparisons to ASL will
game is over and then nothing goes right
the cards. There are also several cards arise from some gamers, but these are
for the player who was ahead in victory
marked with a red TIME heading that really two different games. ASL has
points and they end up losing. If youre
advances the turn marker and allows the vehicles, but CC does not, which is
the type of gamer who likes adding up
players deck to be reshuffled. This is probably the biggest difference. ASL has
combat factors and moving units to get
important as getting through the deck if a strict and long sequence of play while
the perfect 3:1 attack, then you may have
you are a defender or ahead in the game in CC things proceed quickly from player
problems with this system. If you enjoy
in victory points is critical as every time to player using cards. ASL uses a large
trying to get yourself out of mess, need-
you run out of cards the turn marker ad- number of die rolls to generate combat,
ing to make quick decisions, and trying to
vances. You dont know when the game events, etc., but the cards in CC provide
make do with the worst the system can
will end as each scenario has a sudden constant chaos that the players must learn
hand you, then you will enjoy this game.
death marker on the turn track. Once you to manage. One of the other major differ-
hit that the game can end at any time. I think what adds value to the system ences is that ASL will take some reading
is not just the large number of scenarios (OK, a lot of reading), playing some in-
Combat is
that are already available, but the games troductory scenarios (thats why they
pretty easy as
come with one of the best scenario gen- made starter kits), and even small scenar-
you pick a
erators I have ever seen. There are charts ios can take several hours, especially if
number of units
and tables that let the players pick the you use the full ASL rulebook. Combat
nationalities and the year, then you can Commander can be picked up quickly
upon the
generate a force, maps, posture, etc., and finished in under two hours once the
leaders com-
which gives the players almost an infinite players become familiar with how things
mand value and
number of scenarios that they can play work. In the end it comes down to what
the Fire card)
with. It should be noted here that each each individual gamer prefers.
and add their
map has objective hexes printed on it, but
firepower plus Personally, I like the CC system and I
there are markers that can be assigned or
any weapons to hope it grows. Yes, its too bad that vehi-
randomly chosen that lists the value of
a die roll on a cles cant be added into the games, but
those hexes. Some of these will be
card. The defender takes into account theres so many scenarios, campaigns,
known to both players, but
any defensive modifiers, then draws a plus the random scenario
often you only know what
card for the die roll that is added to the generator that there is
they are worth to you,
morale number and if the attackers value enough to keep me busy for
which can see both sides
is higher the defender is broken and if it years to come! I think GMT
rushing to gain objectives
is lower there is no result. However, should make its own starter
that only matter to their
using a card for a Fire order, possibly kits with a few counters, a
side. This is another
another card for an action to increase the map or two, two pages of
method of keeping the
firepower, then a card for a die roll, then rules, and small card decks
game interesting and very
if it triggers an event or a sniper will to get more people interested
force another card draw and you just used in the system. As many
5 cards for one attack! The deck can be The supplements that gamers can attest, once you
cut down pretty fast in this game, which have come out so far have start playing Combat Com-
forces the action and theres very little if some great scenarios in mander youre hooked for a
any down time for the players. them, particularly the long, long time.

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 7

3rd Annual WFHGS Warmaster Ancients Tournament
cavalry and plenty of cross- working of armies between games.
bow units. The Seleucids of
With this kind of strict time limit it
course featured a mass of
does make creating a tactical plan of bat-
pikes, but decided to try a
tle pretty challenging! Each player needs
new tactic of parceling out the
to set up on the fly so to speak and come
elephants individually instead
up with some kind of plan quickly before
of using them in one big unit.
the first units roll to move. All of us find
The Hittites had more units
this quite refreshing and more often than
than previous years, which
not the original plan goes out the window
gave them the obvious advan-
by the second or third turn!
tage in numbers. Finally, my
Indians went with a combina- The Seleucids proved to be particu-
tion of plenty of infantry, larly nasty this day and easily won their
several average cavalry units, first two matches. The Normans won
and a unit of elephants. their first two as well, which set up a
showdown that wasnt planned in the
During our
For the last three year our club has
WMA games throughout
run a Warmaster Ancients tournament
the year we usually go for
over the Christmas break. Many of us are
historical opponents, so
either off of work or school, so we have
the tournament is a great
the capacity to use a full day to run the
way to match up against
tournament. This year we held it on De-
armies you wouldnt ordi-
cember 31st which started with breakfast,
narily see in our regular
followed by the tournament. The goal
Friday night games. It
was to be done by 5pm so that everyone
also brings up interesting
could go to their New Years Eve obliga-
tactical considerations
tions! This year featured armies of
such as how to stop
Normans, Hittites, Seleucids, and Indians.
charging Norman nights
The tournament consists of three with Hittite light chariots!
rounds where we try to finish each game
Each side starts 30cm
in 90 minutes or less. Points are calcu-
in from the edge of the
lated, new territories added, some armies
board and we alternate
get changed slightly, then its on to the
the placing of units during set up. This schedule, but it worked out well! The
next game. Each player was allowed
usually gets everyone ready to play in Hittites won their first game in their two
1,000 points, three territories (these gen-
under 5 minutes and when youre trying year history of participating and my poor
erate extra troops), one unit skill, and one
to get three games in under 5 hours speed Indians lost all three games! The Seleu-
commander skill. This gives everyone 12
is of the essence! The games continue cids and Normans had a titanic battle
-16 units and some choices to make in
until one side reaches its break point. which ended the tournament. When the
terms of setting up their army.
Then, casualties are added up for both dust settled here were the results:
The Normans went with hard hitting sides as at the end of the tournament there
is a special Master of May- 1st Seleucids Dave
hem award given to the 2nd Normans Gary
player who caused the
most casualties during 3rd Hittites Mark
their three games. After 4th Indians Matt
that new territories are
rolled for and both players Dave also won the Master of Mayhem
can readjust their forces to award by inflicting the most casualties
reflect the loss of certain during the tournament.
units or being able to add Well set up a fourth tournament at
new ones according to the end of this year and if everyone keeps
which territory was rolled. painting we may be able to do a medieval
Players can only adjust tournament as weve been building forces
their forces based on terri- for the Crusades.
tories received or taken, so
there is no wholesale re-

Page 8 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
3rd Annual WFHGS Warmaster Ancients Tournament (cont.)

Several shots from the 3rd Annual WFHGS Warmaster Ancients Tournament. The 10mm armies that were used were Seleucids, Hit-
tites, Normans, and Indians. Each player was able to play three games and each game was only ended when one side reached their
break point. There was also a prize given out to the player that caused the most casualties in terms of points for the tournament.

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 9

Barbarossa: Crimea Board Game Review
I became a convert to GMTs the full campaign game which can ized forces to the location of the attack.
East Front Series a few years be linked to Kiev to Rostov and Then artillery for both sides is checked to
ago when I decided to take the Army Group South, but you get see if it can support the units involved,
plunge and purchased Kiev to plenty of smaller scenarios. These then air units can arrive which can lead to
Rostov, the fifth volume in the cover the initial German attacks air to air combat, ,then anti-aircraft fire.
series. With the first four com- across the Tarter Ditch, the Russian Units can also receive no retreat or addi-
manding huge prices on Ebay, I amphibious operations, the German tional retreat orders which also adds into
was eagerly awaiting Crimea and Romanian drives to Kerch, the mix, then a 10 sided die is rolled.
(which I could afford!), and it Russian counterattacks, and the Results range from step losses to retreats
did not disappoint. siege of Sevastapol. Theres even a sepa- with additional loses for armor or if the
rate scenario (with map and set up card) attacker is going up against fortifications
For those unfamiliar with the EFS
for the siege of Odessa which isnt even if an asterisk accompanies the result. The
series it covers Operation Barbarossa in
on the map you get with the game! results dont seem too dramatic and there
volumes, such as Army Group North,
are few combats each turn, but too many
Typhoon, Crimea, etc., with the Army The EFS system, however, is not
step losses can be devastating. The East-
Group Center/Typhoon remake coming something that you want for your first
ern Front is huge, getting replacements
up next and then on to new volumes wargame or to introduce others into the
forward is difficult, and sustaining any
which will end up covering all of Russian hobby. The sequence of play for one turn
kind of attack or defense is difficult for
for the critical 1941-42 period. Units are alone will make many gamers cringe as
both sides.
generally divisions and brigades for the there can be a lot of steps. Replacements,
Russians, while for the Axis forces there artillery support, reaction, engineering
are regiments and battalions, plus for the operations, supply, etc., are all covered in
naval forces individual ships for cruisers plenty of detail, plus the air and naval
and larger. Yes, there are a lot of units in operations are almost a separate game
these games! Not only do you get the within the game. There are different
regular infantry and armor counters, but color codes for movement factors, inter-
flak units, armored trains, NKVD battal- diction rules, ZAP units which provide The EFS system will teach you a lot
ions, militia, supply trucks, and far, far Russian reinforcements, and more that about the Eastern Front in WW2. There
more. you usually do not see in other wargames, are all kinds of small units such as ar-
which is what sets EFS apart. mored trains, rocket artillery, NKVD
The Crimea box comes packed with
troops which compound Russian retreats,
lots of goodies. There is only one 22 x Just by looking at the turn sequence
coastal flotillas, and you must be thinking
34 map that shows the entire Crimea and you can see how detailed the system is
about supplies and road nets each turn.
four counter and how it ad-
Trying to coordinate actions for both
sheets. The rule dresses doctrine
sides is extremely challenging and it will
book and the play issues for each side.
take a few scenarios for players to fully
book which has For example, the
grasp the system and the little nuances
the Crimea spe- Germans can move
that it entails.
cific rules, the their motorized and
modified naval non-motorized In summary, theres really nothing
rules, scenarios, forces together in bad to say about this game. For the
and examples of the same phase to money you get quality components, well
play are both in set up attacks, while illustrated and laid out rulebooks, and
full color, which the Russians have plenty of game play with a campaign
is a nice touch. to move their mo- game and multiple scenarios. For the
The incredible thing, however, is like torized forces first, then have combat, East Front aficionado this is nirvana!
other games in the series, there are multi- then move the rest of their forces. Things Detailed maps of the operational areas,
ple cards with pieces of the map and set like supply that are glossed over in most units that you only read about in books,
up charts so that you can play several of rules come to the forefront here. Without doctrine enforced through the rules, se-
the smaller scenarios without setting up trucks and wagons moving supply to the quence of play, how replacements are
the full map. No amount of space is front neither side will be able to launch handled, etc., which gives gamers an
wasted on these smaller maps, the set up effective attacks. interesting look into operations on this
cards, charts, tables, etc., and it is a front. This game is not for everyone and
Combat is similar to much of the EFS
breathtaking work of game development. you do need to dedicate some time, but it
system in that it is detailed and not over
is a rewarding game system. Im looking
This is definitely one of the least in one or two easy steps. Units declare an
forward to the AGC/Typhoon reprint this
known East Front campaigns, but here it attack, then the defender has a chance to
year and for more games in the series
is covered in detail. Not only do you get use reaction movement to move motor-
which will someday include Stalingrad.

Page 10 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
Father Tilly Rules Review
One of our club members interesting concept, particularly three ones, two twos, five threes, one
got interested in the Thirty the deployment process, and some four, three fives, and no sixes, with both
years War in 25mm scale and it of these features on the card can sides needed a 4+ to hit, heres how it
naturally infected several oth- come in real handy during times would end up. Side a rolled two fours,
ers, so now weve built up of crisis in a game! but B only one, so thats a hit to B. B
forces for a several player rolled three fives and A two, so thats a
Each turn both sides bid for
game. Having the figures and hit to A. A rolled two sixes and B none,
initiative be determining how
terrain were great, but deciding so that s two more hits to B. In the end
many command actions their side
on the rules to use is always the A causes three hits and B one. Both sides
will use that turn. The lowest
biggest challenge for us! We then roll to see if the hits are converted
number goes first, which can be
looked at the 30YW variant for into kills. If youre thinking that melee
critical at times, but you may need
WECW in several issues of Wargames could go for awhile you would be cor-
to bid so low that you cant do everything
Illustrated, FOGR, and a few other alter- rect!
with your forces that you would have
natives, but nothing seemed to really
liked. Movement, rallying, changing Morale is based upon unit quality and
jump out at us. Then someone ordered
formation, etc., costs command actions, then modified for things like losses, see-
Father Tilly by Stephen Danes along with
so if you bid 2 for example, you will ing a rout, etc. In the above combat ex-
a few of the supplements.
probably go first, but you may not be able ample a side that suffers kills has to roll
Father Tilly covers the Thirty Years to do much! War tokens can help with morale, which can result in a push back
War in a basic set of rules along with this by adding additional initiatives to a and additional kills. When units rout it
multiple supplements that cover the East- sides turn. can be very hard to get them back into
ern conflicts, the Swedish War, scenar- action and its easy to start a cascade of
Movement is fairly standard with
ios, and a campaign system was recently units that start to fall back.
designated rates plus 1D6 for most cases.
released. There is no need to buy the
The only big change from most rules is Weve played several smaller games
supplements as the rules will be sufficient
that charges are a two step process where to get a feel for the rules and that would
to set up a game, but the supplements do
you first move up within 4 inches of an be my suggestion to players that are just
contain specific rules for the different
enemy and then on the following turn getting into Father Tilly. Start with a few
periods of the war, army details, and a lot
move into contact. No big deal, but it pike/shot units, maybe a unit of skirmish-
does take some getting use to. ers, an artillery piece, and a unit of cav-
The rules themselves feature a nice, alry, then work through a few turns. This
Shooting and hand to hand combat
full color cover with black and white text is much different than playing WECW or
are where the big changes will be for
inside along with a few images. If you FOGR, so it will take players awhile to
most gamers and they contain what I feel
are expecting something similar to the figure out how to make everything work.
are the most innovative parts of the rules.
production quality of Black Powder or
For shooting each type of weapon has a Are there problems?
Flames of War with hordes of pretty
factor, so say for example you are using Yes. The reference sheet
pictures on glossy paper you wont get it
some type of arquebus/musket which has contains only some of the
here. What you do get, however, is a
a factor of 3 and maximum range of 24 info that you need to run a
workable set of rules for an interesting
inches. If you are firing on a target with game. I created a new
period. Are there some
12 figures that is 15 inches away you one and published it on
issues? Yes, and they will
would need to roll 12 D6 with any score the Father Tilly Yahoo
be addressed here. The rules
of 5 or higher a hit. 5x3 is 15, which is group to help with this
are good value for the
the distance to the target. Yes, it takes a situation. There are
money and have several
few turns to get the hang of it, but it modifiers and rules in
interesting concepts.
works out. You then roll for damage to strange places which will cause you to
The first of these are the see how many hits translate into kills. flip back and forth during your first few
use of what are called War Each four kills results in the loss of a games. The art work on the war tokens is
Tokens. These are small figure. Artillery has maximums of how too colorful, meaning that trying to read
rectangles (although playing many casualties it can cause per turn. the text is a challenge. Finally, the basing
card sized versions were recently re- is unusual (very large bases), but as long
Combat is also unique with both sides
leased) that list events and different ef- as each players forces are based the
adding up the number of figures that are
fects that leaders can use during a turn. same you should be OK.
fighting, then determining their modifiers
These range from deployment to adding a
to hit. Both sides then roll off with usu- The above are small, but sometimes
dice in melee to additional dice for cer-
ally large numbers of dice and compare annoying problems. However, there are
tain morale checks. Depending upon a
the results by matching hit numbers. If some unique ideas to this set of rules that
leaders quality you can hold varying
side A rolls three 2s, four 3s, two fours, I like and hopefully more people will get
numbers of them per leader. This is an
two fives, and two sixes, then side B rolls a copy and try them out.

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 11

Father Tilly Playtest Battle Report
After playing a few very small games WECW before, so at least the players basically a turn and a half there was now
of Father Tilly to get used to the rules and were somewhat aware of the capabilities a hostile cavalry unit to the rear of Side
concepts, two of us determined that we of the armies of this period. Bs forces!
were ready to give it a go as a group
The one thing that we did learn, how- Both sides advanced towards each
game, although
ever, and that other, with the skirmishers pressing out
with just four
other players farther in front. By the end of turn 3 each
players. We
who are think- side was exchanging fire, but not causing
decided to keep it
ing of using too much damage. It took a few turns for
small so that
this system everyone to get the firing system, but
everyone could
should note, is after that it got to be almost second na-
concentrate on
that even for a ture. The artillery unit then got off a few
their commands,
game with few shots, damaging one of the pike and shot
learn the rules,
units as ours
and understand
was, a 6x4
that some of the
table is WAY
systems, such as
too small! The
shooting and
large possible
melee, are not the
moves of the
typical stuff seen
cavalry meant
in most rules!
that units were in contact by turn two. In
Side A had two units of cavalry and Father Tilly when a unit charges it moves
two units of pike/shot infantry, with one to within four inches of the enemy unit,
of each being veteran, which we learned then on the following turn it can press the
during the game, is a big advantage. This attack using the charge procedure.
was done to even out things as Side B
As noted in the review, combat is
would have a third infantry unit and in
unusual in that you figure out the combat
retrospect it more than made up for being
factor of the units involved (usually a 5 or
outnumbered! Side A also had a small
6 is needed for a hit), then roll a number
artillery piece and a unit of skirmishers.
of D6s for each figure that is eligible to
Side B had two units of cavalry, three of
fight. These numbers are then compared
infantry, and one small unit of skirmish-
to each other, in effect cancelling out
opposing hits. The dice that represent
After explaining the rules and the war hits that are left are then rolled to trans-
tokens, we proceeded to the deployment late into kills with four kills resulting in
phase. Each side played a number of war the loss of a figure. In practice it is much
infantry units. On the far flank the other
tokens, then we set up our forces. Both quicker than trying to explain it here.
two cavalry units prepared to get into the
sides went with cavalry on the flanks,
In the first melee of the night the vet- action.
infantry in the center and skirmishers to
eran cavalry of Side A crushed the oppos-
screen the flanks of the cavalry towards Side B now tried to get two of its
ing cavalry, routing them and pursuing
the center. There werent too many sur- three infantry units into the fight. One
them off the board. In Father Tilly melee
prises here as many of us had played maneuvered to the right and tried to con-
can go on for
tact the enemy skirmishers, but both
several rounds,
times the skirmishers fled, but not before
but when things
getting off a few parting shots! Both
start going bad
sides then got into a firefight that went
for on side they
several turns with the pike & shot unit
really go bad!
coming off the worst for it.
The victorious
cavalry pursued Side Bs center infantry unit then
the defeated became involved in a multi-turn firefight
cavalry until it with the veteran infantry unit of side A.
went off the Heres where the veteran status began to
board, but then pay off. The difference in combat factors
they were able was only one, but when you multiply that
to hold up and by a large number of figures it begins to
rally. So, after add up after awhile! (cont. on p.13)

Page 12 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
Father Tilly Playtest (cont.) Battle Report
With a enemy Overall im- The other major concern is the rulebook
cavalry unit ap- pressions were needs to be reworked and an index added.
proaching from the generally posi- We keep coming up with questions and
rear, the Side B unit tive. Everyone fortunately the author is very responsive
decided to charge was able to figure on the Father Tilly Yahoo group. Finding
the veteran infantry out the war to- things in the rules can be a challenge and
unit. What fol- kens, movement, we kept having things pop up that we
lowed was a fairly shooting, and didnt know about our do properly! More
bloody melee with melee pretty well examples of play, maybe a flow chart for
the Side B unit after a few turns. the setup, pre-made rosters of command-
forced back several You do need to ers and units for quick games, etc., could
times before finally get the reference be added.
breaking. card posted in the
Yahoo Group
On the far flank the cavalry clash
files section as the one that comes with
resulted in both sides breaking off, fol-
the game is good for players who have
lowed by several exchanges of pistol fire
had a few games under their belt, but not
and then counterattacks. This again re-
for those just learning to play.
sulted in both sides breaking off followed
by more pistol fire. The third Side B in- Father Tilly was designed to be a
fantry unit over there couldnt get around game where both sides have spent some
the cavalry melee so they had to spend time preparing for the game. There are
several turns in sections for terrain
time consuming placement, stats for the
wheels (there is no generals, and what
oblique move- would be described as
ment) which cost unit characteristics, so
their side dearly as its not a game where
they were badly you show up, throw
needed up at the some units on the
front where their board, then start play-
numbers could ing, which is what we
have been deci- did. However, we felt
sive. for a first game that we
would stick to the ba- It needs to be said, however, that in
After a few
sics and not use many of these additional the end everyone had a fun evening. The
more turns it was looking as if Side B
features. The command system can also battle felt like a 30YW/ECW fight with
was in huge trouble as several units were
get much more involved, with units being the push of pike, unpredictable artillery,
threatened to the front and flank, so the
given orders and their objectives/ and wild swings of fortune for both sides.
game was called at that point. Overall,
positions tracked on a map. Again, we If you can stick with it and get through
we had spent about four hours with the
determined to just focus on movement, your first few games, Father Tilly can be
set up, explaining the rules, and then
shooting, melee, and using the war to- a good set of rules for this period. Were
playing about seven turns, which isnt
kens. going to give it another go with more
bad for a first attempt.
units, more table space, and using the full
Using the full set-up and command
command system next time.
system would definitely take more time
and I believe would be great for two
player games. Im still not entirely sold
that it is a game for more than two play-
ers as the initiative bidding system is hard
to get it to work properly in a four or
more player game. For example, if your
side desperately needs to go first and you
bid low, i.e, a 2, then if you have 12-15
units on your side your only going to be
able to issue two commands. This means
that there will be a lot of sitting around
by several players.

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 13

Allied Defense General de Brigade Battle Report
Yet another scenario set in the Spring right of the Prussian held village, at-
of 1813 and this time using the General tempting to flank the village and engage
de Brigade rules. I think we like the 1813 the Prussian supports waiting behind the
period as you get to use almost every village. These columns got caught up in
kind of unit from Saxony, Poland, etc., a charge-countercharge type of situation
plus Russia, Prussia, and Austria are al- that see-sawed for several turns, then the
lied, so you can take almost any figures French were forced back. The French
you have and end up using the for some- attack in the center of the board, where
thing! the Prussians were the weakest, was de-
feated. The French pulled back, re-
In this instance several Prussian bri-
grouped, brought up artillery and cavalry,
gades are holding two villages roughly in
then surged forward again.
a line across the center of the board, but
with limited cavalry. The Prussians have The critical moment came when three
taken up strong positions in and around French battalions charged a large Prus-
cross it and then get organized for an
both villages, supported by artillery, with sian battalion deployed in line to cover a
some additional units in support behind gap in the defense. The Prussian infantry
the villages. The huge problem for the When the attack came it was on sev- held and forced the attackers back. It did,
Allies is that the left flank is for the most eral fronts with a great deal of support in however, clear a bit of space for one of
part wide open, theres little cavalry, and depth. The first attack towards the vil-
the troops in the center of the board are lage in the center was met with murder-
ous fire from the Prussian defenders
which drove the initial attack back.
The French side brought up more
battalions and commenced a fire-
fight on three sides of the village
with artillery coming up as fast as it
could. The French attack towards
the village on the Prussian right met
some initial success, driving back
the Prussian skirmishers and scoring
some hits on the Prussian artillery
battery in support of the skirmishers. the French cavalry brigades to deploy and
When the first French column at- then charge into two Prussian battalions
tacks went in and drove the Prussian that hastily formed square. The French
defenders back, it looked like it cav rolled extremely well and the Prus-
pretty exposed with minimal support. might be an early night! sians rolled very poorly, meaning that
Additional Russian forces would be en- one square routed and was (cont. on p.15)
The French columns then swung to the
tering, but not for the first few hours.
When the French came onto the
board, the Allied players, including me,
looked around like no one was going to
stop this attack! Battalion upon battalion
of infantry, liberally supplied with artil-
lery, and the multiple brigades of cavalry
were still stacked up waiting to come on!
However, the French had two major
obstacles to overcome at the start of the
game. First, there was simply the matter
of congestion. The large number of bat-
talions coming onto the board to attack at
one or two points took some time to sort
out. Second, there was a meandering
stream near the French entry areas that
proved to be a substantial obstacle and it
took the French forces several turns to

Page 14 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
Allied Defense (cont.) General de Brigade Battle Report

(cont. from p. 14) run down, causing the center village was open. Then, Russian able to take two of the three objectives
rest of the brigade to falter and fall back. cavalry moving up as reinforcements with the forces that they had. At this
All of a sudden there was a massive gap closed the gap and began a melee with point it was declared an Allied victory.
in the Allied defenses right in the center the other French cavalry brigades, tying
Overall, it was a long and tense strug-
of the table! them up as well. By this time one of the
gle with several wild swings of fortune
Prussian infantry brigades had rallied and
The French, now seeing the end in that took around 10 hours to play over
resumed its position in the center.
sight, sought to exploit their advantage three nights. The French players rolled
and finish the Prussians off. However, On the Prussian left the Poles, Sax- something like ten snake eyes in that
the one solitary Prussian battalion in the ons, and French were locked in a life and time! Not only that, but they were at the
center refused to budge, defeating a sec- death struggle with Russian reinforce- most inopportune times! The Prussians
ond attack and causing the French bri- ments that had moved up to anchor the had just hung on at several points during
gade to not only falter, but to completely flank and help the village defenders. The the game and at one time were contem-
fall apart which triggered a chain reaction French again tried to bombard then as- plating a withdrawal from one of the vil-
up to division level! Now the tables were sault the village, but were thrown back lages to shorten the defensive line. The
reversed, with the French completely out yet again. By this time the French were French had plenty of chances, but the
of the picture on the Prussian right. fast running out of options. When the initial deployment and having to cross the
Russians moved up their cavalry and stream took too long and left the cavalry
The French cavalry did charge and
consolidated the crossroads position it unable to get into the fight until it was
wipe out a Prussian artillery battery and
was clear that the French would be un- well underway.
for a brief moment the rear side of the

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 15

Aachen by Decision Games Game Review
Ive written in this maga- cations near Aachen, Ger- What follows next is the U.S. player
zine before about how I loved many. The U.S. forces need to banging their head against a wall and
the SPI folio and quad games penetrate the fortifications praying for exchanges to clear out sec-
from the 70s. In fact, I still quickly to bring on the U.S. tions of the fortifications. There are a
have Battle For Germany, 2nd Armored and to race for- few exciting parts to the game such as the
Chikamauga, Arnhem, and ward to take as many victory first turn, the breakout of the 2nd Ar-
Golan from that era. They locations as possible before mored (IF it gets unleashed) and German
were and still are great little German reinforcements turn counterattacks. The rest of the game
games that can be set up the game into a WW1 style (probably more than 50%) is the U.S.
quickly, are fun to play, and meatgrinder. The U.S. player player praying for certain numbers on the
you can keep a game to under needs to seize Aachen and a die roll to kill off German units to make
3 hours. series of road exit hexes for a holes.
victory while the Germans just
So, imagine my excitement when I This leads me to one of the more con-
need to prevent these things from happen-
found out that Decision Games, the suc- troversial aspects of the new WW2 and
cessor to SPI, announced that they were modern folio system rules; the artillery.
going to remake a lot of the old games in The game system uses a standard In the old games there were units for
their new folio series! Yes, with re- IGOUGO turn sequence, zones of con- artillery and they needed to be positioned
worked maps, double sided counters, and trol, and the old SPI quad/folio combat to support, offensively and defensively,
they were going to come with new sys- results tables which arent very bloody. various units on the board. Not so here.
tems for the rules. What could possibly The problem here is the Each side gets a number
go wrong? fortifications and that of support markers,
you cant advance after ranging from 3 to 10 in
Well, judging by Aachen, a lot. First,
exchanges, which is strength which represent
lets go over the good news. The initial
about the only way to mortars, artillery, aircraft,
releases for the folio series contained
get the Germans out of etc., that can be added to
many games that came out in the 70s,
the fortifications! combat. The problem?
such as Arnhem, Golan, ACW battles,
They can be used ANYWHERE on the
Leipzig, several of the North Africa The 30th Infantry begins its attack
board! In fact, the German player can
WW2 games, and more. They also re- and needs to capture three contiguous
save some each turn to attack lone U.S.
leased a few new titles such as a future hexes of the West Wall to unleash the
units (each one eliminated cuts the num-
war between India and Pakistan, plus a 2nd Armored. If you cant do this in a
ber of turns the game lasts by one) and
war with the Koreas. Decision Games is reasonable amount of time theres no
hope for an exchange!
to be commended on the size and scope need to finish the game as without the
of this project, plus bringing back many 2nd Armored the U.S. player has no I can see this being done for corps or
of these games that have been either hard chance. The 3rd Armored begins the theater level assets, but not at this level. I
to find or sell for a high price on Ebay. game at the bottom of the map (get the dont know whether the designers
errata as the set up in the game is com- thought they were being clever or trying
The folio series is basically a game
pletely wrong for the 3rd Armored!) and to appeal to todays gamers with short
inside of an 11 x 17 folder. The folder
rushes in to cut off Aachen and threaten attention spans, but it doesnt work.
has artwork or images on the front and
the victory hexes on the far side of the
details about the game on the back. For Overall, Im in the middle about this
Aachen there was a 22 x 34 map, a sheet game. Good looking map, interesting
of double sided counters, the series rules situation, and a lot of potential. Offset-
(the Fire & Movement series) and a set of ting that, however, is the mediocre sup-
exclusive rules. The map is a big im- port fire system and how did the game go
provement on the old SPI maps from the to press with the wrong set up for half the
70s and the counters have improved as U.S. units? I think if they had kept the
well. Both sets of rules are easy to digest original artillery units this game would
and an experienced gamer can be set up have been a keeper and I would be look-
and playing probably inside of 15-20 ing forward to buying every game in the
minutes. A new wargamer might take a system. However, after having tried this
bit longer, but theres nothing there that is a few times I am now lukewarm about the
going to completely befuddle someone remaining games and probably wont buy
playing their first wargame. another. Maybe Decision will reprint the
artillery units and change the system back
Aachen portrays the attempt by the
to what it used to be? That would defi-
U.S. 30th Infantry Division and 3rd Ar-
nitely save a game like this.
mored to penetrate the West Wall fortifi-

Page 16 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
Team of Rivals Book Review
The American Civil War has in the 1840s and 50s. Even if books where a country is facing doom
always been one of my favorite youve read biographies of Lincoln and yet certain people cant help them-
periods of history, but usually or thought you were familiar with selves but to try to further their own po-
from the military history side of him from reading Civil War books litical ambitions! Again, the author takes
the war. Pulitzer prize winning you will be surprised at the level of time to clearly explain the goals, influ-
author Doris Kearns Goodwin detail given here. His early life, ence, and plans each man had throughout
has written a new book, Team jobs, speeches, and political philoso- the Civil War. Sometimes it seems that
of Rivals, which shows the phy are given new life that all lead they were all working against each other,
political side of the American up to the fateful day of the nomina- but in the end they were able to create a
Civil War as seen from Lin- tion. coalition that saved the Union.
colns cabinet.
Fortunately, things are just getting I thought the portrayal of Lincoln
The first part of the book focuses on started with his nomination! From there throughout the book was of extraordinary
the four men who would compete for the he convinces his rivals to take jobs in his interest to me. By focusing on his early
Republican nomination of 1860. These Cabinet and this is where the country life and then his entrance into politics, I
four men, Chase, Seward, Bates, and begins to move towards Civil War. The thought the book did a good job of build-
Lincoln, all took different paths towards book then moves into a second phase ing up to him eventually becoming Presi-
the nomination and these are explored in where the war is being fought and Lin- dent. One of the more shocking things
fascinating detail. Goodwin covers their coln must trust his former rivals to help that the book brings out is the views of
early lives, their political careers, and him keep the North moving forward. the men regarding the issues of slavery
goes over several of their most famous This wasnt always successful and the and of African-Americans. In todays
speeches. political intrigue for a country fighting world they would have been hung in the
for its life is beautifully brought into fo- media, but in their day and age they were
Naturally, the emphasis is on Lincoln,
cus. champions of the anti-slavery movement!
but you learn a great deal about the era
and what the political landscape was like Ive always been fascinated by reading Long, but highly recommended.

Shattered Sword Book Review

After reading this book I eration. The book then spends a good deal of time is spent explaining that
will never be able to watch good deal of time going over the the Japanese CAP was not out of posi-
the movie Midway the same planning and wargaming of the op- tion, which attacks were successful, and
way ever again. Authors eration. Finally, the fleets are as- the Japanese reaction to them. There is
Jonathan Parshall and An- sembled and the operation begins. an incredible chapter just on the Japanese
thony Tully have written an damage control efforts on the three carri-
Now this is where most books
astounding book covering the ers. Finally, the Japanese strikes on the
about Midway begin to focus on
Japanese side of the events U.S. carriers is covered as well as the
operations from the U.S. side and
leading up to and during the options that the Japanese had at that
the Japanese are portrayed as either
Battle of Midway. Using point. A series of appendixes includes an
unlucky, incompetent, or just as
Japanese ship logs, inter- interesting look at whether or not the
plain old bad guys. It was refresh-
views with the participants, and compar- Japanese landing forces could have taken
ing to see that very few pages are spent
ing what has been written previously, the island from the Marines.
looking at the U.S. side of operations.
they craft a fascinating look at the battle
Overall, this book will definitely
we all thought we knew everything about. The book covers the PBY night tor-
change how you view the Battle of Mid-
pedo attack which is rarely mentioned
The book is full of diagrams showing way. The writing style is a bit dry at
anywhere, the combined SBD and B-26
things like Japanese AA effectiveness, times and there is a long set up to the
attack from Midway, and the multiple B-
how the aircraft were stowed on board actual battle. However, I guarantee that
17 attacks, which are interesting in their
the carriers, and where the ships and air- you will learn so many things that you
own right. The main battle begins with a
craft were positioned on that fateful day. never knew about this battle that it is well
detailed look at Japanese air operations
The first part of the book provides some worth your time. I wouldnt call this
and the search plans they used that day.
interesting insight into the political tur- revisionist history, but a detailed look
moil of the Japanese military and the When the U.S. attacks finally come a about what happened that fateful day.
commanders who were running the op-

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 17

Memoirs of a Miniature & Board Wargamer Pt. 16
Hidden Movement: to force its way through a sector defended time they had, but it left me frazzled try-
by strong NATO forces. My commanders ing to run all of the hidden movement!
Fun or More Work? and I looked over the terrain which was
Then there are those games that all of
If youve been in the hobby for basically a long road run-
us have experienced where things start
probably longer than five years at ning past two villages, a
hidden, but it becomes such a chore that
some point you will be asked to par- stream with a bridge, sev-
everyone votes to un-hide the figs to
ticipate in a game that features hidden eral farms, and patches of
get to the main part of the game. Natu-
movement. This could be a skirmish woods. We launched our
rally, this ruins the game and leaves eve-
game, sci-fi, hunting submarines, attack and started taking
ryone with a bad taste in their mouth for
night fighting, or any of another hun- casualties, then shifted the
future games. The other thing that can
dred gaming topics. When you finish attack and ran into more
ruin it quickly is when some players
the game you will be left with one of opposition. We called
arent paying attention in tracking their
two outcomes. First, the game was down artillery and tried
forces, forces get revealed too soon, or
fun and despite the work in keeping again without success.
when some players simply cheat!
things hidden it was worth or. Or, it Where were those NATO
was a total abject failure. guys at? Over the last few years there have
been a few attempts to incorporate some
With hidden movement, there really In the end we were forced to call off
hidden movement. I Aint Been Shot,
is no in-between result. Either everything the attack as we had lost a company of
Mum and Sharp Practice use blinds,
works and players have a great time, or armor and destroyed one U.S. M113 in
which are oval shaped cut outs which
the game bogs down as its just too much return! It was at this time that the referee
represent where some figs might be and
work for not enough game. Ive partici- showed us the NATO forces. They con-
theres the Ambush rule in Flames of
pated in some good and some not so good sisted of three APCs, two jeeps, three
War. Still others use cards to add rein-
hidden movement games over the last 35 infantry squads, one TOW team and two
forcements that show up
years, so I thought I would share some Dragon teams! How embarrassing!
already deployed on the
thoughts on the subject. However, it stuck with me to this day
board or they have very
about how good games with hidden
First, I dont think any scenario de- complex visibility rules,
movement could be if you work at it.
signer or gamemaster goes in with the even though everyone can
idea, Hey, everyone would love to do a Another good game was a Har- clearly see where the fig-
game this week with hidden movement! poon scenario where three Russian ures are at on the board.
Rather, its usually a mechanism by submarines and some air assets were
To me, many of to-
which the gamer thinks its the only way trying to prevent a NATO submarine
days hidden mecha-
a scenario can be played or they are try- attack against an amphibious landing
nisms suffer from the fact
ing to keep a surprise hidden for as long in Norway. I was the LA class sub
that most are merely gam-
as possible. Its my hum- trying to penetrate the screen and
ing gimmicks. You may
ble opinion that the games after about five hours of hard work I
still enjoy them, but theyre not true hid-
that work really well with did sink two of the Russian subs and
den movement games. Theyve been
hidden movement are got through. It was tense, nerve
added in for period flavor, speed of play
linked to how much work wracking, and took about five hours.
(getting to the action faster), point bal-
went into them. Not the most fun game in the world,
ancing, or whatever else to suit todays
but a good gaming experience.
A great example of gamers who need to get their game in
how hidden movement can Another good hidden movement under two hours.
really affect a game and experience is a Harpoon campaign I
Hopefully everyone can someday
give you a real life per- ran for our club based upon the Rus-
enjoy a well run hidden movement game.
spective on things oc- sians seizing the Kurile Islands from
Some may argue that its too much work,
curred during a game of Enolas Combat Japan. This involved over 100 aircraft on
takes too much time, and that it doesnt
Commander back in the mid 80s. The each side, numerous ships, submarines,
do anything to make the game more fun.
guy setting up the game had obviously transports, choppers, and more spread
Im merely stating that it can be fun to go
spent a ton of time setting up the forces, across a large section of the Pacific
up against an enemy when you have no
terrain, reinforcements, etc., plus he knew Ocean. The game went for several
idea what their forces are, you need to
the rules (particularly the sections on months and there were numerous clashes
use recon assets, patience, and come up
visibility-yes, gamers usually skip this between opposing forces. Both sides
with a plan to achieve your mission. I
section) very well. spent long hours agonizing over maps,
know that this is asking a lot of todays
trying to figure out where the enemy was
The scenario placed me in charge of a gamers, but it is a true gaming experience
and what they were trying to do. Every-
Warsaw Pact armored battalion with a to play in some of the games Ive de-
one afterwards expressed what a great
mech infantry company in support trying scribed above.

Page 18 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
Blast From The Past Pt. 15
OK, admit it. Back in the 70s with D&D, so we expanded to play while watching a concert on
and possibly the early 80s you got out slowly and surely, but we MTV, then game from about 9pm until
sucked into role-playing games, kept coming back to D&D. 3am. Many of us would then go home,
or RPGs as they are now known, sleep three or four hours, then get up for
The first RPG other than
at least once in your gaming life. our jobs at the local mall, factory, or
D&D that we tired was Trav-
It still seems hard to believe that wherever we worked when we were in
eller. Even thought there was
from that one plain box that had our teens and early twenties, only to re-
the boxed sets, supplements,
the three basic Dungeons & Drag- peat the same thing the next night. Mix
etc., it was a game that we
ons books that it would spawn a in going to the arcades, watching horror
never really got into. It
segment of the hobby that has and action films, and you basically had
seemed that the most fun was
made millions of dollars and still my life from the late 70s through about
rolling up the characters,
exists today. 1985!
building a universe, creating ship, and
I played my first D&D game back in more, but the actual game play Towards the end we ended up playing
1977 and thought it was fun, but I was was...well, dull. We tried several times a lot of MERC along with AD&D. There
more interested in SPI and Avalon Hill and got through a few sessions, but I were quite a few memorable MERC cam-
games at the time. It wasnt until 1979 dont think anything ever lasted longer paigns and battles including several large
when I got into an ongoing campaign than a month. battles fought with miniatures. By this
with a really great dungeonmaster that I time, however, everyone had miniature
One of the most fun RPGs I ever
really started to appreciate the game. As armies for WW1, modern naval, modern
played was Gamma World, but here you
time went on I started to run my own micro-armor, sci-fi, colonials, and more,
needed a really good and clever GM.
campaigns, including some that were so which led to the RPG time being cut
Fortunately, I ran into one and
elaborate they ended up with massive back drastically. The biggest thing
he had a very elaborate cam-
battles with armies of miniatures! that derailed the playing of RPGs
paign that was a blast to be
was Starfleet Battles, which our
I then drifted into Squad Leader and involved in. Basically, we
group played for about three or four
lost some of the desire to get into RPGs started out with a spear and
years straight.
as the gamers in my area had no real de- knife in a remote village and
sire to get into that side of the hobby. set out to explore. We ran We kept coming back to RPGs
Things changed again when I found a into a western town, radiated and started to play some of the
local hobby store where there zones with armies of bi- newer ones that came out in the early
were some gamers like me zarre creatures, old ICBM to mid 90s that included games like
who did basically everything complexes, and more. When this GM Twilight 2000 and Star Trek. However,
under the sun, including RPGs. left, so did Gamma World, and its a it seemed like the magic had gone and in
This started a five year period shame that I was never able to finish the end most of us gave up RPGs and
of doing some kind of RPG that campaign. went into boardgames and/or miniatures
gaming almost every other to stay. The newer games seemed to do
We tried other games such as Top
weekend. What started out as everything for you and everyone was
Secret, Star Frontiers, Runequest,
basically doing D&D most of basically going through the motions of
Champions, and James Bond. We did
the time soon expanded out playing the game. Gone were the days of
everything from gangsters in the
into almost every popular type creating maps, designing characters and
1920s to being teams of secret agents
of role-playing game from that era. antagonists, and using your imagination
trying to save the world and we had a
to set up an evening of fun for your
Naturally, D&D was the most popu- great time. There were some great games
lar, especially when the hardbound books that involved superheros, running booze
and third party supplements started to shipments, and fighting supernatural be- As has been stated here before I think
come out. It became D&D 24/7 for about ings in an H.P. Lovecraft setting. we all reached a point where it was time
two years straight with multiple cam- to move on. School was finished, profes-
Our evenings would usually start as
paigns running at several players houses. sional jobs, starting a family, and
meeting for dinner at 6pm on
These were great times as you would play other obligations took up time previ-
a Friday or Saturday night
on a Friday or Saturday night until the ously used for gaming. Last sum-
with the preferred venue of
wee hours of the morning, loading up on mer, however, I was at our local
choice being Pizza Hut!
M&Ms, Coke, and pizza. Looking back, gaming store when the new hard-
From there it was a trip to the
I think it was the social aspect of the backs for AD&D arrived. Believe it
local grocery store to stock
game that was far more important than or not, there were lines of teenagers
up on the necessities of gam-
the game itself. and twenty-somethings buying three
ing, these mainly being
and four books each! Maybe RPGs
Of course, there were too many other candy and soda! After that
arent dead after all!
systems to try out rather than just stick we would start getting set up

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 19

Strike South by Avalanche Press Game Review
The Second World War There is also a series every counter, so getting them completed
at Sea series, or SWAS, as rule booklet and a booklet in an evening could be a challenge.
it is usually referred to, is with scenarios and cam-
So what makes this series so popular
one of Avalanche Press paigns for the specific
and/or interesting? To me it is the opera-
most popular series. Say game. The rules are
tional part of the game. The tactical bat-
what you will about the pretty easy once you un-
tles with the massive amounts of dice
games that Avalanche Press derstand how to write
rolling are fun to a point, but can get tire-
puts out, with little play- task force orders. This is
some unless linked to one of the larger
testing, graphics errors, the core of the game and
operational scenarios. It is when playing
unplayable systems, etc., players need to spend
the operational scenarios where the game
this series has had a string of successes. some time learning what task forces can
system really shines.
Along time ago I reviewed Eastern Fleet have certain orders, how they move, and
and just recently got a pretty good deal on what changes are permissible. Each turn movement is
its cousin, Strike South. After that, searching, combat, sub- plotted for task forces, air-
marines, etc., is pretty easy to di- craft are assigned to searches
Strike South covers the period at the
gest. The addition of aircraft, how- and strikes, and it becomes a
start of Americas involvement in WW2,
ever, will up the complexity level real cat and mouse situation.
essentially when Japan ran wild through
just a bit. However, once you start using You know that there are enemy forces out
the South Seas and Indian Ocean. It is a
aircraft and conduct your first air to air or there and have a general idea of where
perfect companion to Eastern Fleet in that
air to sea combat it gets pretty easy to do they are. The problem is what their com-
both have numerous scenarios where it is
after that. position is and their mission. Each player
very difficult for
needs to use all of their available assets to
the Allies to win! The game spe-
discover where the enemy is, how many
Strike South cov- cific rule book fea-
of them are there, and where are they
ers the period from tures several rules
going. When forces meet the action is
the beginning of that usually occur
transferred to the tactical map where
the war to events only in that game
combat is resolved. Yes, there is some
leading up to that are added on to
paperwork involved, but its minimal and
Coral Sea and the standard series
nothing like playing some of the WW2
Midway, which rules. Again, most
naval miniatures rules Ive used over the
are covered in of these are minor
separate games. and are easy to im-
This game gives plement. There are If theres one problem with Strike
players the chance to recreate the Japa- several battle scenarios which are just South is that it is similar to Eastern Fleet
nese onslaught or as the Allies try to surface combat with the counters being where the Allies have little to no chance
score some kind of victory in desperate placed on the tactical map. These games in some of the scenarios. Its not the
circumstances. are a good introduction to the series and designers fault or poor scenario design,
can be completed in under two hours. but rather the actual historical situations.
The retail price of the game was
Yes, they do use the Avalanche bucket Lets face it, the Allies were not ready for
$59.95 and for that amount of money you
of dice system, but the surface combat the Japanese onslaught in December of
do get a lot in terms of components and
actions are fun to play out. 1941 and this game definitely shows that.
scenarios. First, there are two beautiful
Having said that, however, the scenarios
maps of the South Seas area that cover You also get several operational sce-
and operational games that are given here
the Philippines, Singapore, Java, and narios (or I like to think of them as mini-
are interesting to say the least. Can you
Northern Australia. They are done in the campaigns) that deal with many ships and
hold the Phillipines longer than what
standard SWAS format, which is offset aircraft spread over a wide area. Several
actually happened? Can you get badly
tiny squares that serve as reference points of these take both maps and use almost
needed convoys across the South Seas in
for task force orders. There is also a tac-
the face of ever growing Japanese fleet
tical map used for surface combat. There
are two counter sheets, one for ships and
the other for smaller ships, transports, and Not only that, but where else can you
aircraft. The counter sheets are well done get to use Dutch naval and air units?
and feature the Japanese ships done in Also, the multi-national task forces with
yellow with the aircraft in a variety of almost impossible missions are another
shades depending upon if they were naval unique part of this game. Overall, this is
or land based air. The Allies are in vari- a well done game that provides an inter-
ous shades of blue with the Dutch ships esting look at the first few months of
and aircraft in orange. WW2 in the pacific.

Page 20 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
Say it Aint So. More Ancients Rules? Editorial
Ive been gaming since the The problem with the game, at system and produce a book/rules similar
mid-70s and if theres one pe- least from my point of view, is that to the success of Black Powder last year.
riod that really brings out the it is DBM on steroids, or what The next will be Clash of Empires from
arguing, tournament mindset, many gamers thought DBM should Great Escape Games. From what Ive
pick up your ball and go home have been. Reading through the seen this may be closer to WAB than any
type of gamer, its ancients. examples of play it struck me that of the other sets. Finally, Rob Broom,
Yes, you see similar things with WAB gamers are not going to who for many years oversaw WAB and
Napoleonics and WW2 to some jump to this, although Im sure Warhammer Historical, will be putting
extent, but nothing like an- some have. It is an entirely differ- out War & Conquest as well.
cients. I started out playing ent style of game, definitely more
Its shaping up to be almost a replay
WRG 5th, then Newbury, formal in its approach, and obvi-
last year of Napoleonic rules where you
Shock of Impact, Warhammer Ancients, ously it would be better suited to 15mm
had Black Powder, La Salle, and Repub-
and finally settled on Warmaster An- than 28mm, which is what most WAB
lic to Empire all come out at pretty much
cients. By no means am I an ancient players have.
the same time. There was an initial flurry
period expert, but I keep up to date on
So, the field is now wide open for of excitement, threads on forums about
game related items in the period and I
someone to produce a dominant set of what to buy, reviews, comparisons, etc.,
find the current state of affairs quite inter-
ancients rules. By that I mean a set of then finally mud slinging matches about
rules that will clearly sell more than oth- which set of rules was the best. Black
Although there will never be One ers, have good support, they will feature Powder in my mind (even though Im not
Rules Set to Rule Them All, it did look additional army lists, maybe a campaign a big fan of it) clearly won the fight, but
like for awhile that WAB was going to system, and you can at least move or visit what did it win? All three had good
come close. It had a huge following, another city and have a good chance of sales, but the main question is, what real
numerous supplements with more playing with other players who have the impact did they have on that gaming pe-
planned, most magazine articles on the rules and armies based for that system. riod?
period were in terms of WAB, and many,
But is that possible any longer? Has From what Ive seen, many gamers
if not most gamers based their armies for
the ancients gaming community been so simply went back to what they were play-
the rules. But then chinks began to appear
fractured that this is merely a pipe ing before. Also, it gets hard to get oth-
in the armor, most notably by the lack of
dream? Warmaster Ancients definitely ers in your club interested in becoming
supplements for items like Samurai, Suc-
caught on and while nowhere near the invested in yet another set of rules, al-
cessors, etc., followed up by a years long
level of WAB (although the Yahoo group most as if there is a new gaming illness
wait for a second edition of the rules. A
is approaching 2500 members-pretty called Rules Fatigue. I know in our
change in ownership, more delays on the
good for a miniatures game), I cant see club many of these rules were bought, but
second edition, then the unusual practice
all WMA players dumping their rules and weve yet to see few, if any of them
of selling the rules by direct order only
armies to go to a new system. Likewise played. If you have four guys who like
have been damaging body blows to the
for those who turned to Impetus. This Empire for example and play it all the
franchise. Although there are still large
has been a successful entry into the field, time, what chance do you think you have
numbers of WAB players, many still do
although it seems to be primarily in of them helping you to set up a game of
not have the second edition, have lost
Europe and England. Will they give up La Salle? Then next time someone wants
interest, or just moved on to other rules.
their rules for another set? to set up Republic to Empire then maybe
Naturally, this left an opening for Black Powder after that. I know in our
Also, what about those who still play
Fields of Glory to come riding in and club and with others thats a non-starter.
WRG 6th and DBM/DBA? I read a con-
save the day. Umm...not so fast. FOG
vention report where they were still hav- Thats not saying that all of these
had several huge advantages, namely
ing tournaments with those rules and had rules are bad, but taking the time and
having Osprey behind them in the pub-
attracted enough for large tournaments, money to get a new set of rules, learn it,
lishing area and a well established core of
although by reports nowhere as large as then put on a game seems to be in short
gamers who were looking at FOG as an
they have been. If those gamers havent supply these days. Will this happen with
improvement of DBM. Throughout its
changed to WAB, FOG, or other sets by these new releases for ancients this year?
development it was hoped that this rules
now I think the odds are slim that they Maybe. Or one of them can stand so far
set, with all of the gaming experience of
will move to something new this year. above the others that it has a magnetic
the designers, input from ancient gamers
effect and creates a horde of new fans.
around the world, then coupled with Os- So there will be three new, high pro-
Only time will tell. Im sure that all three
preys graphics and publishing expertise duction value sets of ancient rules coming
of these new rules will do well in terms
would produce the ultimate set of an- out this year. The first will be Hail Cae-
of sales, but at the end of the day if eve-
cients rules. Not only that, but a virtual sar, or jokingly referred to as
ryone tries them and goes back to what
library of army books poured forth into Powderless Black Powder! This is an
they were playing, did we really need
the hobby during its first year. attempt to use a modified Warmaster

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 21

What Are We Simulating? (cont.)
(cont. from p.3) target. Also, most cavalry attacks were
usually a series of squadron charges, but
9. Pursuit & Army Disintegration yet we rarely if ever see this on the table-
In wargames rules pursuit has to be one top. I remember in The Complete Briga-
of the strangest parts of any game system. dier that a series of squadrons would al-
Some rules handle that when a pursuing most always defeat cavalry deployed in
unit touches a retreating or routing unit regiments, which was very well done.
theyre simply wiped out. Others have
In Summary
rules that allow for the pursuer to go
wildly off the board in pursuit as well as It is true that a few things Ive picked
the retreating unit. In practice, however, up from various rules sets and mentioned
pursuit in combat was never a given and here, while novel ideas, arent always
both sides could end up far worse than from a good set of rules! Many gamers
they started when the pursuit began. have found that while reading a set of
Pursuit, if it ever got going, could eat up tion too much about it here. I will say rules they will come across a great idea,
the pursuers strength and some units that that command systems such as those in only to find out that the rest of the rules
were being pursued put up effective rear Warmaster Ancients, BKC2, and the new are unplayable, dont fit the period well,
guard actions, which are rarely seen on board game Fighting Formations from or wouldnt be right for their gaming
the tabletop. This is an area where rules GMT are a breath of fresh air in group. Also, many of us go on playing
writing could use some innovation. What wargames rules. Anything that can simu- rules even though deep down we know
about a table or chart that shows how late command and control while remain- that some aspect of the rules doesnt feel
long the pursuit lasts and what the effects ing relatively simple to grasp for most right, work as it should, or is just totally
are to both sides? gamers is always a good thing. unrealistic. However, the rest of the rules
make up for this, so we press on and
Also, rules that make brigades, divisions, 11. Scenario Driven Games
conveniently ignore that section that
etc., check for retreat/rout/disintegration
Most of the games I see are relatively we dont like.
have some wild extremes as well. In
straight forward affairs with long lines
some systems you merely pick up the But are we simulating history or
equally deployed against their enemy,
entire division and suddenly there is a merely playing a game with history in it?
even in WW2 games! Does everyone
massive hole in your lines. Where did the If youre simply playing a game with
realize that there are scenario books, or-
remaining brigades or battalion go? Isnt historical miniatures from the given era,
ders of battle in books, online resources,
there still fighting going on there some- then you are free to have ignored this
etc., so that gamers can do something
where? As gamers we sometimes want entire article! Throw 50 Jagdtigers on the
different? Surely., someone can come up
quick resolutions while in reality the divi- table, dont check for morale until you
with enough drive to do something other
sion may be trying to rally units, form a lose 80% of your force, ignore artillery (it
than Pick 1,000 points and set up in a
new line, bring up supports, etc., but on just takes too long to deal with anyway),
long line on that side of the board. How
the tabletop most higher echelon units and have a good time. As a gamer its
many times have you seen or participated
dont get a second chance. your right to buy the figs you want and
in a siege, a river crossing under fire, rear
use the rules that youre going to have
10. Command & Control guard actions, delaying actions, flank
fun with.
attacks, or assaults against heavily forti-
Yes, I realize that this topic has been beat fied positions? Probably not many. If, on the other hand, you want to at
to death over the last 35 years that Ive
least try to simulate a point in history,
been in gaming, so Im not going to men- 12. Cavalry Charges
then hopefully this article has given you
Heres another system in rules some food for thought and youll start
that have a million different inter- taking a closer look at the rules you have.
pretations. My biggest complaint This isnt a complexity is better than
is how can a charge come up simplistic argument, rather it is an at-
short? Surely the cavalry com- tempt to get gamers to take a look at
mander would know where and some of the systems that are in their
when to launch a charge, plus rules. No one set of rules is the answer to
they dont just stop in the middle everyones dilemma, but some rules seem
of a battle and say, Hey, that to do a better job overall for certain eras.
enemy is too far away! Yet this Notice I didnt even touch on things like
happens time and time again in air support, naval warfare, terrain on the
many horse & musket games tabletop, etc., as Ill probably write about
where units get left hanging hope- those in the future!
lessly just short of their intended

Page 22 N E W S L E T T ER T I T L E
Fighting Formations by GMT Game Review
Coming fresh off the success When I first opened the pretty easy and it gives player a wide
of the Combat Commander series, rulebook and the playbook I range of options each and every turn.
designer Chad Jensen has thought I was in for another Once the 10 order cubes are used up
emerged with a new series called session of GMTs East Front the turn ends.
Fighting Formations. The first series, but this was not the case.
game focuses on the Gross- Direct fire is done by opposing die
The rules are easy to under-
deutschland Motorized Infantry rolls suing a vari-
stand plus there is a
Division during the 1942 and ety of dice. If
well laid out index to
early 1943 battles on the Eastern youre going for a
find quick answers.
Front. As this review will long shot you
Once you start playing and get
show, it is a step up from Combat may only roll
through the first few turns it
Commander in both scope and scale. 2D6s while if
gets very easy after that.
youre adjacent
First, you get a lot of high quality Fighting Formations is defi- you may roll up
components that have been a staple of nitely a command and control to 2D20s depend-
GMT Games for quite some time now. game. Each side has round ing upon the
There are four 22 x 34 double-sided command counters with a Mis- situation. This is
mapsheets, several sheets of counters, a sion side and a Tactical side. Each turn compared to a defense roll (2D10 +
bag of different kinds of dice, wooden an orders matrix is seeded with the armor for vehicles or morale for infan-
cubes and a token, reference cards, a wooden cubes. There are different try) and if it exceeds the total of the
deck of asset cards, a rulebook, and a kinds of options and depending upon defense a hit marker is drawn. Simple,
full color playbook with numerous sce- which cube you choose, there are cer- effective, and it works well during the
narios and detailed examples of play. tain initiative points that must be paid game.
Yes, theres a lot of stuff here! on a track. For example, if you choose
There is also melee, events, the asset
The counters represent to receive three asset
cards, snipers, and a lot more. There
platoons of vehicles and cards for your turn, the
are so many options each turn for both
infantry, but there are also initiative token is
players that it would be impossible to
similar counters for moved 10 spaces to-
describe them all here. Each player
squads. This is so that wards your opponent.
must decide on how much initiative
platoons can break down and for taking This may give the other
they are willing to pay to do move-
casualties. Vehicles and guns are on player a chance to run several com-
ment, firing, rallying, and more. At the
long counters while infantry and MG mands such as move and fire that only
end of the turn you may have to give up
teams are on the standard square count- cost 2-3 initiative points each to push
the initiative by paying quadruple for a
ers. Other counters include smoke, the token back towards the other
move order just because youre desper-
sighting, hits, hidden units, and a vari- player. Where the command chits
ate to seek cover or keep an attack go-
ety of counters to keep track of various come in is that if youre under mission
ing, but you will give your opponent
game functions. The asset cards are command the actions dont cost any-
the initiative for quite some time at the
just that; cards that allow one side or thing extra, but under tactical command
start of the next turn.
the other to use things such as artillery adds extra initiative points and out of
barrages, air strikes, or to discard for command adds even more. This may The scenarios range from probing
certain functions. Fighting Formations sound complicated, but in practice its attacks to full fledge assaults with
is not a card driven wargame, but the masses of T-34s. The 10 historical
cards are there to give players even actions and one introductory scenario
more options during a turn than they will provide plenty of gaming time and
already have! there is a high replay factor with this
The rulebook is well laid out and if
you are an experienced gamer you There is already talk of additional
could probably get started playing the scenarios for this game and for follow
game by just reading the examples of on games that may involve the U.S.
play in the playbook! The actual rules 2nd Armored and one of the Canadian
themselves are probably only around 8 divisions in Normandy. This first vol-
pages with the rest of the space taken ume is a welcome addition to a
up by terrain, what the markers mean, crowded field of tactical WW2 games
how to read the counters, etc. and is highly recommended.

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 23

WFHGS Im really questioning the need to keep posting on gaming forums unless it is some-
thing that either a) Im really interested in that game/topic, or b) a gamer really needs
a certain piece of information. Ive come to the conclusion that posting on many of
these forums is a colossal waste of time. Most of your comments are ignored if they
WASATCH FRONT HISTORICAL have any hint of reality in them, you get piled on upon if you express anything con-
trary to the prevailing opinion, and I cant take the bad grammar that passes for intel-
Meets every other Friday night in the SLC, Utah area. We play
Age of Reason, Age of Discover, Age of Eagles, Warmaster ligence these days. If I see for example, a gamer needs info on a certain units uni-
Ancients, Blitzkrieg Commander, Sword and Flame, Battles for
Empire, Phantoms, Sharp Practice, Wild West, and too many forms for the NWF in 1898 I will post and try to help them, but posting about what
more periods to list here!
Contact the Editor
rules are best for a certain period is a waste of typing. Too many people respond with
E-mail: bizarre ideas, they hijack the thread to another topic, recommend obscure rules sets
no longer in print, and more so that the entire thread becomes useless. Its also not
only on gaming forums, but on sports and news sites that I frequent as well where I
The best in historical miniatures see childish behavior and little to no intelligent discussion. What will happen when
gaming many people such as myself abandon these sites? Theyll no doubt go on, but will
they get worse or better? My guess would be worse, then they will lose more people,
but maybe that doesnt matter anymore. Perhaps its me who is behind the times and
Visit us on the web: maybe I need to start getting angry, post idiotic statements, go on and on about noth- ing, and then maybe Ill fit right in with a large segment of the gaming community!

Victory at Sea WW1 Battle Report

On one of our gaming tem works. To keep things the individual ship sheet. Again, nothing
nights where we ended up simple we limited each here that is so complex that it would drive
without a place to play and player to just four battle- gamers away.
having to make a last sec- cruisers each, which in the
We played several turns and by that
ond decision on what to long run proved to be the
time several battlecruisers were on fire,
game, we ended up trying right decision as with lim-
others were damaged (some heavily) and
the WW1 version of Vic- ited time available we
the game was really just getting going.
tory at Sea by Mongoose were able to focus on the
The system is a grind your enemy
Publishing. The WW1 and basics (no destroyers, tor-
down type game, probably similar to
WW2 rules are based off of their popular pedoes, etc.) and get started quickly.
Starfleet Battles where you are trying to
Babylon 5 space combat system.
The turn sequence is pretty straight- get your opponent (s) to mark off as
We only had a few hours as were forward and movement is much simpler many boxes on their ships as possible
playing at the local game store, but it than in most naval games. Naturally, each turn.
helped that all of us who were playing being gamers everyone wanted to shoot at
Overall, it was a lot of fun. Probably
had played many, many naval games over things, so after a few turns of brief ma-
not the most histori-
the years, we didnt need to be briefed on neuvering the shells started
cally accurate set of
every single aspect of the rules! There to fly. Each battlecruiser is
WW1 naval rules
was a brief rated for how many tur-
out there, but every-
overview of the rets/guns they have, range,
one was able to
sequence of special modifiers, and
quickly grasp the
play, how the armor. Combat involves
concepts and had a
ship data sheets rolling large numbers of
good time, which is
are used, move- dice, checking for critical
what counts in the
ment, and how hits, then applying the
the combat sys- effects of the damage on

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