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Lesson Plan : Introduction to Computers

Teacher Name:

Toni Padgett


Grade 9-10


Vocational Ed.


Our World of Computers


What is a computer? -Components -Power -Networks and the Internet -Categories of Computers -
Computer Applications in Society


To help students understand the relevance of computers in our society. To help students understand
the various components of the computer. To help students understand the power of a computer. To
help students understand the difference between software and hardware. To introduce students to the
various categories of computers.


1. Recognize the importance of computer literacy. 2. Define the term computer and identify its
components. 3. Explain why a computer is a powerful tool. 4. Recognize the purpose of a network 5.
Discuss the uses of the Internet and World Wide Web 6. Recognize the dirrerence between installing
and running a program 7. Identify the types of software. 8. Describe the categories of computers 9.
Determine how the elements of an information system interact 10. Identify the types of computer users.
11. Discuss various computer applications in society.


Presentation Equipment Computer Digital Camera Worksheet with components of the computer for
paired student quizzing Textbook Sample Computer Notebook Pencil


"Life without computers" -Intro- We all know that we couldn't make it without computers in this day
and age, but really think about how your life would be affected without the everyday use of computers.

Session #1 Opening Activity Have students write on a sheet of paper, the following 1. Three ways they
have used a computer already that day. Randomly choose and ask for volunteers to share the answers.
Explore how their lives be different without the computers they have used already. How much time did
they save by using that type of computer? What is a computer? -electronic device -Data and Information
-Information Processing Cycle Introduce the Components of a Computer -Hardware -Input Devices -
Output Devices -System Unit -Storage devices -Communication Devices


1. Visually go through the components of a computer using my computer. Have students categorize the
various components as input, output, hardware, system unit, storage device, communication device.

Checking For Understanding:

Verbally review components of the computer and check for understanding into which types of devices
each component would fit.


How else will you be using a computer today? As you move through your campus today, observe how
computers are being used right here in your environment.

Students will understand the following:

1. The World Wide Web can be a helpful place to find information on certain has many elementary school lesson plans to choose from. The Teacher
Channel offers free lesson plans for grades k-5.

2. Two ways to locate information on the Web are through the Internet Library and by using a
search engine.

3. A Web site is a place where groups of people share information and resources on the Internet.

4. The address of a Web site is called a URL, which stands for uniform resource locator. ( Universal
resource locator is also used.)


For this lesson, you will need:

Computer with Internet access


1. Ask students to share what they know about using the Internet or the World Wide Web.
Encourage them to talk about Web sites they have visited and what they learned from their visits. Make
sure everyone in the class understands that (a) the Web can be a helpful place to find information on
certain topics, including many topics studied in school, and (b) a Web site is a place where groups of
people share information and resources on the Internet.

2. Ask students how they would go about using the Web to find information on a topic. Share with
the class three ways to begin:

Ask your teacher or librarian for the addresses of one or more Web sites that offer information on your

Use the Internet Public Library, which features Web resources organized, as in an ordinary library,
according to the Dewey Decimal System. The address for the Youth Division of the Internet Library

Use a search engine . The Classroom Connect Class Web Research Page provides links to numerous
search engines for elementary school students. The address for this Web page
Students should understand that all of the above methods provide the researcher with a Web address,
or URL, which stands for uniform (or universal ) resource locator. By going to that address, the
researcher may find the needed information. If not, he or she should try other addresses.

3. Ask students to contribute to a list of topics they might want to research on the Web, and
record their topics on the chalkboard. You may add topics of your own to the list.

4. Divide your class into groups, and give each group time to use a computer with Internet access
to research a topic of its choice. (You might have groups submit their first-, second-, and third-choice
topics to you so that you can avoid duplication of topics among groups.)

5. Encourage groups to visit at least three Web sites while researching their topics.

6. Groups should use the information they have found on their topics to prepare oral or written
presentations to share with the class. They should document their presentations with the addresses of
the Web sites they used.

7. Start a classroom library of URLs, listed by topic. The URL library might take the form of a card
file, or be kept online for students to access.

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Adaptation for younger students

Introduce younger students to the World Wide Web by asking them to name topics they would like to
research, then guiding them through the use of a search engine to find Web sites that offer useful
information on their topics.

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Discussion Questions

1. Why do the president and vice president's e-mail addresses end in ".gov"? What are some other
e-mail address endings you have noticed? Debate what the categories and standard e-mail address
endings should be or if categories should exist at all.

2. Describe how your class might use e-mail.

3. What information might your class want to share on a Web site? Remember this information
could be text, photographs, drawings, sound, or video. Explain your design for a Web site.

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You can evaluate groups on their presentations using the following three-point rubric:

Three points: topic thoroughly researched; at least three URLs cited; presentation clear, interesting, and
very well organized

Two points: topic adequately researched; only two URLs cited; presentation satisfactorily organized and

One point: topic inadequately researched; only one URL cited; presentation poorly organized and

You can ask your students to contribute to the assessment rubric by determining a minimum number of
facts to be presented.

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