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Outcome 1 Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion:

1.1 Define what is meant by:

Diversity: is about difference, variety that different people bring to society.
Equality: equal rights, access to opportunities for all.
Inclusion: active participation, do not feel exluded.
Discrimination: unfair or unequal treatment of an individual or group (because of
age, race, disability, gender, race, religion, beliefs), disadvantaged or excluded.

1.2 Describe how direct or indirect discrimination may occur in the work setting:
- direct discrimination: no promotion because of age, a job refused to a person because
of their religion disability, a female employee is paid less than a male employee for doing
the same job.
- indirect discrimination: some employees working in shifts and others with children
dont work in shifts, offer a job to a certain age of group.

1.3 Explain how practices that support diversity, equality and inclusion reduce the
likelihood of discrimination:
- to respect peoples individuality;
- encouraging people to express their views and listened to them;
- promoting good practice.

Outcome 2 Know how to work in an inclusive way:

2.1 List key legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and
discrimination in adult social care setting:
- Equality Act;
- Human Rights Act;
- Essential Standards;
- GSCC Code of Practice.

2.2 Describe how to interact with individuals in an inclusive way:

- to enable the individual to be involved in their daily life;
- to be open to an individuals needs, views, culture, beliefs.
- to respect the individual.

2.3 Describe ways in which discrimination may be challenged in adult social care
- do not accept any form of discrimination;
- to record and report all incidents of discrimination that occurs;
- to provide a code of practice or policy that explains the discriminatory practices that
must noy occur;
- to provide training to make everyone aware of how to prevent and challenge

Outcome 3 Know how to access information, advice and support about diversity,
equality, inclusion and discrimination:

3.1 Identify sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion
and discrimination:
- my workplace codes of practice, policies and procedures;
- my supervisor, manager;
- the service users;
- specialist advice;
- Equality and Human Rights Commission

3.2 Describe how and when to access information, advice and support about diversity,
equality, inclusion and discrimination:
- how: asking my supervisor or manager, my workplace policies and procedures, asking
the service users directly, asking organization directly.
- when: discrimination clarification is needed, I start work in adult social setting,
someone requests or requires more information.

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