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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


B.Sreenivasulu1, G. Prasanthi2, T. Naresh Kumar3

Asst.Professor, MECH, MITS Madanapalle, A.P, India,
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur, India
P.G.Student, MECH, MITS Madanapalle, A.P, India,

The tube hydro forming process (THF) is an unconventional metal forming process, where in tube is deformed internally and thus it is
forced to expand and conform to the shape of the surrounding die. The performance of this process depends on various parameters
like internal pressure, axial loading etc. For FEA simulation, it requires proper combination of material selection, part design and
boundary conditions. The estimated process parameters are optimized using FEA simulations.

In this work, free bulge shaped tube die was modeled by using Auto CAD. Subsequently, the processes were simulated using
DEFORM-3D and it has been verified with experimental work under proper boundary and loading condition. Process parameters
study also been conducted. It has been found that the estimated process parameters, developed branch height and the wall thickness
distribution along different planes are in good coincidence with experimental results.

Keywords: Tube hydroforming, Free bulge forming, DE-FORM Software, EN-31, Axial feeding, internal fluid pressure,
FEA Simulation, loading path.

1. INTRODUCTION 1. Part consolidation resulting in weight reduction of the

Tube hydroforming is a one of the most commonly used 2. Weight reduction through more efficient section
unconventional metal forming process in Automotive and design and tailoring of the wall thickness,
aerospace industry to produce hallow shapes with complex 3. Reduced tooling cost, dimensional variations and
geometries by using axial force and internal pressure. Tube scrap rate.
Hydroforming is also called by many other names Such as 4. Improved structural strength and stiffness,
bulge forming of tubes, hydraulic pressure and liquid bulge 5. Less number of secondary operations.
forming depending on the time and country in which it was
used. In recent years more researches has done on Tube
1.1 Applications of THF
hydroforming by using FEA software such as LS-DYNA,
are used to study and analyze the various processes parameters
axial force and internal pressure, friction effect, thickness
distribution. Most failure modes in THF can be classified as
wrinkling, buckling, bursting. These types of failures are
caused by either excessive internal pressure or excessive axial
end feed during the forming process. The principle of free
bulge test is simple; a metal tubular specimen is loaded with
internal pressure and expands, undergoing plastic deformation
until bursting occurs. During the process the tubes locked on
both ends and straighten freely using hydraulic internal
pressure. This paper aims to analyze the hydroforming
process by using DE-FORM software and compare the Fig.1. Chevy SSR Hydroformed frame
simulation results with experimental results The process
provides a number of advantages in comparison with
conventional manufacturing via stamping and welding such

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 756
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3.1 Failures in Tube Hydroforming

The risk of bursting is a result of too high internal pressure
and is initiated by a local neck in the tube wall, whereby the
onset of this local necking significantly depends on the initial
tube wall thickness. To prevent this risk it must be ensured
that the tube wall briefly comes into contact with the wall of
the tool at the latest before the onset of necking.
Fig.2. Pipe bindings

The present research work mainly deals with the following
1. Comparing the hydro forming simulation results
with the experimental results.
2. To investigate the load prediction, velocity
distribution, damage and effective strain during
the hydroforming.
3. To study various process parameters effect on
the maximum branch height and wall thickness.
4. To analyze the tube hydroforming process Fig. 4 Failures and Limits in Tube Hydroforming
The risk of buckling is posed at the start of the process by too
The following steps are involved during the DEFORM high axial loads on the initial tube, and it is also present for the
Simulation: entire starting phase. So the risk of buckling can be avoided by
1. Solid modeling compensation the unsupported tube length with increasing in
2. Material model the section modulus of the tube cross section through the
3. Contacts simultaneous expansion of the tube wall.
4. Boundary condition
5. Loading Wrinkles are, as exhibited during free forming at the intake
regions of the expansion zone, if the pure-shear path is
3. SPECIFICATIONS AND THEORETICAL selected. These wrinkles cause no problem and are
straightened out during calibration.
The principle of tube hydroforming is the tube is first filled 3.2 Geometrical Specifications of the Tube
with a liquid emulsion of a water-soluble material after which Table 1: Dimensions of the tube
the die is closed. The tube is then forced to adopt the inner
contour of the die by application of an internal pressure and
two axial forces. Internal diameter Outer diameter
Length Thickness
tube tube
L (mm) t0 (mm)
Di (mm) D0 (mm)

250mm 54.15 57.15 1.5

Table 2: Chemical Composition of EN-31

C Mn Si S Ni Mo P Cr

Wt. 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.01 0.3 0.0 0.02 1.4

% 8 3 5 5 3 6 2 6

Fig.3 Detailing Specifications of the Tube and die

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 757
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table 3: Mechanical characteristics EN-31 5. Friction force

F friction = Pid 0 (l0 s )
Density(Kg/m3) 8900

Yield strength (MPa) 110 3.3.2 Input Parameters

Modulus of elasticity Internal pressure at yielding
(Pi )y = y 2t 0
215000 (D0 t0 )
Tensile strength = 2034
2 * 1 .5
= 110 Mpa
( MPa) (57.15 1.5)
Internal pressure at bursting
3.3 Theoretical Calculations
(Pi )b = u 4t 0
3.3.1 Process Parameter Evaluations 4 * 1 .5
(D0 t 0 )
= 2240.39 = 241.59 Mpa
(57.15 1.5)


4.1 Modeling of Tube, Dies and Axial Plungers
The solid models of tubler blank, top die and bottom die, axial
plungers with proper dimensions are shown below figures.

Fig.5 Illustration of free tube length

1. Free tube length

If 20 d0/t0 45 lf 2d0

If d0/t0 > 45 lf <<2d0

If d0/t0 <20 lf > 2d0 Fig.6 Solid Model Tubular blank

2. Corner radius of the die 4.1.1 Tube blank details

R1 = 3t Length L = 250 mm
Internal diameter Di = 54.15 mm
3. Internal Pressure Limits
Outer diameter of tube D0 = 57.15 mm
1. Internal pressure at yielding is calculated by Thickness of tube t0 = 1.5 mm

(Pi )y = y 2t0 4.1.2 Die, Plunger for free bulge

(D0 t0 ) Two upper and lower dies are modeled by using Auto cad as
shown in below. Model of the die is, as shown in the Figure.7
2. Maximum internal pressure can be calculated by

(Pi )b = u 4t0
(D0 t0 )
4. Sealing force
Fsealing = R0t 0 y
Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 758
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

improve the process development avoiding the cost and

limitations of real world parts.

Fig.7 Solid Model of die for free bulge forming

Die length Ld. = 250 mm

(Length perpendicular to tube axis)
Width b = 171.45 mm
(Width parallel to the tube axis)
Corner radius R1 = 5 mm
Tube cavity diameter d0 = 57.15 mm
Height of die H= 110 mm

The diameters of the two axial Plungers are same and models
of axial plunger shown in figure.8

Fig.9 Flow Chart for the Simulation

DEFORM is a Finite Element Method (FEM) based process

simulation system designed to analyze various forming and
heat treatment processes used by metal forming. By simulating
Fig.8 Solid model of axial plunger manufacturing processes on a computer, this advanced tool
allows engineers and designers to reduce the need for costly
4.2 Fem Simulation Procedure shop floor trials and redesign of tooling and processes.
During simulation of Tube hydro firming process using 1. Improve tool and die design to reduce production and
computer, we need to create computer models of the material costs.
deformation system and the metal forming process. Through 2. Shorten lead time in bringing new products to the
the last few years it has been discovered that it is expensive market.
and time consuming to use trial and error for the investigation
of tube hydroforming process and conventional metal forming For dies, rigid analysis was selected and the tube is
process. The application of numerical simulation of the having have Isotropic behavior and after mesh verification
hydroforming process was help to engineers efficiently the simulation and experimental results were compared.
Material used for this analysis is EN -31. Mechanical and
Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 759
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

physical properties and tube dimensions are shown in Tables. it is observed that the branch height in simulation is very much
The following steps are involved during FEM based closer to the experimental bulge heights. So it is concluded
DEFORM simulation process. that the simulated result value are reliable.

The objective of this work is to analyze the forming process in

detail, and compare the finite element simulation results with
the corresponding experiment results. Since complete FEM
formulation using DEFOERM software for THF is well
established, the mathematical calculations are not discussed


The various simulated process parameters values are
compared with experimental values below.

5.1 Branch height

The final branch height (H) for free bulge forming from the
simulation results is compared with the hydro formed
experimental samples branch height. Table: 5 show the
results of the final branch height development. The maximum
deviation in the branch height obtained from simulation is Fig.10 Experimental and simulated branch height vs. pressure
within 5.9 % of the experimental value. The variation in the
simulation result may be due to various factors such as The free bulge tubes are modeled with 22485 tetrahedral
(i) Accuracy of finite element modeling, mapped meshed elements for the deformable blank portion
(ii) Frequently changing boundary and friction (i.e. tube). Contact boundary conditions of dies and plungers
conditions during the forming process and are also specified. The loading paths/boundary conditions used
(iii) Error in measurement of the wall thickness. for the simulations were matched with the loading paths as
used length of the tube, i.e. from the center or forzy-plane
Table.5 Branch height comparisonexperiment and
point of maximum branch height to towards tube end. Due to
simulation results
the presence of plungers the wall thickness at the tube end has
decreased in comparison to the straight portion of the tube.
Thus in the wall thickness plots the thickness at the tube end
Maximum Internal pressure (MPa) 186 was ignored.

Maximum Feed (mm) 5.37

Branch height (mm) (Experimental) 9.81

Branch height (mm) (Simulation) 9.23

5.2 Effects of Variation of Internal Pressure to the

Branch Height
Simulations of free bulge forming are conducted to study the
effects of variation of internal pressure on the final branch
height (H) development. The boundary conditions and
material properties used are same as those used for previous
simulations with a tube length of 250 mm and die corner
radius of 5 mm. The plots in Fig.10 shows the relationship
between branch heights, with the increase of pressure the Fig.11 Simulation of free forming
branch height also increased. The graph shows the comparison
between the simulated and experimental branch heights. And

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 760
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

5.3 Load on Axial Punches

The deformation load during free bulging of hydro forming
simulation is shown in Fig.12 There are two different portions
in the deformation loading path. Firstly, deformation load
increases rapidly as shown in figure until initial flow of the
central part of the tube. After this, the load decreases to a
lower rate until the end of free forming.

Fig. 14 Time vs. velocity distribution in x direction

5.5 Effective Strain

The distribution of Effective plastic strain is shown in Fig.15
the distribution in the center of the tube is biggest value of
effective strain but no failure occurs due to predominant
Fig.12 Load prediction in x load compressive strain. In the fig shows red colour zone part of
the tube, effective strain is smaller than that in the center, but
5.4 Velocity Distribution tensile strain is predominant, so this is the region where failure
occurs. Another important aspect is the radius region bellow
Velocity distribution is shown in Fig.13 for free bulge hydro the plane part in the tube. It has a similar behavior of biaxial
tube forming. It is lower at the ends of the tube blank and is stretching.
higher at the center of the tube. This is because the axial load
is more effective at the ends of the tube. But in the case of free
bulge, this velocity has distributed up to the center of the tube
because more material is moving to the deformation zone. At
the ends of the tube, nodal velocity for free bulge is 0.503

Fig. 15 strain effective with mesh mode

5.6 Stress Effective

Fig.13 Velocity distribution of free bulges forming THF Effective stress distribution for free bulge forming is shown in
Fig. Due to compressive load, the stresses occur at the ends of
The axial feed between two axial plungers i.e., objet4 and tube. At the center of the tube, the tangential stresses are
object5 are shown in Fig.14.The axial feed is mutually applied predominant. These tangential stresses occur due to internal
with the corresponding time. The velocity is increases with the pressure. Due to higher tangential stress at the center of the
time increment up to 1mm/sec and then maintains constantly tube (at the protrusion), fracture occurs shows in fig16
show in fig.14

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 761
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

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Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 762
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

guided 3 M.Tech projects and published 8 papers in various

National and International Journals and Conferences.

Dr.G.Prasanthi, Professor in Mechanical

Engineering Department, JNTUA College
of Engineering, Anantapur. She has 18
years of teaching experience. She has
guided 22 M.Tech projects and supervising
9 Ph.D students. She has published about
28 papers in various National and International Journals and
Conferences. She has completed an AICTE (R&D) Project
Multi- Attribute Decision Models for the Design and
Operation of FMS ". Her areas of interest are CAD/CAM,
Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Energy
Conservation. She served as Board of Studies chairman for
Mechanical Engineering in 2011 at JNTUA CE, Anantapur.

T.Naresh Kumar, Pursuing M.Tech

(Machine design) in Madanapalle institute
of technology and sciences, Angallu,
Madanapalle. He completed B.Tech at Sri
Venkateswara College of engineering and
technology in Mechanical Engineering. He
has received his diploma in Automobile engineering in 2005.

Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @ 763

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