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Literature Review

1. Kadian W. Wanyama & S.N. Mutsotso , Relationship between capacity building and employee
productivity on performance of commercial banks in Kenya , Africa Journal of History and Culture:
Vol.2 . No.5, ( pp. 73-78 ), Year: October 2010.

This paper is based on a research project carried out on commercial banks in Kakamega central District,
Kenya focusing on the influence of employee productivity on organisational performance as how
employee satisfaction leads to customer satisfaction. The results from this study add to the individual is
physically present at a job and also the degree to which he or she is mentally present or efficiently
functioning while present at a job. Companies must address employees satisfaction, health and moral in
order to maintain high work productivity.

2. Komal Khalid Bhatti & Tahir Masood Qureshi, Impact of Employee Participation on Job
Satisfaction, Employee Commitment and Employee Productivity , International Review of business
Research Papers: Vol.3 . N0.2, ( pp. 54-68 ), Year: June 2007.

It is widely believed that the employee participation may affect employees job satisfaction; employee
productivity, employee commitment and they all can create comparative advantage for the organization.
The main intention of this study was to find out relationship among employee participation, job
satisfaction, employee productivity and employee commitment. Increasing employee participation will
have a positive effect on employees job satisfaction, employee commitment and employee productivity.

3. Alex Edmans, Does the stock market fully value intangibles? Employee satisfaction and equity
prices, Journal of Financial Economics: ( pp. 621-640 ) , Year: 2011.

This paper analyzes the relationship between employee satisfaction and long-run stock returns. This paper
finds that firms with high levels of employee satisfaction generate superior long-horizon returns, even
when controlling for industries, factor risk, or abroad set of observable characteristics .These findings
imply that the market fails to incorporate intangible assets fully in to stock valuationseven if the
existence of such assets is verified

4. Dr. R. Anitha , A study on Job Satisfaction of Paper Mill Employees with special reference to
Udumalpet and Palani Taluk Journal of Management and Science : Vol.1 No.1( PP 36 47 ) ,Year:
September 2011.

Employee is a back bone of every organization, without employee no work can be done. So employees
satisfaction is very important. The main aim of this study is to analyze the satisfaction level of paper mill
employees. The organizations lack the relationship between workers and supervisors, ,working
conditions, Canteen, rest room facilities, rewards, recognition and promotion policy , reward system of
the employees and promotions must be given based on merit, educational qualification and experience,
and if these factors are given little more care, the company can maintain high level of satisfaction,
organizational commitment and involvement. This will in turn lead to effectiveness and efficiency in their
work which leads to increased productivity.

5. Petri Bodkerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas The job satisfaction-productivity nexus: A study using
matched survey and register data , Helsinki Center of Economic Research: Discussion Paper No. 297,
Year: June 2010.

We examine the role of job satisfaction in the determination of establishment-level productivity. We have
explored the role of job satisfaction in the determination of establishment-level productivity. The
estimates based on the Olley-Pakes approach reveal that job satisfaction is statistically significant
determinant of total factor productivity in the manufacturing sector. Furthermore, job satisfaction is not
positively related to turnover per employee in a larger sample that covers also non-manufacturing
establishments. The pattern prevails in all estimated models. This is an interesting observation, because
some of the earlier studies have used turnover or sales per employee as the measure of establishment

6. Daljeet Singh Wadhwa, Manoj Verghese & Dalvinder Singh Wadhwa A Study on Factors
Influencing Employee Job Satisfaction - A Study in Cement Industry of Chhattisgarh International
Journal of Management & Business studies: Vol. 1 No. 3 ( pp. 109 111), Year: September 2011.

This study focuses on impact of various factors on job satisfaction. It has been found out that all the three
variables that are environmental, organizational and behavioral factors have a positive impact on job
satisfaction. It means that if the employees are treated equally and fairly and they are properly supervised,
their level of satisfaction can be increased towards their job. Organizational factors will thus contribute to
job satisfaction. Hence from this research it can be concluded that organizational factors are the most
important aspect for job satisfaction of the employees in a company.
Volume 6 Num
7. Dr. Samina Nawad & Komal Bhatti, Influence of Employee Compensation on organizational
commitment and Job Satisfaction : A case Study of Educational Sector of Pakistan, International Journal
of Business and Social Science: Vol 2. No.8 ( pp. 25 32 ), Year: May 2011.

The aim of this research study is to build an understanding regarding the impact of employee
compensation on their job satisfaction and employees organizational commitment among Pakistani
university teachers. Enhancing organizational commitment, eventually result in their higher employee
commitment, enhancing retention and they will perform better. This study also aims to develop a course
of action for universitys administration to come up with practices which would enable them to attract and
retain top level faculty at their institutions.

8. Sakthivel Rani, Kamalanabhan & Selvarani, Work / Life Balance Reflections on Employee
Satisfaction , Serbian Journal of Management: Vol.6 No.1( pp. 85 96 ), Year: 2011.

The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between employee satisfaction and work/life
balance. The study was conducted on a total of 210 respondents working in IT organization. This study
makes a contribution to join two distinct research streams, namely employee satisfaction, and work/life
balance. Findings suggest that high correlation exists between work task and employee satisfaction with a
mediator variable namely work-life balance.

9. Padmakumar Ram, Swapna Bhargavi & Gantasala V. Prabhakar, Work Environment Service Climate,
and Customer Satisfaction: Examining Theoretical and Empirical Connections, International Journal of
Business and Social Science: Vol. 2 No. 20 ( pp. 121 132 ),Year: November 2011.

The main objective of this exploratory study was to examine the relationships among service climate,
employee job satisfaction, employee engagement, and customer satisfaction. A total of 369 usable
questionnaires were analyzed and the findings indicate that work environment influences service climate,
which in turn influences employee job satisfaction, employee engagement, and customer satisfaction.

10. Meysam Fakharyan, Mohammad Reza Jalilvand, Behrooz Dini & Ebrahim Dehafarin, The Effect of
Performance Appraisal Satisfaction on Employees Output Implying on the Moderating Role of
Motivation in Workplace , International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow: Vol.2 No. 4 (
pp. 1 9 ) , Year: 2012.

Today, performance appraisal (PA) has increasingly become part of a more strategic approach to
integrating HR activities and business policies and may now be seen as a generic term covering a variety
of activities through which organizations seek to assess employees and develop their competence,
enhance performance and distribute rewards. In this paper that has been investigated alternative
relationships between performance appraisal satisfaction and employee outcomes among staff of Saman
Gostar holding company in Iran, Results showed positive relationships between performance appraisal
satisfaction with work performance, affective organizational commitment as well as negative relationship
with turnover intention.

11. Herald Monis & T.N. Sreedhara, Correlates of Employee Satisfaction with Performance Appraisal
System in Foreign MNC BPOs Operating in India, Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economice:
Vol.10 No. 4 ( pp. 215 224 ) , Year : 2010.

This paper is based on an empirical study of five foreign MNC BPO firms operating in India, ranked
among the top 100 by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) for the year
2009.The level of satisfaction among the respondents towards the performance appraisal system shows
that there is positive relationship between Employee satisfaction and Performance Appraisal System, it is
observed that Performance Appraisal System has significantly influencing on the satisfaction level of the

12. Shelly Gandhi & Dr. Lakhwinder Kang, Customer Satisfaction, (Undated), Its Antecedents and
Linkage Between Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction : A Study, Asian Journal of
Business and Management Science: Vol. 1 No. 1 ( pp 129 137 ).

The main aim of this paper is to consider the issues that are most important, but has not been given
relevant importance in the past i.e. linkage between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction and
employee prominent role to foster customer satisfaction which drive firms profitability. Most firms who
strive to acquire customer satisfaction must satisfy their employees needs and wants first. In this paper,
we discuss how employee satisfaction is linked with customer satisfaction. There is positive relationship
between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction . Moreover, this paper provides suggestions to
improve employee satisfaction to foster customer satisfaction.

13. Daniel E. Hallock, Ronald J. Salazar & Sandy Venneman, Demographic and Attitudinal Correlates
of Employee Satisfaction with an ESOP, British Journal of Management: Vol. 15
( pp. 321 333 ) ,Year : 2004.

The literature review indicated that prior ESOP related studies and management theory suggests that an
ESOP may be associated with numerous favourable individual-level (e.g. job satisfaction, absenteeism,
turnover) and firm-level (e.g. productivity, profitability, stock performance) outcomes to the sponsoring
organization. The results of this study suggest that various employee perceptions and to a lesser extent,
specified employee demographics, help to explain employee satisfaction with the ESOP. The potential
impact that an ESOP may have on employee attitudes and behaviours should also be of interest to
managers. In todays highly competitive marketplace it is necessary for managers to examine any and all
techniques that may improve employee attitudes, and therefore, overall corporate performance.

14. Devina Upadhyay & Anu Gupta, Morale , Welfare Measures, Job Satisfaction: The key Mantras for
Gaining Competitive Edge, International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences: Vol.2 No. 7 ( pp. 80
94 ), Year : July 2012.
Today most of the theorist has emphasized the importance of human resource as single most important
factors for sustaining competitive edge. Employee welfare relates to all the benefits which are provided
by the organization to provide comfort . This paper seeks to investigate the role played by welfare
practices in the process of motivating Employees. The study explored three prominent factors like
communication for determining satisfaction.. The paper attempt to answer various questions like is there
any relationship between morale and welfare measures. Is there any association between employee
welfare measures and satisfaction? Is there any association between employee job satisfaction and
employee morale? The findings supported the notion that a relationship exist between employee morale
and job satisfaction and so between the welfare measures and satisfaction.

15. Dr. Navita Nathani , Dr. Simranjeet Kaur Sandhar & Anindita Chakraborty, Impact of Employee
Satisfaction with Compensation on Employee Motivation, Vishwakarma Business Review: ( pp. 79
87), Year : July 2010.

The main objective of compensation administration are to design a cost-effective pay structure that will
attract, motivate and retain competent employees and that will also be viewed as fair by these employees.
The purpose of this study is to bring out the importance and impact of effective compensation, which can
satisfy the employee, so as to attract, retain and motivate them. This research was an attempt to find out
the relationship of employee satisfaction with compensation and employee motivation.

16. Cheri Ostroff , The Relationship Between Satisfaction, Attitudes and Performance: An Organisation
Level Analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology: Vol. 77 ( pp - 963 974),Year : 1992.

Previous research has consistently shown little relationship between job satisfaction , job attitude and
performance for individuals, but little work has investigate this relationship at the organization level of
analysis. This study investigated the relationship employee satisfaction, other job-related attitudes
(commitment, adjustment, and psychological stress) and organizational performance.

17. Bharati Deshpande, Kirti Arekar , Rashmi Sharma & Sonam Somaiya, Effect of Employee
Satisfaction on Organisational Performance : An Empirical Study in Hotel Industry. Ninth AIMS
International Conference on Management: (pp. 617 624) ,Year : January 2012,

People Management is an important aspect of organization processes. Also this can help to build in
employee commitment towards the organization. A well managed business organization normally
considers the average employees as the primary source of productivity gains. The study revealed the
relationship between employee satisfaction levels and the performance of the employees on the basis of
their satisfaction levels. The sample size taken was 105 across all the departments in a leading of the
hospitality sector. The data analysis showed that the satisfaction level of the employees in the
organization was very high which resulted in the smooth running of the organization.

18. Afshan Naseem, Sadia Ejaz Sheikh & Khusro P. Malik , Impact of Employee Satisfaction on
Success of Organization: Relation between Customer Experience and Employee Satisfaction,
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering : Vol.2 No.5, Year : August 2011.

Employee satisfaction is considered weighty when it comes to define organizational success. Need to
enhance employee satisfaction is critical because it is a key to business success of any organization. The
purpose of this study is to observe the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer
satisfaction and to examine the impact of both on organizational success. This study scrutinizes the effects
of different factors of organization which affects the employee satisfaction. The study confirms indirect
relation between organizational success and employee satisfaction which was mediated by customers. In
conclusion, it seems reasonable to believe that understanding of employee role is extremely important as
it appears key factor in the success of modern organization.

19. Dr. William J. Feuss, Dr. Joel Hamon , Dr. Jeana Wirtenberg & Dr. Jeffrey Wides, Linking
Employees, Customers and Financial Performance in Organizations , The Journal of Cost Management:
Vol.18 No.1 ( pp. 1 22 ) , Year : January / February2004.

The effects of budgetary actions on aspects of business performance such as quality levels, employee
commitment, customer perceptions, future revenues, and costs are often unknown and invisibleThis
article presents specific approaches and lessons from four organizations It aims to make the relationships
among various types of non-financial and financial data the results support the notion that the people-
service-profit chain is alive and well. They show how leadership behavior and organization factors
mirroring high-involvement work systems are strongly associated not only with employee and customer
satisfaction, but also with important business outcomes, such as service quality, cost, and financial

20. Faheem Ghazanfar, Shuai Chuanmin , Muhammad Mahroof Khan & Mohsin Bashir, A Study of
Relationship between Satisfaction with Compensation and Work Motivation, International Journal of
Business and Social Science: Vol. 2 No. 1 ( pp. 120 -131 ),Year: January 2011.

The current study while applying the theoretical framework based on expectancy theory examined the
relationship between satisfaction with compensation and work motivation. The dimensions i.e. fixed pay,
flexible pay, and benefits were examined with regard to satisfaction with compensation. The main
findings of the study were: 1) satisfaction with compensation can be factor of work motivation. 2) flexible
pay is not a motivating factor in the jobs which the employees were holding. 3) benefits do not have a
significant impact on work motivation.

21. Ahmad Jamal Tahir, Rosman Bin Md. Yusoff, Anwar Khan, Kamran Azam , Muhammad Sohaib
Ahmed & Muhammad Zohair Sahoo, A Comparison of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Compensation
Instruments: The Case of National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), District Attock, Pakistan, World Journal of
Social Sciences: Vol. 1 No.4 ( pp.195-206 ), Year : September 2011.

The paper aims to compare the compensation instruments which are used as the factors of motivation in
the banking sector of Pakistan. With a case study research design, structured interviews were conducted
from the fifty (50) employees of NBP branches in district Attock. The results show that the employees of
National Bank of Pakistan were motivated both by the intrinsic as well extrinsic factors of compensation,
in such way that extrinsic factors were more causing motivation. The paper has concluded that
Compensation Management has a profound direct positive relationship with employee motivation level
and intrinsic factors played important role in the motivation process. The paper recommends that public
sector banks shall apply progressive human resource strategy and provide healthy compensation plans
regarding benefits and intrinsic factors.

22. Md. Tofael Hossain Majumder, Human Resource Management Practices and Employees
Satisfaction Towards Private Banking Sector in Bangladesh, International Review of Management and
Marketing: Vol. 2 No.1 ( pp.52-58 ) ,Year: 2012.

Increasing global competition have created enormous challenges on organizations. To cope with the
challenges efficiently, human resource has been considered as one of the most important factors in
todays hypercompetitive market place. The focus of this study is to gain an insight into the current HRM
practices and its impact on employees satisfaction on the private banking sector in Bangladesh. The
study reveals that all HRM dimensions exercised in the private banking sector of Bangladesh does not
satisfied to the employees equally. Most of the employees are dissatisfied with compensation package
followed by reward and motivation, career growth, training and development, management style, and job
design and responsibilities. So, these HRM dimensions quality should be improved for the betterment of
the banks success.

23. Prof. S. K. Singh & Vivek Tiwari , Relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction of the
white collar employees: A Case Study, Journal - Management Inside: Vol. 7 No.2 ( pp. 31 39 ), Year :
December 2011.

The present study investigates the relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction. The respondents
were the employees of one of the public sector giants of India, BSNL and the data has been colleted from
45 white color employees (supervisors and above) of BSNL, Saharanpur. The results show a positive
correlation between motivation and job satisfaction i.e., motivation increases with increase in job
satisfaction and vice-versa. The results of the study also indicate that, motivation remains unaffected of
both age as well as the length of the service of the employees. It may be because of the fact that the
factors responsible for motivation and satisfaction seem to be present in the working environment of the
organization. The paper also finds the relative importance of different factors that contribute to the
satisfaction of employees; Compensation Package emerged as the most important factor, whereas the Self
Actualization appears to be the least important factor.

24. Rizwan Qaiser Danish & Ali Usman, Impact of Reward and Recognition on Job Satisfaction and
Motivation: An Empirical Study from Pakistan, International Journal of Business and Management: Vol.
5 No.2 ( pp. 159 167 ), Year : February 2011.

Human resources are the most important among all the resources an organization owns. To retain efficient
and experienced workforce in an organization is very crucial in overall performance of an organization.
The present study is an attempt to find out the major factors that motivate employees and it tells what is
the relationship among reward, recognition and motivation while working within an organization. The
statistical analysis showed that different dimensions of work motivation and satisfaction are significantly
correlated and reward and recognition have great impact on motivation of the employees.

25. Mosammod Mahamuda Parvin & M M Nurul Kabir, Factors, Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction
of Pharmaceutical Sector , Australian Journal of Business and Management Research: Vol.1 No.9 ( pp.
113-123 ), Year : December-2011.

The Pharmaceutical sector plays a vital role in underpinning the economic development of a country. This
study attempts to evaluate job satisfaction of employees in different pharmaceutical companies. It focuses
on the relative importance of job satisfaction factors and their impacts on the overall job satisfaction of
employees. The result shows that salary, efficiency in work, fringe supervision, and co-worker relation
are the most important factors contributing to job satisfaction. This research paper highlights some of
these problems and presents a picture of level of job satisfaction among employees of pharmaceutical
companies. It also identifies unique issues of job satisfaction in the companies. This paper presents a
comprehensive diagnosis of job satisfaction indices of pharmaceutical business, the factors causing the
dissatisfaction & suggestions to improve them.
26. Khurram Shahzad, Humera Mumtaz, Khansa Hayat & Muhammad Amanullah Khan, Faculty
Workload, Compensation Management and Academic Quality in Higher Education of Pakistan:
Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative
Sciences: Issue No.27 ( pp. 111 191 ), Year : 2010.

The purpose of this research is to find out the mediating impact of job satisfaction on the relationship of
compensation and workload with academic quality in the public sector educational institutions of
Pakistan.Results showed that job satisfaction have a mediating impact on the relationship of both faculty
workload and compensation with academic quality. Academic quality can be achieved through increasing
the job satisfaction; moreover job satisfaction can be achieved through effective implementation of
compensation plans and managing workload.

27. Ana-Maria Godeanu, The antecedents of satisfaction with pay in teams: do performance-based
compensation and autonomy keep team-members satisfied, Eastern Journal of European Studies: Vol. 3
No. 1 ( pp. 145 168 ), Year : June 2012.

This paper aims to investigate the effects performance-based compensation and autonomy on satisfaction
with pay in the context of team working. I this paper a complex perspective that considers the influence
of different monetary and non-monetary rewards on satisfaction with pay. Using a cross-sectional dataset
of randomly selected European employees who are asked about specific working and living conditions,
results confirm that both productivity-based rewards and autonomy are important for employee
satisfaction. Managers should know when to introduce rewards based only on individual merits and when
to give to use autonomy as a buffer to compensate for the potential lack of fairness in the payment system.

28. Brikend AZIRI, Job Satisfaction : A Literature Review , Management Research and Practice:
Vol. 3 No. 4 ( pp. 77 86 ),Year : December 2011.

Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facing todays managers when it comes to
managing their employees. Many studies have demonstrated an unusually large impact on the job
satisfaction on the motivation of workers, while the level of motivation has an impact on productivity,
and hence also on performance of business organizations. Unfortunately, in our region, job satisfaction
has not still received the proper attention from neither scholars nor managers of various business

29. Hsin-Hsi Lai, The influence of compensation system design on employee satisfaction, African
Journal of Business Management: Vol. 5 No. 26( pp. 10718-10723 ), Year : October 2011.

For years, small and medium enterprises have been the bases of economic development in Taiwan.
However, with restricted domestic economic development, increasing manpower cost and severe pressure
from the international operational environment, small and medium enterprises are now facing many
obstacles due to inferior capacities. This study treats small and medium enterprises as subjects, and
intends to develop a successful compensation system design for human resource management and
development in these subjects to enhance employee satisfaction. An empirical analysis demonstrates a
positive correlation between employee satisfaction and job-based pay, skill-based pay and performance-
based pay.
30. Abdul Sattar1, Allah Nawaz and Shadiullah Khan, The contextual impacts on job satisfaction of
employees in the developing states like Pakistan, Universal Journal of Education and General Studies:
Vol. 1 No. 5 ( pp. 136-145 ), Year : May 2012.

Context (social, organizational, human and job-related) plays dominant role in the determination of the
job satisfaction of employees in any organization however; its role differs from advanced to developing
countries both in terms of number of the factors as well as the intensity of different contexts. The context
of organizations in the developing states is more biblical and orthodox while at the same time the
contextual forces are not moderate rather extremist. It is therefore argued that the researchers in
developing states like Pakistan must identify the context of job satisfaction but with special focus on the
unique contextual attributes that signify the work environment of a particular country.

31. Shun-Hsing Chen, The development of an employee satisfaction model for higher education, The
TQM Magazine: Vol. 18 No. 5 ( pp. 484 500 ), Year : 2006.

Most studies on higher education focus on students as customers, and evaluate student levels of
satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their programs, while generally neglecting teacher work satisfaction. This
study used the academic literature to establish a satisfaction model for higher education employees. The
model is divided into six dimensions: organisation vision, respect, result feedback and motivation,
management system, pay and benefits, and work environment. The analytical results showed that higher
education employees focus on high salaries and fair promotion systems. Investigations of the job
satisfaction of college teachers in Europe and America have produced similar results.

32. Roger J. Best, Employee Satisfaction, Firm Value and Firm Productivity, Journal of Economic
Literature : G30, G12, J41 ( pp. 1 22 ) ,Year : 2008.

This paper examine whether self-reported employee satisfaction is associated with higher firm valuation
and productivity. Using a sample of firms from Fortune magazines list of 100 Best Companies to Work
For, companies in which employees report high levels of satisfaction, we find that these firms have
valuations that are significantly greater than both their respective industry medians and matched firms.
The firms in our sample also exhibit greater levels of productivity and efficiency. Thus, successful efforts
in increasing employee satisfaction appear to enhance overall firm productivity, which is subsequently
rewarded by investors through higher equity values.

33. Chux Gervase Iwu , Charles O. K. Allen-Ile & Wilfred I. Ukpere , Key factors of employee
satisfaction for the retention of health-related professionals in South Africa, African Journal of Business
Management: Vol. 6 No.39 (pp.10486-10506),Year : October 2012.

The focus of this study is health-related professionals who, according to reports are pushed into other
sectors or out of South Africa. The central question in this study is: why are there high levels of employee
dissatisfaction amongst health-related professionals in South Africa? And what remedies are there? This
study therefore attempts to understand the factors that will help to reduce the causes of the often
acclaimed sense of job insecurity, high levels of health worker absenteeism, and high turnover rates
amongst health-related professionals.
34. Bhandari ,Mahesh Singh & polonsky Michale, Effects of differential methods of compensation and
employee empowerment on customer satisfaction and loyalty in service recovery , ( pp. 2705 2712 ),
Year - 2007.

This research examined the effects of varying compensation (refund and replacement) and employee
empowerment (empowered and non-empowered) in service recover situations, using a 2x2 experiment.
Analysis was undertaken using mean contrasts and ANOVA's. Findings suggest that empowerment and
refund independently impact on post recovery consumer loyalty and satisfaction, but there is no
interaction effect.

35. Anastasios Palaiologos, Panagiotis Papazekos & Leda Panayotopoulou, "Organizational justice and
employee satisfaction in performance appraisal", Journal of European Industrial Training: Vol. 35 No. 8
( pp.826 840 ), Year : 2011.

This paper aims to explore the performance appraisal (PA) aspects that are connected with organizational
justice, and more specifically three kinds of justice, namely distributive, procedural and interactional
justice. The results show that procedural, distributive and interactional justice are related with different
elements of performance appraisal. Elements of satisfaction are strongly related to all aspects of
organizational justice. The main limitation is that the research provides information based only on one
source, that of the appraisee. However, it highlights the role of employee satisfaction to organizational
justice, linking different sources of satisfaction to different elements of justice.

36. Pravin Jadhav , Employee satisfaction in textile mills , Asian Journal of Management: Vol. 03 No.
03 ( pp. 149 - 152 ),Year : July September 2012.

Employee satisfaction is considered to be a critical success factor for textile organizations. The concept of
employee satisfaction has gained a special concern from both academicians and practitioners. This study
aims to provide a framework for employee satisfaction and determine the critical factors of employee
satisfaction and to measure their effect on overall evaluation of employee satisfaction in small and
medium sized spinning mills based on the data collected from various mills in and around Ichalkaranji.
Data analysis revealed that there is a positive relationship between the each factor of employee
satisfaction which are named satisfaction from pay and benefits (P&B), satisfaction from peers (P),
satisfaction from management (M), satisfaction from working environment (WE), satisfaction from
superior (S) and overall employee loyalty in Spinning mills. Furthermore, relevant recommendations and
measures for improving the employee satisfaction are proposed.

37. Devie, Josua Tarigan & Deborah Christine Widjaja, The Impact of Employee Satisfaction on
Profitability of Restaurants And Cafes: A Research in Surabaya, Indonesia, International Conference on
E-business, Management and Economics: Vol.25 ( pp. 266 270 ), Year : 2011.

Currently the business sector of restaurants and cafes in Surabaya has been developing rapidly. In a
relatively short time, many restaurants and cafes appear with unique and various offers. Restaurant and
cafe are businesses that emphasize not only on the food served, but also on the service delivery of the
employees. In this research, the data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to 794 employees
and customers in 55 restaurants and cafes in Surabaya which adopt the table service concept. The Partial
Least Square for Multivariate Analysis is employed for processing the data. The research proves that there
is positive relationship between employee satisfaction and cafe profitability .
38. Rahman Bin Abdullah, Mushaireen Musa, Harnizam Zahari, Razman Rahman & Khazainah Khalid,
The Study of Employee Satisfaction and its Effects towards Loyalty in Hotel Industry in Klang Valley,
Malaysia , International Journal of Business and Social Science: Vol. 2 No. 3 ( pp. 147 145 ) ,
( Special Issue Year : January 2011 ).

Many organizations in the hotel industry face difficulties in retaining employees since they are unable to
identify the factors that contribute to both employee satisfaction and loyalty. This study covers 13
satisfaction variables. This study sought to identify factors which could lead to increased tenure, in
addition, any linkage between employee satisfaction and teamwork was further investigated. The findings
indicate the existence of a correlation between employee satisfaction and teamwork. Four of the thirteen
satisfaction variables, namely, relationship with supervisor, recognition and rewards, working conditions,
teamwork and cooperation showed the strongest correlation with the three loyalty variables afore

39. Devie, Josua Tarigan, & Deborah Christine Widjaja, The Relationship between Non-Financial
Performance and Financial Performance Using Balanced Scorecard Framework: A Research in Cafe and
Restaurant Sector , International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology: Vol. 3 No. 5 ( pp.
614 618 ),Year : October 2012.

This research conducted a study on non-financial performance relationship with a financial performance.
The framework used is the Balanced Scorecard. Non-financial performance is represented by employee
satisfaction, service quality and customer satisfaction, while financial performance is represented by the
profitability. In this research, the data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to 794 employees
and customers in 55 restaurants and cafs in Surabaya-Indonesia which adopt the table service concept.
The Partial Least Square for Multivariate Analysis is employed for processing the data.

40. Jayanthi K, Kumar P, Ashok & Manju V, A study on labour welfare measures in Salem steel plant
, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities: Vol. 2 No.3 ( pp. 180 197 ), Year :

An Industry is the back bone of any country. Iron and steel Industry forms the base of all Industrial
activity. This study examines the significance and objectives of Labour Welfare. Keeping this view the
reaches felt that it is necessary to study the impact of labour welfare on Salem Steel plant. This helps to
promote industrial relations and to reduce the level of absenteeism. It analyze the impact of Labour
Welfare on the productivity of Salem Steel Plant. The findings help to provide valuable information to the
Labour Welfare a good impression of workers on employers.

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