Linguistics & English Language University of Edinburgh Data Management and Access Plan

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Linguistics & English Language

University of Edinburgh

Data Management and Access Plan

Study title: Judging the positivity of passages

Principal Investigator: Simon Kirby
Researcher collecting current data: Cameron Jones

This project will produce positivity judgments based on passages. These data will be
stored on the researcher's university-issued computer and personal university storage
profile. Both of these require a password for access. Participant consent forms will be
stored securely by the Principal Investigator. The data will only be retained by the
supervisor upon completion of the project.


All judgements will be voluntary, anonymous, confidential and unidentifiable. Consent

forms with participant numbers will enable anonymised data to be identified should a
participant later withdraw consent and ask for their data to be deleted. Collected data may
be made available to other researchers on the internet in an anonymised form.

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