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# 0.0 - General Information

The loader can be detected and blocked by your antivirus. THIS IS A FALSE POSITIVE

Requirements .NET Framework 4.0.

DOWNLOAD .NET Framework 4.0 :


By R@1n.

- on Twitter: @Ra1nReLoader
- I'm back on Twitter with the account @Ra1nReLoader This is my original account!
other accounts are fake! be careful!

# 0.1 - Index
01. Restore
02. Activation Status
03. Activation Methods
04. Changes in Versions
05. Windows Treatment
06. Office Treatment
07. Arguments / Debug / Pre-Activation
08. FAQs
09. Legal Notes
10. Thanks

# 01 - Restore
If the Loader fails, Follow these steps.

* Make Boot from the Windows installation CD

* Hold down SHIFT and press F10
* Enter "bootsect.exe / nt60 SYS / force" (without quotes)
* Restart your PC
* Re-run the above steps but enter "sfc / scannow" (without quotation marks) to
restore eventual corrupt files

NOTE: If after the command "bootsect.exe / nt60 ALL / force" windows is not reset
correctly, make sure to unplug any additional device (USB or other), and then try

NOTE 2: An alternative is to press the 'R' after the screen of your BIOS. If
successful, you will see your boot menu. From the menu select "boot without a SLIC"
or "Make boot without SLIC".
# 02 - Activation Status
Have you installed the loader and do not know if Windows is genuine? Follow these

* Check online by opening Internet Explorer and browsing

# 03 - Activation Methods
The Loader By R@1n uses various methods for activating Windows.

* Antiwpa (Windows XP)

* OEM (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 (R2), Windows Server 2012
(R2), Windows Server 2016 RTM)
* KMS (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows
Server 2008 (R2), Windows Server 2012 (R2), Windows Server 2016 RTM)

NOTE: The Re-Loader can also activate Office 2010, Office 2013 and Office 2016 with
the KMS method.

# 04 - Changes in Versions
Version 3.0 Beta 3 (02/09/2016)
* Update Spanish.
* Add ability to choose the channel on which to generate the product key.
* Fixed a problem when there were no methods to activate Windows.
* Small graphic change.

Version 3.0 Beta 2 (01/09/2016)

* Removed LastChance.
* Fixed problem with incorrect activation of an edition of Windows.
* Algorithm made more generic KMS activation. Theoretically it would be possible to
activate any ID is in the list.
* If you can not activate windows, you might find in any case office.

Version 3.0 Beta 1 (28/08/2016)

* Updated Spanish translation (Tnx -=4lfre1re=-).
* Rewritten Ra1nb0w framework, it is now much easier for the Re-Loader distinguish
each version of Windows/Office.
* Added a small Keygen (but hidden).
* Added vyvojar's SLSHim (thank you for sharing your work vyvojar), Here is called
* The activation should be faster.
* Fixed a bug with Windows activation SLIC for Win Vista.
* Updated Twitter account, you can find me with @Ra1nReLoader, OTHER ACCOUNTS ARE

# 05 - Windows Treatment
The product key used, are provided by Microsoft itself:
The following versions of Windows can be activated with this Loader

Windows XP
* Home Edition SP3
* Professional SP3
* Media Center Edition 2005 SP3

Windows Vista
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Business
* Business N
* Starter
* Home Basic
* Home Basic N
* Home Premium
* Ultimate

Windows 7
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Enterprise E
* Starter
* Starter E
* Home Basic
* Home Premium
* Home Premium E
* Professional
* Professional N
* Ultimate
* Ultimate E
* Embedded POS Ready
* Embedded
* Embedded Thin PC

Windows 8
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Core
* Core N
* Core ARM
* Core Country SpecIFic
* Core Single Language
* Professional
* Professional WMC
* Professional N

Windows 8.1
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Professional
* Professional N
* Professional WMC
* Core
* Core Connected
* Core Connected N
* Core Connected Single Language
* Core Connected Country Specific
* Professional Student
* Professional Student N
* Core ARM
* Core N
* Core Single Language
* Core Country Specific
* Embedded Industry A
* Embedded Industry E
* Embedded Industry

Windows 10
* Professional
* Professional N
* Education
* Education N
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB N
* Home
* Home N
* Home Single Language
* Home Country Specific
||//Win10 Pre-Release\\||
* Home Connected
* Home Connected N
* Home Connected Single Language
* Home Connected Country Specific
* Professional Student
* Professional Student N
* Professional 2015 LTSB
* Professional 2015 LTSB N
* Home ARM
* Professional WMC

Windows Server 2008

* ServerDatacenter
* ServerDatacenterV
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseV
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* ServerStandard
* ServerStandardV
* ServerComputeCluster
* ServerWeb
* ServerSBSStandard
* ServerWinFoundation
* ServerHomeStandard
* ServerSolution
* ServerHomePremium

Windows Server 2008 R2

* ServerDatacenter
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* ServerStandard
* ServerEmbeddedSolution
* ServerHPC
* ServerWeb
* ServerSBSPrime
* ServerSBSStandard
* ServerStorageStandard

Windows Server 2012

* ServerDatacenter
* ServerStandard
* ServerMultiPointPremium
* ServerMultiPointStandard
* ServerSolution
* ServerWinFoundation
* ServerStorageStandard
* ServerStorageWorkgroup

Windows Server 2012 R2

* ServerStandardCore
* ServerStandard
* ServerDatacenterCore
* ServerDatacenter
* SolutionCore
* Solution
* ServerCloudStorageCore
* ServerCloudStorage
* ServerStorageStandard

Windows Server 2016 RTM

* ServerStandard
* ServerDatacenter
* ServerAzureCor
* ServerSolution
* ServerCloudStorage

# 06 - Office Treatment
The product key used, are provided by Microsoft itself: (Office 2013)
The following versions of Windows can be activated with this Loader

Office 2010
* Access
* Excel
* Groove
* InfoPath
* OneNote
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* ProjectPro
* ProjectStd
* ProPlus
* Publisher
* Standard
* VisioPrem
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Word

Office 2013
* Access
* Excel
* InfoPath
* Lync
* OneNote
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* ProjectPro
* ProjectStd
* ProPlus
* Publisher
* Standard
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Word

Office 2016 / 365

* Access
* Excel
* OneNote
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* ProjectPro
* ProjectStd
* ProPlus
* Publisher
* Skype for Business
* Standard
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Mondo
* Word

# 07 - Arguments / Debug / Pre-Activation
Arguments are such that the Re-Loader is used in Debug mode or Pre-Activation.

Enable Windows and Office 2016/2013/2010 simultaneously.

Activate Windows not taking into account the Genuine factor.

Activate Office 2016/2013/2010.

Activate Office 2010.

Activate Office 2013.
Activate Office 2016.

Uninstall KMS.

Uninstall OEM SLIC and installation serial trial.

Uninstalling Antiwpa.

It does not restart when needed.

Create a restore point before using the Re-Loader.

Removes the Watermark for Windows (requires restart).

Disable Keylogger Microsoft.

Manually select the SLIC / Cert to install.
Example: Re-Loader.exe / SLICert = "Dell"

Manually select the product key.
Example: Re-Loader.exe / PK = "HP"

If the version of Windows you'd run provides more than one method of activation,
you can force the Re-Loader to run another method of activation.
Example: Re-Loader.exe / Force = "KMS"

If you create a folder called "OEMLogo" (without quotation marks) in the same
folder where the Re-Loader is, provide a Logo.bmp Logo.reg and the Re-Loader will
install your Personal Logo.

Create a dump slic, certificate and serial of your Windows Vista / 7.

It assumes values ??Default, Alternative, Forceful, Old (Ex: / LoaderMode =
"Default"). You can use it for a different OEM activation method.

Check the activation status of Windows and Office.

Check the status of integrity of Re-Loader.

BackupActivation Create a folder on your desktop that contains the backup of the
activations of Microsoft products found.
Find all the Windows Product Key and Office present on the local machine and
performs a PID Checker.

Preserves any SLIC already in the system.

NOTE 1: Since version 4.0.0 you can download a package of 121 logos samples ready
to use.

Example use / Logo 1: Re-Loader.exe / Logo = "AutoDetect" (so the Loader between
their libraries if a logo is compatible with the system)
Example use / Logo 2: Re-Loader.exe / Logo = "VMWare" (is forced to install the
VMWare logo)

NOTE 2: For using the OEM Loader, insert a script named "SetupComplete.cmd" in the
path "X: \ sources \ $ OEM $ \ $$ \ Setup \ SCRIPTS" of the Windows install DVD.

Display all available arguments used by Re-Loader.

################################################## ########################
# 08 - FAQs
################################################## ########################
0. Windows Update:
Q: Can I install Microsoft updates after using this program?
A: When it will be available.

1. Permanent activation:
Q: This program makes the Microsoft products activated permanently?
A: The products can be activated with KMS. it can check reactivation every minute,
then. The products and OEM are Antiwpa Activated forever.

2. Advance the calendar:

Q: If I carry on the calendar of 180 days, the product is not active, why?
A: The reactivation occurs every minute. You have to wait a minute after moving the

3. Virus:
Q: My antivirus seems crazy!
A: If you downloaded the file from another site, we do not know what they could
have done more. Files downloaded from our website are false positives.

4. On-line / Off-line:
Q: Do I need an internet connection to use the program?
A: No, but having an active connection can access the automatic updates and

5. Product is not active:

Q: I used the program, but my product is not active, why?
A: The reasons may be varied, for simplicity, if you can not activate your product,
you should make use of a Clean Machine (Formatted) and one of the compatible
products listed above.
6. Language:
Q: What languages ??are supported?
A: All languages ??are supported! The interface (GUI) now has a few languages, but
the interface does not affect the correct functioning.

################################################## ########################
# 09 - Legal Notes
################################################## ########################
DISCLAIMER: Re-Loader, Office Pre-Activation Pack, OEM Logo Pack.

This program was not created so that "the end user" can benefit
it without possessing the necessary licenses and original of its software.
R @ 1n, however, believes that all should have the possibility to test it and to
a backup of your licenses.

Also, it does not justify in any way the distribution of this program,
in other words do not justify the spread at any website, or P2P
in any other public place.
I ask that these releases are not popular at all.

R @ 1n I have nothing to do with the distribution of this

program, it's all done by third parties.
According to the laws that belong to the country where I reside,
it is not my responsibility what others decide to do with
these versions. However, let it be said clearly:

"NOT condone in any way the sale or distribution

of this program, this was never my intention. "

R @ 1n assumes no responsibility for any loss of data

or any errors that may occur in using these programs.
Keep in mind that you are using a third-party solution.

Note that the use of these software are legal in most

countries outside the United States, if and only if you have a
full copy of the program - so you can use these programs
for backup purposes, and only for them. It remains to be seen how
you are struck licensing agreements with the (EULA).
They can not replace national laws, remember that.

According to the "DMCA ACT" members of the United States, you do not have
rights to circumvent a copy protection. Attention, if
are using this software in an illegal manner, the maximum penalty
that you have you are equal to that you would steal the shrinkwrapped software
in a mall. Although the basic operation of R @ 1n does not reside
in the United States, and so I'm not tied to
The laws of the United States as:

* No Electronic Theft Act

* Digital Millenium Copyright Act
* The Patriot Act
* "Other laws of the United States"

You should always buy the software you use, or in place,

use open-source programs.
This Software NOT encourages piracy, which is an act UNLAWFUL,
as well as being a lack of respect towards those who dedicate time and effort
application development.

I do not assume responsibility for improper use,

that is NOT dedicated to a vision to study educational or informative.
With this I can tell you that I dedicate myself to NOT piracy in any way,
I care only to share and investigate all forms of system and evasion.

I disagree, in any form, software piracy and NOT

responsible for a eventale inappropriate or illegal use.

################################################## ########################
# 10 - Thanks
################################################## ########################
Thank: QAD, xinso, Hotbird64, nonosense, Nosferati87, Mikmik38, Cynecx, heldigard,
Daz, Alphawaves, Nummer, vyvojar for various sources and work!

Here are thanked all the people who have supported the development in all its

- fullstuff
- Miky70
- Zanna

Thanks for the translation:

- azroach (English)
- CraftByte (Slovenian)
- Behdad Boujari (Persian)
- roonney (Portuguese)
- vanhoivo (Vietnamese)
- Ripdevil (Deutsch)
- BL3D1 (Albanian)
- alnaloty (Arabic)
- Phobos (Russian)
- jordan4x (French)
- WebMan (Romanian)
- Yaron.S (Hebrew)
- zihan (Chinese)
- agasoft (Serbian)
- mireado (Korean)
- GlgApr (Indonesian)
- Ercan KOAK (Turkish)
- -=4lfre1re=- (Spanish)

Thanks to MDL STUFF:

Thanks to members on Twitter:RainReLoader

Thank you so much.

- On Twitter:RainReLoader

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