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Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

1. The word prominently in paragraph 3 can easily be replaced by

a) Significantly
b) Perfectly
c) Accurately
d) Excellently

2. The passage describes theremin as a/an

a) prototype of Moog Synthesizer
b) initial electronic music instrument
c) musical instrument to replicate the sound
d) instrument of electronic tool

3. The pronoun it paragraph 2 refers to

a. electronic synthesizer
b. a keyboard instrument
c. prototype of Moog Synthesizer
d. new semiconductor technology

4. According to the passage, all of the following are true about The Moog, EXCEPT
a) it was invented by Robert Moog
b) it was first introduced in 1964
c) it initiated new technology which was smaller and cheaper than previous
d) it was the first synthesizer in the world

5. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses

a) collaboration between The Moog and other musicians
b) the description of compact and portable Mini Moog
c) the improvement of Moog Synthesizer
d) trend in the music industry about synthesizer

6. The main idea of paragraph three is

a) the Moogs collaboration in music field
b) the Moog in the movie soundtrack
c) the introduction of Minimoog
d) the collaboration of The Moog with music groups

Passage 2

7. The best title for the passage would be

a) Pickpockets are well dressed
b) Jingle Bell Schools
c) Pickpockets
d) The hanging of pickpockets

8. The hanging of pickpockets were not continued because

a) they were large crowd of people
b) it was against humanity
c) the police were not at the hanging
d) it was not effective to stop pick pocketing
9. Pick pocketing is crime.
a) an old
b) a modern
c) a temporary
d) a contemporary

10. The passage mentions that pickpockets steal in/from the following, except
a) crowded places
b) the shops
c) drunkards
d) women

11. South Americans pickpockets are the most efficient ones because
a) they are well-trained
b) they are handsome
c) they are well-dressed
d) they are respectable

Passage 3

12. What does this passage mainly discuss?

a) Good nutrition
b) Food with fiber
c) Ways to keep your teeth healthy
d) Fluoridization and cavities
13. According to the passage, all of the following statements about plaque are true
a) it consists of acid producing bacteria
b) it is not affected by eating sweets
c) it can be removed from teeth by brushing and flossing
d) it reduces the positive effect of saliva

14. We can infer from the passage that one benefit of fluoride to healthy teeth is
a) It strengthens tooth enamel
b) it stimulates saliva production
c) it makes teeth whiter
d) It Is a replacement for brushing and flossing in dental care

15. The word it in paragraph 2 refers to

a) dental floss
b) bacteria
c) removal of plaque
d) plaque

16. What can be concluded from the passage about sweets?

a) All sweets should be avoided.
b) Sweets should be eaten with care.
c) It is better to eat sweets a little at a time throughout the day.
d) Sticky sweets are less harmful than other sweets.

17. The word scrape off in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

a) Repel
b) rub together with
c) remove
d) dissolve

18. According to the passage, the value of eating foods with fiber is that
a) they contain Vitamin A
b) they are less expensive than a toothbrush
c) they are able to remove the plaque from your teeth
d) they contain no sugar

19. The author of the passage states that the amount of acid produced by the bacteria in your
saliva increases
a) with the amount of sweets you eat
b) with the number of times you eat sweets
c) if you eat sweets with your meals
d) if you eat sticky sweets
Passage 4

20. What is the main idea of this passage?

a) Women today are better educated than in the past, making them more attractive to the
business world.
b) The computer is especially lucrative for women today.
c) Women are better at small businesses than men are.
d) Women today are opening more businesses of their own.

21. The word excluded in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

a) not permitted in
b) often invited to
c) decorators of
d) charged admission to

22. All of the following were mentioned in the passage as detriments to women in the
business world EXCEPT
a) women were required to stay at home with their families
b) women lacked ability to work in business
c) women faced discrimination in business
d) women were not trained in business
23. In paragraph 2, that refers to
a) a woman becomes chairman of the board
b) women working hard
c) women achieving advanced degrees
d) women believing that business is a place for them

24. According to the passage, Charlotte Taylor believes that women in the 1970s
a) were unrealistic about their opportunities in business management
b) were still more interested in education than business opportunities
c) had fewer obstacles in business than they do today
d) were unable to work hard enough to succeed in business

25. The author mentions the shoebox under the bed in the third paragraph in order to
a) show the frugality of women in business
b) show the resourcefulness of Sandra Kurtzig
c) point out that initially the financial resources of Sandra Kurtzigs business were
d) suggest that the company needed to expand

26. In the third paragraph, the word this refers to

a) women becoming entrepreneurs
b) women buying cosmetics and clothing
c) women working in womens fields
d) women staying at home

27. The expression keep tabs on in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to
a) recognize the appearance of
b) keep records of
c) provide transportation for
d) pay the salaries of

28. The word hurdles in the last paragraph can be best replaced by
a) Fences
b) Obstacles
c) Questions
d) small groups

29. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that businesses operated by
women are small because
a) women prefer a small intimate setting
b) women cant deal with money
c) women are not able to borrow money easily
d) many women fail at large businesses

30. The authors attitude about the future of women in busines is

a) Skeptical
b) Optimistic
c) Frustrated
d) Negative
Passage 5

31. The main idea of this passage is

a) that the new American literature was less provincial than the old
b) that World War I caused a dramatic change in America
c) that centers of culture shifted from East to West
d) that most people were wary of the new literature

32. It can be inferred from lines 1-3 that the previous passage probably discussed
a) the Importance of tradition to writers
b) new developments in industrialization and population shifts
c) the fashions and values of 19th century America
d) the limitations of American literature to this time

33. The word evolved is closest in meaning to

a) became famous
b) turned back
c) diminished
d) changed

34. The word it refers to

a) the population
b) the energy
c) American literature
d) the manufacturing
35. The word exotic is closest in meaning to
a) Urban
b) Unusual
c) well-known
d) old-fashioned

36. The author uses the word indeed for what purpose?
a) to emphasize the contrast he is making
b) for variety in a lengthy paragraph
c) to wind down his argument
d) to show a favorable attitude to these forms of literature

37. The phrase these years in line 17 refers to

a) 1850-1900
b) the 1900s
c) the early 1800s
d) the present

38. It can be inferred from the passage that Walt Whitman

a) disliked urban life
b) was disapproving of the new literature
c) wrote Leaves of Grass
d) was an international diplomat

39. All of the following can be inferred from the passage about the new literature EXCEPT
a) it was not highly regarded Internationally
b) it introduced new american themes, characters, and settings
c) it broke with many literary tradition soft he past
d) it spoke to the issue of reform and change
40. This passage would probably be read in which of the following academic courses?
a) European history
b) American literature
c) Current events
d) International affairs
Passage 6

41. The topic of this passage is

a) reactions to foods
b) food and nutrition
c) infants and allergies
d) a good diet
42. According to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to foods is due to
a) the vast number of different foods we eat
b) lack of a proper treatment plan
c) the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems
d) the use of prepared formula to feed babies

43. The word symptoms in line 8 is closest in meaning to

a) Indications
b) Diet
c) Diagnosis
d) Prescriptions

44. The phrase set off is closest the meaning

a) Relieved
b) Identified
c) Avoided
d) Triggered

45. What can be inferred about babies from this passage?

a) They can eat almost anything.
b) They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants.
c) They gain little benefit from being breast fed.
d) They may become hyperactive if fed solid food too early.
46. The word hyperactive is closest in meaning to
a) overly active
b) unusually low activity
c) excited
d) inquisitive

47. The author states that the reason that infants need to avoid certain foods related to
allergies has to do with the infants
a) lack of teeth
b) poor metabolism
c) underdeveloped intestinal tract
d) inability to swallow solid foods

Passage 7

48. The word minors in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by

a) Children
b) Communities
c) Public
d) Citizens

49. Look at the word pealing in paragraph 3. This word is closest in meaning to which of
the following?
a) Ringing
b) Uncovering
c) Breaking
d) Burning

50. Citizens should extinguish any burning fires, (paragraph 3). Word extinguish is closest in
meaning to
a) put in
b) put on
c) put off
d) put out
1. Jane has an excellent resume, she hasnt found a job yet.
Jawab : (D) Although
Keyword : has; hasnt.
Pembahasan :
- However: (meskipun) jika di depan kalimat, kalimat tersebut hanya terdiri dari satu
- Yet: (namun) penggunaan sama dengan however.
- That: (bahwa) berfungsi menerangkan benda atau klausa di depannya.
- Although : (meskipun) berfungsi menggabungkan dua klausa berlawanan.

2. several universities that have excellent engineering schools.

Jawab : (A) There are
Keyword : several.
Pembahasan :
Karena benda yang dirujuk jamak (several universities), frasa yang paling sesuai untuk
menerangkan benda tersebut adalah there are.
There are + noun jamak There is + noun tunggal

3. Many Middle Eastern diplomats still feel that the United States is intent the ultimate police in
the region.
Jawab : (D) on being

Keyword : intent.

Pembahasan :

Dari keempat jawaban, kata/frasa yang paling memungkinkan untuk mengikuti intent
adalah on being. Pilihan (A) (to being) salah karena setelah to pasti Verb infinitive.
Pilihan (B) (being) salah karena selain berfungsi sebagai clause modifier atau participle,
being tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Pilihan (C) (be) salah karena di depan be tidak ada
preposisi to.

4. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States entry into World War I would put a to the war in

Jawab : (B) Stop

Keyword : a.

Pembahasan : Determiner (a/an/ the) + kata benda (noun).

Dari keempat pilihan yang merupakan benda adalah stop (pemberhentian).

5. 5. of New Yorks Erie Canal greatly enhanced trade in the upstate region.

6. Jawab: (D) The completion

7. Keyword: of.

8. Pembahasan: Sebelum preposisi of pasti noun (kata benda), dari keempat jawaban
tersebut yang merupakan noun adalah the completion

9. 6. A leech, after the skin, is best removed by the application of either salt or heat.

10. Jawab: (A) - it attaches itself to

11. Keyword: after.

12. Pembahasan: Kata after sebagai preposisi (kata depan) + Gerund (Ving), Kata after
sebagai conjunction (penghubung) + klausa (subyek+predikat). Jawaban yang paling
sesuai adalah klausa it attaches itself to karena setelah rumpang masih ada noun (the

13. 7. east of the Mississippi River.

14. Jawab: (D) Indigo was usually grown

15. Keyword: east of the Mississippi River.

16. Pembahasan:
Satu klausa terdiri dari paling tidak satu subjek dan satu predikat.
Pada soal tersebut belum ada keduanya jadi jawabannya pasti subyek + predikat.
Penyesuaian struktur kalimatnya (pasif: be + V3).
Penambahan adverb of frequency (peletakannya di antara to be dan V3).

17. 8. wrote the operetta Babes in Toyland, drawn from the childhood characters of Mother Goose.

18. Jawab: (D) It was Victor Herbert who

19. Keyword: wrote the operetta.

20. Pembahasan: Kata kunci wrote merupakan kata kerja (verb).

Kemungkinan struktur kalimat:
Subject + Predicate (wrote)
Subyek + Predicate + relative pronoun (who) + verb (wrote)

21. 9. Some of the oldest and most widespread creation myths are involving the all-giving Earth

22. Jawab: (A) those

23. Keyword: myths.

24. Pembahasan: Demonstrative yang paling sesuai adalah those karena mengacu pada
myths yang indefinite plural.

25. 10. In , disk technology has made record albums almost obsolete.

26. Jawab: (C) the past decade

27. Keyword: in.

28. Pembahasan : Frasa benda yang paling sesuai untuk membentuk keterangan waktu adalah
the past decade.
The: determiner
Past: adjective
Decade: noun.

29. 11. In the first few months of life, an infant learns how to lift its head, smile, and

30. Jawab: (B) recognize its parents

31. Keyword: how to lift its head, smile, and.

32. Pembahasan: Kesetaraan (concord): how to Vinf (lift) and Vinf (recognize).

33. 12. Juana Inez de la Cruz Mexicos greatest female poet.

34. Jawab: (C) is considered to be

35. Keyword: Juana Inez de la Cruz.

36. Pembahasan: Pola klousa: subyek + predikat

Pada kalimat tersebut hanya ada subyek dan yang kurang adalah predikat.
Predikat bisa dalam bentuk active atau passive. Penggunaan kalimat pasif (be + V3)
dikarenakan supaya kalimat tersebut mempunyai arti Juan Inez de la Cruz dianggap
sebagai penyair wanita terbesar di Mexico.

37. 13. Because the metal mercury in direct proportion to temperature, it was once used as the
indicator in common thermometers.

38. Jawab: (B) expands

39. Keyword: the metal mercury.

40. Pembahasan: Pola klausa: subyek + predikat

Dalam kalimat tersebut sudah ada subjek maka yang kurang adalah predikat.
Karena hal yang diungkapkan adalah fakta (general truth), menggunakan menggunakan
simple present (V1) dan kalimat aktif.

41. 14. what is now San Salvador, Christopher Columbus believed that he had found Japan.

42. Jawab: (C) Having reached

43. Keyword: Christopher Columbus believed.

44. Pembahasan: Penggunaan participle sebagai clause modifier.

45. Active participle:

Ving/ Being : bermakna because/ while
Having V3 : bermakna after

46. Passive participle:

V3 : bermakna because
Being V3 : bermakna while
Having been V3 : bermakna after
Karena pada soal tersebut Christopher Columbus yang melakukan pekerjaan berurutan,
menggunakan active participle (Having V3).

47. 15. The principal purpose of aviation medicine is by people aboard an air craft in flight.

48. Jawab: (A) to study the stress experienced

49. Keyword: medicine is by people.

50. Pembahasan: Pola: To be + Ving/ V3/to Vinf Pola passive voice: to be + V3 by Pola passive
participle: V3 by
Jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah to study the stress experienced.

51. 16. The dwarf lemon tree, grown (A) in many areas of the world, bears fruit (B) when it is
fewer than (C) six inches in high (D)

52. Jawab: (D) high (yang benar = height)

53. Keyword: six inches in high.

54. Pembahasan: Setelah preposisi (in, on, at, by, of, from, etc) harus diikuti noun (kata
benda), jadi kata high (adjective/kata sifat) seharusnya diganti kata height.

55. 17. The (A) brain in composed of a mass of softly (B) gray matter (C) in the skull that (D) controls
our intelligence.
56. Jawab: (B) softly

57. Keyword: softly gray matter.

58. Pembahasan:
Susunan Noun Phrase:

59. D: Determiner (a, an, the, etc)

60. O: Opinion

61. S: Size

62. A: Age

63. Te: Temperature

64. S: Shape

65. C: Color

66. O: Origin

67. M: Material

68. P: Purpose (dalam bentuk V3 atau Ving)

69. N: NounFrasa

70. Frasa benda pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya soft (opinion) gray (color) matter (noun).

71. 18. Polluter (A) is a topic of such importance (B) today that even elementary school children are
well informed (C) about its (D) dangers.

72. Jawab: (A) Polluter

73. Keyword: Polluter

74. Pembahasan: Kata yang seharusnya digunakan adalah pollutant (penyebab polusi).

75. 19. Best (A) represented in a famous oil painting (B) by da Vinci, The Last Supper it (C) is an
important part of the history (D) of Christianity.

76. Jawab: (C) it

77. Keyword: The Last Supper it is.

78. Pembahasan: Dalam satu klausa seharusnya hanya ada satu subjek dan satu predikat,
karena pada kalimat di atas terdapat subjek ganda, maka kata it harus dihilangkan.

79. 20. Together with (A) his friend Little John, Robin Hood are (B) fondly (C) remembered (D) today
by millions of people.

80. Jawab: (B) are

81. Keyword: Together with.

82. Pembahasan: Noun setelah together with tidak memengaruhi perubahan predikat.
Pada kalimat tersebut subjectnya adalah Robin Hood, maka predikatnya seharusnya was
(tunggal, lampau).
83. 21. In Vermont, the (A) sap the maple tree is (B) the primary (C) ingredient in (D) producing maple

84. Jawab: (A) the

85. Keyword: The sap the maple tree.

86. Pembahasan: Kalimat tersebut memiliki subjek ganda sehingga harus ditambahkan of
sebelum the maple tree. Hal ini karena the sap tersebut merupakan bagian dari maple tree.

87. 22. After to have (A) won (B) the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for A Bell for Adano, John Hersey wrote (C)
a nonfiction book about (D) the bombing of Japan.

88. Jawab: (A) to have

89. Keyword: after.

90. Pembahasan: Kata after sebagai preposisi (kata depan) + Gerund (Ving), Kata after
sebagai conjunction (penghubung) + klausa (subyek + predikat).
Pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya after having won

91. 23. The smallest hummingbirds beat (A) their wings 70 times (B) a second (C) and are about
two inched (D) long.

92. Jawab: (D) inched

93. Keyword: two Inched long.

94. Pembahasan: Frasa yang seharusnya digunakan two-inch long, two-inch pada kalimat
ini merupakan adjective.

95. 24. Quality, price, and located (A) are (B) often considered to be (C) the primary concerns in
buying (D) a house.

96. Jawab: (A) located

97. Keyword: quality, price, and located.

98. Pembahasan: Penggunaan concord (kesetaraan)

Kata located seharusnya diganti menjadi location supaya setara dengan quality dan
price yang termasuk kata benda (noun).

99. 25. The name (A) America comes from (B) Amerigo Vespucci, who (C) was a 16th
century Italian explorer (D)

100. Jawab : (B) comes from

101. Keyword: a 16th century Italian explorer.

102. Pembahasan: Karena nama America diambil dari penjelajah Italia abad ke-16,
seharusnya menggunakan past tense (V2) seharusnya dipakai adalah came from.

103. 26. Marie Curie won (A) two Nobel Prizes for their (B) discoveries of radioactivity (C)
and radioactive (D) elements.

104. Jawab: (B) their

105. Keyword: Marie Curie.

106. Pembahasan: Karena mengacu pada Marie Curie (tunggal, perempuan), pronoun yang
seharusnya dipakai adalah her.
107. 27. The developing (A) of the submarine was hindered by the (B) lack of a power source (C)
that could propel (D) an underwater vessel.

108. Jawab: (A) developing

109. Keyword: the developing of.

110. Pembahasan: Kata di depan of (preposisi) harus dalam bentuk noun, dan bentuk
noun (kata benda) dari developing adalah development (perkembangan).

111. 28. Although humans have highly developed (A) brains, most (B) animals have more
acute (C) senses than them (D)

112. Jawab: (D) than them

113. Keyword: have more acute senses than them.

114. Pembahasan: Karena mengacu pada kepunyaan (have more acute senses), maka
pembanding yang seharusnya dipakai adalah than theirs.

115. 29. The movement of the stars (A) was first noticed by early (B) travelers, who (C) used the
stars to guide its (D) way across the sea.

116. Jawab: (D) its

117. Keyword: travelers.

118. Pembahasan: Kata its seharusnya diganti dengan their karena mengacu pada
travelers (jamak).

119. 30. Those who (A) have seen what (B) is believed to be (C) Noahs Ark say it is the
largest (D) than a modern battleship.

Toefl Structure And Written Expression
Choose the correct answer
1. I hope you don't mind _______ sitting here.
A. my
B. I had been
C. to be
D. that I may

2. On no account _______ call her at the office.

A. you
B. should you
C. that you may
D. to

3. Things would go a lot more smoothly if you _______ keep interrupting.

A. _________
B. do
C. didn't
D. will

4. We'll get you a car once you _______ your driving test.
A. are passing
B. are having passed
C. have passed
D. might pass

5. She _______ forever practising on that out-of-tune trumpet.

A. is
B. was being
C. has been
D. will have

6. Please tell me when to stop _______.

A. downpour
B. to have poured
C. pouring
D. pour

7. I regret to inform you that your application _______ unsuccessful on this occasion.
A. has been
B. to be
C. should have been
D. is being

8. The number of girls in school and women in parliaments has risen, and their overall access
to contraception has improved in the past decade, _____ new report.
A. published in a
B. according a
C. according to a
D. as stated in a

9. The 2000 Census showed that married couples _____ half of the 2 million households in
the state, and 46 percent of those couples had children living with them.
A. which they made up
B. and made up
C. to make up
D. made up

10. By far the most noticeable blemishes on the surface of the Sun _____ sunspots.
A. are
B. the
C. that are
D. in th

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