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06 —_spheyaN uswvansiry | Poon, INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Taevel Pxamination Control Division | Programme! BCE 2072 Magh : He Subject: - Sanitary Engine: ¥ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt All questions. ~ ‘The figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks Y Assume suitable data If necessary. 2 What ase the Favorable conditions for the aloption of separete and combine sewerage system? 2, AA population of 30000 is residing in a tural arca of 60 hectares, If the average eocfticiont cf runott for this area is 0.60, lime requized to the entry port is 25 minutes and the time uf vavel fiom the entry port to the section of sewer under consideration for design is 5 minutes. What will be the design discharge for a combined sewer af the section to be copsicered if the average flow of sewage in sural is 45 Iped and pack factor is 2.77 3, Design a sewer for separate system lo carry peak Mow 0.5 mélsee al a slope 19 in 10000. Sewer should run 0.7 times depth at peek flow. The value of n in Manning's formula is 6.012, Will the self cleansing velocity be maintained in the sewer during dry weather tow? Take peak factor = 3, 1M Explain the nesessity of providing drop manhole in s2wer line with a neat sketch. 5,21 Describe the procedure of BOD in laboratory. “Dy if the 5 day BOD at 37°C is 200 mgt and if the rate of deoxygenation is 0.17/ day. caloulate the ultimale BOD und BOD nfnaining alter 5 dans. 6, What are various methods of sewage djspesal? Describe with their advantages and cisadvanlages. 7. a) What is tricking filter? Why i is used? Explain the construction of tricking fiker with a neat sketch ¥) Design o sedimentation tank and oxidatjon pond for a town with the following data Population = 10,000 Ms Sownge flow = 100 Iped BOD of incoming sewage = 250 mg!l OD in the effluent of oxidation pond should be less thas 30 my 97 Design « grit chamber for the foltowing data: Discharge = 5 MLD Size of the gritparticles =0.2 mm p. gravity cf grit pertioles ~ 2,65 at temperature 20°C 8. Design a sludge digestion :ark to treat sludge of primary sedimentation tank ‘from the following data Capeaity of sedimentation tank = $17.5 m Detained time in Sedimentation = 3 brs. Snipended Sotids in caw sewage + 250 melt ‘Water content in fresh sludge = 95% Water content in digested sludge ~ 80% ‘Specific gravity of sludge = 1.02 Digestinn period in digester = 2 moaths Primary sedimentation uink removes 55% of suspended solids 9. Design the septic taak and dispersion trenches in Nepalese perspectives for 20 users. 10. Write short notes on sanitary landfill of solid waste, What are its advantages and disadvaniages? iat 18} A (4 131 (8) 8) (34 18} tet te __-supmvan ueavissrry San + TRSUMTUTE OF ENOMNERRING — jal 77 IRF RlMarle 180" Examination Control Division | Programme {el Pee 2071 Bhadra Capidates are required to give their answers Iu their own words us [ara practicable Adempl All questions ‘The figures in che margin indicete Flt Marks Aswan suituble data ifnecessemy, KAAK ‘Daseribe the components af solid waste management methods ia] ifFerentiate dry weather flow and ve weather Dow. Briefly describe various sources of ssanilary seage. 4] 3,/Design s circular section of combined sewer fiom the feltowing data: (246) Areuto be served = 60 ha Population = 65,000 ‘Maximum pemnissible velocly ~ 3.2 m/see ‘Time of entry = § minvtes Time of flow = 18 minstes Rate of woter supply = 235 Ipod Overall runoff cecflicient ~ 6.55 Assume suitably any other data required. dv Describe stect inlets and catch basins with neat sketches, a] §/ Describe briedly the physical chmacterstics of wastewater. How the deccmpestion of ‘wastewaler takes place? Explain the processes, 8] oR Defire BOD and COD and explain thelr signidcance in wastessater ceaminution. Derive BOD cquativa showing relation bewveen wllinae BOD and BOD remeining at any 5 8 La mieier treatment plant disposes off its efllucats into a stream at a point A. Charicuerises of the stream ata focetion upateem of point A and of Ue efRuen! axe follows: 8) {tes Rasa Flow Rais, av e0e 338 Disolved Oxygen | 2? ‘Femporature, °C Pe) BOD, at 20°C, agi iss | 2 ‘Assume thet the deoxygenation constant at 20°C (base e) = 0.2 per day and the rescration ‘constant at 20°C (base €) ~ 9.35 per day. For lhe mixture, equilibrium concentration of dissolved oxygen for the feshwatcr iss follows: [Temperate °C [21 [35 [a3 | m4 [26 | 28 | DO, me/l 3.05 | 8.83 | 8.68 | 8.53 j 8.2 | 792} The velecity of strcam downstream of the poiat A is 0.25 ay/sec, Determine the critical oxygen deficit and its location 2 Design’ grt chamber for a wastewsier flow of IR L/s with SOR ~ 15 envsecond and etuntion pesfod of $0 seconds. Specifie gravity of organic and inonganie particles are 1:2 ané 2.65 respectively: Assume the size of beth organi and inorganic: puricles a 4128 mm. Take k 0.06 and £~ 003, ty"A municipal westewater heving « BODs of 180 my/ is to be treated by @ bw stage wicking filter, The desired BOs, 20°C af the Dil efllucnl is to be 23 mg/l IC beth he Mer’s dephe is W be 185 m1 and weirculaion ratie for bob Gers is 03, determine de sequired! Giter diemsters. Assare the wastewater flow rate of 7665 mi'iday, and 35% BOD ts removed in primary sedimentation tank. sc) Whot is meant by aclivated sludge? Describe with sketches the beatmenl process of ‘wastewater by activated sludge proc S. oR Describe the theory of oxidstion pond, Design an oxidation pond for iresting domestic sewage of 2500 persons supplied with 225 Iped of water, The BOD, of the westewater Js 250 mg/l, Ponnissible organic loading for the pond Is 5SU ke/ha/éey aud the ewntiom time ts 12 dys. Assume the width to length ratio ofthe pond as 1:2 and the ‘operations! depth as 1.25 m. BY Why treaument of sludge is necessary? Explain the method of dewatering of sladge by sand drying bod. «9 Describe the purpose, eonstmction and design criteria of VIP lutrine with moat skste's Differentiate with pt batine _ J: Write ashort nove on ineTneration of solid waste. 18] ie) [8] [+5] [8h 8 ra ov paeauyan cnivensty | Bxam, Examination Control Diy 1 The population of a town i INSTITUTR OR FNGINBERING Lee” jon | Prograwrme | 3Ci 2071 Mah Candidates are required to give thei: answers in their own words as fw 2s practicable, Attempt All questions. The figures ix the margin indicere Full Marks Assume suitable daia ifmecessary. Compare berween water carriage and conservancy saethods of sewage disposal with merits and demerits of cack method, ‘The catchment aren of & vty is 45 hectares. Assuming that dhe surfice on which main falls is classified as follows: Type of Satie" % Arca [Runa Cocllicent 1 Forest and Wooden Arex 16 2, Open gruund + Unpaved street | 10 3. Parks + Lavens 4 Gantens 15 4, Gravel Road 20 5. Asphalt Pavements 2» aes |E | Caleulate the quantity of stom water if time of entry is 20 minutes and time of low is 10 minut. |. With thehelp of neat sketches, describe in detail the varfous steps of sewer construction ‘With the help of neet sketch, describe the puppave and eonstruction of a drop manhole, 2) Describe in detail about BOD and COD with their significances. '8) 2.5 wl of raw sewage is dituted to 250 mi. D.O, concentration of the dilute sample at the beginning was 8.0 mg/l end 54,0 mg/l after $ days of meubation al 20°C. Find 3- dry B.O.D. of raw sswage and kg. B.O.P. contained jn 5 milion titers of sewage. },000 and domestic sswage is 175 Iped. The per eapits BOD. js 50 gravday. The dairy waste of te town is 2.2 x 10° Hters/day with BOD of S000 mg/t and the waste from other industries is 1.80 x 10° liters‘day with ROD of 2200 mg. DO of bot domestic and industrial wastes are zero. The effluent from the sewage \reattent plant isto be d'scharzed in the malural river having minimum dischaype of 8000 lters/sce, a dissolved oxyzen content of 8.0 mp/l and BOD of zero, The tninimum DO contcnt in the river lo be maittained is 4.3 mg/l. Detertmine the degree treatment required to the sewage, Asrume saturstion DO in the siver after mixing with waste is equal 12 DO content of river befarc mixing. Assume ary other data not gover. 18) Desiga « grit chamber for a sewage dlow of 200 literce with SOR = 2 em/see and detention time = | min. Specific gravity of organis and inorganic particles are 1.2 and 2.7 respectively, Assume size of both orgenie snd inorganic amterials #6 0.21 mm ‘Take k = 0.06 and F= 0.03. 4) a1 Ww FI ld 4) ra] » a8 » ‘With the help of neat skeled, explain the activated slodge process. What ae ts sudvaniayss and disadvantages? A dewage having BOD of 180 meus fed to # wo singe trickling filler with @ Dow of 5 million liters per day, The BOD required in the final effluent is <30 mg/l. The efficiency of the firs stage trickling filter is 2 times the effisiency of the second nage trickling filler. U depth and recirculation matio of but fire stage and sevond slages ore 1.2m ant 2 respectively, determine the diameters of the First stage and second stage trickling filters. ‘Teseribe the parposc.and methods of shudge thickening. ‘A sedimentation tank treats 6 mid of sewaxe containing 360 mai af suspended solids, The tank removes 65% of tht suspended solids. Compute the vatume of the sudee prochced yearly if the moistare contei of the shudge is 95¥, Deseribs the purpose und construction of as evapo-trassyitation oud. Design a double pit VIP latrine for a family of 13 users. Assume the necessary data suitably, 19, Describes briefly the various methods of solid waste disposal ri 66 TunUyAN naverstrY AOL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING , {Fall Mais 150) Paws Macks | 32 F3hrs. "f+ Candidales are required (o give their answers in Lacir own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt AU questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Y Assume sunable data if recessary. 1, Why waste water management is important for civil society. State the objectives of waste water disposal 4] 2. Calculate the diameter of combined circular sewer with following data: water supply rate — 100 Iped. population density = 100 petsoas/ace, peak faetor — 2.7, area = 35 hectares, rainfall intensity = 1Smm/te, slope = 1/750, Manning’s coellicient of rugasity = 0.011. The coefficient of run-off = (4, ‘The sewer should ran 0.6 depth full during peak flow. 8) 3. State the sitps auvolved in construction of sewers in urban area Briefly deseribe the testing of sewer line. Hl 4. With the help of neat sketch, explain the necessity and construction of drop menhole. 4] 5. If one dey BUD ofa sewage sample at 23°C is 105 mg/l. What will be its five day BOD at 30°C? Assume Koa = 0.1 per day. 18] 6. An industry is going tw be esutblished in an orban area near to the river side, The river ‘water and industrial effluent characieristios are as follows: gl Industrial effluent River water Flow (mvs 18 2 DO (mg) 0 87 350 60 A mg! At what location ia the river critical DO deficit would oecur if the flow velocity in the rivers 0.20 ms, Also find out DO atthe end of | and 3 diys. 7. 2) With neat sketch, describe briefly about the skimming tank, Also enlist differences between grit chamber ard sedimentation tank. [543] 1) What do you mean by suspended and attached growth process? Explain the principals of biological treatment. 8) OR ‘The effluent from PSL’ is applicd vo a standerd rate ‘Tickling Filter at the rate of 1.2 nillion litzisiday living BODs of 200 myll. Determine the depth andl volume of Milter considering surface loading of 1200 liters’ day and organic loading of 25¢ yan’, day. Also, calculate the efficiency of fiter using NIRC equation. 5:3] ) A town discharges sewage ut the 55x10" I/d. The specific gravity of gift particles in ‘thet cewage is found from an experiment ai 2.65 and the temperature as 27°C. Design rit chamber for removal of grit particles of 0.21 mm. Use: K~ 0.05 end # = 0.03. 181 8. Briefly describe about the methods of shudge treatment with its functions. 8] 9. With a neat sketch deseribe the working and desiga provsdure of ventilaed imaprowd pit fatrine, 8] 10, Describe sanitary landfill with its advantages and disadvantages, 14] ey os —_rammuyan ustvunsrry INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING [Paso Marlo (32 fe | Candidates are roguired.ta giva theit aaswers ie theieowa wonls us far au pructicable, Attempt All questions. ¥. Tha figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, ¥ Assume suitable data if neceszary. 1. Compare the separate and cumbined systems of sewerage in ¢ tabular form. 2, Define sanitary sewage. Desuribe various factors affecting quantity of sanitary sewage. 3. Design a circular sewer running 0.79 fall at moxinmum discharge for a town provided with the separate system serving 2 population af 106000 persons. Water is supplied from the water works at a rte of 200 liters per capita per day. Take a constant value of 0.013 stall depths of flaw. The permissible slope is 1 in 600. Take-a posk factor of 2.5. 4. What anc sewer sppurtensnces? Explsin brief the necessity of sewer appurtenances. S. How sewage sampling is done? Explein the method of BOD determination in the laboratory by dilttign method, oR Why examination of wastewaler is nesessary? Describe in detail the prsccure of determining fixed, volatile and total solids in the Isbaratory. 6. A stream siturated with BO has a flow of 2m’/s, BOD of 3mg and rate constant (Ki to tbase 10) of 0.1 per day. Utreceives an effuent discharge of 9 Sm*ls faving BOD of 200 rofl and 00 of 2mg/l. ‘The average velocity of stream is 0.2rais. The average depth of stream is 12m, Calsulate DO ceficit 60km downstream of outlell. Assute temperatnre of 20°C throughout and saturation DO at 20°C is 9.17mg/L 7. 9) With neat sketches, desoribe the theory, coniiction, design esiteria, comaissioning and maintenance of sn oxidation pond with its advantages and disadvantages. OR ‘What do you understand by suspended growih and attached growth processes ia wastewater teabnent? Explain in detail the ptincigles of biologion wastevinter treatment ¥) Determine he size of u high-rate single stage trickling filter fo the following data: 1) Sewage flow = SMLD Gi) Recirculation ratio= 1.5 {ii) BOD of raw. sewage 250me!lit (vy) BOD removal in primary clariier = 30% (v) Fil effluent BOD desired = 30mg/liz ©) What isa grit chamber? Deseribe with the help of neat sketches the constreétion and design criteriaof'a grit chamber. oR it i] (3) 1 81 18] (3) (81 18) OR ‘Why recirculation is novessary iu trickling filters? Compare the lowy rate and high rate trickling Glters & Sewage with a suspended solid content of 200mgl ows continuously in a sedimentation (ark of S00? capacity. Sewage is detained in the sedimentation tank for 4 hous. Sixty percenteges ef solids are removed in the sedimentation tark during i> ) The affiuent fam 2 primary sedimentaton tank is applled to a standard rate Alter at the rte of $ mllion hers per day, having a BODs of 17Smg/l. Deteamine the depth and volume of ft, atopling « surface loafing of 150gnvin day. Also deteruine the Blcioncy of such filles unit, sing NRGiomnlaAssumerecirczlation ratio 1:2, [JO] 3. a) Explain the necessity of sludge treatment, Draw a sketch of siudge digester and __sapliinily working. Lam 26] by aliesigna donblepit VIP Iatrine for.a family of 1S users. . is 6, Welve dhort notes on: (any fous) [4a] 2, ‘Types of sewerage aystern 8) Catch basin ©) Time of eancentraton -- »:§}Buctera-algalsymbiosis process .¢) Incineration of solid waste 08 TRIBRUVAN UNIVERSE INSTITUSE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2067 Mangsir ~ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practiceble. ~ Attempt ony Five questions. Y. All questions carry equal marks, Y Assume suitable data if necessary. 4) Compare separate and combined systems of sewerage in a tabular foe, b) Asa designer for ruzal with scattered populated area how would you determined the quantily of slorm water? Discuss in detail. 2. a) The BODs of sewage sample st 20°C is 300mg/l. If K=0.23tbese ¢), ‘what is the ultimate BOD? Calculate BOD, at 15°C. b) Design a septic tark and soak pit for the following data, No. of persons = 100 Sowago/Cepita/day ~ 120 liters Sludge olcaning period = 1 Year Soil infiltration = 40 m"/d 3. a) Calculate the diameter and velocity of a circular sewer at a slope of 1 in 400 when it is Tumning just full at a discharge of 0,85m%/sec. The vatue of n in Manning’s formule is 0.011, What will be the discharge and velocity whea flowing 9.6 deplh of pipe tor the same slope. b) With a neat sketch, describe the parpose and construction of a drop manhole. 4, a) To what cases natural methods of disposal systems are applied and kow, discuss. b) Design an oxidation pond for a town with the following data: People = 10,600 Sewage flow= 135 Ipod BOD of incoming sewage = 250me/ Organic loading = 100K g BODY hectare/day Detention time = 30 days 5. a} With neat sketches, describe the activated sludge process. b} The volume of fresh sludge obtained fom PST and tickling filter huiaus tank is 85.1m° at 98% moisture content, After sladge digestion, the moisture content reduced to 83%, Whet will be its volume and design a slndge digestion tank for it? Assume specific gravity remains same before and after dilution. 6. ‘Write short notes on (any four): a) Inverted sighon b) Sewage sampling ©) Bacteria-algal-symbiasis process & Composting of solid waste } Overland flow and rapid infiltration. ond Exeminiation Control Division | Prosrar 2066 Magh Ye: SNS8] a3). TRRONUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam, INSTITULE OF ENGINEERING — [evel _ Candidates are required.t0 give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, Attempt any Blve questions, The figures in the margin indicaie Pull Marks. Assume suitable daia if necessary, , 3) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of the separate and combined system of sewerage. Also give the conditions favourable for the adoption of each one of them Desotibs how time of concentration is found out graphically, 144242} b) Ina thickly built up residential area, the average surface coverage are 40% roofs and pavements having rum off coefficient of 0.8 and-60% lawns and gardens having run off coefficient of 0.2. If the popwlation density per hectare is 2000 and rate of weler supply is 125 dped and time of concentration (.) is 30 min, calevlate the required size ofthe combined sewer. 8] a) Draw a meat skerch of manhole, showing its componenis. Where and way cop manhole is to be provided? (6) b) A town discharges 120 cumee of sewage into & river having a rale of How 1600 cumce, during Kean period with a velocity of 0.1 musec. The 5 day BOD of sewage at the given tempersture is 250 mg/lit. Find the amount of critical DO deficit and when and where it witl occur in the downstream portion of the civar. Assume deoxygenalion constant K as 0.1 day"' and coefficient of self purification fs 3.5, Saturation DO at piven temperature is 9.2 mgylit. (0) a) Draw 1" stage and 2" stage BOD curve and indicate its salient features. Define grab sample and composite sample. Peseribe the factors affecting self purification of river,[3+1+4] &) A rectangular primmy sedimentation taak is to trest | MLD sewage per day. IF dotontion potiod is 1.5 lus, the velocity of flow is 10 ouvfinki, depth of sewage and sediments is 3.5m, caloulate (8h 4) Diinension of zanke fi) Overfow rate of the tank a) What aze the principles of biological treatment? Draw the figures of any one type of it camber and skimuming tank. What are the Working principle of those units? 7 b) Determine the dimensions of a high rate tickling filter for the fotlowing data: 8 i) Sewage How = 3.0 MLD ii) Recirculation ratio — 1.5 iit) BOD of raw sewage = 250 mylil, iv} BOD romoval in the primary settling tank = 25% y) Final effluent BOD desired = 30 mgeit vi) By what percent the diameter of the filter will have to be modified if it is to be designed asa standerd rate trickling filter for the above requirements. 8) Wast is septic tank ind soak pit? Deseritic about design procedure of septic tank ané soak pit, (7% 6) Waat is primary and secondary sludge? List out the necessity of sludge treatment Assuming 30% selid matters in a sludge (containing 90% water) is composed of fixed mineral solids with of 2.5 and 70% composed of valatile solids with of 1 Find spécific gravity of sludge. 123245} ‘Write short notes on: (any four) fy - [4x4j a) Evapotranspiration mound b) Sewagesickness c)_ Street inlets ©) Solid.waste and its types &} Testing of sewer es TRmELVaN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINSERNG Y Canidetes ae requcet to give tee mvs in Hoos word Farasprctnlle Y Auenspe any Bie questions, Y, Tha figures fache margin indionte Pull Marks Y Assipne swdabic daar if necessary 4 278) Discuss the velative mets and domes of she separate nd combed zystem of sewerage. Also give the conditions favors“sle for the adeptien of each ene ef ther Describe how tine nf cocceirstin. ‘found eat graphical [ae by L athickly tails averaents hav! off soetliciest of sepgty i 125 fped ard Hine of coavenleatian ie) of dhe corsbined sewer, 8: rosidertis] atea, the aversge surface coverage are 40% coafs aut p off enetsient uf 08 md €% lawns ard gantens heviag run Te the peputetian d sixy jor hoot nip a river bo cursee, during loan poriod vith a velecity of 0.1 mse. Tre the aiven tempera agit, Find Ge amount of erica’ DO cedert and when ané where't will acer in the cowastresia guciva of the river, Assume deoxyeenstica corslatt K as 0.1 day” znd coefficient of sel purification f us 3.5. Saturation THO ac geen emerge 8 9.2 well, fal arate of flow 1600 day BOD pf sewage at <0 m Dear stage and 24 stage BOD curve anc indicate ie slien esters. Defi grt wa seimple ard composite sample, IDesabe the Livtury «llécting self purification of iver “IM WA rpotangules pritaary sedimegtation tame is ta teat 1 MLD sewage por Jay ‘cocontion period is 1.5 tis, the velocliy of flow is £9 erwmir, deta of sewage and sedimenrsis 33a, calewlate 3 Dimension of tak i} Overllow sate or te tank a) Shut are the prirciples of biologics! treatm? Draw the fignces of awy one type of UI MB Deteentine tha direensions of a high ie i) Sewage tow -3.6 MLD jcu.ratia 1.5 #) BOD of raw sowage = 250 mgilit ants +} Winal effluent 31? desiree —30 angle vi} By what percent the Uéamoler of the Alter vill have to be anndi derigned as a slundard rate trickling filiar foe the ahava requirements a) Whar is septic tank ‘sad soak pit? Desnvitee about desiga pncedury of septs TANK ad 0a pit fa what ig orinary aid sesoudery sludge? “List out Ibe necessity of sludge tveatment Assuming 42% solid madors ia a slugerftontaiaing 90% water) is ecerposed of Sine minersl solids with op.g1 of 2.$ and 70% compased of volauiesolics wilh spar. af L inl specific gravity of sludge. Ove shat rates en: (any Four) a) Svapetsaspitatios mound 1B) Sewaae sickness c). Street inlets 3) Solidavaste ond its types, 2} “Testing nf sewer os TRBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Regula /Rack sertborinemne Gay eae or — | Examination Control Division | Programme BCE Pasa Marks | 32 | . 2065 Chaitra ‘Year fPare THT! Time ths. | © 7 Subject Senitary Hngineering __ Candidates a required «© give thoiranswers in their own wards as far an practicable. Y ecarips any Five questions. : i The figures inthe margin indicara Fell Marks a % lisse slate date Fnceasery ! ‘ } al Describe the systems of sanitucon with thir wdvanteges and disadvancages. Why 5 a F ‘warer-carrying sysiem Of sanitstieal's popular shan conservancy system? wo og : Ete sevenlay BOD at 26°C is 280 reg and one day BOD at 20°C is 35 my" e Caceulte the rae resetion constant «20°C and five-day BOD ac 25°C ic) Design a combined sewer section “or 4 45-hector reridanlial ares baying ann seeificient 040, 0.70, 025, 9.20, 0.19 for usve of 15. 20, 28, 10 aad 30% cempectively with aktogethes 1550 popularian? Aversge (indi! doeation ie Uienin. Self cleanses, slocity is 9B rv’sue, Asstme acer si gly es = H00 toed and time of Gongestratinn 2mm, Wi a uel shewh, deseuibe che cosiruction ef a mano. sedimentation tank for a jadesta! snpuritson sf 4808 THs a water demand is 150 Iped, Aseuane thas “$e water eeneives al treatment pan. 1 ibe the sarnes t | hat do you uederstand by setf pur ti in ef piriticauon te, q Sona wil be ng soexcilution ras nysaed o:isngie ge stkling fle hee voiume of 530m" at low uf 3.7 MLD. The caw sivage haa BOD oF 180 sap. The ariaacy trearnent eemoses 23% BOD. The effiuest BOD is to be squsi or lees than Hing : a9} bb Despite uctivawd sludge vreurnsn: giuccss with schuimalis Glagram, Also desorcbe ‘Se principle of BOD sedoction sate ueatinest grocess I) 5. at Araw sewage having suspended solids conten 2£ 250 malig pasted “hough aeimacy sedimentaiina tank 2 a oo of § MED. The sedimertation sank removed 55% aspeniied sclics. Neceroine the volume of sludge produced psr day if moisture sontent and specific gravity of sludge are 96% and 1,02 respectively. What wil bo the ‘olume if its moistuce coatent reduces 19 81.5% after digestion? {9} bi) Describe the vuriaut nicthods of solid waste composting (1 j [4x4] i ‘rte shorl notes on tasty — a) Time of Cor bb} Jocseration of Solid Waste 9) Uatermittent Sand leer . 4) Inverred Siphon. ¢}. Bacteria-Algal symbiosis Process a "a 05" TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE QF ENGINEERING — | Levet [aE a Examination Control Division | Programme | BCE [Rassias [52 | 2065 Kartik PYear/Part_ [I {Time Tis. _Subject: - Sanitary Engineering Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, Attempt any Five questions. - The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. Assume suitable data f necessary. ANAS 3) Explain water casriage system. What are its mefits and demerits? Why is it not suitable to adapt water carriage system in rural areas? 18} &) A sewage sample incubated for one day at 30°C has BOD of 180. mg/l. What will be - ite 5 day BOD at 20°C if the value of the de-oxygenation constant is 13 per day (base 10) for 20°C? (8) 2. a) Discuss briefly the methods of land treatment, How sewage sickness occurs? (3 4) ‘Detemine the volume of sludge produced in a sewage sedimentation tank for the following data: [19] Flow rate = 10 million liters/day Suspended solids content in rave sewage =250 mll Sedimentation tank removes 60% of suspended solide Spesific gravity of skudgo = 1.02 “Moisture content of sludge ~ 95% 3. a) Draw a neat sketch of manhole and describe it with necessary labeling. (@] 8} Design a sewer for 2 popalation of 109,000 persons with water supply pet cepita of 120 Wd. Tl is expected that 80% of the water is converted into sewage. The DWF estimated will be 1/37 of the maximum discharge in this. separete sewer. The permissible slope is 1:1000 and rugosity coefficient is taken as 0.012. For the self purpose at least 0.75 mus velocity need to be developed in the drain. fg] A, a) Discuss the working of tickling filter with neat sketch. 6 $) Design a conventional activated sludge plant to treat settled domestic sewage with iffosed air ceration system for the following data: 10} i) Population scived = 90,000 4D) Per eapita sewage contribution = 100 Vd fil) BOD; of sented sewage = 220 mgit iv) Effluent BOD; allowed = 30 mg. vy) F/M ratio = 0.2 vi) MLSS = 3000 mg/l $, 4). Discuss the principles of oxidation pord. Why is it believed that they sre beter alternatives to small towns of Negal? 8] _-by Design a circular sewage sedimentation tenk for a population of-8@7000, The per capita sewage contribution is 80 Iped. Assume nezecsary data suitably. (8) 6. Write short rites on any four of tie followings: tAet} 4), Construction of septic tanks 6) inverted siphon ©} Gravity thickener @) Double pit pour flush létrine 2) Soak pits KOR S 45 INSTITUTE OF ENGINEFRING Examination Control Division I Candidates are required io give their anewers in their own words TRIBLLUVAN UNIVERSITY 2064 Poush Year? Part Subject: - Sari as practicable, Attempt any Five questions The figures in she margin inelicate Fall Marks, Asatte suitable daca necessary a) *) b) a) » y Asa designer for « highly popufated urban etee how would you determine quentity ef storm water? Discuss in detail. AT the five-day BOD at 20°C is 230 mg‘l and one day BOD at 20°C is 111.89 mgt Calculate the rate reaction constant & at 20°C ard. Determine the diameter ond velocity ofa circular ceweraza slop of 1 in 500 whenit is running just Full at a dircharge of tm’igee. The value of n i 6.012, Whal will be the cisuharge and velesity when flowing siope? - Describe the surpose and working of sludge drying bed wich a neat skew’ Design a grit chamver from the maxinum fow of sewage — 40*10% Wa, Sp. gh grit = 2.7, Size of grit particle to be mowed = 0.5mm, Assume temp T = 21 ‘Assume other necessary data suitab Describe the purpose, construction ard weeking ofa manhole Calculate effiuent BOD of twe stage trickling filter for the following data Sewage How =2 mimi, BOD of sewage after primary treaiasent Volume of both Gites ~ 9001" aad Recirculation ratio for bots filter 0 mgil, hs, Assume necessary data suitably. What do you understand by sett purification of streams? Describe the fkctors affecting sel? purification of streams, The vohime of flesh stadge obtained rem PSY and trickling dilter burns lank is 84.lov at 97% moisture conlent, ARer sludge digestion, the moisture content reduced to 83%, Whul will be its volume after digestion? Also design a sludge digestion weak it, Assume sludge digestion puried es 20 days. vw does an oxidation pond work! Describe its eonsiryetion with a neat serch, Waite short notes oF (any Jou): *) b) } a ° Evapo-transpication mound Skimming tank Catch basin Composting of solid waste MP latrine [6 [1G ag {é] (84 Te td jee] Examination Control Division | rrogramme {BCE ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level TBE | Pass Marks 2064 Shrawan "Year (Pact T1070” BEHY (RO ota as practicable, __ Subject: - Sanitary Engineering Candudates are required wo give dheir answe's tn tir ov words a Auempt any Five questions, The figures ix the margin indicate Full Marks, Assaoig stttable data if necessary. 8) Discuss the various mothods of zewage disgosal by land treatment with their merits end deracrits. . Ig >) Calculate S-day biochemical axygen demand of a sewage at 20°C. Its sample analysis shows 180mg’ of BOD after 3 days at 30°C. - 8] a) What is dry weather fow? Discuss various fastors affecting quantity of dry Weather flow, Justify way we need to consider peaking factor. is] b) A sewage sample has suspended solid contents of 240 mg/l. The gedimentation tank removes 65% af the suspended solids. Tf the water content of the sludge is 95% determine volume of sludge produced in a sedimentation tank after treating 8.5%10°1 ofsewage. Assume specific grevily of che sludge as 1.02. ho] 8) With a neat sketch of cescribe the process of sladge thickening. {1 b) A newly edded ward of a municipality with 40,000 puputatiors sovers ait area of 50 ha, The projected surface of the area is gives a3 fallows: lio % of total surface i Typeofsurfice | Runoif coefficient 25 TFlard pavement 085 35 177 Roof surlace ‘080 GB i Unpaved street 030 | 25 Gardens and lavas | O15 ‘The time oF concentration is 30 minates. Tike US Ministry of Health formula for the intensity of the rainfall, Tae average daily water consumption of the area is 180 fiters per capita out of which 80% turns into waste water. The peak flow is three times the dry weather flow. Detormine the discharge of the waste water from ths area, a) Explain ‘principles of activated sludge process with neat sketch. Elaborate why food/mnicro-organism ratic is important in this process. (61 v) Sewage ftom Primary Settling ‘Tank is discharged to Standard-rale Trivkling Filter at the rate of 4 MLD havinig 150 mg/l of $-day BOD. Determine the depth and velocity Of the filter adopting surtace loading of 2400 Viv@-day and orgaric loeding of 25 gim’'.day. Also determing the efficiency of te Trickdiag Filter. Assume necessery dataif secessary. 2) Wht is ‘oxidatibi: fond? Elebovere various physical end biockemnical provesies that take place in oxidation pond. (6] jtants, The rate of very 2 yours. Make b) Design a septic lurk for a house in Kathmandu with 12 i: sewige Aispisal is 100 Moetagr Desladging is expe: assumptions [or necessary data, Draw a glan and emess section of ‘he septic tark with Gesigned dimensions, 19] ‘Write short notes ca any fourof the follo#ings tad 8) VIP tanine 'b} Testing of sewer lines channer £ purdiivation Of strains ©) Compeating of solid wastes @) Manhole es mepuvanuvensire aia INSTITUTE OF BNGINEFRING —[E : : [Eun aris F io Exaimination Contro! Division [rogeamine | 84 "Pass Marks 2063 Kartik Year Part | Us a Candidates nce requiced to give their answers jn their own words os far as practicable. Attempt any Ei The figures lu the margin indicate Bull Marks. Assune suatable data if necessary. . 2 questions. 3) Define sewage, aullage, sewer and garbage. Compare between separate and combined systema of seweruys. . ©) .Catcitlate the diameter aud velocity in a citcular sewer ata slope of 1 in 400 when it is running just full ata discharge of 2uv'/see. The Mansting’s coefficient n = 0.013. What will be the discharge and velocity when Bowing one thied full? a) What is diy weuther flow? Discuss the various factors affecting the dry weatlaer flow. b) A sitcam saturated with BO has a flow of 1.Sm'is, BOD 4 mp/ and rale consiunt (Ki) cof {1.3 per day. It receives an effluent discharge of 0.5 m/s having BOD 20 mg? and DO 5 muy. The average velocity of flavr of stream is 0.20 mis. The average depth of stream is 1m. Calculule DO deficit af 30 kon art $0-kis downstream. Assume temperature throughuut 20°C and BOD is awasured in 5 days. Take saturction DO 2 520°C a5 9.17 mg. a) ‘With neat sketches, cleseribe the working of wa activatd sludge process. b) MEBODS at 15°C is 220 nogd, find BODs at 25°C. a) State and explain the following rms i} actobic decomposition i) BOD ii) CoD . iy} anactobie decomposition . b) A sedimentation tank reals 8 Add containing 200 mg! of suspended solids. The tank removes 60% of the suspended sdlids, Compule the weight and volume of sludge produced daily if the maisture ecient of the sludge is (1) 95% (4i) 90%. . a) Whalis oxygen sag curve? Degeribe thie self purification of sticams Colculate the BOD removal eflicieney fos the single stage high rale trickling filter. BOD loading is 750 y’m'/day avd recirculation ratio is 0.6. 1 Write notes on any four: 8) Sock Pit — 'b) Pour Flush Latrine ©} Manhole 4} Composting of Solid Waste - e) Flushing Deviee {6} [10] 18 [10] [8] (8) 18] {8] (8) 8} (4x4) BEES SEB RB ERB RB RBM EEE eS ee 3 TRIRSTUVANUNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEFRIN Examination Control Divis 2062 Bhadre Subject: - “Candidates are required to give theft answers ta their own words us far as practicable. . a) _Distuss the principles of oxédetion pon Atienpt ony Five questions. The figures in the margin i sssume suitable data if nevessury. 8) Discuss principles of VIP Jirive andits construction with neat sketch. b) 19 dy BOD ofa sewage sample is 200 mg/? at 25°C, caleulate its $ day BOD at 20°C. 8} Describe thatthe tine of concentration is an importaat factor while determining storm water discharge. Elaborate on tine of concentation and tine area graph b) A grit cbiambor is provided io remove grit particles isp te O.2ruin frum a sewage of a town of populativn 890,000 producing 100 litre waswe water per capita per day. Working at 20°C tempcratuis, the specific gravity of the grits may be taken as 2.6. Determine the size of writ shamber. Assume necessary dats, : a) Deseribe the various methods of land treatment, 6} Gereimine the size of combined circular sewer fur a discharge-of LS mf manning balf Ell Agoums a gredient of | in 2000 and Manning's rugnsity coefficient N~ 0.913 (constant forall flows). In the dry seasoi ifthe flow drops wo 6.5 m/s, does che flow maintain desired self cleaning velocity of 0.6 mis? . Do you agree that this method is suitbie for waste ‘water teatmentin Terai towns of Nepal? Give your opinion With reasons bb) A single stage wielling filter receives scomge flow of d million litres per day containing raw sewage BOD of 300 my/. A primary setiing tank is provided whose elficiency is 35%, Determine the recirculation ratio required to meet the maximum effiuent BOD coanectian of 60) gi? The effecsive volume of filter is 300 m! 8) Wht are the differences between high rate trickling filters and low rate tickling filters? b) Determine storm weter discharge for a town of 200 ha. The catchment surface and corresponding minoff coefficients are provided below. The maximum intensity of rainfal is 40 rumour. Type surlnce Year| Runoti cei 4 "Vasany plots 20 0.15 Unpaved roses 10 0.40 " Gaidens and open spaces 20 ous 1 Built up surface 30 6.90 I is expected that after 20 years the built np area will be 60% of tie total by cenverting addiciunal 30% area of vacant plots. What will be the storra water discharge at present and after 20 ears? La ‘Write short autes oo any four of te followings: a) Street ies _ b} Testing of sewer lines @} Sludge dizestion processes €) Composting of solid waste ©) Septic tank [8] (31 {81 [8] (4 (Loy (el Ti} is) Ho [ext Sl ' a a a " a a a a a | a J ls t 92.28. TRIBEUVAN UNIVERSITE INSTITUTE GF ENGINEERING Candigates are roquised co give thefr answers in their own worts as far as pracitzable, Attenipt eney Eve questions “The figures m the margin indicate Full ytarks. issue sutsable daca i necessary “2) What are che differences between separate and combined systems ef sewerage? Discuss the factors considered to select combined and separate systems, b) A wastewater sample is taken from a aewer, The S-day BOD wes found to be 180 sngit st 20°C which is 70% of the altimate LOD, Whet vill be day BOD of the wastewater at 30°C? 2) Discuss with sketch the Oxygen Sagg Curve im ntural streams. 1) A perennial riveristeceiving waste water fiom a town with » discharge of 200 mis. "The sver swster Fully satutated with oxygen is flowing at she rate of 1500 m°Vs tt a velocity of 0.15 mis [the Stay BOD cf the sewage is 250 mix", find out where the critical disslvcd exygen ill ccccur in the river. The BOD of the river water is zero. The DO of the river water arid weslewater are 8D amd 0.1 mgil respectively. The deoxygenation co-efficient is 0.1 per day ancl self purificaifon constant is 5. The dissoived oxygen in the river at satcrafed condition may be taken as 9.17 malltre. Assume racesszry data a) List the steps followed in sludge teatment. Discuss the anareobic digestion principle in @ conventional sludge digester. by Design a circular sewage sedimentation tank for a population of 80,000. The rate of water stoply is 150 Ipod. Assume necessary data suitably. 2) What is land treatment of waste water? Discuss briefly the methods of lend treatment, How does sewage sickness occurs? 8) Population of 100,000 is living ia_a town, A separate sewer system for the town is to be constructed, The water corsumption rate is 125 Jocd. 80% of the water consumed is discharged as waste water, The :opography do not allow the slope af the sewer line more than 1:1000.’The sslP cleaning velocity can be achieved at 0.60 m/s. The dry weather flow may te taken as V3" of the macimum discharge, Design an cutlall sewer with RCC hume pipe having Manoing’s coefficient of 8.03. 2) What is sleughing? Discuss the biclogical process that takes place in trickling filters. 0) Design a cwo-stage high rate trielting fier for the following data. = 10,000 ka BODyhectores/day 45x10" fitesiday 280 myllitre Organic lnading of filter Flow BOB of sewage BOD removal in primary setting tank 30% Recirculation ralio Ld for both filters Max, BOD-akewed th final effluent = 35 mg‘litre Assume an iaerediate sedimenvation tank, Assume agpsopriass data where reyuized ‘Write short notes to any four pf the fatiowing, a) Chemical Oxygen Demand 1) Manhole with neat sketch ©} ‘Design considerations of septio tank ) Skimming ink 2) Working af exidation pond with raat (63 9] (6) [10] [5 19] [4x4] 02 TRIHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2071 Bhadra “Subject: - Communication English (S165) ¥ Candidetes are required to give tir enswers in their own words as far as practicable ! ¥ Attempt AB questions ¥ The figures in she marginindicate Full Marks assim suitahle data ¥ necessary Bait the following wat (51 My father lesent this lesson efter Ieaving me a dozen voice mail messages none of which Histeaed to, Brospezated ho called my sister to voraplain tht T never returned his ploxe calls why exe you Teaving him voieo mails ny sister asked just text inn. 2, Reac the following ent carefully nt interpret 0s o nak te meaning dea 5] “ode, ote isa farifar hazard for the seasoned traveler Travel ceress ime zones physhasoe with the bisIngical cock hythms ofthe human body. Fer the active pile, who i rarely in ene place long enough to know fi istime for breakfast cr dinner, the impact af jetlag an hic sleep | Ir cetiel Severa) air disacters have buen partly caused by everieed pitts Igneting the natural laws of slaep. Much rozearch Is directed to finding cut what these laws eve end whet extent pilots ard wtronautsclsobey them. Cut they ar lens which affect al fu, not just giets. Study the (ollowing text carefiely, Prepare its note and convert i€ into summinary, 1545] | 1 was taking tea inthe reorn of a Bn schol 3 King: College, Carta, the woth before a Cxtord am Cami Puighy match whoh in ore LOTS the conversethn'r tho Bc fit Tite nearer ry evn intelectual level, 1 asked 3 brillant novalict whe wae present: ‘Are you {sing to mutch nent Teerd0y? ite ooked as sincerely guzitedesit had vddressedhimla Gaeke, ‘het oteh?’ tie asked gently. 1 exptsined to binmthet« oosbel metel wes fo ake place in the {ettowing weeka match in which the ‘te of hs beloved university would be kvclved, or a east : seen to be involved, for about an hour and halt. Honestly, he sald, with a took of serpese,"? hudt hears about It Had you” he asked, turning te ourtiost, Ourhost ceclared that the news came asa camete sursse to ir also. Anoter scholar who vs present on belng questioned : ‘oa the matter, admitted that he had gathered inthe course of a recent conversation that sore important match was gelng to be played somewhere, but be Hid not know Hat It was to He against Oxford, or that itwas a Rugby match, or that it was to be played at Twckennam, or that Itaastotabe place on Tuesday. Iastonihed one to find that men who were learned in every detall ofthe strapaes between -Alnens end Sparte, between Frome and Carthage, could be initferent to a struggle almost at their own doors# suvggte, (C0, ka which the piles seer not, dye send gens of pata! wartare, bu. the magoitcenty empty honers of sport. All present were pacifts, yet body bate schated thelr celles far more than the toaess battles ofthe foatball Sele the Dttes, £012 speak, of the future. Such indifference to an exciting phase oF costemporary Ke shocked me. | coud have understood a storttoroker’s being inatlerert to the result of = great foothafl match, but a university man, a fine mind stained in the humarilis-that was 2 very elt Corbridge itl saddened over the preepects ofthe hurman race SB o Answer ang to of the following questions: [oe] LAr “Studies serve for Uefght fer omament, end forability” Dudidate, (OF Studies} : 'b. Whatis ihe nani oF te scientificartkude? {The Scere attitude} i «Se Peinkéat the weaknesses of madern steam toler, (team Belles) 5, Fath np the fatlosingrhlenk spaces selecting the comect words fom the brackels: {0.5109 i He S01 WS ea cre BV vot) 0. The poral na account) © Weernmnnen ong UE SiMe Me teeptOned Me. (Fas Neen) REMMI He rennet NEOD. (BL, SECU 2. Had © cat been HOLY, neon Wt (had Werke, would nave worked) : f Stoudttathoppen,tnan-—-othejoh (shoul qt wilt & stand you watever happens. tr, bi) th. The projectis running. ~~ financal difficulties. (wlth, inte) The passive voice of “I remember him teaching me algebra” is {I semember boeing tava: algebras! remember to being taught algebra by him) j. The pausve votce of “| saw him crossing the road” i the read by me/He was seen tobe crossing the tad) as seen rossi, §-Chmge the following bibliographic references as indicated in fe breckets BI 1) Joyes, Michael. Afternoon: A story. Diskette, Watertown, Rastgotc, 1987.{into APA) 'o) Kurusawa, Akira Rashoton. Loshiro Mifune. Daici, 1950, (into APA) ©) Rives, WV, (1968), Tenching foreign language skitls, Chicago: Chicteo Liiversey. {ito MLA) )_ White, R. (1991), Process Writing. London: Longman, {ints MLA) i Jy Taventing necessary detail, write a notice with four point agenda for the fonheoming ~” fifth meeting of yaur local aocial club, 13 ‘Suppose you are the Chief Consultant of Hagmali bridge maintenance project, Write ¢ progeess feport in memo format. 14) 4% /Assume that you are asked to prepare a final ceporl of rou expansion project thst you > base handled. Write introduction, objestives, methodofogy. and conclusion giving a clees outline of the rest of the componenis, a] HOC Wt 4 proposal on the rsa cetrifeation progamne tal you wart 19 lash in the sear fue inching tide page, asta, soclusion aad seomnendaton. 9) AU Write brief research anicle en the importance of widening of Ring Road in Katmandu, [10] ‘Examination Contral Diy 44a ss 03 TRELNAN UNIVERSITY INSTTFETE OF FNGINUERING ide jon nic, vn, ton + Programme i Ber 2071 Magh Pearse ins ~ Subject. - Communication English (1652) Candidates sre cequired to give theisanswersin their evn words es ler as priticable. Autenipt ALL questions. The figures t the margin indicate Bull Marks Asim suitable data if necessary. iil Ge following paragrahs Then to my anurement, she guvesre her phone number. ‘Thal night, Mary reveutled that avopping my lett: jeoket in front of her wae a stupid thing to de, She didn’t care about what epores guys lottared in, sae only chesiahed wondeefid poople with oubstance, After T begin being inyselves, they quickly fell for one snecher so became “high schosl loves”. Read the following paragraph snd comment on it, You can apree’eisagree. Mest men and omen, given suitable conditions, will feel passionare Jove a some period of thet Ties For the inexperienced. however, itis very difficult wo distinguish passionate Jove fiom mere sex unger, especially is this the case with well-brooght-up sts, who have heer taugbl that they could not possibly like o kiss a man unless they loved him. If {itl is expected to be a virgin when she mavties, it will very often happen that she is ‘rapped by 2 transienl and trivial sex attraction, which 2 woman with sexual experience could casily distinguish ffom love. ‘This has undoubtedly been + frequent cause of ankeppy mactieges, Even where muual love exists, it may be poisoned by the belief of cone at both that it is sinful. This belief may, of coarse, be well founded, Pamell, for zxnaple, undoubioily since in commiting adultery, sinve he thereby postponed the fubflment of the hopes of Lelend-for ineny years. Read the following passaye carefully taken down notes and write a summary. Ad materiel civilization advances and dhe supply of available goods and services inezeases, man's uecds conespundingly oruitiply. Advertising plays a key cole in this never-ending sruvess by stimulating the public's desire for certain products, tnd by promoting the sales theleof, until it has, in elfect, created new nceds, real ur supposed where there were none before, A familiar exemple is the motor car-oace a rare and costly aoselly, aow an ubiquitous and reladvely inexpensive necessity. Mote receatly, the television set baa undergone the same transfonnatioa. While some pesple would deny that television is © necessity, the feet that sets are found in majority of westert homes shows that is answer, to a greater or forsor dogroe, the neod felt by millions of people for entertainment and information, A produ, servite, or commodity that the public needs, and knows it needs, tends, of course, 10 ‘sell iselY”. We might, therefore, assume that, in such. cases, advertising would. be of minor importance. To some extent this Js tme, Mestpeckers, vegetable and fait growers, and dairy operators spend Jess on advertising, for instanec, Hien menvaceress. of cigarettes, fiquors, cosmetics, snd other ens of this (ype. On the other hand, the competition thai exisis between rival brands means that the suppliers of such basic necessities as food, clothing, and housiag must advertise their vemes to stay in business. Signilicanlly, the industry that spends most on advertising turns out product which almost everyone considers a necessity: soap Ti Ls+5] 10, r sasnee aay tr atthe fll: 1545] a) What questions ace lo be answered in order to sobve growing problerts ef water supplies? Answer with reference to the test “Water Supplies:a Growing Problen?, ty Low does the proverd-‘an hour to suffer, a tfetime to live? apply to Pahorn's race fat land? (How Much Land Doesa Mim Need) } Is dove always ficnited to Insbut aod wife? Ausiver vith refereice to the text ‘The Lay with the et Dog’, Choose the correct wonds Irom the brackets and fill in the hanks: losxt0] 8). Lanet isa after he vss, Be Job, lost ad Tot) Uy Had he woiked harder, he ..csu he exam, (Wwuuld pars, would have passed) 9) The passive voive of “TN see you soon" is non (PM be. keen sa0a, you'l be seen soca) Te parted... all his wealth, (leurs, with) @}, Nether of the to applicants um suitable (ts, 78) 8) He comping soon 48¥0N6 headache. (of, about) @) would do this)... alowed. (am, were} 1) The servant cays thut tea... ready. (nS, is) A) Sho keptux..... (C0 wait, waiting) Gi wish my brother... here. (was, were) Stuly she following quotation and then adjust the given information for tn-text eftation first and next for bibliography listunder APA and MLA focrat: iat “Nature is kind of her staves. If she forces you to eat and drink, she crakes eating and sinking so pleasoat that when we can afford i we eat and dink too much,” Yeur of publication : 1975 Name of book : Narore and Poople Place of publieaion = Londen Pay amber: 107 Name ofthe Writer : George Bernard Shave ‘Name of publisher Creetion Publications You we sumed the secretary of a commitice formed to distribute donated materiels among victims of ceutsin natura disaster. Assuniing necessary informatian write # notice along witha shyee poiat ageude to cal its sccond meeting, @ Write 4 biief report in memo foervat on damages caused by landslide in Sindhupalchowk cistict (6 Wrie 2 report on development of information techrology in Nepat in the past five yeas, Show only the tile page, introctuction ard comehusion pert of the report £0) Road aecitents frequently occur in elty arcas of Nepal due to unplanned traftic conch ‘You lave a maser plan ty solve this problem. Write a proposal to the concemed ministry offering your plan, Wrilz onty siatement of problem, retionale and objectives of your plan, ee Nepalis being pollated day by day. We are all becoming victims ofthis. Considering this, wtte a brief research article on the importance of inzoduction of preea engine cecinulogy in Nepal U9) 2 remmrvanumivnasiry INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 2070 Bhadra Subject: Candidates are required to give theiranswers in their own words as far as practicable, ¥ temps AU questions The figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks. Y Assume suitable data if necessary. inthe tent given below: ramet had just enough Tie feft in him to hear Goratio’s promise: then whispering the words the rest in silence he sank down dead such was the ond of the brave and robic prince of Denmuatk, He was moumed @s oxc who would have made a splendid King, ae he as carted to his burial with soldiers music ad 1 people’s mourning, 2. Read the following (ext carefully and imerpret it so as to make the meaning slear ‘What is a Gemocratic goverument de in = country where peuple are sterped in ignorance and sopersliien, where there is apposition of resistance te even tila reforms fom vested interests in society? 3, Study the following text carefully, Prepare its note and convert it info 4 summary. Alt peal who speak the same Iangunge bave agreed to use eeriain words for certain jobs tnd this enables thesn to eomrranzsie with cach other. ‘there is thine particulary rematkable sbont the words themselves: they raight jst as well have chosen diffexeat cones. What mittors is that this agreement aboot the use of words should be fully indessiood, and understood in detail, by everyone who wishes to profit by them. Let us take example of hel-ringing. By itelt, she coping of a bell means noshing. Bu in certain recognized conicx's, it may mean different things as differnt as ‘tine for school, ‘somebody atthe dour! that’s the end of the lesson” or ‘come here, please, waitress!” We might well wonder fow itis thal the same noise can mean so mony different things but of couse the answer is easy. The noise occurs in recognized contexts: in times and places when we know thet it can only mea one thing, Thus all most anything can be used to communicate several different things ‘et us apply this to verbal signs or words. Fist we caa comnrunieate jest as wll by using ‘father’, *poter’, Daddy", c¢ anythings elset provided we are understood, it makes ro difference. We can invent 2 completely new word too, Secondly, the same collection f leters can be used to communniese quite differen things. Fhe word “pod” ean mean a special son of wine, ibe opposite of starboard, » Barbour, the various athe things. The Spnificance of any sign. therefore. opendsor the context in which its se, ———t Tie 5} BI 15:5] 4, Answer any two of the following questions: 2) What were the major cntens of Einstein's four scientiie papers? (What Einstein did) b) “A mother who is known as « syuiol of lve may lum into a erie] mousey’. Explain, ‘his stmemcnt with reference to the text “The Mother of ¢ Traitor’, (The Mother of = Traitor} ©) “Kaowledge and Wisdom ave the two espests of the same coin’. Do yeu agree with this starement? If yon, why? (Knowledge and Wisdom) [52] 5. Choose the ccrrect words from the brackets: [05x10 8) Five and five cou tem. (make, makes) b) Mymemns....... limited. Gi, are} ©) Tparied atthe college este. (th, fom) @) Steel ismade fon. Grom. of) 6) Teel the room (move, to move) 4}. Buy that hook | will help yon. (and, if) He told me that he... many books. thad written, wrote} 4A) remember ......0. to the Museum by my father. (to be taken. being taken) i) Twas please... the news of his success. (by, with} 3} Twenty ty five is equal to four. (divided, has been divided) 6 Change the following bibliographic reforcticgs ns indienicd a) Giddens, A. (1990}, The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press, (into MLA) 6) Freize, P. (1972), The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, London: Pengnia, (into MLA) ©) Lawrence, TLE. Revol in the Desert. New York: George H. Dorian, 1927. (into AFA) €) Wolf, Daniel, Lives of Notable Gay Men end Lesbians, New York: Chaser Publishing, 1995 7., Suppose you are the secretery of your local Town Assembly whose tenth meeting hes ‘been held recently. Write the mines of the same inventing the rust relevant agenda, 8. bmagine you are the chief consultant of a constrection company which bas undertaken 2 four-year tong repair and mainterance prcject on Trithnuvan Highway. Write a second smonihly prngress report ix memo-format. 9. Suppose Ministry of Hydso-power and Dcinking Water, Nepal has requested the qualified ‘censultants to submit « proposal for constructing a power house at your focal town, Write tile page, abstract, acknowledgements, technical secon and cost estimate section af your proposal. 10, Write a brief research article in ahow 500 words on the importance of English language for an engineering student in Nepal V1. Write the cover page, fatredhuotion, discussion and concsions of your tepert on the ccanscs of toad accidents on the kighways giving just the nuilines of the rest of the par. A) 151 1 (oy For 9) remo yarnavensTy [Esa INSYITUTE OF ENGINEFRING :* FEevel | BE. anti visi {BCE BME, Examination Control Divisions | programme ime” 2069 Bhadra Year /Part_; 10/10 "_ Subject: = Gommunitaiion English (S651) Candidiied are tequired to give their answers in their owe words as far us practicable. Attempt Allquestions. The figures ike margin indicate Full Marks Assuine suitable data if necessary. RASS, Edit the folowing passage which conti good many errors. Alexander waa Sour‘ 36538 in Belle Maccdonin esinbiished by his futher, Philip Mas ths centre of the Helloniom. Wrtared on the, thoughts of Lio tutor, Aristetle he rose to fame Uke brilliant military leader. He influenced tao corse of history, rightfully earning Iistitle as Alexander the great. in 335 BC he bosame Milltary cheif of all the Greeks. By the time of his daith in 123 FC he erested an enornaus empie, stretching Sven A.dristic sea to the Indias, and (rom Cancasizn Mountains to Eaypt. He spread'the Greek spit far and wide among nation who idolized thi great man. 2. Answer aay (wo of the following questions tniefy: 2) Why did the mother Kill her son end then hersel?? The mother of a Traitor 1b). Whit do you understand by ‘x sense of proportion’? (Knowledge and Wisdom] ©) What do yourneas by acarburattor? [The Carburetion System) 3. Resd i text givea below carefully, make nctes soe write sunoisry aft: Authority in che twentieth century is nowhere what it was. In certain spheres it has disappeared altogecher. Public opinién no longer feels bound to inforce morality as it cia ‘i means of spoken disapproval and informal penalties. Fathers have ceased to rule the family, crployers no longer enjoy the status of metcrials the upper class have ceased to inspire imitation as models correct bchavaviour; scliool wastes and waivcrsity dons no Ager domioate te rains of ie young ....Things orice vowsidered inivexently wrong arc twlecated whore they are thought wo do mo aranifgst ham: fornication, adultery, homosexuality, ubortion, nudity and erotica fourish opdnly wheev they wero once legally ponalized or forcod to be discreetly wited, Adotescanta, who were once cubject 10 the cdots of parental juriadiotion, live a: thoy pleare, often caraing aa much aa ther fathers, and enjoying more legal rights at eighteon than their grandmothers poscensed at any time dung their lives, But the decline of authority in be twentieth oomtury has not necessarily meant a rise in Lert. For the concept of authority is not something which stands logically opposed to at of freedom, although some unreflective peoote may think it does. Authority is really 4 special Kind of powcr which rests oo the consent and belief of those who live under ‘Withort such fice assent, there can be no such thing as authority. So fieedom in this inportant sense is part of the very notions of authority. Aad when authotity is removed, it 5s only (oo likely that it will bo followed either by the mule of naked power er by anaschy. is] [sa] [s+] 4, Choose the carrect wards from the brackets: [e5x10-5} 8) Tae mm and won . V) The bose and carriage even oro tay. (Bets) ©) The teache? said that We.s.--ntortal, (a, Wore) &) vas interested secrennthis book. (by in) ©) Hs helped me more than he. ‘you (helps, helped) f) He is absent ‘the class. (from, in) She camo part... her jewels. (Rom, with) 1) Hiad you bought thet ear, you wouldn't have 7 4) Tone. Finys-aean. ft « toohey. (Cost, £088) 2) Tiel the fone 2 hove, te te) 5: Aten seating ii rus, cofite dn ontast the polttion of w city in sdetermined to tell the truth, (is, are) all that trouble. (had, had got) 15} iraigperiaonals Sed greatly to at aod noise pollution. Steam engines, bike and tke elt detain uch smoke that fife in the industrial city and town Tg Besome a viesnt 0 e diseases, Pure air bas become a thing of past. The noise bolicbioary afi ers, scoot and buses etc. have broaght deafness lions af people. dg scale has suffered badly. 6, Change the following bibtiographie references froa: MLA style into AFA: wi a) Lawience, TE. Revolt in the Desert. New York: Geotgt H. Dorjati,1927.. 6) Mack, John. A Prince of our Disorder; The life of TIE iiwwrence Caribe: Hatvard. UP, 1998 ©) Tabadhsick, stephen Ec. The T.P. Lawrence Puddle, Athono: The U. of Georgix P, 1984, oo 4) Wolf, Danicl. Lives of Notable Gay, Men md Lashians. New York: Chelsen Publishing, 1995, \. \Weite a stort research article in about 500 ws ‘om the effeot of the problem of ‘ueasporiation on tourism in Nepal. 110) As a secretary of your college unioa, wok he ia eyed tb meeting inverting at least five agenda, f is} Suppose that you are invited ta submit a proposal an ertabiching « company in the Reld * of your engineering interest from a big organization in Nepal. Show the ttle page, abstract, objectives and concinsion pats of the propesal jou bave preparct, po) 10, Suppose your project for esubilshing a ficury raed to your specific feld of + eeginewiing is oves. Write an outlive of the projectvompletion report. including the alstact, obicstives gest and secommendations in det, 10] 11. Imagine that you are working on a project and itis going on. Write the secord monthly 7 report of the project ina letter format a) tge ° Examitiation Control Division Y. Candidates arc required te give their answers in their own words as far as practioable, a TawnuvaNNtmary INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 2068 Chaitra Y dttempt AE guestions. Tro jigaee in tho memgin indicute Full Marks ¥ Aneume suitable daua if mecersary. After wking nous, write 4 stnumasy of the folowing passege, Sinevit is exsential to Secure mpi sod complete combustion in the cylinder of én bmernal corobuistion engine, the foe! and air mixture sous: be thoroughly mixed; and further, it must be in the correct proportiogs for al ransing con- ditions af the egine. This is scooraplished by means of a device called 4 carburettor. Tn this cazburetor, a stream of eiz blown over a jet mines int suately with a pmy of petrol dracm oxt ut, ‘The jet ishiserted into «choke ‘or vest in the intake reanifotd, and is supplied with petro at aomogpheric Presore. During the suctioa stroke of the piston, the pressure in the intake musizold Js below atmoephetis, and sir Us Induced through me hake and over the jet, As there ts a ferther drop in pressure atthe venue, the pressure diference Prodaced is large enough to draw petrof up out ofthe jet and etemise if. The lsvel of the pesrot in the jet is kept constant by the float and needle valve in the ‘ont chawiber, which acto as a rescevoi: for the fuel, Above the veutori there is throttle valve operated by the accelerator pedal, which controls the aatount of mixture admitted to the cylindee, Horeves, this simple form of singlovjet carburettor will unt giie sorrect amizture ntrength for all engine speeds. The eblef difficulty encountered Ys ‘thet, at high runsing speed, the amount of petro! talioa up at the jet will n= ‘crease faster than the increaze in airflow. Teexefare a carburettor aot o give couect misturca at iow peed wil give a progscasivey’ richer mixtere a8 che apeod increases. To compensito for this, a second jet i provided, fed from 2 ‘wel apen to the stmoophere and supplied with petrol fram the leat chamber. Owing to the fact that this compensating jt it Terger thon. the rosin jet, it cat supply petrol ata quicker rate then the saain jet watil che well is emptiod. As the epced is ineresaed, more’ snd more of the petral requived ix devven from, the min jet. The companaator jet ean now supply only a0 rxuch petro} as can, awe chrough the small compmnsatnr orifice in the float chamber, Another problem to be selwed is that of starting. Ja order ta obésin the sich mixture required for starting, the throttle must be alrsoat closed. As the ir selocity i ther vrey lors in the venturi, insufficient petrot ia drawn out of thejet. This diffcotty is overcome by the provision of an idler jet in the wall of the intake manifold near the throttle valve, This jet will only fanction when the throttle is nearly closed, When it is opened for fitter raaning, the auction soundtheedgeof dhethrotte decieanes,andtheidlerabtoratically ceases a act Ls 10. Anawer the following questions brief: (any ihre) 8) What isthe impormnce of reading ooks i our life? [Of staltes] ‘b} Write a summary of the text “ The mother of a Traitor”. [The mother of a Traitor] ©) Describe the imperterce of science with reference fo the seul ‘The scientific Aifitnde?. {The scientific Attinde} ) Wharare tte factors responsible for falluce Is suecessful communi Choose the correct words from the brackets: [0.5<10} 4) Fither you or 1) The government hes) . ©} The teacher satd that We oo ran-umnorta, (are, ere) She says tha she... more food. (vans, wanted) ©) This n0126..nnutlered, (tas been, have been) 1) Alotofthe work thestudents. (is being done, are being donc) ) [FT had encugh money, f....1his cae, (woul! have bousht, would buy} 1b) Untess you.......hard. you can’t pass the exam. (ork, dom't wrk) i) Hedied.......7.3 last year, (with, of} i) She alwys takes, notes n her class. (up, dawn) _ sepposel to do it (ae, em) decided to intresse the sulary of thir evil servants. have, ‘ransfonn the following references from APA style tn MLA sfyle a) Pekin, H.C. (1995), Aie Pollution. MeCiaw Tift; Newell ©) Hel, Delos (1380, Bind Csi and Susans Maca Newyork ©) Morgan, Jd, (1980), Cathod re Newyyak. 8) Shbough, WA. (1954) Meshanian af Vililom Comodon Onford University Pres Usa. ‘Write a short research aricle on the effect of noise golhitiow in nrban areas in Nepal in bout 300 words, Fait the following passage which contains a 200d many errors, “Atistetle the tutor of Alexander the Creat was bom in Stagirs in Macedéaa in 300 RC. Tagether with Pluo, he is regarded ar one of groctest philosophers the wor'd knew. Aristotle was 2 true acidemis, concemed for Physics, Astwnomy, Rhetoric, Literatire, Politica} Seietee and History. His teachings has laid the foundation for maeciem scientific Reenghs, Suppose you are the secretary of a newly formed commitice of Public Health Crve Sosiciy. Write he minus of he frst meeting beld recenily inverting the agenda. A large muuber of deaths are caused by earthquakes. To minimize the foss of lives you want 1o do a stuly. ‘Write a brief prposal to an oxgenization sticking on objectives, procedure and rationale, The Minister for Rose! and Transpo is concerned about the rapid increase in the number of toad accidents on the highways As a ney formed comunission chairman, write & boricf format report investigating the causes and sungasting measurer to conteot the rund accident. Write a monly progress report to be submittal wo ihe Cheif Ragineer, Deparment of Roads on the construction GI's Bagraati Fridge wear Taspathal i [tg] i Lt 8 [04 fal 28 THIBUVAN UNIVERSITY Regular Back INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Fall Marks | jac Exatnination Control Division 2068 Raishakh PWear/Part 1 m1 Subject: -Commumication it (Znglish) Y Candilaicsare regired lo give tier answers in their own woids as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt AU questions ¥ ¥ The figures in the margin indicate Assume suitable data if necessary. ill Maris, ‘Transfonm the following sentences as indicated in the brackets: a) Pye got ahandy laptop. (AmE) 6) Coukl you picase lend me your car for an hour? (Informal English) ©) Ws believed: that insomuniaes are mentally ill. (Personal English) 4) Open the door. (Polite Engtish) 2. Answer any two of the fallowing questions: 4) ‘Tow can you say thet beauty is a form of power? (Beaty) ») ‘Mere knowledge withou: wisdom makes education futile’, Justify this, (Knowledge and Wisdom) ©) Write the description of the cily under anack. (The mother of a Traitor] 3. Write a description of landscape view of the most onchanting place you have ever visited. 4, Draft a note of a twenty - minutes’ technical talk on the necessilics of preventive measures for the devastating earthquake in Nepal. 5. Assuming that you ate the secretary of a social organization, write a notice including four item agenda for the eighth meeting to be held shortly. 6. Imagine that you have carried out a research study on the causes and consequences of deforestation in the hilly regions of Nepal. Write title page, acknowledgements, abstract and recommendation parts of your report. (4) i] 25° TRISNUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division i [ BEL, BEX, | Programme | 57 {pass Marks | 15 2065 Sestha [YegTeart TOUT Tie ‘Subjece: ~ Coinronmication Il (English) ¥) Candidates ae required to give their answers in their owa words as far as practicable, ¥ Atceraps All questions The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks ¥ Assume suitable duta wf uecessary. |. Transforfn the following sentences as instructed in brackets: a) What John bought last week was an old ear. (spoken) b) May [help you? {infornal) ©) [beg your pardon! (Br) 4) No, [don't want any more (polite) Answer any hyo of the following questions: 4) What change in attitude co yon shink the waiter wants lo bring about int her readers? (Beauty) bj Summarize the argument of the text “Knowledge and Wisiom' ©} Assume yourself as the mother and express your feelings towards your ton. (The Mother of a Traitor) Tlow dg you operate a telephone? Write a simple process deseription Assume that you have been appointed as a Secretary of 2 committee formed to advise a ‘Company to product a handbook containing information about the conditions of services, rules and regulation, and benefits. The commitice held ts frst meeting DraX a taree- point agenda and the minutes of the meeting Write a complete manuscript of a tan-minute talk of ‘importince of wRirence materials and thiir importance’. 6. You are writing a report to the director of the Central Instituie of Environmental Studies, as the regional representative, Kathmandu on the problem ef water polletion in your region, Include the dallowing parts only, ‘Tide Page, Abstract, Coment Paye and Recommendations [Fat Marks | 4¢ {5} @ tol 25 ATRIBEDVAN IRTVERSITY fan |" Regine (Back INSUITUTEOF ENGINEERING — [Level ~~ | BE "| Full Marks | Examination Control Division | programme [BEL PEX | pays starts | 16 2066 Bhadra er qty ae _ Subjeci:— Communication I Engish) —~ Cardaes ave equitéd 1 give thei ajewers ip eis own words ws (at as practicstle, Atterngt Al aca The figures ie the margin indicate Fell Marky, asvime sitibie data if nace ’ ¥ ¥ ¥ Shange the following enten: 4 as indicated in brackets. 27” One avec to express oncself more clecely: (AME) ’b)_ The govemunent is going o2 with its struggle agenal inflation: Formal) 8 MM well we cotld Bave another holiday. (Witten) “ay When will you be mcesing iru? Darna Past ay a0 ofthe following eens "9 How tid Moana Maxim prove herself be ethan and amor? (The Maher ofa Tale) 0) Why mga i be mporant to undaasand aspects of oft cultures” slendard? asters) a) Whatare the acvantagee ofan over knee? (Ruowledge and Wisdom) Co desaite ts vs. ical talk on “Glaciers: one of the water reseumces oF 2 in distillation of water net 1869 PEs ate note i's ymin SP Sat (Gs ase tase agen ne aes he eng lng aston of awatereuplycoheme tn your YD. rt. Write a report on The Damages Caused by the Kosi River including only the tie page, GE seated sean, al Is} 7 [6] we) 25 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITHTE OF ENGIN FFRING Subject: - Communication Ui (English) Y Candidates are required to give their enswers in their own words as far as practicable : 4 Attompt Al questions, - Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. Y “Assume suitable deta if uecessary. 1. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets: i] ‘Candidates sre required to give their answers in their own wards. (Spoken) b} How do you de? (invormat) ious us rat this book. (AmE) “Sau the door. @Palite) 2. Answer any two of the following questions: . 18] Lay Sammatize she atgument of the text “Use and Misuse of Science”. bv) Hf beauty is a source of power, why does the writer object to women’s striving to _Bitain it? (Beauty) ‘What was the conflict in the mother’s raind and how did she resolve it? (The Mother =” > ofa Trait) 3. Erepare a note for a tak on ‘Importance of PowerPoint presentation in tecimical comuaunication’ lasting for 30 minates. w «_ A Assume that your have recertly taken over as the secretary of a public limited company You come to know that the growth of the organization has been baiipexed because of frequent srikes by lsbourc, Inventing necessary details, waite a notieg slong with a thr aint agenda to cail an urgon: mooting. to {£7 Wte a simple description of a ‘paper clip’ followed by picture illustration. i Proparo a cover page, preface and coachusion of a report on ‘Development of Info-mation Technology in Nepal’. [io] i _ Examination Control Division, | programme | BEE BE® KAKS ‘TRIBHUWAN UNIVERSITY {UTE OF ENGINEERING BCT. 2063 Baishakh (Wear Prat Tutt tise Candidates are requited to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt Alt questions. The figures in she margin indicate Fult Marks Assume suitable data if necessary. Change the following somences as indicated in brackets a) Tucir house is different that ours. (BRE) b} One cannot succeed waless ont tries hare. (AME) ¢} ‘is ncaa Gat every momber shoud ifomn himself of these rues (AME) 4) The congress insisted that the present law continue to operate. (BRE) Auswer any ewo of the following questions: : a) Why might it be important to understand aspects of otfcr cultures? standard? 1b) Show advantages of wisdom over knowledge, ©) ‘Is it she?” tis shel” whut does this exchange ‘ell ut abuat whal the people hough! of her? What did they do when they saw her? Why? Write a brief description of a mechanice! tool that you frequently wie int your ficid of engineering Prepare afwenty minute technical talk on “Causes and effects of vebicte seoke emission a high waffle load hows” Assume that a body is formed to improve teaching learning situétion in your campus, As the secretary of that bady write a notice slong with three agendas to call its first meeting ‘You are asked to prepare a repott on “Price hike in Nepal’. Write only the following parts ol that report: 2) Preface b) Acknowledgements €) Conclusion i [3] (83 16] 10} ey mn ee asa __TRiwUVAN entenRSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGIN} IN . Examination Control Division | Pregeainme 2062 Baashaka [vers Candidates are required t9 give their a Attempt AH questions, The figures in the margin indicate Fuit Marks Assume sutiable daca if necessary : fxs in their owe Words as far as practicable KASS ._ Change the Following sentenves 6s indicated in brackeis a) 8) The meeting will commence at & PM (informal) b) Would you pleace accept my invitation? (Pemniliar) ©} My boos is different chan yours. (BrE} 4) The goverament is plariaing to enforce the rules stelctly, (impersonal) Answer any twa of the fallawing: ° 8] a) Describe the effects of customs on the gussis of a trader's wife and a youth from China, &) Who fsa better person according to Russe] - a knowledgeable man or a wise man? What was the conflict in te mother’s mind and how did she resolve it? Write a simple descr Jpticn of your campus library in adaut 150 words, i] 4. Prepare thirty minute's technical talk causes and etfzots of wir pollution. ip Sathmandu Valley. (8) Suppose you are the coordinator of « seminar on ‘Scope of Blevronies Engineeting in ‘Nepal’ to be held shonly in Kathmendu, Draft letter for calling the meeting, (6) 6. You have got a conteact to construct a new boy's hostel in the campus premises, Prepare the title page and write ebssract and conslusion of the report that you have to send to the concerned agen 25 TRIBMUVANUMVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2062 Poush ¥ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words es far as practicable, Y Attempt AU questions ¥ The figares in the margin indicate Ful! Marks, Y Assume suisable dates if necessary 1. Transform the following sentences insinucted in the brackets, wl a} One should sways look ifler his money. (EE) b) Atwhom are you leoking? (informal) ©} [demand thet Hari go thece at once. (rE) a): The meeting will commence af 4 PME, (Informal 2. Answer any pvo of the following: > [2x4] 2} “War for the mesns of existence will be inevitable”. Who will fight the war against whom? Explain it on the basis of the quoted statement. (The Use and Misase of Sclenes) ¥) Justify the decision and action taken by Moana Merianna? (Ike Mother of Traitor) <} What do you understand by “Concept of Cultse” discuss as an anthropologis. {Customs} 3. Write a short technical talk lasting for twenty minutes on “ihe causes of deforestation in Nepa?. Bi 4, Atthe tenth meeting of the board of directirs of Narayani Pharmaceutical Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.. Birgunj, the following agenda were discussed. (6; 7.0L Minutes of the previous mesting 4.02 Chairman’s report 7.03 Appointment af an auditor for the next year 7.04 Purchase furniture for common room Following the complete formal prepare ihe minute of that meeting. 5. Imagine chat you are a chairman of a five member commission formed for investigaliee of leskage of cument at Ratra Park. Prepare a short report on the findings of the ion, Inchde ony the fhilowing sections: Covar Page, Acknowledgement, Absuact and Table of Contents, 04 6. Write a simple description of hammer ia shout hundréd ard itty words [4] teas 3543 TRIEHUVAN UNVERSIEY Bam 7 Regdar/iek ‘ ‘i ru May CL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING = [Lev EE Fall Maris © Examination Control Division | prosraame | Se 2064 Baisbakh [WeneTPad TIT __ Subject: - English % Consltates wes required to gives V diwmpt All questions ¥. Thasfigures in tha margin indicate Full Marks. Y Assume suitable dota ff necessury. irancwers in theie own wards «far as peacticahla, {Transform the fellowing sentences as instrucied in the brackets. iy 4) After his dad's death, Peter nad to change his job. (into Forwal? 5") The congress insisted that dhe prévent ln should be eordinued to oper. Gnta AmE) &\, What ia yournama? {into Polite) ff Non-stop scund of the blower made Pete’s old woman hit the rool. (into Conmmen Cor} 2 Answer in brief my twoof the followings. ~ [ea] 2 Explain the mneaning, “if ethical principles deay our right to do evil hat good may came, are we justified 1a doing good when ihe foresezable consequence is evi" Use axl blisuse of Scicnes) 08 Do yeu support the decision taken by Morna Macinia? Suppoct your opinion with seferences ftom the text (The Mother of Traitor) ) Wet is Chostian concept of "beauty"? Compare it with that san Santa's OF Prepare. “techie tlk’ en the computer and intemetsystein in sheet 209 words 183] e-Reep 2 short minute of a PSU mesting based ontie folicmmngagene (a ‘SS Extacsctivities programme b} Launching cleanisg-up campaign to keep the campus environrtent clean @ SAARC institutional tour Publication of a josrmal 3 Shiftiea. of unien office from Block!" A’ to BlcckR 4/(Tmagine you ate 4 chairperson of s five-membered commission formed for invastigeticn THe causes of the national blick ost for 2 days in Nepal. Prepare a short cepart on the findings on the investigetion, nciade only the followeng sentions: (19) _ S9¥er, acknowledgements. conteats, conclusion WA, Describe the Location af yoru campus ia — — 05 TRIBHUVAN UNIWERSTTY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as thr as practicable. Y Attempt AL questions, © The figures in the margin indicate Eull Marks Y Assume suitable date if necessary. 1. a)_Whatis building? Sxplain various types of building with sketches. V-Explain the consideration of heat, venlilation light, sound, orientation and moisture ~ movement inva building with sketch where necessary. 2. s)-What ore the functions of foundation? Explain the types of deep foundation with necessary sketches, b> What is mortar? Describe the estimation of mortar equirement, 3. _g)- What is roof used for? Sketch out different types of tof and show their parts. ‘Py Describe essential elements of a stair. Define ladders, lifts and elevators and ramps 4. gy Draw a section of solid ground floor with necessary details, by-Define shoring. What ere the objoctives of shoriag? Describe the types of shoring with nevessary sketches. 5. 9) Explain the prozese of painting works on masonry surfaces. What may be the causes of cracks cecurred in a building and what are romedial measure to erucke? _by-Deseribe septic tanke and sonk pit with necessary sketches. ane 18) 8) [8] (81 183 18} il 18) (81 03 TRISHUVANUNIVERSITY Examination Control Division INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 2070 Bhadru {(CEOS2) Candidates ate tequited to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Atempt All questions, The figures in the margin tndicare Full Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary. a) Whst do you understand by orfentation of a building? How do the requirements for a building be met fiom the orioniation? [444] b} Deseribe positive and negative side water proofing system. Ilustrate with necessary sketch for provision of DPC for basement in ordinary soil, [246] 4) Discuss commen problems with existing foundation, (81 b) Whet is first class brick work in 1:6 cement send mortar? Calculats materials for 10 cum brick work except bricks. +5] 4) Show a flooring details of a Noor (ground) that has a connection with extecnsl wall and floor finish with mosaic titing. 18] b) Define shoring, Describe various types of shoring with necessmy nest ske'ches. 13] 8) Whal do you undersiand by pointing works? Explain procedure of poiming work, [3+] 6) Why is rain water harvesting necessary in a building? Fxplatn any method for harvesting rein waters, [444] a) What are the factors to be considered for limiting fire spreed? Clarify each point briefly, [+6] ) Explain various remedial methods of causes of etecks in a building. 18] ae 0 TRIBHUVAN IMEVERSITY ¥ ¥ ¥ v b 2 6 a Barer Bai Fall Marks 80 iy INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING . a ee nh T 7 Examination Control Division | Programme | 3CE {Pass Marks : 32 2079 Chaitea bi Mime Pane their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Candidajes are required to gi Attempt any Five questions The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Assume suitable data if necessary. a} What are the sources of mnvisture ina building? Explain different methods for moisture apatrol in. the building with necessary Figures. fra) b) What is human thermal comfort? How human body maittains the thermal balance? Describe the thermal preferences affecting comfort, peg a) What are the general classification of foundation? What are the common probiems af existing foendation? 4] 1b] What are the objectives of shoring? ss in brief about the dead shore with necessary figures? [2-46] |. a) Define roof and its types, Doscribe briefly about ths double tiniber rot with necessary figures. [444] 1). Design and draw plan of a .2 m wide doglegped stair fora residential building with 3m floor peight, [+4] a) What are the finccions of door and window? Draw elevation of battened door and plazed window having wooden members, 128313] 1) Why joints are necessary for vil construstion work? Describe expansion joint in a building with neat sketches. Tay . 8) What are the requiternents of good parition? Desctibe the types of partition with the basis of losding system, ara] 8) What is domestic water supply system? Disenss the types of drainage system with necessary figures. [4.44] ‘Write short note on any four of the following topics: [axa] 8, General principle of electrical services ¢, Brick cladding b. AirConditioning © Sod insulation c. Timbering of trenches Examination Control Division, | Pr s8any 4 | TRRAUVAN UNIVERSITY INSILIUTE OF ENGINEERING 2069 Bhadra Subject. - Building Tocknology (CE632) Candidates are required to give their answersin theit own words as far as practicable, Aiterapt All questions. The jigures in the margin indicate Futt Marks Assume suitable data if necessary. a) What are tho requirements uf ventilation? Explain moisture movement through building components. [er] 'b) What do you understand by thermal performance of building components? Explzin the various methods of thermal insulation for exposed walls and roofs. {8} 8) Define foundation. Describe types of foutdation with necessary sketches. [8] b) What are the types of flooring? Explain the procuss of Terrazzo finish floor. Gt] a) Draw and explain different components of timber collar beam roof with their sizes. Explain different types of roof covering for pitched oof. [8] b) Explain the preparation of cement sand mortar (1:6). Differentiate between random rubble, coursed rubble and Asklar stone masony with sketehes. fara] 4) Define stair. llustrate the elements of staircase with figure. re b) With the help of noat sketches, differentiate between solid and suspended ground floor. (8 4) How, do you make a tic, masonry bikings earthquake resistan? Explain with sketches various measures adopted. ta] 'b) Ilfustrate components of the rooftep rain water harvesting system, [a] ot TRRAUWATUNIvERSITY TI Back INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING pi [rallwans far Examination Control Division Programme [BOE | Fess Marks 327 | 205R Baishaka CWeerfea [iT [ine i SAKA | Building Techeology Cantidates are required to give their answers in their ows wards a3 far as praotivable Atonpi ary Five questions, The figures in the margin indicate Full Mork, Assume suihsble data necessary. 8} What is unuisture? What are the sources of moisture iit a bul sing? Tencribe Ge snethed of moisture coOstse! ix the wibstructure of 2 RCC builking pete] 1b} What arc the charadictistics of andible sound? What are defects qccumed duc 9 Jeflected sound. Explain briefly the different methuds uf sound insulation 8] ‘OR Usplain che differcnt types of thermal insulating material Lipluin the different proves off ineulating various building elements vueh ns roofs, expeseé walls end doers and wiadews, 3) What are the general classifications nf foundation? Describe the common problems of existing foundation. . al 8) Whal are different elements for vertical citcutation in a building? Desiga « ROC dogloyued staircase for a residential building in a room of 4.5im x 2.31 aad floor height of 3m. Assumonscessury dal. Give noal skeithes of he plan ard section (216) 6) What are the difforent coatponnts of doors and windows, explain with ueceecary sketches. Explain the diferent types of doors with the help of tkerches, a 1B Define sook Whet are the types uf swol? What are the functional reyuiremenss of cof? Deseribe briefly the single roof and its types with nccessany sketches. Be 2) Whal are the types of joints? Why.jaints ue inportant in Dailding construction? Briefly expisin the eapansion joint in building with necessary sotches? (24244) ¥) What do you understand by anporsry constuction in the building? Deséribe the types of tnporary construction with necessary sktches co 2), Why cladding is important to a building? Blusirac the types of cladding with respect fo construction technique [246] 1) Whar are intemal pasitions? What ate the requirements for a good partion’? Explain the clascification of pastitioa with respect to materials and loading systems. (esa) ‘Weite short rotes on: i 4) Day Luht factor b) Septic tank and soak pit 8), Types of clectrieal wiring 4) Ait conditioning 92 IRRBHLVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OFENGINEFRING = [Lev Examination Control Division | Programme | 3Cé 2067 Ashadh ‘You Part [Fi Subject: - Building Technology Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attemngt any Five questions. The figures in the margin indicare Full Marks Assume sthatile date if necessary. v ¥ ¥ y 1. 3} How does moisture movement eccur in buildings? Explain the diflerent types of condenisations end their effects om bilding materials. [4242] 1b) How do absorptive materials absorb sound? Write dewn the general considerations for noise control in buitdings, [ara 2. ge What ate the various causes of fourdation seitlement? Define underpinning and caplain different methos of undexpianing with neat sketches. ta] is s00f covering? Diffirentiate double ‘and triple toofs with constructional 18} 3.8) What are the functions of opevings? Explain any two types of door and window based ~ © on working operation with neal line sketches, (24343) {by Detine staircase. Por a given apnos of 4.tim » 2.2m with floor height of 3.6m, deaign A RCC dog legged staircase. tg] 4, 2) Why is it necessary to provide a joint in building structure (especially cement ~ concrete structare)? Draw a neal fechand sketch of vertizal wall section showing expansion joint a foundation, plinth, lintel, floor and roofftereae lewet for a typical residential building kaving 350aum thick brick wall. (46) ‘Whal is temporary construction work? Differentiate between brick layer’s scaffold and dead shoring with necessary sketches showing all elements. [24323] 5. a) What do you moan by building finishes? Differentiate between tile hanging and stone cladding in extemal wall surface showing section (vertical) with neat sketches. [24343] ¥) Whar acc the types of suspended ceilings? Describe their funetions and methods of onstruction, [8] 6.) What are the weneral principles of elvcteival services systems? Explain wiring systems and also discuss shout the satety precautions to be adopted while using electricity and its applianoes. 1383] ¥) What jt domestic water supply system? Discuss with relevant sketches about septic ~" tak souk pil sysiam of sewage dispoual at residential building site peas} . at oe TRecvaw omvenscry INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Le Examination Conirel Division () 2086 Nhadre ‘Your FPart ‘wbject: - Guildiag Technology Candidates are regiised lo give Preir answers én th Atempt AM quastions. ‘The figures in the margin indicate Bull Marks, Support your onswer with sketches wherever reguired. Aszune subnble date ofnecessany. 3s fat ss pratticab NAASS wy Dhcten bor taal comin in ung. Hew on 8 eens earl ent opin abou asin and piv netoue Es hendeg ad cling Sep gear ane with neat and eleun ske:ches. (26) UY Batize mundatios.with its types, What ar ‘ean We provide: tne causss of fovndation scttement and now Keates Loumdation xolllerment? ish oR What is barement finer? Waat type ol wall ie eppropriais for basement wall? Explain ahont waterproofing techniques in basomut, Gagpost your wswer with nest and clean akaches, Su uy are joints necessary in the building structures? Dsserise ia deta’ te “ypes of joints lnsieicures rather tse tio} L OR | Defise paints, What are the ingredients of olf paints? What ace the cheracteristis of good. paints? How de you undertake painting works in new and old woodwork? a) Whot is rco!? Show the comparative advanteyes and disedvantages of slope an flat roof el 1b) Tesetibe dhoning asd soaffolding. Why ave shoring and ofaffoliings tsed in’ buldig construction? U8) Wise short neres (229 thar) fea] lows aus types ectrical safety iz building Septic tenk and soak pit re protection in building ©) Plestering and gounting in building, Tian. _ Baek Lave EE Ful Maris 13 ‘Programme | BCE ‘Pace Marks’ | 22 ‘Yeo /Pant_| AT Fie hs} Subject: - Building Technology Candidates ste required to give their mgwers in theie own words as. far as practicable. Attenph ary Elgit questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Assione suitable data i necetsary. Describe briefly about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy highlighting the ‘world scenario. Explain the different ideas to tap the solar energy in building with the conceptof energy efficicel desiga. : fee ‘What ate tie effect of moisture in building clements? Explain diferent methods by ‘hich ‘we can stop moisture entering to building us] “What is basement floct?'Exphin sbdut ciffevent water proofing method fur basement swith neat and clean sketches ful ‘Draw complete dolsils of an ECC. deg-logged siaieass for an office building Teading Jom the ground Boor to fist Noo. State reasons for size of the risers and weads adopred by you. The size of stair is 4.83, 0nx3.6int (height). a How we can properly manage the water supply and sanitation: system in tuilding? Explain th: fimetion of scptic tank“and soak pit in sanitation system with the help of sketches, fre) ‘Why temponvy consirnction is nezecsary ia building construction? Differentiate betwrcen single and double ecaffolding with constructional details, [6] ‘What is toot? Write down sequirement of good roof. Explain about pitch or slope roof: ane rrention its types with the help of sketches, 6} “Write short notes on (aay four) [2.54] 2) Lifts and esedators ') Flectricat wiring system in building ®) Falss calling w Cladding ©) Construction joiats f) Underpinning Define tho safe bearing capacity and ultimate beating copacity, Explain the methods to improve bearing capacity of soi. 17] were or mcnmsemNe [es [aerate Examination Control Di ion [Programme | 2 | BCE ‘Poss Marks | 32 KARAS ot Tmpauva unnarsry ra Regalia 2065 Shrawen (Rear Par Hine 13 Subje Building Technology Candidutca ure requized to give thie anowert in thelr own wonds eo fr 26 practicable Atvempt All question The figures inthe margin indicate Pull Marts Sipport your answer with sketches whorever require “Asnime suitable date ffnecessary. Explain bwiefly hom:an thenpal comfort. What are the themal factors affecting thermal comfort. Ho human body rauiatains thermal balance. Explain your statment with neat and clean sketch. List oR What do you understand by. Energy Corscious’ Design? Des:rite briefly the design consideration of Eneray Conscious Dasim, Also describe the reaewable and nou renewable energy, thei sourcesand their respective exampias. Define nis. Whet aro the motions requirements of good atairease? Desigma dog-loggtd tairsace for 2 public building in a room of 50m<4.0m and flor to floor haght 3.0m. ‘Assumenwousery dats, Give neat and clean sketch to support your desiga, sy ‘What do you knew sbout the methods of soi exploration? Deine safe bearing capacily of sell and desiribe briefly the methods of improving bearing capacity of soi. [te] OR Define underpinning. Describe its necessary. What are the dperations to be canied out ‘before underpinning? What -are the necessary prccnufions so be taken . whilst underpinning? Describe briefly the methods of underpinning. ‘What is shoring? (ilustrals ths novestity of shoring Describe the types of shoring Sappori your answer with neat and clean sketch giving the names of different parts, ts) OR Define 190f. What are the (pts of roai? What we the functional requirements of rack? Describe briefly the single timber roof nad ije types with necessury yur. Write short nates (any fo) . Tea 2), Windows end its types with clean skerches b) Ceilingsheir pes and fixing details ©) Plastering and its types © Wotor distention system and its design 8) Joiats in structures and their necessity — 2) Painting oo meal snd masoney surfece Examination Control Division | Programme : BCE 03 TRIBMUVAN UNIVERSCTY ama TTT Regiianiiak INSTITUTE CF ENGINEERING — [Level T Poll Marks | Pass Marks 2054 Jeaths [Year KASAS ‘Candidates are required to give theiz anewers in their own words as far as practicable, Aitemp! All questions, The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Stpport your answer with skeches wherever required. Assume suitable data if necessaty. . ‘Moistnte is the main problem ia the building: Pleace illustrate the effects of the moisture in the building, Desoribe the main sources 'of moistare and explain how it moves through the building component with sketches. OR Defing thermal comiort? Deserive thermal factors alfecting humin comfort. “Explain thermal balance of a building. Give neat and clean sketch whenever necessary. Defins staircase. Illustrate ideal requirements of the stair. Describe the different types of stair by shape in plan with neat sketches. Design an open-wsll staircase for a public building in a hall of 6.0m 3.5m and ceiling height 3 Ora. ‘The thickness of thé floor stab is 120mm, Assume necessory data, Give acat and clean sketch (plan and section} to support your design. ‘What do you enderstand by temporary constriction in the building? Describe the types and requitements of temporary constructions with nacecsary figures, ‘Define paint and varnishes used in the puilding. Ulastrate the constituents of an cil paint. Describe the painting procedures om; new and old woodwarks, metel works and cemext surfices, OR Define rocf aad its types. Mustrate the funedoaal requirements of a roof. Describe briefly singie and double timber roof with necessary figures. Write short notes {any four): a) Basement end retaining wall b) Cledding: its types aad functions ¢) Septic tank and soak pit 4) Doors and its types —_ ©) Partition wall and its types 1) Wiring systems [6] fis} 03/22 © TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTHUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2062 Baichakh Candidatesare required (o give Uweic answers in thelt own words as far as precticable, Attempt All questions Support your apswer with skeiches wherever required. v v The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks v Y Assume suitable date if recessary 1. Write briefly om the thermal performmecs of the buildicg sections, Define transmittance and find the transmictence of a composite-walk that consists of 110mm brickwork (12 brick) as outer leaf, cavity of 2mm, therniovole insulation of 25mm, 1LGmra brickwork as inner leaf, There is 12mm thick plaster on externa side of outer leaf and internal surface of the inset leaf, The conductivities of the brickwork, cavity, thermo Cole insoletion an¢ plaster are 1.15, 0.026, 0.034 and 0.72 Wim?C respectively. The interme and external sirface conductances are 8.12 and 10.0 Wéa™C. Draw‘ a peat sketch of ‘thermal gredient of this composite wall OR Describe human thermal comfort and the thermal factors affecting human comfort. How does human body maintains the themal balance. Explain sun and thermal batance off human body with newessury sketch, Ilhustrate briefly the thermal preferences. Define staircase. Mention ideal requirements of the stair, Describe dhe different types of stair by shape with neat sketches. Design a doglegged staircase for a residential building in a lobby of 4.5ma3.0m and floor beight 3.0m assume necessary data. Give neat and clean sketch’to support your cesign. Describe briefly the causes of foundation settlement and also the effects resulted in the stractere from the unequal settiements. Explain dhe reasons for not preferring black cotton soil in the foundation? OR What is underpinning wok? Why does it necessary in the siruue? Write down the sequences of operation and the methods of underpiming, 4. What is eonsteuction joiet in the structure? Hlustale the positions of construction joinés jn bheara, column and slab, Deveribe che methods af joining new concrete 10 old one ie the structure Write short notes (any four): 8) Retzining wall and forces acting on >) Eneray conscious building oulnedesg mn considerations ¢) Pastition walls. their types and favesians ©) Pointing: its types and procedwe ©) Water supply end its d'suibution system ~ AY Noise and ies effects Dep 16) [aay ' i 06 —_-TwRHUVaN navensiTY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING _ _ Examination Control Division | Programme ; 8CE 2062 Poush [Wear /Part [I0/1 Candidates ere required to give their enswers in their own words as fur as praclicable. Aitempt AD questions, All questions carry equal marks. Assume suitable daia if necessary. Support your answer with sketches wherever necessiery, ¥ ¥ v ¥ ¥ Moisture is the great problem in the building, write down the effects of the moisrure in the building. What do you understand by Moist contrcl in the building? Deseziby briefly the different methods of moisture control for different sources of moisture Explain your statement sith neat and clean sketch where evernecessary. OR What is nanial and artificial fighting in the, bailding? Define day tight tictor with necessary figure and formulae. Calculate the interral iTlurmination of your class room having day fight frctor 2.0%) and outdoor iThumination 7000 Tux. 2. ‘What do you understand by the temporery consiruction? IMustrate the conditions of applying shoring in the structure. Describe in detail the types of shoring with nest end clean sketches. OR Dessribe briefly on formwork for excavation and differen: methoda used in tim*ering of trenches for firm end loose soil. Define Soriuwoxk for reinforced concrete construction and its principal requirements. Hustrate skeleiics whore ever necessary. Define roof and its types. Tnstrete the fincrional reqairements of a roof, Describe brie! single, double and tsiple timber pitched roof with necessary figures. OR Desoribe the jofata in the stusture. Tustrats expansion and construction joints and their probable positions in the structure, y the types of joints, Explain briefly the 4. What are the finotional requirements of good staircase? Mention the types of stairease (by shipe) with neal sketches. Design 2 open-well staircase for a puhle building in 2 room of 5.Smx3.$m and floor height 3.6m, Give neat and clean sketch of plan, sectional clewation and naccessury details ‘Write short notes (any four) a) CementPlastering: its types and procedure of appficat b}. Celling: its uses, requirements and types ©} Cladding: ts types and functions ) Septic tank and souk pit ¢) Window acd its tyne: f) Painting on old wood works and ceme ) Passenger lift ant Hie: a 7” TREAANINVRSTY ENSFITUTE OF ENGINEERING a Examination Control Division | Programme | ncn ‘Pass Marks [32 4 2071 Bhadra ¥ Caniidates are required-o give their answers in their own words as fac as practicable, Y Attenpt AIL questions The figures in the margin inde Fall Marks ¥ Necessary fures are atacked herewith, ¥ Assume suitable dota if mzcessery. ,—E Tastfy-the need of inigaion development in Nepal. Define cropping ivionsity a: : irrigation intesity Bei | 2. ‘Te base period intensity of rigyton and duty of vious crops ner a can ition systom are given in the'tabie below, Find Ue reservoir capacly if the canal loses are 18% and reservoir losses are 1476, @) Gop Baseperiods |. Dutyatthefield | Area wider the erop (ays) alCumees} Gectares) Rice — 80 | 1700 - | Sugarcane 750 Nel Vegetables, 650 - o> [Corot a — 1306 0 3. Draw a typical croas section of a canal in pertil cltting and partial filing and label at . Jeast five different eanal elersente ont. 15] Z 4. a) Sides of an irigation canal with the [oltowing- design parameters are well protecte. ‘What will be the stable depth end bed width cf such a canal? oe Q=Smis, de=3em i=1in 500 gait stops of 9 cum in thniom in 176000. Pind the ctmnnel sexton and the ‘maxinnaun discharge which can be allowed to flow ia i, Take f- 1.0. 5 5. A divession weir with a vertical be designed for an irrigation system bas the 2 following data: Design flood = 4000 rai; Natural width of the souree river 300 my; Bed material = Coarse sand, Bligh's C= 12; Lacey's f= 1.2; Height of weir above low water = 3.0 m; Top width of the crest = 2.0 m, Fix the leagth of the floor according to Bligh’s principle end design the leagth of floor and depth of cutoffs using Khosta's soepage theory. Compute the’ thickness of the floor at key points. Make suitable assumptions if : necessary, Drawa neai sketch of the designed weir. - 6. Whol is meant by siver taining works and what are the different objectives sorved by it. What are the underiving principles behind the deremnination of spur spacing. Draw L and X- section of a typical spar. toe 7, Describe the functions of different eoguleting structures wsod in am tigation system. Design the erent and cistern of a drop siructune (Sarda type) for a discharge of 9 cumecs and a drop height of £2: FSU, we and dis = 105.7 m and 104.5 ma; Ded Level u/s and dis = 164.3 ra and 103.0 on; Bed Width ws and dis = 8 en; Side Slope cf Channel = oe 8. Detemaine bed and svater levels st four critical locations of the esl unter way at * Bed level — 150:00 ea Bed width = 32m ® Drainage Meximum food discharge = 520m" High food tevel = 150.6. : Bed level 148.2 Noonal ground evel ~ 150.00: ‘9, List oul the main effects and preventive measures of watet logging. Estimate the vate of internat drainage discharge ix Ipsbe from burded rive fields of Terai area. The 3-. Exaindlferent tyes offlod contol mezsunes . Eiplohr dertot stages of ors : 4 Coteaate the upiftprescur at hey polis cf Ples in Fig |. Alco check the thickness of th ‘ot at A, location end el gradlow. The sole eu grat is 3.2 et a 6 @ 6) ® a w o 6 6.8} rte doom tho couse and offic ofwaler hggng. Also explain mettad of cedomttion of water Heaged area } Derive he expres for subsuface drainage spacing 1} en daw tha dosign citer of sintaee dealnaget 6. Wt shar netes ‘a Types of gation Method 1 cperdion and Ssinlonance o!Seigation system «, Moduiar and non rndtiar vets ©. Oifeent Ips of Cross Drainage werks 3 is wat | 0 _TURMIVANUNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Divi 2069 Bhadea ___ Subject: rrigation and Drainage Engineoring (C6) Y- Candidates are recuited to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, ¥ Aitempt AU questions The figures in the mergin indicate Ball Marks Y dssume suitable data if necessary, Write down sowing time, harvesting time and average delta of five principal eroys of ills of Nepal. I 2, a) Write dove the steps for catculating invigation toquirement for Rive crop, {51 +) the field capacity of soil is 60%, pecmancat wilting point is 25%, Density of soil is i.2umice, effective rot demth is 120em, EF crop is Smraiday. Calculate the irigation interval ifthe readily available moisture js 85% of evatlable voil moisture capacity, a 3. Nectly dawithe component of canal and explain it. fo 4. Explain sediment transport and tusctive force approach in canal design, (2g) Draw a neat sketch of die general Ieyou of s diversion fead works and cross sections of under sluces, caudl head regulator and weir with al details. T+34349] 6, Following hydraulic data near a propuncd bridge site are stein Mesimum discharge ~ 4000n'/s Higest food level = 205.0m River bed level = 200.00m Average diameter of river bed meterial = 0.1mm Design the fotlowing components of « guide bund and neatly sketch it @ Lenath of guide bund (i) Thicksess of pitching of te sloge (ii) Length of launching apron (iv) thickness of laurching apron. (6 7. 2) Design eres length and thickness of impervious flor of a vertical drop structure for ‘dhe deta given below: Discharge = 1.8mr%s, Bed Sevel U/S= 205,65m Side lope of channel = 1:1; Bed level D/S = 204.35m ESE US~ 205.951; Bed width UdS and D/S = 1.5m Top width of eres: = 8.5m (for initial assumption’: Cd ~ (1415 of masonary drop sructure = 2.2; Bligh's eoell ~ 6.0. a V) Describe with neat sketches the finctoas of distibutory head regulator ad cross regulator ina canal project, al % Design a ayphon aqueduct (Drainage water was, Canal water way, Bed Ievelt and ‘Trenstions) ifthe folowing data atthe crossing of caral ind dninage are given. ag. r Ful) supply dept of canal = 1.50m. Canal bed level = 200.0m Side slopes of eanal =(1,5H:I¥) High flood discharge of drainage = 490 eumecs High flood level of drainage = 200.60m Bed evel of drainage = 1980m. General ground level = 200.200 9, Design = surface drainage for a Held of 40ha arca in Terai with following data, Design tyeximum yearly precipitation for dec consecutive days = 50mm, longitudinal slope of chanel 1:400, Manning roughness eoofficient 0.025, Maximum water Jevel is 300mm which may persist for up to one day and depen in exeeas of 200mm may persist for up 193 days. Anrume other suitable values if nevessary. [19] Yaa. « -TRINRALANIOIVERSITY, E INSTITUTE OF ENGINERBING. =f Rall Mia Examination Couitrol Divisio Fam Marke +2068 Chattra | 7" Time Caindicaten ace required ta give their meworn in theit Gwa Words as fur a2pingtioatle. “Attompt amy Five questions. The figures tn the margin indicate Tull Marks. Assume isitable data if necessary. 2) “Inigition sall be given top prioity for He! overall development of our county”. Sst this sitemenl ¥) What do yo mean by szop water requirement? Explain the Factors aifectng the crop ‘water cequrement, . 9) After how many days wil yon sunpily water to sofl (clay loam of 1.5 gfes dry density, Field capacity = 25% and PWR.“ 13%) ix ender tp easure offctent irrigation: of the crop for which daily consumption use of water is 10 mm, Take 75cm of root zone depth, 2) Discuss, with suitable shetch, variou’ methods of urface irrigation system. 1B) A field chasne! has 1 culturable command area of 2000 hectares. The intensity of itrigation for grim is 30% and for wheat is 50%. Gram has a kar pericd af 18 days and kor depth of t2om, while wheat has a xor petiod of 15 days and ¢ ker depth of 15 om, Calculate the dischirgs of the field ebenne 1) Showing theposition of lish ladder, vate its necessary in headworks, 8) Prove thal the wetted perimeter Is divectly’ proportional to square roct of ischarge 1) Derign an imigation channel with side slope (.5HL: 1V to carry a discharge of $0-m™is atastope of 1 ie 5000 Take kutter's n= 0.0225 and CV.R(n)= 09, ©} Draw ‘crosa section of an irigation canal’ in cutting and fling showing major elements, 8) Discussing sediment problems in an irigetian headwosks, write any two maetiods of controlling andiment entry o the ieigetioncaaal 1») Design a 1.5 Satda type fail for a canal having a discharge of 12 cumecs with the following data, Bed fevel ws = 103.0m Side slopes of csael = 1:1 Bod level dis = 101.5 Fall supply lovel us 104.5 0: ‘Bed width wis nd ds > £0m Soil = Geod lost ‘Bhigh’s Cooificient §) ‘sh ta 5} (61 ‘51 co) (§) (4) i" na | “penipiie hefibidureat he Sitermediats i ais? » ‘Chcck thé exit eraficat of the aydroulic strueire..The, safe exit gradisal ofthe soil 3 7 We + aiciaaten + tanto ev ett “Level, musi “~ [Referens La 160 : P B 1a T € Ls 146 i i > 142 I Eo Tae I “Th and 1 are 30m and Gtin respectively. Conection ‘avior for slope is 33. Use analytical method, Make suiuble assirrption if necessary. 1b) What ia outioe? Wiite down the requirements thit an cutlet should flSl. Disiagnish cleats between tion moduler and sexsi-modutar outlet, [14243] ©. 8) Whats water Jogelug? Write down causes, «(feet and yrevertive measures of water ‘ogaings. fuiavaray 1b) With seat sketch (plan eid section), show the river training works for abridge. What Js launching apron? How is it designed? [44h Examination Control Division [Promramme "RCE Y “ “ ¢ . 05 _TRIBUYAN UNIVERSITY Reem. TNSTITUTS OF ENGINELRING — [Level Tet it~ ‘2068 Biaishakh i Subject: irigation Engineering ‘Condidates are reyuired to give their answers i. tasirown words as faras practicable. Attonpr any Kive questions. ‘The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Necessary chart ix attached here ‘Assume sutiable data if necessary, 4) Calculate the design discharge of canal at 0, {, 2-and 3 ka fratn headworks. Fhe GCA atthe head of the canal is 40000 ha and after each ko ei reduced by 6000 ha. OF this command, the CCA is oaly 70%. The intensity of irigstion for Wheat and Rice is 40% and 25% respectively, Assume Lotal loss below Skin = Of m/s: channel losses, net kin = 4% of discharge at begianidg of each km; Kor period for wheat and Rice is « 4nd 3 weeks respectively. Koc depth for wheat and rice is 14 and 20oma respectively. [97 1) What are tho factors to bo considered in fing canal aligainent? Dissuss the types of ‘nals aad their viability in planning of irgatien ¢yter 7 a) Find the spacing of the tile drains for an area having average annual rainfatl of 400mm, if 1% is 10 be dramed in 24 hours. From ground level, depth of impervious stratum = 9m; depth of drains = 2im and depth Of highest position of the water ‘able = Lun. Coellicient of permeability may be taken as 0001 cavsce. 1) 6) An irigation canal passing through the -allavium soil (dpeen = 0.50mm) carries a discharge of 64 m’'s. What major principle you apply while designing such a canal?” Find out the principal dimension and bed slope of the canal an draw a sketch of the Acsigned section, Eee] 4) “The crose drainage stractare across an imigation chanel Kas following dats 07] Drainage 640 [PSLATFL (downetrearn) me 3045) ‘Bed Level (downstream) 30000 Bed width im) 300 Side slope (HV) oF Fix the weterway of thé canal and dminage designing a suitsble lype of eross drainage siriichure and find out the bed Ievel of the crainage structure at the upstreare ond. b) Write with explanation of dee major functions of undeshvice consiructed in an irrigation aeodworks endmention its desig teria, 2 a) Caleulete the thickness of & 7h loug launching apren of, loosed stones for a shank porlion of guide bund at 3 bridge site of a river.having desig flood of 8000 ms and food dep of Sm. Assume tha average dnote of iver bok sari st fool mes 03mm b) Defineriver training works. Enumerate three major objectives of river traiaing works. ‘Write down two busic purposes of spur installation [24342] a), Discus the advantages end disadvantages of spiiokler und dip trgaion, 1 'o) For ihe following irigation headworks and respective data, 16-243] 3) Compute the pressure at the.end pie section. 4+ floorand pile interface + bottom end af pile fi). Check whether the floo: thickness provided al the end is sufficient or nat? {ii} Chock the exit gradient ofthe hydraulic structure. The safe exit gradicrt of the soil is V6. Let a b bots a ies mad Reference Point. Level mast} 160 | F 2 43 a 139 146 H__.. 10 1a a i 138 Z 13S 1 and Ty are 20m and 6m respectively. Use analytical method or Khosa's curve ‘Cnached herewit’), Sake esitable ages 3 Explain the working of a mon-modular outlet. What are the advantages and $1 TRIBKUVAN UNIVERSITY (um. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING = [Level Examination Control Division . Programme | BCE 2064 Kartik a Cancilates are sequired to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable Adept ary Five questions The jignres in he margin indicate Bull Marks Ausiome suiable daia tf nacessary R884 a) Describe the various yypes of fall structures ard their components vnth nest sketches. 8: ¥} A sandy Loam soit hols water a 149 ram depth hetween FC und PWE. The crop has 2 root Sepih of 30cm and CWR (Crop Water Requiceraent) squal co 5 ramay. he exupping ea is sql (0 40 he in wich allowable depletion of water is 3$% end irrigation pplication - sifisicucy cqual <0 40%. Determine: (i) Allowabie degletion depth berween inigatioas €) Frequency of isigation (is) Net appleation depih of water (iv) Volume of water required, 2. a) Following corrected f values were computed trom Khosla's curves in 3 barrage placed on. permeuble foundation, 8] US sheet pile Intermediate pie ox2 DiSstecipie ey 1 100%, "90%, fer = BS, 0%, bun = 70%, ex = 45%, 3%, tan =A5%, Poy 78% Ligtance between the U'S and intermedizts piles is 20m and that between the infermediace and DS piles ism, Assuming that (he Hlocr is borizortal torougauut, draw the FIGL for the subsoil Now. TEthe net head ts 10m, determine the thickress of LYS Lor ata disance of 20 acd 30m ewiy from the intermediate sheet pile. Assume G forthe floor material equsl to 22. ‘The symbols has ususl meanings. b) Derive an expression whch detewmines spacing *S? between subsurluct tile drains capable of lowering the water table ata depth of’ frera che impervious layer, The contre of the drains is jocuied at beighe ‘a’ from the impervious layer und “Qo! ue the design Slow pet meter length of drain 9 3. a) Design syphon of « syphon aqueduct for the following data: na] Canal: Q = $0m'/s, FST = 201 80m; CBL =200.00ny B = 361m; z (side slope} = 1.3 Drainage: Qua = 450m'%; HFL = 290,50m; DBI. = (98 00m; GL = 200.00, Assume “hat the aqueduct will be made of RCC heving Gumed widh of [8in, Assume other dats suitabiy, ifrecessary, bb) Design a caral to cary a discharge of 18 m6, using Lacey's theory. Take silt factor and side stop: L fa] 4. a) Detenmne th: length and thickness of lamuchting aproa for the straght portion of guide bund in ariver: Design loed = 5000 ms; av. dia, of bed! marerial = nm; HEL = 225,00m; Raver bed level = 222.60m. ia b) Dsdierentiare among, seuni-theoretcal, Kennedy's, uné Lacey's approaches of canal design: 181 3. al) Why urigation and drainage are necessary iv the development of agricala? Discuss ¢hout the suitahilizy of irrigation methods in tre different topography of Nepal 144] bb) Describe vanoas metho of aigsing mala eangl-wath appropriate shetunes. Explain funewons of nan-rredurar and sermi-rrodtalar outles wiTt neat sletshes. ol 6. Write short notes on four of the following: [eat a) Ivigetion systems planing, - 1b) Seagen of rivers and their recandering procese €). Speritis desion consid a} Troblems of spe 8) Comsideratinns f 1 TRIBERIVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2068 Kartik [run tars rks Subject: ~ trrigation Engineering Y. Candidates are requited to give their answers in their own words as far a3 practicable, ¢ Auemp any Five questions. ‘The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assume suttable data if necessary. 1. a} Explain how will you justify the economics of canal linitig for the existing canal. BI b} Describe with the help of a diagram various forms of soil moisture available to that plant. (81 2. a) What are the purposes of guide bunds? Explain with plan ard sectional views at critical locations design of components of guide bunds, [2+8} b} Design 2 regime canal to carry a discharge of 90 cumecs. The average particle size of ‘bed and bank mterial of the canal is 0.2m, Io) 3. 8) Explain the importance of drainage system, What are different types of drainage system adopted iin egriculeural land? v7 b) Define canal outlet. What are the eriteria for judging the performance of modules? 6) ©), Differensiace beween silt exculder and sitt extractor. ro) 4, Using Khosla’s theory (Analytically), caleulate the upli® prescure percentage at key points and also mention the floor thickness requived at the d/s floor of canal head regulator as shown in figure below. . [6] 288 i 282 Tea} 3 12mm $. a} Design a fall fora canal having ¢ discharge of 12 eumecs for the data given below. Full supply level us end a’s = 204 and 202.5 Bed level ws and d/s = 202.5 and 201 ‘Bed width u's and d/s Drop height = 15m Side Slope of canal =1:1 Bligh’s creep coefficient = 8 b) Define intensity of nization, - 6, Write short notes or: del 4) Maintenance of irrigation system ). Sub surface irrigation ¢} Canal escape 4) Types of spur ry KKK Examination Control Division | Program au “TRIBHLY AN UNIVERSITY INSTIUIE OF ENGINESRING Level 2064 Jootha [Sear Part “Subject: - Irrigation Engineering Candidates ae required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Auterapt any Five questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. Assume suitable data if necessary. 2) Explain diffeceat types of surface and subsurface irrigation methods, Ho] b) With following data: ‘i FC = 80%, PWP = 35%, root depth = 50cm, application ef = 80% and RAM usual meanings . I density = 1.Sem/ce, ET = Smanviday, 0% AMC, where the abbreviations have i) Calculate available moisture contents ii) Catculate readily available moisture contents iii) Catculate depth of irrigation at the outlet of the field iv) Calculate irrigation interval 2) Using Lacey’s basic equation, esteblish a relationship between R, Q and G where symbols have wsual meanings, [81 b) Design a canal using Kennedy formulation with following dara (3) Q = 10 cumec, Mantting roughness coefficient = 6.0245, slope of bed 0.0062, m= 1 and side slope of anal 0.5:1 (H:V). Canal Data: (e) Discharge = 20m", Depth of water L.Sm and FSL = 251.510 Drainage date: Discharge ~ 20tm'/s, HFL = 250.7m. Bed Level = 248.5in and Ground level = 250.0m From above dala, design following companents of whom aqueduct a) canal waterway b) drainaye waterway c}affhoe and head losses through siphon barrel d) uplift on drainage slabs 4._ay-Wreite down the causes aud effects of water logging. Also expfiin methods of reclamation af water logged area. 16] ve lhe expression fox subsurface drainage spacing, (3] 2 different types of outlets used in imigation projects, [3 6. a) Neatly sketch a guide bund and design the following components of a guide bund fer afiver discharge of 4000m*/s and silt factor 1.1. High flood depth + 5. Om [e 4) Tength of guide bund i) thickness of pitching iii) width of Jounching apron iv) depth of launching apron Explain different Jevel of planning in itrigation projects, aiso explain different types of maintenance in irrigation projects [3] Calculate the uplifi pressure at Key points in figure shown below using Khosle Theory. ‘Cheok the exit gradieat and thickness of the floor at A, B, C and D locations as shown in figure. The safe exit gradient is 0.15, le! = 1050 : [191m 9m on 5 lm oss i enna oe 20m. Sn 2 Sig [P+ 28 $9 one 1 TREHUYAN UNIVERSITY Examination Controt Division INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 2063 Raishakh Subject: - irrigation Engineering Y Candidates are required to give their answors in thair own words as far es practicable. Y. Atterupt any Five questions, Y The figures in she margin tadteate Fult Marks ¥ Assume suitable Gate if necessary. a) Describe about the components of head works with aeut sketches. [8] b) Determine the discharge at the ead of the inigation channel, CCA al outlet= 400 ha: Intensily of irrigation for rabi = 65%; Intensity of irrigation for kharif = 30%; outlet discharge factors for sabi = 150 ha/cumvet aad for kharif = 800 ha/cumec. Assume losses in conveyance = 6% of the outlet discharge. ] 2. a) Make critical comparisons among, seimi-ttearetical appronchos, Kemnvdy ancl La : approaches of canal design. 18) 1b) Write down the steps for crop weter requirement calculation. ca ©). alist the various types of Laing applied in jvigation canal @ 3. a) Why sivar taining is necessary? Describe the various methods of river contzol. is] b) Desig the fougti and thickness of launching apron for the straight portion ofa guide bund in a iver: is] Design flood = 7900 m/s Average diametar of river bed material = Imm River bed level = 111.00; BEL = 114,00 Provide a nest sketch of designed apron. 4. Usiay Khosta's method, obtain the residual sezpage pressures at the ‘key’ poiats for the weir profile shown below. Also calculate the value of the exit gradient, Consider the case of no flow at pond level. Also draw the subsoil HGL fey Tord Level 2600 anf Fy 9Sra'] dm An sm__ fam, ! Tam ‘Figae not to seale) ein a) Design an aqueduct for the following data. Draw a neat sketch of designed aquetiuct showing all dimensions and paramcivrs pel Canal: Q= 15 ms; FSL = 200.00; CBL = 198.5; B= 22m; side slope 1 5:1 Drainage: Q7 35 ms; HPL = 196.5; DBL = 195.5; GL = 199.0; f (Luecy"s) =1 ‘Assam fumed width of canal ~ 12m md depth in transition ~ canal depth, by How thy bed load is controlled at head works?’ fl Wiite short notes on the following [ya] 2) Drip ard sprinkler methods of ixigation b) Soits for agricultural purposes ©} Institutional aspects of irigation systim management @) Design of drainage cf irrigated land Fe Examination Control Division | Programme | 8ck SAK6 ot TREIHUYAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING - 2063 Ashwin wi Candidates are required to give their answer Attempe any Five quesilons, The figures in the margin indicate Fall Marks. Assunte suitable data if necessary, n their own words as far as practicable. a) Explain following tenns: i) } GCA i) CCA iti) NCA iv) Cropping Iniensity vy) Cropping Pattern bd) Wiile down the sleps tor calculating irrigation reyairement for vice crop. ( c} Ths Gk! capacily of scil is 40%, permanevt wilting point is 20%y density of svil ia 1.2 gmice, effective wot dep is 90cin, ET cxop is 10 mum/usy. Caloulate the invigation iuterval iC the readily availabte moistue is 73% of available soil moisture capacity. i 8) Waite down the concept of Kennedy and Lacey's Slit theory. GI b) Prove that P = 4.75 (Q)"*, using Lacey’s theory. reo ©) Design a canol to cary a discharge of 20 cumevs, using Lacey's theory, Take silt factor = 1.5 and side stope is 0.5:1. {ay Euuraerate conditions of application of C/D works with neat sketches. (9] Hw the bed oad is controlled: at head works? 4 Explain the procedures for design of a fall stmeture. [5] Calculate the uplsl pressuse at Key points of two piles in figure below. Also check the thickness of the loot zt A, B, C locations and exit gradient. The safe exit gradienlis 0.2. [16] 105. 90 by ‘What are the causes and effects of water logging? Discuss various preventive + measures to contro} waler logging problems. (a) Disenss design criteda of a guide bund showing neat plan views and sectional views ateritical locations. (3 ‘Writs short notes [4x4] » » 9 4) ‘Types of Irrigation Method Operation and Maintenance of Irigation System Modular and Non-modular Outlets Structural Measures of Flood Contral : rom. oo OUL14 TRIBHUVAN ENIVERSITY (Haar INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING — [Level aE ¥ixamination Controt Division 2062 Badshakh Attempt any Five questions, RAK a) crestlevel b) crest wvidth ) cistern elements Candidates are required “9 give the BCE The figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks Assume suituble data if necessary. Design following components of a vertical fall 4) floor Jeagth end floor thickness using Bligh's creep theory With the deta given below 2) Call supply discharge 1. b) drop ) full supply depth @) bed level WS and Des 8) bed width 2) Bligh's coefficient p 4. a) IMustrate various form of soil moisture and WE down the factor affeeting erp water requirement, b) Using Lacey's Regine equatioss, prove that Where R = Scqur depth, = speci.ic discharge, = silt factor Year/Pari TT answers fa their on Words as faras practicable Check the thickness und exit grudient from Khosla theory. ‘The safe exit gradient is 0.2 fs: sen m (18) 16) 1:0) 16! a) Waite down the advaniage and disadvantage of surface and sub surface irrigation. b) Fstablish a relationship between duty and delta. ) Caleulau: the discharge required st the outlet Zor wieat an rive crop using following data, i} (Groep command area (Ha) kor period Kor depth] (7 Rice 5000 18 i [Wheat 3300 26 15 ») Explain the causes and effects of water logging, Describe differem methods of reclamation of water logged areas. 44] b) Define river taining works. Enumerate different methods of river walning wolks. Explain the design of aisTerem components of'a guide bank. 14245] ‘Write short notes on: : Bs] a) Methods of flcod control b) Operation and maintenance of itrigetion systoms c) Classification of irigation outlets Sams of irvigation development in Nepal AL FRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY (iam. 7 Bask . j Exam Bate INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level i BE. [Fait Marks | i Examination Control Division. | Programme | BCE Pass Marks | 32 2062 Rartik [Wear Part [1V7T [Time Sil ‘Subject: - Irrigation Engineering Candidaves are sequired io give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Aecempt amy Five quucctions, The figures in che margin inticae Kul Marks Assume syttable sata Wf necessary. 44S a) What are the factors which must be determined during the planning stage of a ‘irrigation project? fl b) Design a syohon-aquedact with the following dita: Canal— discharge 20mg bed width 23m; depth of water 1.Tra; bed level 250.40; side slope 15:1 Drainage — ‘igh flood discharge $00 m’!s; high flood level 231.25; bed level 227,60; general srourd levet 230.50 2 a> Compue Kemuedy’s and Lacey’s silt theuriex Why Lasey's theory is supesior- then Keanedy's theory? 6 ) Design a regime channel by Lacey's theory for 40 ms discharge and sit factor 0.9. sly) 2) Desermine the saproiry of the soi fom Zollowing datz (s1 depth of roor zone = Lim present water content = 3% dry density of soli = 1600 ke/a" ‘water applied to the soi, = 7000" vwarer loss due to evapearation = 10% area of the plot = hectare b) Determine she length and thieiness af iaunesing apron for the straight portion of a guide suad ma river 3] design flood = 8,000 m/s average diameter of river bed material = Teun iver bed level = 125.00 4. a) Derive an expression for balzaciag depth in designing cena section, is] 4) Find the spacing of ile drains with following dst (8 annual sain‘ = 900mm drainage coefficient = 0.012 depth of impervious layer belaw GE = 9m denth of tie drains below GL = Lém depth of aighest position of water table below GL = 2m coefficient of permeability = 2.012 cm/sec 3, 2} Why under sluice is provided in bead works? How does it wore? ie 7 by What are the silt ecotraling devices? Explan briety, Ls & 2), Following dam were observed in a canal fal: PSL of eanai = [1Snn; Bed ‘evel of vanal = 12a, Bed width of canal = 15m; Design discharge = 30 ans; Side Sfope of canal = 2): Leagth of <= restangular srt ofthe Bil ™ [One (Broad creste¢ weir). Calculate the orest love ofthe fal ce 6, Write shert aves op any four ofthe following: xa] aj Cal aes BY Safery agsins piping efi alin - €) Cropesater requirement a). Design attined canats ©} Urtigstion methods “= 1) Operation ane maimenunce of inigarion systems | | a+ TBA VERITY ice INSTITUTE OF ENGINFRRING f Level Examination Control Division | 2071 Bhadea Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as tar as practicable. Attempt All questions, ¥ The floures in the margin indicate Fall Marks Y Astume sutiable dara ifmecessury, 1 Define Engineering Evonomics. Write down the principles of Engineering Hennomie 0 Analysis, # 2, AMfuat is nomivel ang offective iolerstrate? Pralaals FW at the end of 15 years with 10% 15%. Life ofthe Projectis 6 years, (6) Tnvestrnent z ‘Anpusl Altemntives | IVER Sales fel High Sweass _] Probably 04 | 500000 A 190000 | Medium Success | Probability =0.5-) 300000 Low Sucorss | Probability=0.1 | 125509 High Success” | Probabiliry=0.2 | 400000 B 609000 | Medium Success | Probability =0.5 | 250000 i Low Success | Probability 0.3 | 190000 High Success | Probability 200000 | agv000 | Medium Success | Probability 125000 I Low Sucesss | Prubability 50006 to Perform sersitiviny analysis of the following project over 2 range of 10 to 50 percent in G) initial invesiment and (i) MARR using PW formulation. Assume Sv = 0. Draw sensitiviy diagtum dsu, Pa 4 09000 Pop mes Se Yo sot fate AI) a2: What do you mean by depreciation? Explain about dhe causes of k. Explain about anys = 8 10 9 three methods of depreciation calculation that ae used eommunly. & machine purchased . for Re, 60,000 by expecting uscfil life of 10 sears, Cleulate the depretation amount for ‘ach year by using deciding bulance method when mate of depreciation is 20% per year. {6+6] <8 Define Constant do‘lar amount and Actual dollar amount Suppuse you borowed Rs, 100000 from a bank to buy a bike and you have promised to pay Rs. $500 per month for two years. What i8 the inflation free interest rate you are supposed fo pay if average inflation mate is 0.75% per month? ery Of rRianuyaN cvEeStTY INSTTIUTE OF ENGINERRING Examination Control Division Tek, BEL, | 1 [Programme [BEBO [eas fa ' 2070 Rhadra Part ie Candidates are reqcirad to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, Attempt All questions “The figures ir the margin indicate Fult Marks Assime suitable daia Y necessary. sas] Scamvity is an emerging issue in engineesing field, [low does the study of economies help to engincens in decision making process? Discuss. (51 2. Wh is effestive and nominal interest rate? valuate FW ot the end of 10 years with 8% interest rate compounded continuously of a cash flow of Rs, 500 at the beginning of each ‘year for fiat § yours. [ay 3, Initial Investment = Rs, 190,000 [615 +54 Salvage Vatue: Sas Aramal O&M Cost Useful Life=5 yen ‘Annsal Benefit ~ 60,000 at the end of frst year, thereafer dsereases by 4,000 each year fo the reroaiing years, 3} Draw U/B diagram. 1b) Evaluate conventional BCR using PW formulation. Take salvage valuc = 10,000. G) Evaluate Discounted Payback Period, fake standard (cul off) Payback Period = s, 20,000 3 years 4. Use IRR method to select hest project. MARR = 12%. isa} aan AW __ —B___|__¢ 2 Teital Investment 1100 1306 2750 3000 Anmual income |, _ 200 oo | __ 20 950 [Useful Lite 4 4 4 4 Salvage Valve Zo 200 5, 1000 MARK Ise Select the best combination if A, B and C are mutually exclusive. 5. xplain about the reasons for replovement of ase, The Annual Eguivelent Cos: (ABC) of the defender and challenger are given ia the table below. What is Ue bes! replacement strategy? Use MARR ~ 12%, Tac planning horizon of the project is 8 years. (418) EodofYearfn) Jt | 2 3 _s € om, BOO | $850, | SAG en [550 ‘700 cm S675_[_ 5800 6. What are the sources of risk iin stigiiveriag projects in Nepal? A reckstate developer socks ta determine the most csonomnical height for a new office building which will be sald after five years. The rowan! net unnual revenues and net recale values are as given below, i ight | a Yr {irs Cost 125,000,000 | 200,000,000, F Annual Revenucs_| 19,910,000 ~|'37815,000 TNerResale Vahie” [260,600,686 | 300,000,000 ‘The developer is uncertain shout the interest rate to use, but is eestain that itis in he 30%. Vor vack building height, fir the range of valucs of {for which that ‘auilding height ie the most econonical, Draw sensitivity diagram to suppor! your answer. 7. Anasset hus inswlled value of 45,000. S, ~ 0. It is classed as « $ year property. Detemiae ‘approximate MACRS depreciation schedale, Over 6 yes itis estimated (© generate revenue oF Rs. 23,000 per year with annual operating cost 7300, Required rate of return = 15% afer tax. Tax site 40%, Evaluate after tax IRR with annual worth method. 8, The annua) fuel cost required to cperte a.sill solid waste reatsnent plant are projected to be Rs. 200000 without considering ary fature inflaton, The best estimate indicates that the annual indation free interest rete P will be 6% and the gencral infiation rat, f, will be 5%. Ifthe plant has the remaining useful life of Zour years, what isthe presert touivalent ofits fact costs? Use actual doltar analysis. [as8] Isto) {5] Examination Control Division | Programme | Bee Pom sass 8 TRIORIVANENKEr HTT | Bem. 5 INSITUTEOPENGINFERING fied PE. Pull Marks” 80 ERT peMirte 112 ‘2070 Magn ve, “Subjecd i nginebing Beonbnics ESS) Cantidates ave sequred to give their answers in their own ws 96 tc pecticabe Auten Alt queaions The figures in the margin indicere Full Marks. Assis suite dais necessary Epis the oer ofergincess in makiag economic derision wits appropiate cxamples. 4 2) you deposit Rs AQUGH in 9 saving scopnse now Which pives 10% numa terest rate, what will be the antount alter S yous if interes is compounded {i) sceri-annually i) Monthly 2 b) Find the value of Pif =20% Use guadient formuts also, aI yo 4 ‘Amman costs = 15,000 value = 20% af in ite = 6 yoxis % ©) Compute 18K eat ec ion, 14 Usefil lie = 5 years MARR = 20% 2). Select the best proposal using ERR (2596, MARR—20%6) “1 DY es pes apse] Proposal | acd [ean [209 [702013100 [F100 | 2600 Proposal B_|-7550_ [7050 _} 4050" | 4000] 3900_| 3900 | 3400" 1), State and explain shout the cases of movually exclusive, cuntingent and indeperent prolecs with example. Compare the folowing projects ty using repeanbaity assumption when MARR is 12% _ Vege A Initial invosiment_, 200,000. 25,000 ies] salvage value ‘The yew machine soe 10,000 nperaing cost 7260 in Gost year, lien dncreases by 20% or joar, Markel va'ue is 6000 sfiar onc year and wil deciine by 13% cach year N= years, I require elt machine car work another 3 year, Market va'ue now is $003 wnt tail decline hy 25% each year Tmmediale overhauling 19 restore to opreble conction costs 1200. Operating costs 2000 in the frst year increases by 1500 per year thevester, MARR = 13% way i). Find fe economic sorvice life of this chine (0) ii) ADC of defender is as followings: AS 12 385 ‘When should te ald muachine be replaca with the new machine 3) Explain decision five Analysts: 1 by) Galertare break-even Bows of operition per yer 1a become vost equal end secommended economic pump if tis to be yperated § hours daily nil nat Bs] re [eapadiny - oon | [Pure BetRE]—_—__ PA 0L0007 ix por year Rs, 710,000 ‘aiatenance cost per year (Fs) Fiinicmy tif = Wiha pacts oat roy BARI 50% pet ear Heseisiy oe Ts. Toke 2) Defive depreciation. What ae the causes for it? Hf a mnahlne costing of fs 1,30,000 is purchased by eapccting salvage value Rs40,000 atthe cud of § year. Ciscoe dapeeciation senator eich yoors by [248] sovD 1b) Dechruag balance 1) Suppose an equipment pureed for Rs1O 00000, X is expected 10 gsuerate income of Rs. $,50,000 per year during 5 years and verporate facowe fate 3s 28teper year. Underthe recovery pesos depreciation are as follows, io Year fz) 3 fa Ts Deprecinton angont_[7,00,000" [3 .c85_| 268.680°"] Ton oa] Tees” Cateulate ATGPs andl determine proiteility (IRR) whea MARR is 15% by wing PW srt. 8, Evalente he PW ofthe following project Jnitial investment = Rs, |,00,060— in constane daliers Anaal siles income -- Rs, 40,000 in constant éollers -Anrwal Inbuer casi ~ Rs, 3,000» in constant éallers Anuval muserial Xs. 2,600 in coma dollers Anomal motecial Y~ Rs. 1,C00— in constant dolls . Salvage Value > 20%eLiniial investment - inconstant éollers Inflation rats for sales income, labour cost, materials X, material ¥ aad wal rage vaine ate 5%, 8%. 0%, 6% anil 3% respretively for the pinjest period “Lake market interest nile = 20% project lifes # years YH ouunayan ovary Ean, RESINS ESRENELTED THSIETUTEOPENGINLERDS — [lewt 7 [DE _ [ace WaT BR » Examination Control Division | programme | 8% 2070 Mab Siebjeet: - Enghwering Economies (CE659) Candidates ore raguired 0 give dye answers in ther own words 2 fot an practicsbic. Avaya ald questa. ’ ¥ The figures in she margin ’ se Fal Maris Annie sutabte dau i necessary 1. xglai fe roles of enginsers in making economic decision vith appropriate examples. [Sf 2.8 M you depose Bs.10004 fn @ saving account now hich gives 10% momine interest rate, what will be the around ster 5 yeurs if malerest is compounded {}} scmi-annually {is} Monthly a 1 ind the we of Pit E1996 Use gradient formula an oy 16 16 6 16 on oh ap af at al sh peo 3. 9} Define founalent worth aut ete oF return enethod. How much rupaes should yeu Aeposifuow in a tank account that gives 4% interest yer year i? you wish 10 draw 1900 per month for 10 years? Rey 1) flan isthe differen, betnicen finanvint aud evonenie analysis? Deteruine buh type mth folloeang cashflow 4) fesument~ 3,00.900 svete = 95,00 15,000 Sggmge e200 0 ial veronert BBs RR= 10% ©} Compute {RR fy using tral and emur orocess uf the Colloming, grieel, Detemnine gis ist 4 a) Seleotthe bert proposal using LAR (e*25%, MARR-20%) 14 an ao [32.3 | zoey yeae [00 [20 ine Proposal B | -7555 3050 Tania Tenn 13960" | 3900 sano | E} Stair ond explain ebout the cases of mutually exciusive, cantingeal and independent nivigely with example, Compare the folloxing sroivels ty using ropes sumption when MARR is 1 eat Project | f A Teltah apvinnd 120,000 2 [anneal evenwe {28600 130000“ Fann vests 7a _—[.070 —| ‘scial ite year 1 e ('Salvawevane [apo (p00 | “The now machine votts 10,000 apstating eost 2210 in frst year. then ineneases by 208% per yrur. Mesket sabia ts 61100 after one year and will docline by 15% each year N seers. f requited, old machine can work avatbor 3 yeurs, Market value now is 5506 srl ‘ill deckine by 25% cach your, Lnmediate overhauling Ww reslore ta operable eanditien casts 1300, Sperating cests 2000 in die Hrs: year insteases by 1500 per year Uneecfie MARR © 15% ena] 1). Find the economic service life of this machine (oe) ii) AEC of defender 25 followings. (akg Nip pe ac fai [ae ‘When stiuld she old erachtie be replaced witb the news machine. a) Enpivin decision free Analysis: “ yy Calotlate tresk-evea hours ef operstion gar year 10 become cest cyuul ard resoramended economic pump if eto e operated 3 hours daly 24 ill osd i MARR TOK per year [Fiewtrctiy cost Re Teh 7, a) Refioe depeeviation. What are the causes for KP If a machine costing of Re 1,50,000 is pucohed by wspecting nufenye value Ra-HOCD al the end a 6" your Calealate depreciation amuse fer each yours by fear] 4) sow if) Dectining balance D) Suppose an cqwipment purchased for Re H\00,000. ft is expected 10 gensrac income of Re. 3,50,000 por yeer dung 5 years and conpotate income fae rue is 25% por year. Under the recovery pariods depreciation areas follows. (6) Yee Se pas Dejreation wn 10,000 [200,000 2A eGo cz 008, THROM Cleats ATCEo ang dtermine proftzhily (I whan MARK Jo 15 ing PW method 8 Lvatuawe the OW of se following prujeet (3 tial investment = Rs. |,00,000 in constant dallers ‘Annual sales income = Rs, 40,000 + in constant goliers Annual labour cos! = Rs. 3,000 — inconstaut dolls Annual muistial X ~ Rs, 2,009 in constent dollers Annus] malerial ¥ = Rs, 1,000 in constant dollers Sslvage Value 20% ef initial investment - in constant dollers Inflation vate for sales income, labour cast, maraiale X, material ¥ and salvage valve are 5, 8%, 0%, 6% sad 3% reepoetively Lar the project pesiod. Take market interest 10% praect Life is ¢ year, erage. 0 TRREVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING p Examination Contra] Division “{FellMaris 80 ! i | Programme | | BEL BEX | Pass Marks | 32 I 2069 Poush Westen ti Subject: - Engineering Economics (CE655) _ Candidates are required (o give their answers in their own Words as far as practicable, Attempt ary Five questions. Alb questions carry equal mark. Assuane suitable data f mecessery, ¥ v ¥ ¥ 1. a) Whal ate the principles of enginaering ecanomrics? How doos it help to dacision ‘making process? bh Differantiale, between simple interest and compound interest. How many eposile cf Rs.50, 000 each shoud make per month eo that the fulure amount will ho Re 20, 09,000 if the bank inte‘osi mato iz 19% par yeos? 2 . a) An equipment cosling of Rs.5,00.000 is estimated t» have file of 10 years and ‘expected annual revenue is Rs.1,10,000 with annual cost of Rs.20,000. Determine the investment decision froin PW. AW, and FW method to this equipment when salvage valuc is X51, 00.020 and MARR is 12%. bj Use IRR method to evaluate followrig project when MARR is 20%. End ot year “[ eash flow Oo 80.000 1 2 40,000 3. 50,000, + 50,000, EJ 70,000, 3. a} Determine both typos of BIC ratie by using PW formedation, findialinvesinent (Ra) [2S000 ‘Anmutl revenuc(Rs.) [50,000 at the end of frt year ond Inaoaaing by Be 20,000 for eath yest 000 30.000 5 15% &), Recorrmend the boot aicjct fron the fitowing information by using repeattiity assurrplion when MARR ie 12%. [Project Inital sestinenTCRS)| ‘Bawvage value (R5} x . sieoet) 4, 8) Wihat'do" you replacement afelysis? Determine ine choice-between defender, and challenger wilh following information tara AEG approach when Useful life is 5 years and MARR is 10%. Cen” (Betereer ““" ““Tohatenger. ntaimengaia)_| 0, 5,09,000 [Annual ex 0,09,000 ze0007 | | Biante — [cn 2.09.00) d) Maitct Research, : : ©) Factors affecting dérmand 1 04 ‘TRIEHIUVAN UNIVERSITY (Exam. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING level Examination Control Division | programme | 2066 Magh ‘BCE, BEL, BEX, BCT. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Y Atterapt any Five questions ¥. ‘The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. Assume suitable data if necessary. 1/2) Explain the terms, socialistic economy and cash flow diagram. ial b)n the standard, card, it is observed that one unit of product ‘X, requires fixed ovethead of 2 hrs at the rate of Rs..1 S/he, During the month of February, 800 units are produced at the eotual fixed overhead of Rs. 18/hr im 1800 hours. Budgeted fixed overhead is Rs, 30,000, Perform cost variance analysis, [6] ©) Evaluate both type of B/C ratio using PW. [6] Initial cost= Rs. 25 lak’ Salvage value = Rs. 5 lakh Useful life = 10 years Annual benefits =Rs. 10 lakh Annual © & M= Rs, 5 lakh MARR=3%_ 2A Explain incremental analysis or break-even analysis. [4] yAeteet the best project using, ERR method. MARR = 18%, 2 = 12%, [8] ‘Year a T 2 a a 3 Project A | —40,000 "|"-38,000_| +35.000 | +35,000 | +35,000_{ 735,000 Project B | -60,000 | +250 | ¥40,009 | 50,000 |" +50,000_[ 475,000 Pred cost = Rs, 60 million, Variable cost/unil = Rs. 50,000, Selling price/unit = Rs, 8,000. Find BEP volume. What would be the effect on profit/loss when Sp increzses by 20%. 4 3. a) How much money should Mr Ram deposit now in a bank so that he and his saccossor can draw Rs 5000 bimonthly for infinite period? Interest rate is 12 % per yoas. [6] ') Select the best combinstion of the project where A is independent and B is contingent oC, . [i0] Project xB € Initial Investinent 40,006 | 70,000 | 50,000 Annual Revenues 45,000 | 20,000 } 20000 Annnal cost: 2,500 | 3,500 | C Useeial life (Ve) 8 8 8 The Investment is liraited to Rs, 120,000. MARR = 10%. 4, a) Panchakanya has recorded the sales of its products in different years as below. Forecast the sales for year 2020, B] Year 2001 | 3002 [3003 | 2004 | 2005 [2006 | 2007 Sales (Rs, in Million) [500 | 530 _|_575 | 675 | 650 | 700 } 780 ) Write short notes on. aay two Bx] i) Advantages of Payback Period fi) Depreciation Methods ii) Job and Process Costing Oe Explain repeetability and cotenmination assumptions. (81 YY Initial] Annual Aad Tsay, oe Project | Investuent | Revenue | Expenses | “Y) ae N [MARR (NRs.) {NRs.) (NBs) P 5000 3000 2000 1000__| # year | 12% Q 3500 2000 300 350 [4 year | 12% | Select the best (i) if study period is 10 years (ii) using capitalized worth method. (8) 8, _aY Explain tax and depreciation or decision tree, #1 OY A.machine costs Rs. 20 million and expect fo save Rs. 4 million/year, Tax rate = 50%, MARR = 10%, Evaluate the PW. fal o)/Petformn sensitivity analysis over 430% is initial cost and useful Life, Draw sensitivity diagram and interpret the result for the problem no I{c). i] 7, Define ‘Capital Recovery Cost’. Mr, Fox purchased @ motorbike which cost Rs. ,00,090. He pays 30% as down payment. Remaining amount will be paid on ingialiment basia and wishes to pay Rs. 10,000 per month for 20 months. What ennaal interest rate is he paying? b+) b) Find the value of G if i = 10% (81 oe . id aRENWANOERSITY (fem, [_Reieniiack INSTITUTE OFENGINEERING — [Level BE_ | Full Manis [80 Examination Control Divisi rogram | BCE BEL, as Market ‘sion | Progra Bekbor |PasMane | 32 ce 2065 Chaitra (Seer TBnet_[01/ {ria [3 aes oS so ~ Subject: - Engineering Economies ~-- 0 Candidates are cequites > give their answers in heir ova. words os far as practicable ¥ diterpt omy Flve questions, Y. Toe figures inthe matin indtcare Fult Marks Y, Assiome suitable daia if necessary, - ccc, “1y-8)Defieecouomie syster, Discuss biely on the cbaraceistct of ospiisicaconomy. (242) 2 Fy) Wht ato the elements of cost? Discuss briefly oo the prive costind averbad cost eH 5} ‘The fellowiag inormetion has bees chtsned fk the moors of d mannféctirke compary wing Standard costing sysresn, 8 Salad ro Sasi CO aah 2500 Warr zr 25 {(Eied ereieal rice 1ot 125 [Fiat overeat varance TOE Tob Find he Vaiances Caciudiag alts componestsh. 2), Findthe value of A ii = 150% " 120004. i | T = 5 on by, Mi. Xreesives a loan of Rs ¥20,000 from a ban! ata teres ete of £2 Ya per yeer. © ay oHe wishes to repay the fozn in monthly insatinesr with Rs 3600 por scoath, How meny Jamallnents sre novessary to comslet ais prymaeat? i i) What annual interest ratz is he paying if the Benke asts hint t9 pay Rs 5000 ptr ” month for 30 times fl 3. a), Aceastuction company needs on equiprtent whic} costs Rs 10.00.00 aad has salvage vabue ~ af Rs, 1,00,000 at the end af 19 yasrs. The aquiomer: supplier is aso willing 'o provide the ‘equipmsat on bire for Rs 1,25,CU0 yer year far 10 sears, What will yoo do? Furchess or Pre, MARR 12% (sl 10,000 sud Salvage 1) Find IRR of the following project with initial investment of the Rs Fe eee ee et pegantotes “ Operation and Maintenance an 7 i vee | oes tS oe : Drew uygeconeresdinuastinept bilaiCe 4. 8) From the following four imumally exclusive projocty recommtnend the best ont using, Payback. Brgject Pine Fast investment coxt '25,00,00,000 | 30,06,00,000. [Anuuat O 2M 7,30,00,000_——_[7,00,00,000 (seta Life 6 seus Salvage value 3,00,00,0001600,00,000 MARIC= 12 % i “Which plane is the best ane #2. infinste jernd? a f Berled BS and BCR mstioes. Ms study peiod is 3 yours end MARR~E~ 15%, 6 [iroieae z € DB lita] ivesenent 0000 70ST OI000 ‘Netansal revenue 70000 Fao TS00R == Salvage Value is 20 % of the initial investment, $2 9) Whar jsbvsaleven value? Discuss with sviable example. ts b) Nepal Alimes is planting to purebaée a Jet plane, The extimate On two types of plaas wider sconsidecation ares no ~~ d bled Gate pio Wile aed for Dus a 3), Jeb rail process dosting Drawbacks of BR Denttcition Foetore affecting demand Methods af demand analysis 4) Defise He concept of centingy, Uncertsinty and Risk : 1) Fectoor: senshiviy anclyss S¢ 4 following piolect over a raige of +30 % in J) Tatil ‘geen Met eal eas ga win al wei foumulation, i} Te 50000 - - Bs 75,000- . . Bs. 10,000 : eet ie yen, Salvage elu Be, 50,000, ~ MARE im OSC 6). Folioning deta shows tbe demavds for fish wen the prices ire as shin, Calculate. the hypothesized repression equation, What shill te the demand if the pice isset tobe Oper tt ae . ic) ‘SM [Futpe lg. | Cuantiy (tones) [SN | Fite pag | Quantity fone) U St 6 5 #2 31 eos 6 3 [35 QV Ter 7 7 $5 | Ca] sz = 71 35 j . Weite sort tes on ay four [axa Examination Control Division 4 TRIBHUYAN UNIVERSTIY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING i 2065 Kartik ~ Subject; - Enginesting, Eccnomics ~TRGE BEL, Piogtamme | ey per | PassMarks | 32 | Time [Bb AANA Candidates are required to give their aiswers in thex-eWn words 2s far as practicable. Autempt any Eive questions. . res fen as ‘The figures in the margin indicate Pul! Marks, Toke MARR = 1094 if not specified. Draw necessary cash flow diagrams, ‘Assume suitable data if necessary Select the best project. Project A Project B ‘initial Investment (Rey 3,30,006. 5,00,000 Annual reveniee (Rs) 1,960,006 2,50,000 ‘Annual expenses (RS). 5,500 1,38,000, “Useful life (years) 4 38 Salvage value at the end of useful life a o Use a) Repeatability assumption b) Study period is 4 years ©) lafinite project life a) Recommend the best usiag ERR’ meibod 20% ‘End of the cash flows (in Rs. “000) | ERR | Project 2 rota | 8 é Ewe | eo net] 200 | 302 fais sf 360 26.4% 1B | ceo] 40 | 392 | 3807] 360 .| 3B0 geo" 28.5% | C =755 [205 406 400 [350 | 390 324 b) Recommend the best using payback period for the problem ne. 28) a) Explain the mutually exclusive prej suitable examples. independent prof b) Forecast the sales for year 2010. zed contingent with Year 2000 [ 200: {2002 [ 2003 | 2008 | "Fos [ 2006 [2007 SdesRs. 000 ( 416 | 287 {307 [268 {378 {523 [457 [587 a) Calculate-varience for the follewins Standard | Actual Production units 9300 | 10,500 Direct labour hours 192,390 | 136,500 . Fixed overhead (Ra) TdsaB00 | 28,393,000 15,345,000 17,199,000 | am [ak 17 [eee (167 2] [ay {s] £10) (3) b) “Salvage value = Rs. 1,00,000 » b) Perform sensitivity analysis over 43 invesanent (ii) annual net revenve interpret the result. Initial investment = Rs. 20,000 Useful life= 10 years ‘Revenues/Year = Rs, 6,000 ‘Expenses/Yeer = Rs, 2,000 Find the requived annual receipts ‘A’ for the following investment proposal:- Initial investment = Bs. 10,00;000.: Srp iti TER a (varying in increment of 10%) in (i) initial useful life. Drew sensitivity diagram and_ © & M expenses/year = Rs. $0,000. - Fad of year T Zz 73 4 3. Benefits [ Ar70,000 | Ar80,000 | ArS90,000 | Atioo,c00 | ATi10,000 Find themnodtified 8/C rafid for the problem no. 5¢2), Explain the economic system. Find [RR and show the unrecovered invastment balance in the graphical ond tabular form. Investment (First) Cost = Rs. 2,50,000 wi Revenues/Year = Bs. 1,00.000 Expneses/Year = Rs. 30,000 Salvage Value = Rs. $0,000 . Useful He= 5 years Explein the uncertainty and its sources. Differentiate between nominal interest rate and efféctive interest rate. If monthly interest rate is 1%, what will be the quartecly iimerest cate? Explein tax and depreciation with sulteble examples. Find BEP volume for the following project: Fixed cost=Rs. 24 lakb oy Selling price = Rs. 800'per unit Seep ye Variable cost= Rs. $00 per.unit . What would be ¢ffect.on BEP, when fixed cost increases by LOY and variable decreases by 20%) C8] 144] [+4] Se - 2 a RHUVAN UNIVERSITY i Exum. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Level BE Examination Control Division Programme ; BCL 2072 Ashwin Near / Part: A01Fu Subject: - Transportation Engineering (C653) ¥ Candidates are required to give their answers in their awn words as far as practicable, Attempt Al questions. YA questions carry equal marks 4 Y. Assume suitable data if necessary. Explain the componenis of transportation system. What are the objectives of road 2 planning? 2, Mention coginecring surveys to bs carried out for highway location. Explain Preliminary Survey lor Highway location in brief. 3, Derive an expression for finding the superelevation required if the design coefficient of friction is‘. List the design steps of supeseievation. A vertical summit ourve is to be designed when we grades +1/00 and -1/45 meet on a highway. The storping sight distance and avettaking sight distance required are 210 m2 and 600 m respectively. Tut duc to site condition, the length of vertical curve has 9 be restricted to a maximan value of 750m if possiole, Caleulate the length of summit eure needed (o fulfill the requiremems oF i). Stopping sight distance fi) Overtaking sight distance or ut lonst intermediate slight distance. Discuss the result <3. Define transition curve and its nevessity in horizontal alignment, Deseribe the different -enethods of designing the Fenath of transition curve, (GA six Jane highway has a curve 350 m long and 559 m radius. The stopping sight distance and avertaking sight distance are 200 m and 400 m respectively. Find out the setback distance trom the inner edge of the toad to the obstruction for both cases A. Define highway drainage system. Describe the eanses of moisture variation in subsurface soil. Explain with neat sketches how the subsurfice drainage is provided to lower the water table and control of seeange flow. a &, What ae the design and construction problems that are associated with bill rose C Enumerate the merits and demerits of River Route and Ridge Route, LEE. What are the different types of bitumnicus motetials used in road construction? Explain briefly the test procedure of Los Angles abrassion value vf ageregate, We What are the desizble properties af bituminous mi of bitumen and its engineering application. ? Briefly explain the ductility test sontimuex car [as —— A INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING HLeve BE. | Full Marks; 30 4 Examination Control Division 2071 Bhadra Candidates are required to give Heir answers io their own words as far as practicable, Attempt Al questions. Allquesiions carry equal! marks. ‘Assume suitable data if necessary. RAK A What are the abjectives of road planning? Explain the major road pattems developed in modem urban areas. Y Wplain the factors that affect the selection of highway alignment, 3/ Derive an expression for finding tho superelovation required if the design coefficient of friction is *P. Describe briefly the various methods of providing superslevation with sketches, LY What are the curve resistance and grade compensation? Deseribe the disadvantages of heavy camber. 3/A vehicle moving in a horizomal curve at a design speed of 65 kinph, develops a centrifugal ratio of 1/5. The deflection angle at curve is 48°. Calculate: 2) radius of circular curve +) length of transition curve by rats of change of centrifugal acceleration criteria 2) total Length of composite curve Sf The deiver of a vehicle travelling at 65 kmph down a grade required 12m more stopping sight distance to stop than the driver trevelling at same speed up the same grade. If the coefficient of friction between tire and pavement is 0.38, Determine the percent grade and stopping sight dislance up the grade. \J/ Classify highway drainage. What arc the requirements of highway drainage? 8. Desoribe different types of retaining walls used in z0ad construction. List out the basis of tts selection. 9/Explain the materials used in different tayers of the road pavement, Deseribe the desirable properties of road aggregates for pavement works. 10° What are the tests to be conducted on road binders for its suitability on road construction? Describe the test procedure to dejermine the softening point of binimen.

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