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By: Dr. Jaimenito C. Go

Non-penetrating wounds: These are usually the result of blunt trauma or friction with other
surfaces; the wound does not break through the skin, and may include:

Abrasions (scraping of the outer skin layer)

Lacerations (a tear-like wound)

Contusions (swollen bruises due to accumulation of blood and dead cells under skin)

Avulsions (injuries where a section of tissue is torn off, either partially or in total)

Concussions (damage to the underlying organs and tissue on head with no significant external

Penetrating wounds: These results from trauma that breaks through the full thickness of skin;
reaching down to the underlying tissue and organs, and includes:

Stab wounds (trauma from sharp objects, such as knives)

Skin cuts or incised wounds (caused by a clean, sharp-edged object such as a knife, razor, or glass

Gunshot wounds (wounds resulting from firearms)

Miscellaneous wounds may include:

Thermal wounds: Extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, can result in thermal injuries (like
burns, sunburns and frostbite)

Chemical wounds: These result from contact with or inhalation of chemical materials that cause
skin or lung damage

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