Marco Durathon II Catalog 1978

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Revealar Luminairc
Brackets ........... 2&3 o
Reveal.Lr Luminairc ..... '1 &5
Standard Diffuser ...... 6 &7
lvall tsrncl(et! .......... 8&9
Medium Difluscr ..... 10& 1l
Full Diffusers. . . .. . .. l2 & l3
Sl'rallow Dilluscr ..... l'1 &15
Fluorcscents ........ 16 & l7
Cylindcr Brackcts .... l8 & 19
Speci{ic,rtions ....... 20 &21
N4ax securc . . . .. . . ... 20 & 2l
Trim pL.rtcs ......... 20 & 2l
Photo cells . .. . . .. ... 20 & 2l


What is Durathon
Something new under thc sun the bright idea that non-breakable
lighting can be a great deal more. Why did it seem that most lighting on
the nrarkct 1or arcas of vandalism or security had to be ugly, inefficicnt
and limited in design and application? Durathon proved it didn't and there
is consequently nothing quitc like Durathon available. There are other
poly-carbonatcs, but Durathon is unique as an extensive line of mercury
vapor, incandescent and fluorescent specification grade lighting designcd
and engineered for beauty and performance in addition to being
non-destructible. Durathon prismatic refractors and dilfusers are of
General Ele ctr ic LEXAN@, resin 303 formulated specifically for lighting
including high intensity discharge lamps lvith greater resistance to heat
and UV factors than other poly-carbonates. For cven greater rcsistance to
heat, l\4arco has shapcd the Durathon units to have a large cubic capacity,
yet to appcar deceptivcly compact. Reflector design and posilion are
cngineered in relation to optical refractor patterns to achieve an efficient
controllcd illumination. Durathon fixturcs arc avaiiable in recessed,
surface ceiling mounting, wall mounts or bracket units and aTe recom-
mendcd for ncw installations and as a rcplacement units for glass or plasLic
fixtures. Non-destructible Durathon is a well-designed, well functioning,
complete, versatile line and it is . . .economical. This is DURATHON!

Many Durathon incandescent units are available from your l\4arco stockir'rg
distributor. All units are i'actory stocked and available l'or immediate
delivuy in standard finishes. When ordering mcrcury vaporand fluorescent
units, voltage must be specified. Finish must be specified on.rll units.
Fixturcs arc U.L. Listed and suitablc 1'or damp locations. l.B.E.W. Union
made. Photometric dala is avajlable and pricing information along with
any particular additional information may be obtained from your local
l\4arco representative.

U ;i-i"+: ;r.:: .

I r" , l:i" 0
Incrndes.cnt 200rv/PS2-5
Full :irc Lcrln@ injecl on
moldecl p lrmilL c rcir ictor ol
opa c1if1u.ct in .1 squil[c lLlnin.lir'
oi t-r1r uclcd aLunrlrrunr. Fot
welL nroLrnlirrg, Lrrrit t'\1clrdcd
lrm oi crlrudecl .LlLrnrirrrtnr and
.,rsr l).rcL plJ1c. Nlounls 1o -J {)
or.i 0 o!1lr'1 box- N'louftirtg
pl.l1..1f d har dw.f . 1!rf ished.
Nlcdiunr b.1\. \oc (cl, ,rluminL m
rellcctor. Dcsigntd for J.'\1llL']ic
.rppc,r ,1\ we I .rs dLrr.rbiliLy,
thc Lrnit ls ic1c.r tor bLrilding
lrLc.rcltr. m.L Ls, coTticlots, plaza:
school: a rd collrgc\, ,f i :1nd riVic
cclrll ! or whctavcl pet lorttr.Ltrcc,rnd
J 5t' ' o ,r,1 .r...
NW ll Op,rl l) il l u,(t'r
NWPI I Pri\frrLic Rci!,r.tor
Spccilr' linish:
P low glr),(\ \vhiLr p.rinl
BI lorv glosr [. rck p.rinl
BRl 1 nrt'dirrnr LronzJllte
Si\ ialin.rlumlnLrm
Elurnthon II

Revealar Luminaire Brackets

B1/n "

Lq' l1
Ln" ,i' )

/\4ercury Vapor 17 5wlBf 28 I ncandescent I 00/1 50WA21 l\4ercury Vapor 1 00w/821

Full size Lexan@ injection molded Medium size Lexan@ injection l\4ediu m size Lexan@ injection
prismatic refractor is regressed ;n a molded prismatic refractor is molded prismatic refractor is
square luminaire of extruded alu m in um. regressed in a square luminaire regressed in a square luminaire
For wall mounting, unit has extended of extrudcd alu rn inum. For of extrudcd alu m in um. For
arm of extruded aluminum and cast wall mounting, unit has extended wall mounting, unit has extended
back plate. l\4oun1s to 3-0 or 4-0 arm of cxtrLrded aluminum and arm of ertruded alu m in um and
outlet box. l\4ounting plate and cast back plate. Mounts to 3-0 cast back plate. l\4ounts to 3 0
hardware furnished. l\4ogul base socket, or 4-0 outjct box. l\4ounting or 4-0 outlet box. Mounting
aluminum reflector. Auto stabilized plate and hardware furnished. plate and hardware furnished.
core and coil, h.p.f., -20o Mediu m basc socket, aluminum l\4ediu m base sockel, alu m inum
starting, ballast and capacitor. reflector. Designed for aesthetic reflector. Designed for aesthetic
Designed for aesthetic appcal as well appeal as well as durabi ity, appeal as well as durability,
as durability and peformance, the un it is ideal for building facades, the un it is ideal for building facades,
the unit is ideal for building facades, malls, corridors, convention cenlers, malls, corridors, convention centers,
civic centers, schools & collegcs, au d itoriu ms, industrial parks, plazas, au ditoriu ms, industrial parks, plazas,
plazas, mails, corridors, convention schools and collcges, art and civic schools and collegcs, art and civic
centers or wherever performance and ccnters or wherever performancc and centers or wherever pcrformance and
design are as important as endurance. are as important as endurance. de.ign
"r, impo'tant .-r. . durorce.
NN4WP11 PrismaticRefractor NWP21 PrismaticRefractor NN4WP21 PrismaticRefractor
Specify finish: Specify finish: Specify finish:
P low gloss white paint P low gloss white paint P low gloss white paint
BL low gloss black paint BL low gloss black paint BL low gloss black paint
BRZM mediu m bronzalite BRZI\4 mediu m bronzalite
o 31" ::*':[:l::'J"" SA satin alu m inum SA satin alu m inu m



Incan.ic5cent 200W/A23
Full sizc Lcxar'r@ in jccllon moldcd
prismatic refraclot ot opal
diffuscr rcgressed in a square luminaire
designed !vith ccillng reveal.
I-or ceiling mou nting,
aesthctica 1y appcaling, unit
is designed for
app ications !vhel-c appearilncc
rs important as durability.
For oflicc and public bullding,
hosp it.lLs, schools, shopping centcrs,
libraries, hoLels, and banl(s.
Fixlurc mounls to 3 0 or ''1-0
outleL box. FiberBlas lnsulation,
strap and nccc5sar,v mou nting
har dware furnished. N'leclium base
socket, alLrm inu m relleclor.
NG11 Opal Diffuset
NGPI l Prismatic Refractor
Specilv fin ish:
P low g oss white paint
BL low gloss black paint
BRZM mcdium bronzalite
SA satin alumin u m
lllurqthon If

Revealar Luminaire

11' I
11" I

Mercu 11, Vapor l75Wi BT28 lncandescent I 00/ l 50W/A2l 1\4ercury Vapor I 00W/821
Fu size Lexan@ injection nroldecl A4edium Lexan @ irrjcction nrolcied l\4edium Lexan@ injection mo ded
prlsmatic rcfraclor egrcssed prismaLic I efl :Lctor r'egr es\cd prisrnalic [c fr.rctor reBressed
in squarc luminaire designcd in squlre lLrminaire clcs iBn od in sq uare luminairc designed
wlth cei ilrg rcveirL. rvith cei ing reveai. wil h cciling reverL.
For ceiling mounting, For cciling nrounting, For cclling m ou n1ing,
.rcsthctical y, ifg, Lr nit acsthelical y appea iIg, Uftit aeslheticil y appea inB, unit
is designed for is designcd for i5 designed lor
rpplicdtions whcrc appcarance applications rvhele appearance app lcitions ivherc appcaTance
is as inrportant ls durabilitl'. is as important as clurabilitl'. is asimporlanl as durabi ity.
For rapid transiL, bus and ldeal for pu blic buidings, Exce ent for inlerior or
air teIm inaLs, oLhcr pu blic transportat jon terminals, schools Ertcrior app lications airports
bLri ding, shopping ma s, olficc buidings, civic cenlo.s, military bases, banks, th eate rs
sc l'r oo ls and civic ccn tcrs. hotcls, storcs and shopping rralls. mu5ic and art ccnters.
Fixture mounts to 3 0 or 4 0 Fixture mounts to 3 0 or.,l 0 Fi\ture mo!nts to 3 0 or .i-0
outlcl bo\. FibcrBlrs insulalion, outlet bo\. Fiberglas insulation, out et box. Fibcrg as insu ation,
strap ancl necessar_v m ou nting strap and nccessary mounting slrap and ncccssar\, moLrnling
hardrvlrc' lurnished. MoBLr base har dwar e l\4cdium base hardivare ltrrnishcd. l\4ediu m base
socket, alLrm inLrm reflector. socket, aluminum reflector. socl(et, .ilu m int] m rel ector.
NN4GP11 PrismaLicRcflactor NGP2l PrismnticRefr.rctor NMGP2I Prismal ic Rcfr actor

Specily finish: Specily Iinish: Specily fin ish:

P loiv g oss whlte paint P orv gloss rvhite palnt P ow gloss whitc paint
BL low g oss black paint BL loiv g oss b ack paint BL ow gloss black paint
B RZN4 mcd iu m bronzalite B RZ]\4 med iu m bronzalitc BRZM mediu m bronza ite
SA satin aluminum SA satin alu m in um SA satin alu m in um


4Y4 I
5Y2 "

_l l

B3/a" lu*"1

Single lncandescenl - 100 watt/A19 Single lncandescent - 00 watt/A1 9 Single lncandescent 100 watt/A19
Concealed steel socket Pan The ultimate in durability; ahis Steel surface col:ar with
Lexan@ injection molded prismatic unit features a cast grounded convenience outlet &
refractor or opal diffuser. For wall alu minum surface conduit collar k.o. for optional roggle switch.
or ceiling mou nting. Casketed with four %" N.P.S. threaded ldeal for rest-rooms & camp grounds,
for interior or exterior in:tallation. openings and four plugs. and other locations where the
De(ordtive malle black or wood grair Lexan@ injection molded prismatic convenience outlet is essential.
vinyl irim plates available. ldeal refractor or opal diffuser. For wall Lexan@ injection molded prismatic
for schools, rest-rooms, motels or ceiling mounting. Gasketed refractor or opal diffuser. For wall
fjxture js ideal for schools, or ceiling mou nting. Casketed
dormitories, public garages
parks, restrooms or any fixture is suitablc for interior
apartment houses, hosPi!als,
detention centars, PlaYgrounds, interior or exterior instaltation. or exterior installation.
parks and recreation centers. Regular screws Regular screws
Regular screws N3 Opal Diffuser N5 Opal Diffuser
Nl Opal Diffuser NP3 Prismaticrefractor NP5 Prismaticrefractor
NP1 Prismaticrefractor Max-secure tamperproof lMax-secure tamperproof

l\4ax-secure tamperproof
N4 Opal Diffuser N6 Opal Diffuser
N2 Opal Diffuser NP4 Prismaticrefractor NP6 Prismaticrefractor
NP2 Prismaticrefractor Specify finish: Specify finish:
Optional accessories, sPecifY
P low gloss white paint P low gloss white Paint
Rl Rectifier* BL low gloss black paint BL low gloss black Paint
NT82 Btask trim Plate (N1,NP1) BRZM medium bronzalite BRZM medium bronzalite
NT84 Black trim plate (N2,NP2) SA satin aluminum Optional accessories, sPecifY
NTW2 Walnui trim Plate (Ni,NP1) Optional accessories, specify SW Toggle switch
NTW4 Walnul rrim plare (N2,NP2) R1 Rectifier* R1 Rectifier+

*Rectifier furnished but not

preassembled in fixture ot foctory.
Elurothon II



Standard Diffuser

3/a' 47h


17 v,'
1 sv," l

Mercury Vapor . 50 watt/E l7 Dual lncandescent - 2/100 watt/A19 Dual lncandescent - 2110O watflAl9
Cast surface box contains auto Lexan@ injection molded prismatic Lexan@ injection molded prismatic
stabilized high power factor ballast rcfractors or opal diffusers refractors or opal diffusers
and capacitor -20o starting. mounted side by side on steel mounted in tandem on steel
Socket is medium base. For wall surface plate. Gasketed, unit is surface plate. For vertical
or ceiling mounting, fixture is gasketed shipped in three parts for wall mounting, ideal for aside
for exterior or intcrlor installation. convenience of installation. doorways, mirrors, in corridors
Prismitic refractor ls For apartments, motels, schools, & stairways or as a decorative
inlection molded Lexan@. bu5 stations and public buildings. addition to building facades.
Voltage must be specified ldeal above mirrors, adjacent Gasketed, shipped in three parts
Cast surface collar and doorways, on stairways for convenience of installat;on.
Durathon lens combine to make unit or for added light off Rectifiers are available as
idcal fol remotc or high vandalism alleyways or olher dark areas. optional, specify R1.
areas sttch as parks, public Regular screws Regular screws
restrooms, ;nstitutions, apartment & N15 Opal Diffuser N25 Opal Diffuser
public housing com p lexes. NP15 Prismaticrefractor NP25 Prismaticrefractor
Regular screws Max-secure tamperproof Max'secure aamperproof
Nl\4 P3 Prismalic ref'ractor N16 Opal Diffuser N26 Opal Diffuser
l\4ax-secure tam perproof NP16 Prismaticrefractor NP26 Prismaticrefractor
NMP4 Prismaticrefractor Specify finish: Specify finish:
Specify finish: P low gloss white paint P low gloss white paint
P low gloss white paint BL low gloss black paint BL low gloss black paint
BL low gloss black paint BRZM medium bronzalite BRZM medium bronzalite
BRZM medium bronzalite Optional accessories, specify Optional accessories, specify
SA satin alum inum Rl Recrifier* R] Rectifier*


| . n"' --l l

I nr," I

lncandescent - 100 watt/A19 Mercury Vapor - 50 watt/E17

Designed to withstand extreme abuse, Heavy cast aluminum wall bracket with
cast aluminum wall bracket with a shallow cast ballast compartrnent affixed
standard size prismatic refractor or and gasketed on top of the bracket.
opal diffuser of injection molded Aulo stabilized core and coil
Lexan@ is for wall mounting. h.P.f. ballast and capacitor,
Fixture is aesthetically pleasing '20o starting. For 120 volls onlY.
and well suited to compliment Standard size injection molded
contemporary architecture, yet Lexan@ photometricallY designed
is ideal for isolated areas or prismatic ref ractor, This attractivg
those subjected to heavy vandalism. mercury vapor un;t is ideal for
N4edium base socket. Photo cell isolated or lhose areas subjected
mounted in the top of the bracket to heavy vandalism where appearance
optional for
is available as is important, as well. l\4edium
automatic light control, speciFy PC. base porcelain socket. Photo cell
Regular Screws mounted in the top of the fixture
NBl Opal diffuser optional for
is available as
NBPl Prismatic refractor automatic light control, specify PC
Regular Screws
N4ax-secu re Tamperproof
NBz Opal diffuser
Nl\48P1 Prismaticrefractor
NBPz Prismaticrefractor \4ax-secure Tampet proof
Specify finishl
NMBP2 Prismaticrefractor
P low gloss white paint Specify finishi
BL low gloss black Paint P low gloss whiae Paint
BRZI\4 mediumbronzalite BL low gloss black Paint
SA satin aluminum BRZM medium bronzalite
For optional accessories, sPecifY: SA satin alu inum

R1 Rectifier For optional accessories, sPecify:

PC Photoelectric cell PC Photoelectric cell
lllurothon If

Wall Brackets



I B%

Lry", 1

lncandesccnt - 100/1 50/200*W l\4ercury Vapor -- watt/B2l lncandescent '- 1 00 watt/A1 9
l\4edium size prismatic rfractor l\4edium size prismatic refractor is A wall mount with a concealed socket
of injection molded Lexan@ has a mounted on a heavy cast bracket. pan. Attractive stecl shroud forms
deceptlvely large cubic capacity Auto stabilized core and coil, h.p.f., A roof over the standard size
for maximum heat dissipation. Refractor -20o starting, ballast and capacitor prismatic refractor or opal diffuser.
is mounted on a hcavy cast aluminum arc mounted in a cast tapercd dome Light is projected downward. The
bracket. Weathertight, fully enclosed and enclosure affixed on the roof decorative shroud is available
gasketed. Medium base socket. of the fixture. Socket is med;um base. in black, bronze or white painted finjsh.
t'200 watt unit is furnished with Unit combines appealing design, Finish must be specifjed.
a rectifier, but is not pre assembled efficiency of performance with extreme Unit is recommended for building
at factory. Photo cell mounted in the durability. Photo cell mounted in top facades, corridors, malls, theaters,
top of the bracket is available as of the bracket is avilable as optional arenas, churches, lobbies, civic
optional 1or automatic light control, for automatic Iight control, specify PC. center5, muSeumSJ reStaurants, lounge5,
specify PC. Fixture mounts to Fixture is recommended for facades, stairways, doorways and entrances
3-0 or 4-0 outlet box. For wall docks, rears of buildings, corridors, or wherever a decorative, but
mounting, only. Specify finish. stairways, malls, adjacent entrances durable downward projection
Regular Screws and doorways. l\4ounts to 3-0 or 4-0 wall mounted fixture is required.
NBP21 100/1 50 watt box. Voltage must be specified. Regu lar Screws
NBP21R 200 warr Reguiar Screws NK.l Opal diffuscr
l\4ax-secure Tamperproo I Ni\4821 Prismaticrefractor NKPl Prismaticrefractor
NBP22 100/ I 50 watt l\4ax-secure Tam perproof Max securc Tamperproof
NPB22R 200 watt Nl\4 822 Prismatic refractor NK2 Opal diffuscr
Specify finish: Specify finishr NKP2 Prismaticrefractor
P low gloss white paint P low gloss white paint Specify shroud fin ish:
BI low gloss black paint BL low gloss black paint P low gloss white paint
BRZI\1 mediumbronzalite BRZI\4 mediumbronzalite BL low gloss black paint
SA satin alum in um SA satin alum inum BRZ/VI med ium bronzalire
For optional accessories, specify: For optional accessories, specify: For optionai accessories
PC Photoeiectric cell PC Photoelectric cell R1 Rectificr


lnc,rndesccnl 150 ot 200f ivatt

Surlacc mount wllh ,1 concca ed
5ockel p,ln. For rvl I ot
cci ing mounting. Compa.l
medlum slze pr ismalic reil.lctol
hns deccplivelv latgc cu bic
cap.cit\, ior nr,l\lmLlm heilt
dissip,rLio n. Refrilctot is
gncd for conLrolled
disLr ibLrtic.rn. For
150 wirtt A2l anrp. Uf il
is avlilable with relractor
for 200W A23 l.tmp.
Rcctlfier is fut nishcd bttt
not prc-assemblcd at tor \'.
Fi\ture is rccommer-rd cd
for general Lrs.lgc as well
as whcrc v:ln d,lli5m Posc5
l problem. ldea lot schools
:.,t :.: ."
plll ,rrcas, p! b lic reslroonrs
'...' .;:.. motels, pu bllc housirrg, brr!
,ri .i & repicl tr,rnsit sl,rtions.
?" 4::
RcgLr aT Screws
l}i: ,: NP21 l50wiA21
NP21 R',i' 200\viA23
l\,1ax secu tc I lnrpetptoof
NP22 I 50WiA2l
NP22Rx 200W/ A23
'' ll.r1if icr lulrlshcd, but
rot Pre.lslcnlbled.
lllurqthon If

Medium Diffusers

53/a 5Y4

I nr""

I no" "

lncandescent 150 or 200* watt Mercury Vapor 100 watt82l l^",",

Surfdce mount vr'ith either a A surface mounted unit with
cast condujt pan with four a recessed bal ast housing.
%" I.P.S. openings and plugs or a Housing is .060 aluminu m lncandescent I50 or 200* watt
steel conduit pan with four and contains auto-stabilizcd A wal mount with a concealed
knock outs. For wall or core and coil h.P.f., -20o socket pan. SteeL shroud
ceiling mounting. lnjection molded startlng ballast & capacitor. forms a roof over prismatic
medium size lexaf@ prismatic Ballast housing is complete retractor lor downward
refractor has deceptively large with plaster frame and universal light disI ibution. Lexan@
cubic capacity for maxmiurn heat hanger brac kets and mounts medium s ize refractor has
dissipation. For 200 watt unit above ceiling line. The concea ed dcceptivel)' large cubic
rectified is furnished, but not sockct pan mou nts below capacity lor maximum heat
preassembled at the factory. ceiling to plate on bal ast dissipation. Decorative
housing. Prismdtic refractor shroud is avaiLable in black,
Cast conduit pan w/regular screws
secures with regular or bronze or white painted
NP2',rC 150W/A2l
finish and is excellent
N P2',l CR* 200W/A23 Max-secure tampcrproof screws.
't Socket is medium base. Ballast for corridors, stairways,
Cast conduit pan w/l\4ar secure
housing has 64" of SF'2 wire bus tcrminal5 or wherever
NP22C r s0W/A2 r and /:" flex conncctor. FoT a decorative, but durable
I NP22CR* 200WA23
junction box prewired and wall fixture is required.
Steel conduit pan tv/Regular screws
attached, specify J before cat. Regular screws
NP2lCP I50W/A21
NP2',l CPR *
200W lA23
No. For cei ing mounting only. NKP21 ts0W/A21
Fixture combines the advantages N KP2t R'r 200W lA23
Steel conduit pan w/]\y'ax secure of a concealed pan design
NP22CP I5OW/A2I with mercury vapor illu m ination Max-secure Tamperproof
NP22CPR* 200W/A23 Regular screws
NKP22 t 50WA21
NKP22R* 20AW lA23
Specify finish: NMHP2l Prismalicrefractor
P ow gloss whltc paint Max secu Te tamperproof Specify shroud finish:
BL low gloss black paint NMHP22 Prismaticrefractor P low gloss white paint
BRZM med iu m bronzalite For optiona accessories, specify: BL low glcss black paint
SA satin aluminurn (cast only) J Prewired junction box BRZi\4 med iu m bronzalite



lnclndcscen I 100/200i 300 wrtl

Reccsscd squlte, hclvr steel housing,
whlte b.rkcd L'narlel finish, 05al ctchcd
a lLrm lnu m rcflcclor, exlr udcd die

fornlcd plaster lrlme lor f1" gtound,

d rt.r ''" "or ''' r.\"'
mediunr blsc sockcl. Unit is sland,trd
urrrvlred rvith i1" 1lex conncctor' l ot
optiorta! prcrvited i box mounled
on plaster' fiamc, spt'cify "i" belorc
cat. nit. For optiolr,t "C" channels,
spccilv Bl1-3;for 25" sliding bar
hang| s, spccil\' Bll-'1. Die cast
lrim secl]lcd with torlion spl]n8!.
Tursion Sptings
NS3 TN11 OPal Dilluser
NS3-TNP 1 t Prismatlc Refriclor
NS3-TN]2 OPal Diltttscr
NS3 TNPl2 Pt ismatic Reft.tclor
Specify F inish:
P low glos! whlte Paint
BL lo\ gloss bl.rck Paint
BRZNl mcdirrm bron/aiite
SA s.ltin alu min url-l
Optional Accessoricj, specilv:
J Prewired jrrfction bo\
NL Nighl ligh t
BH3 Channcl hangcrs
Bll rl Ad just.rb Lc harrgcrs
lllurothon If

Full Diffusers

6Y, "

lncandescenl 4 60,415,2'100 watt lncandescenl 4-60,4-75,2 I00 watt Mercury Vapor 175 watt/8T28
A surface mount rvlth a stecl pan lhat Surface mount with concealed socket Recessed square steel housinS,
has four knock-outs for conduit entry pan. Units for 75 watt lamps alu m inu m reflector, plaster frame
75 watt lan]p units have a rectil'ier have a rectifier furnishcd but not for %" ground, universal hanger
furnished but not pre assenbled at the pre-assembTed in lixture at the factory. brackets, mogul basc socket. Constant
factorv. Fixture mounls to 3'0 or 4 0 Urir' mouni to t 0 or ,1 0 outlcr bor. wattage auto stabilized core and coil,
outLet box and is for ceiling mounting Designed for ceiling mounting, fixture h.p.f. 20o starting, ballast & capacilor
cither interior ol exterior installation. is enclosed and gasketed, suitable mounted in remote die cast enclosure
Recommcnded lor schools, hospitals, for erterior as wellas intcrior use. and wired to flxture. Supplied with 6,1"
stores, malls, llan l< s, airports, ldeal for canopies, marquees, corridors, of 1,1 gauge SF-2 wire in /:" connector.
motels, hotcls, mcdical centers, ovcrhangs or general applications in For optional iunction box prewired to
ol'fices & other public buildings. schools, hospitals, stores, security ballast, specify J before Cat. No.
institutions, dorms, recreation centers, Die,",l Irim Irarre.ecured \\ilh Ior.ion
Regular Scrervs
apartment houses and public buildings. springs. Volta8e must be specified.
Nl lCP 160 opal
NP11CP 604 prismatic Regular Screws Torsion Springs
N11CPR+ 4-75 opaL N1l 4 60 opal NMS33R-TN11 Opal Dil'fuser
NPl l CPR+ 4-75 prismatic NPll 460 prismatic NN4S33R-TNP1 1 Prisrnatic Rcfractor
Nl3CP 2 100 opal N11R* 4-75 opal Tam perprool'
NP 13CP 2-l 00 prismaLic NPl1R* 475 prismatic NN4533R-TN 12 Opal Diffuser
Miix sccure Tamperproof
N13 2- 100 opal NMS33R-TNP1 2 Prismatic Refractor
NP l3 2 140
N12CP ,1-60 opal prismatic
Specify T[im Finish:
NP12CP 4 60 prismalic Max securc TampeIproof P lorv gloss white paint
NI2CPR* 4-75 opaL N12 4 60 opal BL low gloss black paint
NP l2CPR* 4-75 prismatic NP,I2 4 60 prismatic BRZM mediu m bronzalitc
N14CP 2 '100 opal N12R* 1-7 5 opal SA satin alum inu m
NP14CP 2 100 prismatic NPl2R'F 415 prismatic Oplional Accessories, specify:
Specify Finish: N'14 2-100 opal J Prewired junction box
P low gloss white paint NP] 4 2-100 prismatic NL N ight llght
BL lorv gloss black paint Optional Accessories, specify: BH3 Channel hangers
BRZI\4 mediumbronzalitc CP Conduit Pan (indicate finish) BH,+ Adjustablehangers



l$4i "'"

lncandescen t 100/150 watt A21

Recessed square, heavy :teel housing
whitc baked enamel Iinish,.050 etched
alu minLrmreflector, extrudcd die
formed plaster frame for %" ground,
adiustable univer sal hanger brackets,
medium base socket. Unit is standard
unwired with /2" flex connector. For
optional prewired j-box mounted
on plaster frame, specify "J" before
cat. no. For optional "C" channels,
speciiy BH-3;for 25" sliding bar
hangers, specify BH-4. Die cast
trim secured with torsion springs.
Torsion Springs
NS2'TN7 Opal Diffuser
NS2-TNP7 Prismalic Refractor
Tam perproof
NS2"TN8 Opal Dlttuser
NS2-TNP8 Prismatic Refractor
Specify Trim Finish:
P lorv gloss white paint
BL low gloss black paint
BRZM mediu m bronzalite
SA satin alum in um
Optional Accessories, specifY:
J Prewired junclion box
NL N ight light
BH3 Channel hdngers
BH4 Ad justabLe hangers
lllurqthon If

Shallow Diffuser




l\4crcury Vapor 100 or 1 75 watt lncandescent 100/ 150 watt A21 l\4ercury Vapor 100 watt 82'l
Housing and trim are same as the Surfacc mount with a shallow square Surface mount \vith a shallow square
incandescent units except with integral steel ceiling pan. Clean well ballast housing. Aluminum ref lector,
or refirotc h.p.f. ballasl & capacitor proportioncd design make this medium base porcelain socket. Ballast
wire to fixture with 64" of 14 gauge decorative fixture an ideal unit is constant wattage aulo stabilized
SF-2 rvire in %" flex connector. Die where aesthetic appeal is as core and coil high power factor
cast remote enclosure mounted essential as durabilityl Suitable with -20o starting temperature.
on plaster frame. For J box prewired to for both interior and exterior Voltage must be specified. Unit
ballasl, specify j before Cat. No. applications. Recommended is designed for aesthetics as well
Voltagc must be spccified. for public buildings, motels, as durability and is ideally suitqd
hotels, airports, museum s, for art, music and civic centers,
100W 1E231/, Torsion Spring
NMS22'TN7 opaljintegral shopping malls, schools, libraries, public buildings, police
recreation centers) hospitals, stations, convalescent hospitals,
NMS22-TNP7 prismatic,integral
ban ks, commercial buildings, shopping centers and malls, schools
Nlr4s22R-TN7 opal,remote
NMS22R-TNP7 prismatic,remote military bases, bus stations, and colleges, recreation centers, airports,
apartments, public housing. bus stations, nnd other transportation
100W/E23% Tam perproof Optional rectifier is available. term inals, industrial parks, banks,
N|\4S22-TN8 opal,integral
NM522-TNP8 prismatlc,integral
Rectifier not pre-assembled. 'lor( ,i'd orher . ommer. i, buidi.g,.
Regular Screws or wherever an attractive mercury
Nl\4S22R-TN8 opal,rernotc vapor surlace lixture is needed.
N7 Opal diffuser
NM522R-TNP8 prismatic,remote
NP7 Prismatic rcfractor Regular Screws
175w/8T28 Torsion Spring
Nl\4S23-TN7 opal,integral Max-secure Tamperproof Nl\49 Opal diffuser
NlMS23'TNP7 prismatic,integral N8 Opal diffuser NMP9 Prismaticreiractor
Nl\4S23R-TN7 opal,remote NP8 Prismatic refractor l\4ax-secure Tamperproof
Nl\4523R-TNP7 prismatic, rcmote Specify in ish: NM10 Opal diffuser


175WBT28 Tamperproof P low gloss white paint NMP'10 Prismatic refractor

NMS23-TN8 opal,intcgral BL low gloss black paint Specify Finish:
Nl\4523-TNP8 prismatic,integral BRZI\4 mediu m bronzalite P low gloss white paint
Nl\4S23R-TN8 opal,remote Optional Accessories, specify: BL Iow gloss black paint
Nl\4S23R-TNP8 prismatic, remote R1 Rectifier BRZM med iu m bronzalite


L Ea'/e" l

Fluorescent Single unit, one or two 40watt/Tl2 lamps

Formed Lexan@ opal pebbled diffuser or prismatic refractor
is completel), weathersealcd and gasketed in clst aluminum end platcs
Sultab c for usc in damp locations. Back platc i5 extruded
alumlnum. Rapid st,rrl H.P.F., class P ballast raLed 50o
is standard. Ballast rated 0o is available as optional
Fixture is dcsigned to mount to 3 0 or 4-0 outlet box. Key
slots are provided in back plate for additional support screws.
For surface conduit wiring optionaL l:" cot'tduit opcnings
arc availablc for %" conduit entrv in one cnd plate
spccify C1 ;for two [" conduit cntries, one in e:rch
end pLate, specify C2. Fluorescent units are availab e
for 120 or 277 volrs. Voltage and finish must bc specilied.
Single Fixture
N,l0 opal NP40 prismatic I 40W/l-12 Tegular screws
N4l opal NP41 prismatic I -40W/T12 Max-secuTe screws
N42 opal NP42 prismatic 2'4AW lI12 Regular screws
N43 opal NP43 prismatic 2 40W lf12 N4ax-secure screws

Specify finish:
P low gloss white paint BLK lolv gloss black paint
BRZMmedium bronzalite SA satin aluminunr
For optional accessories, specil,v:
C1 %" conduit entry in one cnd Platc
C2 %" conduit entties in two end pLates
Oo ballast rated at 0oF.
Elurothon If

Fluorescent Single & Continuous

Fluorescent Continuous units, one or two ,10 watt/T12 lamps

Fixtures are idcntical to single units cxcept designcd for dual landem
mounting or for continuous run mounting. Scctions are joincd with cast
aluminum yoke and secured with regular or tamperproof captive screws.
Unit easily relamped, yoke is unscrewed, paneJ in eilhel direction
removed simply by pushlng back stcel spring rctaining platc that
holds dilfuser in place after yoke is removed. For duaL tandenr
unit mount one starter and one end section. For continous run, moLrnt
one starter section, any numbcr of ccnler sections and onc end section.
I Continuous unit
Starter sectio
N50ES op.r NPsOES prismatic l40W/II2 regu lar
N51ES opal NP51ES prismatic 1 ',10W1 1 2 l\4ar secure
N52ES opal NP52ES prismatic 2 40WlIl2 rcgu lar
N53ES opaL NP53ES prismatic 2-1OWlT12 N4ar secure

Center section Continuous unit Single or.ontinuous units are recommended

N50 op.ll NP50 prismatic 1-,10WIl 2 regu lar for tunnels, Lrnderpasses, parking garages
N51 opa NP51 prismatic I 40W/T12 l\4ax secure warehouses, dock5, terminals, industrial
N52 opal NP52 prismatic 2-40V1lI12 regu lar parks, institu tions, corridors, subrvays,
N53 opa NP53 prismatic 2 40WlI12 l\4ax secure For wall as wel .rs ceiling installation,
End section Continuous unit fixtures ma,v be used in dormitories,
N50EF opal NP50EF prismatic r 040wTr 2 reBU lar hospitals, motels and on building facades.
N51EF opal NP5l EF
prismatic r-40w/T r 2 Mar secure Availablc in satin aluminum or rvhite, black
N52EF opal NP52EF prismatic 2.4AW lT12 rcSu ar or bronze painled finish. 120 or 277 volt.
N53EF opa NP53EF prlsmatic 2.4AW lr12 Tini.n.ncl \olr,gc'nL'l br .pe. l'.d.

L 45/s"


lncandesccnt I 00 watt
Ceiling mounL 9" opaL or
pIismatic molded Lexan@ cylinder
is threadcd to 1it cast ceiling socket
holder. N4ounts to 3-0 or '1 0 bor,
mounting strap al'td all
necessary hardware is furnished.
For interior or cxterior use
A generaL all pu[pose unit that ]s
ideal lor restrooms, entrances,
portico!, piirk buildinSs and schools
Fixture is also available in opal glass.
Regu lar
B5N Opal
B5NP Prismatic
Tamper proof
B5NTX Opal
85NPTX Prismat ic
Specify finish:
P low paint
gLoss wh ite
BL paint
Low gloss black
BRZM mediu m bronzalite
SA satin alu min um
Elurqthon If

Cylinder Brackets

I 7Ya

l l
L,, _l 1.,,1
lncandescen t 60 watt lncandesccnt 1 00 watt lncan descen t 60 watt
Ceiling mount 7" opal or Wall mount bracket is available Wall mount, T" opal or
prismatic moldcd Lexan@ cylindcr with 9" opal or prismatic prismatic molded Lexan@ cylinder
is threadcd to iit cast ceiling socket molded Lexan@ cylindrical is threaded to fit heavy cast wall
holder. Mounts to 3-0 or,1-0 box, diffu5er threaded to fit bracket. Optional pin switch
mounting strap and all heavy cast brackel. Unit is and groupded convenience out et
necessary hardware is furnishcd. dcsigned for interior or exterior are available. For general
For interior or exterior use. applications and is ideal interior or exterior applications.
A genera all purpose unit that ls for use on building facades fir.ture i. also.rrail"ble in op,il gld*.
ideal for rcstrooms, entral'lces, adjacent doorways, in corridors Regular
pnrtito.. par . 0.. .oing' d ..hoo'. for malls or restaurants. B2N
i...l.o:ra rb c "rr op.r gld*.
Fi\rLrr. fir.ture i. al,o aiail"bl< in opal gl"*. B2NP Pr ismatic
Regu lar Regular Tam perproof
BlN Opal B6N Opa B2NTX Opa
Bl Prisrnatic B6NP Prismatic B2NPTX Prismatic
Tam perproof Tam perproof Specify finish:
BlNTX Opal B6NTX Opal P low gloss white paint
Bl NPTX Prismatic 86NPTX Prisrnatic BL low gloss black pajnt
Specify finish: Specify finish: BRZA4 rnediurnbbronzalire
P low gloss wh ite paint P low gloss white paint SA satin alun'r inu m
BL loiv gloss black paint BL low gloss black paint For optionai ac Le\\urie\, specify:
BRZM med iu m bronzalite B R Z]\'1 medium bbronzalite SW Pin Switch
SA satin aluminum SA satin aLuminum co3 Convenience outlet
properties with tremcndous impact resistance' lt has
LEXAN@ - This General Electric poly-carbonate resin combines excellent optical
high total transmitaance, low haze and is free of optical distortion. lt is virtually impossible to break.
lt has an outstandil'lg
orygen enrichecl atmosphere to mairttain combustion. Leran@ gtade 30:l used in Durathon
flJmmabiiity rating rcquiring a 25%
fixture5 is designeJ for usc in high intensity discharge Iamp applications as well as othcr liShting lt
oflers improved perl'ormance
and refractors arc designed with
against discoloraLion in higher heat and UV applications up to I l0oC. Marco Durathon diffusers
and fluorcscent diffusers and refractors,
d"eceptively large cubic capacity to further insure hcat clissipation. Except for the cylindrical
all Durathon units have injecrion molded oplically cngineerecl clear prismatic relractors or lranslucenl opaL diffusers
prismatic refractor or ribbed opal diffuser and texture does nol allow 1ol dccals, raised or painlccj graphics
fjxtures have extruded
with alLrminum
Recessed Units have square heavy gauge steel housing with bonderizeri white baked enamcl finish. Complcte
plaster frame )i" ground and univetsal hanger brackets iorvertical adiustmcnt Trim is die
reflector, lrxtruded aluminum die formeJ
cast aluminum with torsion spring hinging. lncanclesccnt units have medium base
porcelain sockets, /u" ller conncctor wilh 64" of l4
junctionboxmountetitoplastcrframe,specifyJ.Nlcrcur,vVaporhavemcdiumot mogul b;rse sockets, as
gauge AF wire;fbr prewired
enclosurc rtounlcd on plastcl franle. Enclosurc has heal dissipation
indoutad r"it,n ilrtegral ballast ot remote die cast aluminun'r ballast
fins and thermal barrier separating ballast from capacitor. N4V fixture is wir ed lo ballast and srrpplicd lvith 6'4" of 14 gauge SF 2 wire

in %" flex connector. For optional junclion box prewired to ballast and mounted on plaster lrame, specify J.
gaskcted for extcrior lnstallalion.
Surface mount All units mount to standard 3-0 or 4-0 outlet boxcs and .ue fully cnclosed and
Necessary mounting hardrvarc is lurnished, however, for full protcctior'r against vandalism and in order to nlect provilion of Durathon
guarantee additional support screws should be installed in lroles provided Surface unils are.rvailiLble in bolh l\4V rnd incandescence
with conccaled sockcL pan, stcel surlacc pan, cast surlace pan or revealar luminaire design. Steel patl has forrr knock{uts 1'or conduit
enlry and cilsl pan has lour N.P.S tappcd holes and plugs
Wall brackets - Dutable cast aluminurn con5ttuction available in both Ilur,l1l'lolr stand.lld and rnedium sirc
l\4ounls to standard oullet
bor, fully enclosed and gasl(eted. l\4V units have top mountcd ballast cnclosurc designed with gcomellic form ilnd plolloltion lo
enhance the fixtutes appearancc. Revcalar blackets squarc luminaire and cxten.led arm ale ol cxtludecl a uminLlm constructlon.

Rectifiers - are available for incanclescent fixtutes wherc indicatcd. For convenience tcctifiers are ]lol
prc'a\scmhled and should be
rvired in fixture at time of installat;on.

Fluorescent, End pLates are cast aluminunr; back platc is extruded.ilumif um. Rapid slart h.p.l., cl,lss P ballest is tated 50o. Fixture
mounts to 3 0 or 4-0 outlet box. Slots ate providecl for aclditlonirl support screws. Formcd clear pri5matic rcIrirclor or ribbcd opal
ttanslucent diffuser. Optional conduit openings and Oo rated ballasts av,lilable. Singlc, dual tandcm ol continLr"Lls run muLloling.

lllurqthon II

Finishes All Lrnits.lrc available in low gloss ivhite p'Lirrt, low I)ccot.rlivc trirr plale! Desigrrcl lrlm pl.Lt.'s 1ot srtrface
glos5 black paint or m0dium bronralite Casl ilncl cxtlllded mounled sl,rrd.lrd units N l, NP1, Nl.rnd NP2 rrc avail.tblc in
aluntinunt brackels, surl,lcc paf5' tllrls 1or rccesscd units ilnd rvood gr,rin vin) l or rn.1'rlc bl:rc k l inlsh. Dul,lble 5teel
lluoresccnt lixlLlres Jrc also alallablc in s,tlin ,tlumitrum litlish conslr uctiotr ; ntalching scrcrvs iLl c fur ni!llcd.
Finish nrust Lre sPecified.

Voltage When ordering mercLlr) vJpol lnd fluorcscent

[ixtures, voll.ige musl be spccificcl

Photocell For automiLtic light controld pholoccll rnounLed

on w:ill brackels whcre lndicatcd is av, olllional,
spccifv PC when

Marco exclusive "Max-secure" tamper proofing lllursthon If
o _
Max secure special driver'Car. No. DRX

Max secure sc.ew confiqurataon Regular or Max-secure screw mqunt in ceiling pan
. standard diffuser and side of shallow dilfuser
Recessed trims have slandard torsion spring
Max-secure screws mount thru die c6st trim for

Fluorscenl Max-secure screM/s mount in end

plates. ln contin!ous run units Max secure screws
mount in end plates and yoke.

Begular screw conf iguralion Regular or Max-secure

-standard dif{user configuration, medium

The Durathon units are available with regular screws or with the ivlarco "l\4ax-secure" system of tamperproofing. The screw
configuration requires a special driver, DRX, to remove, insuring maximum protection against theft and vandalism. "Max-secure"
tampcr proofing is recommended for all installations in remote or isolated areas, in heavily congested public areas, in parks, prisons,
schools, recreation areas, mental hospitals or other special applications where the risk of vandalism is high.

All moteriol and workmanship is guaranteed by lWorvin Electric
fulanufocturing Compqny for one year fram date of installatian if
i nsta I led accordi ng to d irections.

The .tbave guardntee dpplies to product replocement ond does nat include
labor, inslallation ar miscelldneaus charges. 14ercury wpot ond fluarescent
ballasts dte subject ta ballast manufa.turet's wdtranty ond will not be teplaced
by XtA RCO

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