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HSB Global Standards

Technical Service Bulletin

New Legal Framework

Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU)

August 2015

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561
Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis

2014/68/EU was published on June 27, 2014 in the European Union (EU) Official Journal approved by
the European Parliament and of the Council of May 15, 2014 as a part of a larger initiative by the EU to
bring nine European Commission (EC) New Approach Directives, such as 97/23/EC, into alignment
with the New Legal Framework (NLF) which was adopted in 2008. The prime objective of the NLF
Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU is alignment, to ensure a pattern of consistency is followed
that is evident between this and all other directives. The essential safety requirements remain virtually
unchanged with the exception of the addition of risk analysis which will be discussed in the synopsis.
In an effort to avoid confusion between the two Pressure Equipment Directives, this synopsis will refer to
the outgoing New Approach PED 97/23/EC as 97/23/EC and the New Legal Framework Pressure
Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU as 2014/68/EU.

Compared to 97/23/EC, the 2014/68/EU has grown in size by almost 60% to 96 pages, it now has seven
Chapters containing 52 Articles and a further six Annexes. Although there are extensive additions, a
number of deletions and changes to the document, the impact on manufacturers is less than might be
imagined. The majority of the additions concern the Notification of Conformity Assessment Bodies and
EU legal aspects. This document will assist manufacturers in identifying the areas that need to be
addressed for future compliance. There were several editorial changes made between the two directives
that will not be covered within this document, but all significant changes applicable for the manufacturer
will be addressed.

2014/68/EU will be implemented in two parts. The first part became mandatory on June 1, 2015, and is
in relation to Article 13, Classification of pressure equipment. The second part, the replacement of the
97/23/EC becomes effective July 19, 2016. This implementation is discussed in detail below.

Obligations of Economic Operators (Chapter 2)

97/23/EC only identified manufacturers, and manufacturers representatives, as being the entities to
place equipment on the market, and bear the associated responsibilities of the Directive. 2014/68/EU
expands greatly on this and now includes defined obligations of importers and distributers. These are
described as being responsible for ensuring that the pressure equipment manufacturer has drawn up the
necessary technical documentation, that the equipment bears the CE marking and is accompanied by
the appropriate operating instructions.

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
Importers and distributers have defined responsibilities when they have reason to believe the equipment
is not in conformity to the Directive. This includes informing the market surveillance authorities where
this presents a safety risk.

Article 10, NLF PED contains important information for importers and distributers. It states when they
place the equipment on the market under their own name or trademark that they shall be considered as
a manufacturer (and thus bear the associated responsibilities of the manufacturer, as described in the
Directive). This requirement is not intended to apply to such organizations who place the equipment on
the market under the original manufacturers name, for example valve stockists who hold catalogues of
valves where the manufacturer is clearly identified.

Article 10 also details firm rules when an importer or distributer modifies the equipment in such a way
that compliance with the Directive may be affected. If they make such modifications before placing on
the market then they are to be considered a manufacturer.

Generally the responsibilities of the manufacturer, or authorized representatives, remain the same in

Fluid Classification Change (Article 13)

The Dangerous Substances Directive (Directive 67/548/EEC) has been repealed as of June 1, 2015 and
replaced by the European Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labeling and packaging of
substances and mixtures. It is known by its abbreviated form, the CLP Regulation or just plain CLP.
The CLP Regulation adopts the United Nations Globally Harmonised System on the classification and
labeling of chemicals (GHS) across all European Union countries.

The CLP re-classifies certain substances from the Dangerous Substances Directive. The European
Commission conducted an assessment regarding the effects of the re-classifications and concluded that
only a small number of substances/mixtures would be affected and that the impact on manufacturers
would be minimal.

Article 9 of 97/23/EC outlines the provisions for dangerous fluids (substances) and classifies them in
Group 1, all other fluids not referenced were placed in Group 2. Article 13 of 2014/68/EU classifies
substances and mixtures as hazardous and places them in Group 1, all other substances and mixtures
fall into Group 2. The hazardous substances and mixtures are now broken down into 17 different
physical and health classes in accordance with Parts 2 and 3 of Annex I in the CLP Regulation.

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis

What this means for manufacturers is that all equipment CE marked after June 1, 2015 must have its
fluid group determined by the new regulation. This applies even to existing designs already certified on a
B (EC-Type Examination), B1 (EC Design Examination) certificate and those also approved under the
module H1 design examination certificates. All pressure equipment manufacturers are encouraged to
review the fluid groups based on the equipments contents. Should the fluid group change from Group 2
to Group 1 when performing this against the CLP Regulation, then the category of the equipment should
also be re-checked. If this results in a change in the category of the equipment, then this will require
revision or possible invalidation of the certificate if it results in a higher category than the module may be
applied to. Manufacturers are encouraged to contact the Notified Body should this occur. As mentioned
before the EC has stated that these will affect only a very small number of substances, but it is
essential the check is performed.

The labels associated with the substances and mixtures have also been changed to coincide with the
CLP, manufacturers are also encouraged to review these.

Hazard and Risk Analysis (Annex I)

Annex I, paragraph 3 was revised. In 97/23/EC this paragraph stated that the manufacturer was
responsible for performing a hazard analysis in order to identify those which apply to the equipment on
account of pressure, and then take these into account in the design of the equipment. The revision has
introduced only two words and risks. 2014/68/EU now requires the manufacturer to analyze the
hazards and risks as they apply to the equipment. Although a minimal amount of text has been added,
the impact of these two words, and how the manufacturer is to address this adequately, is still being
discussed in the Conformity Assessment Body forums.

Whilst a hazard analysis considers such common and less common factors as overpressure, fatigue,
brittle fracture, wind, earthquake, fire, explosion and so on, its implied that a risk analysis would take this
a step further, most likely considering the probability and the magnitude of a failure. Its understandable
that this presents a problem for the majority of manufacturers, such finite details regarding the location
and nature of the installation is usually unknown and often the final user will not readily release such

Our Design Check List template (DCL, form QP10.3-F.002) has always addressed risk evaluation at a
fundamental level and was compiled following the results of discussions at the EU Conformity
Assessment Body Forum in Brussels at the onset of the 97/23/EC. We know from these discussions that

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
there was always an underlying belief that the hazard analysis should include the consideration of risk
otherwise the use of Annex I 1.2 bullet points could not be technically justified. We continue to be
involved in CABF meetings at national and European level that include discussions regarding the
resulting expectations from the addition of and risks and hope that the outcome will be no more
onerous in the future than it is now for our manufacturers completing our DCL.

Conformity Assessment Module Changes (Article 14/Annex III)

In order to coincide with the NLF, the conformity assessment modules have changed slightly as follows:

Modules A1, C1, B1 and B have all been

replaced with new ones as shown. The
replaced modules are not used in the NLF.
Although there are differences in the structure
of the text, in principle the requirements are
the same.

This means in the future when selecting modules for 2014/68/EU the following selection options will
apply. It continues to be acceptable to choose to apply a module for a higher category equipment to any
equipment which has a lower category.

New Approach PED 97-23-EC NLF PED 2014-68-EU

Category I Module A Module A

Category II Module A1 Module A2

Module D1 Module D1
Module E1 Module E1

Category III Modules B1 + D Modules B (design type) + D

Modules B1 + F Modules B (design type) + F
Modules B + E Modules B (production type) + E
Modules B1 + C1 Modules B (production type) + C2
Module H Module H

Category IV Modules B + D Modules B (production type) + D

Modules B + F Modules B (production type) + F
Module G Module G
Module H1 Module H1

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
The names of some of the modules have also changed as detailed in the table below, these new names
more accurately summarize the manufacturers and notified bodies duties, particularly with regard to the
required unexpected visits. These are now clearly indicated as supervised pressure equipment checks at
random intervals.

The terms EC Type-Examination and EC Design-Examination' have also been replaced with the term
"EU-Type Examination".

New Approach PED 97-23-EC NLF PED 2014-68-EU

Module A Internal production control Internal production control
Internal production control plus
(was A1) Internal manufacturing checks
Module A2 supervised pressure equipment checks at
with monitoring of final assessment
random intervals
Module B
EC Type examination EU-Type examination production type
Module B
(was B1) EC design examination EU-Type examination design type
Conformity to type based on internal
production control plus supervised
C2 (was C1) conformity to type
pressure equipment checks at random
Conformity to type based on quality
D Production quality assurance
assurance of the production process
Quality assurance of the production
D1 Production quality assurance
Conformity to type based on pressure
E Product quality assurance
equipment quality assurance
Quality Assurance of the final pressure
E1 Product quality assurance
equipment inspection and testing
Conformity to type based on pressure
F Product verification
equipment verification
G EC unit verification Conformity based on unit verification
Conformity based on full quality
H Full quality assurance
Full quality assurance with design
Conformity based on full quality
H1 examination and special surveillance of
assurance plus design examination
the final assessment

Annex III still addresses the conformity assessment procedures. Although there are changes in some of
the layout and text descriptions, the module requirements remain the same in principal. Generally the
text has been expanded in each module description for clarification, and revised in its layout and
formatting. It has also removed many of the cross references between modules that is present in
97/23/EC, 2014/68/EU now lists each modules responsibilities and requirements in full under each
module heading. There is guidance provided within each module description for CE marking and EU
Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited
Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
declaration of conformity, where applicable to the module. There is also a section added to each module
to detail the responsibilities of an Authorised representative, when used.

Article 48
Although there no transition period as described above, there is a paragraph written into Article 48 that
will greatly assist manufacturers, and Notified Bodies, to cope with this immediate transition.
Article 48 states that certificates and decisions issued by conformity assessment bodies under Directive
97/23/EC shall be valid under this directive.

What this means is that all certificates issued under 97/23/EC, and this includes Quality System
Certificates, EC-Type and EC-Examination certificates, remain valid without need for revision following
the implementation of 2014/68/EU on July 19 2016.

For example:
A valid module B1 certificate issued referencing 97/23/EC, remains valid as an EU-Type
examination certificate for Module B (Design).

A valid Quality System Certificate for Module H1, including associated design certificates, remain
valid without revision under 2014/68/EU.

In addition to certificates, the Article also states that decisions under 97/23/EC remain valid. What
this means is for equipment that is applied under module G for example, if the design part of the
conformity assessment is completed and accepted by the Notified Body, before July 19, 2016,
then the decision to accept the design remains valid once 2014/68/EU becomes effective.

HSB GS will provide more information in due course with details about how certificates may be
revised to reference 2014/68/EU if requested by the manufacturer, or when certificates are

Transition from the 97/23/EC to 2014/68/EU

Article 49 gives details on the implementation of 2014/68/EU:
On June 1, 2015 only Article 13 of 2014/68/EU becomes effective (Fluid classification change as
described earlier).

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
On the July 19 2016 2014/68/EU has full implementation, and 97/23/EC is withdrawn.
With 97/23/EC, there was a transition phase from the original application on November 29 1999,
until the May 29 2002, where use of the PED was optional (becoming mandatory only after May
29, 2002), there is no such luxury with the implementation of 2014/68/EU.

There is essentially no transition phase between the withdrawal of the 97/23/EC and the full
implementation of 2014/68/EU. The key stage for manufacturers to consider is the signing date of
the declaration of conformity for the equipment. This is the day that the manufacturer declares it
complies with the applicable regulation.

On the date of July 18 2016, the declaration of conformity needs to be signed with reference to

On the next day, July 19 2016, the declaration of conformity needs to be signed with reference to

Although there are no technical changes to the essential safety requirements (other than adding
risk), manufacturers need to bear these dates in mind for future pressure equipment construction,
taking into account the expected date of signing the declaration of conformity.

There is an ongoing effort to transfer all of the applicable old guidelines to 2014/68/EU. As there are no
real technical changes to the PED, the work is in changing the references to text and paragraphs that
appear in all the guidelines. This task has proved more time consuming then first expected, and there is
expected to be a significant delay in the completion of this guideline transfer. However, as there is no
real technical change in the guidelines, they can continue to be used once 2014/68/EU comes into
effect, provided consideration is given for the paragraph references.

2014/68/EU will also have new guidelines. At the time of this publication, two of new guidelines have just
been published along with two transposed guidelines from 97/23/EC. These new guidelines will also be
numbered differently with a prefix A-01, A-02, B-01, etc depending on their classification grouping.
Further information on this grouping will appear on 2014/68/EU website in due course:

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
Correlation Table
Following is a correlation table, which is in Annex VI of 2014/68/EU, along with the newly introduced
Chapters, general comments giving descriptions on the contents of new or amended Articles and

Directive 2014/68/EU Comments
~~~ Chapter 1 General provisions, Articles 1 to 5
~~~ Chapter 2 Obligations of economic operators, Articles 6 to 11
~~~ Chapter 3 Conformity and classification of pressure equipment and
assemblies, Articles 12 to 19
~~~ Chapter 4 Notification of conformity assessment bodies, Articles 20 to 38
~~~ Chapter 5 Union market surveillance, control of pressure equipment and
assemblies entering the Union market, and Union safeguard
procedure, Articles 39 to 43
~~~ Chapter 6 Committee procedure and delegated acts, Articles 43 to 46
~~~ Chapter 7 Transition and final provisions, Articles 46 to 52
Article 1(1) Article 1(1) Definitions have been moved to Article 2. The Article has been
revised editorially, but there is no technical change in the scope of
the new PED.
Article 1(2) Article 2(1) to (14) Includes all the definitions from the old PED, and expands this list
significantly. New definitions are in sections (17) through (32) and
include definitions for putting into service, economic operators
Article 1(3) Article 1(2) See Article 1 above
~~~ Article 2(15) to (32) See Article 2 above
Article 2 Article 3 Title changed from Market Surveillance to Making Available on the
Market and Putting Into Service. Editorially revised also.
Article 3 Article 4 Numbering and editorial revision only.
Article 4(1) Article 5(1) Added a paragraph on free movement for equipment assessed by
user inspectorate.
Article 4(2) Article 5(3) See Article 5 above.
~~~ Article 6 New Article. It correlates several major responsibilities of the
manufacturer that were previously found scattered throughout the
old PED, and lists these obligations in one article.
~~~ Article 7 New Article. Gives the responsibilities of authorized
representatives, when one is appointed by a manufacturer.
~~~ Article 8 New Article. Gives the responsibilities for importers.
~~~ Article 9 New Article. Gives the responsibilities for distributers.
~~~ Article 10 New Article. Important Article highlighting that when importers or
distributers place equipment on the market under their own name
or trademark, or modify equipment already on the market, that
they shall be considered as a manufacturer for the purpose of the
~~~ Article 11 New Article. Economic operators responsibilities regarding
requests from Market Surveillance Authorities
Article 5 ~~~ Deleted, included in Article 12, see below

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
Article 6 ~~~ Deleted, now obsolete
~~~ Article 12(1) New Article. Presumption of Conformity, includes intent of Article 5
Article 7(1) Article 45 Part of Chapter 6. Committee procedure and delegated acts
Delegated power, expands on empowerment of the Commission to
take actions for safety reasons
Article 7(2) Article 44(1) Part of Chapter 6. Requirements for the Committee on Pressure
Equipment according to the addressed Regulation
Article 7(3) ~~~ Deleted, now obsolete
Article 7(4) Article 44(5), second Part of Chapter 6. Change of wording, same intent, addressed
subparagraph Regulation number
Article 8 ~~~ Deleted, requirements expanded, see Chapter 5, Articles 39 to 43
Article 9(1) Article 13(1), introductory Identical
Article 9(2) point ~~~ Deleted, obsolete
~~~ Article 13(1)(a) Group 1 substances and mixtures, references CLP Regulation
Article 9(2) point Article 13(1)(b) Group 2 substances and mixtures
Article 9(3) Article 13(2) Identical
Article 10 Article 14 Editorial changes, deletion of paragraph 1.1, text references the
module changes
Article 11(1) Article 15(1) Identical
Article 11(2) Article 15(2) Editorial changes only
Article 11(3) Article 15(3) Editorial changes only
Article 11(4) Article 12(2) Identical
~~~ Article 15(4) New paragraph, Commission shall publish approval of EAM that
meet Annex in the OJ
Article 11(5) Article 15(5) Identical
~~~ Article 15(6) New paragraph, withdrawal of EAM from the OJ
Article 12 ~~~ Revised and included under Article 24
Article 13 ~~~ Revised and included under Article 24
Article 14(1) Article 16(1) Identical
Article 14(2) Article 5(2) Editorial changes only
Article 14(3) to Article 16(2) to (7) Editorial changes only
Article 14(9) and ~~~ Intent included in Article 32
~~~ Article 17 New Article References DOC requirements
~~~ Article 18 References the Regulation regarding the principles of CE Marking
Article 15(1) ~~~ Deleted, obsolete, information contained in Article 18
Article 15(2) Article 19(1) Editorial changes only
Article 15(3) Article 19(2) Editorial changes only
Article 15(4) and ~~~ Deleted
~~~ Article 19(3) to (6) New paragraphs regarding CE Marking, Reinforcement of
requirements previously in modules or not addressed

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis

~~~ Article 20 Chapter 4 of the Directive.

~~~ Article 21 Notification of Conformity Assessment Bodies
~~~ Article 22 New Articles.
Rules and requirements for Notification Authorities and Conformity
~~~ Article 23
Assessment Bodies.
~~~ Article 24 Includes information from parts of previous PED
~~~ Article 25
~~~ Article 26
~~~ Article 27
~~~ Article 28
~~~ Article 29
~~~ Article 30
~~~ Article 31
~~~ Article 32
~~~ Article 33
~~~ Article 34
~~~ Article 35
~~~ Article 36
~~~ Article 37
~~~ Article 38
Article 16 ~~~ Deleted, the intent is included in Chapter 5, see below
Article 17 ~~~ Deleted
Article 18 ~~~ Deleted, the intent is included in Chapter 5, see below
~~~ Article 39 Chapter 5, Union market surveillance, control of pressure
~~~ Article 40 equipment and assemblies entering the Union market, and Union
~~~ Article 41 safeguard procedure.
New Articles address non-complying equipment, including
~~~ Article 42
reference to new Regulations
~~~ Article 43
~~~ Article 44(2) to (4) New paragraphs, addresses the Committee on Pressure
~~~ Article 44(5), first Equipment applicable Regulations
~~~ Article 46 New Article under Chapter 6. Addresses the Commissions power
to adopt delegated acts for a set period and further extensions
~~~ Article 47 Part of Chapter 7. Transitional and final provisions
New Article, Penalties, addresses penalties on economic
operators regarding infringements of national laws (the Directive)
Article 19 ~~~ Deleted, obsolete
Article 20(1) to ~~~ Deleted, obsolete
Article 20(3) Article 48(1) Editorial changes
~~~ Article 48(2) and (3) New paragraphs address equipment put into service prior to 1
June 2015 and validity of certificates and decisions made under
~~~ Article 49 Part of Chapter 7
New Article, Transposition. Adoption in Law and the effective date
of implementation

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis

~~~ Article 50 Part of Chapter 7

New Article, Repeal. Deletion of Article 9 from 97/23/EC from 1
June 2015, repeal of 97/23/EC from 19 July 2016
~~~ Article 51 Part of Chapter 7
New Article, Entry into force and application of 2014/68/EU from
19 July 2016
Article 21 Article 52 Editorial changes only
Annex I Annex I Essential Safety Requirements. Generally minor editorial changes
only. Preliminary observation 3 was revised to add in the word
risk, when describing the manufacturers responsibilities with
regards to performing a hazard and risk analysis.
Annex II Annex II Changes to the Module names. A1 is now A2, C1 is now C2, B1 is
now B (design type). The conformity assessment tables
themselves remain unchanged.
Annex III, Annex III, introductory Identical
introductory wording
Annex III, point 1, Annex III, point 1, Module Editorial changes only. Added paragraph on CE Marking and the
Module A A Declaration of Conformity by the manufacturer. Added paragraph
on Authorised Representative responsibilities, when used (these
paragraphs have been added to all modules).
Annex III, point 2, Annex III, point 2, Module Changed Module from A1 to A2 and module name changed. The
Module A1 A2 text has been expanded for clarification in places, and also revised
to remove the need for several cross references to other modules
when describing requirements.
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 3.1, Changed Module name EU-Type examination production type.
B Module B, EU-type Other minor editorial changes.
examination - Production
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 3.2, Changed Module name EU-Type examination design type. Other
B1 Module B, EU-type minor editorial changes.
examination - design type
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 4, Module Changed Module from C1 to C2 and module name change. The
C1 C2 text has been expanded for clarification
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 5, Module Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 6, Module Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes
D1 D1
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 7, Module Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 8, Module Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes
E1 E1
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 9, Module Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 10, Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes
G Module G
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 11, Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes
H Module H
Annex III, Module Annex III, point 12, Changed Module name. Other minor editorial changes and text
H1 Module H1 expanded instead of cross references

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264
HSB Global Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED 2014/68/EU) Synopsis
Annex IV ~~~ Deleted. Information contained within chapter 4 now
Annex VII ~~~ Deleted. Information contained within chapter 4 now
Annex VII ~~~ Deleted
Annex VII Annex IV EC Declaration of Conformity has been renamed to EU
Declaration of Conformity. There have been small changes to the
options for content of the declaration, as well adding a format for
particulars of the signatory authorized to sign, where appropriate.
~~~ Annex V Gives the formal repeal of directive 97/23/EC
~~~ Annex VI Correlation table. Follows the format of this table and gives the
correlation between Articles and Annexes

For more information pertaining to the new Directive please see the following links:

New Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) Website

Archived Pressure Equipment Directive (PED): Overview European Commission Website
PED EC 2014/68/EU Full text
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Full Text
Classification and Labeling (CLP/GHS)
EU Blue Guide

This Synopsis was prepared by the HSB Global Standards Notified Body Staff to provide insights into the
intent of these changes, and their potential impact on PED users.

We hope you find this information helpful.

Any questions or comments on this document may be directed to:

Gavin Edley Technical Manager

Lee Moffatt Quality Manager

Hartford Steam Boiler UK Limited

Crosby Court 28 George Street Birmingham, B3 1QG United Kingdom
Notified Body Number 2561

Registered Address: Baker Tilly Marlborough House Victoria Road South Chelmsford Essex CM1 1LN England Registration Number: 02708264

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