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Paediatr Croat.

2013; 57 (Supl 1): 133-138 Pregled




Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is a rare disease affecting in most cases the distal part of the large bowel. Different surgical
techniques are described in the literature. The post operatively course can be complicated by surgical and non surgical complica-
tions. These problems are discussed and described. Pitfalls and errors in diagnostic and therapy can lead to severe complications
like incontinence. A correct diagnostic approach, including in all cases a reliable histochemical work up and a standard surgical
approach can avoid many problems and complications in these patients. If redo surgery is necessary, the Duhamel approach is
considered as a safe and valuable technique. Nevertheless in some patients also other techniques for special indications like fistulas
or stenosis can be very helpful.

Introduction ted by Down's syndrome. Aganglionosis sterase activity in rectal suction biopsy is
is more frequent in males than females a reliable and simple method for diagno-
Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is cha- (4:1) in the "classic HD group". In syn- sing HD. Nevertheless in some cases this
racterized by missing of ganglia structu- dromic and long-segment disease the diagnostic technique is not always relia-
res in the intestine. In about 75% of all ratio between male and female is 1.5-2:1 ble in the young and immature patient.
cases affected by this abnormality, the (1). Many pathologists applied prefer to re-
aganglionosis is confined to the rectum peat the exam to wait for a "maturation"
and sigma. About 17% of all patients The typical clinical signs of HD are of nerve structures avoiding the risk a
show an extended disease and in about delayed meconium passage, abdominal false positive diagnosis. Manometry can
5-8% the absence of ganglia is present in distension, vomiting and enterocolitis. be performed but it is only an adjunctive
the total large bowel and terminal ileum. More than 80% of all Hirschsprung ca- diagnostic procedure.
Only a small number of patients exist ses present symptoms in the neonatal
with extended aganglionosis including period. Only a few of these are having a The surgical strategy should include
a large portion of the small bowel and prenatal diagnosis (mostly performed by the determination and extension of the
upper GI tract. Beside the classical HD intrauterine MRI and ultrasound). Ente- disease (frozen section), the removing
patient, syndromic Hirschsprung disease rocolitis is present in one third of babi- of the affected bowel segment and the
and rare neurocristopathy exist. Ondine es and toddlers with HD and associated preservation of the sphincter complex.
syndrome or Waardenberg syndrome with diarrhea. Enterocolitis is still the Usually a primary anastomosis is perfor-
are part of this entity. Finally there is a most common cause of death in HD and med. In critical ill babies with a septic
clear increased incidence of extended especially in Down's syndrome a severe situation or a long aganglionosis an en-
Hirschsprung's disease in patients affec- hazard for the patient's life (2). terostomy can be a life saving procedure
postponing the definitive diagnostic and
Historically the contrast study was surgery to a later date (3).
Clinic of General Paediatric Surgery one of the most important exams. The
"Regina Margherita" Children's Hospital typical proximal dilatation above the Different surgical procedures
"Citt della Salute e della Scienza di Torino"
Clinic of Paediatric Surgery, Medical School
distal narrow segment is usually always (Swenson, Duhamel, Soave, Rehbein,
University of Catania, Italy present in elder children. In the newborn Boley) are described in the literature and
the dilatation can be absent, or already performed. In the last 20 years different
Address: not present. The histological exam to authors introduced laparoscopic assi-
Dr. med. Jrgen Schleef
Clinic of General Paediatric Surgery confirm HD, is showing the absence sted techniques, made popular by Keith
"Regina Margherita" Children's Hospital Turin of ganglia structures in a rectal biopsy. Georgeson and others. The most recent
"Citt della Salute e della Scienza di Torino" Nowadays histochemical staining tech- modification was the introduction of the
Piazza Polonia 94, I-10126 Turin/Italy nique for the detection of acetylcholine- transanal approach, known as the de la

J. Schleef et al. Complications in Hirschsprung's disease. Paediatr Croat. 2013; 57 (Supl 1): 133-138 J. Schleef et al. Complications in Hirschsprung's disease. Paediatr Croat. 2013; 57 (Supl 1): 133-138

Torre technique. For long and total HD gangliar structures). Moreover it has to es should be performed. The help of an
many modifications of the above men- be stressed that a precise determination experienced pathologists is extremely
tioned techniques were described and of the extension of the aganglionosis sho- important to avoid mistakes or pitfalls
applied. All techniques follow the abo- uld be achieved before starting surgery prior or during the surgery (6).
ve-mentioned principles to bring gangli- by fresh frozen section. The extension of
onotic, normal bowel as close as possible aganglionosis and proximal dys-or hypo-
Intraoperative complications
to the sphincter complex. The resection ganglionosis and the so-called transition
at the level of the rectum is in all cases zone is not always correlating with x-ray As in any other surgical procedure,
different due to technical details. The Figure 1
studies (2, 7). In cases with unclear and intraoperative complications might occur
Swenson procedure is clearly the most Extramucosal laparoscopic biopsies taken with 3 mm instruments before starting a laparoscopic untypical extension a prior diagnostic and can be responsible for tragic post-op
radical approach, doing a total resec- assisted pull through. laparoscopy to get histological specimen courses and reoperations. Many of these
tion right above the sphincter complex for further studies might be a choice (Fi- are general complications like bleeding,
with an end-to-end anastomosis. Soave's gure 1). The Table 1 gives a picture of injury to other organs or not recognized
metry and finally the histochemical and diagnostic, verifying the absence of a re-
techniques ends up with a similar ana- the algorithm for diagnosing and treating damage to the bowel remnant, left in pla-
histological work up. laxation reflex in the internal sphincter.
stomosis, but leaves the cuff of aganglio- HD patients in our experience. ce. All minimal-invasive-techniques, as
It has to be sad, that a manometry stu-
notic muscle inside, which is divided and X-ray studies should always be per- well as the transanal approach have the
dy alone is not sufficient to verify or to The x-ray exam (Figure 2) shows
opened. The Duhamel leaves the rectum formed without prior cleaning of the co- advantage of reduced tissue trauma, less Figure 3
exclude HD. a persistent constipation in a boy after Rectovaginal fistula in a girl with Downs
with aganglionotic muscle in place, doing lo-rectum and with sufficient contrast stress due to surgery and better cosmeti-
De la Torre pull through. The histologi- syndrome. The Defect was repaird by a
a lateral posterior anastomosis. Rehbein media to demonstrate not only the recto- The third column of HD diagnostic cally results. But it should be emphasi- redo-Soave pull through with a protective
did in his approach an extremely deep cal work-up finally showed a near total
sigmoid region but also the more proxi- is the bioptic study of tissue gained by zed that not all patients are suitable for colostomy.
resection of the rectal part, leaving a severe hypoganglionosis of the colon,
mal part of the colon. In some instances rectal suction biopsy and segmental, these procedures. A transanal approach
short distance to the sphincter complex. which was not diagnosed during frozen
the real extension of the aganglionotic extramucosal biopsy. HD is part of a gro- in elder children with a massive dilated
The modifications of De la Torre and the section exam and not diagnosed during tomy is unclear, the bowel dilated or the
zone is not seen, because of an incom- up of so called intestinal dysganglionoses colon can be extremely difficult, leading
Georgeson approach repeat a Soave-like the histological exam of the specimen perfusion of the bowel unsecure, we re-
plete study of the intestine. Especially being part of a heterogeneous group of to damage of the sphincter muscle com-
technique, but starting the mucosectomy after surgery. The child was reoperated commend a laparoscopy during the pullt-
in long HD the typical signs of a calibre enteric nervous system anomalies inclu- plex due to stretching (8).
from the anus, preparating the rectum by an extended resection of the colon af- hrough. In long HD, with the necessity
difference and the proximal dilatation ding also intestinal neuronal dysplasia
from below. Each technique has its own ter repeated laparoscopic and transanal Pelvic abscess formation, observed of the mobilization and dissection of the
might be absence. Finally the exam sho- (IND), internal anal sphincter achalasia
technical difficulties and risk, as well as biopsies. Biopsies are part of every dia- by some authors, is usually due to blee- transverse colon we would recommend
uld always include a defecation without and different forms of hypoganglionosis.
surgical complications which might lead gnostic work up for HD and are the Gold ding, haematoma and consecutive in- also a combined laparoscopic approach.
rectal tube inside the bowel. In about The most important diagnostic features
to the known consequences and pro- standard for the diagnostic process. In fection. This bleeding might occur from Many vascular problems, causing severe
80% an experienced radiologist is able to for Hirschsprung's disease are the com-
blems of surgery for Hirschsprung`s di- cases with unclear extension and uncle- the incision of the muscle cuff or from anastomotic complications with dehis-
make a correct diagnosis. bination of hypertrophic nerve trunks
sease. Therefore the aim of any surgery ar histological findings, repeated biopsi- the mesentery. In these cases a thorough cence and stenosis are due to insufficient
(acetylcholinesterase staining) in the in
should be a patient who is having regular The second exam should be a mano- lamina propia mucosae and agangliono- control of the resection margins should mobilization of the mesentery and su-
stool frequency and bowel function, no metry. In smaller children, without rectal sis in adequate specimens (absence of be performed and these might be secured bsequent traction on the anastomosis and
more enterocolitis and stool retention dilatation, a repeated manometry can be with haemostatic stiches. In some instan- possible retraction of the neorectum (10).
and faecal continence. Surgery should be ces cutting and sealing devices might not
performed ideally as early as possible in Table 1 be secure if the tissue is divided under In some cases, segmental extra-
life, using a minimal-invasive technique Algorithm for diagnostic and therapeutic approach to Hirschsprung's disease. tension. If there is any doubt, we will mucosal biopsies without opening of the
for short post-op course and excellent recommend in all these cases a laparos- lumen are performed. An experienced
cosmetically results. The risk for surgi- copic control of the pelvic region. Also laparoscopic surgeon should have the
cal early and late surgical complications a mucosa remnant can be the cause of e capacity to suture the defect in case of
should be minimized. All this factors fi- mucocele and pelvic abscess formation opening the bowel. An overseen opening
nally contribute to a good quality of life. (9). If the preparation of the anterior part of the bowel might lead to peritonitis and
The purpose of this article is to empha- of the mucosectomy is difficult, especi- severe septic complications. A good al-
size the accuracy for a correct diagnostic ally in small girls a vaginal damage and ternative is the technique, described by
approach before surgery, to discuss early a consecutive fistula can be overseen. Langer, bringing the bowel through the
and late complications in HD treatment Figure 3 shows a case of a vaginal fistu- umbilical incision and performing the
and to elucidate the treatment options in la in an 18 months old girl with Down- biopsy under open vision.
case of complications (4-6). syndrome. The fistula was repaired by
A comment should be made on ente-
extensive mobilization, re-pull through
rostomies. In some instances, especially
and reconstruction of the perineum. A
Diagnostic Pitfalls very small and septic children with en-
protective colostomy was necessary.
terocolitis and bad conditions, an ente-
The diagnostic approach for Another important intraoperative rostoma might be a fast and live saving
Hirschsprung's disease is represented by Figure 2
complication is the twisting of the bowel, procedure. Nevertheless, in these cases
4 months after De la Torre pull through.
clear and precise algorithms. This can be performing a pullthrough. In a standard some important aspects should be con-
Non recognized total hypoganglionosis on
described as a diagnostic triad for HD histochemical exam. Patient was operated transanal de la Torre approach a torsion sidered. In unclear extension and suspec-
including x-ray contrast studies, mano- twice, ending up with a near total colectomy.
of the bowel can be possible. If the ana- ted long extension, an ileostomy is the

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J. Schleef et al. Complications in Hirschsprung's disease. Paediatr Croat. 2013; 57 (Supl 1): 133-138 J. Schleef et al. Complications in Hirschsprung's disease. Paediatr Croat. 2013; 57 (Supl 1): 133-138

safest choice to avoid a stoma in an agan- using cholestyramine. Barrier creams, to the sphincter structures can occur. We liquids and stool. This soiling is extre- lutions. Lewitt is describing a sagittal 2. Martucciello G, Pini Prato A, Puri P, Holsch-
glionotic segment. This can be perfor- used by stomal therapists can be very would like to emphasize like other aut- mely disturbing for the patient (17). In posterior approach for some special neider AM, Meier-Ruge W, Jasonni V, Tovar
JA, Grosfeld JL. Controversies concerning di-
med as a double lumen stoma or a loop helpful. (12) Usually the problem of these hors, that using saline submucosal injec- some cases these patients might need a indications (stenosis, strictures) and es- agnostic guidelines for anomalies of the enteric
ileostomy. A biopsy should always be excoriations are self limiting, since the tion with/or without adrenaline is very bowel diversion or an ACE approach. pecially in cases of multiple surgery. In nervous system: a report from the fourth In-
taken at the stoma site for histology. Co- bowel is adopting and resorbing more helpful to discriminate the mucosa from all cases the authors recommend a pro- ternational Symposium on Hirschsprung's di-
lostomies, primary or protective should and more liquids and the stool is getting the underlying muscular structure. This In other cases soiling and pseudo tective colectomy (16). We had the expe- sease and related neurocristopathies. J Pediatr
incontinence are due to chronic consti- Surg. 2005; 40 (10): 1527-31.
be performed regarding the recommen- a normal consistence. If the stool is con- dissection can be very difficult after pre- rience, that in patients with incomplete
dations of the literature. Stenotic stomas, tinuing to be liquid enterocolitis should vious full thickness biopsies and scaring. pation and is a secondary phenomena. resection the Duhamel approach can be 3. Pini Prato A, Rossi V, Avanzini S, Mattioli G,
retracted colostomies or a stoma under be suspected and treated by bowel was- Incontinence due to sphincter damage is The bowel contains large masses of stool easily performed and is possible in most Disma N, Jasonni V. Hirschsprung's disease:
tension with a vascular damage can cau- hing and antibiotic therapy including an extreme difficult to treat and might beco- and faecalomas bypassed by liquid sto- cases. If this surgery is without major what about mortality? Pediatr Surg Int. 2011;
se severe complications and problems, oral decontamination of the bowel (13). me a lifelong handicap (15). The second ol components. This phenomena of so problems, a colostomy might not be ne- 27 (5): 473-8.

leading in many cases to the necessity condition leading to incontinence is an called "overflow incontinence" is well- cessary. In patients, operated according 4. Bai Y, Chen H, Hao J et al. Long-term outcome
of a reoperation to resolve stoma com- anastomosis distal of the dentate line known in patients with severe constipa- to De la Torre, even a second transanal and quality of life after the Swenson procedu-
Long term problems tion, independent of the underlying pat- re for Hirschsprung's disease. J Pediatr Surg
plications. Especially in small children (16). This occurs, if the initial circular pull through is possible. The transanal
hology. In HD cases this phenomena con 2002; 37: 639-42.
a stoma prolapse is a frequent problem. Some patients with HD are conti- incision is not performed above the den- approach can also be performed as redo
Many recommendations in the literature tate line, but to distally. This problem is by transitorily, functional and has to be laparoscopically assisted. In cases with
nuing having some kind of obstructive, 5. Soper RT, Figueroa PR. Surgical treatment of
can be found, but unfortunately a stoma also well known in patients operated for treated according to guidelines in con- fistulas and vaginal lesions we prefer Hirschsprung's disease: comparison of modifi-
functional or inflammatory complica-
prolapse cannot be avoided in all cases. inflammatory bowel disease with a total stipated patients, or might be in selected a secondary bowel pull through, but in cations of the Duhamel and Soave operations. J
tion after surgery. These problems can Pediatr Surg 1971; 6: 761- 6.
In difficult situations a local revision of colectomy and ileo-anal anastomosis. In cases due to patho-anatomical problems all cases accomplished by a protective
occur after a period of well being or are
the stoma might be necessary or the de- these condition the sensitive continence like stenosis, twisted bowel, incomplete colostomy. This kind of surgery needs 6. Engum SA, Grosfeld JL. Long-term results of
initially of minor importance but can be
cision of a definitive surgery might be organ is destroyed and patients are not resection or persistence of a megacolon. a surgical team, having experience with treatment of Hirschsprung's disease. Semin
affecting the long term quality of life.
anticipated (7, 8). able to control especially losses of liqu- All these patients need a thorough follow different kind of HD techniques and a
Pediatr Surg 2004; 13: 273-85.
Not only obstipation but incontinence or
id stool. The line of the incision of the up according to guidelines (Table 2). Part center, which is able to have always a
pseudo-incontinence can occur and are 7. Pini-Prato A, Mattioli G, Giunta C, Avanzini
mucosa for preparing the mucosal cuff of this treatment can be in selected cases frozen section diagnostic during surgery
Post op complications extreme difficult to cure (14). S, Magillo P, Bisio GM, Jasonni V. Redo sur-
should be above the dentate line, ending the use of botolinum toxin, injected into available. gery in Hirschsprung disease: what did we
A difficult condition described after with anastomoses above the dentate line the sphincter muscle area. The effect is learn? Unicentric experience on 70 patients. J
In the post op period all general The long term results show, that Pediatr Surg. 2010; 45 (4): 747-54.
transanal pullthrough is incontinence. within the anal canal. The distance from usually transient, but might be a helpful
complications after abdominal surgery many other problems not directly related
Basically two major reasons are known. the dentate line should be between 0.5 tool in the treatment of sphincter hyper-
can occur (haematoma, infection, blee- to surgical pitfalls (enterocolitis, con-
8. Podevin G, Lardy H, Azzis O et al. Technical
Damage to the sphincter complex can be cm in small children and at least 1 cm in tonus or a suspected achalasia of the problems and complications of a transanal
ding). Post-op bowel occlusion seems to stipation, soiling) will usually diminish
due to dilatation or a direct damage of elder children. An anastomosis between sphincter muscle (18). pull-through for Hirschsprung's disease. Eur J
be less frequent after laparoscopic and and in some cases disappear, since the Pediatr Surg 2006; 16: 104-8.
trans anal pullthrough surgery. In cases the sphincter during the initial prepa- anal skin and mucosa creates a situation
In many cases these problems are patient is getting older (20).
of prior severe enterocolitis and previous ration of the muscular cuff. If the inci- of permanent incontinence with conti- 9. J. Schleef, S. Deluggi, G. Fasching, M. E.
functional and temporarily, but in all
surgery the incidence of bowel occlusi- sion is not respecting the natural plane nuous leakage and uncontrolled loss of The surgeon who is dealing with HD Hllwarth Transanale Operationstechnik beim
cases the first approach, before a symp- Morbus Hirschsprung. Monatsschrift Kinder-
on due to adhesions is described in the between mucosa and muscle, the damage patients should be able to deal with all
tomatic treatment is started, should be heilkunde 04/2012; 151 (3): 301-5.
literature by close to 2%. To avoid vas- these conservative treatment options as
a research on complications and pitfalls
cular damage and perforation an early Table 2 well. Patients should be controlled and 10. Hllwarth ME, Rivosecchi M, Schleef J, Delu-
Algorithm for diagnostic and therapeutic approach in children with post op obstruction. during the different steps leading to the ggi S, Fasching G, Ceriati E, Ciprandi G, De-
reoperation should be considered in the- followed even as adolescents. A transiti-
treatment of HD. Peppo F. The role of transanal endorectal pull-
se cases. The Figure show the x-ray of a on of these patients to adult physicians is through in the treatment of Hirschsprung's
boy, 10 days after laparoscopic assisted sometimes very difficult due to the poor disease-a multicenter experience. Pediatr Surg
pullthrough. A bowel occlusion was fo- knowledge of the disease under adult ge- Int. 2002; 18 (5-6): 344-8.
und during the subsequent surgery. In In our experience and as described neral surgeons and gastroenterologists.
by others, the successful initial approach 11. Ralls MW, Coran AG, Teitelbaum DH. Reope-
some cases, a part of the small bowel rative surgery for Hirschsprung disease. Semin
can slip under the mesentery of the dis- can guarantee in most cases a good result Autori izjavljuju da nisu bili u sukobu interesa.
Pediatr Surg. 2012; 21 (4): 354-63.
Authors declare no conflict of interest.
tal colon and might cause the occlusion. for the future quality of life for the pati-
This problem can be resolved by stiches, ent. Any complication during diagnosis 12. Teitelbaum DH, Coran AG. Enterocolitis. Se-
min Pediatr Surg 1998; 7: 162-9.
anchoring the neorectum to the presacral (missed aganglionosis or hypogangli- Acknowledgements
fascia structures (11). onosis) or during the surgical approach 13. Langer JC. Repeat pull-through surgery for
(vascular damage, damage to the sphinc- We wish to thank Dr. Elisabetta complicated Hirschsprung's disease: indica-
Perianal excoriation can be seen ter, fistula, stenosis, abscess formation) Cattaruzzi and Dr. Flora Maria Murru tions, techniques, and results. J Pediatr Surg
(Paediatric Radiology, IRCCS Burlo Ga- 1999; 34: 1136-41.
in at least one third of HD patients af- might create very often a complicated
ter surgery. In long HD after extensive situation for the patient, which leads to a rofolo, Trieste, Italy) for their help selec- 14. Menezes M, Puri P. Long-term outcome
colon resection, and especially in total life long handicap. Surgery, resulting in ting and preparing the x-ray images. of patients with enterocolitis complicating
Hirschsprung's disease. Pediatr Surg Int 2006;
colonic resection this complication is incontinence, is usually for the patient a
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more frequent and also difficult to treat. severe and disastrous condition (19).
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helpful to reduce the amount of bile salts not uniform in the literature and diffe- nervous system. Clin Genet. 2013; 83 (4): 307- Surgery 2007; 42: 1008-14.
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16. Levitt MA, Dickie B, Pea A. The Hirschsprun- 18. Langer JC. Persistent obstructive symptoms 20. Rintala RJ, Pakarinen MP. Long-term outco-
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J. Schleef, D. Olenik

Hirschprungova bolest (HD) je rijetko oboljenje koje najee zahvaa distalni dio debelog crijeva. U literaturi su opisane ra-
zliite kirurke tehnike. Poslijeoperacijski tijek moe imati kirurke i nekirurke komplikacije. U ovom radu su ti problemi rasprav-
ljeni i opisani. Zamke i pogreke u dijagnostici i lijeenju mogu dovesti do ozbiljnih komplikacija poput inkontinencije. Ispravan
dijagnostiki pristup koji ukljuuje u svim sluajevima pouzdanu histokemijsku analizu te standardni kirurki pristup mogu sprije-
iti mnogo problema i komplikacija u ovih bolesnika. Ako je potrebna reoperacija, Duhamelova procedura se smatra pouzdana i
vrijedna tehnika. Ipak u nekih bolesnika s posebnim indikacijama poput fistula ili stenoza druge tehnike mogu biti od velike pomoi.

Primljeno/Received: 15. 3. 2013.

Prihvaeno/Accepted: 2. 4. 2013.


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