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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ionu Radu Rcnel1

Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania

Earthquakes are external actions which can occur several times during the service life of
a bridge structure and can produce damages, leading even to the structural collapse with
severe consequences in social and economic life. The effects of last major seismic
events produced worldwide in Chile, Turkey, Japan and other countries led to the
enhancement of the design methods, provisions and standards, in order to achieve a
safety level that can be accepted in service.
Romanian territory includes several seismic faults covering a major part of the country,
the seismic action being considered in the design stage for a new bridge structure. In the
past, the desired safety factor for a bridge, considering the seismic action, was reached
by increasing the dimensions and through this the stiffness of the structural elements. In
present time, the desired level of safety can be obtained by introducing special devices
and controlling the bridge response under seismic action, with real benefits regarding
the costs of the structure.
In this paper, the behavior under seismic action of a new bridge equipped with passive
control devices is investigated. The bridge is placed at Puleti in Romania and was
designed in a special solution, a concrete roundabout, which allow the crossing of the
national road DN1B by a county road DJ102 using the smallest ground area. Two types
of passive control devices are used: high-damping and lead-rubber bearings. Finally a
comparison between the dynamic response of the non- and isolated structure is
presented. Moreover, the influence of increasing the isolator effective damping on the
bridge response is shown and discussed.
Keywords: bridge, earthquake, stiffness, rubber bearings, effective damping

Earthquakes are natural events which can occur several times during service life of a
bridge. Due to the high level of uncertainty concerning their prediction, place of
occurrence, intensity and duration, the earthquakes can have catastrophic consequences,
leading to severe structural damages, even collapse, together with economic and social
Bridges are structures exposed to the seismic action, which should be considered in the
design stage. This is the reason why, in the countries with high seismic risk, the
standards imposed as compulsory the design considering the seismic action.
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The damages produced on bridges during the earthquakes occurred in last years
worldwide induced the necessity to improve the structural protection level. Thus, new
design approaches were found and developed together with introducing the protection
systems, which can offer a superior level of safety. In our days, the seismic design is not
based on the concept of high structural stiffness anymore, because in this way the
elements into the structure were forced to take higher level of stresses caused by smaller
displacement capability and keeping the structure in that zones of the response spectra
with small periods and high values of accelerations. The new concept of performance
based design, in which the need of structure to accumulate displacements until a certain
level is considered, began to be used instead. This lead to one of the new protection
methods used in present days for the seismic protection also in the case of bridges and
that is base isolation.
The base isolation can be achieved by using special devices which have a double role:
to allow the controlled movements of the structure during the earthquake by decoupling
the bridge superstructure and substructure and to dissipate a part of the energy induced
by the earthquake. The isolations system consists, in the case of bridges, in special
bearings or other devices, which are placed in the structure with the purpose to obtain
the desired response of the structure to the seismic action. These isolations systems can
be: groups of rubber or lead-rubber bearings, friction pendulum systems, sliding
bearings or dampers. In the case of bridges, the most exposed structural elements in the
case of an earthquake are the piers. The level of the internal forces on the piers cross
sections can be reduced with several order of magnitude by using seismic isolators.
The aim of this paper is to outline the benefits of using isolators for seismic protection
of a concrete bridge in Romania. The structure is a concrete roundabout placed at
Puleti, near Ploieti city, which was designed to allow the crossing of the national
road DN1B by the county road DJ102. In order to improve the behaviour of the bridge
to the seismic action, standard neoprene bearings were replaced by high-damping rubber
and lead-rubber bearings. For this particular bridge, the effects of using isolators with
very high level of damping is also analysed and discussed.
The bridge analyzed in this paper improves the traffic fluidity and safety in the area of
the semaphore signaled existing crossroads. The technical solution chosen for the
execution of the overpass, a suspended roundabout central ring with the inner radius of
40.00m out of which the access slip roads of DJ 102 and of DN 1B separate, solves the
problem of executing all the traffic movements, including U-turns (Fig.1).
The bridge superstructure (Fig.2) consists in a concrete box deck cast in place with
different width values with respect to the position in the structure: central ring or slip
roads on DN1B or on DJ.102. On the slip road on DN1B the superstructure has the
smallest value of the width, on the central ring and on the slip road on DJ102 the deck
geometry and width are comparable (Fig.2).
On the central ring the superstructure is continuous, without expansion joints and
consists in a reinforced concrete box with four walls 30cm thick, the exterior walls
being inclined (Fig.2). The lower and upper slabs over the walls are 25cm thick. The
width of the roadway on this portion of the bridge is 11.00m. The concrete ring is
supported by 12 piers disposed radially in the following succession of spans: 24.00 +
2x22.86 + 23.00 + 2x24.35 + 24.00 + 2x22,86 + 23.00 + 2x24.35m.
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Figure 1 Views of the roundabout: perspective (left), plan view (right)

Figure 2 Cross sections of the bridge: on slip roads DN1B (left), central ring and DJ102
On the slip roads laying on DJ102, the superstructure consists in the first span (24.00m)
in two concrete boxes with four walls joined at the upper part by the concrete slab and
after, in the other two spans, the boxes are separating (Fig.1,2). The superstructure is
continuous on three spans: 224.00+23.50m. The width of the road on this section is in
the range 8.80-11.75m.
The superstructure on the slip roads on DN1B is continuous on five spans: 516.00m.
There are two inclined walls and two slabs forming the superstructure cross section on
this section of the superstructure (Fig.1,2). The carriageway has a width of 5.50m.
Outside the central ring, eight expansion joints, placed in symmetrical position with
respect to the slip roads axes, were designed (Fig.2), in order to take the movement of
the structure under service loads.
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Substructure elements consists in massive abutments at the ends of the slip roads and
piers with lamellar elevation in the Y letter form. The height of the piers is variable
and imposed by the clearance gauge of the crossed road DN1B. The piers cross sections
are shown in figures 3. All substructure elements have shallow foundations (Fig. 2).

Figure 3 Cross sections of the piers: on the central ring and DJ102 slip road (left), on
DN1B slip road (right)
Because the zone where the bridge is situated is under the incidence of strong
earthquakes, the bearing of the superstructure on the substructure elements was
designed considering both, standard neoprene bearings and seismic rubber isolators.
One of the benefits brought by the use of isolators was the capability to use shallow
foundations instead of deep foundations on piles.
The bridge superstructure sustains sidewalks and cycling lanes and for this purpose two
rounded access stairs were foreseen.
The bridge is situated in a zone with high level of seismic hazard, so the use of isolators
prior to standard neoprene bearings for improving the structural response under
earthquakes action was decided. In the design stage the dynamic response of the bridge
was analyzed by the ad of finite element models in both situations: equipped with
standard neoprene bearings and with several types of isolators respectively.
Two types of finite element models were used. The first model, a 3D finite element
model of entire bridge (Fig.3) is based on the analyses methods for this type of deck
described in [1]. The bridge was modeled using for all structural elements two nodes
straight frame elements based on the formulations given in [2], [3]. For the rigid
connections between different parts of the structure, rigid link finite elements were used.
Standard neoprene bearings were modeled using link finite elements with linear
behavior. High- and lead-rubber isolators were considered by means of link finite
elements with nonlinear behavior.
In the first stage of the analyses, the stiffness and damping characteristics of the link
finite elements were established using theoretical aspects and analytical methods given
in [4]. Further on, based on the obtained results, specific bearing devices were chosen
from several producers catalogues, in order to satisfy both requirements: bearing
capacity and displacement need. From ALGA catalogue were chosen: HDN D350 B400
Z300 and LRN D700 B750 Z 550. As alternative to ALGAs LRN, FREYROM
proposed LRB 700260 and TENSACCIAI their TLRI-TENSA.
Finally, based on the data given by the producers following testing in the laboratory of
the isolators, the final design could be completed. For this purpose, in order to compare
the behavior of the proposed by the producer seismic isolators with those considered in
the analyses, a second model was built. This model (Fig.4) contains only the above
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named three types of lead-rubber bearings, taken apart from the structure, loaded based
on a registered accelerogram (Vrancea N-S 1977), in order to check their capability to
improve the response of the bridge on the seismic action.
The characteristics of seismic isolators used in the analyses, in terms of stiffness and
damping values, are presented in table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of seismic isolators
G Keff eff Klead Krubber Fy r
[Mpa] [%] [KN/mm] [%] [KN/mm] [kN]
HDH 1.40 16 2.41
LRN (ALGA) 0.90 4 4.05 29.56 42.87 2.45 439 0.057
LRB (FREYROM) 0.80 2.98 40.00 22.33 0.90 563 0.040
TENSA (TENSACCIAI) 0.80 4.29 30.40 19.35 1.94 380 0.100

In both models the behavior of the materials on the structural elements cross section was
assumed linear elastic.

Fig.3 Finite element model of the whole structure

Figure 4 Finite element model used to compare LRB characteristics

In the first stage of the design, using the first finite element model and standard
neoprene bearings (ELASTOMERIC) with linear behavior, response spectrum and time-
history linear analyses were performed, in order to estimate the values of the internal
forces at the piers base. The results in terms of shear forces and bending moments on
both directions are summarized in table 2 for the most stressed element in the structure.
In the second stage, the use of seismic isolators was simulated by modeling the high-
damping rubber and lead-rubber bearings behavior and performing time-history
nonlinear analyses. The force-deformation relationship of lead-rubber bearings (LRB)
was considered based on a bilinear model governing the response of the nonlinear link
finite elements.
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Table 2. Values of shear forces and bending moments at the base of most stressed pier (elem. no.
12) resulted from a seismic input along slip road DN1B
V2,max [kN] V3,max [kN] M2,max [kNm] M3,max [kNm]
Linear response spectrum analysis 586 2375 18340 4105
Linear time-history analysis 540 2381 18253 3806

The accelerograms used in time-history analyses were artificially generated based on

the response spectra in [5].
In order to reduce the values of shear forces and bending moments at piers base, along
the slip road DN1B rubber isolators with high damping were used. On the central ring
and on the slip roads along DJ102 lead-rubber bearing were disposed.
The response of all three types of lead-rubber bearings isolators taken apart from the
structure and obtained using the finite element model 2 is presented in figure 5.

Figure 5 Hysteresis loops of considered lead-rubber bearings obtained numerically

From the above chart it results that all three types of bearing can lead to good results.
The areas covered by hysteresis loops is almost the same in each case and the
displacements values are very close one to the other. Thus, each type of isolator was
introduced in the general finite element model of the structure and nonlinear time-
history analyses were performed in order to check the influence of base isolation on the
values of internal forces at piers base.
Two types of nonlinear time-history analyses were conducted: nonlinear modal and
direct integration. Ritz vector modal analyses were used prior to the modal time-history
analyses. The first and second eigenmodes of the structure together with the
corresponding values of the frequency are shown in figures 6 and 7. From these figures
it results the coupling between these two in plan translation modes which are very close
For the direct integration time-history analyses, Hilbert-Hughes-Taylor algorithm and
Rayleigh mass and stiffness proportional coefficients [3], [6] were chosen as input data
in the analysis software.
The resulted values of the bending moments and shear forces when isolators are used
are summarized in the charts presented in figures 8 and 9. All values include the
combined effect of all external actions allowed to be considered acting together with the
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Figure 6 Mode 1, f1=0.714s Figure 7 Mode 2, f2=0.715s

Figure 8 Values of bending moments Figure 9 Values of shear forces

Although the devices proposed by FREYROM possess the highest value of the damping
(40%), from the charts above it results that their influence on the structural response is
not favourable, but on the contrary, their use lead to increasing of bending moments and
shear forces. For clarifying this aspect, the hysteresis loops of the isolators placed on
this most stressed pier are plotted. These are presented in figure 10.

Figure 10 Hysteresis loops of the isolators placed on the most stressed pier
In this paper the benefits of using seismic isolators and base isolation to improve the
seismic response of a special concrete bridge at Puleti, near Ploieti is analysed. The
large values of internal forces at piers base obtained using standard elastomeric
bearings, led to the solution of using high damping and lead rubber bearings placed in a
certain arrangement on the bridge substructure elements. Three types of lead-rubber
bearings were proposed to be used and their behaviour analysed by the ad of finite
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element models and response spectra, usimg modal and direct integration time-history
Eventhough the characteristics of used lead-rubber isolators differ significantly, their
behaviour is very similar when they are analysed separately, showing similar hysteresis
loops and displacements values. The situation changes radically when they are placed in
the structure. Generally, the use of each type of isolator lead to a decrease of bending
moment values of the piers base with respect to those obtained using standard
elastomeric bearings. This reduction is in the range 5-24%. Concerning the shear forces,
the reduction is obtained only by using LRN (ALGA) and TENSA (TENSACCIAI)
isolators and is in the range 9-19%. By using LRB (FREYROM) isolators, we can
observe an increase of the shear force with 22%. The better behaviour was obtained
using TENSA isolators.
Concerning the horizontal displacements values of the superstructure at the expansion
joints, the values are in the range 30-100mm, the biggest value being obtained also by
using TENSA isolators. All values are below the target value of 200 mm proposed in the
design stage of the structure.
Analysing the obtained results the following comments can be formulated:
- a larger value of the effective damping do not necessary lead to a better behavior
of the structure. The structural response depends strongly on the bridge geometry,
distribution of stiffness and mass, pier arrangement and characteristics;
- although the performed numerical tests show a similar response of the isolator as
for the tested specimens, placed on the structure they are behaving in a different
- the closed circle geometry of the bridge together with the piers arrangement lead
to this uncommon nstructural response;
- the FREYROM isolator response can be caused by the larger value of the yielding
force, which prevent the entering of the structure on the second branch of the bi-
linear force-displacement function describing its behavior.

[1] Hambly E.C., Bridge deck behaviour, London, U.K., 1991, pp 135-156;
[2] Bathe, K.J., Wilson, E.L., Numerical methods in finite element analysis, New York,
U.S.A., 1976;
[3] Wilson, E.L., Three-Dimensional Static and Dynamic analysis of structures,
Berkeley, U.S.A., 2002;
[4] Naeim, F., Kelly, J.M., Design of seismic isolated structures. From theory to
practice, New York, U.S.A., 1999
[5] T.U.C.E.B., Seismic design code P100-1 Part I Design provisions for buildings,
Bucharest, Romania, 2013;
[6] Paz, M., Leigh, W., Structural Dynamics. Theory and Computation, Massachusetts,
U.S.A., 2004;

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