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Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 1 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576



Plaintiff/Appellant, )
) Case No. 17-1381
v. )
US BANK, et al )
Defendants/Appellees. )



The Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar, acting pro se, respectfully files with this Court a

RESPONSE to the referenced order issued June 5, 2017, DENYING several of the

Appellants filed motions. The referenced order, in its entirety, reads as follows:

The appellant's motions for appointment of counsel, for a stay, and for entry of default are

denied. The defendants' request for costs and fees incurred in opposing the motion for entry

of default is denied.1

See Attachment A, to view a copy of the referenced order, denying the Appellants filed
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After reviewing this order, and the historical record of this litigation, it becomes increasingly

clear that parties acting on behalf of the United States, INTEND to prevent this pro se Appellant

from reaching a JUST RESOLUTION, even at the risk of severe legal consequence.

"No man is above the law and no man below it."

Theodore Roosevelt

First, the Court is respectfully reminded that the foundation of the Appellants complaint

pertains primarily to two (2) components: 1.) The individual damages suffered as a result of his


model and the Intellectual Property Rights owned solely by the Appellant. This Economic

Model, known as the HARIHAR FCS MODEL, is conservatively estimated to be worth $5T

(US Dollars),2 with supporting merits having reached as far as the Executive Office of the

President (EOP) under the prior Obama administration.

Now, in the infancy stages of this appeal process, and considering the IRREFUTABLE

arguments for EACH these referenced motions, the Courts decision(s) to deny ALL of them

without ANY CLARIFICATION whatsoever raises a number of serious issues. Respectfully,

these issues must first be addressed before moving forward with the Appeal process. Left

uncorrected, the order reveals a CONTINUED PATTERN OF CORRUPT CONDUCT by

officers of the Court, with the CLEAR INTENT to UNDERMINE, and CRITICALLY

DAMAGE the legal efforts of this Appellant, and ultimately harming the United States as a

The Appellant has initially set damages at $42B, which is considered less than one percent of
the estimated value of his referenced Intellectual Property. The Appellant has also reserved the
right to adjust damages up to one-hundred percent, and does not account for treble damages.
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whole. By these acts, this continued pattern of corrupt conduct clearly evidenced within the

record(s) is now alleged against multiple officers of the court acting on behalf of the United

States BEGINNING with the evidenced allegations brought against lower District Court

Judge Allison Dale Burroughs; NEXT, with the STILL UNCORRECTED OPINION of

Chief Justice Howard; and NOW with this referenced order issued by Circuit Judges -

Torruella, Kayatta and Barron.

The Appellant respectfully makes clear, that due the severity of these growing issues which

include (but are not limited to) multiple counts of TREASON to the CONSTITUTION, the

following offices/agencies/committees will be provided copies of the original motions, the

referenced order, and this filed response3:

1. The Executive Office of the President (EOP);

2. The US Inspector General Michael Horowitz;

3. The US DOJ/Attorney General Jeff Sessions;

4. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI);

5. The House Judiciary Committee

By denying the referenced motions filed by the Appellant, additional serious issues are now

raised, calling for:

1. A thorough CLARIFICATION of the referenced order;

2. RECONSIDERATION of the Appellants requests prior to moving forward in the

legal process;

Since multiple parties, including the President of the United States, are necessarily receiving
copies of this filed response, the referenced order, along with the originally filed motions are
attached as reference. See Attachments A thru D.
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3. EXPANDED Fraud on the Court claims (Judicial);

4. Additional JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT complaints;

5. An ANSWER to Pending requests submitted to the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of

government, regarding ALL RELATED CRIMINAL CLAIMS and the Appellants

intent to pursue criminal charges;

6. Expanded CLAIMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES that now include (but are

not limited to) OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, pursuant to 18 USC Chapter 73;

7. FILING an official complaint against the United States under the Federal Tort

Claims Act, pursuant to (at minimum) 28 U.S. Code 1346;

8. A TRANSFER of venue is warranted, considering the evidenced claims against

referenced officers of the court including (but not limited to) Treason, Judicial Fraud,

Economic Espionage and resulting damages to the Intellectual property rights of the

Appellant. The resulting impact to jurisdiction, Intellectual Property claims and

overall pursuit of justice, weigh in favor of transfer.


A. Denial to Assist the Appellant with the Appointment of Counsel Considering the

substantial list of FACTS supporting the Courts assistance with the appointment of

counsel, denial here without ANY explanation shows cause to question the INTENT of

the Circuit Judges, and expand upon existing judicial misconduct claims. A copy of the

original motion is attached as referenced (See Attachment B). The Appellant respectfully

requests that Circuit Judges - Torruella, Kayatta and Barron provide clarification for

the record as it pertains to EACH of the following contributing factors:

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1. The Court has recognized the Appellant as having NO LEGAL

BACKGROUND, and has (at minimum) brought evidenced claims of both civil

and criminal misconduct requiring legal expertise in the following areas:

a. Treason allegations, and potential impact to National Security;

b.Misprision (of Treason, and of a Felony);

c. Fraud on the Court (Judicial and Defendant);

d.Misappropriation of Intellectual Property Rights and Economic


e. Historical litigation pertaining to the US Foreclosure Crisis;

f. Securities Fraud - specifically referencing (but not limited to) Residential

Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) associated with the US Foreclosure


g. Real Estate/Foreclosure Law;

h. Litigation involving State and Federal Government;

i. US District Court Trial Court Litigation;

j. US Appellate Court Litigation;

k. Judicial Misconduct;

l. Violations to Due Process;

m. Color of Law Violations;

n. Civil Conspiracy Claims;

o. Federal Tort Claims

Is the Court stating for the record that these evidenced claims requiring legal

expertise, do not exist? Also, is the Court stating that this referenced list
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requiring legal expertise DOES NOT warrant leaning IN FAVOR of

assisting this pro se litigant with the assignment of counsel? If this case does

not exemplify a textbook case to assist with appointing counsel, where then

has the bar been set? Respectfully, please clarify and articulate for the

record exactly how the Court reached its conclusions here.

2. When the Commonwealth (AND the United States) are in reality two (2) of

the opposing parties (as is the case here) and when the interests of the indigent

litigant, although not involving his personal liberty, are fundamental and

compelling, due process and fundamental fairness require a presumption in favor

of appointed counsel.

Since the Commonwealth AND the United States are in fact two (2) of the

opposing parties, please clarify and articulate for the record exactly how the

Court reached its decision to deny assistance with appointed counsel.

3. Merits of the Plaintiffs Claim(s) Please clarify the courts denial;

4. Position to investigate crucial facts Please clarify the courts denial;

5. Whether the search for truth will be better served if both sides are represented

by persons trained in the presentation of evidence and in cross-examination

Please clarify the courts denial;

6. Capability of the plaintiff to present his case. The court of appeals quoted

Gordon v. Leeke, "If it is apparent to the district court that a pro se litigant has a

colorable claim but lacks the capacity to present it, the district court should

appoint counsel to assist him. Please clarify the courts denial;

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7. The district court should consider the complexity of the legal issues the claim(s)

raises. When the law is so clearly settled that counsel will serve no purpose, the

court should deny a request for counsel. When, however, the law is not clear,

justice will be better served if both sides are represented by persons trained

in legal analysis. Please clarify the courts denial.

B. Denial to Issue a STAY order First, the Appellant respectfully reminds the Court that

it has, along with the lower District Court already recognized the indigence of the

Appellant. The Appellants request here as indicated, was for a TEMPORARY STAY

while legal matters proceed, to avoid certain increased hardship. The Motion was filed

pursuant to FRAP Rule 8a (2), A(ii); also referencing the lower Court docket, which

clearly shows that the Plaintiff/Appellant satisfied requirements of Fed. R. Civ. Pro.

65(d)(2), as well as the Four-Factor test. Left uncorrected, this denial (at minimum)

indicates the failure to uphold Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, and shows

cause to bring a new judicial misconduct claim(s) of (at minimum) Fraud on the

Court. The denial also unnecessarily ensures an increased hardship to the Appellant

while legal matters proceed.

Please clarify and articulate for the record exactly how the Court arrived at its conclusion

denying the requested STAY order.

C. IGNORING Evidenced Fraud on the Court Claims as is CLEARLY

EVIDENCED within the lower Court docket against Defendants David E. Fialkow,

Jeffrey S. Patterson ALL Appellees, and the Judicial Fraud on the Court claim

against Judge Burroughs. This Court has ALSO seemingly ignored NEW Fraud on the

Court claims against ALL parties, referencing the filed Notice of Inaccuracies by
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Defendants and Appellees. Left uncorrected, ANY decision ignoring the referenced fraud

on the court claims shows cause to file a NEW judicial misconduct complaint(s), and

expand upon existing claims against the United States. Please clarify and articulate for

the record exactly how the Court failed to acknowledge these evidenced allegations.

D. Denial to Reimburse the Appellant for Associated Costs and Legal Fees There are

several issues to address here beginning with the Courts apparent failure to acknowledge

the evidenced judicial misconduct claims against US District Court Judge Allison D.

Burroughs, which at minimum, impacts jurisdiction. After fully reviewing the Appellants

supported arguments from the lower court docket, please articulate and clarify for the

record, exactly how this Court arrived at its conclusion to deny reimbursement. Left

uncorrected, this Court will have unnecessarily contributed to the INCREASED

HARDSHIP of the Appellant; Also preventing him from having the financial means to

pay the required $500 filing fee for this appeal, AND the required $400 filing fee for the

referenced NEW complaint against the United States. The interpretation also suggests

that the Appellants time spent for over two (2) years to necessarily represent

himself, and having to learn related Federal rules and procedures of the Court(s) is

somehow considered LESS VALUABLE than that of opposing counsel.


The Appellant respectfully requests that this Court RECONSIDER its decisions and take

CORRECTIVE action(s), as it pertains to the Appellants motions AND with regard to

the prior OPINION of Chief Justice Howard. Left uncorrected, these decisions now show

cause to file NEW judicial misconduct complaints against the presiding Circuit Judges
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and the Chief Justice. Failure to take corrective action will also warrant an expansion

of existing claims against the United States.



The historical record reveals numerous civil/criminal claims brought by the Appellant

against Appellees/Defendants and also against an Officer of the Court. The criminal

components to these claims are severe, revealing EVIDENCED ACTS including (but

not limited to) FRAUD, and even TREASON to the CONSTITUTION. This Court is

aware that official requests have been filed directly with the DOJ and the Executive

Office of the President (EOP), requesting:

A. The ASSIGNMENT of a Federal Prosecutor;

B. The ASSEMBLY of a Grand Jury; and

C. The START of a FULL-CRIMINAL investigation.

This Court (at least on its surface) APPEARS to be IGNORING these pending requests

to the Executive Branch, and its potential impact to this litigation. Decisions to move

forward with the Appeal process BEFORE these referenced criminal (and other)

components are addressed, is certainly considered premature, and shows cause to expand

upon existing claims against the United States.


Since filing the SF-95 (Claim for Damage) form with ALL THREE (3) branches of

government on September 13, 2016,4 the documented record of both the lower District

See Attachment E, to view a copy of the filed SF-95 form, in its entirety.
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Court and also this First Circuit Court of Appeals, shows cause to expand upon/add to

existing misconduct claims. The expanded and/or new claims brought against the United

States will include (but will not be limited to):

A. Evidenced TREASON allegations pursuant to ARTICLE III;

B. OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE pursuant to 18 USC Chapter 73;

C. Judicial Misconduct Complaints filed (at minimum) against five (5) Officers of the

Court, acting on behalf of the United States.5

D. An expansion of Due process, Color of Law and RICO claims;

E. An expansion of Unnecessary Judicial Delay claims;

F. Ignoring the continued concerns expressed by the Appellant, regarding personal

safety and security.


Since filing the SF-95 (Claim for Damage) form with ALL THREE (3) branches of

government on September 13, 2017, the Appellant has (on record) made multiple

efforts, requesting that the Court (or appropriate US designate) provide an update on

behalf of the United States regarding its intentions, and whether there is interest in

reaching a mutual agreement. As the record will show, these efforts have consistently

been ignored and is now past the six-month timeline still with no response.

THEREFORE, with filing of this response, the Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar,

Judicial Misconduct Complaints refers to existing claims against US District Court Judge
Allison Dale Burroughs, still pending before the Judicial Council of the First Circuit; Also,
NEW Judicial Misconduct Complaints currently being drafted against Chief Justice Howard
(First Circuit) and the presiding Circuit Judges to this Appeal - Torruella, Kayatta and Barron.
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respectfully files with the US District Court, a NEW civil complaint against the United

States for evidenced allegations as stated in the SF-95 form, including any NEW

and/or expanded allegations, as evidenced within the record(s).


SHOULD it become necessary to move forward with this Appeal, the Appellant believes

that a Transfer of Venue MAY be necessary, considering (at minimum):

A. The evidenced allegations brought against five (5) officers of the Court acting on

behalf of the United States is alarming, and irrefutably shows the INTENT to

cause irreparable harm to this Appellant and to the country for which they

serve. It additionally reveals that the INTEGRITY of the US District Court (MA)

and the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has been COMPRIMISED;

B. The subject matter involving the Intellectual Property Rights of the Appellant and its

design to assist with the repair and growth of this Nations Economy warrants

transfer to a more suitable venue (i.e., The United States Court of Appeals for the

Federal Circuit).


Based on the severity of issues as stated within, the Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar

respectfully calls for the following action(s):

A. That the Court reconsider its decision and ASSIST the Appellant with the

appointment of counsel;
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B. That the Court reconsider its decision and GRANT an injunction to STAY

collection actions against the Appellant while legal matters proceed;

C. That the Court reconsider its decision and REIMBURSE the Appellant for related

COSTS and LEGAL FEES as filed;

D. With the filing of this response, the Appellant additionally files a NEW complaint

against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act, pursuant to 28 U.S.

Code 1346. This new complaint will detail the evidenced allegations expressed in

the filed SF-95 form, along with the expanded allegation as referenced here,

including (but not limited to) judicial misconduct. Should the presiding Circuit

Judges decide to rightfully initiate corrective action, the Appellant will consider

amending the FTCA complaint as needed hopefully WITH the necessary

assistance of experienced legal counsel. Corrective action by this Court MAY also

lead to amending and/or the withdrawal of new judicial misconduct complaints.

The Appellant remains hopeful, that corrective action will now be initiated by the Court.

Restating that copies of this response are necessarily delivered (via US Mail, Email, and/or

Social Media) to previously mentioned Offices/Agencies/Committees, and also out of concerns

for personal safety and security. A copy will also be made available to the Public.

Respectfully submitted this 11th Day of June, 2017.

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
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Attachment A
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Attachment B
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Plaintiff/Appellant, )
) Case No. 17-1381
v. )
US BANK, et al )



COMES NOW the Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar, acting pro se, who respectfully requests the

Courts assistance with the appointment of counsel, based on the following reasons:

1. First, the appellant respectfully reminds the Court that a Judicial Misconduct petition is still

pending before the Judicial Counsel. The substantial list of evidenced allegations against

US District Court Judge - Allison Dale Burroughs is believed to (at minimum) impact

jurisdiction. Addressing legal issues associated with the judicial misconduct allegations

IN ITSELF warrants the assistance of experienced counsel. The Appellants interpretation

of the law is that Judge Burroughs has lost jurisdiction to rule in the referenced litigation.

Therefore, the dismissal order IS NOT VALID, and also ALL prior orders related to the

Docket. Since August 2016, Judge Burroughs has made no effort to ADDRESS, DEFEND or

DENY the lengthy list of evidenced allegations now before the Judicial Council. Furthermore,

NO defendant/appellee, including the Commonwealth and its former Attorney General, has
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made a single effort to challenge or even question ANY of the evidenced judicial misconduct

allegations. The appellant respectfully recommends that the Court review the record in its

entirety, including the Judicial Misconduct Petition and its two (2) necessarily filed

supplements for a greater understanding of the issues at hand, and scope of misconduct

allegations. The Appellant fully expects that the validation of evidenced allegations by this

Court will find the referenced dismissal order is indeed VOID, and that this matter should be

re-directed back to the District Court.

2. A PORTION of the evidenced allegations against the Defendants/Appellees and/or the United

States includes (but is not limited to): Treason, Economic Espionage/Infringement to

Intellectual Property Rights, Fraud on the Court, Conspiracy Claims, RICO violations,

Due Process violations, Color of Law violations and others. The severity of these claims

has shown cause to request an official criminal investigation, assembly of a grand jury, and the

assignment of a special prosecutor. The Plaintiff/Appellant has officially made such requests,

included in a second supplement of the Judicial Misconduct Petition recently filed against

Judge Burroughs. Since it is the Executive Branch of government that decides these

assignments, certified copies of the Plaintiffs requests were delivered to the direct attention

of: President Donald J. Trump/EOP, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions (DOJ), US

Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and the FBI (Boston field office). The second

supplement was received by the Judicial Council on April 19, 2017. Additional parties

receiving certified copies of the Judicial Misconduct petition include: Governor Charles

Baker and the House Judiciary Committee.

Based on the evidenced CRIMINAL SCOPE of these allegations, there can be NO question,

that in addition to assistance with the appointment of counsel, it is necessary for the Executive
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Branch to - assign a federal/special prosecutor, assemble a grand jury, and open an official

criminal investigation. Any failure to do so shows cause to expand upon existing claims against

the United States.

3. Lower Courts prior refusal to assist with the appointment of counsel, pursuant to Title

28 U.S.C. 1915 In the lower Court, the Appellant/Plaintiff consistently made clear that he

is not an attorney and has no legal background. The factually supported issues involved are

CLEARLY too complex for the Plaintiff to present entirely without the assistance of

experienced legal counsel. Experienced legal expertise is required in a number of areas

including (at minimum):

a. Treason allegations, and potential impact to National Security;

b. Misprision (of Treason, and of a Felony);

c. Fraud on the Court (Judicial and Defendant);

d. Misappropriation of Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Espionage;

e. Historical litigation pertaining to the US Foreclosure Crisis;

f. Securities Fraud - specifically referencing (but not limited to) Residential

Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) associated with the US Foreclosure Crisis;

g. Real Estate/Foreclosure Law

h. Litigation involving State and Federal Government

i. US District Court Trial Court Litigation

j. Appellate Court Litigation

k. Judicial Misconduct

l. Violations to Due Process

m. Color of Law Violations

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n. Civil Conspiracy Claims

o. Federal Tort Claims

It is completely UNREALISTIC to expect ANY pro se litigant to successfully litigate this matter

in its entirety, considering the number of complex subjects requiring legal expertise. Also, when

the Commonwealth (AND the United States)6 are in reality two (2) of the opposing parties

(as is the case here) and when the interests of the indigent litigant, although not involving his

personal liberty, are fundamental and compelling, due process and fundamental fairness

require a presumption in favor of appointed counsel.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit acknowledged that under 28 U.S.C.

1915(d) the district court has broad discretion to appoint counsel and that the denial of counsel

"will not be overturned unless it would result in fundamental unfairness impinging on due

process rights. The court said that the district court's decision must "rest upon the court's careful

consideration of all the circumstances of the case, with particular emphasis upon certain factors

that have been recognized as highly relevant to a request for counsel.

The following factors have additionally contributed, leaning heavily towards the necessary

appointment of counsel:

1. Merits of the Plaintiffs Claim;

2. Position to investigate crucial facts;

3. Whether the search for truth will be better served if both sides are represented by persons

trained in the presentation of evidence and in cross-examination;

The Complainant has already taken the legal steps to inform the United States of his intention
to file suit either separately or through an amendment of the existing complaint. The
Complainant has additionally offered an opportunity to the United States to seek
agreement, and awaits a decision.
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4. Capability of the plaintiff to present his case. The court of appeals quoted Gordon v. Leeke,

"If it is apparent to the district court that a pro se litigant has a colorable claim but lacks the

capacity to present it, the district court should appoint counsel to assist him.;

5. The district court should consider the complexity of the legal issues the claim(s) raises. When

the law is so clearly settled that counsel will serve no purpose, the court should deny a request

for counsel. When, however, the law is not clear, justice will be better served if both sides are

represented by persons trained in legal analysis.

While the Plaintiff understands that assistance with the appointment of counsel is rare, it

SHOULD be recognized that the Courts assistance per Title 28 U.S.C. 1915 is clearly

warranted at the District Court level, and even more so at the Appellate level. By refusing to

assist the Plaintiff with the appointment of counsel, the presiding judge exemplified (at

minimum) Prejudice and an Act of Bad Faith against this Plaintiff (28 U.S. Code 144),

choosing NOT to support or uphold the Judicial Machinery of the Court. ANY objective

observer would entertain reasonable questions about the judge's impartiality, and

conclude that a fair and impartial hearing is unlikely. The Plaintiff/Appellant respectfully

disagreed with the lower courts decision, questioning where exactly the bar has been set to

assist with the appointment of counsel, AND exactly how Judge Burroughs could possibly

have arrived at her conclusions. The Plaintiffs requests for clarification was repeatedly


6. It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY, that if the Complainant had experienced legal counsel

representing him from the beginning whether with, or without the assistance of the Court,

this litigation would be in the position it finds itself in now. It is FAR MORE LIKELY that

by now, the process would STILL be in the lower court, well past the Discovery phase,
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potentially with additional claims, and on a TIMELY path to a jury trial. It is also entirely

plausible, that by now a settlement agreement between ALL parties, INCLUDING the

UNITED STATES, would have been reached.7

7. By refusing to assist with the appointment of counsel, the lower court has not only caused

increased hardship to the Plaintiff/Appellant, but has also WASTED nearly two (2) years of

the litigants (Plaintiff and Defendants) and the Courts time. The Plaintiffs time should be

considered no less important than that of opposing counsel. These clearly evidenced FACTS

demonstrate ACT(S) of BAD FAITH, made by the United States against this

Plaintiff/Complainant. The Plaintiff has submitted to the District Court a DEMAND for the

reimbursement for COSTS and FEES, and has yet to receive a timely payment from the

United States Treasury Department. The United States has respectfully been informed, that

(at minimum) the referenced legal fees will continue to accrue until either:

a. The Court RIGHTFULLY assists with the appointment of counsel; or

b. The Plaintiff is able to secure legal counsel on his own.

8. Plaintiffs Inability to thus far retain legal counsel on his own For nearly six (6) years,

the Appellant/Plaintiff has reached out to a countless number of law firms, in an effort to secure

and retain legal counsel. These efforts have been unsuccessful, not because the claims lack

merit, but primarily for the following reasons:

a. Conflict of interest (Usually with one of the Bank defendants, or the government);

b. Unwilling to consider a contingency agreement;

c. Not equipped to handle a case of this magnitude;

It should be noted, that in the lower court, no defendant filed a single opposition to the
Plaintiffs request(s) for assistance with the appointment of Counsel.
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d. Fear of negative repercussion The Plaintiffs complaint is tied to what many

(worldwide) consider the largest case of FRAUD in US history, and exposes corruption

at a very high level. The Plaintiff has found that many law firms are fearful that if they

choose to represent him, they are likely to face some form of negative repercussion.

9. Failure to acknowledge the safety and security of the Plaintiff the allegations brought

forth by the Plaintiff exposes a level of corruption - within government and Wall Street, of

historic proportion. Efforts to seek Whistleblower protection have been thus far ignored. Color

of Law allegations have been clearly evidenced, and also ignored. Under the prior (Obama)

administration, the Department of Justice (and also the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney

General) is on record as stating that they WILL NOT PROTECT this Plaintiff, an

AMERICAN-BORN CITIZEN, from the criminal misconduct committed against him. It has

yet to be determined if the new (Trump) administration will take corrective action here. Based

on these safety and security concerns, assistance with the appointment of counsel is certainly


10. Refusal to assist with the appointment of counsel will show cause to expand upon existing

claims against the United States. The Court is aware that the Plaintiff has brought multiple

claims against the United States. The Plaintiff intends to pursue these claims against the United

States either by amending his existing complaint or by separate legal action. The Court is aware

that ALL three (3) branches of government have received notice of the Plaintiffs legal

intentions, including the required SF-95 form. The Plaintiff has offered the United states an

opportunity to seek agreement, and has made multiple efforts (unsuccessfully) through the

lower court to get a response. The lower court has ignored the Plaintiffs allegations against

the United States and his efforts to seek agreement as if they were never mentioned. Counsel
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is needed to assist with addressing these issues involving the United States, whether it is in

reaching a mutual agreement, or continued legal action(s). Refusing to assist the

Plaintiff/Appellant with the appointment of counsel will show cause to expand upon existing

(and potentially new) claims against the United States.

Based on the reasons states within, the Appellant respectfully requests the following actions by

this Court:

1. That this Appellate Court OVERTURN the decision of the lower court and ASSIST the

Appellant with the appointment of counsel. The Appellant is certainly willing to consider

entering into a contingency agreement with eligible law firms;

2. VALIDATE the referenced Act of Bad Faith by the lower Court, denying assistance with

appointment of counsel;

3. Upon validation, APPROVING the reimbursement of accruing COSTS and FEES owed

to the Appellant/Plaintiff, and notifying the Treasury Department to timely issue payment

to the Appellant;

If the Court has even the slightest question regarding ANY portion of this motion, the Appellant

is happy to answer and provide additional support upon request.

Respectfully submitted this 25th Day of April, 2017.

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
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Attachment C
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Plaintiff/Appellant, )
) Case No. 17-1381
v. )
US BANK, et al )




COMES NOW the Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar, acting pro se, who respectfully requests that

the Court grant a stay/injunction that will prevent collection actions against the Appellant while

referenced legal matters proceed. This motion for a stay is filed here in the US Court of Appeals

pursuant to FRAP Rule 8a (2), A(ii), where - a motion having been made in the district court

denied the motion or failed to afford the relief requested. The Appellant references Docket No.s

132 thru 134 from the related District Court docket.8 A review of the referenced record will

show that the Plaintiff clearly satisfied requirements of Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 65(d)(2), as well as the

Four-Factor test. Despite bringing these FACTS to the Courts attention in Document No. 134,

the Plaintiffs response was ignored, identifying also a continued pattern of corrupt conduct, and

case references believed to be improperly applied.

See Attachment A, Documents 132 thru 134.
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The Appellants immediate concerns pertain to three (3) outstanding debts, rightfully owed to:

1. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS);

2. The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (MA-DOR); and

3. Jeanne DArc Credit Union.

Despite filing the RESPONSE associated with Document No. 134, no corrective action was

taken by the District Court. The Appellant faces debt collection efforts on a regular basis, and it

has been a clear distraction while these legal matters proceed. It also brings increased hardship

AND risk of having wages garnished, etc..., when there is no ability to pay down these accruing

debts. The Appellant simply CANNOT afford to have these threatening distractions continue,

AT LEAST while legal matters proceed. Right now, the MA-DOR is threatening to suspend the

Appellants Drivers License if the past due balance exceeding $11,000.00 is not paid by

April 28, 2017. It is worth noting that NO Defendant/Appellee, including the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts ever filed a single opposition to stay collection actions

while legal matters proceed.

THEREFORE, the Appellant respectfully requests that the Court issue an immediate order to


Mohan A. Harihar, while these legal matters proceed, OR until the Appellant is in the financial

position to satisfy the repayment of referenced debts. Repayment MAY be possible to referenced

creditors WHILE legal matters proceed IF this Court approves the reimbursement of costs and

fees as submitted by the Plaintiff/Appellant. Once reimbursement is timely received from the

Treasury Department, the repayment of referenced debts can be made without further delay.
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 27 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

Based on the reasons states within, the Appellant respectfully requests the following actions by

this Court:

4. That this Appellate Court OVERTURN the decision of the lower court and ISSUE a

STAY on ALL Collection activity against the Appellant while legal matters proceed OR

until the Appellant is in the financial position to satisfy the repayment of referenced debts.

If the Court has any questions regarding ANY portion of this motion, the Appellant is happy to

answer and provide additional support upon request.

Respectfully submitted this 26th Day of April, 2017.

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
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Attachment A
(Lower Court Docket)
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US BANK NA, et al.




The Plaintiff, Mohan A. Harihar, acting pro se, respectfully

seeks a preliminary injunction, pursuant to Federal Rule of

Civil Procedure - Rule 65(a), suspending ALL debt collection

activity towards the Plaintiff, while legal matters proceed.

This Court has already acknowledged the indigence of the

Plaintiff, who thus far has been forced to continue here as a

pro se litigant. It should come as no surprise that attempting

to successfully litigate this matter requires the FULL-TIME

commitment of a highly-experienced LEGAL TEAM, let alone a

single person with no legal background. Part-time employment as

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 30 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

a bartender has been the Plaintiffs only available source of

employment and income while self-litigating this matter - barely

allowing him to meet basic needs (food, shelter, clothing,


The Court is aware of the Plaintiffs immense financial

challenges, which stem from misconduct allegations brought

against these Defendants, and also the United States. The

Plaintiff has substantial, and still-accruing debts which are

owed to multiple creditors, including (but not limited to) the

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Massachusetts Department

of Revenue (MADOR). The Plaintiff faces debt collection efforts

on a regular basis, and it has been a clear distraction while

these legal matters proceed. It also brings increased risk of

having wages garnished, etc..., when there is no ability to pay

down these accruing debts. The Plaintiff simply CANNOT afford to

have these threatening distractions continue, AT LEAST while

legal matters proceed.

THEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court

issue an immediate order to TEMPORARILY SUSPEND ALL DEBT

COLLECTION ACTIVITY against the Plaintiff Mohan A. Harihar,

while these legal matters proceed.

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 31 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

The Plaintiff is on record as stating his firm belief that the

presiding judge, Allison D. Burroughs, is disqualified by law to

issue any further rulings in this litigation. IF Judge Burroughs

were to issue a ruling here, doing so would be interpreted as a


remains the CLEAR EXPECTATION, for Judge Burroughs to either

recuse herself, or be removed by the Judicial Council of the

First Circuit, before litigation proceeds.

IF this Court (once jurisdiction has been established) were to

issue the requested order, and IF during this time, the United

States takes accountability for the supported allegations of

actions made in BAD FAITH, there MAY be opportunity to lift the

suspension, even while litigation proceeds.9

Certification and Closing

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, by signing below, I

certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief that

this Motion: (1) is not being presented for an improper purpose,

such as to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase

9 The opportunity to consider lifting such suspension while

litigation is ongoing will depend upon the financial status of
the Plaintiff, and his ability to enter into payment agreements
with referenced creditors, ONLY AFTER - BAD FAITH ACTIONS
alleged against the United States have been addressed (Reference
Document No. 128).
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 32 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

the cost of litigation; (2) is supported by existing law or by a

non-frivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing

existing law; (3) the factual contentions have evidentiary support

or, if specifically so identified, will likely have evidentiary

support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation

or discovery; and (4) the Motion otherwise complies with the

requirements of Rule 11.

The Plaintiff is grateful for the Courts consideration of this

very TIME-SENSITIVE matter. If the Court has any questions, or

requires additional information or clarification, the Plaintiff

is happy to provide upon request.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
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US BANK NA, et al.



After reviewing the judicial order in Document No. 133 issued by

Judge Allison D. Burroughs, the Plaintiff, Mohan A. Harihar,

acting pro se, identifies a number of troubling issues that

AGAIN warrant her immediate RECUSAL. SHOULD Judge Burroughs

refuse to recuse herself, the Plaintiff will necessarily

initiate next steps in bringing this matter to the attention of

the House Judiciary Committee. The Plaintiff respectfully files

with the Court, and a copy also to the Judicial Council of the

First Circuit the following response:

1. Third (3rd) Act of Treason against the Constitution By

issuing the order associated with Document No. 133 (and

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 35 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

previously with Document No. 129 and Document No. 125), the

Plaintiff brings a third (3rd) allegation of Treason to the

Constitution against Judge Allison D. Burroughs. For the

reasons previously stated and on record with the Court,10

the Plaintiff considers Judge Burroughs disqualified by

law, prohibiting her from issuing ANY further rulings in

this case. The Plaintiffs interpretation of the law is

that Judge Burroughs no longer has jurisdiction to rule on

this Docket. By doing so, the judge has, for a THIRD time,

acted in a personal capacity versus a judicial capacity.

Therefore, the Plaintiff considers the order associated

with Document No. 133 (and ALL those prior) as VOID.11

Furthermore, Judge Burroughs has refused to recuse herself,

and has made no effort to address, dispute or deny any of

the supported allegations exemplifying judicial misconduct,

including Treason.

2. Plaintiffs Creditors Even if Judge Burroughs still had

jurisdiction, it is the Plaintiffs clear belief, that her

10 Reference Document No.s 121 thru 126.

11 A judicial misconduct complaint, and three supplemental
complaints, have been filed against Judge Allison D. Burroughs
where a decision(s) is pending before the Judicial Council of
the First Circuit. A fourth supplemental complaint to the
Judicial Council is now warranted.
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 36 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

actions exemplified in her issued order(s) continue to

display a pattern of corrupt conduct. In her Order,

Document No. 133, Judge Burroughs states, First, Plaintiff

has failed to establish why an injunction can issue against

his multiple creditors. The Plaintiff respectfully

disagrees. The Plaintiff has clearly established the FACTS

which have allegedly led to his indigence, and which the

Court has ALREADY acknowledged. These FACTS include (but

are not limited to) the referenced allegations of

misconduct, against these Defendants (which include the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts and ALSO the United States)

which have negatively impacted the Plaintiffs marriage,

family, career, retirement and everyday way of living. The

Court is ALREADY aware that the United States and the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts are two (2) of these

creditors.12 Both the United States and the Commonwealth

have received notice through this litigation, thus

complying with Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 65(d)(2). Furthermore,

neither party (or any other) has filed opposition to this

requested injunction. While additional creditors also

exist, Judge Burroughs SHOULD have AT MINIMUM issued a

The Plaintiff owes the United States Federal taxes to the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and also to the Massachusetts
Department of Revenue (MADOR).
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 37 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

temporary injunction against the IRS and MADOR, while legal

matters proceed. Allowing the injunction to include

additional creditors, once compliant with Fed. R. Civ. Pro.

65(d)(2), SHOULD also have been considered.

The Plaintiff has CLEARLY established why an injunction

can, and should issue. For Judge Burroughs to state

otherwise, AGAIN clearly suggests one (1) or more of the

following conclusions:

a. Judge Burroughs has ruled on a motion without reading

related filings, thus further questioning the judges

ability to be impartial;

b. Judge Burroughs may have forgotten the actual content of

the Motion and related filings, suggesting that mental

illness may be an issue here;

c. A deep-seated favoritism or antagonism does exist making

fair judgment impossible. It would appear (at least on

its surface), that elements of corruption may exist

here; and that an effort is being made by an officer

of the Court, to brush aside all motions in order to

reach a corrupt and predetermined outcome;

d. A combination of scenarios a, b or c exists.

3. Four-Factor Test Judge Burroughs next states the

following, Here, Plaintiff has failed to make an adequate

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 38 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

showing that he is likely to succeed on the merits of any

of his claims, which is the main bearing wall of the four-

factor test that the Court uses to evaluate motions for

preliminary injunctive relief.

Again, the Plaintiff respectfully disagrees, referencing

Document No. 119, filed in August 2016, and previously in

April 2016, where the Plaintiff has ALREADY clearly

articulated his reasoning for each portion of the four-

factor test, including success on the merits. Considering

the FACTS presented to the Court, the generic opinion and

issued order by Judge Burroughs denying relief leads this

Plaintiff to draw the same troubling conclusions as

previously described above (see No. 2).

The Plaintiff also questions ALL THREE (3) case references

believed to be improperly applied by Judge Burroughs: 1.)

Winter v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc., 555 U.S. 7, 20,

(2008); 2.) G. & C. Merriam Co. v. Webster Dictionary Co.,

639 F.2d 29, 35 (1st Cir. 1980); and 3.) Corp. Techs., Inc.

v. Harnett, 731 F.3d 6, 10 (1st Cir. 2013). Based on the

totality of FACTS presented by the Plaintiff, it is unclear

exactly how Judge Burroughs could have reached her

conclusions. The vague, and somewhat generic language

pattern of the order(s) calls for further clarification.

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 39 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

The Plaintiff AGAIN respectfully calls for a formal

hearing, so that further clarification can be provided by

Judge Burroughs on this, and several other orders in

question. The Plaintiff also respectfully requests that a

court reporter be present for the scheduled hearing.

4. Pattern of Corrupt Conduct Since filing the initial

complaint with the Court on May 21, 2015, the Plaintiff has

necessarily brought a number of judicial misconduct

allegations against the presiding judge Allison D.

Burroughs. These supported allegations are all on record

with this US District Court, and are also before the

Judicial Council of the First Circuit. Evidenced

allegations raised by the Plaintiff include (but are not

limited to):

a. Incidents of prejudice/bias, favoring referenced


b. Refusing to acknowledge/recognize primary issues

within the Plaintiffs complaint including (but not

limited to) the Plaintiffs Intellectual Property

Rights, and the Economic framework designed to assist

the United States with economic recovery/growth from

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 40 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

damages caused by the US Foreclosure/Financial


c. Failure to uphold Federal Rules of Civil Procedure;

d. Failing to maintain a fair balance of Hardships;

e. Refusal to assist with the appointment of Counsel;

f. Refusal to schedule a hearing(s) for clarification and

documentation purposes for the record, in the event it

becomes necessary for the Plaintiff to file an appeal;

g. Treason against the Constitution of the United States

(three alleged acts);

h. Refusal to recuse.


5. BAD FAITH Actions against the Plaintiff - With the order

associated with Document No. 133, the Plaintiff considers

this as an additional ACT MADE IN BAD FAITH, by Judge

Burroughs and the UNITED STATES against this Plaintiff. The

Plaintiff is still waiting for the United States to take

accountability for these acts made in bad faith.

6. Mutual Agreement Opportunity with the United States In

addition to bad faith acts, the Plaintiff still awaits an

13 The Intellectual Property Rights of the Plaintiff include,

(but are not limited) to the Harihar FCS Model an economic
framework recognized by the Executive Office of the President
(EOP), a Senior Officer of the House Financial Services
Committee, a Senior Economic advisor to a sitting US Senator, a
Congressional Office, and others.
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 41 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

ANSWER regarding the respectfully proposed Mutual Agreement

Opportunity, offered to the United States by the Plaintiff.


It becomes necessary here to restate the LEGAL intentions of the


1. To hold ALL parties legally responsible for damages caused

by the referenced ILLEGAL FORECLOSURE;

2. To set a legal precedent that would allow the millions of

Americans similarly harmed to rightfully do the same; and

3. Gain alignment with the United States to potentially

implement the Plaintiffs Intellectual Property, known as

the Harihar FCS Model, resulting in an estimated $5T (or

greater) of economic growth to the United States.

Litigants have the right to expect a judge hearing their case

will be fair and impartial, and avoid even the appearance of

impropriety. Regrettably, neither the Plaintiff, nor ANY

objective person who has followed this litigation can have that

expectation in Judge Burroughs' courtroom. It is the Plaintiffs

ABSOLUTE opinion, that the evidenced acts of judicial misconduct

clearly exemplify malicious intent to (at minimum): 1.)

Critically damage the legal efforts of this Plaintiff; 2.)

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 42 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

Negatively impact the resulting precedent set; and 3.)

Ultimately prevent the implementation of a framework designed to

repair and grow the United States Economy.

[How] to check these unconstitutional invasions of rights

by the Federal judiciary? Not by impeachment in the first

instance, but by a strong protestation of both houses of

Congress that such and such doctrines advanced by the

Supreme Court are contrary to the Constitution; and if

afterwards they relapse into the same heresies, impeach and

set the whole adrift. For what was the government divided

into three branches, but that each should watch over the

others and oppose their usurpations?

Thomas Jefferson, 1821

The Plaintiff - Mohan A. Harihar, respectfully repeats the

DEMAND for the immediate recusal of Judge Allison D. Burroughs.

Should Judge Burroughs again refuse to recuse herself, the

Judicial Council will again be updated, and next steps will

commence in addressing this matter with the House Judiciary

Committee and the incoming Presidential Administration. The

Plaintiff additionally requests that the United States take

accountability for the referenced acts made in bad faith, and to

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 43 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

provide an ANSWER regarding the referenced mutual agreement

opportunity, as requested.

If the Court has ANY questions, or requires additional

information or clarification, the Plaintiff is happy to provide

upon request.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 44 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

Attachment D
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Plaintiff/Appellant, )
) Case No. 17-1381
v. )
US BANK, et al )



COMES NOW the Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar, acting pro se, who hereby requests the Clerk

enter a DEFAULT against Appellees David E. Fialkow and Jeffrey S. Patterson, on the

basis that the record in this case demonstrates that there has been a failure to timely file a notice

of appearance, as mandated by Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure:

Local Rule 12(a)Representation Statement, Appearance. A representation statement must take

the form of an appearance, in a form prescribed by this court. Attorneys for both appellant and

appellee must file appearance forms within 14 days after the case is docketed in the court of

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 46 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

The record indicates that the notice of appeal was filed on April 18, 2017. Therefore, the 14-day

timeline to file an appearance expired on May 2, 2017. While the record does show a filed

appearance by Attorney Fialkow, it is strictly on behalf of Appellees US Bank NA, Wells

Fargo NA, K&L Gates LLP, and RMBS CMLTI 2006 AR-1 ONLY.

Additional Contributing Factors:

1. Jurisdiction For the many evidenced reasons articulated in the Appellants Judicial

Misconduct Petition, Judge Allison D. Burroughs is believed to have been disqualified by

law to rule in the referenced litigation. All related orders issued by Judge Burroughs

(the Dismissal order and all those prior) are considered VOID. That includes orders

related to Fialkow and Pattersons Motion to Dismiss and Summary Judgement. Even if

there was still a question regarding jurisdiction, it does not excuse Appellees from filing

a notice of appearance here.

2. Both Appellees Fialkow and Patterson are experienced attorneys working for a

GLOBAL law firm. They certainly SHOULD have known better. Attorney Fialkow

receives electronic notification via the courts ECF/PACER system. Legal Assistant,

Stephanie Mastrocola (K&L Gates) is also listed as receiving ECF notifications. Fialkow

and Patterson are both employed by K&L Gates. Both work out of the same Boston

Office. There can be NO DOUBT, that a Notice of Appeal was filed. If it was the

intention of the Appellees to have David E. Fialkow as the representing attorney (as in

the District Court), the notice of appearance filed on April 21, 2017, SHOULD have

indicated so. It did not, and there has been no additional filing on behalf of Appellees

Fialkow or Patterson.
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 47 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

3. Appellee K&L Gates LLP is the law firm that employs Appellees David E. Fialkow

and Jeffrey S. Patterson. Legal action is brought by the Appellant against all three parties

as separate entities. Therefore, the Notice of Appearance filed on April 21, 2017 does not

apply to Appellees Fialkow or Patterson.

4. Danger of Prejudice to the Appellant failure to hold Appellees Fialkow and Patterson

accountable for filing requirements will certainly add to an already lengthy list of

evidenced prejudice claims made by the Appellant against US District Court Judge

Allison D. Burroughs and the United States.14 Additional concerns have also been raised

regarding the initial opinions of Chief Justice Howard which, if left uncorrected, shows

cause to expand upon prejudice/bad faith claims against the United States.

5. Length of Delay and its Impact on Judicial Proceedings The Appellant has already

lost nearly two (2) years of his life due to unnecessary judicial delay exemplified in

the lower US District court alone. Evidenced Fraud on the Court violations15 AND Lack

of Jurisdiction are just two (2) of the contributing factors to this damaging delay. If the

Court were to disregard the local rule here, it would show cause to expand upon existing

claims alleging Bad Faith by the United States.

6. Reason for the Delay Appellees Fialkow and Patterson have provided no reason that

would prohibit them from timely filing a notice of appearance with this Court.

7. Whether the Delay was in Reasonable Control of the Appellee If it was intended

that Attorney Fialkow would be the representing attorney, as in the lower court, notice of

The Court is aware that a Judicial Misconduct Petition is still pending before the Judicial
Council of the First Circuit.
15 Fraud on the Court claims are alleged by the Appellant against ALL

Defendant/Appellees and also Judge Allison Dale Burroughs.

Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 48 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

appearance certainly could have been filed on April 21, 2017, along with the existing

notice on record. If however, different counsel was intended to represent Appellees

Fialkow and Patterson at the Appellate level, there has been NO reason provided that

would allow a delay for filing a notice of appearance.

8. Whether the Appellees acted in Good Faith The Appellant brings evidenced

allegations that include (but are not limited to) - Fraud on the Court violations, pursuant

to FRCP 60(b)(3). The Appellant has clearly shown that ALL defendants/appellees

INCLUDING David E. Fialkow AND Jeffrey S. Patterson were aware that clear title did

not exist with the Plaintiffs property and collectively participated in a scheme to defraud

him of his HOMESTEAD.16 A thorough review and VALIDATION of the historical

record will reveal that neither David E. Fialkow nor Jeffrey S. Patterson have acted in

Good Faith, and there should be no allowance for this inexcusable neglect (Pioneer Inv.

Serv. Co. v. Brunswick Associates Ltd. Partnership, 507 U.S. 380, 113 S. Ct., 123 L. Ed.

2d 74 (1993).

9. With the evidenced Fraud on the Court and associated criminal allegations, immunity

and/or protections under the 5th Amendment are considered unavailable. Furthermore,

the District Court record will show that NO APPELLEE, including David E.

Fialkow, Jeffrey S. Patterson - not even the Commonwealth has made a single effort

to DISPUTE or DENY referenced fraud on the court allegations.

10. This latest development adds to increased legal complexity of this case, further

warranting the Courts assistance with the appointment of counsel.

Reference Document No. 117 of the lower court record, filed July 3, 2016.
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 49 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

11. The Appellant respectfully reminds the Court that ALL APPELLEES, including David E.

Fialkow and Jeffrey S. Patterson have been afforded numerous opportunities by the

Appellant to reach a mutual agreement, all of which have been ignored or declined.


Based on the reasons states within, the Appellant respectfully requests that the Court:

1. Find the Appellees David E. Fialkow and Jeffrey S. Patterson in DEFAULT for failure

to file a notice of appearance;

2. Issue a Summary Judgement IN FAVOR of the Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar vs.

Appellees David E. Fialkow and Jeffrey S. Patterson;

3. Assist the Appellant with the appointment of counsel to determine, along with the Court,

the appropriate portion of civil damages assessed to Appellees Fialkow and Patterson;

4. Assess appropriate licensure penalties including but not limited to disbarment for conduct

unbecoming and to inform the appropriate BAR associations;

5. Criminal charges against Appellees David E. Fialkow and Jeffrey S. Patterson are

expected to follow, once the DOJ assigns a Federal/Special Prosecutor; a federal grand

jury has been assembled; and a full criminal investigation has concluded.

Respectfully submitted this 3rd Day of May, 2017.

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 50 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576

Attachment E
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Case: 17-1381 Document: 00117165620 Page: 52 Date Filed: 06/11/2017 Entry ID: 6098576


I hereby certify that on June 11, 2017 I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of Court
using the CM/ECF System, which will send notice of such filing to the following registered
CM/ECF users:

Jeffrey B. Loeb
David Glod
David E. Fialkow
Kevin Patrick Polansky
Matthew T. Murphy
Kurt R. McHugh
Jesse M. Boodoo

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720

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