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My diet per day (Monday through Friday)

Took some research from 6 years ago but here was my diet layout during the 3 month
bulk period per day Monday through Friday. I took a little break on the weekends.

7 meals and about 3-4 hours apart

4,000-5,000 calories
300-350 grams protein
30-40 grams of fiber?? I really cant remember how much fiber I had. If you are
constipated add in more raisins or fiber to your diet.
Drink water all the time especially if you get hungry.

6:00 am
-3/4 cup oatmeal
-2 eggs (mixed with oatmeal)
-12oz glass of milk
-1/8 cup raisins (mixed with oatmeal)

9:00 am
-protein shake(2 scoops=44g of protein)
-2/3 cup powered milk(mixed with shake)
-1/2 cup cottage cheese
-1/2 cup fruit
-1 apple

12:00 pm
-6oz steak(chicken,pork,tuna... can be rotated)
-1 1/2 cup brown rice(or something like sweet potatos????)
-1/2 cup cottage cheese
-1/2 cup fruit

2:45 pm-----------------------------------OR-----2:45pm
-1 potato or sweet potato-------------------------1 can tuna sandwich
-1 slice of cheese w/ little butter------------------12oz milk
-2 eggs------------------------------------------piece of fruit
-2/3 cup powered milk----------------------------2 eggs(mixed into tuna)
-1/2 cup cottage cheese-------------------------cheese
-1/2 cup fruit-------------------------------------tomato

4:45 pm (pre-workout)
-1/2 cup cottage cheese
-1/2 cup fruit
-2 tbsp NATURAL beanut butter

7:45 pm (post-workout)
-5g creatine (if necessary)
-2 scoops protein shake
-2/3 powered milk
-flax seed oil pill

10:00-10:30 pm (before bedtime)

-6oz steak (or something similar)
-1 1/2 brown rice
-2/3 cup powered milk (mix with food)
-12 oz milk HIGH CARB DAY
Meal Number Foods/Quantities

1 3 Whole Eggs scrambled with spinach and cheese, 2 Pieces of Toast

2 Packets of Instant Oatmeal, 1 Glass of Milk

2 Whey protein and creatine mixed with water, 1 Piece of Fruit

3 2 Turkey Sandwiches on Quinoa Bread, 1 Piece of Fruit, 2 Cartons o

4 (Pre 2 Slices of Quinoa Bread with Honey or Jam


5 (Post Whey protein and creatine, 1 Piece of Fruit, drink the shake first

6 10-16oz of lean meat (chicken, fish, steak), 1-2 cups of rice/pasta/po

large serving of green veggies, 1 Glass of Milk

7 Juggernaut Muscle Growth Formula blended with chocolate milk, oat

Meal Number Foods/Quantities

1 4 Whole Eggs scrambled with spinach and cheese, 2-4 strips of turke
Glass of Milk

2 Whey protein mixed with water, 1 Handful of trail mix

3 1 Large Spinach Salad with 6-8oz Turkey or Chicken, 1 Handful of Tr

Olive Oil Dressing

4 (Pre 2 Slices of Quinoa Bread with Honey or Jam


5 (Post Juggernaut Muscle Growth Formula, 1 Piece of Fruit, drink the shake

6 10-16oz of lean meat (chicken, fish, steak), 1-2 cups of rice/pasta/po

large serving of green veggies, 1 Glass of Milk

7 Juggernaut Muscle Growth Formula blended with chocolate milk, oat

These will occur on the weekends so they will have more flexibility in what
they can eat
Meal Food/Quantities

1 4 Whole Eggs scrambled with spinach and cheese, 2-4 strips of turkey
Glass of Milk

2 Juggernaut Fat Loss Formula mixed with water, 1 Handful of trail mix

3 10-16oz of lean meat, large serving of green veggies, 1 glass of milk

4 Juggernaut Fat Loss Formula, 1 Handful of Trail Mix

5 Same as Meal 3

6 Whey protein mixed with milk and 2 tbsp of Peanut Butter

raining Days
Meal 1 (breakfast)

3 whole eggs, scrambled or omelet-style

2 slices of wheat bread (toasted) with low-sugar jam or jelly or cup

(dry) oatmeal mixed with skim milk

Meal 2 (lunch)

Chicken breast salad with avocado and vegetables with an oil-based


1 small baked potato or sweet potato or 1 cup cooked rice


2 slices or wheat bread, 4 ounces of deli meat, 2 slices of deli cheese,

low-fat mayo or mustard, and 1 piece of fruit

1 apple, banana, or other fruit such as blueberries

1 cup of Greek yogurt or 1 scoop of whey protein powder

Handful of mixed nuts


1 cup of blueberries or a banana or other piece of fruit

1 scoop of whey protein powder

Meal 4 (dinner)

4-6 ounces of fish, chicken, ground meat, or turkey

As much green vegetables and salad as you want

1 small potato or 1 cup cooked rice

Non-Training Days
Meal 1 (breakfast)

3 whole eggs, scrambled or omelet-style

2 slices of wheat bread (toasted) with low-sugar jam or jelly or cup

(dry) oatmeal mixed with skim milk

Meal 2 (lunch)

Chicken breast salad with avocado and vegetables with an oil-based


1 small baked potato or sweet potato or 1 cup cooked rice


2 slices or wheat bread, 4 ounces of deli meat, 2 slices of deli cheese,

low-fat mayo or mustard, and 1 piece of fruit
Meal 3 (snack)

1 apple, banana, or other fruit such as blueberries

1 cup of Greek yogurt or 1 scoop of whey protein powder

Handful of mixed nuts

Meal 4 (dinner)

4-6 ounces of fish, chicken, ground meat, or turkey

As much green vegetables and salad as you want

1 small potato or 1 cup cooked rice

Workout A

ExerciseSets Reps

Warm Up

A Dumbbell Clean and Press 3 5

Strive for 3 x 5. Keep the rest periods short.

B Back Squat 3 10

Add weight to each set.

C Straight Leg Deadlif 1 20

D Machine Back Row 5 5

Really try to hold the squeeze in the finished position. Go as heavy as you can and still get 5 reps in.

E Pull-Up 25

Do as many sets as it takes you to get to 25 reps. If it's too easy, add weight.

F Bench Press 3 5

Keep a couple of reps in the tank on the last set.

G Curl 3 5

Keep your eye on slowly increasing the weight.

H Farmer's Walk 1

One set with heavy dumbbells. Try to make your walk end in front of the dumbbell racks. You'll thank
me later.
Workout B

ExerciseSets Reps

Warm Up

A Dumbbell Clean and Press 5 5

Strive for 5 x 5. Keep the rest periods short.

B Back Squat 2 10

Add weight to the second set. This is a set-up workout for Workout C.

C Straight Leg Deadlif 1 20

D Machine Back Row 3 5

Go just a little lighter than in Workout A.

E Pull-Up 15

Do as many sets as it takes you to get to 15 reps. If it's too easy, add weight.

F Bench Press 5 5

Warm up with a few easy reps before you start counting the sets. All five sets should be relatively

G Curl 3 10

It's okay to feel the burn and pump today.

H Farmer's Walk 2

Two sets today. Walk out as far as you can from the rack and put the weights down. Then, simply
return them.

Workout C

ExerciseSets Reps

Warm Up

A Dumbbell Clean and Press 3 5

Strive for 3 x 5. Keep the rest periods short.

B Back Squat 5 10

Add weight to each set. This last set is the one that makes or breaks your training.

C Straight Leg Deadlif 1 20

D Machine Back Row 2 5

Really try to hold the squeeze in the finished position. Go as heavy as you can.

E Pull-Up 12
Do as many sets as it takes you to get to 12 reps. The goal would be one set. If it's too easy, add

F Bench Press 3 5

Keep a couple of reps in the tank on the last set. (Rein it in a little bit today.)

G Curl 2/1 5/10

2 x 5 plus one set of 10. The best of both worlds in the curl today; a little strength work and then
finish off with getting some blood in the biceps.

H Farmer's Walk 2

Strive for a heavier bell each week here. Make yourself push this movement to the limit. Walk a long
ways, stop, refresh, and try to go a little farther. I always had a target or goal to get to. Remember
that you have to come back, t

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