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List of vendors who provide data warehouse solution.

Following are the data warehouse solution providers:

1. Teradata (
2. IBM (
3. Siemens (
4. SGS group (
5. Bilytica (
6. NorthBay (
7. Inseyab (
8. Analytics (
9. Oracle (
10. Amazon web services (
11. Cloud era (
12. Mark Logic (
13. Dell (
14. HP (
15. Microsoft (
16. SAP solutions (

These were the few and very renowned names around the globe in the field of providing data
warehousing solutions.

We shortlist these two companies, first is the Teradata and second is Bilytica. The reason we choose
them because both these companies have well established partnership. Most of their partners and users
are well-known brands and they are satisfied with their service. Both these organizations have qualified
consultants and had a wide industry experience. Both these organizations have ERP Linkages. Both have
financial strength and capture a good market share. Both these companies are also located in Pakistan
and already working with some major brands.

We select Teradata as a provider of data warehouse solution. There are few reasons which help us in
deciding that Teradata is the best for proving data warehousing solution. Some of them are that:

Teradata is the world's leading analytic data Solutions Company focused on integrated data warehousing,
big data analytics, and business applications that provide actionable business intelligence. Teradata
delivers award-winning, integrated, purpose-built solutions based on the most powerful, scalable and
reliable technology platform in the industry. Teradata is currently the market leader in the data
warehouse industry. Teradata has the most business partner and biggest customer portfolio in the

There are some unique features which gave our decision more strength that teradata is the best. These
features are:

Capacity - Teradata is capable of storing and managing TBs of data with ease and can store billions of
rows of data and is easily capable of fetching them with ease.

Connectivity - Both channel attached (direct connection such as IBM mainframe) as well as network
attached systems (via LAN such as Windows/UNIX systems) can be connected to Teradata.
Because of this data can be easily gathered from multiple sources. This is what makes Teradata to be
called as a "Single Data Source".

Single version of truth - Because the data is centralized there is no duplication of data which used to
happen in a de centralized systems. Data from different departments used to spread across different
locations. Since TD (Teradata) is capable of handling TBs of data entire enterprise data can be stored in a
single location.

Scalability - TD system can be easily upgraded/ scaled without affecting performance.

For e.g.: Consider over a period of time the data in the organization has doubled and so are the number
of users accessing the data. The system designed initially might not have enough resources to be able to
handle the same way as before. In such cases Nodes and AMPs (some components of TD system) can be
increased as required without affecting existing data.

Parallel Processing - Probably the most important feature is the Teradata's ability of parallel processing.
Teradata has Parallel Processing built at the architecture level. Any user query is spilt into multiple sub
tasks and each sub task is being worked on simultaneously to fetch the required result. One can know
about this feature once Teradata Architecture is studied.

Optimized Execution plan and automatic data storage - DBAs wont require much effort in
organizing/ordering and storing the data. Its done automatically by TD system.

Communication - SQL is used by the users to communicate with DB and control the data. It's ANSI
complaint. SQL transactions rollback to the previous stable state if any error is encountered. This ensures
data integrity.

Fault Tolerance - Teradata can automatically detect and recover from hardware failures.

Basically TD system is most suited for organizations having medium to high level of data.

Due of the parallelism complex queries involving lot of data can be fetched quicker.
Since it will have both historical data as well as close to real time data (from OLTP systems) it can
be used to answer both tactical and strategic business queries.
Being a single data source, overhead of maintain duplication and separate databases is removed.
Being easily scalable is an advantage when the organization needs to upgrade the system to
handle higher volumes of data and users.

So, it shows that teradata is the most reliable brand in this industry.

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