The Green Transition in Germany 1995-2021

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Electricity development in Germany 1995-2021

Relationship between green energy, nuclear energy and fossil energy

The energy transition "Die Energiewende"

Six years ago the Germans were criticized for the plans to close down its nuclear power so drastically
that they were considered to increase the burning of fossil fuels for the maintenance of electric
power production.
Data collected in 2012, data analyzed and reported in the following writings:
the data has been retrieved and processed from the chart to the right.
the data has been interpreted and processed from the table at the bottom.
Data for 2011 has been added to the statistics from this site.

Monitoring of energy from 2012 to 2021.

When the purpose is to find coherent data on the annual production of electricity in Germany over a
period of years, one is struck by the differing of figures reported. You had to choose data so that the
results were logical and likely. Nowadays, there is good accounting for downloading at:

Follow-up and extrapolation into the future

With the help of data presented below and simple trend analysis, the following results are obtained:

Current data from the five main groups hydro, green, nuclear and fossil are shown, after which the
sum has been estimated to be reported in point form. Trend curves are developed, and with this

Written 2016-06-09 by Lars Sönsteröd

Electricity development in Germany 1995-2021
Relationship between green energy, nuclear energy and fossil energy

Germany still may provide fossil dismantling until 2030. But today’s trend curves (thin blacks) indicate
that fossil energy dismantling has ceased.

It may have turned out in 2016 that the German plan to dismantle nuclear power up to 2022
assisted by increased green energy may have stopped.

If you follow the Germans' "energy transition", you can see that it lost momentum in 2021. The
reason may be too small investment in solar cells and too much in wind power. If it blows less than
one year, the sun will shine the more.

Sources 2
Data has been retrieved and processed from the chart to the right of this site.
 Facts around the use of fossil fuels in Germany.
 Facts about nuclear power in Germany
Export and import

The above facts refer to Germany's production of electricity. In 2016, 55.5 TWh was exported. This is
reduced to 20 kWh the year2021. Can it be so that there has been more energy storing?
They have increased burning of coal and decreased the burning of gas a little, probably due to the
problems with gas deliveries.

Accumulation of green electricity

Is it possible that Germany today have reached an upper level of day-dependent green electricity and
that the expansion of storage capacity now has to be taken into account?

Expansion of gas power stations and associated infrastructure

It looks like the Germans pushed for the development of methane gas and even managed to get it
"declared green". Tis might be part of a smooth transition to successively higher mixing of hydrogen
gas in the natural gas network. International research shows that at least 20% admixture is fully
possible without problems. They mean that much more hydrogen is possible to blend, may be even
exclusively mixed with green methane gas?

Then the question is raised: will solar hydrogen become a future vehicle fuel
and also a large part of the necessary energy storage?

Written 2016-06-09 by Lars Sönsteröd

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