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Quality Management Company, LLC

One East Wacker Drive, suite 700

CHICAGO, IL 60601-2000
312-670-7520 Main

Documentation Requirements for the AISC Erector Certification

for Initial/Full audit
AISC Certification Application Form
Submit a completed AISC Certification application form even when you are renewing your
certification each year. The information must be up-to-date and include any special
circumstances such as, visiting multiple facilities in order to complete the audit.
Waiver and Indemnity Agreement
A blank form can be downloaded from the website, at resources\erectors.
Self Audit
Applicant must conduct a self audit using the AISC Erector Certification checklist. A copy of the
audit results must be submitted
Written Quality and Safety Policy
The Applicant must submit a statement of its commitment to achieving stated company quality
and safety goals, signed by the highest level of management at the facility. This statement is the
means by which management publicly communicates quality and safety goals for the company.
Goals other than those related to quality and safety may be included, but the auditor may elect to
review only required quality and safety documentation. Goals for each major work activity
affecting quality and safety should be considered. Separate policies for each function are
acceptable but not necessary.
Organizational Chart
An organizational chart shall be submitted showing all key personnel positions that affect quality
and safety, for both field and home office. All supervisory position titles must be shown. The titles
must match titles in biographical information required below. The chart must show formal
reporting relationships and informational (doffed line) relationships between positions, which
pertain to quality and safety systems.
Job Descriptions
Job Descriptions shall be provided for all key personnel positions including executive
management, which involve formulation or administration of quality and safety systems.
Biographical Information
Biographical information shall be submitted for personnel filling key quality and safety system
positions including the job site Superintendent, Engineering Manager(s) Operations Manager(s),
Safety Manager(s). One person can fill more than one function in the quality and safety systems.
The biographical information is to include the title(s) of the position(s) held by each individual.
That title must match a title on the organizational chart. Include information relating to the
individuals qualifications for each position held, including the year starting in the business, the year
starting in the position(s), education, pertinent training, experience, association memberships and
certifications. Include the specific job assignments, the class of work performed and duties and the
previous job titles.
Provide a current insurance certificate indicating the coverages in force, a contractual liability
endorsement, and policy limits for all policies of insurance held by the Applicant.

structural steel: the material of choice
Documentation requirements Erector 20080521 djk r2
Quality Management Company, LLC
One East Wacker Drive, suite 700
CHICAGO, IL 60601-2000
312-670-7520 Main
Project Listing
Provide a list of projects showing the last twenty-five (25) projects or the last three years of
completed projects which ever is shorter. The list must include the project contract number,
name, approximate tonnage and person-hours, final contract value, and a brief description of
work performed (for example: four story beam and column office building, simple, non-
continuous beam span highway overpass, etc.). Information for projects must be provided for field
erection work only. The work should be characterized as to its primary fastening method, (e.g.
welding, bolting.) Completed project listing is required for initial applications only. The applicant
must provide a list of current projects with the initial application and with subsequent annuals and
full audits to aid the onsite auditor in selecting erection sites to visit.

Written quality and safety system procedures are to be included. The following written
procedures from the applicants quality and safety system are mandatory and must be submitted
with the application.
1. Quality System Procedures
a. Example of a weld procedure, one for each process used.
b. Bolt installation procedure
c. A Project Specific Erection Plan example
d. A Nonconformance procedure
2. Safety Programs Proceduresto include but not limited to:
a. Fall protection
b. Project Specific Safety Plan example
c. Control and protection of openings
d. Personal protective equipment program
f. Confined space program
g. Lock out/Tag out program
h. Periodic equipment inspection
i. Lead exposure/abatement (Advanced Steel Erector Category only)
j. Removal of rivets (Advanced Steel Erector Category only)

Erection Company Safety Records

Provide the following records for the three-year period immediately preceding the date of
The companys Workers Compensation experience modification factor,
The OSHA Recordable Incidence Rate.
The OSHA Lost Workday Incidence Rate.

Please call or e-mail Certification Administration Team if you have any questions or need
further clarification about any of the items listed above.
(312) 670-7520
Please send quality management system materials to:
Quality Management Company, LLC
Attn: Certification Administration Team
One East Wacker Drive, Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60601
structural steel: the material of choice
Documentation requirements Erector 20080521 djk r2

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