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ETEC 532 documentary project

Hey Everyone,

Step one: Pick a color

Dave - Black
Blue - Rachel
Rave -Red
Sarah - Purple

Step two: Answer these questions.

What is this documentary about? What is the point?
To me the point of it is to talk about the affordances of web 2.0 storytelling PLUS demonstrate
them in an interesting and informative way.
Also, I think it is to illustrate how digital storytelling can facilitate the integration of technology in
the classroom in meaningful ways. It is an effective learning activity that is multidisciplinary and
can meet curricular standards while supporting the development of 21st century skill.

Step three: research

Find our sources and start pulling them out
The literature review/references/annotated bibliography

Step four: a script

Aka the story aka an essay
Can we tell it in a story format? Ie. narrative format. I presume most of the script will arise from
the lit review
I agree that most of the script will come from the lit review. Im fine with a story format, but does
that mean Once upon a time??? I come from a science background, so Im used to writing
scientific papers and havent written a narrative story since elementary school I think. But I can
follow if someone takes the lead in providing an example.
Story doesnt have to be a script format. Just a basic narrative of what the narrator will say.
What we have below works fine.

Step 5: visuals
Based on our script certain visuals will come forward, what are they and where did we get them
Step 6 Narration
We will need someone to be our narrator aka the person reading the script out loud.
I have written a potential narrative based on all our article summaries. Ive done it in a narrative
voice, but incorporated Rachels suggestions of being meaningful and having classroom
application. See below and add to the script


Storytelling is a human phenomenon that has existed for many thousands

of years from drawing on cave walls to oral traditions that have been
handed down from generation to generation. Traditionally elders were the
storehouses of knowledge as they passed down knowledge that explained
phenomenon in the real world such as fire, the moon, weather, and
seasons. The job of the stories was to instruct- both morally and for
survival. Stories, gave humans a place in (and an understanding of) the

Over time(hyperlink to a timeline) stories transformed as humans evolved ,

ranging from the walls of caves, to papyrus, bark, paper, and more recently
to moving images. As the story evolved, so did the space within which it
was told. It moved from sitting around fires, to physical places of learning,
and finally in our day and age, cyberspace.

Contemporary storytelling is being widely used to enhance educational

objectives. New forms of media, such as digital storytelling, allow for
personal creation and dissemination of stories through multiple platforms.
Digital storytelling can be presented in a variety of methods including pod
casts, hyperlinks, and all forms of embeddable technology. The countless
combinations of oral, digital, visual and textual elements can bring to life
and amplify the meaning of each individual story. The dynamic and
distributed nature of it crosses boundaries of time, space and culture, thus
creating a new genre of storytelling.
Insert video of Shilo Shiv Suleman: Using tech to enable dreaming

Digital storytelling combines micro-content provided by users with social

media and can be both fiction and non- fiction at the same time. In this
manner it blurs traditional boundaries of storytelling with a heterogeneous
mix of technology and practice such as remixing and community generated
knowledge and participation.
Insert student generated video on states of matter as an example

The hybridization of stories allows for readers and writers to participate in

the blogosphere where potentially millions can contribute, thus enhancing
human connection in powerful ways such as finding a personal voice
through community facilitated production. This empowers marginalized
students and people to speak out through creative means, sharing their
cultural knowledge, understanding and experiences. Therefore, it can serve
as a vehicle for self-expression, social change and personal reflection.
Thus, digital stories personalize education and meet the needs of Digital
Natives while encouraging iterative thought, problem solving, and critical
evaluation practices. The sharing of knowledge engages the zone of
proximal development and the social nature of learning encourages
participation, meaning, reflection and self-regulation through multiple
lenses. Todays youth are actively generating digital content outside of
school and sharing their ideas and knowledge with a wide audience. Digital
storytelling has the potential to bridge the gap between in-school and
out-of-school literacies such that it merges these practices, within an
education context, in fun and innovative ways.

Digital story is project based learning that combines creativity with content.
It enables students to organize and activate prior knowledge, create new
meaning, and promote discussions and share ideas thereby improving
comprehension. The production process enables learners to create
meaningful connections as they weave together isolated facts, transforming
them into captivating and long-lasting understandings. It also supports
Blooms taxonomy where students develop high order thinking skills of
analysis, evaluation and processing. Digital storytelling has been
documented to also increase overall student achievement in problem
solving and knowledge construction.

Everyone has a story tell. Digital stories reach the disenfranchised students
and gives voice to the silenced. It develops new perspectives and
encourages reflexive learning through unique expression and powerful
modes of communication.
3 min 40 seconds (just in speech)
It will end up being a little longer as I will add some clips without narration or interviews
and stuff.


Anker, A. (1884). The Grandfather tells a story [Digital image]. CCO Public
Domain. Retrieved from

Mackey, K. (n.d.). Writing for Cyberspace [Digital image]. CCO Public

Domain. Retrieved from

Nk. (2007). Prehistoric drawings in the Magura cave, Bulgaria [Digital

images]. CCO Public Domain. Retrieved from
Robin, B (2008) Digital storytelling: a powerful technology tool for the 21st
century classroom. Theory Into Practice, 47:220228. Retrieved from

Shilo Shiv Suleman: Using tech to enable dreaming retrieved from

Step 7: edit visuals to coincide with the narration. This one's on me. Its the editing process.
Should take me a couple days.

Step 8: share for producer comments

This is your last chance for me to make any edits, so if there is something you dont like speak
now or forever hold your piece.

Step 9: credits
If we borrowed anything then we need to cite it in the credits.

Step 10. Hand it in

Uploading to YouTube takes hours. We can make annotations to other websites if we need to

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