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Letters of the First Crusade

Letter Date From Hagenm. Barber Krey Monro Peters Rubenstein Tyerman

xx1- Alexios Komenos to Robert I of Flanders

1088? Constantinople 129-136
2- Urban II to All the Faithful in Flanders 1095/12 Rome? 136-137 42-43 38
3- Urban II to Bologna 1096/09/19 Rome? 137-138 38

Bishop Lambert of Arras on crusading indulgence 1095 Arras 37 37 15 L 869

4- Stephen to his wife Adela (1) 1097/06/24 Nicaea 138-140 1 100-101 28
5- Alexius I to Oderisius, Abott of Casinensem 1097/08 Constantinople 140-141 110-111

6- Simon, Patriarch of Jerusalem to the faithful in the

1097/10/18 Antioch 141-142 2 132 31
7- Charter of Clementa, countess of Flanders 1097/10/08 Flanderes 142-144

8- Anselm of Ribemont to Manasses II of Rheims (1) 1098/02/10 Antioch 144-146 3 106-107. 129 2-5 284-287
9- Simon Patriarch of Jerusalem to the Western Bishops 1098/01 Antioch 146-149 4 142-144 283-284
10- Stephen to his wife Adela (2) 1099/03/29 Antioch 149-152 5 107-109 5-8 287-289 32

11- Alexius I to Oderisius, Abott of Monte Cassino 1098/06 Constantinople 152-153 110-111 185-186
12- Bohemund to Raymond, Godfrey and Hugh to All
1098/07 Antioch 153-155 6 130-131
13- Charter of Bohemond 1098/07/14 Antioch 155-156
14- Pact of Genoa 1098/07/14 Antioch 156

15- Anselm I of Ribodimonte to Manasses of Rheims (2) 1099/02 Antioch 156-161 7 289-291

16- Crusade leaders to pope Urban 1098/09/11 Antioch 161-165 8 16, 192-195 291-292
17- People of Lucca to All the Faithful 1098/10 Antioch 165-167 L 4088
18- Daimbert, Godfrey and Raymond to the Pope
1099/09 Laodicea 167-174 9 275-279 8-12 292-296 L 5613
Paschal and All the Faithful in Christ
19- Paschal II to the clergy of Gaul 1099/12 Rome? 174-175 279 297

20- Manasses to Lambert 1099/11-12 Rheims 175-176 264-265 296-297 52

21- Daimbert, Patriarch of Jerusalem to All German
1100/04 Jerusalem 176-178 10

22- Paschal II to The Triumphant Crusaders of Asia 1100/04/28 Rome 178-179

23- Paschal II to the leaders of Pisa 1100/08/14-25 Rome 179-183

Barber, M and K. Bate, Letters from the East, (CTT 18,) 2013.

Letter Date From Hagenm. Barber Krey Monro Peters Rubenstein Tyerman
Hagenm. = Hagenmeyer, H. Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088-1100. 1901 (Latin edition)
Krey, A. The First Crusade: the Accounts of Eyewitnesses and Participants . 1921.

Monro, D. Letters of the Crusaders. 1902.

Peters, Edward. The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials. 2nd ed. 1998.
Riley-Smith, Louise and Jonathan, The Crusades: Idea and Reality, 1095-1274. 1981.
Rubenstein, Jay, The First Crusade: A Brief History with Documents. 2014.
Tyerman, C. Chronicles of the First Crusade. 2012 (Kindle)

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