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Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

My desire to become a teacher has been built from those I have been surrounded with throughout my
life, sporting background, and passion to help others. As an educator, I am consistently tuning my
teaching strategies and methods to implement the best possible learning environment for students. To
do this I include three main focuses in the classroom. These include a student centered approach,
communication and relationships with students, parents, and colleagues, and inclusion and equality of
all beliefs, races, genders, and religions.

Student Centered Approach

The classroom environment I provide is one which is student focused. In a student cenetered approach
activities which allow students to be engaged and enjoy work while meeting outcomes is the goal.
Therefore, developing relationships and understanding of students likes and dislikes must be done to
provide them with strong lesson plans which provides this. Once lessons have been developed based on
students interests, providing them ample time and support to be successful with the activities must be
given. By removing time restraints and being open to a variety of mindsets, students will be fully
engaged in activities and be prompted with expanding concepts. This expansion will allow students to
develop problem solving skills, along with the ability to express themselves and use their imaginations.

Inclusion and Equality

Inclusion and equality is essential to providing all students with the best education possible. In order to
provide students with an inclusive and equal learning environment we must account for the diversity
which our societies have become accustom to. In doing so, teaching must be done through a range of
methods (kinesthetic, visual, auditory, etc.) which accompanies a variety of different learning styles.
Since each student brings their own unique learning styles, interests, and abilities, it is important to
develop differentiated lessons which encourage students to work to their full potential. By growing up
in an increasingly diverse world, I understand the importance of equality and the influence my beliefs
can have on the students I interact with. I look to extend my inclusive properties to my students
through my persona and lessons, and will forever be a learner towards the many ways of bringing out
the best in my students.

Communication and Relationships

My beliefs about communication and relationships are with all who are involved with the professional
learning community. Communicating with teachers and colleagues allows for a full understanding of
where students are at with their learning and where goals should be set for the future. It allows for
resource allocation and multiple viewpoints towards implementing optimal learning activities and
practices. Being up to date on school activities, and providing support and feedback to one another
allows for us to grow as teachers and the school to reach its goals over time.

Communication with parents is extremely valuable and necessary towards providing students with
opportunities for success in and outside of the classroom. Bridging home and school allows parents to
stay up to date with what their students are discussing in the class, where they are having success, and
developing realistic goals for that student. Communicating plans, student improvements, successes,
concerns and school activities is extremely important for creating positive relationships with parents.
This will allow for comfortable conversations about things occurring inside and outside school which
may effect students learning or attitude towards learning. Since all students come from different
backgrounds, teacher parent relationships will allow for a better understanding of what a child may
need to learn effectively.

I believe that communication between students should be something which occurs frequently and
consistently within the daily routine. By providing time for students to develop their own peer
relationships, they can understand differences, similarities, and build connections with each other.
These relationships and communicative skills are valuable to their future abilities to speak confidently
and fluently in the future. Students will gain confidence in voicing their opinions and values to others
because of the acceptance and understanding classmates will have.

Chaiklin, S. (2003). The zone of proximal development in Vygotskys analysis of learning and instruction.
Vygotskys educational theory in cultural context. (pp. 39-64). UK: Cambridge University Press.

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