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Diabetes Ther

DOI 10.1007/s13300-017-0265-4


A Practical Review of C-Peptide Testing in Diabetes

Emma Leighton . Christopher AR Sainsbury . Gregory C. Jones

Received: March 23, 2017

The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

ABSTRACT Keywords: C-peptide; Diabetes; Insulin; Type 1

diabetes; Type 2 diabetes
C-peptide is a widely used measure of pancreatic
beta cell function. It is produced in equimolar
amounts to endogenous insulin but is excreted
at a more constant rate over a longer time.
C-peptide is the part of proinsulin which is
Methods of estimation include urinary and
cleaved prior to co-secretion with insulin from
unstimulated and stimulated serum sampling.
pancreatic beta cells. Produced in equimolar
Modern assays detect levels of c-peptide which
amounts to endogenous insulin, it is not a
can be used to guide diabetes diagnosis and
product of therapeutically administered exoge-
management. We explore the evidence behind
nous insulin and has been widely used as a
the various tests available. We recommend the
measure of insulin secretion. This review of the
glucagon stimulation c-peptide testing owing to
literature will identify the main indications and
its balance of sensitivity and practicality.
rationale for c-peptide sampling in clinical
C-peptide levels are associated with diabetes
practice and compare the available methods of
type and duration of disease. Specifically a
c-peptide testing. Overall, the aim is to offer a
c-peptide level of less than 0.2 nmol/l is associ-
rationale for the practical and pragmatic use of
ated with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus
c-peptide testing to guide clinical management
(T1DM). C-peptide level may correlate with
of individuals with diabetes.
microvascular and macrovascular complications
This article is based on previously conducted
and future use of insulin therapy, as well as
studies and does not involve any new studies of
likely response to other individual therapies.
human or animal subjects performed by any of
We explore the potential uses of c-peptide
the authors.
measurement in clinical practice.


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1E18F06019514A5F. PRACTICE?
E. Leighton  C. A. Sainsbury  G. C. Jones (&) C-peptide is a useful and widely used method of
Diabetes Department, Gartnavel General Hospital,
Glasgow, UK
assessing pancreatic beta cell function [1, 2].
e-mail: After cleavage of proinsulin, insulin and the
Diabetes Ther

31-amino-acid peptide c-peptide are produced 0.00150.0025 nmol/l [6]. It is also important to
in equal amounts [3, 4]. So why is c-peptide be aware that cross-reactivity with proinsulin
testing preferable to insulin as a guide to beta must be less than 10%, which is generally the
cell function? The degradation rate of c-peptide case for modern assays [7]. The presence of large
in the body is slower than that of insulin numbers of anti-insulin antibodies that bind
(half-life of 2030 min, compared with the both proinsulin and c-peptide can give a falsely
half-life of insulin of just 35 min), which high c-peptide reading. When considering
affords a more stable test window of fluctuating c-peptide estimation it is important to be aware
beta cell response. In healthy individuals the of which assay your local laboratory uses and in
plasma concentration of c-peptide in the fasting particular which method of collection they
state is 0.30.6 nmol/l, with a postprandial routinely process.
increase to 13 nmol/l [4]. Half of all insulin It should be noted that c-peptide will be
secreted by the pancreas is metabolized in the expressed in nanomoles per liter in this article, as
liver by first-pass metabolism, whereas c-peptide opposed to picomoles per milliliter, picomoles
has negligible hepatic clearance. C-peptide is per liter, or nanograms per milliliter, which are
cleared in the peripheral circulation at a con- often quoted in the literature (1 nmol/
stant rate, whereas insulin is cleared variably l = 1 pmol/ml = 1000 pmol/l = 3 ng/ml).
making direct measurement less consistent. In
insulin-treated patients with diabetes, mea-
surement of c-peptide also avoids the pitfall of METHODS OF COLLECTION
cross-reaction of assay between exogenous and OF C-PEPTIDE
endogenous insulin.
C-peptide is a cornerstone of the assessment Various methods of c-peptide estimation have
of non-diabetes-associated hypoglycemia and been advocated. These have been summarized
the diagnosis of conditions such as insulinoma in Table 1. Urinary c-peptide (UCP) is a
and factitious hypoglycemia but this area is non-invasive test, which can be performed in an
beyond the scope of this article. outpatient setting [8]. When collected in boric
Increasing evidence suggests that c-peptide acid UCP is stable at room temperature for up to
may also be useful in predicting future levels of 3 days. In patients with normal renal function,
glycemic control, response to hypoglycemic UCP quantity is reflective of 510% of total
agents, and risk of future diabetes complica- c-peptide secreted by the pancreas [9]. The 24 h
tions. We will examine the key methods of urinary c-peptide sample collection (24 h UCP)
sample collection for c-peptide determination is a more time-consuming method, which is
and advise on what is most reliable and practi- inconvenient for the patient, making it a less
cal. Furthermore, we will summarize the clinical attractive option than spot UCP. In subjects
relevancy of c-peptide sampling through review with normal glucose tolerance urinary c-peptide
of the evolving literature on this subject. to creatinine ratio (UCPCR) has been shown to
correlate well with 24 h urinary c-peptide [5].
This suggests that UCPCR might be a simple,
WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL reliable, and convenient method of estimating
PROBLEMS WITH C-PEPTIDE c-peptide. Gender differences may arise, how-
MEASUREMENT? ever, owing to women having less muscle mass,
resulting in reduced urine creatinine and higher
The majority of c-peptide is metabolized by the UCPCR values than men [10]. In one study
kidneys with 510% then excreted unchanged UCPCR was found to significantly correlate
in the urine [1, 5]. This can make c-peptide with fasting c-peptide in female subjects, with
measurement in individuals with chronic kid- spot UCP being a better measure of beta cell
ney disease inaccurate. function in male subjects [2].
Modern ultrasensitive c-peptide assays are Serum c-peptide has traditionally been
able to detect c-peptide values as low as thought to be an inconvenient method as
Diabetes Ther

Table 1 Methods of c-peptide evaluation

Cutoff Positives Negatives Test
\0.2 nmol/l Sensitive, specic, quick, reproducible, correlates Nausea Glucagon stimulation test (GST)
with diagnosis
\0.2 nmol/l Sensitive, specic reproducible, correlates with Time-consuming, liquid mixed meals not widely Mixed meal tolerance test (MMTT)
diagnosis available
\0.2 nmol/l Practical if at time of diagnostic OGTT Time-consuming, limited evidence of predicting Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
beta cell function
\0.2 nmol/l Sensitive Time-consuming, limited evidence of predicting Tolbutamide tolerance test (tCP)
beta cell function
\0.075 nmol/l Simple, quick, correlates with diabetes type Insufcient to detect subtle rises in c-peptide Fasting (fCP)
\0.2 nmol/l Easy to perform, quick, simple, correlates with If indeterminate, requires conrmation with Random non-fasting (rCP)
diagnosis stimulation testing
\0.2 nmol/mmol Non-invasive, simple, stable for 72 h in boric acid, Inaccurate in CKD, affected by gender as a result Urinary c-peptide creatinine ratio
correlates with insulin deciency in T2DM of differences in creatinine concentration (UCPCR)
\0.2 nmol/l Some evidence of correlation with beta cell Inaccurate in CKD, less sensitive than when Urinary c-peptide (UCP)
function in men with T2DM, stable for 72 h in expressed as ratio to creatinine (UCPCR)
boric acid
\0.3 nmol/l Non-invasive, useful in detecting insulin Inaccurate in CKD, time-consuming, requires 24 h urinary collection (24 h UCP)
deciency, stable for 72 h in boric acid good patient compliance. Affected by variations
in creatinine
T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus, CKD chronic kidney disease
Diabetes Ther

immediate lab analysis is required before as Sustacal or Boost, is ingested over 5 min and
degradation (when collected in serum gel or timed samples for c-peptide determination can
plain sample tubes). This is because c-peptide is be taken 10 min prior to ingestion (t = -10), at
a small linear peptide, which is susceptible to baseline (t = 0), and at 15, 30, 60, 90, and
enzyme proteolytic cleavage [7]. Gel tubes are 120 min. C-peptide can also be measured across
therefore traditionally required to be trans- a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) [21].
ported to the lab on ice, promptly centrifuged C-peptide sampling as part of the OGTT has
and separated, then stored in frozen conditions been found to significantly correlate with insu-
unless lab analysis is possible at that center. lin secretion in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM),
However, c-peptide sample collection for when samples are taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, and
c-peptide determination in whole blood in 120 min (with the possibility of extending this
EDTA prepared tubes is stable at room temper- to include sampling at 150, 180, 240, and
ature for up to 24 h [11]. 300 min) [22]. Adding c-peptide determination
Venous blood c-peptide levels can be mea- to the protocol of an OGTT may therefore be a
sured in the random, fasting, or stimulated state practical means of estimating beta cell function
[12]. Random samples are taken at any time when the test is already being performed for
during the day without consideration of recent diagnostic reasons, if further interval sampling
food intake, whereas fasting samples are taken is taken between 0 and 120 min.
after an 8- to 10-h fast. Stimulation methods Which method of c-peptide collection is
include using glucagon, intravenous/oral glu- most clinically useful? GST has been shown to
cose, tolbutamide, sulfonylurea, and glu- be superior in sensitivity to use of glucose or
cose-like peptide 1, amino acids, or a mixed tolbutamide as substrates, with a twofold higher
meal [7, 1315]. mean increase in c-peptide response [13]. We
Random non-fasting sampling (rCP) is the summarize the method of performing the GST
simplest method allowing flexibility to test in in Fig. 1. Further studies have demonstrated
an outpatient or inpatient setting. rCP has been that c-peptide levels following GST are a con-
shown to correlate with fasting c-peptide (fCP) sistently sensitive measure of beta cell function,
and post glucagon stimulation test (GST) sam- which may be associated with diabetes type and
ples in subjects with well-defined type 1 or type future use of insulin [9, 19, 23, 24]. In patients
2 diabetes [16]. Similarly rCP has been shown to with diabetes who were both insulin and
correlate with 90 min mixed meal tolerance test non-insulin treated, GST demonstrated a 29%
(MMTT) c-peptide responses (r = 0.91, rise in c-peptide compared to 19% rise post-
p\0.0001) [17]. prandially [24]. Further support of the clinical
Originally described in 1977, the GST is the utility of stimulated c-peptide comes from the
most widely used of the provocation methods American Diabetes Association (ADA), which
and is described in Fig. 1 [18]. The MMTT has sponsored a workshop evaluating the use of
been advocated as the gold standard of stim- c-peptide in assessment of beta cell function.
ulation testing owing to excellent sensitivity in They concluded that MMTT and GST were rec-
detecting residual insulin secretion [7, 19, 20]. ommended owing to their superior sensitivity
In the MMTT, a weight-based liquid meal, such and specificity [7].

Fig. 1 Glucagon-stimulated c-peptide test (GST)

Diabetes Ther

MMTT and GST are known to be sensitive Table 2 Indications for c-peptide measurement
and reproducible tests of residual beta cell
function in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), Diagnostic
with peak responses seen at 90 and 6 min, To dene T1DM
respectively [19]. Two parallel randomized trials
by the TrialNet group and by the European Criteria for acceptance for CSII
C-peptide Trial (ECPT) found moderately supe- To determine whether T1DM or T2DM
rior rises in peak response with the MMTT [19].
Diagnostic test for MODY
Reproducibility and patient completion for
both tests were high. Although a majority of Diagnostic test for LADA, in addition to antibody
patients experienced nausea with the GST, testing
which reduced overall patient satisfaction,
patients older than 13 years preferred the GST
to the MMTT because of the shorter duration Marker of duration of diabetes
and ease of the test. Lower levels are associated with microvascular
It is our view that serum c-peptide testing
complication risk in T1DM
after stimulation is superior to rCP, fCP, and
urinary testing. Despite the fact that fasting or Associated with glycemic variability/HbA1C level
random non-fasting c-peptide measurements are Lower levels are associated with greater hypoglycemia
easier to perform, are less expensive, and can
often be carried out in a clinic setting, their
ability to detect subtle levels of c-peptide is sig- Therapeutic response
nificantly limited. This difference could be Lower baseline levels associated with increased need
important in T2DM patients who may be
for insulin
unnecessarily started on insulin therapy despite
having adequate beta cell reserve. Applying a Lower baseline levels associated with shorter time to
cutoff value of less than 0.2 nmol/l to rCP testing insulin treatment
has been shown to correlate well with stimulated
Higher levels present in patients who respond to
c-peptide (r = 0.91) in insulin-treated subjects
with diabetes, but levels of rCP out of this range metformin and glibenclamide in combination
require confirmation by another method [17]. Higher levels associated with response to
Likewise urinary testing, whether collected as a thiazolidinediones
UCPCR or 24 h collection, has been shown to be
far less sensitive and is inaccurate in individuals Correlates with reduction in HbA1C following
with any degree of renal impairment. Whilst in a initiation of GLP-1 agonist therapy
research setting the MMTT may potentially be CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, MODY
preferable owing to its increased peak response, maturity-onset diabetes of the young, LADA latent
we feel that in day-to-day clinical practice a autoimmune diabetes of adults
120 min test is too time-consuming and cum-
bersome. The GST is preferable owing to the
short duration of the test leading to less patient
inconvenience, coupled with good sensitivity type of disease, duration of diabetes, as well as
and reproducibility of results. age of diagnosis. The various practical applica-
tions of c-peptide measurement are summarized
in Table 2.
DIAGNOSIS AND DIABETES In insulin-treated individuals, fCP less than
CLASSIFICATION 0.2 nmol/l and GST of less than 0.32 nmol/l
have been found to correlate significantly with
C-peptide has been shown to denote endoge- T1DM, with greater sensitivity and specificity
nous insulin production and correlates with than urinary testing [9].
Diabetes Ther

The diabetes control and complications trial Maturity-onset diabetes of the young
(DCCT) was the landmark study which helped (MODY) is a rarer, genetic form of diabetes,
generate the targets we presently use for T1DM. which can be misdiagnosed as T1DM [35].
Entry to the DCCT required individuals to have C-peptide has been proposed as a useful bio-
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus of at least marker in the detection of MODY prior to
5 years duration with a baseline mixed meal genetic testing. In MODY, whilst there is
stimulated c-peptide of less than 0.2 nmol/l reduction in beta cell function, some insulin
[25]. Later in the study, entry criteria were secretion is retained compared to T1DM.
extended to include those with a baseline UCPCR has been used as a tool to discriminate
mixed meal stimulated c-peptide of up to between two of the most common types of
0.5 nmol/l. The study determined that intensive MODY: HNF1A and HNF4A heterozygous
treatment with three or more insulin injections mutations, and long-duration T1DM [36].
or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion UCPCR was found to be significantly lower in
(CSII) therapy reduces the incidence of subjects with type 1 diabetes of greater than
microvascular complications and the later fol- 5 years duration, compared with subjects with
low-up of the cohort showed a reduction in HNF1A/4A MODY (p\0.0001).
adverse cardiovascular outcomes [26, 27]. As the The Diabetes Diagnostics app has been
rationale for intensive control with insulin in created by the University of Exeter diabetes
T1DM is based on data from the DCCT, it is research team as a convenient resource for the
logical that stimulated c-peptide is used as a diagnosis of MODY and other types of diabetes
method of defining T1DM. on the basis of clinical criteria according to
There is some evidence that c-peptide may national and international guidelines in addi-
have a role in the diagnosis of latent autoim- tion to c-peptide interpretation [37, 38].
mune diabetes of adults (LADA), which can be C-peptide is a useful tool in the classification
misdiagnosed as T2DM [2830]. fCP is signifi- of diabetes. It can help differentiate T1DM,
cantly lower in LADA compared with T2DM T2DM, and MODY. C-peptide is associated with
[30]. Whilst c-peptide sampling may therefore duration of disease as well as age of diagnosis.
be an effective initial screening tool for LADA, Whilst c-peptide is useful in classifying diabetes
anti-GAD or anti-IA2 antibody measurement it must always be interpreted in clinical context
should be considered to confirm diagnosis. of disease duration, comorbidities, and family
C-peptide concentration has been shown to history.
decline over decades with duration of diabetes
[6, 3133]. DCCT data obtained at screening to
enter the study showed that diabetes duration PREDICTION OF NEED
was associated with c-peptide value; 48% of FOR INSULIN
individuals with T1DM of up to 5 years dura-
tion had a mixed meal stimulated c-peptide of There is limited evidence in the literature about
at least 0.2 nmol/l (corresponding with pre- whether c-peptide can effectively predict whe-
served beta cell function), but only 8% of those ther patients require insulin [23, 39]. An early
with diabetes duration 515 years had a stimu- prospective cohort study determined that a
lated c-peptide of at least 0.2 nmol/l [7, 25]. peak GST c-peptide of less than 0.6 nmol/l was
Recent cross-sectional studies confirmed that associated with later treatment with insulin
c-peptide declines over time and is significantly [23]. Further to this a retrospective cohort study
related to age of onset (p\0.0001) with a in a single diabetes outpatient center in Sweden
younger age of onset (less than 10 years) found that a median fasting c-peptide concen-
resulting in a far more rapid c-peptide decline tration at diagnosis was lower in patients
[6]. A higher percentage of detectable c-peptide immediately treated with insulin (0.24 nmol/l,
has been found in those with T1DM aged older range 0.101.54) compared with those managed
than 18 years, compared to those younger than initially with diet with or without oral therapy
18 years [34]. (0.73 nmol/l, range 0.104.10) [39]. fCP of less
Diabetes Ther

than 0.25 nmol/l at diagnosis as an indepen- rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, which is in

dent factor had 60% sensitivity and 96% speci- keeping with their action of reducing insulin
ficity for association with insulin treatment at resistance [44, 45]. Whilst cohort studies of
follow-up. Islet cell antibody (ICA) positivity in mixed DPP4 inhibitor use has shown that initial
combination with low fCP was found to signif- higher fCP predicts reduction of HbA1c, this
icantly correlate with future insulin treatment. association was not found in a retrospective
All such cohort studies are subject to potential study of sitagliptin use in addition to met-
bias in that the c-peptide result may in itself formin or a sulfonylurea [4648].
influence the decision to start insulin. However, higher c-peptide levels do seem to
Time to insulin treatment may also be asso- predict response to GLP-1 agonists. Better
ciated with c-peptide response [40]. In a retro- insulin response to glucose is seen in those
spective study of insulin-treated individuals patients taking liraglutide with higher GST
with T2DM, time to insulin prescription in c-peptide levels [49]. The clinical relevance of
individuals with an MMTT c-peptide of at most this finding is confirmed by studies showing
0.2 nmol/l (suggesting absolute insulin defi- that fCP and post-meal UCPCR both predict
ciency) was 2.5 (1.53) years compared to 6 reduction of HbA1c following initiation of
(310.75) years for those with a mixed meal treatment with an GLP-1 agonist [50, 51].
stimulated c-peptide of greater than 0.2 nmol/l In patients taking SGLT-2 inhibitors, c-pep-
(p = 0.005). tide may be able to identify those patients who
The ability of c-peptide estimation to con- are at risk of diabetic ketoacidosis. Unfortu-
firm the appropriateness of intensive insulin nately, low c-peptide is not a consistent finding
treatment has been practically applied in some in patients on SGLT-2 inhibitors who have
healthcare systems such as being used as a cri- ketoacidosis [52, 53].
terion for determining if an individual with
diabetes is a suitable candidate for CSII therapy
A stimulated c-peptide concentration of at COMPLICATIONS?
most 0.2 nmol/l may be used as a cutoff value
predictive of poor beta cell reserve and likely An area of growing research is the question as to
requirement of insulin therapy, for which whether c-peptide can be used to predict dia-
intensive therapy has been shown to be effica- betes complications. This has been summarized
cious. Additionally, a fasting c-peptide value in Table 2.
less than 0.25 nmol/l, alone or especially if in Lower c-peptide values have been associated
combination with ICA positivity, is a useful test with poorer glycemic control and hence
for determining likely future insulin treatment. increased HbA1c values [6, 54].
Retrospective analysis of subjects included
for screening for the DCCT found a correlation
PREDICTION OF RESPONSE between c-peptide and clinical outcomes in
TO NON-INSULIN THERAPIES insulin-dependent diabetes [26, 55]. Uniformly
IN T2DM in the intensive treatment group higher and
sustained levels of c-peptide (i.e., greater than
There is variable evidence to support the use of 0.2 nmol/l consistently) were associated with
c-peptide to predict response to non-insulin reduced incidence of retinopathy and
treatments for T2DM. nephropathy (p\0.05). The risk reduction of
Higher MMTT stimulated c-peptide has been retinopathy between non-responder (c-pep-
shown to be present in patients who respond to tide less than 0.2 nmol/l) and respon-
metformin and glibenclamide in combination der(c-peptide 0.20.5 nmol/l) groups was 58%
but GST c-peptide did not predict response to (2676%, p = 0.0025), and for sustained
glibenclamide alone [42, 43]. High fCP is asso- retinopathy the risk reduction was even higher
ciated with response to the thiazolidinediones, at 79% (995%, p = 0.0360) [54]. For severe
Diabetes Ther

hypoglycemia the risk reduction between It seems that c-peptide is associated with
non-responders and responders was 45% increasing microvascular complications when
(3852, p\0.0001). In another cross-sectional low and macrovascular complications when
analysis, c-peptide less than 0.01 nmol/l was high, which may make interpretation of results
found to correlate with increased incidence of difficult when attempting to predict outcomes
nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy, and in clinical practice.
foot ulcers (p = 0.03, odds ratio 3.1) [6].
Lower levels of c-peptide and decreased beta
cell function have been linked to greater levels GUIDELINES
of glucose variability [20, 56]. As glucose vari-
ability is known to be associated with increased Despite studies showing the potential impor-
complications and mortality in patients with tance of c-peptide as a marker in the diagnosis
diabetes it is possible that c-peptide may be a and of outcomes in diabetes, current national
predictor of future outcomes independent of and international guidelines do not advocate its
HbA1c levels [5759]. use [71, 72].
Whilst c-peptide levels may be associated According to the American Diabetes Associ-
with complications in diabetes through a gly- ation (ADA) guidelines, the role of c-peptide in
cemic mechanism it may also have direct the diagnosis of diabetes is currently limited to
molecular effects. C-peptide is generally unusual or ambiguous cases of T1 or T2DM [73].
thought of as a biologically inert peptide of C-peptide is still felt to be a more important tool
interest only as a surrogate marker for insulin in research rather than in day-to-day clinical
levels but this may be overly simplistic. C-pep- practice. An ADA-sponsored workshop in 2001
tide has been shown in vitro to inhibit concluded unanimously that c-peptide estima-
endothelial cell reactive oxygen species (ROS) tion be used as the most appropriate outcome
formation in the presence of hyperglycemia measure for preservation of beta cell function
[60, 61]. C-peptide also downregulates the [7]. In recent guidelines developed by the
expression of several hyperglycemia-induced American Association of Clinical Endocrinolo-
adhesion molecules, including vascular cellular gists (AACE) and American College of
adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1), reducing Endocrinology (ACE), documenting the levels
leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cell walls and of c-peptide is recommended when there is
preventing the early stages of atherosclerosis doubt over the diagnosis T1 or T2DM [74]. A
plaque formation [4]. recent systematic review supported the diag-
Some preliminary randomized controlled nostic utility of c-peptide, recommending its
trials demonstrate that giving subcutaneous use as the principal baseline measure of insulin
c-peptide alongside insulin to individuals with deficiency [75].
T1DM may ameliorate microvascular compli- Given the evidence, we would anticipate
cations, such as albuminuria and autonomic that c-peptide estimation may in future have a
nerve dysfunction [62, 63]. However these more prominent role in guidelines relating to
studies only included small cohort numbers and diagnosis and management of diabetes.
require further replication.
Higher levels of c-peptide have consistently
been shown to be associated with cardiovascu-
lar and all-cause mortality in people without
Potential future uses of c-peptide are broad
diabetes [6466]. This is presumably because
including aiding appropriate diagnosis, guiding
raised c-peptide levels are a marker of insulin
therapy choices, and predicting morbidity in
resistance and metabolic syndrome phenotype.
diabetes. Stimulated c-peptide sampling is a
Similar findings have been observed in some,
sensitive and specific test, which can help
but not all, observational studies in T2DM
determine type and duration of diabetes. With
many previous studies including small numbers
Diabetes Ther

and using fasting c-peptide, future work could All named authors meet the International
include prospective design, larger patient pop- Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
ulations, and use stimulated c-peptide as a more criteria for authorship for this manuscript, take
accurate parameter. Furthermore, evidence is responsibility for the integrity of the work as a
currently limited with respect to predicting whole, and have given final approval for the
rarer forms of primary diabetes, such as MODY version to be published.
or LADA. In time, c-peptide may become a
screening tool to reduce need for autoantibody Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
tests being performed in certain patients to article is based on previously conducted studies
confirm or exclude a diagnosis. A lower c-pep- and does not involve any new studies of human
tide, specifically less than 0.2 nmol/l, can most or animal subjects performed by any of the
likely predict requirement for insulin, but can authors.
values be used to predict likely time until insu-
lin prescription? Similarly, can c-peptide sam- Disclosures. The authors of this article,
pling be used to guide the safe discontinuation Emma Leighton, Christopher AR Sainsbury, and
of therapy? Lower c-peptide values have been Gregory C. Jones, have nothing to disclose.
shown to correspond with increased incidence
of microvascular complications. It would be Data Availability. Data sharing is not
interesting to determine whether c-peptide applicable to this article as no datasets were
concentrations are associated with increased generated or analyzed during the current study.
macrovascular morbidity and mortality.
Open Access. This article is distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
CONCLUSIONS Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
License (
C-peptide is a useful indicator of beta cell by-nc/4.0/), which permits any non-
function, allowing discrimination between commercial use, distribution, and reproduction
insulin-sufficient and insulin-deficient individ- in any medium, provided you give appropriate
uals with diabetes. Various methods of sam- credit to the original author(s) and the source,
pling are available, including a urinary provide a link to the Creative Commons license,
c-peptide to creatinine ratio, fasting serum and indicate if changes were made.
c-peptide, and stimulated c-peptide. Owing to
sensitivity, reproducibility, and convenience of
the test, we would recommend glucagon stim-
ulation testing in clinical practice. C-peptide REFERENCES
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